Photos in Loft style. Country or Loft House: What to choose and how to arrange? Technique and weapons

The house is a place where a person conducts 80% of his time, so it should be not only functional, but also have a pleasant and attractive appearance. There is a huge variety of styles that include as design of internal decoration and. And one of these are the directions of Loft and Country. They have unobtrusive, but attractive features of the interior, which makes the house not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

Loft House: Features

The very name of the style happened from the English word "loft", which means "attic" in translation. It originated somewhere in the 40s of the 20th century, when people first came the idea to use warehouses as a housing. Now the direction of Loft acquired completely new features and is radically different from the old "garage" type.

Loft-style house always has a facade, which, when considering from the front angle, is released by a rectangular geometric shape. But in the side of the side immediately it becomes clear that the structure itself has a rather large number of square beggars, protrusions and niches. Also this style is characterized by the asymmetric placement of the elements, that is, the windows of the second floor are not necessarily placed above the windows of the first.

Loft House
Interior Loft.

Such a somewhat chaotic position makes the building with original and interesting. In terms of finishing, natural materials are most often used, but the main thing is that there are their combinations. In such houses, it is intended to use various color and textured solutions. Their resonating combination creates the effect of scale and merging several stylistic directions.

In the interior decoration, the Loft style also has its own characteristics:

  • Absolute freedom. There are no practically no partitions inside the house - all functional zones are highlighted by color zoning, focusing light, etc.
  • "Factory" features. Pipes, rough plastering masonry, brick - all this is an integral part of the interior. If there is no possibility to use such materials, wallpapers that imitate them are selected.
  • Air and lightness. Especially in the style of Loft, high ceilings are valued and abundant illumination of each site of the premises.
  • Street accessories. Graffiti, road signs, signs, stickers and other items that can be found on the street - all this complements the style and makes it more expressive.

Graffiti in the Loft style interior
Loft houses facades

The Loft direction is suitable for creative, freedom-loving and dreamy people. They will be able to embody their dreams and give will will be their potential.

Country style house: Nuances and design principles

The house made in the country style has some similarities with a rustic farm. The name of this direction itself happened from the English "Country" (village, country). The facade of such a house is often performed from a coarse, rough stone in combination with wooden elements. In terms of external decor, the country style is very minimalized - its lightness and neglence and are the main decoration. We also look very original as wide terraces with many suitive plants and breaking through sprouts through the tile.

Country houses interiors
Loft houses interiors

In terms of interior, Country style house also has its own characteristics that allocate it among other design directions:

Naturalness in everything. Country does not allow the use of synthetic materials. During the arrangement of the premises, it is necessary to navigate only on natural products: stone, wood, natural wool and skins.

Simplicity - the key to success. For finishing, decorating and other internal decoration, it is necessary to use simple and several vintage elements. For example, thin paper wallpapers are suitable for the walls in a gentle beige, with a bare-eyed print in the form of flowers, and for the ceiling - ordinary whitewashes or plaster.

how to arrange a house in country style
Country houses facades

Warm warm. All elements of the interior must prevail warm and unobtrusive colors.

Compactness. Country style house can even be "clogged" with a large number of interior items. Many accessories, small rooms, massive furniture, overall lighting devices - all this will look very warm and cozy.

"Home" accessories. The main decorating elements of the country style are various tablecloths, carpets and napkins. Also very interesting in the frame of this style, homemade decor items look: embroidered towels, carved figurine tree. To highlight the decorations against the background of other furniture, you can arrange them on the fireplace, which, by the way, will be very relevant.

Our article will be useful on how to issue a living room design in a country house and in the apartment.

Country is a very calm and cozy designer direction. It is suitable for those who like to spend time in the home environment, read the book, tie some kind of warmer. In addition, he transmits some atmosphere of measured rustic life.

Loft is an interesting and unusual style that combines bohemity and underground. The designer direction - Loft consists in an individual approach to each room, covering both beggar conditions for living and luxurious. The first conditions with the help of the loft can be easily reincarnated in the latter.

Translated from the English Loft means space, unsuitable for life, in particular, is the attic or attic territories. And if more large-scale, these are single-storey buildings of factories and enterprises, while with high ceilings. Later, the latter became associated with an unusual urban direction.

The use of industrial premises under housing is the specificity of the loft. Large space for creativity, combination of coarse and sophisticated details - all this and much more lies in a grade and extraordinary style.

If you decide to recreate the style of Loft in the interior of your own apartment, I will first get acquainted, not only with the main points, but also study the history of its occurrence in order to understand all the specifics in general.

A bit of history

Loft appeared in the 50s of the last century. Namely, an economic coup in the United States began to occur, the cost of land began to grow, in connection with this, all the plants moved to the city.

And with the remaining industrial premises, bypassing as they could, quickly reissued them into budget housing and leased. Photo of fueling loft in the interior.

It became housing for beggars. The absence of dividing walls, even the ceiling itself, could be beams as it. The only convenience was the kitchen and a bathroom.

Such were the first decorated Loft territories. They could simply forget and leave on the pages of the US history, as affordable accommodation for the poor, if they did not fall to taste the arts of art, which turned the factory expanses to their own studios.

At the beginning of the artists lured the rental price, and they began to carry out their works there. Thanks to the large windows, a huge flow of light was received, and because there was no distinction from the walls, an incredible space was felt, and the factory structures were performed by decor elements.

The rudeness of the interior of the left factories in combination with artworks and Bohemia expressed that Loft, who was currently so popular. The specificity of the style is to use only the necessary objects of furniture without trifles, the principle, to do only by the smallest part of things.

Over time, the design in the style of Loft became elite, and this was no longer housing for beggars, but on the contrary, in the 60s in the United States, it became the most demanded among the secured sectors of society.

Loft and modernity

What is so attractive loft? And the fact that it does not make residential premises identical and similar. The choice of furniture, partitions - all this is already recognizable, although even taken from the most fashionable directions.

At the loft to all this, another approach, there are no boundaries for fantasies.


Will it be possible to recreate such a direction in the apartments of the city.

Let's try to figure out the existing stylistic features:

  • Huge not distinted expanses reaching up to 1000 sq.m;
  • High ceilings;
  • Large window frames;
  • Rude decoration in the surrounding surfaces:
  • Metal structures;
  • Few furniture items.

Modern loft is an empty and chic style. Experts can easily implement it. How? The necessary expanse of plants and coarse surfaces they replace the objects of the production arsenal and an unusual setting.

Planning and division into zones

Free zones are the concept of the loft. The ideal option is the territory that is entirely visible. Behind these borders are not visible bathroom, pantry, sometimes a bedroom.

The presence of a large amount of light and space is the main point, because of this furniture items should be in minimum quantities and is always placed near the walls, and on the contrary, away from them.

Everyone is hidden in the subsidies. They also need to pay attention to them. Because it is necessary to remove the unnecessary to not harm the created creative atmosphere.

Here there is an option of vertical zoning, i.e. Open floor. Below are the photos of Loft style.


The main material is:

  • Pipes;
  • Beams;
  • Bricks.

Enjoy the advantage of textured surfaces. For separation to zones, different materials are used.

"Causeing" rudeness, "unfavorant" finish creates the necessary atmosphere, where even the grandmother's chest will look like an equal with a luxurious sofa.

All sorts of heating or air conditioning pipes are "exposed to show." On the walls can be all, ranging from different posters and ending with the pictures of famous art creators.

Paul make a stone or wooden.

On the ceiling place beams or other decor elements, or paint everything into light tones.

On the windows hang blinds or leave everything as it is.

Furniture and decor elements

Highlights in relation to Loft style furniture:

  • Minimum set
  • Fashionable
  • Space between furniture and wall.

The most suitable vintage and the most fashionable furniture of designers.

Loft One of the first began to use plastic, leather and aluminum materials. Such a long time is familiar things like folding chairs or metal racks and many more appeared then along with Loft. Loft furniture does not provide headsets, wood shelves or bulky cabinets.

Furniture from antiques or today's days? Both options fit the main thing that it was luxurious and expressive.

Cuisine or Dining Room

Furniture rarities 50 - x g or kitchen equipment directions High - tech. The chromium coating of metal surfaces is also approved. Perfect if in the end you will have a certain restaurant or cafe.

In the dining room design in the style of Loft, they are also designated in a minimalist direction.

Living room

Loft style interior objects such as a soft sofa, a comfortable chair and other furniture will create the desired atmosphere, and the luxury will add artists.

Also do not forget about modern technique, without which the apartment in the Loft style can not do.


It happens separate or one of the studio zones. The partition can be a simple cabinet or chest.

Preference is given to a high bed of metal design. And of course there should be perfect order in the bedroom.

Bath and bathroom

Bath can be made in different ways. Difference is the subjects of plumbing. An ideal option is a gilded bath on the legs. If there are no vintage things, then make an emphasis on modern plumbing.

Decor elements

The interior of the Loft style room does not allow various little things, it is better to stop your choice on 1 - 2 large details.

An excellent option will be the presence of a fireplace. Loft curtains are used as a decor in the interior.

With the 2nd floor, the staircase also acts as a decor.

Loft in the apartment

Based on the basic principles of the loft, you can recreate semi-short and spacious premises with luxury and style. Country house is an excellent option for your fantasies.

Currently, the recognizable loft features are used in the design of apartments - textured walls, releaving raritet and the latest fashion trends.

As a result, combining seemingly incompatible leading to an unexpected result. Which is very popular now. Therefore, the apartment in the style of Loft will create quite simple.


Loft is suitable for absolutely all both rich and poor, both restaurant owners and nightclubs. But most often this is the choice of creative natures.

Stock Foto Interior design in loft style

A variety of styles in the interior, clothing and accessories can confuse anyone. Many of us are lost when unknown words and terms hear.

We are accustomed to certain standards, quite recently we were scared with such words as "High-Tech", "Shebbi-Shik", "Fusion" and "Loft", but now almost every one of us can say with confidence which style he would like See in your interior.

In our article we will pay attention loft style in the interior, the main concept of which is the minimum of partitions and the maximum of fresh air. " Loft is a concise and refined style, which combines such elements of the decor as a brick, metal, genuine leather, parquet and oil painting. Loft is magic of space and light, exclusive and uniqueness, a combination of retro-style and high-tech, as well as the ability to realize cherished desires.

Based on the concept of style, it becomes clear that it is most suitable for owners of apartments and houses with free layout, with high ceilings, large windows and lack of partitions. The presence of wooden beams and support pillars will give the room an additional charm and volume, help divide the room on the zones.
Fans of originality and freedom, artists and designers are people who appreciated this style and love him.

Advantage loft style in the interior It is its availability - minimum trim and furniture costs. Loft style premises do not imply the use of dear furniture and accessories.

To finish the ceilings in the Loft style, it is enough to apply a layer of plaster and paint it into white light, and inadequate and uneven walls and floors will only facilitate the process of decorating the room.

Loft kitchen

This style is very harmoniously combined with spacious premises with sufficient light, high ceilings and wooden beams. Using the Loft style when decorating the kitchen room will make it possible to create a cozy room that will not want to leave.

Using natural finishing materials- Tree, stone, brick will help break the room on the zones and create several functional sites.

When decoking premises with a small area, designers recommend using surfaces that imitate natural materials - brickwork, plaster, stone masonry.

The kitchen implies good artificial lighting - it is recommended to use a variety of lamps and point backlight, the shape and style of which you need to select based on the style of the room.

Kitchen furniture in style Loft must be laconic and functional, and its color palette is combined with a common palette of the room. The furniture should not be too cumbersome and bulk, the presence of a large number of open lockers and shelves is welcomed.

Loft Living Room

Loft living room room implies high ceilings and large, wide windows. Materials used for decor should be associated with warehouse or attic rooms, for this purpose, the materials on wood or concrete are best.

Special attention when creating a loft style living room must be given to furniture and decorative elements. The use of a leather sofa and a pair of seats of similar design, a few wooden or glass shelves, a coffee table made of dark wood, bright and interesting lamps, painting and large indoor plants in pots of natural materials, vintage figurines and watches, glass vases and lamps in shape flashlights.

When designing the Loft style, it is permissible combination of high-tech and vintage elements, Unusual color design. Traditional loft style colors are white, gray, beige and brown. In moderate ratios, the use of black, blue, silver and burgundy colors is permissible.

Loft style in the interior - Photo

To change luxury, pomp, and the abundance of decorations in the interior, modern styles came, which sometimes use unusual techniques and elements as a means of expressiveness. It would seem about what comfort can we talk in space from bare brick walls, wires or crossbars? But the design of the Loft style apartment is not in vain continues to gain popularity, proving its diversity, as well as variability. We selected projects - the proof of this!

1. Interior of a two-story apartment in Loft style

In this apartment there are two floors and three rooms. I can not even believe that it is intended for the bachelor's life of one bank employee, who inoperative time wants to relax and feel freedom. The classic loft, the birth in these principles, ideally came to create the desired atmosphere.

A project located in the LCD "West Kuntsevo" was engaged in designers from E-L-EMENT studio. The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is not so big - 84 sq.m., but the height of the ceilings, which varies from 2.5 to 5 m, allowed the authors to embody some interesting solutions in the interior.

As befits the loft - an open layout, including a combined living room, a kitchen, a dining room. The presence of high ceilings across the designers to create the second floor, which helped to separate the sleeping place from the rest of the zones without losing the sensation of space. Wooden curved staircase leads to this level.

A brickwork is used as a brickwork, which is balanced white panels. The interior looks sufficiently comfortable, mainly due to the abundance of wooden elements.

2. Flat in Loft style for young couple

The owners of this apartment initially knew that the Loft style was perfect for their personal space, only in a special interpretation. Designers from the JUICYHALL studio had to listen carefully to the desires of a young couple. As a result, a project was turned out with a unique aesthetics, which once again proves the importance of complete trust between the performer and the customer.

The Moscow apartment has a small area - 45 sq.m., but it turned out that with the right approach and this is quite enough for a comfortable life. Moreover, the initial layout was the reason for the introduction of an unusual idea - integrate the bathroom into the open space of the studio, which is common in the interiors of modern hotels.

Initially, designers were offered to stop at the classic interpretation of the loft, leaving concrete ceilings, as well as the brickwork of the walls. But customers insisted on a more decorative approach. As a result, the walls were white, concrete used for the ceiling. So small-sized apartments were filled with air and space, acquiring a neat look.

The housing was created on the principle of functionality and includes such zones: a kitchen separated from her wall bedroom, a living room, a dressing room, a bathroom, an entrance hall. The sofa serves as a partition between two regions.

During the repair I had to solve small, and sometimes large problems. For example, when the kitchen head was brought, it turned out that due to the abroad, she simply did not fit under the size of the space. But the designers were not confused and offered to make brick semi-colonges, imposing a foreign one for them. It turned out even better than planned.

3. Interior design of Loft style apartment, Moscow

Many think that Loft is brutality and audacity, but VERDIZ design studio with just one project has shown the variability of solutions while maintaining key features. The interior turned out very light, elegant, even noble, and all this is 50 sq.m.!

For a rational organization of a small space, a bathroom was reduced, so that in the corridor managed to place a large wardrobe with a stunning stained glass facade. This is a multifunctional piece of furniture, which additionally separates the hallway with a residential area.

The apartments consist of one room, in which, thanks to the principle of zoning, there is a living room and a bedroom. The displacement of the kitchen has a little round geometry. Almost all walls that serve as a support for compact furniture are involved here.

The "mitigate" loft helped the unobtrusive interference of another style - fusion, which was embodied in bright elements of the decor, reviving the whiteness of brickwork, as well as the sermost concrete. At the same time there was a place for objects of art that transmitting the feeling of modern classics.

4. Design Apartment in Loft style, Magnitogorsk

The author of the project Anton Sukharev argues that this is a rare case when the interior reflects the interests of the owner embodied in small details. And although the designer had to work with a modest budget, the result looks modern and stylish. It was Loft that helped create the desired feeling with limited finances.

Apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b72 sq.m. Decorated on the principle of OpenSpace. The hallway is fend off from the living room with a wooden design that serves as a roomy storage space. LED tapes in silicone boxes are built into the paneny block on the ceiling, where all transformers are also hidden. The decorative partition shares the kitchen and a residential area without creating obstacles to free penetration of light.

The brickwork discovered during the repair was painted in white. It was possible to save on the heating system, which was not changed, as it perfectly fit into the stylistic of the loft. Almost all the furniture was made to order, possesses its own story: some item managed to create "in bitches", the other - it is beneficial to purchase in the flea market.

5. Flat in Loft style for young couple, Tyumen

The interior of this multi-level apartment was engaged in designer Ekaterina Skornohodov, which was able to create housing of dreams for a creative pair. High ceilings helped add to 90 sq.m. Optional spaces 14 sq.m.

The only obstacle to the embodiment of the loft style was the absence of a beautiful, open brickwork, but it was possible to imitate with the help of high-quality decorative tiles. Other walls are painted in white, against the background of which paintings and other decor elements look well. A bright accent is a large Indian panel, whose shades set the color range of space.

For heating such a large area, a massive heating system is usually used, but the designer picked up compact metal convectors, which became an interior decoration. But the main "landmark" of the apartment is considered to be high windows, opening a beautiful view of the city and transmitting the required amount of light.

To preserve the feeling of the space that the apartments are endowed with, it was decided to stay on a functional headset. So, the kitchen cabinets are installed in two rows, the top of which is used to store things that are not essential.

Sliding barn doors look unusually in the kitchen area, which used instead of ordinary. The guest room with a shopping room is hidden behind them. In general, the interior looks luxurious and even fabulous, passing the atmosphere of vintage castles.

6. Authentic Loft with French Charm

The designer of this apartment was the owner itself, Gregory Leternleran, a businessman from France, who spends a lot of time in Russia. Holding a good taste and solid traveler experience, the owner was able to issue an interior in its requirements, filling the situation of the USSR times with unique items from Paris himself.

The layout of the 69-meter apartment has changed almost completely, destroying all possible walls. During the repair, it was discovered that the brickwork, which dates from the twentieth century, was preserved in good condition, which pushed Gregory to the introduction of loft elements.

The apartment has a bedroom, a separate bathroom, a dressing room, an open living room with an office, as well as a kitchen that includes an unusual bar counter in a niche. Detected antique wooden beams were not thrown away, but used as decor for the ceiling.

The result was an atmospheric apartment with a history that the owner of the saved and updated.

7. Design Apartment in Loft style, 225 m2

In this interior, designers from Mkinterio managed to move away from the usual interpretation of the loft and create a gentle calm design, the benefit of the place to implement any ideas is abounding.

It was decided to leave an imfigladic layout of the interior: the hallway follows the kitchen, after which the living room goes, and then private zones with bathrooms. This allows you to diversify the apartment design by adding new features to each room.

The kitchen is decorated with plywood structures that stand out against brickwork with light textures and color. Metal beams left unchanged, building a sound insulation system between them.

Decorative green shutters emphasize high windows. To visually increase the bedroom space, the long mirrors placed on one wall. Despite the fact that the apartment's palette is slightly muffled, the interior looks light and spacious.

8. Two bedroom apartment in Loft style

The apartment of the 1970s went to customers with all the lack of planning characteristic of those years characteristic: small kitchen, separate bathroom, impractical corridor. So designers from the bureau "Snacks" needed together with the design of the design to decide and these problems.

A small entrance hall remained from the Big Corridor, and the remaining square meters "joined" to the living room space. The brick masonry under the stucco, necessary for the style, turned out to be inestretical, so I had to resort to imitation, using the clay tile as a finish. The feeling of the loft has increased the introduction of textured furniture, such as a loss leather sofa, metal racks, items made of aged tree. The sofa and dining area are separated by a mirror partition.

The kitchen left the former sizes by attaching to the general space and complied with functional furniture. Bright paint added to the nursery, while retaining the loft with a modular headset and a dark wooden floor. By the same principle, the main bedroom was issued by adding a wall of painted bricks.

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