What to do if your legs are burning with fire. Causes of burning legs syndrome.

Many know that feeling when their feet are burning; in women, due to various circumstances, this happens more often. This disease is not - just a symptom that may be present in many pathologies. And often for those who seemingly are not connected with their legs. The term itself, meaning the appearance of a strong burning sensation in the feet, in medicine, due to its frequency, was named after the author - Gopalan syndrome.

Essence of pathology

Such a burning sensation with fire can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, tingling, soreness. Sensations can be short-term, episodic, permanent, or only at night, etc. And more often this burning sensation appears at night. It happens when, after a working day, a person dreams to rest and relax his legs, he does not allow it to do their “glowing” at night. More, of course, women suffer from this. After all, they are the victims of fashion, wearing a narrow model shoes with heels.

The sensation of burning may affect only the toes, the sole, or even the legs below the knees. This feeling in people standing professions - almost professional, permanent. Why unpleasant sensations appear in the evening - it is clear: the reasons are that when you take your shoes off your legs are released, the vessels dilate and overflow with blood. This increased blood flow and causes burning in the feet. If it is only overloading, all the symptoms disappear by the morning, and the woman does not remember them; but if they become permanent, then consultation with a phlebologist is necessary.

Burning during pregnancy

In pregnancy, Gopalan syndrome occurs almost always and usually in the 3rd trimester. This is due to weight gain and swelling. Due to the pronounced hormonal restructuring, the vascular muscles become sluggish and "allow" the development of edemas and circulatory disorders in the legs. Especially if more preeclampsia is added to this, an increase in blood pressure. With an increase in weight, the permeability of the vessels is increased, the oxidized processed products accumulate in the tissues due to a decrease in metabolism, and they irritate the nerve endings, causing a burning sensation.

Etiology of the phenomenon

In pregnancy, we are talking about physiology. But what pathologies can cause burning in the legs? This is primarily:

  • any vascular diseases of the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis obliterans);
  • Diabetes, hypothyroidism, mycoses and onychomycosis, allergies, hypovitaminosis, especially the lack of vitamins gr. AT;
  • liver disease;
  • longitudinal and transverse flatfoot;
  • in case of gout disease;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • polyneuropathy in alcoholism;
  • multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism;
  • morton's neuroma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • corns on the soles;
  • deterioration of nerve conduction in the elderly;
  • overwork;
  • heel spur;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • micro injuries after heavy loads;
  • complications after hormonal therapy;
  • viral infections;
  • smoking;
  • hypodynamia;
  • abuse of caffeine products;
  • radiation;
  • VSD, attacks of which can be triggered by overheating of the body, stress;
  • wearing low-quality hosiery, uncomfortable shoes;
  • use of substandard care products.

Individuals, if they walk a little more than they usually pass, they begin to suffer from burning and severe pain in the soles of their feet. And sometimes the soles can strongly "burn" in the morning, almost at the first steps, and even at rest. And when walking there is an unbearable pain, as if walking on hot coals.

Such sensations may appear for various reasons.

"Natural" causes of burning

The cause of burning in the soles can be severe fatigue and microtraumas of the legs after exertion, far exceeding the usual for a given person (very long walking, running), as well as uncomfortable shoes, for example, new, not raznoshennaya or, conversely, hanging on the leg.

To reduce the pain and burning sensation in these cases will help cool foot bath. You can also apply soothing, healing ointments. And, of course, it is necessary to eliminate the cause (say, not to wear long cramped shoes).

But quite often burning in the soles is a symptom of certain diseases, including quite serious ones.

Diseases in which the soles "burn"

One of possible reasons  - a person has a high sensitivity to the material from which the socks or insoles of shoes are made, or even are allergic to them. In this case, you need to walk with other insoles and choose socks from some natural fabrics.

"Burning" in the legs can cause fungal diseases of the foot. The burning here will be limited only to the area where the foot tissue is affected by mycosis. In this case, the necessary and proper care of the feet. The fungus often occurs in people who have sweaty feet, so you need to try to change shoes more often so that it is always dry. After washing the feet, it is necessary to dry them thoroughly, only then the fight against the fungus will be effective. And, of course, you need to go to the doctor (dermatologist or mycologist) and conduct a course of treatment with antifungal drugs, which he will prescribe.

The soles can also burn strongly with peripheral neuropathy. And this is already a serious reason. Most often, the disease occurs as a complication of diabetes. So, if your feet are burning for no apparent reason, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Feeling of burning in the legs can also be a symptom of diseases of the leg vessels. To make a correct diagnosis, you should consult with a vascular surgeon.

Cracks on the heels can also be the cause of the burning of the sole. It is necessary to scrupulously inspect all the soles and, if necessary, begin treatment. Cracks heal badly enough, regular special procedures and the use of various moisturizers are necessary. Sometimes the cause of burning is lack of vitamin B.

Burning pain in the foot may cause erythromelalgia. This disease most often affects middle-aged men. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms precedes overheating of the legs. Pain and burning in this disease can be alleviated if a cold compress is applied to the heels or the legs are raised for a while. But remember, with this you only relieve the symptoms, but do not cure the disease. Treatment, of course, should be done by a doctor.

If the doctor has not found any visible problems, you can help yourself by means of foot massage, baths with sea salt.

By the phrase “legs burn with fire” is meant a strong burning sensation in the feet, referred to in medicine as Gopalan syndrome. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, stiffness in the feet, soreness and even itching. Depending on the individual anatomical features of a person and the specific reason, this unpleasant phenomenon occurs in different ways: extremely rarely or often, with short-term or prolonged action. But basically all patients, when describing a state that torments them, agree on one thing - burning is manifested or intensified, as a rule, at night.

The factors provoking such an annoying sensation of heat are many. Usually they are caused by certain inconveniences, for example, a long stay on the legs, wearing synthetic socks, tights, tight shoes, especially with high lift and made with the use of artificial materials. However, in addition to the relatively harmless provocateurs, there are causes of burning feet so serious that they require immediate medical intervention. Unlike factors not related to the disease, they cause fire in the feet on a regular basis and are more difficult to treat. To understand what they say constantly burning soles of the feet, it is imperative to seek the help of a specialist.

The culprits of pathological burning

Frequent, prolonged burning in the feet is not a disease, but a symptom that occurs in many pathologies, both associated with the lower limbs and not related to them. The most common causative factors are:

  • mycoses (fungal infections of the feet) and onychomycosis (infection of the nail plate with a pathogenic fungus);
  • peripheral neuropathy (damage to the spinal, cranial nerves);
  • leg vascular diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis obliterans);
  • longitudinal / transverse flatfoot;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic abnormalities (for example, gout, vitamin B deficiency).

In pregnant women, Gopalan syndrome usually develops by the beginning of the 3rd trimester. This is due to the lethargy of the vascular muscles and the development of edema due to drastic hormonal changes. Also, the cause of burning in the legs and feet in women in the position is an increase in load due to weight gain. This factor applies to all those who are obese. As a result of blood stasis in pregnant women and people struggling with overweight, blood vessels permeability increases, toxins - stimuli of nerve endings accumulate, and, as a result, there is a feeling of irritating heat in the feet.

When is the time to see a doctor?

Do not ignore medical assistance when the legs of children, adult men and women, and elderly people are burning regularly and / or for a long time, especially when the burning sensation is accompanied by such supplements as:

1. itching, dryness, cracking of the skin, discoloration and density of the nails (which usually indicates a fungal infection of the feet);

2. swelling, cramps of the lower limbs that occur at night, chronic heaviness and fatigue (these symptoms may indicate the appearance of varicose veins);

3. intermittent claudication, numbness in the legs, crawling (signs of many diseases, including obliterating endarteritis);

4. swelling, redness, local temperature increase, pulling pain in the calves (perhaps, it is about the development of thrombophlebitis);

5. muscle weakness, tingling in one or both feet, with spreading to the central part of the body, unsteady gait (frequent symptoms of peripheral neuropathy);

6. unnatural posture, clubfoot when walking, increasing the sole of the foot in breadth or length (these phenomena, as a rule, speak of flat feet);

7. weight loss with a good appetite, constant thirst, loss of consciousness, sleep disturbance, decreased working capacity, frequent urination, painful attacks in the heart area and calf muscles (may indicate diabetes);

8. the formation of tophi (dense, tumor-like nodules), tremors in the limbs, joint pain, stiffness in movement (most likely gout has developed);

9. emotional instability, forgetfulness, insomnia, nausea, convulsive contractions of the muscles of the foot and lower leg at night, increased toxicosis in pregnant women (if the legs are burning in combination with these symptoms, then there is a high probability of lack of B vitamins).

If you find yourself even one of the phenomena from this list, it is strongly recommended to contact specialists with the goal of timely diagnosis and treatment of a particular disease.

Drug therapy

If the provocateur for heat in the feet of the feet has become a banal allergy due to wearing clothes or shoes made on the basis of poor-quality materials, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor. With a strong burning sensation and a pronounced manifestation of local reactions, antihistamine therapy is appropriate, for example, Flucinar, Celestoderm.

In the case when the reason why the feet are burning is a more serious pathology, all the treatment is sent to fight precisely this ailment. Thus, to cure a burning sensation in the sole and / or upper part of the foot, you can apply:

1. antimycotic drugs (Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafin, Naftifine) - against fungal diseases;

2. antioxidants (Alpha-lipoic acid), anticonvulsants - anticonvulsants (Gabapeptin), tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Desipramine), NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) - for peripheral neuropathy;

3. group B vitamins in tablets (B Complex, Tiens, B-50, Neurobion) - with B-vitamin deficiency;

4. biguanides (Adebit, Siofor), alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Acarbose, Glucobay, Miglitol), meglitinides (Novonorm, Starlix), sulfonylurea preparations (Bucarban, Glyurenorm) - with this medicine they treat the burning of feet, caused by sugar diabetes, caused by sugar diabetes, caused by diabetes mellitus, burning with burns in the feet, caused by the sugar of sugars, UH, etc.

5. gangioblockers (Hexonium), antispasmodics (Halidor, Diprofen, No-spa), antiallergens (Tavegil, Suprastin), drugs that improve blood rheology (Nicotinic, Ascorbic acid) - are used in the treatment of endarteritis obliterans;

6. venotonics (Venarus, Glevenol, Detralex), capillary-stabilizing agents (Ascorutin), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (Indomethacin), antihypoxants (Actovegin) - from varicose veins;

7. anticoagulants (Warfarin, Heparin), fibrinolitics (Trypsin, Urokinase, Fibrinolysin) - are used if the feet are often burning with fire because of thrombophlebitis;

8. drugs with anti-gout effect (Colchicine, Anturan), NSAIDs (Ketoprofen, Celebrex, Nise), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone) - they treat gout.

In the treatment of flatfoot, because of which periodically there is a burning sensation in the soles of the feet, can be used painkillers (Analgin, Nurofen), angioprotectors with anti-edema properties (Troxevasin), vitamin D in liquid form or tablets (Etalf), but the main role is given to massage, medical gymnastics, selection of orthopedic insoles and physiotherapy (phono-, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, paraffin-ozoceritic applications).

Unconventional ways

It is rational to treat burning in the feet with folk methods, if the cause is not pathological in nature, as well as in a situation where the use of pharmaceutical products on any basis is impossible (for example, in pregnant women in a certain trimester). In the latter case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the burning sensation and prophylactic support, but not at getting rid of the ailment itself.

The most effective recipes for burning soles are:

1. bath with sea salt, chamomile, wormwood, lime blossom and calendula (course of treatment 15 procedures);

2. a compress based on ammonia and sunflower oil (to heal until the burning pain is completely gone);

3. park of legs in strong broth of willow branches (within 7 days).

When the burning in the soles is unbearable, it will help reduce its severity, and in some cases even eliminate, the following measures:

  • douche for feet;
  • raising the legs lying above head level;
  • foot massage

Why can burn feet, calves, knees? What to do with burning pain in the legs?

Some people, and not only the elderly, but also at a fairly young age, both women and men complain that they often cannot fall asleep because they have such feelings as they say, as if they "are burning " legs. What might cause such sensations?

Why feet burn with fire before bedtime, at night in women, men, pregnant women and the elderly: the causes

The main reasons for complaining of a burning sensation in the legs in the late afternoon or at night are:

  1. Fatigue. If the legs were a one-time intensive load, they say from acute fatigue. If a person goes in for sports, he works hard, he spends a long time standing, he may experience chronic leg fatigue.
  2. Footwear. If it is uncomfortable and poor quality, sweating of the feet increases, infections or allergies can develop.
  3. Allergy. Its reason, as is clear from the previous point, is the poor quality of shoes, socks, and stockings. Also on the skin of the legs there is a food, drug allergy, allergy to laundry detergent, etc.
  4. Fungal infection of the legs. An infected patient complains of burning pains and incessant itching.
  Common pathologies, a symptom of which are "burning legs."

IMPORTANT: Feeling of burning legs sometimes appears during pregnancy, especially near its end. It is then that a pregnant woman can develop late toxicosis (preeclampsia), manifested by arterial hypertension, edema on the legs and face, the appearance of protein in the urine. Another sign of preeclampsia is a symptom of burning legs due to pressure on the internal vessels of the legs.

What disease burn feet and heels?

This symptom can occur with gout and heel spur.

What disease are the toes burning in? Can legs burn with gout?

The fact that the toes seem to be burning, patients with diabetes and gout often complain.

Gout is a disease in which the amount of urea in the blood increases, the joints are affected. Most often the big toe is burning. Burning pains are so intense that it hurts to even be in a sock or a blanket, sometimes the temperature rises.
To alleviate the condition used anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers. It is desirable to keep the legs in a raised position. It is recommended to consume an increased amount of fluid to remove uric acid from the body, to follow a diet and rest.

What disease burn calves?

IMPORTANT: The most common cause of burning pain in the calves - too long, frequent or intense exercise.

  Obliterating endarteritis.

When all external factors that give this symptom are excluded, it can manifest itself as a result of a disease called obliterating endarteritis, a pathology of the lower limb arteries.

  1. This disease is characterized by the so-called intermittent claudication, that is, the appearance of cramps in the calf muscles when walking, swelling of the legs and fast fatigue.
  2. If the disease has turned into a chronic form and has not been treated by the patient, then ulcers often appear on the patient's feet as a result of impaired blood circulation.
  3. Endarteritis is treated with drugs that normalize blood flow in the legs, blood thinning, relieve spasms in the limbs. In some cases, surgical treatment is possible. As additional methods apply physiotherapy, barotherapy, diadynamic currents.

What disease burn your knees?

A person who has survived a knee injury, spinal injury, a disease of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, an acute infection or hypothermia in the area of ​​the knee joints may experience pain that resembles a burning sensation.

  Physical overload is a cause of burning in the knees.

IMPORTANT: Varicose disease, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, as well as arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, and synovitis are also causes of burning in the knees.

Can legs burn in allergic conditions?

Burning in the legs is felt in the lower extremities with an allergy to the materials from which shoes, clothing, socks, some poor-quality hygiene products or care products are made. In addition to the feeling of burning legs, a person may be bothered by itching, redness, and burning.

  1. In such cases, you need to carefully look at what can be a source of allergies and eliminate it.
  2. You also need to carefully consider the cosmetics that have expired, and get rid of them.
  3. In particularly advanced cases, you can use ointments and creams such as doridel, elocom or advantan to help.

Can legs burn with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis?

The causes of a very common disease, varicose veins, are very diverse. At risk - women, pregnant women, fat and obese people, people who have been standing for a long time and in the same posture, sick with leg injuries, etc.

Patients with varicose veins feel burning and heaviness in the legs, aggravated by the end of the day, the legs are burning, and convulsions may appear. Externally, the veins begin to act under the skin.
  It is desirable to treat varicose disease from the very first signs of its manifestation; if this does not happen, the doctor prescribes:

  • special means
  • load and power mode
  • wearing compression clothing - stockings, bandages, etc.

Burning lower limbs and thrombophlebitis, a pathology characterized by inflammation of the venous walls, the formation of blood clots on them, that is, blood clots. The causes of thrombophlebitis include:

  • slow motion of blood through the veins
  • coagulation disorders
  • inflammation and infection inside the body
  • surgery
  • vascular injuries due to various causes
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • tumors

Unlike other pathologies in which a symptom of burning legs is possible, thrombophlebitis shows a mode of physical activity in order to improve blood flow in the veins. Cooling compresses also help. Drugs such as troksevazina, rutozid, eskuzana. They help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and relieve the condition in the legs. Also, the doctor will prescribe drugs to improve blood flow and blood thinning.

Can your legs burn with diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus has a specific sign - the so-called "diabetic foot." Patients feel pain in their lower limbs, their toes and heels are burning. In severe cases, the toes turn pale, then turn blue, their necrosis may occur.
  All this is due to the lack or radical reduction in the body of the hormone insulin, which helps break down and distribute glucose. If it is not sufficient in the body, then vessels will spoil from excess sugar, especially in the legs.

Can your legs burn with a fungal infection?

Fungus of the foot suffers a lot of people. About its symptoms, possible complications, the features of the treatment of this disease can be found in the article ““.
  Mycotic infection is one of the most common reasons for feeling burning legs, even in seemingly healthy people. If mycosis is not treated, the skin on the legs begins to crack, sometimes thickens, infection gets into the cracks, nails crumble. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the feet and treat the symptoms in time.

Can the legs burn with vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Due to the disruption of the autonomic nervous system (about the features of the disease and how to treat it, see the article "") a patient may have diametrically opposite symptoms:

  • limbs get cold
  • limbs burn

  Other symptoms of VSD: dizziness, headaches, faintness, palpitations, emotional instability, the appearance of skin spots.

Can the legs burn with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities?

If varicose veins can be called a female disease, then atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is more likely male. When it in the lumen of the vessel is formed a blood clot that violates the movement of blood through the vessel. As a result, tissues do not get enough nutrition.

IMPORTANT: This disease is otherwise called coronary artery disease.

  Burning legs above or below the knees is not the only symptom of the disease. The patient also complains of intermittent claudication and cramps while walking.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is often a pathology associated with diabetes, hypertension, obesity. Risk factors are hypodynamia, addiction, stress, genetic predisposition.
  The indications for improving the patient's condition are an active lifestyle, maximum disposal of risk factors, treatment of the disease - causes.

Strongly burning legs - first aid and treatment

The first thing that can be done with burning pain in the legs is a contrasting bath with warm (not hot) and cold water.

  Prepare two baths (basins) with warm, but not hot, and cold, but not ice-cold water. Dip your burning feet first in warm water for about 2 minutes. After make a cool bath. It would be nice to add infusions or decoctions to the water. medicinal herbs  (chamomile, calendula, wormwood and others). After the procedure, lubricate your feet with a cream containing mint or menthol.

If the symptom of burning legs appears regularly, you need to have blue clay in the house, from which compresses are made to alleviate the condition.
  Blue clay is spread on the feet, then you need to wrap it in plastic bags or cling film. Compress is done within 2 hours, then you need to wash your feet in warm water.

Strongly burning legs: treatment of folk remedies

These include:

  • contrast foot baths
  • cold and hot shower
  • blue clay wrap on feet
  • placing the legs in a position above the head
  • small exercises for the feet to improve blood circulation in them
  • foot massage, including specially prepared pebbles

Often, neuropathy causes a burning sensation in the lower limbs. Damaged nerves send pain signals to the brain, although there is no wound or injury.
  For most people with neuropathy, the nerves of the legs are damaged first. These people often feel tingling and numbness in their legs. Many people complain that their legs are too sensitive to touch (hyperesthesia) and may have varying degrees of burning. It can range from mild to very strong.

Diabetes and alcohol abuse are by far the most common causes of neuropathy in the legs. Many other conditions can lead to neuropathy or burning of the legs and arms, for example:

Chronic Kidney Disease (Uremia)
   Neuropathy fine fibers
   Vitamin B12 deficiency (sometimes vitamin B6)
   Alcohol abuse
   Low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism)
   Lyme disease
   Amyloid Polyneuropathy
   Side effects of drugs, including chemotherapy after drugs, overdose of vitamin B6, HIV drugs, isoniazid, amiodarone, metformin, etc.
   Heavy metal poisoning (lead, mercury, arsenic)
   Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)
   Guillain-Barre syndrome
   Swelling or fluid retention

In addition to neuropathy, infection and inflammation of the legs can also cause a burning sensation in the foot. The most common of these is mycosis, a skin infection caused by a fungus.

Peripheral artery disease also usually causes burning of the legs. Poor blood circulation in the legs can often cause pain, tingling and burning, especially when walking.

A few weeks or months after a gastric bypass surgery, some people experience burning feet. Poor absorption of vitamins after gastric bypass surgery can lead to neuropathy in the legs and a burning sensation of the legs below the knees.

Diagnosis of diseases during burning of the legs

Most people who have “burning” legs have a probable cause (for example, diabetes) that can be identified. For these people, the diagnosis of “burning legs” due to neuropathy is simple and no additional testing is required.

In some people, those who have a burning sensation that suddenly or rapidly progresses, or have no explicable cause, further testing may be necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Such tests may include:

Electromyography (EMG). Test muscle functions by recording electrical activity within the muscles. The probe can be placed on the skin, or the needle can be inserted into the muscle.
   Nerve conduction study. A study of nerve conduction tests the ability of nerves to transmit impulses. The nerve is stimulated, and the response in the muscles, controlled by this nerve, is measured.
   Laboratory tests. Sometimes, tests of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid can be offered to help diagnose the cause of burning feet. Vitamin level can be checked by simple dough  blood.
   Nerve biopsy. Very rarely a doctor can suggest cutting a piece of nerve tissue and examine it under a microscope.

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