Vertical landscaping wall in the apartment. Vertical landscaping and other options for creating green areas in the apartment. Where can be used in the interior of the apartment

Vertical landscaping in the apartment is the original design option. Recently, designers actively apply such a move. He will add a charm apartment, make a room more cozy. But the wall looks attractive, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

Vertical gardening in the apartment is an original design option

At all times, people stretched to nature. Thanks to solitude with nature and enjoying her beauty, a person becomes calmer, feels harmony. However, in cities enjoy the natural medium it is very difficult, so recently the vertical landscaping of walls becomes more and more popular. This is a real oasis in a noisy city.

Such structures have become popular thanks to the following factors:

  • saves space on the floor and windowsill;
  • does not limit the flow of daylight through the windows;
  • excellent decoration of the apartment;
  • used in zoning rooms;
  • improves the microclimate indoors, as it satures the air with oxygen and evaporates moisture.

For vertical landscaping, several ways have been developed:

  1. To create a landscaped composition, use the standard butchers to put pots with flowers.
  2. Using ready-made modules that can be purchased in stores. They can be done independently, thanks to which the unique phytosten comes out, which is braided by branches of plants.
  3. Form panel using mosses and succulents. This design is suspended to the wall, the ceiling is either installed on the shelves.

There are also more complex options for vertical landscaping, but independently make such structures will not work - the help of specialists in the organization of design is needed.

It is very important for the "green" wall correct lighting, so the backlight in the apartment will have to competently organize. Depending on the design form, the lamps can be mounted immediately into the module or secure the walls and ceilings. For lighting, it is necessary to use energy-saving lamps, but only with daylight. It must be remembered about fertilizers that periodically relies to the ground.

Gallery: Vertical gardening in the apartment (25 photos)

Vertical landscaping with their own hands (video)

What plants are used for vertical landscaping apartments

For vertical landscaping of walls, it is necessary to carefully select plants. Here are what characteristics are preferred:

  1. Firmly located in a vertical position, so the root system must be strong and developed.
  2. Flowers must have a short stem or, on the contrary, long and curly, like Lian.
  3. Plants should be distinguished by bush.
  4. Flowers must have small leaves.

If there is no big experience in planting the premises and caring for plants, it is best to choose those flowers that are distinguished by unpretentiousness. In addition, they must be undemanding to the large volume of moisture.

At all times, people stretched to nature. Thanks to solitude with nature and enjoying her beauty, a person becomes calmer, feels harmony

According to experts, it is best to choose plants from flowers of this type.

  1. Ampelny varieties that quickly grow up. They are curly, so it is perfectly suitable as masking the wall design itself.
  2. Spathifflums. They look good not only during flowering, but also at an intermediate period. Fittonia, Fatsia, chlorophytoma look great.
  3. Succulents of small sizes. Excellent suitable for those apartments where hot climatic conditions and insufficiently moisture.
  4. Sansevers who are small in height. They also take root in the hot climate.
  5. Amur grapes.
  6. Polypodium.
  7. Chinese lemongrass.
  8. Hop.
  9. Ferns and so on.

If you need a "green wall" in the kitchen, it is best to decorate it with not in touch with flowers, but spicy herbs. For example, for this it will fit the cress, mint, basil and various grades of salad.

The wall of plants can be both solid and consist of separate elements that are placed as a cascade or "green" paintings. Be sure to consider how flowers are combined. It should be paid to the texture and size of the leaves, the type of stem, the size of the plant itself, its color. The most optimal option is missing stem, the structure is busy, and the height of the plants is approximately the same.

Live wall can be decorated as follows:

  • use of monocultures;
  • make horizontal, vertical or diagonal floral rows;
  • geometric compositions where the central zone acts, and low plants are used along the edges;
  • chaotic, and blooming plants are planted in some places.

Phyomoduli and panels

If you are interested in how to make vertical landscaping, you can use ready-made designs. For example, fitomoduli and panels are suitable.

The use of finished phytomoduli significantly facilitates the process of landscaping the apartment. In addition, to care for flowers will also be much easier. This is explained by the fact that the automatic irrigation system is already built into the finished phyomoduli. Such designs are very compact. The depth is no more than 20 cm, so the apartment area will remain almost unchanged. In stores you can buy ready-made plastic phyomoduli for the wall.

The back side is sealed, so on the surfaces of the walls of the apartment will not arise the mold. Additional hydrophobic layers are not required. Vertical design has specially equipped cells where plants can be planted. The automatic system is connected to them. Watering drip. For water supply, the equipment is equipped with a special motor. There is also a container for water accumulation and sensors that show the level of humidity. On the control panel, you need to set the fluid supply schedule to colors. Built-in sensors react to a certain level of humidity, and if there is a need, the watering system is launched. That is why plants in the room will always be healthy and green.

As for the size of ready-made phytomaodules, which are used for landscaping, they are different. For example, you can set a small design with a width and length of 0.3 m. The wall design may have standard dimensions 67 * 104 cm or 80 * 180 cm. As for the thickness of phytomoduli, it can be from 15 to 20 cm. There is only One disadvantage of such models is their big value.

There is another interesting option for the design of the "green" wall - it is a panel that create using mosses and succulents. To do this, you need to prepare a box with a small depth. It is necessary to glue small pots to it, where to plant these unpretentious plants. But they should germinate in a horizontal position, and then they need to be transplanted into a new design. Between the pots, the place is recommended to fill the burlap, straw and moss. Safagnum is suitable as a hydrophobic material. They can replace pots. And plants fix then using a special grid.

You can only use moss for the design of the "green" design. To do this, mix water with a hydrophobic gel, using the usual blender. After that, the mixture should be applied to a brush on a wooden surface. Choosing a fur, it is necessary to consider whether it is combined with a wood breed, which is used as the basis. The care of the interior element is very simple - just once a week regularly spray the moss with water.

Phytosten (video)

Homemade structures

Many people are interested in how to make vertical landscaping with their own hands. It is simple to do it enough, but you need to follow some rules. The only difficulty lies in the fact that the automatic watering will be absent.

There are several models of how to make vertical landscaping, but the simplest and most popular is the one that implies simple vertical supports and the presence of transverse crossbars between them. The presence of such vertical landscaping in the apartment can be done easily. Here is the algorithm of action:

  1. First, it is necessary to retreat from the wall by 5 cm. On fix the supports that will be located vertically. Between them should be a distance of about 0.5-0.7 m. It is best to make such supports from wooden bars or aluminum pipes.
  2. Further to the floor ceiling you need to install crossbars transversely with respect to the supports. There should be the same distance between the shelves.
  3. The resulting design is assumed to install a floral row. All pots with flowers should be carefully placed.
Wall from plants can be both solid and consist of separate elements that are placed as a cascade

It is possible to replace the pots and crossbars with special gutters from polypropylene, but plugs should be made around the edges. Only relies on only pouring the ceramzit and the soil in them and plant flowers. Your module must be carefully checked before starting plant planting. It should be borne in mind that watering should be moderate so that the fluid does not flow.

You can still take advantage of ordinary felt to arrange the "green" walls. This will require such materials:

  1. Boards and PVC panels to make a frame.
  2. Film with waterproofing properties. It is best to choose the one that is used for greenhouses.
  3. Felt. It should be thin. You can use other materials instead, but they should not rot. By the way, the vertical landscaping of the fence also implies the fulfillment of such rules.
  4. Container. It should be narrow. This container requires to collect an excess liquid that will flow when overflow.
  5. Scissors, stapler and other tools for fixing materials.

Vertical "green" designs make this plan:

  1. First, secure the film to the frame, using the stapler.
  2. Making pockets from felt, which, too, to attach to the frame using a stapler.
  3. Further to equip the design with a special tank that will collect water.
  4. Bashed to the walls are necessary by analogy with phytomoduls. Use dowels from plastic and screws.

Landscaping apartments will help make it more cozy, and the plants themselves will improve the microclimate in the room and the appearance of the walls. But it is necessary to correctly choose the varieties of colors and care for them. The design can be constructed independently or choose already ready-made options.

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A solid approach is the most important thing as green walls require a very durable base in the form of a wood frame or aluminum frame. Undoubtedly, you can also apply other materials: fishing networks, crates, wrought-iron designs. But pergolas and arches in apartments are practically not used, as they occupy a lot of space.

Vertical gardening in the apartment as a design element

The situation in any apartment usually develops from a wide variety of items and elements, and vertical landscaping can become its central part or, if everything does not do since, it will destroy the entire composition. Naturally, a lot depends on how good and harmonious you will be able to enter a green composition in the interior of the apartment.

If you want decorative plants to decorate your balcony, not necessarily stretching around the perimeter of a rope or wire loggia. It is enough to make a lightweight wooden design from the rails around the perimeter of the loggia fencing, after which it is launched on it or other types of curly plants.

In one of my articles, I already mentioned hanging gardens in Babylon and who built them in 605 BC. Who first rents - get a memorable gift. So these gardens still live, enchanting tourists. We are a royal scope, of course, not to achieve, but here's a small live wall of plants in the apartment - the thing is quite affordable. Moreover, this chip was adopted by not only the owners of houses and apartments, but also restaurants, summer, winter gardens. Behind the living wall just to care, it grows even where the windows come to the north and not in the brightest rooms. Simply put, where the flower is sick, live wall - perfectly feels and pleases the eye.

In the apartment and the office it is better to choose unpretentious options: everything works in the office, and most likely no one will holy and cherish the capricious wall, and there are often no equipment for this and other technical capabilities. Here for such cases there are 2 suitable, simple options:

The top usually put ampel plants, the survey is all blooming and curly, and at the bottom - splashing. It is not necessary to put the wall or hang the design close to furniture or where the carpet is lying, so as not to wet everything around when watering.

Cafes and production facilities

For such spaces, larger living walls are suitable. Such a decoration is a good mood for visitors and a team. In the summer it gives coolness, and the place becomes a real oasis. And in winter - pleases the eye, because around gray trees, white snow and sky. You go - and bright greens, as in the tropics!
Here you can do a variety of options, soil and fabric. Look at how it was done in the cafe "Tehon No1" in St. Petersburg.

Or in the Rostov cafe "Neskural Garden".

When you choose such big phytosnes for a cafe or to yourself in a workshop, you can not discount our climate. Large phytosnes require more heat, more than the sun, rather than a small apartment. If the winter in your winter is very cold, then it is better to plant cold-resistant plants or families in your wall, which love shadow - for example, fern, desert succulents, ampelnaya lianas and belts.
Another interesting option is a wall of stabilized plants, in which the liquid is replaced by glycerin, so they stop in growth and they do not need food. The easiest of their variety is a stabilized moss. It makes entire patterns and whole compositions on the wall.


On the balcony there is always a lot of heat and light, so there you can plant bright, abundantly blooming plants and enjoy them to frosts.
Beautifully look at Petunia, curly flowers and other annuals. If you want to save a place, then the containers take flat, ideally it is better to plant textile pockets. Then the live wall merges with the real wall and looks spectacular.

And if the balcony is not indoor, but simply lattice, then you can make a live fence at all, disembarking curly, swelling plants in the pots. For example, a plenty rose or pelargonium. Clinging to the grille, they themselves will grow and create a wall.

I also advise not to forget about the heat. If your balcony comes out on the south, then the sun will fall mercilessly. Then it is better to plant drought-resistant velvets, fine-color chrysanthemums, geranium.


The entrance is almost the street. In winter and autumn here is cool. But this does not mean that they cannot be decorate. Just a live wall is made from cold-resistant plants - phyloodendrons, Crassol, Algana, some species of palm trees. Usually, the phytosten in the entrance put away from the door and drafts. For example, at the battery.

And it is important that the live wall does not interfere with walk and did not eat the useful area. Therefore, such modules often occupy only the upper part of the wall, form a kind of green mezzanine.
Of course, wooden and plastic supports here can not do, it is necessary for something early - for example, metal.

Wounded territory in a country house

And here I immediately want to say important: green walls are not green facades. Green facades means that plants are built directly into the wall. Green walls are when plants are embedded in a special panel, and the panel is already attached to the facade. This is much better! The wall of the house is not destroyed, because it is ventilated and not in contact with wet plants directly. Between them and the wall there is a layer of moisture protection panel.
Typically, the panel is made in the form of stainless steel lattices or geotextiles. And plants are planted in geocontainers, pots, and not immediately in the ground under the house. The most popular for the green wall in the garden remains the plethious roses, Clematis, Liana.

Winter Garden

This, which means that even rare, thermal-loving, tropical flowers and herbs can be grown here. Watering here will be automatic, drip plus additional heating and backlight.

The green wall is the best way to extend for yourself a summer mood. It's easy to care for them, and joy is a lot! By the way, on the note to parents, such a wall is a good solution to the nursery. No land, no pots, no reason for hooliganism.
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Many people like plants in pots, but much more effectively looks a wall of living colors. Live wall or green wall is, as a rule, vertical gardens that are attached to the outer or outer part of the building. They differ from green facades, for example, a wall of ivy, the fact that the root of the plant is in support that is attached to the wall. Plants receive water and useful substances from the vertical support, and not from the ground. Assortment of plants that are suitable for the green wall is simply huge. To all other, the green walls increase the humidity in the residential room and at the same time absorb unpleasant odors and dust.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

How to make a living wall?

Live wall has different ideas for incarnation. But before embodying them, it is necessary to solve such questions as:

  • wall of living colors will be designed indoors or outside;
  • what plants would you like to admire;
  • create a living wall structure;
  • adjust the circulation air system;
  • consider the lighting of plants;
  • plants on the living wall;
  • watering and fertilizer of plants.

Consider each of these steps in more detail.

If you want your live wall to be closed and placed indoors, it is a good idea, since the air indoor can be filled with toxins and harmful substances. People usually spend a lot of time in the room, and it may not affect health.

If we talk about an open live wall, it will help improve the appearance of the room.

Such walls will not be ignored - do it yourself

The device of vertical gardens and paintings is also a popular destination in phytodizain in the apartment due to a number of advantages:

  1. They are not cumbersome, since it is vertically and do not occupy large areas on the floor.
  2. In the hot period there is a decrease in air temperature, thereby decreasing the cost of operation and maintenance of air conditioners.
  3. Cleansing air from dust and other harmful components in the apartment.
  4. Reducing the noise level in the apartment.
  5. The presence of an automatic irrigation system, although there is a need for professional care (replacement of plants, their haircut, water quality check, automation service).
  6. Give aesthetic pleasure in the interior.

Modular vertical gardens

Such pictures are collected as puzzles of small modules of 20 x 20 cm. Applying a little effort and including creative imagination, you can get an extraordinary picture-garden from living growing plants. Succulents are great for this. They will retain the configuration of the pattern for a long time, and the variety of colors and unpredictability of forms using skillful hands will form magnificent patterns.

How to make paintings from growing plants?

  1. We buy a wire mesh in the construction supermarket with small holes, a frame for the picture and the phaneer in the size of the frame.
  2. We turn the picture frame face down and with the help of a furniture or construction stapler fix the wire mesh on the frame.
  3. Then, without turning the moss on the grid, the universal soil with the addition of perlite and fasten the plywood. With the help of a stick, planted plants in the pattern of paintings in the apartment.
  4. First we express accents by large plants, and then fill the picture with details using plants smaller. For normal streaming of colors in the interior, the picture is needed to withstand in a horizontal position over two weeks.
  5. Watering such a picture is carried out in the help of spraying.

Laying a living wall and plants for her

Now let's talk about what plants choose. Live walls in the interior are mainly consisting of flowers that clean air. All plants can output and absorb harmful substances, but some of them are suitable for this. Such plants include: azalea, bamboo palm tree, chrysanthemum, ivy, lilies, monster and others, in the kitchen you can use spicy herbs. There are several plants location rules:

  • from the bottom there are splashing flowers;
  • a little higher - curly and shrinking flowers;
  • from above, it is advisable to place ampel flowers.

Choose plants that will fit well to the environment where they will dwell. Do not forget about the light (sun, shadow, intense light or hidden). On the availability of water, temperature, humidity. As for the soil, it is necessary to choose a rich fertilizer and minerals.

How to think about the structure of the green wall? A live wall is mainly vertically, but may have a lower zone that serves as a stand for additional plants, and also appears as a water zone. The simplest structure may consist of a row of sticks. They can be attached to the wall and suspended to the ceiling. A more complex structure may consist of a vertical wall and a horizontal base.

As for the circulation of air, pay attention to which air in the room, if it is dirty, then the living open wall is perfect for you. Plants will clean the air. As an addition, you can install a system of fans or air ducts.

Basic Requirements for Living Living Wall

Lighting for plants

Plants need light, so make sure they get in sufficient quantities natural or artificial light. If possible, place a live wall near the window, so they will get straight light. Incandescent lamps will not provide sufficient light for plants. You can use fluorescent lamps, direct them to the wall, to ensure high artificial light. If you wish, you can use the timer when the artificial light is turned on automatically.

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