Women sit on the twine, view from below. See the twine and name it. Tsia divchina has already become an Internet meme

1. Anastasia Volochkova

If it’s a little bit, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova played at the Great Theater. Chi varto say, why does she have a perfect rosette? Alle at the entrance to the profession, Volochkova did not throw her dancing ring and easily sits on the twine, vibrating with all the more and more unsuccessful Maidan. The celebrity went on a twine in a birch groove, a lounge bar and a ride on an ATV. For the rest of the time Anastasia went far and performed an acrobatic pas right on the yacht.

2. Serena Williams

First racket svitu, American tennis player Serena Williams often demonstrates the wonders of naughtiness on the court. Serena is great to win the ball into the twine! Can you do it like that?

3. Laysan Utyasheva

Lyaysan Utyasheva's twine system is not difficult for the champion of light and Europe from artistic gymnastics. Zirka vvazhaє, so it is possible to kill in any kind, smut - to catch up with other visits. About those who, in the shortest possible term, achieve a stupid plasticity, Utyasheva posted on her YouTube channel.

4. Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev could become a leading sportswoman. The motherland from childhood was overwhelmed by artistic gymnastics and rocked success in all kinds of sports, but still vibrated my profession. However, the actress still did not miss the opportunity to show, which is great: in the live broadcast of the American show by Conan O'Brien, the divine tried to twine. The plasticity of the eye can only be delayed.

5. Xenia Sobchak

At the end of the twine, the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova pounded on the birch, the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak sat down on the cross twine for an hour of sea walk on the yacht. Win, before the speech, є more foldable at the Vicon, not later.

6. Kyle Minogue

Kozheni vistup Kaili Minogue is a whole theatrical performance: grandiose decorations, fancy costumes and fiery dances. And for an hour, as part of a tour of Pivnichniy America, the matchmaker showed some acrobatic performances, including twine.

7. Nyusha

Spіvachka Nyusha demonstrates on her side in social fringes not only new steel press: recently the girl published an axis of photography. Now, it’s for sure that it’s not a bad thing for her. “I want chocolates for the last minute - I їх їdyat. It’s freezing, maybe. And the axis of writing ... By and by, I want to be in good shape, "- wrote the sign.

8. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson at the show "Dancing on Ice" rozkriva in sob Chergov's talent. The Hollywood star of Volodya is not only in focussed forms, but in its nerve-ness. Tsey twine is a confirmation.

9. Aunt Kotova

Kolishnya is a member of the popular trio "ВІА Gra" Tetyana Kotova regularly wicks on Instagram her photos in pikant poses. However, the celebrity can boast not only of focussed forms, but of vidminnoy roztyazhkoy.
Kotova wrote the sign as follows: “I know how little I know, I know how much I am modest, and who knows how Vikladati didn’t climb, immodestly, even if I couldn’t help but kill him. Come on #Everything will be the way you want it.

10.Nikol Scherzinger

Nikol Sherzinger in his cliffs and before the hour in the beginning to demonstrate to the end of the hostile pas. Gnuchka artist Volodya Vlasnym til not better than spoken gymnasts. It was not for nothing that she became the winner of the popular American show "Dancing with the Stars", she played with Derek Hough.

11. Valeriya

Spіvachka Valeria doesn’t get tired of diving in her nunniness. "Stretching is the most effective, it can be, and most of all - some sickly visions", - even Valeria.

12. Hilaria Baldwin

Hilarya Balduin, the squad of the Hollywood actor Alec Balduin, still loves to practice yoga in the found places. The celebrity is easy to knock folding asanis, so it’s not difficult to get into the twine for her and for her needs.

13. Olena Perminova

Olena Perminova once at times hostile to the platforms on Instagram with her plasticity, published all the new videos from her trenuvan. The model only missed the chance to engage in pilates, to ameliorate the name's success.

14. Brіtnі Spіrs

Brіtnі Spіrs at once actively fight from the wake of the waggle: the star isn’t only big wicked, but it’s just doing yogi on a new occasion. So, perhaps, the twine at Britnie is not ideal, it’s a little bit of a twine, so it’s easy to train to shatter your right.

15. Anna Sedokova

Anna Sedokova is an active socialist socialist. Дівчина шодня Viklada on Instagram without fresh photos. On tsomu, Ganna demonstrates her non-hassle-free stretch. "I gave the norm", - wrote the sign of the match.

16. Pink

Pink is easy to see mischievous tricks at his concerts, and all that, in the childhood of the rock, was engaged in gymnastics. “It’s even scary. Kozhen times! "- as a star, she was playing her show before the hour of the light tour The Truth About Love, demonstrating the twine right in the day.

    The twine is on the right, straightened to the straightening of the muffs and the straps, the cleats in the straddled nig in the opposite side, at the same stench they make one line. Correct stretching gave you freedom and knowledge of the tightness of rukhiv.

    Gymnastics of the development of all two types of figurines - sub and transverse. Reshta is provided by different options.

    Twine and twine

    Figura maє nasty characteristics:

    • Separation at the side of the leg will make one line.
    • Roll up with the correct exit door 180 °.
    • The pelvic part is slightly turned forward.

    Isnu also understand yak napivshpagati. The leg is bent to support itself, and the other's leg is brought to the side and more straight up.

    Drink in the rosette in front of the front strap. Wine rozslablyaє m'yazi.

    Lateral and late

    In all, there are two types of twine - i. In the first vipad, one leg is in front of the body, and in the back, the legs are stitched perpendicularly, or go to the body. Buvah lіvo- and right-handed, in the fallowness from the legs, scho leaned forward. With the transverse legs spread out to the sides up to the cut in 180 degrees and more. At the end of the day, the stench grows out from the sides, to the view from the late.

    Vchenі declare that the transverse twine is given easier to cholovіk, nіzh women. The price is tied with the bud of life, the quick and painless tension of the muscle tone. Viconati late twine to cholovikam, navpaki, more important. The special features of the back muscles and the strength are serious to overshoot the easy stretching.

    In addition, due to the peculiarities of budov and m'yaziv and slopes, 13% of people in a state of not being able to boast of such a building.

    you can choose

    There is a great number of options for two forms of twine. Seeing a variety of gymnastic elements.


    It is a vivedennya nig in the position, with a cut between tazostehnovyh slopes up to 180 °, according to the most important characteristics.

    Vypovnyutsya on a level surface or pidlosis.

    Negative (sag)

    One of the most common types of twine. If you want to get a chance to get yourself an additional tool, for example, style or Swedish style.

    The main characteristic of this species is kut between stegny, scho perevis 180 °.

    Vykonannya tsієї has the right to a high concentration and harmonious tone of muses, as well as continuous self-improvement. Wono є far from all.


    Polyaga in the raised line of the horizon. Vykonutsya, as a rule, on pidlosi. Lyudin's hands zazvychay trimє strictly in front of him, or to spread to the sides.

    Late (evil) and transverse (right-handed) horizontal twine


    Standing people spiral one by one, and іnshu pіdnіmaє in the twilight. In the quality of the supporting tool, a pylon or a Swedish glass is often vicious.

    Transverse modification in the general order is to be afraid with an emphasis on hands.

    On hands

    The athlete zoobov'yatsii volodya unikalnye swings to the balance and control of the power. Standing in a stitch on their hands, people tend to spread their legs to the sides.


    Robimo in the morning, often in the stribku, ale deyaki vmyut vikonuvati tsei element standing on the mice. Pidstribuyuchi and waving his foot, people can reach the required cut to turn in the turn.

    It is noteworthy that not all the twine dwellers are smarter than the classic ones.

    Later twine in a striker

    Lying on pidlozі

    Golovna umova - the emphasis of the tulub on a flat surface. From the outward position, lying on the podlozi lyudin knit legs to the side, otrimyuchi transverse twine.

    Late twine lying on the floor

    For a later visit, lay one leg on the pidlog, and pull it to the head, pidtriyuchi hands.

    To fix a busy job is necessary in a step-by-step manner, it is not necessary to fix the problems and calls.

    The training program is not correct before the twine is presented, it is possible to create an unjustified body and elasticity.

    Korolivsky twine

    The king's twine is to be used on horseback in gymnastics. Celebrity actor Jean-Claude Van Damme demonstrated an element in a commercial for a Volvo car company.

    The main view is a victorian support for two feet. With a lot of tilo get lost in the hanging position. For the sake of an element, it is not only the absolute nagness that is required, the miraculousness and elasticity of the sounds and the sounds, but the statistical force.

    It’s so easy to train, because it’s just controllable, and also to help the yogi to help Viconati King’s twine. A trick in the minds, if they breathe and see them roam through the larynx, effectively rosіgrіva tіlo.

    With easy training and straightforwardness, people under 45 years of age can successfully perform twines in a couple of months.

    Jean-Claude Van Damme

    More often, if a person is a person, you also know companions-in-arms and people who go to the same place.

    Yak twine?

    It is a great plus for the body to bring generous or regular employment, especially for women.

    Corrosiveness of such rights has long been brought:

    • response to the tone of muscular tissue;
    • prevention of the appearance of a zayvoy vagi;
    • polishhennya slobnoy crumbling;
    • accelerated blood flow in the pelvic organs;
    • adjustment of elasticity

    Training to help improve the body and reduce the risk of growth and injury.

    Expertise is possible, so that the elasticity of the language goes down and the twine system goes down for 30 or 40 times even more folding, less in a childish or youthful way. Big world tsya axioma virna, ale tse zovsim does not mean, but it is not a pity to sit on the twine. Devotion and regular training to help you cope with the blessing.

    With regular and diligent busyness, people can be stretched out quickly, however, it is unlikely that they will be able to see them for a long time or to go for a month. For crying out loud, but before that, nikoli didn’t take care of stretching. A couple of months seem to be a realistic term with the right and competently chosen right.

    It's just that today the viconati twine is not literate itself, it is more beautiful to go to a new step, fixing it from the workout and preparing the right. If the rosette turns, you can magatize the viconati figuru.

    Rules for correct stretching:

    • engage in regular activities (you have the right not to take more than 15 khilins, for that it’s varto vikonuvati їkh day);
    • engaging in a warm environment (the temperature in the room is not less than 20 ° C, in a cold room it becomes less elastic, which can lead to injuries);
    • dotrimuvatisya protection (do not be asleep, before the hour of the shy ones take the great risk of injury, for example, stretching the ringing);
    • do not wait and try to waste time, expecting quick results, and end up with serious injuries.


    Intended for the stretching of the links, they have the right to lower the height of the link to the organism.

    Before that time, like looking for a trenuvannya, it is necessary to evaluate the potency and risky, and also put a list of indications of the characteristics of the vlasny body:

    • ridge injuries;
    • hypertension;
    • ignition processes in tazostehnovyh slopes;
    • collapse in the robotic support-arm system;
    • fractures, tremors and defects in lumpy tissues and knots.

    To navigate during the day, the counter-indication is set before it is necessary to take it seriously, all the steps must be taken carefully, and the risk of injuries is eliminated. It is very important for a person to work out the right workout, to get the slopes і m'yazi up to the time of the day.

    It is important to follow the power of visions and viconuvati right up to the recommendations of competent coaches.

There are two types of twine - subvdzhny and transverse. All іnshe - tse їх options. Inodi deyakі talk about three twine, scho, for example, achieved success for two in three. New twine, right late twine (if the right leg is in front) and late twine (if the left leg is visible in front of you). Before the speech, the transverse twine is also called "rope". The axis is no longer in place and you see the twine. Take out the report so that you can see the correct pivoting and correct transverse twine.

late twine

I took a photo to myself from different angles, to show it in more detail. In the first place, a correct gymnastic late twine has a hind leg with a line of "astonishment" in a pidlog, and with a p'yato - upward. In other words, between the pelvis and the quilted hind leg, it is not to blame for education. I’ll be guilty of lying on the floor. Thirdly, I respect the animals on their hind legs - they don't go to the diagonal and don't go to the colony. Price of the best part of the "pomilka".

If I want to name it as a pardon, it’s not a moment to call it, but it’s just an understretched twine. The system is not properly blown out. To that, everything here needs to be robbed, to reach the zones, which are not stretched out insufficiently. It’s absolutely normal, it’s not ideal to visit the system at once.

I sometimes see this kind of twine, like a choreographic later twine. Win vikoristovuyutsya in dances, for example, ballet. There, it is even more important to rotate the slopes and to the number of hind legs to "wonder" not in a pidlog, but to the side. Ale! Tse reach for the rakhunok of the tazostegnovy hinge. I will educate you about the quilted hind legs and they may not have enough! The first leg is straight.

transverse twine

Another type of twine is transverse. Win viglyadaє by the offensive rank - the legs are spread as wide as possible, the rіvny kuta at 180 degrees is built. In the photo, my student is Anyuta (I guess, on my site there are no few pictures from the Internet - only I and my scientists).

Basically food, tying with a transverse twine, curling the shkarpety - upward in the stele or lie on the pidlosis stench?

Here all lie down from the position of the pelvis. Kudi marvel at Kuprik, then be guilty to wonder and five. And the shkarpetki seem to wonder in the opposite direction. The report is easy to see.

In the lower photo, Anya is being pulled towards her wagon. I respect the beasts, how to open the basin, kuprik marvel at the wall, like a legacy, then marvel at five, and the shkarpets lie on the bottom and marvel forward.

The photo above - the same location, only in the іnshіy area. The tailbone і five marvels in the pidlog, and the cupboards in the stele.

Smolder, five and one guilty guilty marvel in one direction! Tse obov'yazkovo, іnakhe because of the wrong navantazhennya to repair the suffering of the colony.

Tobto on the transverse twine can be pulled in two ways. The option on the bottom photo is Ani sruchnish, so you love me by your car. Plus, the result is more efficient, as you can see how it was gone before the stat. Smolder, znimati from one and the same angle (butt photo below).

The axis here in the photo is good, you can see that the number has dropped significantly lower and at a time on the plintus. And up to the tsi boule at rіvnі 10-15 cm above the plintus.

vertical twine
With the drive of the vertical twine, or the twine on the hands, and also the kind of twine - late and transverse only in the same areas. To win the twine in turns, you need not only twine on the pidloz, but the twine "with a reserve", you may not need to swap your twine for a 180 degree twine. Why is it that you are playing in the middle of the day and not when you are playing? To that, on a pidlog, you sit down with your own car, add the statements for the rakhunok of your own mind and force it to the ground. And in some cases such "additional help" is not necessary, for that it needs a lot of stretching.

Butt. I know in the photo :-)
On the picture of the evil on the twine on the twine, I was already sitting, but there was practically no "reserve". In the photo, the right-hander at me has already shown a good "minus" and that in the twine becomes more equal!

Twine is one of the main elements of gymnastics, acrobats and dance performances. It is possible to find the cobs, for the regular ones to borrow. Practicing yoga, I’ll start doing the twine after a month of continuous practice. The twine is developing the coordination of the sleeves, I will twine the twine and the twine.

The elasticity of communication and communication grows, for regular busy people. The twine is positively infused into the blood circulation, increasing the looseness of the slopes and shrinking the exchange of words. The main types of braces are not only on the legs, but on the back, the press, arms, available to the ears. Alee vikonannya їkh guilty in doing so, but didn’t become injuries to the sound and the sound.

The twine training is to blame for the first hour with a professional instructor, who will explain all the rules and show the correct results in order to achieve the best result.

Basic twine types

A good physical form can be used to sit on the twine. See the twine rіznomomanіtnі. The smell comes from the fallowness due to the directness of the food and preparation of the people. Right in the gymnastics direction, in the main, on all options for twines. The stench is straightforward to the increase of nosiness for the short-lived acrobatic numbers.

Most popular є transverse and later. The stench is straight on the back legs. When the legs are tight, the sides are equal.

The transverse twine is the most folded at the viconanna. The very thing to do with trimming on trenuvannyah, splinters, sowing on the transverse, it will be much lighter, nіzh nіzh navpaki. The transverse twine can be seen sitting, so і standing, і lying. Bagato athletes love vikonuvati yogo in statsi on hands. However, such tricks are only available to professionals, they can be very good at coordinating their hands, like cleverly sitting on the twine.

Before Tim, as you start trenuvannya, you need to do a little warm-up, to prepare your slopes until the day. Especially the cross brace should be used. Vona finish folding at the vison and vimag of significant training.

Only regular trainings allow to reach the required effect. The value of interrupting the robot knows to turn the muffs until the front turns and the elasticity changes again.

It was brought, well, that in a child, in a child's mind, in a more mature person, it will be easier to endure a lot of busyness. If I want to make things less crumbling and elastic, however, they are unaffected by all kinds of rock without trenuvan, but then they will be able to achieve success.

When stretching, it is necessary to tighten the clothes, and it is warm, and it will be comfortable. More beautiful than anything to wear tight trousers or moose, but legs did not see the scooter.

It is necessary to stretch, it is necessary to stitch, but it will not be too strong. If there is significant discomfort, it is best to pin down the busyness or to reduce the intensity of the day.

In order to reach the gymnastic cross twine, it is necessary to do a good job and to find a trainer. Only regular busyness is available to ensure that people are not worn out. Viconuvati twine is necessary in a step-by-step manner to eliminate any possible injuries of ligaments and joints.

In order to try to tread and pull yourself up to stretch the transverse twine, you need to work from the position below. Spreading his legs to the sides and resting his hands on the pidlog, step out the legs of the yakomog one way out of one, reaching behind the pod of the required place.

The slopes didn’t see any trouble, it is possible to understand from them the possibility of transferring the body to five. For a cob, you can try to sit on the pidlog in the toad's pose - sit on the knee, lay your hands on the pidlog and stretch your head and hands forward. Legs when breeding a yakomog are wider, zberigayuchi bend the kolina.

If the toad does not cause any discomfort, it can go to the main transverse extension. Spread your legs from the lying position and stretch out. Every day, you can tighten the force of the grip, if you stretch the yakomoga wider and wider to the field.

The transverse twine is stretched out to reach the end, or with regular employment, the result can be pushed through the month. The head rule is to take care of the care and all the hands of the vison as carefully as possible, so that you do not injure the sound and the slopes.

That is, there is not a little bit of tazostehnovogo slope as it slowly stretches, it is not possible to correct the good result in a short term.

late twine

Later, stretch nig visonuєtsya on one leg, or a friend. At the same time, the view of the twine is vvazhaєtsya zdіysnennim lighter, lower transverse, splinters zadіyan zdbіlshogogo one leg, so as a friend is found behind.

One z to the right є busy in a sitting position on pidlosis, one leg bend in a colony. To a friend, push forward and with a body waggle up to her lower, zberigayuchi with a full dumb back. Let your feet be remembered.

So, stepwise, the jingle and the thread will be stretched out and the twine will go down all the way down and down.

Raise the stretch, you can visonuvati not only lying, or standing. Professional gymnastics with easy acrobatic element. One leg is touching with a hand and uphill, up to the head. With a large number of zalishayutsya straight and spine. Tsya diya vvazhaєtsya to finish the foldable, so that when people leave, they do not want to sit on the late twine from the pidlogi, do not fix the viconuvati to the right while standing.

This option can be either right-handed or left-handed. If you hurt your feet, be guilty as much as possible. The amount of zginati is not possible, so as not to allow the overwhelming imposition on the slopes and tendons.

At the same time, the transverse view is immersed in one of those found available, since the later inaccessible for a large population. A lot of women, who in their childhood were engaged in gymnastics or dancing, in more adulthood they can see the Danish element even through the trenuvan, to find a lot of rocky without occupation. Oskіlki m'yazi may be a singing step of elasticity, in a grown-up vіtsі stench you can add a colish form to a shvid and viconati mriya, nіzh in quiet, who didn’t take care of the child.

A slid of memory, which in choloviks muzyazy is stronger, less in females, so the availability of twine for females, not for choloviks. Solid mіtsnі m'yazi to make the stretching.

Pidvidi cross and late twine

Stretching the most beautifully vikonuvati under a professional professional, especially newcomers. Oskіlki not cooked tіlo vimagaє great protection. There are other types of rosettes, in the sense of the stench, they are deprived of the options. If one type of twine becomes available, then іnshі viconati becomes lighter.

If a person is already in the middle of sitting on the cross, then reaching the late for a new one is not a warehouse of great difficulties.

Іnuti pіdvidi transverse and late twine. The stench is seen for the rivals of the possibilities of the people and for their development.

  • Classic. Get caught up on food.
  • Negative. Vvazhaєatsya to finish folding at the Viconanne. Fight in position on pidlosis, one leg is on the top of the floor, while the tulub itself is in the legs yak bi sagging. Such a twine is called sagging.
  • Horizontal. Hang in a horizontal position.
  • Vertical. You can stand up, you can when you are trimming for a stiff object, or you can stand for the help of a vlasy person. One leg stretches uphill, vertically.
  • In the hands of the girls. Visited only by professionals. It is necessary to take a trim and coordination, and not just wick it up, but trim your legs while doing the splits. Such to the right can be seen transversely, so later.
  • In povitri. Visiting from a strip, or in a stand, for example, on canvases. In this hour, yoga is called in hammocks, as you can see on special canvases. They have a very good solution to this option.
  • On pidlozі. Lying on the back or on the stomach.
  • Napivshpagati. Vipovnyutsya with one zignuyu in the colony leg. Go for pochatkivtsiv.

Kozhen pidvid is on the respect of his specialness. It’s easy to see it, it’s easy to see it. Є ti, which can only be professional, for example, twine into a strip or sag.

With this option, the hands will grow apart either from the tulub, or from the sides, like the legs.

vertical twine

One of the species, which vikonutsya in the position of standing on one nose. With the hand of a friend, the leg is pulled up the hill to the stele. Professionals can twist the leg so high that you see a negative twine in a vertical position.

With a vikonanny it is possible to grip with one hand for a simple object, or to set it in an independent way. The Danish view is vvazhaєtsya to finish the foldable, so the availability of it is small.

Twine on hands

With the position of the legs on the arms, the legs can be extended either to the sides, or to be shown later. Such an option is not available to everyone, it’s necessary to mintly trim it and put it on your hands.

If you let your hands and arms stretch, you can ask for such a twine for a short term, or even the necessary accuracy and part of the training.

Twine in twine

This element is available to all ballerinas and gymnasts. Vipovnyutsya in a strip yak from a rozbіgu, so and on a mіsci. With one foot, one can see the shipments, with one foot they stretch out in one line, either late, or transversely.

This option is more light, less classic, splinters into a strip can easily stretch out your legs with a swing, but you do not expect to be thrown into a static position.

Twine lying on p_dloz_

Lying on the back, with one hand, touch the leg, yak knight up the hill or to the side. The option is available in the form of a bag and not to be used. It is also a timid kind of razvodyachny legs on the sides, ale lying. It can be either lateral or late.

Semi twine

Such a view is available with a bagatom, only a few hind legs are stretched out, so that a friend can be pulled into a colony. But for such a twine, it is necessary to take care of it. Newbies can try to study themselves from the center to the right, and they can easily adjust the steps of the intensity of the tension in the rings and taps.

When twine breaks, you can swing the body forward, or trim your back with a dumbbell. Hands at tsomu abo vpirayutsya in pidlog, or to be found on talії. Viconize only on the same surface. Standing such a variant is uncomfortable.

It’s not only professional artists, gymnasts and ballerinas that can stretch them. Vona is absolutely skinny people, fragments of elastic muses and dull loams are positively infused into the health of people.

Raztyaguvannya nіg spriyє enhancing blood circulation in the tazostegnovy slopes, in the small basin, which will prevent the development of the reproductive system and etching. Tim, whoever is able to sit on the twine, accessible and right to the right, in which active back legs.

Gnuchka only embellished not only women, but th children. It is a lot of athletes on their trainings to dress a garnished yakisny twine for more productive robots and power workers. The elasticity of nabagato is lighter than the growth of the big ones, the amount of polish to the exchange of speech and blood circulation is positively infused into all the systems and organisms of the people.

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