Chicago: Touching American Dream. Chicago skyscrapers History of skyscrapers in Chicago

After the fire of 1871, Chicago began to be rejected again, and in 1885 the first high-rise building was erected. Chicago skyscrapers, at the end of the 19th century. Agrowned by his design, they gave the name to one of the directions of architecture - Chicago School (L. Salvaliv, F. L. Wright, L. Mies van der Roe).

American Sullivan is the author of the expression "The form is determined by the function." Architects of "Chicago School" created buildings in which plastic facade would reflect the logic of the structure. Steel frame with glass fill, the predominance of verticals in the composition of the facade, which is supported by the rhythm of window openings.

Built in 1885 THE HOME INSURANCE BUILDING - The building of the house insurance - was demolished in 1931. Its height was 42 meters, 10 floors. In 1891, two more floors were completed, and its height was 55 meters. The author of the project is American architect William Le Baron Jenney (William Le Baron Jenney) - offered to use the carrier metal frame, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the building by almost a third and abandon too massive carrier structures. However, the granite columns and bearing rear wall were also applied in the building, since the architect did not decide to completely rely on his innovative constructive solution.

The source of inspiration for the Architects of Howells and Huda served French Gothic - the project was created under the influence of this style Tribune Tower In 1925. The height of the building was only 141 meters and included 36 floors, but at the same time it fully complies with the principles of American "commercial style". In the base of the tribune-tower included fragments of some world attractions - at the request of the then editor of Robert, McCormick, correspondents brought from a business trip to a piece of Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Parfenon ...

Building Chicago Chamber Chamber It was built in 1930. The top of the building decorates the sculpture of the ancient Roman goddess fertility of ceres, made of stainless steel. In the appearance of this building, features are already traced, characteristic of the buildings of the future "Chicago School", developed by architects Sullivan and RoE: membership of the facade, strict rhythm of window openings.

Willis Tower - Sirs Tower (Eng. Sears Tower). The height of the skyscraper is 443.2 meters, the number of floors is 110. Built in 1973 by the SOM project. This skyscraper is a model of "international style" and is famous for its glass balconies, allowing you to view the Panorama of Chicago. 8 times a year 6 automatic machines clean the entire building. During the construction of the first skyscrapers, this work was performed by hand - a more dangerous profession than the windwater was considered only the profession of the rivebringer, which was also associated with work at high height.

Aon Center - One of the highest skyscrapers of the world, built in Chicago architect Edward Stone in 1972. It consists of 83 floors and has a height of 346.3 meters, being the third at height of the building in Chicago after Willis-Tower, the hotel and the Trump Tower and the fifth height in the United States. Initially, the building was lined with marble, but over time, the cladding began to crumble, and in 1992 the facades were issued by white granite. Steel V-shaped farms made it possible to minimize the bending of the support under the action of wind. The Aon Center is adjacent to the PRUDENTIAL PLAZA (1990), easily recognizable due to a pointed conclusion.

Another famous Chicago skyscraper - Hancock-Tower - It was built in the period from 1965 to 1969 and has 100 floors. His uniqueness lies in the fact that it is similar to the hollow column due to its constructive solution. Solid glazing is another characteristic feature of the style of the Chicago School, which has become widespread in the construction of skyscrapers.

Lake Point Tower In the form of a plan, Soviet typical projects resembles something. The skyscraper is designed by John Heinrich and George Shipportite, students of Misa baths der Roe. His construction was completed in 1968 and at that time it was the highest residential building of Chicago.

International Hotel and Tower Trump (Trump Tower Chicago) -92-storey building, 423 meters high to the top of the spire and a height to the roof - 360 meters. Designed by architect Adrian Smith (SOM). Due to the permanent winds of Chicago, WINDY CITY is called - it was here that the windows opened upwards were invented. This is due to the fact that the swing windows are often broken.

Since the construction of The Home Insurance Building, the architecture of the Chicago skyscrapers was modified at the action of time, but to this day, Sky-Line "The City of Winds" remains unmistakable recognizable. Chicago - the city in which the "second nature" was embodied and a new, urban relief was formed.

The first information about the construction plans to the Chicago of a new skyscraper on the shore of the river of the same name is known. According to the plan, the 88-storey skyscraper will be the third in height of the building in the city. According to the project Gang Architects in the gallery further.

Designed by Chicago Studio Gang Architects. Head with the architect Jeanne Gang, a new complex called Wanda Vista Tower is an union of three heights. In the case of the final approval of the Zhanna project, this complex will decorate the Panorama of Chicago already by 2019.

The highest Tower of the Wanda Vista Tower complex is raised by 335 meters, and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises will be about 167,225 square meters. The complex will contain the hotel, boutiques and apartments. In addition, a new skyscraper can become the highest building in the world, designed and built by a woman.

Recall, the closest competitor of the new altitude, the Tower Aon Center in Chicago, rises by 346 meters, but taking into account the height difference in their foundation, Wanda Vista Tower Can shift it on one step down. If such formalities do not take into account, then the new height of Zhanna Gang will become a fifth in height in Chicago, giving way to the Hancock Center skyscraper. The highest Chicago building is a skyscraper Willis Tower, towering on 527 meters.

Photo | Skyscraper Wanda Vista Tower in Chicago

An exciting skyscrapers, interesting museums, picturesque parks, shops of leading designers and restaurants for every taste - all this Chicago. Happing in the first half of the 20th century with their colorful gangsters, today it is one of the largest financial, transport and cultural centers of the United States. Millions of tourists from all over the world come to this city every year to touch the American Dream and see the sights of Chicago.

Skyscrapers, skyscrapers ...

When we talk about skyscrapers, the types of Chicago pop up in mind. It is this city that the world is obliged to the very first skyscraper, which was the building of the insurance company (1885). Unfortunately, this skyscraper no longer exists today.

In 1973, the highest skyscraper in the world was erected - Sirs Tower (443 meters), which in 2009 was renamed Willis Tower. In 1998, Willis Tower has ceased to be a world record holder, but still remains the highest in the United States, and the world ranks fifth. Tourists can visit the viewing platform on the 103th floor, from which you can admire not only by the beautiful city itself, but also, if you are lucky with the weather, the territories of four US states.

Among other interesting skyscrapers can be called State of Illinois Building with transparent elevators and aqua, distinguished by an unusual curvilinear facade.

The five highest chicago skyscrapers:

Willis Tower (443 meters, 108 floors);
Hotel "Trump International" (415 meters, 92 floors);
Aon Center (346 meters, 83 floors);
John Hancock Center (344 meters, 100 floors);
Franklin Center (307 meters, 61 Floor).

Magnificent Mile

Magnificent Mile - Street, which focused shops of leading brands, restaurants, hotels. Here you can pass the whole day, admiring the shop windows, making purchases, resting in the cafe, because there are 460 stores and 275 restaurants on this street! On all sides, the magnificent mile surrounds the most modern skyscrapers, which are interested in contrasting with the symbol of Chicago - the waterproof tower building - the only structure that remained after a terrible fire in 1871. Then she served as a reference point for which the survivors could find the wreckage of their homes, and today is a symbol of courage and perseverance, because in many respects it was precisely rebuilt after the fire the city became an example of unsurpassed architecture.

Parks Chicago

But not only innovative architecture and expensive shops are famous for megapolis. On any photos you can see what kind of green this city. The most famous Parks of Chicago are the Millennium Park, Grant Park and Lincoln Park.

Millennium Park attracts tourists not only with its beautiful landscapes. Other famous sights of Chicago are located on its territory - Outdoor Theater Pavilion Jay Pritzher, AT & T Plaza - an outdoor area on which the unusual huge sculpture of Cloud Gate is a cloud gate, although more this monument resembles beans, for which the locals nickned him the Bean. Children, and adult tourists, attract Crown Fountain fountains.

At first glance, they are simply cubic towers, which depict the faces of urban residents. But sometimes images begin to crush the face, and then the fountains "spit", so you need to be ready for surprises. However, the water is usually warm and perfectly refresses on a hot summer day. Millennium Park was separated for visitors in 2004, and the budget for its construction amounted to almost 500 million US dollars.

In addition to parks, there are about 30 beaches and several bird nature reserves here, so this city can like those tourists who prefer to admire nature during the rest.

One of the most popular places of rest citizens and entertainment for guests of the city is Navy Peer Pier. Initially, it was built as a logistics center, and it was assumed that warehouses will be erected on its territory. However, gradually the inhabitants of the city began to arrange Peer Picnic on Navy, and enterprising businessmen opened a cafe and entertainment platforms. Today, the pier is located gardens, attractions, cafes, concerts and shows. One of the characters of Navy Peer and the whole Chicago is considered a large ferris wheel, from which you can admire the city and the river.

Chicago museums

There are many museums here. Museum of science and industry is very popular on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Every year, millions of tourists are visited annually, and the museum collection has more than 35,000 exhibits.

This skyscraper in Chicago is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world, and until 1997, he wore the title of the highest facilities on our planet. Holding the palm of the championship for 25 years, it is famous for his observation platform located on the 103th floor, and no traveler misses the opportunity to admire the financial center of the United States from the view of a bird's eye view.

The city where the skyscrapers appeared first

Incoming the top ten highest buildings, Willis Tower, which became a visiting card of the city, gained fame in the 70s of the last century. A sign architectural figure is the highest point of Illinois.

It is believed that it was in Chicago, at the end of the XIX century, when the settlement suffered a lot from fires, and the first skyscrapers arose. It was then that there was a need to urgently restore the city. And in 1882, the height of steel and iron rose, built of steel and iron.

The history of the local attraction

SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO, who wondered to place several thousand employees who worked in the offices scattered around the city, in 1970 bought fifteen buildings from the former owners and acquired a plot of land with an area of \u200b\u200babout five thousand m 2.

For the development of a new project, a well-known architectural firm was hired. She created a plan of the future skyscraper, called Sirs-Tower. The corporation wanted a new building to be high, and sunlight penetrated naturally into offices, and engineers designed a construction on a completely new principle based on the concept of volume distribution.

The construction, which cost 150 million dollars, was carried out by a shock pace, and after two years, Willis-Tower was commissioned. It must be said that this is not the most impressive figure, although in part of engineering solutions a huge skyscraper has been awarded his time.

Difficulties during the construction of the altitude

During the construction, the company was filed with claims to stop all work at the level of 67 floors. The plaintiffs considered that due to such a high building a television signal will deteriorate in the vicinity of the city of Chicago, and this will not produce in real estate prices. However, all requirements were rejected in court, and at present the signal of more than three dozen radio and television exploits is broadcast from the skyscraper, the roof of which modern antennas are installed.

After construction, the company ordered the project broke. She had to even take a loan to pay for the building, and soon she was forced to sell it. The new owner received the right to rename the skyscraper, and since 2009, the height is called one of the tenants of the construction.

Willis Tower: Design Features

The imagination of the skyscraper is a structure consisting of nine square steel pipes. And each of them is separate buildings on concrete piles that are driven into a solid breed. The design itself is based on autonomous columns absorbing all loads arising due to strong winds and guaranteeing fire resistance.

Nine giant pipes rise on 50 floors up. After the building begins to narrow, seven columns go to 66 floors, five to the 90th, and only two consist of the last 20 floors. Architects attached great importance to the construction of the building, narrowing up and able to confront winds. And stability was achieved thanks to the built-in hollow structures in the column.

Unusual for that time project

Simply put, Willis Tower is a construction of nine skyscrapers of different lengths, combined into a single whole and support each other at a huge height. This is a very unusual design for its time, and since then in the construction of high buildings, the steel pipe system is widely used, inside which there are comfortable and safe premises.

It is known that the initial project included the construction of another six columns, where the hotel rooms were supposed to be accommodated, but this did not happen.

Viewing platforms with transparent glasses - a new tourist attraction

The famous Skydeck viewing platforms located on the 103th floor of Willis Tower (Chicago, USA) are located at an altitude of 412 meters. They appeared in 1974 and immediately became a popular town not only among tourists, but also urban residents. Eight years ago, after large-scale repairs, four drawn balconies were completed, each of which accommodates up to five people. The floors are made of three-layer durable glass and are able to withstand weight up to five tons.

Top tourists delivers a high-speed elevator, the cabin is more like a spacecraft. Monitors are built within it, and everyone can see on the screens as the earth goes down.

Opening panoramas cause a real delight. On a clear day in a powerful binoculars, the area is viewed at a distance of up to 80 kilometers, and the land of four states of America are visible from here. During strong hurricanes, tourists feel the oscillatory movements of the structure.

The interactive museum is located here, the exhibits of which allow you to go on a virtual tour of Chicago and its surroundings.

Cracks on the glass floor

Three years ago, the news about the fact that glass floors cracked right under the feet of visitors appeared in the media. However, for tourists who found themselves at this point on the observation platform, everything ended well: they were separated by a light fright. As the local administration representatives were reported soon, the cracks appeared on a special coating that protects the floor from scratches. After it was replaced, the viewing platforms again took admiring guests.

Interesting facts about the architectural monument of modernity

Willis-Tower area is about 418 thousand m 2. In such territory, 57 football playgrounds can fit.

On the facade of the skyscraper you can see the black stripes, like a constructive structure at different levels. However, these are not decorative elements, but blinds, thanks to which equipment ventilation occurs.

104 high-speed elevators share space into three zones.

More than 16 thousand windows have been installed on the skyscraper.

The building is equipped with 40 thousand special splashors used in the fire extinguishing system, which are automatically operation. Four million dollars were spent on their installation.

In connection with the asymmetric design of Willis Tower tilted to the West for ten centimeters, which creates an additional burden on the foundation.

In August 1999, the French Skalolaz A. Robert, named "Spiderman", conquered a local attraction, without using special equipment.

The framework of the building covered with refractory mortar, lined with black aluminum.

Every year, a skyscraper in Chicago attends about one million tourists, which have many cozy cafes and restaurants.

Upcoming large-scale reconstruction

This year, the mayor of Megapolis announced that it would soon begin work on the reconstruction of the construction, which would end in twelve months. It is planned to equip a giant entertainment zone with cinemas and fashion stores. Also reconstructions are also subject to the observation deck. "We want to increase the attractiveness of the skyscraper for guests of the city, and we will do everything that the local attraction becomes an important part of our lives," said Ram Emanuel.

This huge 250-meter giant has been published by nothing distinguished from the general Chicago landscape, but it is worth going closer, as it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems that some kind of fabulous ice colossus grew up among the city

Skyscraper "Aqua", built near Lake Michigan, despite its unreal, futuristic look, nevertheless, not emanated from the general panorama of Chicago. This effect is achieved due to the fact that all unusual lines hidden from a horizontally conventional structure and become visible only when approaching the building - the greater the angle under which you look at the AQUA giant, the more "waves" become visible on its surface. When you stand right under it - it seems that the skyscraper is literally "storms")

250 meters of altitude are divided by 81 floor. In the building "Aqua" there is a hotel and ordinary residential premises. The facades of the skyscraper are decorated with real "lakes", the role of water in which windows play, skillfully accented due to the hide of the rest of the windows elongated uneven protrusions of the facade.

Curved, wavy balconies and window glass create a folded curtain structure for the facade or ripples on the water. The windows have a blue-green shade, indistinguishable from the color of water stroit. The use of console shields in the building of the building allows you to protect against the summer sun, but do not block the light in winter, and the light color of the facades reduces the level of heating of the skyscraper.

According to the results of the recently prestigious European architectural contest "The Emporis Awards - 2010", Aqua skyscraper was recognized as the best skyscraper of 2009. Emporis experts award award to Aqua project architects for achievements in design and for the courage of the architectural solution.

More precisely, 250-meter "Aqua" I am struck by the experts "with an original design solution in combination with environmentally sound design." The jury noted that this building should set a high bar for future generations with a sphere of large-scale hotel construction.

It should also be noted that in order to draw up the rating of the most beautiful height of the world, the experts needed carefully to study 305 skyscrapers from all over the world, the construction of which was completed last year.

Chapter Emporis Daniel Kikhefer described the building in his own way: "The building looks quite ordinaryly from afar, however, when approaching unusual" liquid "outlines are found, from which passersby intercepts breathing"

This contest, organized by the German Bank of Data On Emporis Real Estate Objects, is held every year, and the award is awarded to buildings at least 100 meters high, the construction of which has already been completed. For example, the winner of 2008 was the Tokyo Cocon Tower Cocoon Tower 203 meters high. But she, in any case, does not go to any comparison with elegant "Aqua"

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