Delicious assorted for the winter. Recipe: Vegetable platter for winter

Vegetable platter for the winter - a very tasty snack and a real salvation for housewives. It has long been no secret that homemade products are much tastier than those that can be purchased at the store. Yes, and much nicer to treat their home delicious pickled vegetables, cooked with his own hands.
  Assorted vegetables for the winter - a fairly simple treat that does not require special work, allowing you to enjoy the taste of all summer vegetables at once. For assorted, you can use absolutely any products: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, and so on. What will be in the bank, depends on your taste preferences. The main thing that the picked vegetables were young, small in size and not damaged. As for the rest, the preservation process is identical to all known recipes.

1. Prepare the dishes for preservation: wash the cans thoroughly and rinse thoroughly. For reliability, they can be sterilized in boiling water, over steam, in an oven or microwave. Lids must be doused with boiling water.

2. Now let's do some vegetables. Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave it for a couple of hours. Then thoroughly wash and trim the tails.

  3. Wash tomatoes.

  4. Wash peppers, remove seeds and cut into large slices.

  5. Cut cabbage into large pieces.

  6. Wash zucchini and cut into circles.

  7. Peel the carrots, cut them into slices or slices.

  8. Peel the onion and garlic. Onions cut into rings or half rings of medium thickness.

  9. At the bottom of the jar we spread the spices, and on top of the vegetables in layers or mixed.

  10. Boil water and pour the vegetables on the neck for 10 minutes.

  11. Then pour the water from the jar into the pan, add salt and sugar (you can add a little more water to the brine to cover all the vegetables). Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Add vinegar and boil for a couple more minutes. The pickle is ready.

  12. Fill vegetables with boiling brine and immediately close the lid tightly. We turn the jar with vegetable platter upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it to cool completely. The cooled billet can then be transferred to the closet until the nearest cold weather.

  • Four tablespoons of sugar;
  • Three tablespoons of salt;
  • Five teaspoons of vinegar;

First you will need to wash the jars well, boil the lids. Dill umbrellas, leaves of young horseradish are laid in a prepared jar. Cut the garlic into four pieces and also send it to the jar (three cloves of garlic are enough). For garlic, peppercorns are sent to the jar. We also loan how it is prepared.

Soak cucumbers in cold water. If they are small, then we cut off the tips. If the fruits are large, you can cut them into several pieces. Lay one third of the can. Then put the pepper, chopped large. At this stage of seaming, the contents of the jar will need to be filled with boiling water for half an hour and covered with a sterile cap. Then drain the liquid.

You can lay out tomatoes. Since yellow tomatoes tend to burst quickly and crack, they will need to be heated for just five minutes. Then pour the contents of the jar with hot water, cover again and leave for five minutes. Drain the water. It is time to cook the pickle. Pour vinegar into the jar. All ingredients dissolve, roll up. Next, turn the roll over and let it cool in this way. It is necessary to cover with a blanket to ensure the absence of light.

With beet and white cabbage

What do you need:

  • A kilogram of white cabbage;
  • Kilogram beets;
  • 300 grams of onions;

For the marinade (per liter of water):

  • 800 ml of table vinegar;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a glass of salt;

Boil the beets until soft, then peel and cut into small strips. Cabbage chop the traditional way, and onions cut into large rings. Make a brine by dissolving the salt in boiling water, adding vinegar and sugar. Then put the vegetables in the pickle pickled vegetables and cook for exactly ten minutes. You can shift to the prepared banks, pour broth. Before you roll up, banks need to be sterilized for a quarter of an hour.

Marinated platter

In the photo, this assorted vegetables for the winter looks especially wonderful. Many people love pickled vegetables for their delicate flavor. Assorted on this recipe is so tender that you want to eat it, not only in winter but also in summer. Do you know how to do?

What you need (per one liter jar):

  • Two cucumbers;
  • Tavern;
  • Four tomatoes;
  • Two bell peppers;
  • Parsley, dill (umbrellas);
  • Peas, cloves;

For the marinade (based on three liters of water):

  • Two tablespoons of salt and vinegar;
  • You also need three tablespoons of sugar;

Banks need to be sterilized or washed with soda. If you use the second method of preparing cans, then together with vegetables they will need to be sterilized when everything is poured with hot pickle. Vegetables need to wash and chop as you like. We recommend making an average cut so that each piece of vegetable can be taken separately and eaten.

Be sure to clean the three heads of garlic, prepare for a liter jar of three sweet peppers and cloves, a couple of umbrellas of dill, you can also use dill stalks. Covers boil for a few minutes. Now you can fill the jars. First put the dill, garlic and parsley. Then lay the vegetables in layers, as you like. Yellow zucchini is not suitable for preservation, but it is recommended to poke tomatoes in several places so that they do not burst when the seaming is filled with boiling water.

Boil water and pour the jars to the very throat. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Water to pour and pour new boiling water. Then again drain the water, putting it on fire. On the basis of this water to prepare brine. For the third time, marinade is already poured into the jars. Banks with assorted after this step, you can safely roll up.

With cauliflower and cucumbers (without sterilization)

We also offer a tasty option, how to cook a platter of vegetables for the winter without sterilization. We take an interesting combination of vegetables, so that the seals please not only with exquisite taste, but also with a variety of vegetables.

What do you need:

  • Three and a half kilograms of cucumbers;
  • Two and a half kilograms of cauliflower;
  • Kilogram onion sets;
  • 200 grams of beans;
  • 250 grams of carrots;

Marinade (per five liters of water, slightly acid):

  • Half a cup of vinegar;
  • Three tablespoons of salt and sugar;
  • A pinch of cinnamon, allspice and cloves;

Cabbage must be carefully disassembled into small florets. Cut the carrot into slices and chop the onion. Cucumbers just cut off the tips. Vegetables all together blanch five minutes in salted water, then tightly put in pre-prepared jars, pour the marinade and roll.

Wonderful for the winter with a prescription from a photo can be prepared from seasonal vegetables. We offer not only delicious options for seaming, but also interesting combinations of the vegetables themselves.

How many advantages assorted vegetables for the winter! ... In general, vegetables can be harvested different ways  and in different combinations. And what if you try to cook them together? Harvesting vegetable platter is very convenient and practical. In one container can be placed immediately a wide range of vegetables. And everyone who ever tries to do this will appreciate it!

"Assorted vegetables for the winter" step by step recipe   harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers
   Absolutely useful and tasty seaming, which combines a variety of vegetables and spices, will appeal to absolutely everyone! This is the perfect snack for holiday table: one can is full of vegetable diversity, and do not have to uncork a bunch of cans. So, to conserve such an assortment of 1 three-liter jar will be needed:
   - 0.6 kg of tomatoes,
   - 0.6 kg cucumber,
   - 6-7 medium sized bell peppers,
   - 4 cloves of garlic,
   - 3 dill umbrellas,
   - 3-4 peas black and fragrant,
   - 3 sheets of horseradish.
   To fill one can with a volume of 3 liters you need:
   - 1.5 liters of distilled water,
   - 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar,
   - 2 tbsp. salt without slides,
   - 1 tbsp. sugar with a slide.

Vegetables are prepared in this way. Cucumbers are sorted, laying aside sluggish and spoiled, washed, placed in a bowl with cold water and left in it for 2 hours. Then the water from the cucumbers is drained, and they must dry. Tomatoes for assorted should be dense, not overripe, it is desirable to take a sort of "cream". Tomatoes are moving, leaving only whole vegetables, without dents and spoilage. After the selected tomatoes are washed under running cold water and left to drain. From multi-colored bell pepper seeds are cleaned, internal veins and the stalks are cut, and the pulp is washed and cut into 3-4 parts.

   Dill umbrellas with fresh horseradish leaves should be laid in a colander and washed first with cold water, and then they should be washed with boiling water. Greens should cool and drain. Garlic is peeled from the husk and along with the greens laid out in a deep plate.

Prepared ingredients are laid in a clean and dry three-liter jar. First on the bottom put garlic and horseradish leaves, black and fragrant peppercorns, dill. Next come tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers, stacking them more closely to each other, but not crushing. On heavy fire  put the pan with distilled water poured into it, which is brought to a boil and poured hot in a jar to assorted. The jar is covered with a metal lid and set to be sterilized in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then it is necessary to drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, boil again on high heat, and pour salt and sugar into it. Pouring should boil for 2 minutes so that the spice grains dissolve. All this time the can of vegetables should be open.

Pouring hot again poured into a jar with assorted, so that by level it reaches the very edge of the neck. Immediately after this, the bank rolls over, turns upside down and wraps itself in a blanket. This should cool for a long time (about two days), without sudden changes in temperature. Cold preservation is removed in a cool, dark basement, cellar or storage room.

Assorted vegetables for the winter. Photoreceptor  cabbage blanks
   This snack will be a decoration and a great addition for any second course. It can be stored throughout the winter. Although it is hardly worthy, since your homework with great pleasure will sweep away the blank. For the preparation of assorted cabbage you will need:
   - 5 kg of white cabbage,
   - 1 kg of bell pepper,
   - 1 kg of carrots,
   - 1 kg of onions,
   - 500 ml of vegetable oil,
   - 500 ml of 6% vinegar,
   - 4 tbsp. salt,
   - 350 grams of sugar.

Cabbage for snacks must be finely chopped. Bulgarian pepper (preferably multi-colored) and onions cut into small cubes. Carrot - grated. All prepared vegetables are transferred to a volumetric bowl or bowl and sprinkled with salt and sugar. After they add table vinegar and vegetable oil. The whole mass should be gently mixed, evenly distributing the ingredients, spread out in dry glass jars and leave cool to let the juice and infuse. After 2 days, banks need to close the capron lids and put in storage in the cellar; in the absence of the latter, you can decompose the vegetable platter into smaller cans and put them in the refrigerator.

Assorted vegetables for the winter. Blanks  with zucchini and squash
Following recipe  combines the following ingredients (for one three-liter jar): squash, zucchini, carrot, cucumber, onion, sweet pepper, cauliflower, tomatoes (small in size), garlic and greens to taste (parsley, dill, lemon balm, etc.) P.). Optionally, this set can add a pumpkin or cauliflower. From the spices you will need: bay leaf, dried seeds of dill and cilantro, sheets of cherry and black currant, cloves. All vegetables for harvesting are taken in an arbitrary ratio; something can be removed or, conversely, add.

At the bottom of the cans are laid spices. Cucumbers are cut by circles. Sweet pepper - large strips, removing from it pre-seeds and stalk. The rest of the vegetables are put whole. Vegetable set in banks located in a specific sequence, shifting layers of fresh herbs. Then the jars are filled with hot marinade. For it to 1 liter of water you need: 2 tbsp. salt, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. 6% vinegar. After preparation, they are pasteurized for 10 minutes, rolled up tightly with lids and, after cooling, are stored cold.

Cucumber salad for the winter


  •   4 kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  •   6 pieces of large bulbs (or 0.5 kilogram);
  •   a large bunch of dill;
  •   3 tablespoons of salt stone;
  •   6 tablespoons of sugar;
  •   250 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  •   200 milliliters of vinegar 9%.

Salad of cucumbers for the winter. Step-by-step recipe:

1. My cucumbers. Then cut the tails on both sides. Cut cucumbers into circles of 0.5 cm thickness. I first cut vegetables of rounded shape along, and then cut them into half rings.
  2. Next, clean the onions. Cut it into large pieces. I advise you to cut it as you like. Personally, I prefer onions in salads in large chunks.
  3. Cut the dill.
  4. We shift all the vegetables and herbs in a large metal container. Stir.
  5. Add salt and sugar, add vegetable oil. Stir well again.
  6. Close the container with vegetables lid. Give brew for at least 4 hours.
  7. Open our vegetables and mix. Cucumbers should make a lot of juice. If it is practically not there, then you need to wait some more time.
  8. Put the pan on the stove, turn on a small fire. Stir from time to time. When it starts to boil a little, then add vinegar. It is necessary to boil over high heat our vegetable salad for the winter until dark green (about 3-4 minutes).
  9. Sterilize the jars and lay them on the finished salad. At the same time it is necessary to press from above with a spoon or fork in order to fill as much free space as possible. Pour the remaining juice into each jar. He must fill the containers to the very edges.
  10. We roll cans with sterilized lids. Turn over the jars and let them cool completely. Wrap the banks is not necessary, because the cucumbers will be soft and not crispy.
  The most delicious cucumber salad for the winter is ready! From this amount of ingredients I get 4.5 liters of ready pickled cucumbers.

Zucchini salad for the winter according to my mother-in-law's recipe


1 kilogram of zucchini (peeled and chopped);
   1.5 kilograms of tomatoes;
   4 large sweet peppers;
   4-5 cloves of garlic;
   100 grams of sugar;
   1 tablespoon salt;
   1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%;
   1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Salad of zucchini for the winter according to the recipe of my mother-in-law. Step-by-step recipe:

1. Wash all the vegetables and chop. Tomatoes - in thin slices, zucchini - in small cubes, pepper - into strips, and cut the garlic into small pieces or we press.
  2. We shift the tomatoes in a large saucepan or other metal container. We light a small fire and put the tomatoes on the stove. Add salt and sugar to them. Constantly stir with a spatula until a lot of juice comes out of the tomatoes. When the contents of the pan boil - cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. After that, add zucchini and pepper to the tomatoes, add vegetable oil. Gently mix so that nothing falls outside the pan. Add the garlic. Cook until boiling and until a lot of juice is produced. Cook under the lid for another 30 minutes. 15 minutes before readiness add garlic. A couple of minutes before readiness, pour vinegar.
  4. Sterilize the jars. I do it in the oven or over a pot of boiling water. Spill the salad on the banks to the edges.
  5. We roll. I sterilize the covers like this: put them in a deep dish and pour boiling water over it. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.
  That's the whole recipe for delicious canned zucchini for the winter. The total cooking process takes about 2 hours. My whole family loves zucchini in this form.

Lecho for the winter, simple and delicious recipe


2 kilograms of tomatoes;
   3 kilograms of bell peppers (weight of already peeled and chopped vegetables);
   10-12 pieces of onions;
   1 cup of vegetable oil;
   1 cup of sugar;
   100 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
   salt to taste (I add 2 tablespoons).

Letcho for the winter, simple and delicious recipe. Step-by-step recipe:

1. To begin to wash the peppers. We cut each of them along and we get seeds. We cut the peppers into thin slices of about 1 cm.
  2. Then you need to thoroughly wash the tomatoes and pass through a meat grinder (if possible, remove the skin). You can also do this in a blender, whipping tomatoes will be much faster. Or use a large grater. After that, pour tomato gruel into a large metal container.
  3. Now you need to peel and chop the onions for our delicious lecho for the winter.
4. Add sugar, vegetable oil and 2 spoons of salt to the pan to the tomatoes. For all canned food and marinades, I use only rock salt. We send onions to the pan.
  5. Put the metal container on a small fire. Stir periodically. When the tomato mixture begins to boil, then cook for another 2 minutes and transfer the sliced ​​pepper to it. Stir from time to time. We warm to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. You can try one slice of pepper. If it has become soft, then pour in vinegar. Bring to a boil, cook until ready our simple lecho for the winter. You should definitely try lecho and, if necessary, add salt or sugar so that the taste is pleasant for you.
  7. Sterilize the caps and jars. Turn off the fire and pour flavored salad into glass containers. Roll lecho.
  8. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a towel and on top of a warm blanket. So the banks will cool more evenly.
  On this cooking homemade lecho for the winter is completed. It remains only to wait for the beginning of the cold season, and you can try harvested vegetables.

Stuffed Eggplant for Winter

This recipe is very unusual. When I first tried this dish, I immediately realized that I would cook it constantly. It's a little time consuming, but amazingly tasty! Also, on request, eggplants can be replaced and make stuffed zucchini for the winter according to the same recipe.


2 kilograms of eggplants;
   3 onions;
   3 medium carrots;
   2 heads of garlic;
   1 pod hot pepper;
   500 milliliters of tomato juice (or 500 milliliters of water and 100 milliliters of tomato paste);
   salt, sugar to taste;
   3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
   50 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  These ingredients I have enough for 3 liter jars delicious salad  for the winter of eggplant. If necessary, you can proportionally increase the volume of products.

Stuffed eggplant for the winter. Step-by-step recipe:

1. Cut off the green tops of the washed eggplant. Cut each vegetable along into 2 parts. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the sliced ​​eggplants (cut up). Lightly grease each vegetable with vegetable oil. We send the pan to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes so that the top of the eggplants darkens and they become soft.
2. While the eggplants are baked, we will deal with the rest of the ingredients. Grind onions and three carrots on a large grater. Finely cut the garlic. We do not clean the hot pepper, and cut it straight with the seeds. After all, the seeds contain most of the sharpness.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it up on the fire. Shift onion and fry until transparent color. We send carrots to a frying pan. Fall asleep sugar and salt. I add 1 teaspoon. Stir and add pepper with garlic. Cooking stuffing until soft.
  4. Sterilize jars and lids for stuffed eggplants for the winter.
  5. We get a baking sheet with vegetables from the oven. Pierce one of the eggplants with a knife. If it is soft and the blade of the knife passes easily, then the vegetables are ready. On each eggplant lay out the top mixture of carrots, onions and other spices. I do this without taking out the blue vegetables from the pan. We tamp the carrot with our fingers, it should make a thick dense layer.
  6. We shift each half of eggplant to each other. So that turned out like a whole vegetable (cut inside). We press the halves with our hands for better bonding.
  7. In each liter jar vertically we place 3-4 whole eggplants. If you do in more volume containers, then the number of vegetables can be increased.
  8. Fill in banks tomato juice. I cook it myself from water and tomato paste. To do this, pour water into the pan and bring to a boil. Then add tomato paste. Stir and wait again until the juice boils. Add to the pot 2 teaspoons with a pile of salt and sugar. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  9. Spill homemade juice in banks. There should be a little space to the brim (about 2 cm).
  10. Take a large saucepan and cover it with a rag bottom. We put in her banks with eggplant and loosely cover them with lids. Pour water into the pan (almost to the very edge, to the shoulders of the cans).
  11. Put the metal container on a small fire. Banks in the water should boil for 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. If there is still a place in the banks, then add tomato juice.
  12. Remove from heat, roll. Turn over, wrap and leave to cool. It is best to store such eggplants in the basement, I do not recommend it at room temperature.
  Stuffed eggplants for the winter in the banks are ready! This dish is not ashamed to put the guests on the table. These canned foods are always eaten the fastest.

Vegetable platter for winter


8-12 cucumbers (depending on size);
   40 small tomatoes;
4 bell peppers;
   1 bunch of parsley;
   1 onion;
   8-10 cloves of garlic;
   8 black peppercorns;
   8 peas allspice;
   4-8 clove buds;
   1 hot chili pepper.
  For the marinade per liter of water:
   1 tablespoon with a heap of salt;
   3 tablespoons of sugar;
   70 ml. vinegar 9%.

Vegetable platter for the winter. Step-by-step recipe:

1. Soak cucumbers in cold water for a delicious assorted vegetables for the winter.
  2. Mine, clean and cut the Bulgarian pepper into strips.
  3. Onion cut into half rings. Parsley tear hands on large pieces. Cut the garlic in half lengthwise. Spicy pepper cut into slices.
  4. Cut the tops on both sides of the cucumbers.
  5. We pierce each tomato with a fork crosswise (in the place where the branch grew).
  6. At the bottom of each sterilized jars in equal parts put parsley. Add 2 peas allspice and black pepper, 1-2 clove buds. Fold in several circles of hot pepper. In proportion to each jar we send chopped garlic, 1-2 cloves. We spread onion and bell pepper.
  7. Cut cucumbers into circles of 0.5 cm thickness. We place them in jars. So that the containers were filled to the middle. We ram the vegetables with our hands. The rest of the space is filled with tomatoes.
  8. Boil a large pot of water. Spill steep boiling water over the banks. Cover the glass containers with lids and leave for 10 minutes.
  9. Let us marinade for assorted canned cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. Drain the water from the cans and measure its amount in liters. Add salt, sugar in accordance with the recipe for marinade.
  10. Boil water until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved, add vinegar.
  11. Pour marinade in jars to the top. Roll up. Wrapped up.
  The cooking has come to an end. Assorted pickled cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter is ready. Banks due to their content look bright, and I want to open and eat.
  These recipes have been passed down from generation to generation in our family for many years. My family members are very pleased that I can cook so tasty. Even mom, having tasted my pickles, said that they make me much tastier. I advise you to make such preparations for the winter. It's so nice to try a bit of summer in the cold season. Also pay attention to other recipes on the site "Very tasty." Here are a huge number of dishes for the solemn reception of guests. There are and simple recipes  for dinner. For everyone there is a suitable recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Video belongs to Irina Khlebnikova

Video belongs to Irina Khlebnikova

Video belongs to Irina Khlebnikova

Video belongs to Irina Khlebnikova

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