What does heel mean guy. Who is such a podkinnik. Who is a voluntary podkin

The etymology of the word "Podkinnik" would seem obvious: "The one who is under the heel." Since heels most often wear women, and the concept of "repeater" is used exclusively in male genus, we can conclude that this term describes the humiliated and subordinate position of a man in a relationship with a woman. In fact, it was used to be so called the Caucas Sokolov, who put on the hoods (special caps) to calm them. However, over time, the concept has passed entirely into the sphere of family relations.

Explicit and hidden

Throughout the history of Russia and Europe, the views on family life were purely patriarchals. The man was considered the head of the family, alone responsible for making decisions and the main minor. The ideas of female equality originated relatively recently, so many people are still not able to accept the fact that a woman can also make decisions and be responsible for them. Based on this, such people call the rainbits not only those men who completely obeyed their companions, but also simply those on the basis of equal rights and duties.

In a classic understanding, the rebelnik is a weakweight male representative, which for one or another reasons is not able to defend its point of view, which means it is forced to agree with his girlfriend or his wife in everything. Podcasts often become people who have not achieved any significant vertices in life. Upholstery in everyday issues becomes an additional argument that allows a companion of such a man to relate to himself both to himself and its point of view on this or that significant question.

In addition to the obvious dominance of a woman over a man, arising from the more aggressive or simply active life position of a fair sex, there are situations in which a man, formally considered the head of the family, is actually a victim of skillful manipulation. With the help of tears, flattery, threats or tricks, a woman makes his companion to do as she wishes. In some cases, a man is in full confidence that he makes decisions on his own, although in fact he depends entirely on the opinion of his "half."

Weakness or concessions?

Finally, there are "voluntary" racks, that is, people who, in exchange for family well-being and home comfort, refuse part of their views, for example, on household issues. The difference of this type of men from the present is that they clearly share the spheres of influence, not allowing women to "their" territory, in exchange for minor, from their point of view, concessions. As a rule, such a refusal not only allows a woman to feel like a full member of the family, but also eliminates the many unpleasant situations and conflicts.

It is not worth confusing a man capable of compromises and concessions, with a hazard and sluggish rebel. In the end, the ability to accept someone else's point of view or recognize its own wrongness is evidence of maturity and masculinity, and not weakness at all.

In this article, I will continue the topic of the specific category of "Men" and will tell you who is such a podkinnik ...

Podcast - This is the one who shame / begged in front of girls / women.

By the Pattern, Male, Podkinnik, Simply put, this is a Babskaya litter \u003d)

How should it be: a woman does not decide anything. Decides a man. As I want - it will be. Point.

If you do not like - you let the woman make decisions, you are not the main relationship.

It is only in weak men, women can pick up such a naked, tantrums show their own, indicate, disappear, manipulate, order, decide for a man, etc., etc.

Remember: If a woman is trying to wash something there, manipulate, decide for a man, pointing to him that and how \u003d and he obeys Hey, begging, it makes it up, then this is a rebelnik.

Under. Heel. Who? Who wears heels? That's right - women 🙂 That's all.

This fu-fu behavior \u003d not worthy of a man a priori. Immediately suggests that the man is weak.

A man is responsibility. And not a woman. Do you understand? A man is the one who takes on male functions. If you don't perform men's functions, and your woman \u003d you have problems.

Such men - the self-esteem is understood, they are not sure of themselves, they are afraid to lose their queens, probably the problems come from childhood, a strict mother (which everything decided, was the main thing - and the boy modified accordingly, and thinks deeply inside - what is the norm) , weak dad / lack of dad (as a consequence, the lack of the right male behavior model), maybe just incorrectly not a competent woman broke it, let's say so, domesticated, tamed and made a heel and a lot more ...

Not one girl / woman \u003d will not interact in serious with such a man.

They are accustomed to what they are obeyed, and a strong man - does not obey themselves, everything itself decides, indicates, gives clear instructions, and hey does not like it, she is used to that she herself leads her life, etc., in general, used to be the main thing.

Such women are proud proud, oh oh at all, in general, are not ready to be slave. It should be.

Accordingly, the weak men will be, say so "like", the fact that they are puppets for her.

Such a woman \u003d can "squeeze" and say so, "change", only a very strong man. The question is whether such a strong man is worthy of such a strong man and will he want to spend his time at her.

There are still such ladies who want to make from their man - heel. For this, they use a bunch of a bunch of manipulations, so the step Bai Step Patsyk become obedient, neglected, domesticated, well, though he lost himself like a man. This is a terrible category of the young one, because the woman, on the contrary, should make her man stronger and better. And not vice versa.

The advice here is simple: I do not allow your woman to deprive you eggs. Read more!

That's right - when the man is the main (presenter), and the woman is led by. It `s naturally.

If you do not take into the calculation of these categories of the young ticket, then all the other girls / women will not interact in serious with such "men" (weak, heels, mattresses, etc.).

As a rule, women men check (if you have eggs) and then one of two, or you are used (milking, and on the side in search of a man) or immediately just emitted with the ends.

Women love strong men. Strong men feel. Strong men women respect, appreciate, afraid to lose, cherish, blooming in their eyes, etc ..

To strong men \u003d women have completely different behavior. Sticky. Compliant. Etc.

This man can and should fight a woman, indicate Hey, give direct directions, etc. This is normal because the man is always the main in relationship, the man is leading, and the woman led. But, no way vice versa.

If the girl / woman is not ready to be slave \u003d you do not need such a girl.

A woman must clearly understand and admit that a man in the home / relationship is the main. This, by the way, is one of the properties of an ideal wife, women. Laryrs at a notes.

When a woman, a weak floor, ruins over a man (strong sex) and is the leading (main) - it is unnatural, not normal, it does not turn out for a long time, because a man needs a man, a woman wants to obey, obey, etc. His man, inside himself, she does not want to decide anything that and how, etc. She wants to be at a strong male shoulder, seem weak and be happy.

If the pitsyk begins before a woman, the woman immediately feels, she sees it, as a result: either the head climbs, begins to do with you that he wants to endure the brain, change, order you, do it, do it, I want that I want it, dug away from me, does not appreciate, does not value the like.

In short, all the horror that you are not worthy.

Or the lady just immediately tells you goodbye and meet, and this is the best option, compared with the previous one ... But! And that and that, for you \u003d not acceptable, so do not be a heel.

How not to become a heel?

Do not braisen under a woman. Never. Something does not like, say right. Tell talk - no.

I said "No. Everything. I will not. I do not want. Etc. In the end, if the problem is not solved, throw it alone and everything, you do not need to adapt, tolerate, something to be fed there, etc. Millions of other women who are ready to be led, and not the main and I am sure they are better than your past.

Be a man: A man decides, like that, and not a woman.

  • Even such trifles, on what movie you will go - you decide, and not she.
  • Where are you going to rest - you decide, and not she.
  • Where can you sit, you decide - and not she.
  • Where will you live - you decide, and not she.
  • And much more, you \u003d responsibility, you are the main, you are the leader. Everything. Point.

Believe, the competent woman is ready to be slave - and obey and obey your man.

Because next to such a man \u003d Woman \u003d will feel safe, protected, will be able to relax and seem "weak", in short, just be a happy girl.

Hey will not need to grow eggs to themselves, think that and how, make difficult decisions, everything is decided, to be the main thing - no, normal girls \u003d do not want it, they need a strong man, that's all.

Council to girls: Help your man - reincarnate.

Example: he \u003d what movie will go? You: You're a man - you decide. Here is a competent position.

This is the level of competent girls. The absolute majority of Ala-Uly, who do not want anything / can not / do not know how, on the mind one instagram, nails, clothes and travel, and nothing more, do not develop, as women, do not improve themselves, etc. etc. And the relationship is so difficult and seriously that it is impossible to convey words, the absolute majority does not understand this all ...

To build really serious, harmonious and happy relationships \u003d a man and a woman should be equal to each other, a strong link + strong link \u003d success.

In general, no one is born a man, but it becomes - become becoming, working on yourself.

Get yourself. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Pump yourself as a man and notice how women will run with herds for you - and you will already choose, with whom you should be or not to be, who do you like, and who is not. And do not tolerate all the babian garbage, the hysterics, the removal of the brain, to fulfill her desires and requirements, it makes it up, fuse, humiliate, etc. Woman - nothing decides.

You are a man and you decide everything. As you want - it will be. With whom you want - with the same. Etc. You. Everything. Decide. Point! I have everything on this. More articles in the section

With uv, administrator.

This article describes what three types of men are found in the life of a woman. And that specifically, these men represent.

Starting a family life, a woman and man learn to compare their desires, to reckon with the opinion of a partner, to impose various bans on life if every couple will take into account the opinion of another problem will not be. Often idyll in relationship collapsing, someone begins to resist and bend the line to his side.

Most families are leading and sets the rules of the husband. In such a family, the wife has no voice, the husband is responsible for everything. It also happens in family relationships. The main thing is a wife who drives her husband under the heel, without considering his opinions, and alone claims the decisions in the family. Actually, therefore, they call the man "Podkinnik"

Types of men Podcastnikov

  1. False.
  2. Normal.
  3. Conquered.

False podkinnik

There are husbands with a steel character. These men simply do not pay attention to the screams and claims of his wife, calmly defend themselves, just not the war broke out. It follows from this that such men live work, and the family consider the addition.

In such men, their values. The main thing is to drink, fed and put in bed. Even if at the same time someone constantly grieves the ear. Such men, in no case, do not command, and try to humiliate in something, as they will not be offended.

Conveyed Podcast

Such a husband always listens to his wife, while he is enjoyed. This man is satisfied with the fact that the woman is home in the family. He has no complexes on this score, he is enthusiastic with his wife, and fully supports and accepts everything that his wife does.

The type of men, only at the beginning of the marriage remain in this image. After all, it is in this period of family relationships a man loves his wife. And only, after a period of time, they are freed from a complete admiration of a woman, and begin to defend their decisions, they can even show their wife, where in fact her place.

There are men who remain under the heel at his wife for life, and feel great in such a position.

Normal Podcast

This type of repeater has several variations. It is these men's mattresses in life. Some surrenders in front of difficulties or people. Such a man since childhood was used to obeying who prevails him physically or spiritually. When a man grows under the influence of strict parents, except for humility knows nothing. That is why they fulfill the desires and whims of the spouses.

Most of these subcabs, in the stage of alcoholic intoxication, are cleaned from under the heel of the wife. The conversations strive to prove that he is the main thing in the house, and even trying to adopt his spouse, shows signs. Gradually, when the head acquires clarity, the podcast is full of regret, again becomes a submissive lamb.

The second type of successful man, which is all his life on the mountain pushing his wife and takes his life into his hands, up to the smallest detail. This does not mean that the man obeys unquestionlessly, no. Wife hysterics and quarrels will insist in their opinion. Husband not to pump the situation and save forces, just agrees that the conflict exhaust himself.

A perfect man is a man who caresses his commitment to his shoulders and family well-being. At the same time, the husband will not go on a wife's persuasion on key problems. But he always needs any promotion of the beloved woman.

The woman should take into account the main point that it is her actions and influence forms the character and behavior of a man who is near. Woman herself creates on a white horse. If you approach this question without soul, the woman will miss the chance to become a happy princess.

So far.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Does your man?

Meniy looks arbitrarily brutal and independent. But here's a funny paradox: even a cool boss, which all subordinates in the office, at home, alone with her beloved girl, can be a podkin, obediently miserable: "Yes, dear", "How to say, dear", etc.

Pass our test to determine if your man is podcast? Add 1 score for each statement with which you agree, and 0 points for the answer "No".

  1. You always decide for yourself how you will spend holidays, where and when you go on vacation.
  2. You control the costs of your MCH. Checking what he spent money, perhaps you even tell him how much and what to spend, or just take a significant part of his salary for yourself.
  3. You easily use sex to manipulate your man. "Award" his sex for good behavior and punish the absence of bad.
  4. You yourself decide to communicate with your MCH. For example, with some idle friends who love beer, bath and prostitutes, you categorically forbid him. And he is listening!
  5. You tell him how to dress, combed, etc. Moreover, you are happy to play a personal stylist, dressed up with MCH for different cases, as if he is your doll.
  6. In any quarrel, he asks for forgiveness. While he does not recognize that you are completely right, and he is to blame for everything, you will not go to the world.
  7. His parents is visited in strictly set by you hours. In the end, he is already an adult, so let him give time to his girlfriend!

Test results : If you scored less than 3 points, it means that your MCH just loves you and easily goes on concessions. Plus he has a calm pointful character of a person, always ready to compromise.

If you got 3 points and more, it means that your man has a heel! Read the classification and varieties of podcasts to understand what kind of type it can be attributed.

Varieties of men-podcasts

Men are under the heel of their women for a variety of reasons. And they behave in such conditions, too differently. What kind of podcasts are found in nature?

Inborn Podcastnik

It is weak by nature. About these usually say "mattress". I can never defend your opinion, mainly because it does not have it. Such a person values \u200b\u200bhimself quite low. Usually he has large problems with self-esteem and self-esteem. Depending on public opinion, and therefore easily falls under the heel.

Such subcabs are often mamnye son. They go to all who are not too lazy. The girls rarely honor this group of men with their attention, finding them not enough courageous and attractive. However, charm such is very easy: just just express your sympathy. And if you say: "You are my hero! Only you are capable ... "/" You are the only one who ... "/" No one, besides you, could not ... ", etc., he will be yours until the end of his days.

But if you decided to build relationships with him, be humane. Instead of turning it into a slave, go together to a psychotherapist. Together you can make an excellent prince from your MCH!

"Fuck" Podcast

Almost any man can become such a subcast, if he is in something in front of his woman. The feeling of guilt and the fear of losing a favorite girl make such a man dance under his fader of her faithful 24 hours a day. And many girls enjoy this format of relations: "Ah, you have no strength to repair an apartment?! And I always found my strength with a man! " "And that's all, a man under the load of guilt sadly woves to perform any orders. Thus, manipulate the guilty man can be very long. But not always! Sooner or later, such a podkin will reaches the limit of patience and will be out of control. The consequences of such a breakdown can be unpredictable, but they do not promise anything good girlfriend.

Soul podcast

He is just very in love with you! Therefore, you can not refuse you. For him, you are a goddess, and your word is the law. He is pleased to please and in all with you agree with you. He is truly happy with you and, as a truly happy person, very generous. Such a podcast is a dream of any girl. Especially if so it does not apply to anyone else to her mother, nor to the boss, nor to the former. And he is ready to go only for you for one. It turns out that he is already not a podkin, but a real knight on a white horse!

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