British style in clothes - purely English classics. Weathered Aristocracy: English Retro Style in Clothing

- [RE] and [RE], [from Lat. Retro before, behind] the first part of complex words. Indicates the mention of the retro style. Retro Melody, Retro Fashion, Retro Card, Retro Show, Retro Hang ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Retro TV - Country Moscow, Russia Broadcasting zone ... Wikipedia

retro - NOT. , Wed. Retro M. Style, direction in fashion that imitates the last fashion. The first Japanese were realized. And they purchased the batch of our TVs, since they have badly with wood. Created from them the stands for shoes in retro style. Zadornov skillful ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

RETRO - [Lat. Retro back, back] Style in contemporary art: Resurrection of old, past decades of motifs and plots in movies, music, painting, clothes, etc. Wed. Evergrin. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. Retro (RE and RE) (...

retro... - Retro ... The initial part of the complex words, which makes the values: an old, reproducing ancient or relevant to the past, adhered to the past (retrograd, retrogradism, retrogradi, retro line, etc.). Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

RETRO - 1. NOT., Wed. Everything old, reproducing antiquity, past. Fashion on r. 2. Neism. Ancient, reproducing ancient. Furniture in the style of r. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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What style do you prefer to see in your kitchen - traditional or modern? If you find it difficult to answer this question, we have the perfect sample of the kitchen in an English style for you, which can become a source of inspiration. This kitchen combines elements of retro and modernity and perfectly fit into both the house, designed in a modern style and with a more traditional interior. Here are a few ideas that you could borrow for your own kitchen.

1. Dark Tint Furniture

Does these deep dark blue tint cabinets are not excellent? They definitely give the kitchen interior even greater charm and depth, but since only lower cabinets are painted in dark color, the design does not seem overloaded. The color in which the cabinets are painted - Hague Blue with Farrow & Ball. Depending on the lighting, it may seem dark blue, almost black, royal blue or even the color of the sea wave.

2. High marble apron

The kitchen apron and countertops represent an excellent contrast for dark cabinets. Please note that the wall above the apron decorates a long open shelf, on the same level with a hint of the drawing. rises to the shelf itself. All this creates a really impressive image that allows a light marble coating to truly shine.

3. Warning to details

Even in the kitchen, where first of all you notice the largest details (cabinets, household appliances, countertops), attention to detail is of great importance. In some outstanding items in this kitchen - minimalistic handles for drawers, remarkably contrasting with cabinets in a more traditional style , and leather handles on storage room doors on the contrary.

4. Mixture of antiquity and novelty

Can't do not like how boldly combined in this kitchen. For example, the plumbing crane is made in a very traditional style, and the extract has a neat and concise modern look. Cabinets are decorated in a conservative style, but the design of the top of the room, with a single shelf, introduces modern motifs to the interior. It seems that the color gamma makes all these details harmoniously get along in the same interior - dark tones below, white and silver upstairs are combining everything in the kitchen, one. The only exception is ...

5. Copper washing

Take a look at the kitchen sink, and you will be pleasantly surprised to see the warm radiance of copper. So beautiful washing will certainly cause a desire to wash the dishes immediately.

6. Outdoor coating of roughly peeled wooden boards

Proper flooring is important for creating a solid kitchen interior. These roughly sad and very beautifully made up wooden boards on the floor - perhaps the last thing you would expect to see in the kitchen, but they add so much heat and invoice in the interior and, moreover, report the unique feeling of antiquity. You could make such a coating of restored wood or buy a similar coating that will allow you not to worry about the crumbs stuck in the junctions.

Do you have any ideas? Boldly share them in the comments below.

Retro styles do not allow us to relax and not thinking to wear what I got, in the hope that if everything is allowed, any combination will become stylish and fashionable. Although! Rules are becoming more stringent. The mixing of elements looks tasteless and unsightly. Therefore, to be fulfillment, you need to know which retro styles are and that they define.

The English retro style is a unique phenomenon, since in the modern women's fashion, he entered with a large number of elements borrowed from fashion male. Interestingly, in the 20s in England, women really borrowed objects from the male wardrobe. And it seemed natural - Emancipation worried a rapid rise, women began to feel more independent and even prone to adventurism, including in fashion.

But still, "female" fashion trends of the 10-20s did not define the men's fashion. But in the modern women's fashion, the English retro style manifested itself with the maximum number of "male" and enough conservative elements connected to the "female" elements.

That is why looking at the old reproductions of the time, trying to identify the bright characteristics of this retro style, you need to look at the charming English gentlemen. By the way, the female fashion of that time was completely embodied in another retro style, which is called "Art Deco" with his famous SEC-Line dresses.

But, back to the English retro. At the mention of this retro style, almost each of us can recall some stereotypical features that are really inherent in this retro style: sufficient simplicity, conservatism, restraint, primness, elegance, like a "real English aristocracy". Nothing superfluous, rigor and minimum decorative elements.

The inaccurate elements are strict and elegant suit with recognizable "English" (Scottish) cell or a kind of characteristic twisted pattern. Of course, with its origin, such a male suit must be grateful to the British fashion of the 18th century. But it was in the twentieth century that his development, one might say, reached the highest point. The material from which the costumes were sewed, there was tweed, jersey and cashmere. Preference is always given to natural tissues. This is quite natural, given the natural features of the region.

The English costume has a pretty traditional cut, most often this is a triple costume. Strict but convenient and practical, according to the figure. Jacket with a postponed collar and lapels. It can be said that the motto of this retro style: practical and convenient elegance. It is quite natural that such a style does not imply bright buttons or other bright decorative elements.

The principles of male fashion are distributed on women's elements: Skirt is strict, straight, on the figure, blouse feminine, but closer to the men's shirt. Women's trousers in English retro-style repeat the men - they are direct, in some cases - a la hailifa or shortened straight pants (it is not surprising, since the English aristocrats put on such pants for the hunt, which was one of the elite secular entertainment as well on the game of golf).

Looking at some photos, you can immediately "grab" the essence of this style. By the way, although this photo is taken from the popular British series "Jeeves and Worcester", the action of which is happening just in England on the beginning of the 20th century, it perfectly reflects this English retro style.

In English retro, straight coats are perfectly fits perfectly to the knee with a postponed collar and, of course, a sleeveless with a V-neck. This style can be attributed to both a vaguely postponed collar with a classic single-breasted clasp or flashes.

From the female fashion in English retro style, a wonderful Cloş hat was left, which, by the way, was invented by the French modist, but perfectly fit into the authentic English fashion of the beginning of the century, as well as a hat on a form resembling a pot. Although the Classic Keps, who wore the young British of that time, and the familiar bowler or the A-la English policeman, would be perfectly suitable for the head of the head. As accessories, of course, a classic roomy ridicul is suitable for this style.

The practicality, accuracy and restraint of the British is a business card of the whole nation. A serious attitude towards any life circumstances is equally applied to dining. British style in clothing quite consistent with the strict and restrained manner of human behavior. It is difficult to present a typical Englishman in a motley Hawaiian shirt, a careless suit or colored shoes. But comfortable, functional, well-tailored clothing, okay the fitting figure - this is the classic British set.

A little about the history of the style

The formation of an English aristocracy at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries led numerous changes in the life of life. Global transformations also touched the appearance of people.

In the formation of fashionable images, accuracy and elegance were especially valued. Women and men were equally carefully picked up all the details of the costume, avoiding pompousness and coupling forms. Simple strict clothes were practical and comfortable.

The traditions of the British style have been preserved until today, over the past centuries, has a little exposed to fashionable trends. So, the English image has acquired the status of a classic style over time.

Classic British style in clothes

Adherents of English bows can be safely ranked to strict and conservative people. Their clothes are always distinguished by sophistication and good taste. These qualities of human nature and signs of fashionable style are in demand around the world. British Style clothing is usually attributed to the category of classics. It is unlikely that there is a man on Earth, never put on strict pants, jacket or dress.

Characteristic style features:

  • simple cut;
  • strict style;
  • elegant silhouette;
  • high-quality materials;
  • practicality;
  • quality.

British clothes are characterized by a sense of measure, no matter what details is - color, shape, decor.

To simplify the choice of things belonging to the fashion trend, their main signs should be determined.

  • Curra assumes the presence of a semi-wave or direct silhouette with a minimum number of suture compounds. The form of any thing resembles a slightly elongated rectangle, stitched exactly according to the figure. Patch sleeves tightly fit hands. Permissible full length to brushes or three-quarters. In summer dresses there are thin straps.

  • The products are made up of pockets "into the frame" or false elements with valves. Preferred handwalk collars, small weapons on the sleeves, counted fasteners. Buttons play the role exclusively functional, so you choose small dimensions and simple forms into the tone of the main fabric.

  • The length of the products for women is strictly indicated within the knee. The hands and neck brushes are usually open, which deprives British images of candid seductivity and sexuality. In elegant dresses there may be a shallow neckline.

  • One or two shallow cuts on the skirt, as well as fan folds from either side of the product.

  • Accessories are given an important role in creating a full-fledged set. In the British style, a variety of hats decorated with multiple decor are certainly present. Classic types of handbags, careless jewelry, elegant shoes - all these are successful components of a successful bow.

British style in men's clothing

Restraint and conciseness of behavior was reflected in the wardrobe of people. The basis of a typical male image creates a traditional triple costume, consisting of a jacket, vest and trousers. Classic crate clothing requires a man of straight posture, restrained behavior and good manners.

In the sewing use materials of organic origin cotton, wool, tweed, jersey. The main requirement for tissues is excellent quality and quality. Multiple types of cold muted colors are used more often. Pictures are also popular in the form of a shallow Scottish cell.

In a suit, the focus is paid to the jacket, which should be crouted clearly on the figure. The vest is used as desired, it is more suitable for solemn events and important business meetings. In the absence of a strict dress code, the suit is replaced with jeans and a thin pullover or knitwear.

British style offers quite a few accessories for a male image. Usually it is a handkerchief in the top pocket of the jacket, the cane-umbrella, the clock of designer performance, solid glasses. The color of the leather shoe must fully match the entire costume.

British style in women's clothing (photo)

To accurately meet the strict requirements of English fashion, attention should be paid to things of the adjacent silhouette. In this excellent service, Coco Chanel will be provided, in which there are many laconic spectacular styles. In dresses and blouses necessarily there are breastplates and talet. They emphasize elegant and feminine forms.

Stoys of skirts are distinguished by a large variety. They can be straight, expanded, with folds, smells. Beautifully look at the model in the form of a pencil, tulip, cylinder. In this type of clothing, the British style retreats from the strict rules of conservatism and gives a scope of female fantasy.

In the sewing of clothing use expensive tissues of excellent quality with pronounced naturalness. Usually choose fine wool, cozy cashmere, flowing light silk, wool tweed, tight drape, comfortable cotton, soft knitwear. Popular in other styles of fur and skin replace durable suede.

In the finishing of female models, there are no brilliant elements, sparkling accessories and motley prints. Little decorations are distinguished by restrained colors and small sizes. Relevant accessories can be attributed to light scarves, neck scarves, leather gloves, jewelry, jewelry. Perfectly harmonize with a british product from natural pearls.

England is a country of contrasts, it is there that can be seen on the street a real lady, and immediately near it is a yellow football fan. We suggest to consider what is manifested by classic English style in clothes for girls, his photo and main directions.

English Style History

Many traditions have been preserved in England from the Middle Ages, of course, some left forever into oblivion. The most important feature of this area is fearless and its arrogance. There is no need to wear what fashionable designers said, you can safely wear what you are comfortable, regardless of the trendy trends. In the early 1990s, Grunge-Avangard style was extremely fashionable, he went from England.

But, nevertheless, you can highlight several English-style directions in clothes:

  1. Avangard;
  2. Classic;
  3. Rural Style;
  4. Retro or vintage.

Each of them has its own characteristics, consider each separately more.


Vivien Westwood is considered the legislator of this area, it was she who first managed to present an unusual outfit to the public so that people not only have been satisfied, but also wanted to follow the example. This is by and large, the youth street style, it is not burdened with strict rules or prejudices, it can also be called a way to urban crazy. Suitable to adolescents or rebellious women after 25 (for example, Vivien is already 50).

Features of avant-garde style:

  1. Bright, in principle, non-combined paints;
  2. Unpredictable prints, it can be both abstraction and animal pattern in an unexpected place;
  3. Many decorative elements: pins, knockers, embroidery.

In addition to all this, you can safely take not aggressive details of the image of grunge, eclecticism or boho-chic. For inspiration we advise you to view the photo Actress Cassandra Einsworth, Vivien Westwood, Kira Knightley.

Photo - Castandra Einsworth style


Cylinders, male trousers Croy, strict dresses, dark colors in clothes - it all characterizes the classic English style. All the charm of this image in rigor, restraint. Very close in the direction is the style of prestigious colleges and universities. The main brand of fashionable clothing, which uses this clothing, is Burberry. Basic elements of classical English style:

  1. Headwear, it can be berets, Fedors, Trilbi or pills, mainly without unnecessary tinsel, decor and bright colors;
  2. Dock-case. We are not just just ultra-screwed models of A la 60s, but about standard shapeless outfits that prefers to wear the Queen of Great Britain, Princess and other representatives of the Elite;
  3. Classic costumes - not the color is important here, and the cut, it is necessary to select the most stringent, practically business outfits;
  4. Geometric prints: cell, stripes, triangles;
  5. Pastel or Dark Deep Colors: beige, black, blue, gray, light pink, white.

Especially cute and touching this English style looks in children's clothes.

Photo - Classic Clothing Photos - Classical sexmocins Photo - Classic clothes on children


England is famous for its retro images. Sometimes they can even be confused with the avant-garde, but this is a rough mistake. Here the main emphasis is on print (flowers), fitting top and tulip skirts. In the 40s and 50s of the last century, each girl in the wardrobe should have a skirt with a spacious zone of the hips and a narrowing podol.

Also traditional retro style in clothes welcomes images of young girls with trouser suits (not with a jacket, but with a tuxedo), evening dresses with an open back or a long loop, and interesting accessories. The most remarkable items:

  1. An extended jacket, tuxedo, vest below the hip line;
  2. Narrow pants, like Favorite costumes Marlene Dietrich (despite the fact that she is German, this lady loved the English style very much);
  3. This trendy trend is also emphasized in hairstyle, makeup or manicure. All as possible is kept, carefully, you do not need to attract attention to bright colors;
  4. Accessories "under ancient": canes, hats, clutch bags with sparkles, boa.

The base of the basic retro wardrobe often became tight strict blouses and sundresses, light jerseys and skirts with floral ornament.

Photo - English Retro Style Photo - Bridget Bardo in the cylinder Photo - Female sexmoking


Country English style in women's clothing is beautiful in their simplicity. His eclecticity still does not give rest to fashionistam. In the new season, Oxfords and Brody were conquered from this direction of girls who are considered classic shoes of English farmers. Modern country style is one of the most difficult recreated Look`s. His lovers are Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and others.

There are different options for such an image. Main elements - this is:

  1. Straw hat;
  2. Shoes with perforation (according to historical reports, such shoes needed to rural residents to work in the field, because it quickly dried after the wet herb);
  3. Simple Shebbi-Chic Style Accessories: Old shabby clutch, straw bag, homemade decorations (bead bracelets, necklaces).

Sometimes a hunting was introduced into the trendy rural style. Here is a little modified basic clothing. If you remember, one of the main characters of the film "Jumanji" played a hunter, rightly his outfit is the classic embodiment of hunting English style. Halifer trousers, suspenders, leather brown shoes with high backs, unusual headdress.

Photo - Modern Country Photo - English Country Style

The differences between the English style from other types of fashion are obvious, but besides the main parameters, there are well-known concepts. Consider the most common rules:

  1. Always be prepared for the rain. Therefore, it is preferable to wear a coat or cloak, rather than a rag jacket;
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