Ideas for the workmanship. More robustly than a booth. Photos of stylish and modern ideas. Order in a computer save an hour

Only, there are no styles of post, there are some additional photos for natchnennya. Today I want to make the post itself, with joy, and with a dose of photo inspiration. Ideas for private use without prior photographs to the design of the workmanship, and in part by absolute discretion. Well, as well as my worlds about the vlast office: D Of course, these ideas are not just for the office (do not marvel at the heading), but are insured on the working place in the office of the company, in the course of the work.

  • Nipershy i finish banal glad - photo. A family, close and vikhovants, or just an unknowable motto, as if there will be a quiet eye and a light eye, look at the mood. And we’re not smart enough - not to give a robotic routine to transform us into a robot, but in the worst case - such a Decepticon or a terminator, like a robot, embittered by the whole world. Tom, hi live photos of children and kittens* Shushushu-musushu *
  • I do not want to take photos, because you don’t want to visit relatives and loved ones, well, if you have n For the other reasons, the photographs can be easily substituted by garnishing little ones, artistic paintings, or simply - by links to the magazine in the frame, or by prepared quotes. Golovne, the very image of the eye was pleasing, and in the ideal - it was included in the decorated office, as soon as it’s about your vlast office, coworking, and if you’re going to take everything on your own investigation - in the form of photographs kids until the cabinet situation rises.
  • Live the apartment. The stench is more beautiful than the dead. Especially, albeit I'm not a fan of the latest quotes, I should be better served by minivans and highlanders with live Trojans. Start a couple of your own, and the stench will be of life, flowers and smell, and at the sight of your old relatives, the stench will not die on your eyes (if you will water it all the time, you are awesome), I will not insist. And on the picture below - a couple of vases with corpses.

  • Marker board with buttons for visualization of buildings. Tse yak school board, only from wood or corks (like from me), or any material, you can use small heads, hairpins and stationery buttons (for example, stickers and scotch). This option is especially important for creative professionals. To create space for organizing, these little boards can be used as a real music. So you will look at the beauty of the accumulated beauty, and you will feel it ... Well, for me, for everyone - so =)
  • Beautiful books, as well as a lot of books, as well as vertical tools for working folders. Folders are more expensive for those who are quiet, who have a lot of files and documents in their work process. And for creative people, for whom a book is a handyman and a costly order, you can know garnishes and handcrafts, and smut - stylish, separate boxes for books.
  • Loved the memory of the rich, with which they were tied to accept the help. Tsei element of decorating the work desk can also help to create a relaxed atmosphere in the perimeter of your workstation. As far as you have, it’s definitely a wicked smile, you have a smile on your work table, well, if you can carry this thing with you in your chisinau, as if you can’t get rid of it again.

  • A jar of yaskravimi zukerki or dragee. Surely, for the sake of the presence of your non-manager colleagues and other villains, who love the cravings of other people's cookies, and also, for a given moment, do not spend too much time on the day. In general, a great jar can be reminiscent of high-color plastic or jar paper bags, a clean, portable office and so far. The key here is the color mix. Rainbow overflows will help to improve the mood.
  • Garniy lighting fixture. Singingly, everything has been transferred to your working office, but I think you won't be asked to bring your own special small lamp that will fit into your powerful mini-design of the working space. You can, do not wait for the prizes to be victorious - for illumination. In our situation, yogo vision of the mission - create the atmosphere, go to see #working weekdays They delivered the deyakiy zadovolennya, well, if you like, they didn’t go through the mood.

And you have some ideas that have been incorporated into your life? Follow me

Pratsyuvati at home is a world of great happy people. We are allowed to navigate if we want one day for a day, we are allowed to walk around the house, we cannot allow ourselves to do so much. And yet, how have you already become a happy freelancer or have you zoomed out the working hour at the office and at home?

Frequent troubles and persistent allowances can lead us into a plan in our life. If you have settled down for a productive day, you have stocked up on tea and loves to eat, you can hardly find a trip without a suitable mission for the robot. Oblastuvaty povnotsinny office or the main office can not be allowed to all. It is important to know the surroundings of the room, in which there is no way you can be boturbuvati. And the axis of covering your own special coils in one of the rooms in the apartment, the road is even small, is quite real. Practical ideas are conveyed to you and a real photo of a workmanship, possessed right at home.

A shorter one for two

Robocheme in okremiy kimnati

At some apartments, there are still rooms, in which you can have a large home office. Don't be so small, if there are still walls and doors to hijack you through the buzzing noises and to help you grow up on the road. A special cabinet is not just a style with a computer. Outskirts are often needed for a team to engage in handicrafts.

A good idea: have a room so that everything is necessary for a robot, for example, water and a printer. As the main thing, then transfer all the necessary tools. If you are at home office, then give me a tip about all the necessary technology. So you will not be allowed to see the work process through the need to bring something from the kitchen or a comorie.

A robocly m_sce at the university room: nothing interesting!
The spacious office in the okremiy kimnati
Home office for two in a classic style

An office in an environs of a room To create the impression of a good working atmosphere, to visit if you are in a house of no one. Okremі zones for work and advice to help you get the balance between the robot and the family. And why, how much do you have a lot of opportunities to see in a special place for a loved one? Hurry up and make a cabinet in some of the rooms, for example, in the bedrooms!

Robocheme in dormitory room

Unsatisfactory decision, altogether accepted, if you are in the middle of an hour of robots and a result. Pratsyuvati lying in a lazka - slyly, temptingly, you don’t want to make it up to a productive hour. If you work at home regularly, then, better for everything, you will know good style with a wide style and ample space for a laptop, a monitor (and two), a system for collecting documents and materials for a handicraftsman. A robust place in the bedroom will be smart, if you envelop him with your love, comfortable speeches and pick up about good styles or crystals. Pratsyuvati are sitting on the sofa at a low coffee table - not finding an idea for quiet, who wants to make money out of business, and not just play at home.

For the designated functional areas, try roztashuvati monitor so that it is standing with the back of the seat to the sled. It is also possible to smooth out the light from the screen, which is relevant, as long as there is still life in the room. How is it possible to roztashuvaty work in a bedroom room? If it’s possible, it’s better to put the style on the screen, otherwise, it’s dull light on the back of you. Another vykhіd - emerge just from the work zone and the book. You can also help to create a better plan and create the atmosphere of the cabinet.

Robochet mіsce in the bedroom bіlya vіkna
A more robust place in a spacious bedroom
Quiet working zone

Robochet mіsce vіtalnі

Oblastuvaty work in a better way at the virtual - the price, the best solution for small apartments. Here you’ll see a little bit that doesn’t suffer from the pre-installation at the table, style and small shafoks or shelves. What better way to use your mini-cabinet? Vibrate an easy place, in a room, far from the door. So, go through the members of these and create a minimum transition for you.

Idea: put a style sheet for the side or back of the sofa, as it stands in the middle of the room. There is a wonderful opportunity to divide the space with the minimum space of square meters. Bagato vіtalnі seogodnі poslednanі whaf-coupe. Such a simple piece of furniture can be a wonderful workmanship in the living room. You can connect one of the sections, having displaced a small console table there, provided the necessary livelihood for the technology. Give a small, more beautiful folds, style and enjoy the mini-version of the cabinet, in which there is nothing like a robot!

Good organized work is more than a job at a virtual Working zone, which ideally fits into the style of the virtual
More compact workmanship, roztashovane in common zones

Vikoristovuєmo independent mission for cleaning a working mission

Do you think it is possible to organize a room only at the wall or in the spacious room? Nichogo good! Bottom of the way, there are non-standard images of quiet cuts, so you definitely won't get a zoosereditsya.

  • Comora. It’s not a big primacy, but it’s too small for a person who needs it, but it’s too big for an extravagant shafi, it’s wonderful to go to a home office. You need only doors or a curtain, so that you can see your eyes from your side. In the bedroom, in the kitchen or in the kitchen, it is possible to create a very robust place, if you will surely be noblemen, who are passing by, but you will not be able to get it right.

Cabinet, which is easy to hang behind the curtain
  • Nish in the wall. You have even been spared, as yours, you can find a small apartment, possessed by a niche one. Do not be, as long as the university is busy: with a compact space, there is a small table and a small table. And a place for a zberigannya can be organized on the police over your head.

Robocheme in nishі
  • Peredpok_y. In the primeval apartments, there are majestic frontlines, in which the space is very rational. At one stage, the chaf-coupe is shuffled, and the sieve is empty, and it’s not even quiet. I’m in front of you, a deaf coot, remember it wisely: put it in a smart way and send it to the office!
  • Misce before the gatherings. If I want this kind of option in apartments, I want to develop a little bit, but all one idea has the right to life. Zvychay in such places to have a lump, and why not bring in such a quiet area for consumption?

More robustly when going down - economy of space!
  • Balcony abo loggia. The moment in the booth is now more and more common in the living area. You have already insulated the balcony and the loggia, and you know that it will be comfortable to spend an hour there, why not create a robotic cuckoo there, similar to a special room, a little, ale your own? On the upcoming photos, you can shake up a little bit of ideas of an unwavering rooting of a working office at home.

More robustly the place behind the scaly partition
Cabinet directly in the shafi Cabinet in the dressing room

Roboche mіsce bіlya vіkna

This is an ideal option, which allows you to enjoy beautiful svitanki and visits, as well as vikoristovuvat to the maximum of natural light. Wonder at the window, you can wonder and give way to your eyes, alternately wonder at the monitor and in the distance.

In addition, for organizing the workmanship, it is not necessary to set an edge to the style: just expand the window, and again the field for efficiency with a hand-made style is ready!

Artist's working style
Comfortable working place on the front door
Space kutoviy misce for robots

I plan to competently organize the work table

The lock of productive robots and cleanliness in thoughts is a comfortable place, relieved by volatile speeches. To that beastly respect for organizing the work table. What is the best loan? Why are there no objects that are unlikely to become robots in the next hour? Suggest about the abundance of miscellaneous items: the porters and folders are not guilty for themselves to settle on the table. Introduce the police to the police or buy a computer style with ready-made boxes and police.

It's good: the printer and the great technology did not occupy the space on the table, move them to the police over the table. Forget it, hello b i ni?

Organization of a compact workstation Zoni zberigannya vineseni in the upper police
The staff of the upper police station rozvantazhutsya work steel

Yak can be embellished more robustly?

Here you can talk to your kind of business. Yak vi spend the main part of the day? Who are you nadikhaє? Tim, hto love to be able to do it with your own hands, to stand in the middle of the mini-boxes, hanging boxes and special systems, to help trim in the order of valves, beads, threads, accessories and tools.

A universal option for embellishing a workmanship is a visualization board, which can be remembered with photographs, displayed from magazines, special little ones and writing, as it will motivate you for productive activity.

More robust than a handicraftsman
More robust pastel shades
Thematic design of the working mission

Photo of a working mission

Let this photo of a working mission push you to the end of your comfortable home office, as if day after day I will help you to create new things!

It is not important, de vie pratsyuєte - at home or in the office, importantly, as it is shaved off the place, for which you spend most of your life. To organize it, it is necessary to competently and beautifully, in good quality, and in the productivity of the boule at the height.

Temperature in the vicinity

Add a thermometer to the handheld with your working hand, and more beautifully, to know the wall clock with a thermometer. Such є at IKEA. Also, the temperature in the room was trimmed at 22 degrees Celsius. The most comfortable mode for a productive robot. It will be colder - you can get cold, more specter - you can adjust the pace of the robot.

noise isolation

There are a few simple ways to get rid of all kinds of noise. You can get a special architectural glass for glass and carefully stick it on the window. Before that, there was a mechanical movement of the slope, the warmth and the sinking, taking over from the straight sleepy exchanges. You can change the curtains, sewn from the solid materials. The stench doesn’t just muffle sounds; If you cannot minimize the space, trim the noise-insulating headphones on the working machine.


STINS STIN, more beautifully before trimming the universal lights of the seen. Bilium, beige, color of a bright scale, and visually increase the space and visualize the natural light from the window. Yaskravі vіdtіnki more beautiful than vicoristovuvati in dіbnitsy (wall lamps, teddy bear, a box for paper). When choosing kits, take care of your goals. Need to know the stress? Blacky will help you to calm down. If you don’t vistacha forces and energy, choose chervonia. Horny will allow you to fit in with razdratuvannyam, aggression, self-reliance and anger. Zhovty to freshen up the head, and orange to move the self-assessment and entusiasm.


The head rule is some hard surfaces. I don't have a lot of power to get out of the office crystal, put a pillow on the glass. Bazhano nayavnist pіdlokіtnikіv: the stench gives in the hands, and that means weaken the back. The children were guilty of growing up so that they could get licks at 90 degrees. The height of the style needs to be regulated independently (the stiffness is parallel to the floor, the feet are on the floor, the hands are on the height of the table), so the height of the back and the back and the cut must be done. Problems from across can be unique, as if to add a pillow across the pillow, or to admit it, as it creeps onto the stile.


Vibir table to lay down according to the type of your robot. You spend the whole hour at the computer, but maybe it’s a small size. Just go to the robot with the paper and on the computer, you will be at the table at the letter L or U. Anyway, do not choose a great style, so you don’t have to focus on the space. Hang the table from your bed. Importantly, in a seated position, the table was close to 20 centimeters. As for materials, the stench can be shattered from the laminate (if you choose the quality), metal (the best) and wood (the most affordable).


It is important to combine nature, stele (or nastinne) and wall illumination. Good, if the wall lamp is regulated according to the world of light and light. Choose light bulbs: the most economical and ecological option, but not overexert the eyes. Place the lamp on the steel in the left-handed state of the one who is right-handed (lamp - evil) or left-handed (lamp - right-handed). Stellove is guilty of roztashovuvatisya right above the workmanship. I’m not guilty of an additional role, so I’m not guilty, but I’m not guilty.


The appearance of a window is a good idea to be recognized at first. In those vipadas, I will create the atmosphere by hand. Organize your personal mood board on the wall above your computer. For a whole lot of traditional corks, or written by kreyda. And you can hang the cornices with the slips and hang on them because of the motivation of the fool, the love of the photograph or the office attachment. Have fun with the gloomy office decor on the corny stapler at the rabbit's viewer, forged lamps, sheepskin style pillows, ergonomic organizers for wires and textile boxes for documents.

zberigannya system

It is possible to substitute the same type of shaf with archives by vikoristovuvati trees drabini with wide gatherings. As far as space is not enough, add the walls: increase the size of the eyes of the mini-shelves and distribute the documents you need in beautiful folders on them. You can pick up the cornice over the table (about which we were already talking about), the housekeeper, if it were, if there were some vasniks with slacks - hang knives on them, dirocol and everything else. A vidminny mice for the selection of the type of scrapbooks, stickers and olives can be a wood box for embellishment.


For a cob, you can find it for an hour or so. Naybilsh nevibaglivi quiti - phylodendron, spathiphyllum, dracaena, croton, petunia. Then you can take a few pennies and you can vitrate to your greenhouse. A vidminny budgetary option is a small garden with herbs (mint, lavender, rosemary, thyme). And do not forget to ask your colleagues to water your growth before the hour of the start-up.

Would you know a place for a home office in a small apartment? De and yak yogo organizuvati? We prepared a lot of tsikavih ideas and cinnamon pleasures for quiet, hto pratsyuє at home.

In front of the owners of small apartments, catering for organizing the space is waiting for guests. Especially, on the right, there is a working mission, which is not just a sight to see the space. And you can't do without such a zone for an hour - there is a need to take care of the robot at home, and do not go out to the apartment. So, why should you put a computer on, and how can you handle the empowerment of the cabinet?

1. At the codend

Often kuti go to sleep without respect, to navigate in small open spaces. And even the stink of great help, if you need to know a place for a compact working machine. Here you can put a kutovny table (fortunately, fortunate furniture vyrobniki proponyuyu viznomanitnі options), or vikoristovuvat substitute a new wood stylnitsu. This option allows you to have one more quietly in the apartment - outside the door, in the corridor or in the kitchen.

2. On a fresh note

More and more with the beauty of the brain. In the summer period, it is possible to practice on an open balcony, and a loggia is properly trimmed to allow productive practice in a cold season. At the apartments of the bungalows, the balcony is a vison, the role of a komori, here they store unused speeches, and they themselves are captivated by the corny space.

As soon as the cabin is going to be transferred to the balconies, it will be necessary to insulate it. Bazhano on the pidlogu bed a soft kilimok, and the mice itself possesses dodatkovy vidkrytym polichki. Furniture for such a spaciousness is guilty of being compact, but for a clean people - it is handy. As far as the edge of a computer is not needed anymore, then the work can be done in a minimalist style.

3. On pidvіkonnі

As long as the balcony does not enter, it’s worth noting to the door. In the first place, the work will be reminiscent of natural light. As long as it is necessary to expand the number of working machines, then it is possible to develop as an advanced stage and to have a small plastic wall.

In order for it to be done by hand in the dark hour to finish it, it is necessary to install a set of adjustable height and position lights on the wall. Naybilsh is clearly such a version of a viglyad in the Scandinavian Inter'er.

4. Shafi

Lovers of extraordinary solutions are humbly vouchsafed a robust mice, possessed right in the shafi. So it is possible to build a bulky piece of furniture, which is located in the slump as a grandmother, it can become an important reference for a quiet, hto pratsyu home.

The inner part of the shafi is more beautiful than re-possessing for his own consumption - making the organizers work, making me laugh at the feet, making the policewoman for the keyboard. Such a robust place will be relevant to see in any kind of interior, and especially the old shafu will fit into the vintage and Silk interior, and it will also be pre-river in the spaciousness, decorated in the style of Provence.

5. We have a komori

A working cabinet can be built in a blind space, as it can be built as a marnoy and visually, space. It is also very easy to have plasterboard shelves. The stench of the building will visually give the space of the wall, and if the stench will be more and more part of the wall, then it will visually expand the walls.

If you are on the right side of the economy of the corian area, then I will respect the animals for a small-sized meeting in the apartment. For example, in some donkeys, the system is properly organized, and the demand falls in comor. Won і can become an impromptu cabinet. True, here it is necessary to think carefully about the illumination. It’s also easy to own a small lamp with a soft, straight light on the wall.

6. Economy-options

As soon as there is little room in the apartment, there is not a lot of capacity to store ideas, then you can help with folding mini-offices. Most often the stench is a compact naval system, which, if necessary, can be reimagined in hand tables. The stench does not take a lot of time and go for quiet, hto work at a laptop.

It's our hour to show you sob roboche misce without a computer it is easy to finish. Practically, whether it’s the power of the day is so fast and easy to use for everyday gadgets and electronic add-ons. All the stench is visible to achieve minimalism and singularity. In a high-tech style, it is not easy to fit a computer into a technology.

Our hour of the robot is tidily intertwined with a bobot. Well, I’m taking care of the homework for a long time, I’m taking care of freelance. Є people who play by hand in a cafe or at home, are sitting on a sofa. But it’s all the more richly, but the mother’s will is stationary and steadily more robust, and everything is done until the right.

All booths, like and іkh masters, are even more іznі yak for style, and also for character. Have the tsiy statty you know about those how organically I am working on the zone in the vicinity of the new stylistic areas ... There are a few simple pleasures to help you grow more robustly more versatile, more responsive and functional.

1. Vicorize your Walls

The workstyle is the most frequently used to shrink the wall. Bring the space around your monitor. Get a pack of cute buttons, black glue and double-sided tape.

Porada: For the help of a simple clerical attachment, you can manually create notes, graphics, nagaduvannya, leaflets and important speeches for you. I don’t worry about being stini. As a matter of fact, with a computer to stand on a whole mission of 5 years and the nearest hour, you didn’t think about his change - better for everything, then you’ll get lost. To that small open from the buttons will be absolutely natural in the whole zone.


2. Merezhivna palette

If you are still afraid of the first option, do this rank: know the type of fabric that is easy to use, based on the size of your working zone above the table. Starch the fabric and hang horizontally. Now you can fix it on the wall. You have a free little board. Now, for the help of sewing heads, attach all the leaflets and locks you need to it. The effect is the same, but it’s worthless. Plus - to add a touch of zhіnochnostі in a strict working atmosphere.


3. Slate board

You can also hover over the work table. You can do it like that, so you can do it yourself. For a whole lot of mothers, a sheet of plywood and a special farbum with an effective lead - all are sold in the wake-up shop.

Porada: A slate board can serve as a basis for attaching notes behind additional buttons, as well as a notepad - to write in a new lettering, to write and write again. It delivers superb satisfaction.


4. Hang the shelves

Above the working table, you can also hang one or more policemen. Good, if the stench will be exactly in tune with the table at the color, or navpaki - it will radically change. Police can be mothers like an internal mount, so they are decorative, decorative. Here, vibir for you, rob yo, go out to the style of your room.


5. Create shelves

For additional recruitment of modules, you can select an elementary, or even a hand, design around the table. You can choose to see the policemen and the shelves with chairs for your own investigation. As soon as your work zone is a lot of fun for saving, tell me about those that are important and necessary to use decor.

Porada: Put on a leather policeman some kind of garnishing object, a statuette, a special box, or a housekeeper with a sheet of upholstery. Tse bring in yaskravostі and chew kuchivat.


6. Pick up furniture organizers

Bagato virobnikiv propose flexible options for organizers. It is especially important to see the same ones at a time. To memorize them for the same principle, as well as racks - they are filled with decorative elements.


7. Create special archives

With good and special pedantry, it is possible to master the archives. All the boxes, folders, boxes, icons in one color range, create a sense of thoughtfulness and juvenile accuracy in the area of ​​the workmanship. All wisps for quickness can be provided with labels and signatures.


8. Refine yourself with quotes

As long as you love green roses, the whole way is for you. Organize a place for housekeepers near the work table. There may be shelves, pidvikonnya, the very top of the table, hinged constructions or podlogovy vlasniki. We will calm your little pieces, and if you will, we will sour.

Porada: Smile - quilt for the tim, for all the greenery that has been planted in the beginning of the sleepy warmth and light. Don't forget about watering.


9. Shafa for stationery

It’s not enough for the table to be enough for you to take the necessary speeches;

Porada: Framed the steel at the window with bright curtains, which by themselves brought up a working place from the zone of the zberigannya. Behind the textiles, to the word, it is possible to get into the distance not even more aesthetic transitions to those darts. A small bouquet of quotes will help you to take the badger out of your spirit, like a robot would be important.


10. Write here, read - there

The great primitive can have two tables at once for the robot. One, with a computer, you can put a wall bar. And the other, written - in the center of the room. So you can open the space and you can plan for the right hour. In addition, now you will definitely not sit at the computer for a whole day - you can go to the paper robot and change it for the same style. It’s even more manual - everything is done by hand and you don’t need to constantly minify the documents and keyboard.


11. Mirror view

If there is less space, if you don't want it, use two in one: a working glass and a dressing table. See the small boxes for similar items, and on the wall behind the monitor attach a mirror in a garniture frame. Now you will have 1000 more possibilities to marvel at the mirror.


The axis is so awkward. Practically all the stinks do not make great investments, but you can use a modest budget and you can make all the difference. The robot is guilty of bringing satisfaction. And tsyogo nabagato easier to covet, as the very atmosphere of tsyogo same spriyaє.

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

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