Unusual drawings with handle. How to make a light tattoo with a handle on your hand, how long and simple sketches for beginners. Sketches of tattoos handle, photo

Who wants.
Drawing and scratch drawing

This post I will start with the "wantness", because in gaining the ability to draw a handle / pen, a personal desire is even more important than talent and thin. skills.
Usually, the drawing in any other technique begins with pencil constructions, amendments, possibly changing the composition in the process, and therefore active use. In general, no one bothers for drawing with a pen / pen to make a pencil building according to all the rules, but this post is just about how to learn without it do.

First of all, those who want to learn to draw "no gum", you should be patient, a small amount of time (but every day!) And great desire. Why do I give this value to the desire? Because very often, especially at first, will visit the disappointment in your work, and as a result, in yourself, in my skills, and only a desire will not give to spit on the whole thing with a high Christmas tree and decide that without this skill you can Quietly live.
Below, I will show some techniques that will help get a normal result, as well as will bring examples of errors and unsuccessful works that are not at all fear. I hope all this will help support the desire to learn and will not give to appear the feeling of own inferiority \u003d)

So, the tools:
Pens. You can draw with ballpoint handles, gel, somehow. Now I prefer to draw, but at first it was either a mascara or liner.
I had to draw a reusable Liner "Uni Pin" Fine Line, but, apparently, they are either for smoother paper, or we didn't come together with them, but they are faster than the rod erase than the refill ends. Only once we felt them and then it was when Leo I wrote in the notebook, and did not draw. Perhaps they are not erased, and the rod from pressing into the housing goes, but the result is one. The most running dimensions 0.1 and 0.2, sometimes I use 0.3, but it's when 02 is not and very rarely 0.05 for especially small details, when at all takes them to draw

Very similar to "Uni Pin" Liners from "Faber Castell", one of the series even in the housings of the same, only the inscription is different (now they do not have them, so in the photo from another series)

Another option is the Liners "Centropen". They are one and a half times cheaper than "Uni Pin" and twice cheaper than "Faber Castell", in quality it is especially inferior to anything, the rod still goes away, perhaps a little slower. The only difference is that they are disposable, but if you consider the fact that the rest are thrown back to the rewrite, then the savings are not bad.

At the moment, Leo with liners tied up - with this consumption, it turned out that it will be cheaper to buy and forget about problems with rods.

Paper. Unlike the drawings, it is most convenient for me to draw a handle in the notepads - all the waste paper together, nowhere is not lost and always at hand. For work and ink, I use, and for the liners I have a cheap Chinese notebook with a paper of average quality, so that it was not a pity, because the paper goes out packs, and the drawings are there, mostly not those who are right now proud.

Paper is grayish, with a density of 98 g / sq. M., which is quite enough for bilateral drawings.
When this notebook srismed, I will go to good with white beautiful paper and pleasant bindings that have long been waiting for me \u003d)

Now take into hand tools and start drawing.
Basic Rules / Tips:
1. Draw anything: items on the table, furniture in the room, chandelier, interior, view from the window, flowers on the windowsill, other or photographs (animal-birds, people, but not a lot of photos, the main thing - nature)
2. Draw without constructing as it turns out: coryato, with errors, extra lines, compositely incorrectly, etc.
3. First, it is better to take a penny handle, so as not to hell
4. The lines do you need to draw quickly, do not tremble over each millimeter (at first there will be 1000 and 1 line, then only 1)
5. Every day. Find 10-15, even 30 minutes of time and give it to drawing, even the most deadly occupied person, everything else is excuses and the absence of that very desire. What is deadly employment, Leo knows very well and not first (1 work, 2 hacktare, study at the hospital + diploma - and there was such a leo). Therefore, I will ask you not to write to me in the LAN and comments, they say, "I would be happy, but there is no time," there is simply no desire and there is too lazy, but there is no need for notifying me about it and makes no sense - not impressive, pity and sympathy does not cause me.
6. Before assessing the result of their works, you need to draw 100 pages, not less. At the time of the creation of this post (08/26/2011), I have been drawn 101 page, I draw on both sides of the sheet, good, the density of the paper allows, and it makes no sense into the frame every such work. On many pages for 2-3 small drawings.
7. How to help yourself not to be lazy: always carry with you and handle. When sit somewhere: in a cafe, park, in line, at home, friends, etc. - Deliver and lie next to you. The brain will get used to the constant potential opportunity to draw and will use this opportunity \u003d)

How to make life easier at first:
You can build a drawing with dots. Actually, the construction is rather in the mind than on paper, but putting the point in some key place, we create a visual support

Connect a point

And now it is possible to tint and detail, but in sketches of this type, this is superfluous. It is important to convey the shape, movement, somewhere with a careless stroke.
So complete work I have no more than 10 pieces.

Most often my ducks look like

Basic mistakes that will accurately:
500 lines, when I want to draw one - patience, my friend, everything will be, but not immediately.
Problems with composition, getting out of the sheet or much much space from some kind of edge. To avoid, you can at the very beginning to mark the extreme points of the subject at least

Disproportionality (it has been painfully a crooked duck). Time and practice is treated

Invalid perspective, overall crushes (here the prospect is lame on all four legs, with verticals in general darkness)

Jar with honey pole

What to draw is needed and useful:
The interior - wherever you live, you can always draw as it looks, not even getting up from the sofa / chair / chairs / beds

All sorts of items, household appliances, dishes and other (above was a meat grinder - this is the tiniest, especially in different angles).
Just a box

If there is, you can draw a pet in different angles when it is static (it is also necessary in the dynamics, but it is more complicated later)

It is good to draw indoor plants so as to transmit their volume and a type of plant is understood.
Leo House Plant - Oak, it's so obvious \u003d)

Who have no houseplants, do not be lazy and buy some kind of flower, put in the vase / glass and draw

It is still very useful to draw somewhere while walking - we find a bench / pencils, sit down and draw that the first on my eyes fell.
It is not necessary to draw each piece of leaflets, the most important thing is to transfer the impression, the volume

And you can draw, if the object is piece

A good drawing object is any stone. We must repeat the form, the texture to convey and the volume does not lose (Leo still loses at times)

Drawing from photos.
Also good, but in moderation and quickly. Open a photo, we spend 5-7 minutes on it and go to the next

So you can draw what is not found in everyday life, any animals and birds.

Leo loves to notice the clarops in Vinnitsa and somewhere on the ponds, and then in the evenings they draw them in detail or just a sketch

The black and red spleen of the musk duck was so beautiful that Leo could not resist and went into the details

In general, nothing complicated if you regularly pay time practice.
If someone has a problem with self-motive and physically need some external kick in the form: an example for imitation / ridiculation, competition / mutual assistance, regularity -.
Good luck and desire to all who are interested! \u003d)

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To date, 3D drawings on paper are becoming more popular, you can peer and admire it for a long time. Not only talented artists can create such masterpieces, but those who only meet with visual art. It will be learned to draw it never too late, to make a spectacular 3D drawings can each.

Tools that will be required for 3D, the simplest: handle, pencils, marker and sheet of paper. By the way, draw newcomers best in the cells in the notebook, so depict the shapes are much easier.

It is worth noting that the image is created on paper in stages, in this matter the main thing is the sequence, even if simple and uncomplicated pictures are reproduced.

Many are interested in how to draw 3D drawing on paper with pencil bright and realistic. To do this, it is worth using photo instructions or videos that will clearly show all the recreation technique of a 3D picture.

Let's analyze the pencil drawings in stages for beginners. For clarity, print drawn images to facilitate the task. Note that the first acquaintance with the 3D technique can cause ambiguous impressions, here you do not need to rush, smooth movements and exposure - the main assistants of the novice artist.

So, let's go down, we will learn how to draw beautiful 3D drawings.


A simple scheme will make it possible to understand how to draw a 3D handle of an amazingly beautiful insect. Check out this technique and draw a miracle drawing yourself.

Step-by-step instruction:


If you do not know what you can draw a 3D handle or pencil, then start with the simplest. After all, it is not so difficult to give images to images at all, make sure the photo class suggested below.

Image creation steps:


Symbol lying on the table Fruits is quite simple, there is no need to apply special technique images of objects. You can use to create a handle and markers.

Fractional technique:

More detailed instructions for performing the work in such an appliance on the example of the hands of the alien you can see on video (or you can use your hand, just circle your palm and pencil fingers, and then follow the video instructions):


If you want to know how to draw a simple 3D drawing on paper, use the printed sample. On the developed technique, you can teach both a child how to draw 3d.

Step-by-step performance:


Before drawing a 3D handle, you need to try to make similar drawings with a pencil. Learning to create beautiful bulk images together.

How to perform drawing:

A heart

Volumetric, as if the living heart becomes an excellent gift for a loved one. Take a pencil and marker in the hands, clearly spend the lines, highlight them and grow. Believe me, the painted image will be able to fully pass your feelings.

How to draw:

Video 3D illusion of the heart:

Remember, the imagination does not borders, create your own unique drawings, hit all the ability to create volumetric images.

For example, you can draw on this instruction Carlson:

Simple option:

Complex option:

Video Bonuses: Figures 3D Handle

Draw a 3D handle Beautiful butterfly:

Draw a 3D photo frame:

We draw a 3D pen bouquet of daisies:

3D Snowman:

3D Christmas tree handle:

Remember the school years, well, who did not sin with the fact that on the back page in the notebook during a boring lesson sketched anything arbitrary. And in the presence of artistic abilities, this occupation carried away and was expressed in the sketches of reality, cartoons and cartoons of their friends or teachers, funny pictures and so on. Funny, but no more.

If you contact the classic drawing methods, the ballpoint pen has never been considered tool to create drawings. And as it turned out, in vain. Modern artists who released consciousness from stereotypes using ballpoints, achieve stunning effects. Pictures are obtained by color, volume, live text. Some of them are performed by the form of photos, others are similar to computer graphics of the highest quality, there are also those that look like engraving.

Of course, to get such images need to have a talent and skills of working with a ballpoint handle. But always need to start and try. Moreover, the ballpoint pens in the modern office acquired a lot of new properties, you can choose a handle with different thickness of the drawn line, various color shades appeared in a fairly rich palette, the quality of the balls in the rods allows you to draw without klex and not drawn areas.

For drawing, you need to choose a good ball handle, which will not be switched, that is, it will evenly produce ink from the rod. If the desired drawing should consist of a lines of the same brightness, almost no width, then use the gel handle. If halftones are needed, the ability to vary the color intensity, then it is better to choose a ball handle with conventional ink.

Using a samopisca (this is exactly the ball handle, when it was only invented) for drawing, consider that the ink consumption will be more intense than when writing, and therefore, the handles must be prepared with a margin. One picture can be spent from 3 to 4 standard ink rods.

And the most important thing. Ink handle Unlike a pencil does not allow missions, all the strokes, lines and points should be applied confidently and accurately, because the ink on paper remains forever, they can not be corrected.

In addition, when using a ballpoint handle, you need to be extremely neat: the ink does not dry immediately, so it is inappropriate to press the palm or a finger in the fresh lines, it is easy to smear them or leave your mark. Not such a simple technology seemed to school lessons.

And now let's look at the masterpieces, which turned out to be at the masters, perfectly speaks this technique.

English artist Andrea Joseph (Andrea Joseph) draws directly on the airtal sheets, which is very similar to school creativity and sketches for cartoons or children's books.

Lucas Salgado (Lucas Salgado) from the Argentine City Santa Fe draws his girls with a ballpoint handle without having a special art education. This is what talent means, which can even manifest itself from simple ink lines.

Samuel Silva (Samuel Silva) The lawyer from Portugal paints with colored balls of incredible realism and livelism of pictures, which reflect not only all the shades of nature, light and shadows, all the universe, but also all shades of emotions, volume and form are like bright accurate color photographs.

Abadidabou Sarah Esteje (Abadidabou Sarah Esteje) A French artist who by profession is a designer and is interested in photography, creates amazing realism animalistic pictures using a blue ballpoint handle. Among her works, portrait images appeared.

Juan Francisco Casas Ruiz (Juan Francisco Casas Ruiz) Spanish artist, born in La Carolina, Juan has a professional art education. Taking one day the usual blue ballpoint, he sketched the ink comic portrait. This occupation was so fascinated by the young Spaniard that he created dozens of sketches of people in the shades of blue ink, which are impossible to distinguish from photographs on the accuracy of the display. Among these sketches, there are many sensual and even erotic images of girls who are glad to become models for the original artist.

The Chinese artist Zhuge Qingjia also draws only a ballpoint handle, carefully drawing even the smallest details.

Tim Jeffs (Tim Jeffs), a wonderful animal artist from the United States of America depicts portraits of animals, prescribed in the finest details, and uses a ballpoint handle and black ink.

Unusual creativity, which can be attributed to graphical realism has enough followers and admirers and can not not attach attention.

Magic fish. Master class on drawing gel handle.

Author: Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: MBOU "BUSHENKA NOSH" Tver region, Bogoli district.

Purpose of work: Creating conditions for the experimental activities of students.
Tasks: - to introduce children with the technique of drawing by gel handle;
- to educate accuracy, patience;
- Development of shallow motility hands;
- promote individualization, self-expression, self-realization.
Purpose: This master class will be useful for primary school teachers, students and their parents.
Materials for work: Gel black pen, simple pencil, eraser, album drawing sheet (A4 format).
I work as a primary school teacher at school and lead a circle "Crazy handles." With my disciples in the lessons, we drag a lot of gouache, watercolor paints, colored pencils. But when a child draws pencils, his hand gets tired very quickly, because he presses a pencil. Tassel need all the time to keep weight. This is also not quite comfortable. This time I decided to try with them with gel handles. I looked through many pictures on the Internet. They struck me with their expressiveness, contrast, graphitrability.
Why does the drawings with a helium handle, and not ordinary? The drawings with a gel handle are obtained by blacks, contrasting. Drawing gel handle, we will receive real pleasure from our work. The gel handle is not lubricated, does not scratch the paper, does not freeze in cold weather.

Draw elementary forms can be able to draw, but ultimately, the picture is exactly from them. Many elements of graphics are simple and accessible to children: circle, square, triangle, point, wavy line, three crossed lines (snowflake) and others.
With all the simplicity of elements of the gel handle, you can create very interesting paintings, similar to graphics, Chinese or Japanese painting (drawing "Tree of Life"). The drawing is characterized by conciseness and completion.
And so, proceed to our work.
1. We will draw this fish.

On a sheet of paper, we draw a simple pencil to our fish. Here it is necessary to remember that the gel handle does not draw a pencil on a pencil, so we draw a contour with a simple pencil very thin, maybe even intermittent line.

2. Delim the body of our fish on the part.

3. I raise each part.

4. Our sketch is ready. Now you can proceed to work with a gel handle. We begin to paint each part in turn.

5. Our fish is ready. Now we draw algae.

6. Our drawing is ready. I hope that when drawing such a fish you will get a lot of pleasure.
I wish you all success.
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