One step ahead. Georgian artist Andrei Shengelia Pskov Forum on pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood

Holy Martyr Andrei Meaukievsky lived and accepted the martyrdom of the Cross in 100-130 years. He was a good kind and he was among the sixteen associates of the Holy Martyr Dry, which was served at the court of the Albanian ruler (now the territory of the current Azerbaijan).

Once, accompanying the daughter of the Albanian ruler Satenika, the Holy Martyr Dry and his sixteen associates were in Artaste, the ancient capital of Armenia and witnessed the preaching of Grek-Christian christian christian, ordained in the hire of the Holy Apostol Faddeem. The speech of the preacher touched the soul of the noble, and they decided to devote their lives of faith Christ. They followed Chrisos in Mesopotamia and during baptism in the waters of Euphrates were honored to see the Savior.
In the baptism, the associates found a new life and new names: the eldest began to blind dry, and his sixteen comrades: Andrei, Anastasiya, Talala, Feodorite, Ivhirion, Jordan, Kondrat, Lucian, Mimnenos, Neorangios, Polyevkk, Jacob, Foka, Domentian, Victor and Zosima. After the death of Chrysi, the dryness became spiritual mentors of brethren, and they all settled near the village of Bagrevandy in the valley of the Sukaketi Mountain.
Learning that Christians live in the vicinity of Sukaketi Mountain in prayer solitude, the new ruler of Albania ordered to persuade Christians to refuse faith and return to the pagan worship. But the holy worships rejected all the persuasions and did not frighten clever torture. Their bodies were crucially sophisticated to the Earth and devotees to burning. Dying, holy martyrs sang 21 psalm.
The sacred remains of the martyrs remained not buried to the IV century, when local Christians were betrayed. Subsequently, a healing source opened at the site of the martyrdom.

Our work


Holy Martyr Dry and Sixteen His companions Georgians were noble nobles at the courtyard of the Albanian (Agva) ruler (Caucasian Albania - the state in the territory of the current Azerbaijan).

Accompanying the daughter of the Albanian ruler Satenik, the spouse of the Armenian king of Archsara (88 - 123), the Holy Dry and his 16 associates were in Artaste, the ancient capital of Armenia, which was later destroyed by the Romans in 163. There was preached by the Greek Christian chrisos, enlightened and ordained to Jerey's holy apostle Faddey. Velmazbi believed in the Savior and firmly decided to devote all their lives to the ministry to God. All seventeen new Georgians followed Chrisos in Mesopotamia. During the baptism in the waters of Euphrates, committed by Jerey Chrisos, they won the Lord of the Glory of Jesus Christ.

At the place of baptism, the holy martyrs erected an honest cross and called him the "cross of the Annunciation." When baptized, Ieria Chrisos gave all the holy new names: the eldest - dry (instead of Bagadraza), and his associates - Andrei, Anastasiya, Talala, Feeodorite, Ivhirion, Jordan, Kondrat, Lucian, Mimnenos, Neorangios, Polyevk, Jacob, Foka, Domentian, Victor and Zosima.

After the martyr's death of the blessed chrysides, the Holy Dry became the spiritual leader of brethren. Soon, everyone moved into a wilderness to Mount Sukakety, not far from the mountain village of Bagrevandi. Here, former Velmes, the most strict mobility life, food served as scarce mountain vegetation, and a drink is cold key water.

The new ruler of the pagan Albania Datianos learned that his former Venels adopted Christianity and settled in a prayer solitude. He instructed his approximate Barnapass with a squad of warriors to persuade them to return to the yard and turn to the previous faith. Barnapass found the Holy Dry His companions, but they, observing the vow of serving God, rejected all persuasions.

Then, by order of Barnapas, the Holy Dry and his associates were crucially sophisticated to the Earth and bred. Dying, Saint Kondrat, and for him and other martyrs began to sing the 21st Psalm. After the burning of their bodies were chopped and scattered throughout the mountain Sukakety, which is why the martyrs and got the name of Meaukievsky (more correctly - sukuqake). It was accomplished in 123 (according to other data - in 130; Athos Parchment manuscript of the XI century of the Iversky Monastery indicates 100 years).

The sacred remains of martyrs remained not buried and imperishable to the IV century, when they were laid in the coffins and were betrayed by local Christians (the names of the Martyrs were drawn up on the rock).

Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, an enlightener of Armenia, erected on the place of the church and founded the abode. Subsequently, a healing source opened there.

That such a properly built system of information security is and what is the subject of special pride of Rosurobank, the editorial was told Georgian Andrey Mikhailovich, Director of the Security Department Rosurobank.

- The description of the RosEvrobank Mission begins with a remarkable phrase: "We strive to provide every customer with a complete abundance of the most modern banking products and services, introducing the newest achievements in the field of information technology and make the level of service." Why did you emphasize on the introduction of the latest IT systems?

All banks known to me are striving to optimize as much as possible, simplify, finalize the available information technologies. Banovsky business (as well as any other business in the financial sphere) is high-tech. It assumes the presence of intensive information exchange, electronic document management, as well as modern automated customer service systems. That is why the Bank also considers the development of IT with one of the priorities of its activities.

Business should be well managed, which is impossible without IT systems, especially when it comes to an extensive branch structure. In connection with the intensive development of the branch network, the electronic document management system is complicated, the business management system, the order of internal interaction. For Rosurobank, this is especially true, since we are actively going to the regions.

An important role is played by the service speed of the client. In each bank today, modern payment systems must be implemented, new services, such as Internet banking and mobile banking. Delegation in the implementation of settlements, remittances and other operations can cause client loss. In addition, many operations are simply impossible without the use of high information technologies.

The introduction of new services involves special attention to information security issues. Could you stay more in this direction of your activity? Who in Rosurobank is subordinate to the division responsible for providing information security?

Traditionally, information security is considered to be the cost of expenses. On the other hand, it is important to understand that the correctly built information security system allows you to avoid risks, losses from which can most times to exege the costs of building and maintaining this system.

Of course, the financing of information security systems increases the competitiveness of the bank and its attractiveness in the client's eyes. However, it is necessary to obey the requirements and recommendations of the regulators. We recently conducted self-esteem, in the preparation of which more than 20 people from various units were involved. Such a procedure was held only a few Russian banks. In addition, a year ago we created the concept of development and b, which was approved by the Bank's management. It indicates the main directions of development of IB and a certain intermediate goal for the next 2-3 years (it is obvious that with the development of technologies and changes in the legal framework about this period of time, any concept loses relevance and needs a revision). In addition, the concept is focused on fulfilling the requirements of international regulations.

Now we build our work on the basis of the concept. Consistently, given the regulators' regulatory acts, build a system security system. We always try to be one step ahead, and this allows you to avoid sudden, unplanned costs: after studying and analyzing international experience and standards, we have received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible further steps of Russian information security regulators. We begin to prepare for this in advance: we study the market, we calculate the possible costs, we determine what specialists need. By the end of each year, certain tasks are formed and, accordingly, the work plan next year. So when the recommendations of the regulators come out, which, as a rule, are later transferred to the discharge of mandatory requirements, it is not a surprise to us, we are ready for them.

For the implementation of this plan, the head of the information security management is personally responsible to the Director of the Security Department, which, in turn, is responsible to the Chairman of the Board of the Bank.

Thus, the management of information security of our Bank is part of the Security Department.

I also note that every year we conduct an audit of the information security Ros-Eurobank, during which we identify violations in the security system, we evaluate them, we develop a set of measures to eliminate the shortcomings and further improvement of IB systems. After solving the problem, we carry out statistical analysis and make the necessary conclusions.

What are your personal requirements for employees of specialized information security issues?

Requirements for employees of information security departments for all banks, I think about the same - it must be professionals. But there is another fundamentally important requirement - decency. It should be understood that the employee of the EB's profile division has access to almost all resources of the bank and, therefore, is a carrier of some secret information, which is both banking and official secrets. Therefore, the human factor here comes to the fore.

- What is the subject of special pride of Rosurobank?

Not in all banks management is ready to allocate significant budgets for IT security (principle often works: before it lived before it lives, it means that they live further). Therefore, it is very important to understand the leadership of our bank that information security needs to develop, introducing the most modern information security systems. Every year the budget allocated for information security in Rosurobank is doubled. The number of employees of the management from the moment of its creation tripled and continues to grow.

We just try to be one step ahead. It is equally important that the whole team of the bank is aware of the responsibility for the information that they are carriers. I note that for employees of our Bank, the implementation of such information security regulations as a computer lock, when you leave the workplace, or storing documents in a safe, and not on the desktop, have become the same natural as locking the doors when you leave your own apartment.

This year we have declared the Year of Education Culture of Employees. We even conducted a competition for the best slogan on the topic "Information Security". Slogans of the winners will fall on the posters that will be awesome in the offices of Rosurobank. It is planned to create a learning film for all employees.

I must say that our efforts were not in vain. The results of the inspection on the burglary of the banking system using social engineering showed that about 95% of employees reacted to provocative actions absolutely correct.

So for us information security is not only technical and software products, but also consciousness (security culture) of employees. If five years ago the main danger was the external threats, today are insiders, but we are confidently carrying out systematic work to curb such cases.
The task of divisions responsible for and b is to ensure safe business development. Projects of the IT Department, the department of plastic cards are clearly coordinated with the management of information security. If necessary, we attract outsourcing companies to verify the reliability and security of a new product introduced in our bank.

Investments in IB are investments in the future. We take moves to the protection. As the queen of an unsvestigative fairy tale said, "... You have to escape from all your feet to just stay in the same place! If you want to get to another place, then you need to run at least twice the faster" (Lewis Carroll, Alice in the Lewis Caller "). We also follow such a concept of movement. A disaster can be avoided if you prevent it.

Works are in private collections of Russia, USA, Canada, Germany, Australia and France. His painting is distinguished by the recognizable copyright style, close to abstract expressionism. Combines traditional techniques of the National Picturesque School with sustainable trends in Western European art.

Among his works are dominated by landscapes. Very recognizable, with unusual color combinations. In his works, first of all, seeks to pass the movement - wind, the sea, herbs in the wind. If you look at his work for a long time, you can feel almost physically.

A number of works were written under the immediate impression of the artist from postpressionism: a rapid gust, a complex pictorial texture, the use of the technique of Pointilism; The game with color, his saturation, even excessive refers to the artist to the fouls. Perhaps this is a chance for the viewer to introduce the work of many famous masters - Clee or de Stlya - if they were born and worked in Georgia.

A whole group of work has a characteristic author style: brightness does not disappear, but the color spots are strictly separated by geometric shapes, which, in turn, resemble the work of avant-gardeists (especially P. Clee). However, here the artist does not flow into stylization. Wide smears of clean local color are not in the geometric abstraction, as it may seem at first glance, and in the landscape, where a small house, a boat or another, a little bit, but a recognizable object, is lost in the landscape. This is the characteristic landscape of the artist's homeland, but at the same time deft balancing between geometric abstraction and figurative painting.

Little original Georgia, despite the obvious excess of permanent external, both cultural and political influences, managed to preserve the unbending purity of the color. Adaptation of a sustainable national tradition to modernity - or loyalty to the national tradition in the stream of modern culture, despite anything - so you can characterize the creative method of this, of course interesting, author.

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