Theoretical foundations of regional economics and management. Presentation on the topic "theoretical foundations of regional economics and management" Presentation on the formation of a regional economy

Theory regional development

Regional science

Economics of space

Prostor's economy

Regional economics is a geographical scientific branch of economics that includes spatial aspects of development national economy This is the case with the method of thoroughly managing the factors of distribution of productive forces and territorial development, as well as the economy of neighboring regions, their economic connections with one another in the middle of the country and with foreign powers.

Subject - laws, factors and peculiarities, as well as methods for shaping the economy of neighboring regions and their systems, including productive forces, internal and interregional economic systems, for the formation of regional policies, regulation of government stva.

The object of the study of the regional economy is the territorial aspects of the socio-economic system of the region, the functioning of the territorial subsystems of the national economy, their other elements and in turn and between them, as well as mechanisms for managing the socio-economic development of regions.

Goals of regional economy and management

1) formulation and development of theoretical and applied problems of functioning and development of territorial government complexes;

2) development of economical processes that take place at different levels of the hierarchy the people's state complex of the region, the mutual relations between them;

3) analysis of economic and often social and political factors that matter in the minds

formation and development of productive forces and virobnichikh vidnosin on the regional level;

4) addressing the problems of distribution of productive forces in the territorial aspect;

5) management problems management economical systems regional level.


Stabilization of the socio-economic state in regions with extreme natural minds and it is important for the specialization of food, the creation of minds for the rebirth of numerous peoples, especially in the regions of the Far East and in the neighboring localities, urban areas;

Continuing the formation of territorial-virgin complexes and industrial units in the ancient and similar regions is important for the development of centralized investments and the priority development of the development of complex vegetative production of raw materials, which is being obtained before compliance with all environmental standards;

stimulating the development of export and import substitution production in areas that are likely to have the most receptive minds, forming strong economic zones, as well as technopolises and regional centers to promote the advancement of human and light science, accelerating economic and social progress;

development of interregional and regional infrastructure systems (transport, communications, information technology), which will ensure and stimulate regional structural damage and the efficiency of regional economies;

the importance of the level and quality of life of the population of the surrounding republics and regions.

Interrelation with other elementary disciplines







Economic and mathematical methods and models




Forecasting the development of the national economy

Modeling of State-National E

market regulation of national markets



economical Economic laws and categories, methods of government


micro- and macroeconomics)

Economic geography

Underworld patterns, proportions and connections of territorial

in fact, located at the edge of the resource potential

ta galuzey people's dominion


economic science management plant



special mechanism, power regulation of the market, principles


methods for developing macro- and microeconomic forecasts,

balance sheets, standards, target programs


economics Directly scientific and technical




energetic, virobnicha


industry, economics

(universal) production, placement factors, technical

rural dominion and etc.)

economic displays ta in.

Principles of enlightenment and division pennies worth V

Galuzev and territorial view

Economy of practice

Directly that method of sourcing labor resources

Economic statistics

System and method for developing statistical indicators

Economic cybernetics Methods of economic-mathematical modeling

Concept for the region

V. Leontyev “A region is an administrative-territorial unit of a power, seen behind a functional sign (a set of galuzes).

B. Alaev, district “is a localized territory that is united, the interrelationship of storage elements, integrity, and this integrity is an objective mind and a logical result development of this territory"

N.M. Nekrasov “under the region there is a large territory of the country with fewer similar natural minds and a characteristic direct development of productive forces on the basis of a complex natural resources with a clearly formed and promising material and technical base, industrial and social infrastructure. The main criterion for the vision of the region is the cohesiveness of the national reserves - foundations on the totality of natural resources that are being exploited or planned before exploitation, the historically shaped structure sovereign activity or planned structure economical development».

A.I. Dobrin, “under the region we understand “a territorially specialized part of the people’s dominion of the country, which is characterized by the unity and integrity of the creative process.”

A.S. Marshalov and A.S. Novosilov“The region is not only a subsystem of the socio-economic complex of the region, but rather an independent part of a completed cycle

P. James and J. Martin “The word “region” means a whole area of ​​territory that is characterized by a certain homogeneity at its core, but does not have clear cordons. For those, this word is most often used to designate great territories, creating the main subdivisions of the continents.

Professor at Harvard University Grael: “We can define a power. There is an organization, as I will call it. There may be recorded history. What is this area? It is clear that the unit is not political and not administrative. We can only say that this is a territory that is poised to be filled with characteristic signs in order to reinforce it among its neighbors.”

Chicago University, Professor W. Jones: “A region is a territory, in the middle of which there is homogeneity in one or many valleys”;

Pivnichna Karolina, Professor Woofter: “A region is a territory within which the convergence of natural and economic factors has created a homogeneity of economic and social structure”;

University of Minnesota, Professor R. Hartshorne: “The region is a continuous territory, within which there is uniformity in the natural and cultural landscape.”

Chicago R. Platt "district" is a "territory, seen on the basis of the foreign uniformity of the nature of the land and the foreign uniformity of the vicor."

On the basis of the findings of the District Committee, the following statement was made: “Under the district there is a trace of a territory that is characterized by uniformity in one or many aspects (aspects).”

Criteria for forming the concept of “region”

geographical (distribution, size of territory and population);

viral-functional(Specificity of important types of activity);

localities (the nature of the objects of industrial activity, life and services);

sociological (norms, behavior).

The region must be viewed simultaneously as an element of the territorial organization of the national state, and as an element of the settlement system, and as an element social organizations Marriage is the place of all spheres of human life and well-being.

A region is a territory within the administrative boundaries of a federation subject, which is characterized by: complexity, integrity, specialization and consistency, etc. the presence of political and administrative authorities.


Administrative-state unit (territory): district, region, region, republic, district, subject of the Federation

Economic and geographical coverage - a part of the territory of the region with similar natural minds and a specific direct development of productive forces(Day Sunset, Ural - the importance of machine building, Pivden - food industry)

Group of neighboring powers From long historical traditions and related economics

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The presentation on the topic “Regional economics and management” can be downloaded free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Economics Barvystya slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates and audience. To watch it again, speed up the player, or if you want to get the evidence, click on the accompanying text under the player. Presentation contains 14 slides.

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Head of course

Combine fundamental knowledge with theoretical nutrition of regional management; Get to know the economy of the Russian regions, the main problems and their trends; Develop skills in a systematic, integrated approach to solving problems of regional management.

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Basic concepts

Regional management Territorial organization Regional management Typology of regions Differentiation of regions Regional development

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Butov V.I., Ignatov V.G., Ketova N.V. Fundamentals of regional economics. - M., 2000 rub. Regional economics / Tyaglov S.G., Chernish E.A., Molchanova N.P. ta in / Edited by prof. N.G. Kuznetsova and prof. Tyaglova S.G. - Rostov n/D., 2001. Regional economics: Chief Pos_bnik/ For ed. M.V. Stepanova. - M., 2002. Regional economics: Pidruchnik / Ed. V.I. Vidyapina, M.V. Stepanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 686 p. Regional development: evidence from Russia and the European Union. Per ed. A.G. Granberg. - M., 2001. 2003. Regional studies / Ed. T.G. Morozova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 567 p. Population life Tomsk region. 2005 - Tomsk, 2006. - 120 p. Economic and regional geography of Russia / Ed. A.P. Khrushchov. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 672 p. Turgel I.D. Regional economics and management: Course of lectures. - M.: RUDN, 2003. - 403 p. Regional economics and management: Basic guide / O.O. Voronina, L.M. Lisovtseva, B.G. Preobrazhensky, N.I. Rogachova ta in. - Voronezh: Voronezky national university, 2004. - p. 7-8 Regional economic management/G.V. Gutman, A.A. Miroedov, S.V. Fedin; Per ed. G.V. Gutman. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 176 p.

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Information resources on the Internet:

Information and analytical sites of regions; Rosstat website - website of the International Center for Social and Economic Research Leontief Center website of the Institute of Regional Policy - website of the Center for Fiscal Policy - http://www website of the Ministry of Regional Development - website of World Bank -

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1. The subject and object of the regional economy. 2. Methods of regional economics. 3. Stages of regional economic research

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Subject and object of regional economy

Regional economics - a science that deals with the problems of the patterns of functioning and development of the economy of the region, which is viewed as a system of mutually interacting regions, free economic zones, great economic regions, adjacent territorially - vibrator complexes, as well as great industrial and agricultural agglomerations.

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Stages of development of science

There are three stages in the development of the theoretical foundations of regional economics: The origin of theories and its genesis within the boundaries of science in Zahod; Rozvitok in the SRSR; proximity of regional surveillance The current development of the regional economy as a single light science.

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"Region" - word latin walk(from the root regio) in translation means edge, edge, region. The region is a chain territory that is differentiated from other territories at a low level and is subject to integrity, the interconnection of storage elements.

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Economical area

In an economical area, baths in Russian Federation there are 12 economic regions (ER): Central Central Black Earth Skhidno-Siberian Far-Skhidny Pivnichny Pivnichno-Caucasian Pivnichno-Zakhidny Povolzky Ural Volgo-Vyatsky Zakhidno-Sib Russian Baltic

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Come to the consideration of the problems of functioning of the regions

Svetogospodarsky approach Geopolitical approach Territorial-creative approach Geographical process of creation

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Methods of regional economics

System analysis Systematization method Balance method Normative method Method of economic-geographical research Cartographic method Method of economic-mathematical modeling Methods of rich world statistical analysis Methods of sociological research Methods of creating regional levels of population life and forecasting the development of regional social infrastructure

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Stages of regional economic research

in Russia in the 20s of the 20th century, NDDKR related to the territorial development and industrialization of the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century, food development and placement of industrial production, industrial production throughout the territory Finally, after the collapse of the USSR, the adaptation of the regional economy, and the methodological basis for critical contributions

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  • Theories of regional economics and regional management are responsible for explaining the patterns and principles of rationalization of economic space, development different types regions, interregional interactions, location of types of activities and population. (ideally)

    The development of theories of regional economics and management at the boundaries of science Zakhada A) The factor of space The history of economic thought The problems of economic space attracted the attention of ancient philosophers (Aristotle, Plato), creators of social utopias (T. More, T. Companella, S. Fur'ie, R . A.). Owen), and in the 17th and 18th centuries they gradually entered into the structure of the creation of economic theories. We would like to name first R. Cantillon, J. Stewart, A. Smith and especially D. Ricardo with his principle of equal gains in interregional trade and the theory of rent at the expense of growth.

    B) The first theories of the distribution of production The first evidence of regional scientific research is associated with the names of J. Thunen, W. Launhgardt, A. Weber. Their robots contributed to the further development of the theory of spatial and regional economics

    The theory of the rural standard of I. Thünen The formation of the theory of placement (localization) is usually associated with the emergence of 1826. books by the German economist J. Thunen "The Power Isolated by Its Agricultural Dominion and National Economy." The main focus of this fundamental process was to identify the patterns of distribution of rural agricultural production from the place of production to the market for manufactured products (that is, transport costs). In his research, J. Thünen admitted the evidence of an economically isolated solution to the world of the power, in between a central place that has a single market for agricultural products and, at the same time, for carelessness with commercial goods. The price of a skin product at any point in the world varies from the price at the place to the amount of transport costs, which are taken to be directly proportional to the value and distance of transportation. J. Thunen's criterion for optimizing placement on robots is minimizing transport costs.

    J. Thünen sees six belts (rings) of housing agricultural activities, grounded on the minds of the state in his place in Mecklenburg - a highly productive mixture of the state; - Forest Gospodarstvo; - fruit production; - Vignon dominion; - fields of tripile synergy; - Zotar virobnitstva zone.

    Y. Tyunen argues that the optimal layout for the distribution of agricultural production in Siberia is a system of concentric rings (Tunen rings) of different diameters around the central location, which separates the distribution zones different species agricultural activity. The work of J. Thunen was the first and most demonstrative example of the development of abstract mathematical models of the theory of spatial economics. Its important methodological significance is recognized in the new economic science.

    Rational standard of industrial enterprise by W. Launhardt Head from the German scientist W. Launhardt, whose main work was published in 1882, a method for finding the optimal location of local industrial enterprise shodo dzherel siroviny ta rinkiv zbutu. The main reason for the placement of production in U. Launhardt, as well as in Thünen, is transport costs. Viral expenditures are accepted as equal to all points of the monitored territory. The point of optimal location of the enterprise lies in the range of materials to be transported and the stations. For the most important task, V. Launhardt developed the method of the vagal (or locational) tricutile - one of the first physical models in the economic science that is being developed for the most theoretical and practical tasks.

    The theory of the industrial standort by A. Weber The main work of the German economist and sociologist A. Weber “On the placement of industry: the pure territory of the standort” was published in 1909. I have been committed to creating a hidden “pure” theory of the distribution of production based on the view of isolation. We have gained a substantial lead from our peers with J. Thunen and W. Launhardt, introducing into theoretical analysis new factors of placement of production in addition to transport costs and setting the ultimate optimization task: min Imitation of the waste costs of production, and not just transport ones.

    Three factors of location are analyzed: transport, labor, agglomeration. There are clearly three main orientations for the location: transport, work and agglomeration. To find a transport point (standart) (a place in which, according to the regulations of the distribution of the living center, the minimum amount of transport costs is in place), the V. Launhardt’s travel (location) jersey is used. To ensure the importance of the industrial standard with the proper influx of factors of transport costs and labor force, A. Weber goes to the trouble of isodapane. Graphically, such lines can be used as closed curves that are described around the point of transport minimum and connect the points of new inputs at transport costs when moving production, at work points.

    The theory of central places by V. Christaller. First theory about the functions and placement of the system settlements(Central towns) hanging out from the market space by W. Christaller from his main work “Central towns in modern Nimechchina”, published in 1993. The theoretical developments are supported by empirical data.

    W. Christaller calls central places economic centers that serve goods and services for themselves and the population of their districts (zones). According to V. Kristaller, service areas will gradually develop a tendency to be formed by regular shestikutniki (bjolini stilniki), and the entire populated area will be covered with shestikutniki without enlightenments (crystaller lattice). Therefore, the average distance to buy products or travel to shopping centers and services is minimized. The theory of V. Kristaller explains why some goods and services are produced (supplied) in every settlement (products of primary necessity), in other average settlements (primary clothing, basic daily services, etc.), and others. in great places (luxury goods, theaters, museums too)

    C) Theories of regional specialization and interregional trade Theoretical ambushes of regional specialization and interregional trade were first formally derived from the boundaries of the theory. y international economic transactions, then. internationalists, and not regionalists. Let us first name the classics of English political economics A. Smith and D. Ricardo, as well as the Swedish economists E. Hecksher and B. Ohlin.

    Theories of absolute and equal advantages of A. Smith and D. Ricardo The international group of people, with the help of A. Smith, is fully concerned with the settlement of these absolute advantages, such as Volodya and other countries (we must respect and region). Each country (region) must specialize in the production and sale of that product for which it has absolute superiority. D. Ricardo, having stuck his head out theoretically, significantly distanced A. Smith. We have proven that absolute advantages are no longer possible okremy vipadok zhalny principle rational practice. The main thing is not absolute, but relative (even) advantages. However, countries (regions) that have higher costs for all goods can benefit from specialization and the exchange of “gri” on the cost of costs.

    Theory of Heckscher Olin The 30s are already in the 20th century. Swedish economics Ege. Heckscher and B. Ohlin developed the theory of the international (interregional) division of trade, based on the consideration of the relationship between the main mutual agents of generation (price, capital, land, etc.). Their main theoretical positions are reduced to the present: 1) countries (regions) are obliged to export products of intensive vicorization of surplus (or non-deficient) factors of production and import products of intensive vicorization of deficient factors for them iv; 2) in international (interregional) trade for top minds there is a tendency for “factor prices” to increase; 3) the export and import of goods can be replaced by the movement of production factors.

    D) The hidden theory of placement The idea about the expansive organization of the state dominion by A. Llosch The main work of the German scholar A. Losch (A. Losch) “The expansive organization of the gospodarstva” (1940) The pinnacle of A. Llosh’s belief is the development of the fundamental foundations of the theory spacious economical area A It also significantly expands the stock of factors and minds that are seen in the placement of enterprises and their consolidation (taxes, transfers, effects of monopolies and oligopolies, etc.), while the theory of placement is all different. This is a system of microeconomics tools that analyzes the situation of the location of firms in the minds of competition when choosing a place of expansion This means not only the expansion of the skin companies to the maximum profit, but also an increase in the number of companies to fill the entire market space of A. Lhosh, bringing the optimal placement of hexagonal companies (at the tops of regular hexagons).

    A. Lesh gave a report on a mathematical description of the market functioning of the system of producers and co-workers, where the economic value is tied to a significant point in space. The state of Rivnagi, according to A. Llosh, is characterized by the following minds: 1) the place of growth of the skin firm can be maximized with many achievements for growers and livestock; 2) companies located in the same territory are increasingly victorious; 3) there is equality of prices and costs (there is no excess income); 4) all market zones have a minimum size (in the shape of a six-cutter); 5) between the market arenas there are lines of safety (isoline), which, in the opinion of A. Llosha, will ensure the stability of the found line. The greatest scientific achievements of A. Ljosh, which raised him above all theorists of spatial economics until the middle of the 20th century, is the development of the fundamental foundations of the theory of spatial economics.

    SECOND SCHOOL OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC ADVANCES Interest in territorial economics sovereign order revealed such things as M.V. Lomonosov, O.M. Radishchev, K.I. Arsenyev, D.I. Mendelev, D.I. Richter, N.G. Chernishevsky and many others. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, regional research in Russia was concentrated primarily on the development of natural productive forces, socio-economic geography, natural and economic areas of the watershed, regional statistics, problems regional markets The first regional studies of Russia were related to the problems of regionalization, the division of the great territory Russian Empire on administrative units. Long time The very administrative-territorial structure of our state was the basis of the economic region.

    The economic region of Russia was first considered in the 18th century. Already on the works of U. M. Tatishchev and M. U. Lomonosov (who previously stagnated the term “economic geography”) there are materials dedicated to the elements of interaction between nature, populations and government. Posted on the cob of the 20th century. appear great scientific research from the district of K. I. Arsenyeva (“Chair of statistics Russian state"), N. P. Ogarova (“Evidence of the statistical division of the Russian Empire”), V. P. Semenova (“Trade and industry of European Russia by region”), D. I. Mendelev (“Factory industry and trade in Russia”), A. F. Fortunatova (“Before nutrition about rural areas in Russia”), A. N. Chelintseva, S. Yu. Witte, V. I. Vernadsky, A. I. Skvortsova and in.

    Regional economic research in the USSR developed under the strong influx of power; from the end of the 1920s. The stench was strictly oriented towards the planning department. Theoretical and methodological research on the regional economy in the USSR before the beginning of active entry into world science and the transition to market resources was concentrated on three problems: patterns, principles and factors of distribution of productive forces; economical area; methods of planning and regulation of territorial and regional development. The greatest authority among the Radian regionalists, economists and geographers was I.G. Alexandrov, N.M. Baransky, B.C. Nemchinov, N.M. Nekrasov, A.Ye. Probst, Yu.G. Saushkin, Ya. G. Feigin, R. I. Shniper.

    Genesis of ancient theories of regional development The first stage: the rocks of the twentieth century - the beginning of large-scale practical territorial-economic research, and the creation of changes in the formation of a regional economy. Another stage: pp. - characterized by the profound development of territorial-economic research, the origin and initial development of the planned state of the regional economy. The third stage: from the beginning of the 1990s, it was accompanied by the adaptation of the regional economy and the management of market stocks.

    The current direct development of theories of regional economics The development of the theory of regional economics occurs along two main lines: 1) expansion and absorption of the place (subject) tracking (addition of classical theories new factors, adaptation and understanding of new processes and phenomena, emphasis on complex problems that require an interdisciplinary approach ) ; 2) strengthening of research methodology (especially the strengthening of mathematical methods and computer science).

    New paradigms and concepts of the region Among the founders of the regional economy, the region acted as a concentration of natural resources and population, production and production of goods, and service sectors. The region is not seen as a subject of economic investments, but has special economic interests. In current theories, the region is seen as a richly functional and richly dimensional system. The greatest expansion has emerged in four paradigms for the region: region-quasi-power, region-quasi-corporation, region-market (market area), region-society.

    Placement of activities New objects of the theory are the location of innovation, telecommunications and computer systems, development of restructuring and conversion of industrial and technological complexes Important step by step The development of the placement theory revealed the process of creation and expansion of innovation by T. Hagerstrand, based on the theory of diffusion of innovation. The theory of diffusion of innovation is closely linked theory of regional life cycle. In line with this theory, regional economic policy May concentrate on the creation of friendly minds for the innovation stage in less developed regions, for example, in the eyes of the created world scientific centers(technopolis, science cities etc.).

    Spacious organization of the economy Theories of structurization and effective organization of economic space revolve around the functional power of the forms of spatial organization of production and distribution of industries. transport universities, agglomerations, territorial-viral complexes, towns and villages different type. The theory of growth poles has become widely known. The idea of ​​the poles of growth, proposed by the French economist F. Perroux, is based on the statement about the conducting role of the Galuzian structure of the economy and, in particular, the conducting galuzes that create new goods and services. The theory of poles of growth began to develop on the robots of P. Potie about the axes of development. In the practice of spacious economic development, the idea of ​​growth poles is implemented in established free economic zones, technopolises, and technoparks.

    Interregional economic relations Sucha theory interregional economic interactions (or interactions between regional economies) includes the integration of private theories of the location of production and economic factors, interregional economic connections iv, separate containers.

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    The theory of the rural standard of I. Thünen The formation of the theory of placement (localization) is usually associated with the emergence of 1826. books by the German economist J. Thunen "The Power Isolated by Its Agricultural Dominion and National Economy." The main focus of this fundamental process was to identify the patterns of distribution of rural agricultural production from the place of production to the market for manufactured products (that is, transport costs). In his research, J. Thünen admitted the evidence of an economically isolated solution to the world of the power, in between a central place that has a single market for agricultural products and, at the same time, for carelessness with commercial goods. The price of a skin product at any point in the world varies from the price at the place to the amount of transport costs, which are taken to be directly proportional to the value and distance of transportation. J. Thunen's criterion for optimizing placement on robots is minimizing transport costs.

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    The theory of central places by V. Christaller. The first theory about the function and placement of the system of settlements (central towns) in the market space was proposed by W. Christaller in his main work "Central towns in the New Year", op. banned in 1993 The theoretical developments are supported by empirical data.

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    Theories of absolute and equal advantages of A. Smith and D. Ricardo The international group of people, with the help of A. Smith, is fully concerned with the settlement of these absolute advantages, such as Volodya and other countries (we must respect and region). Each country (region) must specialize in the production and sale of that product for which it has absolute superiority. D. Ricardo, having stuck his head out theoretically, significantly distanced A. Smith. You can see that absolute advantages are simply a reflection of the principle of rational practice. Golovne – not absolute, but relative (even) advantages. However, countries (regions) that have higher costs for all goods can benefit from specialization and the exchange of “gri” on the cost of costs.

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    Theory of Heckscher - Ohlin In the 30s already in the 20th century. Swedish economics Ege. Heckscher and B. Ohlin developed the theory of the international (interregional) division of trade, based on the consideration of the relationship between the main mutual agents of generation (price, capital, land, etc.). The main theoretical is to be called up to the onset of: 1) the Country (regions) the guilty of the products of the venitive vicoristannet Nadlishkovikh (puppy of the non -graniy) factors of the factor of the products of the іntent vicoristan of the defects of the deficits of the deficits of the deficits of the deficits of the defects for them of the factor; 2) in international (interregional) trade for top minds there is a tendency for “factor prices” to increase; 3) the export and import of goods can be replaced by the movement of production factors.

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    D) The hidden theory of placement The idea about the expansive organization of the state dominion by A. Llosch The main work of the German scholar A. Losch (A. Losch) “The expansive organization of the gospodarstva” (1940) The pinnacle of A. Llosh’s belief is the development of the fundamental foundations of the theory spacious economical area A It also significantly expands the stock of factors and minds that are seen in the placement of enterprises and their consolidation (taxes, transfers, effects of monopolies and oligopolies, etc.), while the theory of placement is all different. This is a system of microeconomics tools that analyzes the situation of the location of firms in the minds of competition when choosing a place of expansion This means not only the expansion of the skin companies to the maximum profit, but also an increase in the number of companies to fill the entire market space of A. Lhosh, bringing the optimal placement of hexagonal companies (at the tops of regular hexagons).

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    New paradigms and concepts of the region Among the founders of the regional economy, the region acted as a concentration of natural resources and population, production and production of goods, and service sectors. The region is not seen as a subject of economic investments, but has special economic interests. In current theories, the region is seen as a richly functional and richly dimensional system. The greatest expansion has emerged in four paradigms for the region: region-quasi-power, region-quasi-corporation, region-market (market area), region-society.

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    Introduction to the regional economy
    Territorial organization of the regional economy
    Regional economic management
    State regulation of territorial development
    Economic potential of the region
    Analysis and assessment of investment profitability and
    competitiveness of the region.
    Regional problems of environmental management.
    Market and social policy of regions

    R.E.Morozova. Regional economy. Pidruchnik M.: Unity, 2013.526 z
    Regional economy. Fundamentals of theory and research methods.
    Glushkova. 2011.- 272 p.
    Fundamentals of regional economics. A.V. Andreev,
    L.M. Borisova, E.V. Pluchevska Navchalny pos_bnik. M: KnoRus,
    2014. – 336 p.
    Regional economy. Main course: Pidruchnik/REA im. G.V.
    Plekhanov; Per ed. V.I.Vidyapina, M.V.Stepanova.-M.: INFRA-M,
    2011. Journal “Regional Economics: Theory and Practice”
    Official website of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation -
    Official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation -
    Official website Federal Service state statistics
    The official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is

    Scale for assessing students’ knowledge in the discipline “Regional Economics”

    Type of activity
    works for
    Score in points for
    one robot
    Classroom activities
    Practical activities
    Testing on main topics
    Independent work, premium points
    Search for information from the past
    Preparation of articles before we see you
    Participation in conferences, grants
    All at once in a semester
    60 or more points
    less than 60 points
    "not insured"
    possible estimate in
    45 (36)
    40 (24)

    Classics of science “Regional Economics”

    Classics of science

    Federal districts of the Russian Federation (9)

    Economic regions of the Russian Federation (12)

    Subjects of the Russian Federation (85)

    Directly to the regional economy


    Rational form of economic areas (based on the theory of Ljos)

    “...the core of economic science will be
    will be
    microeconomics and regional
    Granberg O.G. - Russian economist, academician
    RAS, head for the sake of vivchennya
    productive forces

    Subject RE

    Expansive research
    problems of economic development
    significance of paths and mechanisms
    Their verse.

    Methods of regional economics
    Sociological methods

    Subsystems of norms and standards that are being reviewed in the Russian Federation

    environmental standards

    – it’s a big territory
    edges with more/less uniform
    development of productive forces

    Criteria for selecting a region:



    administrative boundaries of the subject
    what is characterized
    specialization and ceramic coating –
    the obviousness of political-administrative
    organs keruvannya.

    Go to the selected category “region”

    "Group of Seven"
    Great Britain
    Germany, Italy,
    Canada, USA, France
    and Japan
    Geopolitical EU,
    SND ta in.

    Principles for the establishment of regions

    National integrity
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