Anyutochka with a tattoo on the pope. Tattoos on the buttock. Topics Tattoo images on the buttock

Humanity has always sought to beauty, engraving life around him and their body. Tattoo in modern culture is a very popular attribute of young people. This is a way to achieve perfection, emphasize the merits or hide disadvantages. The women's tattoo on the buttocks choose those who are proud of their body as a gift for his beloved or beloved and even just like that. Especially popular such tattoo girls. It is difficult to argue with them, because on female priest, beautiful tattoos look incredibly attractively. Consider the features of the drawings in this zone.

General characteristic of body part

Tattoos on buttocks are included in the category of intimate tattoos. The skin in this place is very sensitive, and therefore, during the procedure, the use of anesthetic is often required.

Using anesthesia, it should be remembered that the structure of the skin, when applying the drug, changes, edema appear. If you are afraid of pain, you should choose the masters with a special care. Look for someone who has extensive experience and skill use of anesthesia.

Most popular tattoos on buttocks for girls

Women's half, very often, to decorate her body, chooses intimate tattoos. They are easy to hide and at the same time awareness of the rust of the rebound attaches to the owner of confidence. Women's tattoo on the buttocks always carry sexually painted subtext. The drawing in this place is not intended for an extraneous eye, so its owner may not be afraid of condemnation, express all herself.

Choosing a sketch for the future drawing on the body, listen to yourself. Does not cause the picture of internal contradictions. Do not think that the image on the female hips is always huge pictures. Interesting option for buttocks - little tatoo. For example, tattoo inscriptions on a buttock, suitable as modest. Bright and extraordinary personalities can be portrayed on their pistol tattoo. The drawing emphasizes the rounded form of the hostess and speaks about the combat character of the owner.

The tattoo kisses on the buttock speaks of a windy nature, with a playful temper. The picture of a small size will look a stain, so preference is given to sketches of 7 cm. The undisputed leader among the tattoo - bows under the buttocks. The drawing emphasizes the charm of the female ass and legs. Often bows draw on lace garters and can even portray or knife. Be sure that such a charming decoration of female legs, like a tattoo a bow on the Pope, will not remain unnoticed. This image suits images gentle and carefree.

As you know, girls love to show their individuality, even in trifles. Tattoo on the buttock for girls is a great way of self-expression, easily hidden from prying eyes. In addition, a competently chosen sketch adds the image of its owner more sensuality. Tattoo under the buttocks, for a girl - a great way to surprise the lover. The main thing to choose a suitable place and size. The kisses on the buttocks are suitable for young individuals, and those who are afraid to decide on a big drawing. The main thing is to remember that you would not choose - Tattoos on the Pop girls it is always sexy and clings to the views. A woman with such an ornament can not stay unnoticed.

The most popular tattoo on the buttocks for men

For male tattoo in this zone - the phenomenon is rare. As a rule, men avoid tattooing the buttocks, because of the current stereotype: the male tattoo on the buttock is a sign of homosexuality. Such a sense of tattoo acquired in prisons, where men with a certain role, forcibly depict their eyes in a mild place. Another once popular violent image is a tattoo kochegar on the pope. Earlier, such a mark had a man serving a punishment for her husbandhood. Nowadays such an article there is no such article, therefore, the tattoo went out of everybody.

Pauses and practicality of tattoos on this part of the body

The main plus drawing in this area is easy to hide it. Tattoo on the priest in women, most often not for universal viewing. This is something intimate, only for one viewer. And it does not matter what you choose - the options are set. Whether it is black and white or color tattoo on the pope, small or large - all this is part of your personality. Do not be afraid to express yourself.

The painfulness of images in the field of buttocks is lower than in other zones, however, soft tissues are spent longer. Therefore, even a small tattoo heart on the pope can cause strong discomfort during the period of healing. The injured skin comes into contact with clothing, sweats and increases the risk of infection. Female tattoos on the Pope are always beautiful if during the healing period to carefully follow the drawing. In the first weeks after drawing the sketch, a sauna and bath adoption is prohibited.

It is not recommended for a long stay in the sun until full healing. Otherwise, even the most charming image will look ridiculous and ridiculous. For example, the drowned outlines will turn the cute lip tattoo on the pope in the vague spot, similar to the bruise on the bruise. A sketch may be different, the main thing is to carefully care for your decoration, otherwise the efforts of even the most talented master will disappear.

Tattoo on the buttocksat the legislative level. In South Africa, there is a kingdom in which they suggested obliges to make an alternate half of the population.

Cause - HIV epidemic. Inherent in the country, according to various sources, from 30 to 43 percent.

It turns out, in the absence of a regular partner, risk to infect, engaging in touch with almost every second.

At the infectedians will warn others, the Timothy Mdenaria decided.

He failed to promote the initiative. Began a flurry of protests by organizations engaged in the protection of HIV media.

However, the project remained, as well as the designed design of the knack. This is an English abbreviation of the name of the disease: - H.i.V. So far, apply only by goodwill.

Other squals on buttocks are also done, who are not related to those or other human diseases.

Applying patterns, customers are persecuted, as a rule, aesthetic purposes.

If we are talking about the sense, then it is usually character. Reference on sketches?

The value of tattoo on the buttocks

PhotoLowned in the network, as a rule, demonstrate elastic buttocks. English psychologist Louise Hay claims that at the subconscious level, this part of the body symbolizes strength.

Missed buttocks, respectively, is a sign of her loss. There are few loss to emphasize the loss.

Therefore, tattoo on women's buttocks, like male, do, as they say, in full bloom.

Tattoo on the lame- The phenomenon is not typical. In addition, the area is associated with sexuality, temptation.

Most of the representatives of strong sex do not want to relate their ass with these concepts.

There is a stereotype that only representatives of non-traditional orientation are made on the buttocks.

Accordingly, another interpretation appears. So that it is depicted, it will correlate with homosexuality.

He may be forced. So, in prisons forcibly apart the buttocks omitted. The tasks of those in the team determine the role of women, heating.

A humiliating role in prison is conjugate with pain. But, the Canadian psychologist and the doctor Liz Burbo argues that the pain in the buttocks can be caused by the same, the mental blocking of life aspirations.

Medic noticed that those who cannot control what is happening, for example, cash flows, close, some situations appear with pains in the buttocks.

There is a symptom, but there is no physical reasons. Approximately half of those who applied for help medical analyzes are normal.

Application is also painful. The voluntary location of the picture on the buttocks, psychologists are allowed, is also associated with the desire to control what is happening.

The psychological impulse has a physiological poverty. The muscles are concentrated on the buttocks, without which walking would be impossible.

No wonder there is an expression "Sit down exactly on the fifth point." It is understood as inaction. Active people do not sit, but go to their goal, control what is happening.

Otherwise the value of tattoo on the buttocks Depends on images. On the Pope Melanie Griffith, for example, Thug Pear.

The actress agrees with the classic fruit symbolism. He personifies longevity. This is due to the long life of pear trees.

The second value of the pear is the coaner. The fruits of the tree were considered to be food. In the pantheon of ancient Greece, Zeus's wife was a keeper of a homely hearth, helped save it.

Tattoo views on buttocks

There are several classifications on the buttocks. The first is the division of the pallium on women's and men.

Tattoo on the buttock for girls- Ability to emphasize their sexuality, rounded forms.

Therefore, the drawings are framed by the ass, are on the periphery, or on the most convex places.

There can be accommodated, flourishing the rose, flutter. As can be seen, the characters are chosen by the pretty, playful.

Possible, also intriguing plots with a sensual appeal, for example, tattoo kiss on the buttock.

Men's on the buttocks, as a rule, affect their articulation, anus zone.

Pictures, often informative, indicate the guy orientation. Popular, for example, target images.

In demand, just tattoo Kochegar on the buttocks. The picture hints that it would not hurt to throw "in the firework of the rails."

To get away from the vulgar interpretations in male on the buttocks it turns out, pumping the large-scale paintings of the distracted topics.

For example, the image of the Hindu deity is surrounded by sacred ornaments, lotuses and dragons.

We carry sketch on the back, buttocks and the upper part of the guy. Here is a tag, talking about spiritual, not carnal.

Every one is clear that the buttocks are only a "canvas" fragment, and not the opposition composition.

The second division on the buttocks distributes them to plot and text.

Tattoo inscriptions on the buttocksmay be written analogues of plot appeals. So, the message "Kiss me" is similar to the lipprint.

"Do not go" can be replaced with a picture with. But, there are, and such, choose which is not possible.

How, for example, express in pictures of the lines from poems? Do not express in the picture and an important date, or the name of your loved one.

The inscriptions are single, or are complemented by drawings. From and outlines of selected items depends on the location of paintings on the body.

Not all tattoo sketchesfor yagoditzit turns out to be placed where the client wants. We will understand what the cause of difficulties and how to find the perfect composition.

Where to make a tattoo on the buttocks

At first glance, an absurd question has several answers. It has already been said that the drawings are placed either along the periphery of the buttocks, or in their central part.

Another option is to make the ass just part of a large-scale pallium affecting most of the body.

However, it was not mentioned about tattoo under the buttocks. Such dolls visually shadow the area.

The deeper the depression is in the booty, the convex and more attractive, she herself. The drawing must repeat the shape of the buttocks and be quite large.

Some ladybug is lost here, from afar will look in a vague spot, or a mole.

Part of the tag of the buttocks are diagonally. In such a placement of the drawing, too, there are stylistic tricks.

Take, for example, roses on the buttocks. Tattoocan be located down.

They are volumetric and large compared to thin legs directed upwards.

This visually narrows. If you turn up diagonally upwards up, the pelvis will seem wider.

For visual effect, you need to properly pick up sketches. Tattoo butterfly buttockthe size will not add and will not fall, as not to place the winged creation.

It is important that the depicted items were wedge-shaped. Only in this case can they "play".

Tattoos for girls - a popular modern means to emphasize their uniqueness and individuality. Tattoos for the beautiful half of humanity are incredibly diverse and differ in size, color, drawing.

Applying them, some girls want to emphasize the beauty of the body, others - hide some skin defects (scars or scars), others simply believe that it is quite popular and blindly followed fashion. Psychologists note that in some cases, tattoos significantly increase the self-esteem of girls.

Tattoo for girls - small (mini), big. Places for tattoo. Photo

  • it looks miniature and feminine, at the same time, especially not rushing into the eyes;
  • have a huge selection of sketches among the practically unlimited number of topics;
  • the process of application does not differ in high complexity, passes quite quickly;
  • the cost of small tattoos, naturally, less than large;
  • you can always hide the tattoo or apply on top of a new drawing.
Different tattoos for girls have their meaning.

But there is a negative point when choosing small drawings. Tattoos over time lose attractiveness, the contours of the image becomes less sharp, the drawing itself breaks up and fades.

Small tattoos can become very similar to ordinary birthmarks.

Before applying the large tattoo, it is worth a good to think about all the pros and cons of this solution.

An important role is played by the place of applying a tattoo. For example, on the hip a little tattoo looks inexpressively And much worse than big. Execution large in size of tattoos requires a lot of time and high professionalism of the wizard.

When applied tattoos, certain pains are inevitable, because the paint is injected under the skin by acupuncture, respectively, the greater the drawing, the longer the pain.

And one more substantial minus - the aging of the skin, which is stretched over the years, fade. The same fate expects a tattoo: it is difficult to submit its appearance in 30-40 years.

The most practical places to apply tattoos:

  • back;
  • places on the ankle, wrists;
  • shoulders, forearms;
  • back side of the neck;
  • side.

Impractical sections for tattoo girls:

  • fingers, back of hands, ankle. Tattoo at these places will most quickly fill under the influence of external factors.
  • chest, belly, inner thighs, buttocks. The skin in these parts of the female body most often suffers from stretch marks and other changes caused by age characteristics.

Tattoo on hand - on the wrist, finger, sleeve

In the hands, as a rule, girls are applied small tattoos. For almost any small tattoo, an excellent place of application is a wrist. If necessary, drawing on this place is easy to hide using a long sleeve.

In men, the girls adopted the applying of the knaps on the fingers: you can usually see small tattoo rings, letters that make up words, or other symbols of small sizes.

Palm is rarely used to apply tattoos. First, the drawing on the palm is the most short-lived, quickly erases, loses the contour. Secondly, the procedure for applying a tattoo on the palm is much more painful than other parts of the body.

The exception is perhaps the side of the palm where small inscriptions are most often found.

Very unexpected and boldly look at the girls tattooed sleeves. Although the question of whether it is, it remains open, the sleeves are a fashion trend of this year.

Tattoo on the leg - on the hip, on the shin, on the ankle, on the foot

On the foot are traditionally used and small, and volumetric knaps.

Most well on the thigh look large patterns. Nevertheless, a small bow or inscription look quite cute and feminine. In addition to these drawings, the dragon images are often found on the thigh, flirting garters for stockings.

The shin is a body area for bold and brave girls. It is sometimes impossible to hide such a tattoo. Here it is customary to apply extended images, which visually gives your feet extra harness.

For a small elegant tattoo ankle is an optimal option that emphasizes femininity and refinement.

At the foot perfectly look both small and larger images. It should be noted that after applying the Tattoo will have to abandon some time from the shoes, totting the tattooed place to prevent damage or inflammation of the skin.

Tattoo on stomach

Women usually apply a tattoo on the lower abdomen, near the navel. Large drawings with a rich choice of options look here. Using tattoo on the stomach you can hide the scars from appendicitis, Cesarean sections or other operations.

However, it should be remembered that the abdomen area is most susceptible to various changes (including age), which cannot but affect the quality of the entire image.

Tattoo on the neck, on the clavicle

Tattoos for girls performed on the neck, have a number of advantages:

  • emphasize the bends of the neck, visually improving its structure, hiding possible disadvantages;
  • look very sexy;
  • if desired, the tattoo is easy to hide behind hair or a high collar.

The most common tattoo is applied to the neck or behind. Usually these are small characters, drawings, hieroglyphs, inscriptions.

Tattoos on the clavicle look feminine and enough intimate. But the applix of the tattoo on the collar is accompanied by very painful sensations due to the proximity of the bone and the accumulation of nerve endings. Options Tattoo for the clavicle are diverse: inscriptions, patterns, symbols, small pictures.

Tattoo on the forearm

Tattoo on the shoulder and forearm - option for "summer" girls. This tattoo perfectly harmonizes with summer open clothing, complementing the image. The most popular on the forearms of the image of flowers, birds, vector drawings and symbols.

Application Tattoo on the forearm is not accompanied by painful sensations, which plays an important role in choosing exactly this body.

Tattoo on the back - on the shovel, on the lower back

Tattoos on the back can be different in size and maintenance: it is successfully looking at both large pictures and individual characters, animal images, birds, colors. 3D tattoos performed excellently made by high-class masters.

The shovel is a practical and convenient zone for tattoo. The needle pain is felt quite weak. The place is convenient that if you wish, you can always hide a tattoo from prying eyes. The size and images can be any, the tattoo may be exclusively on the shovel, and may fall on the back to the lower back or pass through the side of the Boc.

And here tattoos in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist are no longer so relevant as before. However, this zone is popular thanks to its features: the smallest deformation of the skin due to age-related changes and the almost complete absence of fat deposits, which allows for many years to preserve the attractiveness of the tattoo.

At the lower back various symbols, patterns, ornaments are usually applied.

Tattoo on the ribs, under the sternum, on the chest

A large size tattoo looks on the chest, but closer to shoulders can be made a tender little tattoo.

The chest is a zone, strongly subject to deformation, so it is better to choose images over breasts or under it. It is successful to the pattern with a wide bottom, gradually elongated to the solar plexus.

Tattoo on the ribs, in turn, is not suitable for girls with a low pain threshold, because Ribs are a very painful area.

Tattoo on the side

Successfully look at the side of both small images and large enough, starting from the inscriptions and ending with whole pictures.

But we should not forget that the deposition of fat on the sides can spoil the drawing, so you have to carefully monitor weight and regularly play sports.

Tattoo on the Pope, on the buttock

Practically, buttocks and pops are distinguished by the absence of pain. But disputes about whether it is elegant or vulgar do not dare still. As a rule, small drawings are applied on one of the buttocks. However, often the priests affect large-scale images propagating both lower back, back, thigh.

Such a tattoo is more suitable for extraordinary individuals with adventurous inclinations. Often they are a professional decoration of dancers, fashion models.

Tattoo on the intimate zone

The popularity of causing tattoos for girls on an intimate zone is only gaining momentum, but those who want to make it abound. Hidden from most eye tattoo on the pubic gives a lady sexuality.

It is important to choose the option that did not seem to go. Most suitable for intimate zones. Delicate images of butterflies, colors, birds, locks or symbolic patterns.

The most fashionable and popular tattoo in girls, their values \u200b\u200b- tattoos with meaning. Photo

Before applying a tattoo, it should be understood that it denotes, to understand its meaning, often hidden and veiled. It is best to seek help from the Tattoo Salon specialists who explain the meanings of certain drawings will advise the most winning option, professionally implement any idea or ready-made sketch.


Most often, the inscriptions are applied in Latin and symbolize any vital idea, a position. For example: CumDeo (with God), Fortesfortunaadjuvat (fate helps brave).

The inscriptions performed by the Gothic font look beautiful and possess a concrete meaning. Very popular option - Japanese hieroglyphs.

Some girls feed the names of loved ones or close people. But such an option should be treated carefully, since the radical changes may occur during life and the name of the person today will not necessarily be as relevant in 5-10 years, but still have to wear a tattoo.

You can independently come up with an inscription or choose the most appropriate from the rich arsenal of existing sketches.

Flowers - Lotus, Peonies, Lily, Rose, Clover, Orchid, Sakura

Tattoo, depicting flowers, always look gently and feminine.

The Tattoo "Lotus Flower" prefers creative people seeking self-knowledge and self-improvement. Girls Lotus symbolizes femininity, tenderness, chastity, fertility, but at the same time durability, and strength. Most often, the tattoo among girls are applied to the shin, ankle, the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel, the blades, on the back and the lower back from one flower to the whole of the Pleiads.

The Peony was initially considered a male symbol, but more and more often the girls prefer precisely this tattoo. For them, peony symbolizes the key to a successful marriage, the sign of the Virgin Mary, purity, kindness, well-being and wealth. In addition, Peony is a faithful of evil spirits, witchcraft. Pock it more often on the thigh, back or side.

Lily personifies purity, innocence, nobility. Lily tattoo is a symbol of tender and fragile nature. In addition, the color of lily also has a symbolic meaning: white - for purity, pink - symbol of youth, yellow - sign of arrogant. Lily design is very diverse: it can be like one flower or several.

Rose has long been a symbol of beauty and love. Such a tattoo may also have a diverse design: one or more flowers, roses with spikes or without, etc. The most popular colors of tattoos - red, white, yellow. Girls with melancholic character, often susceptible sadness and sadness, as a rule, choose a rose of black.

Each sheet of four-lift clover has its meaning: glory, wealth, health, love. Sometimes a leaf of clover is applied in combination with a rose, which means eternal love. But the combination with violet is considered a sign of sorrow. Most often, girls are decorated with clover the bottom of the leg, a shovel, hand, neck.

Orchid is a female symbol that helps find their love, make peace and well-being in the family. The flower is designed to protect from evil and adversity.

The amazing flower of Sakura, which blooms only for several days, symbolizes the frequency of life, innocence, sadness.

Therefore, such a tattoo is preferable for adult women, it seems to be imprinted by the most excellent period of human life - youth.

Animals and Birds - Fox, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Panther, Wolf, Lion, Owl

Each animal has long been attributed to certain human qualities that did not lose their relevance and in modern life, playing an important role when applying a tattoo.

Most often as an image on tattoos for girls there is a fox.

Female girls have a symbol of sexuality, thanks to her seductive, playfulness and viciousness. In addition, Lisa is a symbol of continuing a kind. Often girls are stuffing it in combination with flowers or other animals. For a tattoo, use predominantly brown, red, orange or white shades.

One of the most mysterious animals was a cat, which at different times attributed a wide variety, sometimes even opposite qualities. To date, the cat is a symbol of independence, sophistication, femininity and mystery.

By nature, a cat is a hunter, so it also personifies good luck and dexterity. Young girls are often pinching in the body of kittens - a symbol of playfulness and carelessness.

The mythical character Dragon meets most often in two versions:

  • european - this is a scaled creature with wings, more often the personification of the forces of darkness and evil;
  • eastern - this snake-like character without wings is a symbol of four elements, it happens both evil and kind.

Dragon tattoos are distinguished by a huge variety of variant solutions in color and form, background design.

The main value of the tattoo is nobility, independence, power, power, witchcraft, communications with the surrounding world. A concrete image of the dragon characterizes the personal features of its owner. The best place to apply this tattoo is the back or blade that allow you to accommodate all the artistic design of the image, create a real art masterpiece.

An ambiguous is both a snake image that can have both positive and negative meaning. Since ancient times, the snake personifies wisdom, cunning, sometimes, cunning. Thanks to its ability to dump the skin, the snake is a symbol of revival and update, eternity.

In many cultures snake denotes fertility, also temptation and female power. On the one hand, the snake scares its appearance and hissing, and on the other hand-pulls its movements and mysteriousness. This creature has always caused respect and respectful attitude.

Since the ancient times, Panther was a totem animal from many nations, served as a symbol of masculinity and courage, as well as the maternal beginning. After all, Panther, though wild predator, but, as any representative of the Feline family, cares about his offspring, has a strongly developed maternal instinct.

In addition, the Panther's image on the female body denotes tenderness, devotion, femininity, willingness to bring himself sacrificing for loved ones.

The tattoo of the wolf or his head is suitable for strong, decisive and smart people and has a powerful energy. Girls appreciated the effectiveness of this tattoo and are not lagging behind men in terms of its application. Different images of the wolf carry and different meaning.

The spent wolf denotes loneliness or betrayal, the grinding beast serves as a sign of aggressiveness, ferocity, strength, and the wolf, depicted in a jump or on the run, testifies to the readiness to overcome any obstacles. The wolf serves as a symbol of a homely focus, loyalty to love and devotion to the family. Wolf waswolf indicates the presence of secrets from its owner.

As a rule, tattoos are performed by a circuit or only in one color, although it is often possible to meet colored tattoos using, red, yellow, brown and other shades. This year's bright images of cartoons of cartoons are popular.

The lion is the king of animals - serves as a symbol of power, strength, courage and pride, as well as purposefulness, insight and grace. Applying lion images on your body, girls hope that the main qualities of the animal will be sent to them.

Basically, representatives of weak gender prefer to apply images of a lioness, personifying devotion to the leader and family, motherhood.

Images lion symbolize not only the playfulness of character, but also the willingness to protect their offspring at any cost. The image of the fiercely grinding lioness testifies to the authority of the lady, her willingness to always defend their views and principles. Do not forget that where there would be no tattoo and no matter how it looked, the lion always remains a symbol of wisdom.

One of the fashion trends of this year is the tattoo of birds symbolizing freedom, inspiration, lightness, joy. As a rule, girls prefer the images of hummingbirds, swallows and owls, often birds are depicted in combination with a flower or pen. The image of the owl prefers reasonable person.

In modern girls, the image has a different meaning - from purity, wisdom, insight to mystery, darkness, the ability to penetrate things into the essence of things inaccessible to most people.

Zodiac signs

Tattoos for girls depicting the signs of the zodiac are designed to emphasize their individuality, as it is well known about the influence of the date of birth on the fate of a person.

You can use a stylized symbol of the zodiac sign or its corresponding artistic image, often in combinations with other images (elements, inscriptions, animals, colors, etc.).

dream Catcher

From time immemorial, the image "Catcher of Dreams" was a faith who defended the dreams of people from evil spirits. The catcher has a web, through which evil spirits or bad dreams are not able to penetrate the dreams of a person, his life and spoil her. Tattoo "Catcher of Dreams" is also a protective talisman from evil spirits, restless dreams.

Despite the fact that this tattoo can be stuffing in almost any part of the body, connoisseurs of culture and customs of American Indians recommend to make it on the shoulder or on the neck. The dreams are nascent in the head, so the charm needs to be located as close as possible to it.

A tattoo, like amulet himself, may contain various decorations (feathers, beads, etc.), that women in the soul. In addition, birds, animals can be depicted on the tattoo. Pretty popular and spectacular option is a flying bird that holds the talisman in the beak. At the same time, the ladies prefer small tattoo sizes. As a rule, they place the catcher around the neck.

Sun and moon

The sun is in many nations symbol of life, light, and the moon symbolizes the mystery, a riddle. Since ancient times, she was worshiped and considered the powerful deity, which can sometimes eclipse the sun itself.

Connected into a single whole, these signs with the opposite meaning denote the harmonious unity of the male and female began, the infinity of the universe and the universe.

This tattoo prefers people prone to philosophy, as well as romantic nature.

There are several different options for performing this picture:

  • between both luminais, some distance is preserved;
  • they can be a single whole;
  • one of the luminaries can absorb another.

Place for a hardware can be any part of the body. Women often place tattoo on the wrist, shin, hip, lower back, in the intimate zone.


Very popular images of the pen. These tattoos for girls look carefully and do not occupy a lot of space. Feather has always been a symbol of purity and ease. As a rule, the image of the pen is performed by one tint. With a great desire, you can make a pen with multi-colored.

The popular image of 2017 is a peacock feather, ideally suitable for creative natures. It symbolizes love for writing activities.


Butterfly - symbol of femininity, romanticity, trembling. Often, the butterfly symbolizes important events: marriage, childbirth, career achievements, etc.

In addition, the butterfly personifies sensuality and refinement.


The tattoo wings in girls means freedom: in actions, thoughts, life. At the same time, the owner of such a tattoos show that they are not deprived of coquetry and playfulness.

Quite often you can find wings in combination with a heart - a sign that the girl is looking for his love. But the broken heart is, on the contrary, a sign of disappointment in love or relationships.


Application of various patterns is a popular trend of modernity. The girls apply them, as a rule, to fingers, brushes, wrists, forearms and shoulders.

There are three varieties of patterns:

  • Slavic patterns (Various geometric shapes, points, crosses), which are a symbol of fertility and protecting evil spirits. They are considered the prerogative of girls and are designed to emphasize her commitment to mysticism or spirituality. As a rule, such patterns are applied to hand.
  • Celtic patterns It is called for emphasize the unity of a person with nature, his spirituality. Perhaps the most famous tattoo - "Celtic Cross" - symbolizes the Holy Trinity, but besides this, it means unity of the soul, body and mind.
  • Maori people decorated their bodies with ornaments with the image of geometric shapes, animals, lines of various configurations. With the help of a tattoo, according to their concepts, a connection was established with the other world. However, in our days, Maori patterns lost their ancient meaning and serve only the decoration of the body.


The crown shown as a tattoo indicates that the girl wants to be in the center of attention or take a high place in society. The crown shows authority and striving for power.

Anyway, the owner of the "Crown" knows exactly what she wants and what to achieve from life. The small crown on the neck or wrist testifies to the freedom and independence of the girl.

Most often, the masters are recommended to perform a tattoo in one color or combining 2-3 shades. The trend of this year is a crown with the inscription in Latin, which even more attracts interested views, including the opposite sex.


Anchor - a symbol of reliability, fortress and inflexibility - has more wider values. So, his vertical part means male origin and energy, and the female energy is represented by the Crescent.

Image options Anchors are a big set, there are very feminine options suitable for girls who value stability, reliability, trust and love. Anchor is designed to help in difficult life situations "stay afloat."

Girls are very popular with an anchor tattoo, made in Celtic motifs. Attractive and unusually looks anchor in combination with rope, flowers, heart.


You can apply tattoochai on any part of the body, but traditionally it is considered that the tattoo on the back, neck, shoulder or wrist is most successfully coping with tasks assigned to it. When choosing a tattoo charm, not only its appearance should be taken into account, but it is clearly understood what the point is laid in a tattoo, who exactly is suitable.

To women's tattoo, observes include:

  • symbols of Slavs (Lada Star, Switwitch, Ladynets), designed to protect women, their children, give them beauty, health, happiness and possessing powerful energy;
  • pictures of Indian tribesThe most popular belongs to the dreams of dreams, the feather of Eagle, Kokopelly;
  • buddhist overallsAlways very sophisticated and mysterious. These include: image "Ohm", mandala, lotus;
  • ancient Egyptian left eye mountain;
  • scandinavian runes Have a lot of hidden values \u200b\u200band the help of a specialist needs to choose the most suitable mascot for yourself in accordance with the character, lifestyle and personal priorities.

Beautiful colored and black and white sketches of tattoos - ideas for tattoo girls. Photo

The ideas of the black and white tattoo shown in the photo are always in trend. They are considered a classic, emphasize the harmonious any female image. They prefer young women and young girls with clear looks to life.

Colored tattoos for girls look amazing and emphasized by the individuality of the owner. In recent years, they have pushed the black and white tattoo in popularity. Their wide abundance does not leave an indifferent almost one girl, which is why colorful drawings are often bangible on the bodies of fashionistas.

Tattoos for girls: video

Small tattoos for girls photo selection in a video clip:

Tattooed value, look in the video clip:

The application of tattoo in the field of buttocks is characteristic, mainly for a young contingent, as can be seen in the photo. Despite the fact that the image in this part of the body is applied both guys and girls, this type of tattoo is considered to be greater than women than men.

Tattoo in the field of buttocks in men is often associated with unconventional sexual orientation. In places of imprisonment, there is even a practice of violent application of such a tattoo, so guys who want to make tattoos on the buttock are recommended to choose abstract images with the gripping area of \u200b\u200bthe back and legs. In this case, the buttocks will only be part of the "canvas" and the tattoo will not carry a homosexual subtext.

It is interesting! The psychologist Louise Hai claims that subconscious buttocks are perceived by a person as a symbol of power, sexuality, temptation. Tattoo application in this area speaks of a person's desire to control the events that take place, to understand the actions performed, follow what is happening with his loved ones or money.

The arrangement of the tattoo plays a very important role, since it is properly chosen in the face and harmonious on the body will help advantageously emphasize the advantages of the figure or hide the existing shortcomings. You can choose a small neat drawing and arrange it in the central part of the buttock, you can apply an image with a complex composition, placing it from the buttock to the hip or from the back to the buttock. Some choose the location of the pattern directly under the buttocks.

Topics Tattoo images on the buttock

Tattoo in the field of buttocks is distributed to a greater extent among representatives of weak genderTherefore, the topics, as can be seen in the photo, in the drawings of the corresponding: various floral compositions, animals, birds, butterflies, abstract patterns, inscriptions. Men apply bulk images with deployed plot lines, placing them with the capture of the back of the back or legs.

The favorite theme of the fair sex representatives are all sorts of plants. Gentle lilies, irises, baskets, aristocratic roses as it is impossible to emphasize the tender sophisticated female body. It is possible to compose the drawing in different ways, so, depending on the layout of colors, buds and curly stems, you can visually increase or decrease the volume of the buttocks, give them more elastic species. Details of the tattoo on the buttock, coming on their feet or the area of \u200b\u200bthe back capable of visually narrowing the waist or make hips slimmer.

Animals are also selected as a tattoo quite often, it can be cute kittens, rabbits or graceful panthers, foxes, dragons, modest swallows or handsome peacocks. Many people like to make an image in the style of "New School", which is characteristic of colorful bright drawings in the style of comics, manga, cartoons, someone, on the contrary, prefers realistic image style when the drawing has practically comes to life on the skin.

Tattoos lettering and abstract patterns in the field of buttocks

A fairly common type of tattoo is the inscriptions. Philosophical saying with deep meaning will look at the buttocks inappropriate, so they are better to have it on hand, shoulders, neck, wrists. The inscription selected as a tattoo on the buttock should be light, playful, flirty to harmoniously combine with its location.

Abstract motifs are an excellent tattoo option and look great on any parts of the body, including in the field of buttocks. Since it is a predominant female tattoo, the patterns used as an image should be light, beautiful, elegant. The harmonious location of such a tattoo will emphasize the sophisticated and tender features of the virgin body.

Weapon in tattoos on the buttock

The drawing on the buttock is, in fact, the female variety of tattoos, however, the images applied to the body are often completely not female. So, the images of revolvers are particularly popular among the beautiful half of humanity. This choice is not accidental, it carries a hidden subtext. A gun that is blossoming on the female body says about the Bunlet Moral and the playful flirtal character of his ownerIntroducing such an image to the buttocks, the girl thereby talks about his love for dangerous games.

Important! Wanting to make a tattoo with a weapon, it is necessary to find a professional master, which is realistic and qualitatively applies to the image. Otherwise, an unsuccessful drawing will look ridiculous.

What you need to consider when applying a tattoo in the field of buttocks

  1. The tattoo on the buttocks is able to adjust the shape of the body and emphasize the advantages of the figure, but the tattoo does not hide the uneven surface of the skin, but only emphasizes the shortcomings.
  2. The tattoo in the field of buttocks is applied relatively painless due to the large layer of subcutaneous fiber in this part of the body.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe buttock is subject to age-related changes that are accompanied by accusation of the skin and changing the contours of the body, so by making a tattoo in this zone, it is necessary to monitor the figure, not allowing the weight gain and the loss of the leather turgora.
  4. The tattoo located in the zone of the buttocks is not done for universal ferris, but exclusively for himself and the closest person, who will have to see her, so it is worth discussing the idea of \u200b\u200ba picture with a loved one in order to avoid possible misunderstanding on his part

Those who wish to make a tattoo in the field of buttocks often doubt and be afraid of undesirable consequences, so the master is not solved for a long time, however, thoroughly thinking the idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing, its location and execution technique should not be doubted that the tattoo will be bright and high-quality.

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