Types and varieties of white flowers. White spring and autumn planting and care photos and videos

Spring white flower is a medicinal plant that contains substances used to treat a number of diseases of the nervous system. In addition, the white-flowered flower has valuable decorative qualities, and therefore enjoys increased popularity among gardeners interested in primroses. As well as, this plant is suitable for growing in pots, besides, it is well preserved in the cut.

Flowering period: June - autumn. Grain samlusters is one of the main competitors of young rape plants. Although grains are good precursors of rapeseed crops, they leave seeds that germinate in the next crop. This is actually a samulastra. The problem is that grain samulastra competes with young rapeseed plants for resources. Therefore, the fight against the selection of grain is one of the important technological elements of culture.

Granini is an annual herb, green as grass, which prefers warm areas and weak calcium soils, but is rich in nutrients. Mohor is a herbaceous plant that forms rare bushes. Weed has straight leaves 8-20 cm long, 1, 2 cm wide, without beaks.

Belots flower, or leukoyum, belongs to the Amaryllis family. This is a bulbous species of which there are a lot of. White flowers are also called white violets, as its name comes from the Greek words leucos (“white”) and ion (“”).

White flowers native to Central Europe. This flower is depicted on the coat of arms of the German city Ettenstat. In addition, in nature, mainly on forest edges, these flowers can often be found in the south-western part of Ukraine.

Wild mustard

Flowering period: summer - the beginning of autumn. Annual seedlings of seeds, sometimes called wild radishes. Mustard is one of the weeds that is difficult to fight, because it is part of the cruciferous family. A growing area throughout the country, wild mustard, causing serious damage to the crop. Wild mustard flowers are yellow and grouped into raccoons.

Annual burdock multiplied by seeds, with short roots. Zorn is part of the cruciferous family, being one of the problematic weeds. They can survive up to 35 years in the soil. Grain prefers almost all types of soil, especially rich in humus and nitrogen, as well as indicators of nitrogen. The only free soils are podzolitsy.

In your spring garden there will definitely be a place for white flower spring (Leucojum vernum). This species of white flower blooms very early - in April it will delight you with small white flowers with yellow specks on the edges of the petals.

In height, spring white-flowered bushes with basal linear leaves reach 30 cm. Fruit is a box. Flowers - very fragrant, drooping, at the same time resemble lilies of the valley and bluebells. Spring blooming flowers bloom for a whole month, and cut and placed in water flowers remain fresh for up to 8-10 days.

Germination period: late spring. Perennial weeds that love heat and can reach a height of almost two meters and a thickness of 3-9 mm. Cost can be multiplied by seeds and rhizomes. The inflorescence of the costume is a pyramidal panic of purple color. Spinning period: spring and summer.

Flowering period: summer - autumn. Annual burden, or biannual, is very common in cultures. The roots are multiplied by the seeds. Rocoina can completely cover the soil in good years in spring, with a dense, colorless network. Large plant mass seriously affects crops. Rocoin has a creeping or ascending stem and loves good soil, rich in nitrogen and well supplied with water. Germination age: all year.

Pay attention to the photo of the white-flowered spring variety Carpathicum (Carpaticum) - it is distinguished by large flowers with yellow specks.

Care and planting belotsvetnik flower

The best place for planting and caring for white flowers is shaded areas. However, the sooner the snow melts at the site of their landing, the sooner they bloom.

Flowering period: almost the entire year. An annual or occasional one-year-old sleeping crucifer weaver that spreads the smell of garlic. The stem can reach 40 cm in height, being simple and branched. The leaves at the base are lanceolate, and the leaves are on the stem. Puguli flowers are different, grouped in terminal brushes. Pungulita prefers soils rich in nutrients, lutei, slightly acidic reaction. Puguli seeds can survive in the soil up to 15 years.


Flowering period: May - autumn. Annual burden is widespread in crops. The core is branched and creeping. The leaves are hairy and lobed. Southeastern Romania is experiencing intense broccoli contamination, but moderate invasions also occur in counties such as Giurgiu, Teleorman, Vaslui and Bacau. The color of the stems varies from brown to light yellow, and the color of flowers varies from white to purple or blue.

As can be seen in the photo, white-flowered flowers are often planted under trees and shrubs, near the hedge, country house.

After five years, white flowers should be transplanted in one place, as the plantings thicken, flower stalks become weaker, as a result of which the number of flowers decreases.

Like most primroses, white flowers are very demanding on the composition of the soil. It must be a fertile, moist, moderately drained substrate.

Each of the stems of the stems contains thousands of tiny seeds that quickly spread along with the soil transported from one soil to another by agricultural machines and equipment. Damage caused by weeds and other harmful factors can reach 50% of the cultivated crop, which can be disastrous for agriculture, in the absence of any measures to control as efficiently as possible. The main consequences for agriculture are the reduction of crops and their quality and increase in production costs.

For fertilizer, use manure and peat, but only well-rotted, dolomite flour, and compost, river sand, fine gravel will be suitable for drainage. Acidic and slightly acidic soils for these plants are destructive. The rest of these flowers are pretty. They grow well near ponds.

When caring for white flowers in spring, they should be fed with liquid organic fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers are undesirable to use in large doses, it is better to increase the amount of potassium and phosphate.

Some crops are extremely sensitive to weeds: corn and soybeans fall into this category with losses ranging from 30 to 100%. Potatoes, alfalfa, sunflower, beets, and wheat harvest can also be badly affected. Given that they are also one of the most common crops in our country, it is recommended to use broad-spectrum herbicidal solutions that can be used from one variety to another.

How do we prevent weeds from growing in field crops?

This herbicide, absorbed by leaves, stems and leaves of plants, fights against major dicotyledonous and annual monocotyledonous weeds, including a teaspoon, ragweed, wild spinach, mistletoe, millet, grasshopper and wild millet. The first method of weed control is, in fact, prevention. To this end, the establishment of crops should always be carried out inside a clean and free sprouting bed, where no weeds were born. Another criterion that needs to be taken into account is the importance of eliminating weeds in the early stages of growth, since it is known that once they have reached an advanced stage, their struggle becomes an increasingly complex process.

Do not forget to keep the soil well hydrated, especially if the spring is warm and the summer is dry. During flowering, watering intensity should be increased.

Reproduction of the spring white-flower

White flowers are propagated in spring with seeds or bulbs. The best period for planting and transplanting - from July to September, when the active growing season stops. If autumn is warm, planting and transplanting can be done in November.

Similarly, the crop development stage should be considered. Thus, in corn, the methods used differ from pre-emergence and post-emergence post-emergence and post-emergence. One aspect worth noting is that the use of the herbicide in the post-opening phase provides control over a wide range of weeds — dicotyledons and some monocots.

Herbicide Resistance Management

For four years, only two group 2 herbicides should be used on the same field. Introduce a comprehensive weed control program, including herbicides, cultural practices and crop rotation, to control weed populations. in the case of affected crops of sunflower, it is necessary to destroy self-control. Little is known to us, stone flowers are an option that you should consider if you want to give a particular chromatic accent to gardens or terraces. They are very resistant ornamental flowers that can adapt to different types of soil, so planting and maintenance do not pose serious problems.

It is necessary to replant bushes after they bloom. If a purchased white flowering bush of spring is transplanted or planted, next year this plant will bloom badly, weaken and soon die. Therefore, flowering bushes for planting does not make sense to buy.

Maternal bulbs are ready for dividing approximately 6 years after planting, with about two to three “babies” forming during the season. White flowers of spring bulbs are not stored for more than a month and do not dry, preferably plant them immediately after digging and dividing.

We will learn more about these stone flowers in the following, pointing out a few tips on planting and caring. The stone or portal flower is a South American plant, introduced in Europe for more than three centuries. It is a suitable flower for decorating terraces and balconies thanks to its fleshy and succulent leaves and colored flowers like cacti flowers in different shades such as red, orange, yellow, pink, purple and white. This is a flower that is ideal in harsh, almost desert conditions.

In particular, the plant needs direct sunlight, loves warmth and tolerates poor, dry, but well-drained soil. The plant grows in the shade, but in this case it will not bloom. For this reason, when you plant it, choose a place for the sun, preferably in the sector where you can create a desert micro landscape with stones.

Remember that when growing the white-flowered spring the roots of the bulbs can not be removed, as they, if damaged, the plant will weaken and hurt.

Before planting the soil is required to fertilize with humus and peat and add drainage, river sand is best suited for this. The bulb is planted to a depth exceeding its height by 2 times, and a distance of about 15 cm is left between the bulbs. The deeper the planting, the larger the bulb becomes with time.

You can plant them in pots or directly in the garden using seeds. Do not bury seeds, because air helps to germinate. You can also plant them in pots or flower pots, but keep in mind that plants do not tolerate transplantation. In the garden, plants will multiply from year to year from seeds that have fallen to the surface of the soil.

Stone flowers will develop independently, without careful care on our part. It needs to be watered very rarely, otherwise moisture can damage it. They will bloom from June if warm spring, before late fall. If they grow in pots inside, they will bloom a little earlier. Flowers offer an excellent chromatic show, closing in the evening and opening the next morning in the first rays of the sun. In winter, if the temperature drops a lot, it is recommended to protect them in order to protect them.

It is possible to accelerate the development of spring white-flowered bulbs by planting the mother bulb superficially, almost at the soil surface (to a depth corresponding to the height of the bulb itself). In this case, the plant will bloom worse, and the formation of children will accelerate.

Title:   derived from the Greek words "leucos" - milk, white  and "ion" - violet,and indicates the color of the flowers; originally it was called "leucocion" - white violet.

You should also know that the stone flower is also medicinal plantits leaves and seeds are edible, raw, dried or pickled. For example, in traditional Asian medicine, stone flower plays an important role in the treatment of various diseases, from simple throat to tumors and hepatitis.

In the flora of Romania there are a number of species of honey plants, which are distinguished by high honey content. To integrate and improve the base of honey in certain areas of the country, these plants are grown in different agricultural areas as part of feed mixtures.

Description:   homeland - Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Turkey, Iran. The genus includes about 10 species of herbaceous perennial bulbous plants up to 40 cm tall, blooming in spring, summer or autumn. Leaves linear, belt-like (2-4), often appearing simultaneously with flowers. Flowers solitary or in few-flowered umbellate inflorescences, drooping, shirokopololchatye, up to 3 cm long, white or pink with a green or yellow spot at the top of the petals. The fruit is a fleshy box. The seeds are oblong or round, sometimes with a fleshy appendage, black or light brown. Bulbs ovoid, 3-5 cm in height and 2-4 cm in diameter, covered with brown or greenish scales. Growing conditions for snowdrops and white flowers are similar.

The most famous honey plants specially grown for bees are: the facet, Moldovan mold, dill, cattle, lamb tongue, snake grass, and sulfine. When organizing the food supply, we must take into account the value of the honey-bearing nature of the natural flora, eras when they do not harvest and compensate for the lack of harvest by growing special honey plants. To ensure the need for planting special honey, which can be grown on agricultural and forage crops, it is necessary to create seeds.

In culture, there are two types:

Spring blossom  - Leucojum vernum L.

It occurs in nature on the edges of mountain beech forests of Central Europe, including the Carpathians.

Bulbous perennial up to 20 cm tall. Bulb ovoid up to 2 cm in diameter. Leaves broadly up to 25 cm long, 1.2 cm wide. Peduncles up to 30 cm long. Flowers solitary or paired, on long stalks, with a bract at the base, white, drooping, with a pleasant smell. Petals with green or yellow finishes. It blooms from April 20-30 days. The fruit is a fleshy, almost spherical, three-nested box. In culture since 1420. It has varieties, for example Carpathicum  (Carpaticum), larger than the wild form, and with yellow spots on the petals.

It is an annual herbaceous plant originating from North America. He was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant, and especially as a highlight. At first it is juicy, later fibrous, wooded. The flowering of the fan allows you to decompose flowering. Discoid nectars are found at the base of the flower, larger in flowers at the base of the inflorescence and smaller to the end of the flower. Phaselion was examined by bees from dawn to dark, from late spring to autumn. But in the fall, it produces less production of nectar per hectare.

It is explored on both sunny and windy and cloudy days. Within 2-3 days the flower lasts 1-20 bees. Most are researched between 11 and 15 years old, only when the flowers of other plants do not produce nectar. The secrets of nectar and drought, however, after rain, production is much higher.

In the GBS, Moscow, the bulbs were collected in 1954 in the Transcarpathian region, and on the mountain plain of Rovnaya, at the upper limit of the beech forest to the left. 1200 m. y The plant grows from IV to VI. Blooms profusely from mid-IV through beginning of V. Seeds in the middle of VI. High 18 cm. Gives self-seeding. It needs moist humus-rich soil. Decorative.

Photo of Konstantin Alexandrov.

This is a bit pretentious for climate and soil. It grows better on a soft and medium surface. On deep soils, fertile and well-processed produce large amounts of nectar and seeds. It also requires a weed-free, clean, prepared land, because in the first phase of vegetation it becomes uneasy. In the shade, it develops hard, and fewer bees are looking for it. Given phosphate and potash fertilizers to increase the production of seeds and nectar. Non-pretentious, it can be sown on less productive land that cannot be used for other crops.

Summer blooms  -Leucojum aestivum L.

It grows wild in Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Crimea, Western Transcaucasia, Asia Minor and Western Asia. Prefers more damp habitats: floodplain fields, river banks.

Bulbous perennial up to 40 cm tall. Leaves up to 30 cm long, bluish-green. Peduncle up to 40 cm tall. Flowers 3-10 are collected in umbellate, drooping inflorescence. It blooms from the second half of May, about 20 days. In culture since 1588.

In the GBS, Moscow, the bulbs were collected in 1958 in the vicinity of Novorossiysk, in the Tsemesskaya Valley. The plant grows from IV to VII. Blossoms in V. Seeds in VII. High 28 cm. Decorative.

"Gravetye giant"- a beautiful garden variation, bearing on the shoots of 50-60 cm in height, 6 flowers each. At the tips of the segments of the perianth, there is one straw greenish spot. The variety is very tall, up to 60 cm, bred in England.

Photo by Natalia Shishunova

Mediterranean white-flowered species, such as hairy  (Leucojum trichophyllum), long-leaved  (Leucojum longifolum), tingitian  (Leucojum tingitanum) - the most rare and beautiful. And autumn flowering species: white flowers autumn  (Leucojum autumnale) and white flower pink  (Leucojum roseum), known in the horticulture of Western Europe, are not cultivated in Central Russia. The autumn bractum reaches 12 cm in height, blooms in September, the flowers are white with green specks along the edges of the petals. It grows in nature on dry sandy or stony soils, sometimes on coastal dunes. In culture, these plants suffer from excessive moisture during dormancy, in summer and autumn, and need shelter from rain or drying during this period. In addition, in Russia they can freeze.

Location:   prefer penumbra.

The soil:   humus-rich, well-drained, moist soil around shrubs and ponds. When preparing a place for growing small-grains for drainage, large river sand or gravel is added to the soil. The poor soil is improved by adding rotted manure, but not fresh, leafy ground and sand. If peat is used as an organic additive, it should also be rotted, better with lime, since white-flowered peat does not like acidic soils.

Photo of Konstantin Aleksandrov

Landing: best time for buying and planting bulbs - July-September, when the plants are at rest. With a long and warm autumn, the time allowed for planting stretches until early November. In the amateur market, white flowers are often sold in bloom; this is not very good for them: right after planting, the leaves wither, turn yellow, then die off completely. But the bulb, although weakened, remains alive. True, the following year, such plants bloom poorly or may not bloom at all, but still do not die. When buying resting bulbs, it is necessary to check their condition. They must be dense and heavy, with intact membranes, without regrown roots and stems. However, regrown roots and stems are still permissible, only such an onion must be planted urgently. Permissible and cuts on the bulb, but only on the scales. The bottom should not be damaged, and it is necessary to make sure that the wounds are dried and not affected by mold. Even bulbs with a cut off tip (the upper parts of the scales), but with intact plum and buds, remain viable. You should not buy only broken and crumpled bulbs. Soft patches on the bottom or on the sides, especially when the shell is stripped, speak of decay. Faded bulbs are almost impossible to cure.

White flowering bulbs do not tolerate long-term drying. It is better not to keep them in the air for more than a month, and if it is not possible to plant them, then pour them with sawdust, shavings, etc., and put them in a plastic bag with perforation. In this form, they usually go on sale and stored for 2-3 months. Plant bulbs by general rule: in loose soil to a depth equal to two onions, to a heavy one to a depth of one. But in any case, not smaller than 5 cm. In general, strict adherence to planting depth for small-bulb plants is optional. It’s just that with a shallow position in the ground, the bulbs become shallow, but the children are actively forming, and with a deep one they become larger

Photo Bondareva Olga

Care:   transplantation is required every 5-6 years. During active growth, liquid inorganic fertilizers are applied. Undesirable fertilizers with high nitrogen content. It is better if they have more potassium and phosphates. A large amount of nitrogen causes excessive leaf formation, which in wet weather can be the basis for fungal diseases. Potassium contributes to the formation of healthy, well wintering bulbs, and phosphorus is particularly useful for flowering. During active growth, small-grabs consume a lot of water. Nature usually provides sufficient watering at the right time, but if the winter has little snow or the spring has stood out dry, you will have to water the plants to the florist. Watering the small-bulbous is not very burdensome, they are quite resistant to drought and will not die anyway. Only grow low. After collecting the seeds you can forget about them. In the future, small bulbs do not need care until the end of the season. However, the seeds they can sow themselves. So begins the naturalization.

Any operations with bulbs — transplanting, selling, dividing “nests” (groups of related bulbs) —are done when the plants are at rest, in July-September. Dug onions a little dried, cleaned from old roots and bad scales. Mechanical damage sprinkled with ashes, sick individuals are rejected.

White flowers, like snowdrops, can be affected diseases and pests.

Reproduction:   vegetatively and seeds. Belotstsvetnik well multiply by children - daughter bulbs, which are formed from the kidneys, sitting in the axils of the scales. Usually, 1-2 onions are produced per season. You can speed up reproduction if you plant the mother bulb shallowly, just under the surface itself. Then it turns out fine, but with numerous children. "Nests" - groups of related bulbs - are seated when they grow too large, in 5-7 years.

You can propagate these plants and seeds. But seeds are sown immediately after harvest, at least in the fall, because they die during storage. Sow in summer or autumn, so that raw seeds are processed by low temperatures of autumn and spring - stratification. Such processing is necessary for their normal development. Sow better in pots or boxes, so that small shoots are not lost. To protect against weeds, the boxes are covered with a special film, making sure that they do not dry out constantly. You can cover up with a black spunbond or spray it with a roundapom, but, of course, only when the leaves of the seedlings completely wither away. Seedlings bloom on the 6-7th year.

Using: for early spring floral decoration with primroses, woods, peons, for cutting and distillation. Belotsvetniki, especially belotsvetnik summer, - a great decoration for the banks of streams and small ponds.

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