Message about white color. What does white mean? Who likes him

Elimination of light. Good, peace, life, good, truth - bright concepts for each person, are invariably associated with white color. But the care of the world is different symbolized by white. For many nations of the East, it is white as a mourning color.

Power light may increase, it features light from darkness. The light from the light bulb is greater than the light from the candle; Light from the searchlight is greater than the light from the light bulb; The light from hundreds of spotlights is even more, but the light of the sun will exceed it. But the sunlight is also not the limit: the light from the stars exceeds the radiance of the sun. And so indefinitely.

White omnipresent: White flour from which bread bake, and the bread is always a special attitude, salt is an integral product on the table, as well as an ancient symbol. White snow, covering the earth, as if he clears it from the past. White clothes put on baptism. Transparency and weightlessness of clouds floating in Besleless Sky. Angels are connected in our consciousness solely with white color.

Absolute, something perfect, beyond, unknown is as associated with white. In white concluded mystery. White spots on the map, in history or science - unexplored places, phenomena and events. White coldness fascinates and scares at the same time.

White color personifies transparency. Transparent difficult to portray, it is invisible to human eye, so white color is a compacted form of invisible - air, space, emptiness.

A man with any lighting sees the white object as a white, the brain automatically carries out a correction. The absolute whiteness is blinding, and the pure white is perceived by the eye as the brightest.

White also a sign of equality, all colors are collected in it and no one dominates.

Psychologically white color works not always the same - on the one hand on white color our emotions rest, we calm down, relax. White color brings joy and pacification. On the other hand, when white color prevails, the surrounding space is perceived as sterile, empty, non-residential, cold.

How white sounds

Vasily Kandinsky developed the theory, according to which each color, line, geometric shape can cause a person a variety of associations.

"... White color acts on our psyche, like a great silence, which is absolutely absolutely. Internally, it sounds like not-sound, which quite exactly matches some pauses in music ... This is not dead, it is full of opportunities. White color sounds like silence that can be suddenly clear. "

White is nothing that young people, or even more accurately, is nothing short, before the birth of existence. So, earth can be sounded during the ice age.

What is the taste of white

With the word white connected many familiar products: white bread, white mushrooms, white chocolate, white wine. "White" does not necessarily indicate the color of the product itself, it often talks about a special origin, like a quality mark. White food is available, safe and does not in doubt in its edible. Filed by milk mother, each of us subconsciously distributes this color as a source of life, the beginning began.

Sugar is white, it may well seem that the taste of white sweet. Confectionery cream on cake and ice cream flub, whipped cream and sugar-sprinkled cakes and coconut cakes, grazing and marshmallow, Nougat - truly white kingdom of sweets.

But the salt is also white, then what is the taste of white - salty? There are still white onions and garlic, white radish, white pepper and ginger - by no means a sweet taste.

Milk and sour cream is also white, eggs, flour, pasta, rice, potatoes, white fish varieties, white poultry meat and much more.

So is there a white taste? Or his taste is multifaceted and rich in the same way as daylight, which highlights the whole color of the spectrum? Or the white does not have one's own taste at all, how does not have his pure spring water, transparent and fresh?

One blind outflow asked in moay: "What color is milk?"

Smear said: "Milk color is like white paper."

The blind asked: "And what, this color is also rustling at hand, like paper?"

Smear said: "No, he is white, like white flour."

Blind asked: "And what, he is the same soft and bulk like flour?"

Smear said: "No, he is just white, like a hare-white."

Blind asked: "What, he fluffy and soft, like a hare?"

Smear said: "No, white color is exactly like snow."

Blind asked: "What, he is cold, like snow?"

And how many examples of the sketch, neither spoke, could not understand what the white color of milk could not understand.

L.N. Tolstoy. "Blind and milk."


One of the beauty recipes Cleopatra is a dairy bath. To prepare it, it is necessary to dissolve a small cup of honey in a liter of hot (not boiled) milk and pour the resulting mixture into a bath with water. The water temperature must be 36-37 C as body temperature. Taking a bath should be 10-15 minutes. After such a bath, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

Cleopatra used many masks, for example: white clay mask. Mix 1 st a spoonful of white clay (oatmeal of wheat flour), 1 vz spoon sour cream and 1 st alcohol honey. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and leave for 20 minutes, after that wash off with water. Mask perfectly cleans and whitens. White clay also use to strengthen dry, brittle and weakened hair.

White color has many shades, like any other. We have a tendency to see white as simple white, but if you look at, you can quickly learn to distinguish its shades.

There is no such person who would not come up whiteThe main thing is to choose to choose its shade in accordance with your color and temperature. .

White in clothes for different color colors

White Cold Colorist

Clean white is a cold tint. Also, all the shades of white, having a bluish subtock, are cold.
A clean bright shade of white will suit people with cold color and clean (non-muted) paints.
Such a ringing bright shade can decorate only people with cold and clean natural paints, mainly with light skin and quite strong contrast. This color is especially suitable for representatives of a cold bright color of the bright color (cold dark brown and very light skin / brunettes with bright eyes and very light skin), as well as deep-colored representatives with high contrast in lightness (cold dark browns / brunettes with dark eyes and very pale leather).
Pure-white color
A pure and white color without impurities is also cold, so the most suitable people with cold color and also clean paints.
Other Cold White Shades
Bully and grayish white-colored shades will also be complimentary in relation to cold colors.
Muted cold shades of white
Soft Cold Tint (Off-White), Linen White, Team Egg Shell, etc. It is best combined with appearance with cold and muted paints. But even on people with warm color, such a white will look better than his clean and bright shade, so if you are not sure which white one can choose, then be careful with a very clean bright white color, but its muffled shade will be more safe choice in this case.

Neutral white

The color of the extract can be considered neutral by temperature. It is such a color that has an unpainted flax or cotton. The name itself comes from the French ÉCRU, which means "unprocessed, unnecessary."

This is a grayish yellow shade of white. Ecrew looks colder, if gray is stronger than, and warm - if the yellow subtow dominates. In any case, we can wear it to people with any temperature, but it is important to remember that this shade is quite muffled.

White for warm color

All shades of white, having a yellowish subtock, are warm, so fit people with warm colors.
Ivory color (Ivory)
This is an excellent alternative to white, if you have a pronounced warm temperature of paint appearance.
It can be as cleaner, bright, which will decorate the holders of pure warm colors, and more muted, with a more pronounced yellowish subtock, suitable for soft warm color.
Cream (or creamy) - very gentle and beautiful color with a pronounced warm temperature. Therefore, it is recommended for people with warm color.
This color is a white shade with an admixture of beige with a noticeable yellow subtock ().
It may well make a good alternative to white, as it is also a light neutral ().

Cream has a more muted shade - vanilla.

Ox color
White shade with an admixture of brown is called oatmeal. It will also suit the winners of warm color.

How to pick up white color in clothes

The surest way to find your perfect white is to pick it up under the proteins of your eyes.
Stand in front of the mirror (at home or in a shop with good lighting) and attach white clothes, paying attention first to the eye proteins.
If white color is chosen correctly, the proteins will seem more whiter. Incorrectly chosen white color will make them yellowish or some other unhealthy shade.
Also, the "right" white will give your skin more even tone, minimizes the shadows and circles under the eyes, make the skin and eyes shine.

I hope these little tricks will help you. find your perfect white color.

White clothes are probably in the wardrobe of every woman. A blouse is almost indispensable in a business style, a light skirt will add a festive note in everyday life. In addition, it is easy to choose combinations. But it is not as simple color as it may seem. There are different shades of white. And you need to be able to find the right, as well as blue, which will really imagine the advantages of the figure in the most advantageous light.

Since world fashion shows

In order not to make mistakes with the choice, it is recommended to determine your coloring, looking at the photo. Focus on it stands in the preparation of all the wardrobe. For example, cold white in clothing and. They generally do cold tones, whether it is white, blue or green.

Natural combinations of cold white

At the same time, pure white without any impurities can afford except "winter", in which the appearance is very contrasting.

"Summer" can already be lost, put on such pants and jacket, so it is worth paying attention to shades with an admixture of gray or blue. For example, it may be the color of the sea foam or an antique white, suitable milk and shade of the eggshell. In any case, pay attention to makeup.

Palette of white shades

White is able to emphasize the flaws of the skin. Therefore, if the skin is not flawless, it is worth separating the blouse, for example, a color, cervical handkerchief, accessories.

Traditionally, all the colors are white as the symbol of purity and innocence, are used in wedding clothes. Mass options: Dresses can be long and short, with a lush or narrow skirt, with a corset and without, a transparent fabric can be used for decoration.

Images from world fashion shows

What colors combines white

Combine white with other colors simply. It is not in vain is considered neutral. But what options will be the most harmonious?

Harmonious combination of white

Color combinations

The black

A similar combination can be considered classic. It is sufficiently strict, but light revives dark, so it is appropriate almost everywhere, which confirm the photo. And if the combination of a snow-white blouse with a dark skirt seems to be banal, you can wear black pants, the same top and light jacket.


Kits can be made by the same principle as in the case of black. They will also be quite restrained, so it is impossible to suit business meetings.

Blue, blue

Depending on its shade, images with different mood will turn out. Dark blue is appropriate in the office, especially if you wear a jacket with a skirt. Ultramarine and other bright colors will help create wonderful summer kits.

With blue


Like bright blue, decorate any summer kits. Pants or skirt especially beautifully look exactly with white riding, bringing thoughts about the sea.

With turquoise


A similar combination can look surprisingly elegant by adding depth image.

With green shades


The combination of white and red looks bright, but not defiant. Moreover, red can both skirt or blouse and individual accents in the form of shoes or clutch.

With red

Yellow and orange

The image is obtained very cheerful and positive, raising the mood, it is noticeable even in the photo. For summer, a transparent shirt is suitable with a saturated shade skirt.

With orange


White and pink together look no infantal. And you can wear both rich pink and pastel colors.

With Pink

Beige and brown

With beige

With brown

If you correctly combine kits and wear them, all the colors of white in clothes are able to decorate any girl. You should not believe myths that such shades decorate only very slender, young or dark beauties. It is only necessary to choose a suitable shade, and then it will be easy to create interesting summer or winter images.

10 amazing facts about the color of January 9th, 2013

All that is around us, what we touch what we feel the taste and smell, has a color. How do we see color? What color is the most favorite for most people in the world? Did you know that the universe also has a color

1. Color perception: technically, color does not exist

Color is created by our brain, when he is trying to understand the signals of the light obtained from the outside world. In other words, color - this is what exists in our head. Without this, our world is a monochrome place that more resembles the scene from the film "Matrix", filled with electromagnetic radiation of different intensity and wavelengths.

2. Men and women see red color

While women see burgundy, red-brown, crimson, men basically just see the red color without shades. As it turned out, such a difference is explained by genetically.

Scientists Arizona University found that the gene responsible for the perception of red color is in chromosome X. Since women have two chromosomes X, and men have only one, the weak floor perceives the whole range of red.

3. Silver color - the safest for the car

If you decide to buy a car and can not make a decision, what better, stop your choice by car silver.

Scientists University of Auckland In New Zealand, the connection between the color of the car and the risk of accidents was investigated, given the many other factors, such as age, gender, the use of seat belts and conditions on the road. As it turned out, silver cars less frequently became victims of accidentsSince they are better visible on the road and with dim light.

4. Pink color soothes nerves

Pink is considered mitigating color, which is often used in prisons and psychiatric institutions to calm those who come out of control. Pink color reduces hostility among prisoners as well reduces aggression and anxiety.

5. Blue - the most favorite color in the world

Blue is the most favorite color in the world. The second color, which people prefer most of all - purple. The survey conducted in 17 countries showed that about 40 percent of people on earth They consider blue on their favorite color. Purple color chose 14 percent of people in the world. The most unloved color in most countries is white.

6. Fear of colors is called chromophobia

Chromophobia or chromatophobia is a rare, persistent and irrational fear of certain colors. Some people have with this disorder arises strong reaction to certain shadesAnd others are trying to avoid some colors at all. They experience such symptoms as nausea, dizziness, difficulty breathing, a feeling of panic, an increased frequency of heart blows and blood pressure, anxiety, headache and trembling. Fombaths are treated with various methods of psychotherapy.

7. The taste of food depends on the color of the dishes

A recent study once again confirmed that the color of the dishes affects our taste perception. According to research hot chocolate seems to us tasty everything in orange cups.

Previously, scientists found out that cool colors, such as blue, are more suitable for drinks than, for example, red, and pink drinks are often perceived by us as sweet.

8. Color circle - the best way to navigate in colors

He was first invented by Isaac Newton and later improved by other experts. The color circle shows how basic colors are mixed, creating other distinct shades. Traditionally, the color circle consists of:

Basic colors (Red, Yellow, Blue)

Secondary colors (green, orange and purple), which are obtained when mixing the main colors

Auxiliary colors - Shades that are obtained when mixing basic colors with secondary color. These are such colors as blue-green, red-purple, yellow-orange.

The color circle helps us better understand how colors are associated with each other and which combinations create a harmonious combination.

9. Universe Color - Space Coffee Milk

Astronomers argue that the universe has a color and this color was named " space Coffee with Milk". In 2001, scientists from John Hopkins University averaged the colors of 200,000 galaxies and got a beige-white color.

10. Black and white - is it color or lack of color?

Are black and white flowers? This is one of the most controversial issues. If you ask the artist or child, then black is a color, and white is a lack of color. From a scientific point of view black is the lack of all colors, and white - mixing of all colors. When there is no light, everything becomes black. Sunlight is a white light that consists of all colors of the spectrum. An example of this is a rainbow. We cannot see the colors of sunlight, with the exception of atmospheric conditions under which the rays of light are refracted, creating a rainbow.

By the way, a few years ago, scientists have created material "Black Black" From carbon nanotubes, which absorbs 99 percent of ultraviolet, visible, infrared and far infrared light.

Despite the seeming simplicity and banality, white color is rich in a variety of shades. We all know that milk, wool, salt, rice and snow are called white, but are they the same color? Naturally, no! In white color, which is a phenomenon, lies deep symbolism. It is associated with purity. But why then the white dress can give a girlfriend a sloppy view? It's all about the details, or rather, in the accessories of the shade to cold or warm.

Cold shades of white color to recognize very simple. In them, whiteness gives blue, gray. Such a shade has snow, porcelain products, office paper. And the warm shades of white are cast by the yellow, the color of the shell, cream and ivory.

Stylists tips

The first thing to determine to every girl is its belonging to a specific one. If it is "winter" or "summer", then in clothes, preference is worth giving cold shades (snowy, smoky white, "white ghost"). Girls with spring "Spring" and "Autumn" stop should be done on warm shades. However, the correct combination of white shades suggests that contrasts of appearance will be taken into account. With light hair, leather and eyes white color will look clothless and boring. In this case, Pastel is the best solution. But the dim sky does not mean that clean white will be to face. Sometimes in such clothes, the girl becomes gray, inconspicuous. That is why in each case the "fitting" is necessary. While you do not wear white clothes, you can never confidently say if she goes to you. The only exception is the color of white sheep wool. Thanks to the dilution of white tone, the shade has a slightly yellowish tump, but it is possible to call it warm with stretch. That is why he will never come out of fashion. In general, experiment, and you will definitely find "your" white!

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