Different types of kisses on the lips. Kinds of love kisses

Since ancient times, people believed that dreams show us our future, warn against dangers. In this article we will discuss what the dream in which we kiss a person tells us.

  What dreams of a kiss on the lips - the interpretation of dream books

Dream Miller

If you kiss a woman, then such a dream warns you about your doing bad things in the future. A kiss with an enemy means the future resumption of a relationship with a former friend. If you dream that you are kissing your passion, then beware of actions that may worsen her attitude towards you.

Dream Medea

If in a dream you kiss a dead man, then such a dream gives you a quick illness or even death. And if you give a celebrity kiss, then your acquaintances and friends will begin to treat you with great respect.

Dream Dream Thelomena

Kiss in a dream means the coming big changes in life. Moreover, pay attention to the details of the kiss. If the kiss was full of passion, then this means your dissatisfaction with your spouse or your spouse. If you dreamed a kiss in the corner of the lips, then in reality you are waiting for events that will pleasantly surprise you. If you kiss a stranger, such a dream tells you about the insincerity of the relationship between you and your passion and about the possibility of a quarrel or even separation. If you kiss your friend, then in reality you will face a conflict with someone. A kiss on the lips with a friend means to achieve the desired goal. Kissing a dead man means improving the quality of your life financially. A kiss with the boss spells you a possible dismissal.

Dream Vanga

A kiss with a spouse prophesies you a happy family life. But if in your dream someone noticed you while kissing, then it prepares you for betrayal by a friend.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

A long kiss with your husband / wife in your dreams says that he / she will always be faithful / faithful to you, never change you. If in your dream your partner or your partner kisses another / other, then in reality he / she does not feel love for you. A dream in which you kiss a person who is not your partner or your partner advises you to reconsider your relationship (friendly or love) with someone: it is likely that they are based on falsehood, and not on sincerity.

Freudan Dream

If a woman in dreams kisses a stranger, then in reality she will be disappointed in her lover. If you see a boy and a girl kissing, then in reality you will become a participant in a situation that will spoil your reputation. If a man in his dream kisses a friend, then such a dream signals his inadequate attention to his partner.

Dream of azar

Kissing in a dream means ending a love relationship with your partner or your partner. If you kiss with a representative of your gender, then soon you will have enemies.

  Why dream of a kiss on the lips - interpretation from a psychological point of view

Also a dream in which you kiss with someone can be interpreted by psychology. If you have seen such a dream, then, probably, in reality, you lack tenderness on the part of your partner / partner. In addition, a kiss with a familiar person may mean that you fell in love with him.

Do not rush to make hasty conclusions about your future, focusing only on dream books. In the end, they are not yet recognized as accurate interpretations of dreams (especially considering that one dream in each dream book is interpreted differently). Also, do not make quick conclusions about your present, based on the interpretation of the dream from a psychological point of view. Listen to your heart, sort out your feelings - and only then can you figure out why you had this dream.

Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd / Rusmediabank.ru

  Do you like kissing too? This is so entrancing, dizzying, fabulous. At such moments, it seems that you are light and airy soar among wadded clouds and bathe in the warm sunshine ... Boom! He doesn't want to kiss ?! The unpleasant fact that you need to understand.

Kisses - a loose coin of love.
Mireille Mathieu

It is hard to believe that some people dislike. It's so romantic, pleasant, pulling together. And in general, does love really exist without kisses? Sometimes girls complain that they met a terrific guy (courteous, stylish, handsome, etc.), with whom they had met more than once, but he had never kissed them. Moreover, there are such representatives of the fair sex who have lived with their faithful not one year without a pleasant “smack-smack”. Why?

All of us are unique and individual, including the manifestation of feelings, the choice of one’s half, the response to the attention of the opposite sex, so we will try using the exception method to find the appropriate answer for our “unknowing” situation.

Pay attention to yourself

Before touching on this issue of men, I would also like to pay attention to oral hygiene and the health of the digestive tract. If you have or appeared caries, then an unpleasant amber can come from you, which discourages kissing. Also follow the purity of the body to exclude "pigs" under the arms, as in the advertising of deodorants, and thus not to scare the man from himself.

He is too serious

Some men look at the girl they like, like a goddess who can be offended by their slightest misconduct, and then “goodbye” to a beautiful future.
  Have you had several dates and more than one kiss in French? Most likely, he is having serious intentions, and not just wants to have some fun, “break away in full” with another beauty. For him, a kiss on the lips is the first step of intimate candor, followed by passion, the desire to spend the night with your beloved. He is not in a hurry to kiss, so as not to spoil the opinion of himself, and not to seem an obsessive maniac to whom "only this is necessary." So, believe me, you are even lucky with such a guy: there will be kisses for you, and passionate hugs, and maybe even a wedding, and a happy family with a lot of kids.

He is very shy

The fact that he is a man does not mean brave yet, especially as regards love and the manifestation of feelings towards the opposite sex. It is only in the language they are all macho, but as they touch them personally, they begin to back down. And he likes you, and literally "burns" from passion for you, but he does not dare to kiss his girlfriend first. Verdict: your boyfriend is indecisive and timid. Only you can help to correct the situation. But then you have to act carefully, gently, so as not to frighten the "bunny". Try between times, for example, when you sit shoulder to shoulder (in the cinema, on a bench, in the subway), bring your face closer to his face so that he can feel your breath: the instinct of rapprochement should work and end with a kiss. Well, if he is too “nerd”, so as not to become a teacher and student or mother and son, maybe you should look for a more real man?

He and you = "Amitie amoureuse" (friendship in love)

Yes, yes, as if you were not insulting, but he does not want to kiss you, because between you only. Look closely at his behavior, for sure he enthusiastically looks at other girls, and communicates with you as a girlfriend, and kisses goodbye only on the cheek. He just hasn't chosen a girl yet, but he wants female communication. Will your friendships grow into love? In 70 out of 100 cases, he finds love on the side. Try to look at him as a friend and look for passionate kisses with those who have been looking at you in love for a long time (look around you!).

He is an ice man

What to do when the two live in a marriage without kissing? Often, the woman is looking for the cause of his coldness in herself, but the matter is not at all in her behavior and complexes. Sexologists consider kissing an emotional revelation. Avoiding to kiss his wife on the lips, the man shows his inability to love, give tenderness and affection, to say compliments. Usually such men are busy only with themselves and their own interests, and the most paradoxical thing is that they can be nice with foreign women, and they quite easily say beautiful words addressed to them. Re-educate this is unlikely, except that if he does not understand how valuable you are to him. Usually such marriages end in no happy ending.

According to the observations of scientists, the kiss has a positive effect on the person, "starts" chemical reactions that stimulate a positive attitude. In lovers who love to kiss very much (you probably noticed), their eyes reflect a joyous shine. Also, scientists claim that a kiss prolongs the life of the one who gives it.

Let us show our feelings for our halves, and we will not skimp on the tender embrace and passionate kisses!

Touching the body always causes certain emotions to the one who touches and the one to whom they touch. Feelings at the same time can be both pleasant and not very good, even if your loved one touches. Kiss is intimate touch  and how it happens depends a lot. Therefore, since ancient times, mankind has comprehended the art of touch and kiss. Nowadays, everyone knows how to kiss on the lips correctly, however, for many, this is only a real delusion.

Frankly about kissing lips

A kiss on the lips, being a sincere manifestation of sensuality, bears in itself many sensations. Pleasant languor, mild excitement, tenderness and lightness give both a girl and a guy a rush of emotions and the opportunity to enjoy openness and mutual caress. This is a real pleasure, but to make it as pleasant as possible, you need to know a few simple rules.

  • Kiss should occur without prying eyes, with the need for maximum concentration. Best of all, if it is a romantic atmosphere.
  • Do not immediately begin to kiss, and do it only when there is a real desire. The initiative must come from the guy. His gentle touch to the hand, face, body of the girl must precede the kiss.
  • When the girl is ready, she will instinctively reach out to the guy, hug her, her eyes, her expression will be immediately clear.
  • A kiss should start with barely noticeable touches of the lips with small gaps. Then, when the girl opens her mouth, you can go for a longer kiss, alternating the girth of the upper and lower lips with a short pressing.
  • After that, you can pause and continue to touch her hands to the face, chest, thighs of the girl, she will respond with mutual touches. Then you can continue kissing with more activity, but no tongues, but tenderness should remain.
  • When a light languor appears in the body, a kiss on the lips is best to continue lying down, caressing each other with your hands and continuing calm touches with your lips, with a barely noticeable suction.
  • Next you need to either finish or continue kisses. They can be very pleasant if both the boy and the girl get undressed and just caress each other with their hands. At the same time, tenderness from a guy and complete trust and openness from a girl are needed.
  • By the way, for young people starting their intimate life, such kisses will bring the greatest satisfaction, whether it ends with sex or not, it does not matter.
  • True connoisseurs of eroticism in ancient China and India generally considered tender kisses on the lips, with caress without sex, as one of the stages to receiving true pleasure. So kiss on the lips and just, and not so. In any case, it is necessary to study.

In conclusion, a few important points.

With all its apparent simplicity, a kiss on the lips requires not only knowledge of how to kiss, but also how to behave.

Excessive modesty, as well as, and attempts to build from themselves a sophisticated person usually lead to negative consequences. Usually this “guys suffer”. If a girl or a guy is completely confused, or is it

A lot of kissing techniques, and receptions, which are used by lovers all over the world to express their feelings, amazes the imagination of even seasoned lovers. At the same time, there are several especially common types of love kisses, which I will discuss in this article.

French Kiss

The undisputed leader among love kisses, the absolute world champion in all age categories - the French kiss. He is called: kiss with tongue  or kiss passionately. A feature of this love game is the contact not only lips, but also partner languages. The French kiss is easy to learn, and easy to apply, but it may take a lifetime to master the skill! 🙂
  This kiss is named in honor of the French, known for their loving and sexually liberated culture.

Kiss on lips

Also known as classic kiss. Classically, does not mean boring. To describe the whole range of kisses on the lips must have taken forever. A few common techniques, as they say, "master of note":

Straight kiss  - partners are facing each other straight. In this case, there is a small risk of running into noses.

Kiss with a head tilt  - Kissing slightly bow their heads, usually to the right, to gently kiss each other. Sometimes it is enough to pay attention to which way you usually tilt your head, and tilting it into an “unusual” one can slightly diversify the kiss.

Heavy Kiss  - a touch of lips with strong pressure. Usually, one clasps the head of the partner and kisses him with pressure. Such a kiss leaves a dual feeling. If you don’t understand you, your partner may be offended, but if you can predict his reaction well, then you should try it - suddenly you will like it. As a rule, it is a manifestation of stormy joy, for example, as an expression of gratitude. Some people jokingly call him “the kiss of death”, but I prefer to call it “heavy” 🙂

Gentle kiss  - in contrast to the "heavy" this kiss is characterized by a very gentle touch of the lips. Relax your lips and kiss your partner as if his lips are a rose petal, delicate and fragile - try not to hurt. Such a kiss perfectly complements the quiet evening that you spend together in peace and quiet. A series of such gentle and smooth kisses not infrequently can inflame passion.


Smack is a characteristic sound made by the lips when kissing. Kiss "smack" are used everywhere except the ears, which is very sensitive to sounds. Apply "smack" usually with a kiss on the cheek, or in the nose 🙂

Kiss lips

A very common kiss, which is closely adjacent to the French, and usually comes with him in a pair. One of the partners “seizes” the partner’s upper or lower lip with his lips and sucks slightly, while the partner performs a reciprocal action. It is also often when kissing lips resort to using the tongue, holding them on the lip of the partner. You can diversify it by gently biting your partner's lip. Try not to hurt each other in moments of passion, the pain will kill any passion and desire.

Inverted kiss

... or as he is often called after the appearance of Spiderman's movie on cinema screens - Spiderman's Kiss.
  To make an inverted kiss does not necessarily weave a web and save humanity - you can repeat it at home. For this you need a chair or chair and a loved one. Wait for the right moment when your “victim” sits in a chair (for example, in front of a computer), come up behind you, gently run your hands over your neck and shoulders. Kick over the back of the chair so that your lips are in front of the partner’s lips (it seems the illustration does not hurt here :)) and kiss him on the lips using any of the above techniques - this is a very unusual and pleasant kiss.

Kiss on the neck

The neck is a very sensitive place. To such kisses, few people remain indifferent. A kiss in the neck is diluted with a series of passionate kisses. Here begins the expanse for your imagination - apply kissing lips, light bites, slip tongue from the "collar" to the earlobe. but do not stay long, let's go further 🙂

Ear kiss

Highly interesting kiss. In addition, the ear is sensitive not only to the touch of your lips and tongue, but also to the sounds

Love "attack" may be subjected to both the earlobe, which can be sucked both when kissing the lips, and the edge around the perimeter. A rather unusual sensation is caused by the tongue of the partner studying the ear shell. Not everyone may like it, so carefully follow the reaction of the partner.

Sounds play an important role and deserve special attention. When kissing your ear, breathe slowly through your nose, whisper tender words, moan a little - it’s hard to resist. In no case should not make sharp exhalations and inhalations, as well as "smack" - this is unpleasant, and can cause painful feelings. Be gentle.

Vampire's Kiss

As a kind of neck kiss, there is also a “Vampire Kiss”. You kiss your partner on the base of the neck or shoulder using your teeth and try to suck the “blood”. There is a share of aggression in this kiss, so it takes place in passionate and deep relationships of lovers. Some do not like such a manifestation of passion, as it is painful and leaves teeth marks, so do not forget, before “biting” a partner, ask him for permission, at least for the first time

Angel kiss

Gentle kissing the lips of the eyelid or corner of the partner's eye is a wonderful way to say “Good morning!” To your loved one or to regret him in moments of disappointment 🙂

And lastly a few kisses, which are knocked out of a number of traditional:


Suction is not at all a type of kiss, but a mark in the form of a bruise, or a bruise, left as a result of sucking delicate parts of the partner’s skin. Most often they leave a hickey on their necks - the skin is quite tender there and therefore the hickey can remain even from a not very strong “vampire kiss”

You can mark your man with hickeys - some people like it when they have traces of their lips around their neck, which reminds them of you, and on the contrary it is unpleasant to someone, so you should not leave hickey without permission
  ... and of course on the open areas of the body of women, too, should not be hindered.

Butterfly's kiss

Gentle and sincere kiss. Partners touch eyelashes and blink. In the kiss can participate as one partner, or both at once.

Eskimo kiss

History doesn’t say exactly where the name of this kiss came from, so you only have to guess that the Eskimos, living in the cold, cannot afford the luxury of kissing their lips (go outside, minus 40 °, or even -60 °. In Needle heat - minus 20 °), therefore, they were limited to touching their noses to express love. Yes, an Eskimo kiss is a touch of noses. Between classic and french kisses, rub your noses with your partner - this is a wonderful feeling, and a good conclusion for passionate kisses
  According to some sources, the Eskimo kiss was also widely distributed among African tribes, before the French came there

The question remains - how do Eskimos breed, if they have kisses with “noses” ... Maybe at resorts? 🙂

Humanity is inherently unique. After all, only people have many little things that are not only useful, but also pleasant for the body. Such a phenomenon is a kiss on the lips, about which everyone dreams and from which it is so pleasantly dizzy.

The essence of the problem

Doctors can very quickly decipher the meaning of a kiss in a gub and pull everyone down to earth. Indeed, in the lips there are thin nerve endings, which are gently massaged when the lips touch, creating pleasant sensations. In addition, when kissing involved 30 muscles of the face, which are thus trained. But not everything is so simple, because there are a huge number of types of kisses, the feelings of which doctors are unlikely to be able to explain.

Kinds of Kisses

In fact, a kiss on the lips is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because there are a huge number of types of them. Also, just by touching the lips, you can tell something about the attitude of a person. For example, the most innocent is a smack - a quick kiss on the lips. If Mom does this, then everything is extremely clear, but what should I think if the person who likes just smacked? There is only one answer - it was either a duty on duty (if it is customary to say hello - to say goodbye to the company), or the partner simply “probes the ground” to understand how the interlocutor will react to it. And already looking at the reaction, you can understand how pleasant or unpleasant it was to the person. Another view - a gentle kiss on the lips. It is relevant for people who like each other and kiss just want to express their feelings. In this case, there is simply contact of the lips, which may be somewhat delayed. And the last kind of kiss - French - is typical for couples who meet and lead a sex life. Such a kiss can wake up the sexual energy of any person. His characteristic feature is the use of language.

Kissing techniques

Interesting is also information about the techniques of kissing. If a person wants to just hint about his disposition to a certain person, a sliding kiss will be used, which will say: why not start a closer communication? Teasing kiss love women to use when communicating with a man, making it clear that he is desired, but not bringing the matter to its logical conclusion. Kiss of passion is designed to wake up the sexual energy of a partner and cause him to communicate more closely.


For many girls will be interesting information about what it means to kiss on the lips. After all, women tend to complicate situations and make up a lot of unnecessary things for themselves. It's all very clear. If you were given a quick kiss on the lips, its meaning is as follows: the guy likes the girl, but he simply does not dare to take a more serious step. A gentle kiss is peculiar to people who say goodbye after a date. Most often, he simply confirms everything that happened earlier. If the date ends with a kiss - this is a good sign, because it means that people like each other. But the kiss of passion already speaks for itself, it is intended to excite people and provoke them into closer, intimate communication. This is a sign that people are not indifferent to each other. But to what extent - you need to solve it yourself.

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