Graffiti in Loft style. Create an interior in Loft style. Harmony of antiquity and innovation

The personalities of creative always have something that it would be possible to learn if there was a little more free time. But there is one extremely important talent that I want to be taken over without postponing to a long box, here and now: This is the ability to turn the shortcomings in dignity. If there are shortcomings in the dwelling interior - the inaccurability of wall decorations or ceiling, light chaos in the location of things, not hidden, as follows from the eye of the guests of communication, lack of zoning, lack of proper repairs, - they are not saved by disguise, but, on the contrary, emphasize that the average person would consider a reason for embarrassment. As you visually demonstrate the magic transformation of the minus of the interior decoration in an indisputable plus is called up a brave style. loftin the interior.

Loft style in the interior: Origin

The name of the Loft style occurred from the English Loft - "Ciffusion". Where did the idea come from to equip a dwelling, traditionally suitable only for storing old things, but not a cozy life? The history of the avant-garde loft originates from the 20s of the XX century, when the current economic situation forced people to expand the "habitat". It is believed that the first hurried to use the buildings of abandoned warehouses, plants and factories in New York residents. It should be noted that it was quite successful to them.

In the residents of secluded apartments, heading for guests to "Carlson", such innovation accounted for to taste - and they decided to bring some details from what he saw in their nest. What successful trends can be borrowed to a modern man from Loft style?

Harmony of antiquity and innovation

Loft allows you to expand consciousness and combine diametrically opposite motives. He is not alien to the diversity of the compounds of antiquity and innovation. In to the bones, a classic finish with highlights of negligence characteristic of the "attic" style, a progressive telescope, directed to the sky from the window, will be very organically fitted. Why not? In addition, Loft boldly draws ideas from gold antiquity: Roman columns in the decoration bordering modernism, look extremely successful.

Primary wall

Aesthetic mosaic on grains

Beauty does not fall from the sky, and step by step is created. Loft teaches and loft: every little thing is important. By deciding to make interior in such a free-free progressive style, pay special attention to accessories. Actual chandeliers will be relevant, similar to the gifts of aliens, bold posters, rescue circles as wall decoration.

... And also - embodying the complete freedom of the spirit of the vehicles of the movement of the favorite bike or bicycle - who will certainly find themselves a secluded corner within a non-standard loft. Leave care of the formalities of a strict classic.

Who said the mirrors place on the wall? In the loft, you can relax and build reflective surfaces in a long row right on the floor. Looks amazing! Good news for photographers and artists: Arsenal of professional accessories - a set of lenses, reflectors or easels, forgotten by you at the site of the muse attack, in the atmosphere of the loft will look like a decoration, and not evidence of the forgetfulness or the worstness of the creator of the beautiful.

Loft style in the interior: functionality above all

Everything must have and justify your destination. Therefore, choosing furniture in the "attic" spirit of our time, pay first of all attention on its strength, durability and ease of care, and only then you can look at the compliance with high-fashion trends.

The bathroom, created from the Carrier Container Maersk at the entrance to the three-level penthouse in Kiev, Ukraine. Design: Studio 2B Group

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Together with the New Year come thoughts that it is time to update the interior. And most often I want to start with the kitchen, because it's a "heart" at home, where heat and smells with fragrant pastries, and also undergo warm family sites for satisfying dinner. Therefore, together with the Kitchen factory "Zetta", we selected the most stylish and promising trends of the year for you so that they remain relevant not only now, but also a long time later.

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It has already been in the habit that every September we go somewhere and I spent your birthday away from home. This time there were mountains. With daily campaigns, skiing on lifts and evening tea drinking on the balcony. And even with a walk along the very long suspension pedestrian bridge in the world (who signed on me in Instagram must necessarily roll his eyes on this phrase :) Almost 2 weeks of sweet-intoxicating mountain air turned me into an active tourist, but only with a small side effect - For these 14 days I became an absolutely afin, lazy reader. Rest + books are still incompatible things for me. But nevertheless, September pleased with good little books and before one of them I could not resist even surrounded by the mountains.

A variety of styles in the interior, clothing and accessories can confuse anyone. Many of us are lost when unknown words and terms hear.

We are accustomed to certain standards, quite recently we were scared with such words as "High-Tech", "Shebbi-Shik", "Fusion" and "Loft", but now almost every one of us can say with confidence which style he would like See in your interior.

In our article we will pay attention loft style in the interior, the main concept of which is the minimum of partitions and the maximum of fresh air. " Loft is a concise and refined style, which combines such elements of the decor as a brick, metal, genuine leather, parquet and oil painting. Loft is magic of space and light, exclusive and uniqueness, a combination of retro-style and high-tech, as well as the ability to realize cherished desires.

Based on the concept of style, it becomes clear that it is most suitable for owners of apartments and houses with free layout, with high ceilings, large windows and lack of partitions. The presence of wooden beams and support pillars will give the room an additional charm and volume, help divide the room on the zones.
Fans of originality and freedom, artists and designers are people who appreciated this style and love him.

Advantage loft style in the interior It is its availability - minimum trim and furniture costs. Loft style premises do not imply the use of dear furniture and accessories.

To finish the ceilings in the Loft style, it is enough to apply a layer of plaster and paint it into white light, and inadequate and uneven walls and floors will only facilitate the process of decorating the room.

Loft kitchen

This style is very harmoniously combined with spacious premises with sufficient light, high ceilings and wooden beams. Using the Loft style when decorating the kitchen room will make it possible to create a cozy room that will not want to leave.

Using natural finishing materials- Tree, stone, brick will help break the room on the zones and create several functional sites.

When decoking premises with a small area, designers recommend using surfaces that imitate natural materials - brickwork, plaster, stone masonry.

The kitchen implies good artificial lighting - it is recommended to use a variety of lamps and point backlight, the shape and style of which you need to select based on the style of the room.

Kitchen furniture in style Loft must be laconic and functional, and its color palette is combined with a common palette of the room. The furniture should not be too cumbersome and bulk, the presence of a large number of open lockers and shelves is welcomed.

Loft Living Room

Loft living room room implies high ceilings and large, wide windows. Materials used for decor should be associated with warehouse or attic rooms, for this purpose, the materials on wood or concrete are best.

Special attention when creating a loft style living room must be given to furniture and decorative elements. The use of a leather sofa and a pair of seats of similar design, a few wooden or glass shelves, a coffee table made of dark wood, bright and interesting lamps, painting and large indoor plants in pots of natural materials, vintage figurines and watches, glass vases and lamps in shape flashlights.

When designing the Loft style, it is permissible combination of high-tech and vintage elements, Unusual color design. Traditional loft style colors are white, gray, beige and brown. In moderate ratios, the use of black, blue, silver and burgundy colors is permissible.

Loft style in the interior - Photo

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