Why instagram crashes when viewing pages. The instagram closes or crashes from the account, a solution is found.

Studying this article is useful not only for iPhone owners (its version can be neglected in solving this problem), but also for users of any other iOS device (such as iPod, iPad, etc.).

First, let's define the notion of “crash” of applications - this is an emergency exit from an application that is made by the iOS system itself. Simply put, “departure” can be called a situation where a user wants to go into a particular program or start a game, but after a while loading (in some cases, it happens instantly), the application closes itself. Let's determine why this happens with your devices, why applications crash?

Since the iPhone (and any other iDevice) is multifunctional, applications also crash for several reasons. In addition, do not forget that there is such an operation as Jailbreak, applications sometimes crash because of it. It allows you to access iOS and the full file system, install third-party applications and perform other, not approved by Apple, actions.

In case you have this Jailbreak installed on your iPhone, the solution for you is described in paragraph 3. If all applications are bought or downloaded officially from the App Store, I recommend reading all the points in this article.

One application crashes

It is possible that this application has not yet been adapted for your version of the iPhone, and therefore crashes. And this means that either you are "sitting" on the old version of iOS, or vice versa - the program itself is simply not made usable on your new iOS.

I advise you to search the Internet for compatibility of this application with one or another version of the device and solve the problem according to the information found (upgrade to a later version of iOS or wait for adaptation - in this case I advise you to demand money for purchasing the application back).

Another possible option is an update in the App Store of this program. Often it happens that after the update of the application, its old version ceases to function (as a rule, this happens with chat rooms, online games and social networks).

Most applications crash

No matter how banal this advice is, but still - elementary usually helps.

Just as in the previous paragraph, there may be a problem with updating iOS and you should check the device’s firmware version.

In many cases, it also happens that the user has recently updated to the latest version of iOS and has encountered this problem. Then you should “roll back” the firmware - return to an earlier stable version.

Applications crash - I have Jailbreak!

As is known, independent intervention in the processes operating system  in the iPhone and any other device (not necessarily iOS) do not guarantee its work without the "bugs" in the future. Since Cydia (the “pirated” counterpart of the market) is used along with Jailbreak, and tweaks are used in Cydia (the “pirated” counterparts of licensed programs downloaded from the market), this can be a problem.

Not all tweaks are safe for downloading, not to mention the fact that hacking the device with the help of Jailbreak is illegal, and no one gave a guarantee that the programs installed in this way do not crash.

I advise you to remove the recently installed tweaks, and ideally remove Cydia and download and buy official software (believe me, there are many times fewer problems with it than with tweaks and the Jailbreak).

The solutions described in the article help in most cases. But if you still do not fall into the number of those people whom I managed to help, do the following:

Try to contact the iPhone Support Center and find out why the program crashes in your case. To do this, go to the Apple website (apple.com), go to the Support tab, select your device (for example, iPhone or iPod) and in the left column of tabs, click on "Contact Support".

I advise you to recall the approximate date of purchase of the device in order to determine whether to use the “Free support” tab (detailed information about the free support and the right to provide it is contained under the title of this tab) or contact the diagnostics center. In any case, try to set out your situation in the most intelligible and complete manner.

As you can see, solving the problem with the launch of applications on the iPhone is completely easy. I hope that my article helped you to make sure of this.

IPhone owners often complain that their device does not normally reproduce the content of some sites and mobile applications. Especially a lot of similar complaints related to the functioning of the popular social network  Instagram. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how to avoid such problems.

The main causes of the problem

So, if Instagram crashes on iPhone, it happens most often because:

  1. You are the owner of an outdated version of the iPhone. It does not matter whether it is an iPhone 5s or 4s, any model below the sixth is now considered technically imperfect. This is connected with the old version of the software, and with a small amount of RAM (for Instagram with all its new features, even 1 GB is sometimes not enough).
  2. You have multiple accounts. It is noticed that the most often question is why multi-account owners are asking why Instagram is constantly flying out on iPhone. This, of course, is not the rule, for someone at once 4-5 personal pages function quite normally. However, if you always have the opportunity to log into only one account, this will reduce the risk of a problem.
  3. The program has been updated with an error. Developers of even the most famous applications, alas, sometimes make mistakes. Because of this, there is a departure from the program. On the one hand, this means that you do not have to worry about the health of your particular iPhone, which is good. On the other hand, you cannot fix this situation in any way, two options remain: either roll back to the previous version (if this is possible at all), or wait for the release of the next one. Typically, large networks such as Instagram make corrections as soon as possible.

Having found out the reasons why an application or website may not work correctly, it's time to address the question “what to do?”. Next, let's talk about what actions should be taken if you are overtaken by a similar misfortune.

How to deal with problems?

There are several ways to fix the problem with the departure from Instagram at the entrance. We recommend to try the following ones:

Cleaning RAM

It is easy and simple: just hold down the device on / off button. When the updated screen appears, click on the word "Home". Done, you can try to re-launch Instagram.

Downloading another version of the application

The Instagram app is updated frequently. We have already mentioned above that sometimes, in the case of new version  program, it fails, which affects the performance. In this situation, you should first try to clear the cache. If this does not help, try returning to the previous, working version of the application.

Using the "help with login"

Instagram has such an opportunity, but for some reason, very few people know about it. If the site does not allow to go to your page, then you need to open the login form and click on the button "Help with login". After that, it remains only to enter your login and log in to your account. It is important to note that it does not help everyone, but you can try.

Disconnect from the Internet

This method is not always effective, however, many users say that it worked in the case of them. If you are thrown out of your Instagram account, you need to disconnect from the Internet, then open the app again offline or go to the site. And then we turn on the Internet and use the account in normal mode already without any problems.

We hope that these tips were helpful and helped you solve problems with Instagram once and for all. Take care of your iPhone and lay out the most best photos  and video for the joy of subscribers!

Good day, today I would like to re-talk about errors in the application of the instagram, namely why instagram closes or crashes from accountHowever, if you log in through another account, the application does not close and crashes. So how do you fix this?

One of the users of the soc-life forum pushed me to write this post. The question was why the application instagram closes after logging in, but if you enter another account, the problem disappears, and when you switch to the last one, it appears again. This is the user's question.

The user even described the problem in detail and applied the video to his question.

If you have the exact same error, be it Iphone or Android, then you should read the article to the end, for I will give you action methods, which can exclude further departures of the Instagram application on your phone, which sometimes makes the users very angry, especially when it is urgent to post a photo in a profile or video.

Option 1. Reinstall instagram or update to the latest version.

This option is probably the most popular, since not all users update their applications, including not doing so, and I, well, in the most extreme cases, users simply don’t want to suffer, download updates, and sometimes they just don’t have enough traffic, which worth quite a bit lately.

To update instagram you need to go to your application store, android it Play marketIphone is the App Store. Next, we find our application, in our case instagram, and if there is an update on it, then click the update button.

If there is no update, then go to the phone settings and delete the entire application, including the application cache. Then simply install the instagram application on your phone in a new way. The error should also disappear, since the reason for closing the instagram may be an application cache that is too large, sometimes because of this.

But it happens that this method with reinstalling instagram does not always help, in this case there is a second method, which is also quite effective.

Option 2. Install the old (earlier) version of Instagram.

It also happens that this error appears just after updating the instagram to the latest version, in this case it is enough just to roll back the insatagram to the previous version of the application. To do this, whoever has an android, just download the old version of the application from this site, everything, absolutely all versions of the instagram application are posted on it, so there’s no problem with choosing the right version for you.

This solution is the most working, since everyone who used it wrote about a positive result, as well as the user who asked the forum question, which was voiced at the beginning of the post, this is the answer.

All these departures are not uncommon, and recently have been noticed simply by a huge number of users, this is due to some application flaws instagram, which the developers, of course, will fix the future, because the company's profit directly depends on the stable operation of the application, and the more they lose Because of such mistakes, the more they will fall, and they do not need it.

Also, I just can not miss the advice of one of the users of some popular forum, where he independently copes with this error application.

He writes the following: If you have closes (crashes) instagram when loadingit’s enough just to exit the application, turn off the Internet, then go to the instagram without the Internet and after five to ten seconds turn it on again. According to him, in this case, the application will not close. But what will happen if you restart it, he did not say.

I think that the option of updating or installing an earlier version of the application will be much more effective than the option of turning off and turning on the Internet on your phone.

Option 3. Help with logging in to instagram (does not work for everyone).

So, I myself recently ran into this problem, and I ran when there was another strange update to instagram, then all the software, such as, instasot and others did not allow accounts to log in, all the time showed that the account was invalid. But the software was updated, there are no problems with logging into it, but the account still refused to log in via the phone to the android, although it enters the PC version and through the browser without problems. What did I do then?

While logging in to your account, you have a small, inconspicuous “help with login” button in the screenshot, you can see everything clearly. Click on it, then enter the login of your account and if everything is correct, then you just transfer to your page and you have successfully logged in to instagram. As I wrote above, this method does not help everyone, he personally helped me and now there are no problems with authorization.

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