Plasterboard decor: basic design elements. Elements and interior items home or apartment interior elements for decoration

Any decoration is the final and most pleasant stage of any repair. If we talk about the decoration of the walls in the houses of the dwelling, then this process has a positive effect not only on the image of the interior, but also the creative abilities of the owners. Imaging your designer dreams into reality is the easiest way to do with the help of decorative elements. Even a small change in the design of the walls of the room leads to a tremendous change of the image of the interior. But for this often quite a bit. If you have some Handemade skills, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a room or another in your apartments, then this selection of original, practical, creative and simple ideas for you.

If your goal is a unique design

From ancient times, people were decorated with the walls of their housing. If you can call the walls of the cave, in which the first rock paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities, needlework skills to decorate their home original, stylish and aesthetically. Our services are not only different materials and devices that simplify the manufacture of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any Handemade enhances the level of uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create not easy creative, and the unique design of one or another room. But the wall decor can perform not only the functions of the interior decoration. With the use of various color and textured solutions for decorating the walls, you can hide any disadvantages of finishes and even structural features, you can distract attention from the unsuccessful design of the functional zone and allocate the main segment of the room.

With the help of a wall decor, it is easy to delay the repair - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that refreshing the furnishings of the room, give it new character notes, create a color or factory emphasis - all this is easy to make with the help of a wall decor that will not require much costs. And if you perform any decorative work together with households, in addition to the beautiful interior, you can get an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, holding a joint time of parents with children.

Paintings, posters and not only

One of the most vintage and effective ways to decorate the walls are the use of paintings, various panels, posters within and not only. Modern designers offer to try themselves in the field of decorating their own dwellings even those who are far from fine or decorative and applied arts. Use the finished frames for paintings or photos that are sold in the store (or make your own option, if you have a joinery skills) in combination with imaginary agents - sprigs, twigs, paper blanks or material. Give the composition the desired color gamut is the easiest way with the help of acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories that no longer apply in workflows can be used to compile original compositions. You can decorate the transfigured item items, a kitchen, a dining room, a veranda of a country house and even a living room decorated in the country style or Shebbi chic.

Favorite aphorism, your family slogan or just a beautiful saying that helps to motivate, customize the actions and accomplishment or vice versa - relaxing and soothing can become an interior decoration. For this, a fairly printed slogan is placed in a beautiful or original frame, harmoniously inscribed in the interior.

Very spectacular composition composition, wall panels composed of decorative elements of one form and having one style of execution, excellent in color solutions or presence (absence) of the print. Such panels can be made of various materials - from ordinary paper to velvet fabric species.

What about the finished gypsum decorative elements imitating the stucco, which you use not on the ceiling by destination, and on the walls? Coloring several elements in different shades of one color will allow you to create a harmonious one, but at the same time the original composition. Another way to use undergraduates is the compilation of compositions from what is literally lying under your feet - twigs, corping, spins of the original shape, cones and other gifts of nature.

Even the simplest garlands of paper, fabrics or other healthy materials can be an original interior decoration. In the bedroom, the walls behind the headboard of the bed are most often exposed to decoration, and in the living room - above the sofa or pair of chairs that create a soft seating area.

If you have artistic abilities, it would be a crime without taking advantage of this wonderful gift. A unique design that does not require large financial investments (but, of course, requiring greater time costs) is provided to you. Even drawings made using stencils can become a highlight of the interior, highlighting it among many similar design projects.

Wall-mounted decor may be incredibly practical. For example, an excellent storage system for jewelry can be obtained from a conventional frame with a grid strained. Earrings and brooches are very convenient to post on such a wall storage. For beads, necklace, chains and bracelets, you can use slats with hooks attached to them.

A similar idea can be used for the manufacture of the key. All your keys will always be in place, thanks to such a simple fit.

With the help of the frames, you can make the switches, counters, temperature control units or home alarm.

Collection options for family photos

No less popular and ancient way to preserve history, at least the history of one house - the use of family portraits. If our ancestors needed to seek help to professionals, use portrait services, then we sufficiently print successful photos and insert them into the frame. But also in the usual location of the finished photos within the framework of the creative, using not only the variety of shapes and sizes of the wall decor, but also additional items.

The photos in the framework of which are not hidden behind the products, but are intentionally put up for display. It may be a simple twine, and beautiful thin chains - weight depends on the concept of the design of the entire interior.

Recently, various wall-mounted decorative elements cut from wood became popular. This may be a whole inscription (family surname, for example) or alone letter. But those performed in a single color palette with frames for photos, such decorative elements become an excellent decoration and wall composition, and rooms.

A photo without frames may look in the composition no less effectively, if you place them on special subframes, not visible to the eye.

And if you add a garland with light bulbs or tape backlight, then in addition to the excellent wall decor and saving pleasant moments in memory, you can also get a festive mood.

But the glowing garlands can also act as an independent attribute of the wall decor. Fix the wire with light bulbs in a certain form is easy, and the result according to the effect being created can exceed all the expectations.

Mirrors in the modern interior

In itself, a large mirror in a beautiful or creative frame is capable of not only to fulfill its main functions, but also decorate the interior of the room. If you use several small mirrors of the same form, but in different frames (most often fulfilled in a single stylistic solution), you can get a whole decorative composition.

Mirror elements can be used without a framework for compiling the original composition. The time and effort on the preparation of such panels will be needed much more, but the result compensates for all costs - the wall decor is obtained original, stylish and modern.

Flowers and indoor plants like interior decor

Indoor plants help us not only decorate the interior with juicy greens and beautiful bloom, but also create a special, cozy atmosphere, clean the air in our dwellings and bring the heat of home comfort. The most simple pots with the colors "will play" with new colors if they are placed in neat cells or special holders on the wall. It is not always possible to place on the windowsill possible, and not all plants need so much light.

Today it is no longer relevant to copy the apartment of the neighbor's apartment or girlfriend, buy similar furniture, identical accessories. In the modern world, a separate apartment or house should have the original design, which is performed in a certain style. Not the last role in the housing arrangement is played by all sorts of elements and objects.

Each of us purchasing one or another thing, certainly, thinks about its appointment in the arrangement of housing. And, even if you are a practical person, you can not deny that the decorative elements play a special role in the interior design. Exquisite, original accessories create a special mood in any accommodation. Moreover, if decor items are created with their own hands, then they literally transform the room.

Today, the stylistic direction in the apartment is highly valued exactly as well as convenience, comfort and comfort. Properly selected decor items are able to emphasize the selected style, add a highlight to the design and create a special mood. These items that are allocated exclusively are particularly appreciated, they carry the historical meaning. Of course, such items give special sophistication, create an individual history of each dwelling and require significant financial investments.

Given the purpose of the objects and elements of the decor, no one else doubts their need and feasibility of use. Decorations and accessories are also important as functional and comfortable furniture. Without figurines, the original VAZ presented in the photo, as well as mirrors, lamps and panels, the interior of the house does not look complete.

Variety of decorative objects

To the number of things that can be used to decorate the house with their own hands can be attributed:

Mirrors in the original frame.
Wall Clock.
Landscapes, still lifes and other paintings that can decorate any room in the house.
All items made independently (decorated vases, origami, quilling).

Mirrors in the original performance

The time of the mirrors occupied a special place in the house. Previously, these items people empowed magic properties, they are used today as decor of premises. Unusually and beautifully looks mirror in the bedroom, decorated with a pattern. In this we can make sure to look at the photo. An exquisite view of the decor is a mirror decorated with stained glass window. Such an element gives the room stylish, unusual appearance. It should be noted that even without additional jewelry, the mirrors themselves perfectly emphasize the individuality and style of the apartment.

Wall clock

Of course, this element is available in every home. However, not everyone, the clock performs the role of a special decor in the interior. Ordinary dials are not fashionable today. The best choice for decorating the interior is models with glowing numbers, logo, manually decorated. Such products are not only functional, but also original.

Unusual, interesting clock with an atypical decor can be purchased for both the bedroom and the guest room. And even in office space. By purchasing decorated hours, the owner emphasizes the presence of taste and sense of style.

If you wish to emphasize the luxury and exclusivity of your home, it is recommended to purchase clocks decorated by rhinestones. Such an element in the interior is a sign of sophistication and a special housing raisin.


Works of art, made by oil, watercolor or gouache. Impact of centuries decorated houses of rich people. Today the situation has changed and each of us can allow themselves to purchase a couple of paintings for the interior decor. If you are not a fan of visual art, we recommend paying attention to the photo where stained glass analogues are presented, working with rhinestone and beads. Such works are also considered the work of art, since they require responsibility and adherence from the Contractor.

Want to pick up new decor elements for your living room or other room at home? Then it will be useful for you to look at these fashionable interior items from the last collections of 2016. Here we have collected wall decor, vases, table lamps and other small accessories for different rooms that will be especially popular in the next few seasons.

Here they are: 6 best modern topics for home decoration on 45 photos of interiors.

Trend 1: Stylish decor with stone and marble

Whether natural natural material or simply imitation pattern, white marble always gives the setting of sophistication and noble chic. We are already accustomed to seeing a marble decoration in the design of cuisines (for example, countertops) and bathrooms in Luxury style. But today, its pattern is also used in the manufacture of small decorative elements for the interior - plates, stands for decorations, boxes, desktop lamps, etc. Also there is also a trend of making crafts for the house with the help of self-adhesive paper under marble.

Here are some photos of a modern decor with marble motif:

However, marble is not suitable for each style of room design. More versatile and original in their design are desktop elements of decoration of stones in Chinese style, as well as salt lamps. Agree that they also give the dwelling a special atmosphere!

Trend 2: Interior Decor Items With Wave Motifs

It is difficult to imagine something more majestic and dulling, rather than the movement of the sea wave. Decor's items with wave motives became popular not only because they remind us of the sea and rest, but also for the ability to bring the dynamics and feeling of calm in the interior.

Already one of this is enough to cause admiration. But the elements of the interior with waves also conquer us with their diversity. They are used in the manufacture of carpets and curtains, paintings, VAZ, desktop accessories and MN. Dr. In addition, the color of the waves can range from light to dark shades of blue and green. Everyone can find their own unique subject!

Trend 3: Interior Items in the style of Italian Renaissance

Like marble is an eternal classic that can simply stunningly look in the modern interior. Today, the special interest of designers attract decorative items inspired by Italian art and architecture, in particular - elements in the form of vintage columns, ornaments with laurel leaves, tastefully nude figures and modular sets of dishes.

Trend 4: Original decor elements in the form of hands and gestures

Bold, causing or impregnated with spiritual connotations, hand gestures are one of the most original species of modern decor. Want to emphasize the originality of your personality? Surprise guests? Make an element of surprise in the interior design? Then it is worth choosing such decor items as the following photos:

Trend 5: Bright Vases and Interior Accessories

Never underestimate the power of bright shades. Playful and exciting, they are able to attract people's eyes to the easiest and simplest interior objects. Today, the dishes and lamps, which are painted in a bright color - on the one hand, and in some gentle pastel shade - on the other hand, deserve special attention.

Trend 6: Playful interior items with animals

Well, who can resist them? Strategically intended interior items with brothers, our smaller instantly bring to the house atmosphere of fun and mischiefs, and also enrich the interior spiritually. Ceramics, glass, metal or tree - the choice of materials and colors is unlimited, so everyone can pick up the figure under its taste.

Also read:

Modern interior items - 6 trends for home decor Updated: July 25, 2016 by the author: Margarita Glushko

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