What you need to clean a person to be healthy. What makes a person healthy

The basis of well-being is the maintenance of a lifestyle in which the body does not work all the time "for wear." This does not mean that the more you sit back, the healthier you will be. But you need to dose the load, including mental and psychological. Sometimes it is useful to manage stress; periodic shaking activates all organs. But if you are under stress all the time, then sooner or later your body will start to falter. Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, too dense dinner just before bedtime - they all significantly reduce the health resource in your body.

Balanced good nutrition is a mandatory component of health. It is advisable to use less fatty foods, especially fried, but at the same time add to the food vegetable oils in raw form. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, mineral elements - all this should be included in the menu every day. The least useful, but at the same time, very high-calorie foods - baking, white bread, fried potatoes, sweets - should be excluded from the daily diet. Of course, sometimes you can relax and allow yourself a little extra. But do it occasionally and stop in time.

Clean water is a must for body health. Not everyone can drink 1.5-2 liters per day. But at least 1 glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and a glass of 20-30 minutes before each meal is not difficult at all.

Experiments have shown that a person will not live long without sleep. The body needs a full sleep to recuperate. You need to sleep from 6 to 9 hours every day (depending on the individual needs of the body). In this case, it is desirable to fall asleep no later than 23 hours. The air in the bedroom should be fresh and relatively cool, it is desirable that the temperature does not exceed 22-23 degrees.

Breathe in the fresh air, take time to walk in the woods or the park. Regularly air the apartment, including in the winter. Do not close the windows tightly, leave at least small cracks, a light draft will not damage the health of even a small child, unless you hide it from the first days and wrap it up.

Give your body the necessary physical exertion: walks with exercises, jogs (but not along highway road), gym, pool, group sports, roller skates, skates - choose what you like.

It is very useful to visit the bath at least once every two weeks. It perfectly cleans and stimulates the entire body, improves metabolism. And if at the same time to arrange contrasting water procedures, then you will be in perfect condition for a few days ahead.

And, of course, train yourself to think positively, do not be discouraged on trifles. And if you are upset, do not dwell on the troubles, but try to quickly bring yourself to a calm mood. Negative emotions affect the work of the brain and internal organs, and thus undermine health and shorten life. Rejoice yourself often and just enjoy life.

Any stagnation is destructive for the human body  and leads to various diseases. Therefore, try to move more: less often go by transport and use the elevator. It is not necessary to accumulate laundry and dirty dishes to bookmark the car, something can be done manually. Active walks in the fresh air are simply necessary! Lead a rich social life. With an active lifestyle, energy not previously used is activated, as a result, a person not only does not get tired, but, on the contrary, recovers!


Since the composition of the products contains more and more harmful additives, this can be compensated by dietary cooking methods: simmer, boil, use a double boiler, refuse to fry, a large number of hot spices and fat. Consume more fish (rich in omega-3 acids), fruits and vegetables (these are natural antioxidants and fiber), cereals (natural drainage, a large set of vitamins). If you reduce the intake of sugar and salt, it will reduce the risk of diabetes and hypertension. And in any case, do not overeat!

3. Refusal of bad habits

Bad habits are so called because they cause harm of varying severity primarily to our body. Whether it's a habit of staying up late, eating a lot, smoking, biting your nails or something else, all this provokes diseases and shortens life expectancy. Getting rid of these addictions will act like a powerful therapy!


During the years of crisis, constant stress and depression it is very difficult to remain calm. But the depressed, irritable state greatly wears not only the nervous system, but also the organism as a whole. The ability to pull himself together, calm down in a critical situation will help prevent more than one disease.

At least more or less permanent mode is simply necessary. This allows the body to prepare in advance for loads and adverse conditions, as well as to harmoniously distribute energy costs throughout the day. The health benefits are amazing.


In fact, it is not so easy! How to usefully spend the appeared free minute? How to correctly set priorities in routine matters? Here is an individual approach. The most important thing is not to grab at all things at once, distribute what should, then follow the logic. Change of activities and frequent small breaks will help you to carry out all tasks calmly without overloading for the body. It must be remembered that profit and reputation can always be restored, unlike health!


It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym or professionally engage in some kind of sport. It is enough to do a little warm-up, but daily. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the pool. Regular walking along the street can be replaced with an accelerated step, even an easy run. Any sports movements accelerate blood circulation, disperse lymph. Breathing in sports is enhanced by enriching the cells with oxygen. The condition is greatly improved.


Our environment so has a harmful composition. Therefore, it is better to stay away from chemistry. Cleaners, detergents, cosmetics should be selected with the lowest concentration of odor and color. Aerosols to replace spray guns, balls, sticks. In general, try to use household chemicals less. Then the body will have time to remove harmful substances, leading to a variety of diseases.


It would seem where does the health? But in fact, the state, mood, well-being of a person is very dependent on the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with those people who act on you favorably, and with “energetic vampires”, irritable, fussy and aggressive colleagues try to reduce communication to a minimum. Notice how much better you will feel.


Rest is by no means inaction! The best rest is an activity that brings pleasure. A person’s state of satisfaction is associated with the body's recovery process, and positive emotions catalyze any treatment! Therefore, the rest should be active, bring a maximum of pleasant sensations.

"Who is healthy is rich, only he does not know!"

This wise saying becomes fully clear to us only after we begin to lose our priceless wealth. It is unlikely that there is anything more significant and valuable than health on Earth, but, unfortunately, the realization of this comes to us with great delay. Agree, when we get sick - everything else goes into the background - there is no joy that you want to experience every day. But initially, Nature gives a person everything that is necessary for a full and harmonious life. But, unfortunately, we often do not appreciate this and do not care to properly dispose of these gifts. Sometimes it is enough just a few decades to bring your body into a terrible state. We force him to choke on cigarette smoke, suffer from excessive alcohol and unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. And when we come to our senses, it turns out that correcting mistakes is much more difficult than avoiding them.

But after all health formula, in fact, it is extremely simple and familiar to everyone. It consists of only a few components: moderate physical activity + a rational nutrition system + hardening and cleansing the body + mental harmony + timely prevention of diseases.

The complexity of these simple rules lies only in one thing: consistency and regularity of their observance. Let's talk again about the importance of each of these components of health.

Physical activity

The conditions of modern life are due to low motor activity: walking is replaced by transport, most of the housework is done by the technician. But the eye muscles (working day at the computer, the evening at the TV) and the nervous system (systematic stresses, intense rhythm of life), on the contrary, are experiencing an exorbitant load. What to do? After all, after a working day, you want to lie on the couch in complete inactivity! Try to overcome yourself. Exercise at least twice a week. It does not matter whether it will be football, swimming or dancing. The main thing is that these classes be systematic and enjoyable!

In addition, at every opportunity, use indirect exercise: replace the elevator with steps, when you have the opportunity to walk - refuse transport. And, of course, do not forget about such a vital moment as light morning exercises. It will quickly bring your body into working condition, invigorate your muscles, increase your mood and general tone, activate all life processes.

Healthy food

Golden Rule healthy eating - "The simpler the better"By rejecting the intricate, high-calorie dishes consisting of many components, you will save not only money and time, but also save your health. Go to choosing your menu consciously! The less your diet will be smoked, fried and canned and the more there will be natural components - the liver, stomach and intestines will carry the lesser load, therefore it will be easier for the whole body!

The basic principle of a balanced diet is moderation and regularity. Include in your daily diet simple, natural products that are easily absorbed by the body. The main place in your menu should take vegetables, fruits and cereals. Give the most honorable place on the table to vegetable salads, seasoned with light dressings based on vegetable oils. Of course, this does not mean that meat, fish and eggs should be completely excluded from the diet, but they should be used as additional, not basic products.

Under the regularity of power means: avoid long intervals between meals, avoid overeating. In short, build your daily diet on the principle of " Better more often, but less". Thus, you will protect yourself immediately from three dangerous ailments: stomach ulcers, diabetes and obesity.

Hardening and cleansing the body

So that your body does not let you down, it is hardy and can adapt to any living conditions, it needs to be hardened. Contrasting a shower or pouring cool water is a great way to temper the body. From the standpoint of purification, baths and saunas, as well as fasting days are very useful. Make these activities regular and very soon you will feel the result: lightness will appear in your body, joint mobility will improve, pressure will normalize.

Spiritual harmony

Popular expression " healthy body - healthy mind"you can safely paraphrase and in the opposite sense, that is, a healthy mind is equal to a healthy body. It has long been proven that optimists live longer and are less likely to get sick. Look at young children: how sincerely they can enjoy the simplest things! When we are from the heart have fun or do good, disinterested acts, our body produces the hormone of joy - endorphin. Work on yourself! Learn to find positive aspects in any situation, avoid conflicts (especially with loved ones), be open to the outside world, find red in the most ordinary things.

Disease prevention

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Just do not confuse self-medication with prevention! Self-treatment often leads to disastrous consequences - lost time in medicine is too expensive. But in a timely manner using modern diagnostic tools (ultrasound, MRI, fluorography, etc.), you can identify the disease in its early stages, which means it will significantly speed up and facilitate treatment. Every woman over the age of 40 should undergo a mammogram every year, and men should have a prostate exam.

But if you really had to deal closely with a specific disease, try not only to treat its symptoms, but also to understand the causes of its occurrence. And most importantly, be respectful of your body, listen to the signals that it sends to you, do not ignore the elementary norms of a healthy lifestyle and your body will gratefully repay you with an invaluable gift - health for many years.

Chapter 11. Habits for health and well-being.

Always go ahead. Do not hesitate. Going forward is getting closer to perfection. Keep going forward and do not be afraid of thorns or sharp stones on
life path
Kalil Gibran

There has never been such a time in history when people could live longer and better than today.  Incredible progress in medicine, pharmaceuticals and health care allows people to maintain well-being in their 70s and 80s. Today in the United States, the demographic group of people who are 90-100 and even more years old is growing fast. Your goal is to join this group and live in good health for as long as possible.

For almost the entire history of mankind, life expectancy has been a matter of chance or circumstance. Today it depends entirely on the intentions of the person and his conscious choice. The main thing is to make a decision for yourself to live a healthy life and develop certain habits for this. In this way, you can live better and longer than has been possible for all past generations.

Most of the main factors causing a premature death of a person can be neutralized to some degree. I mean heart disease, cancer, and lung cancer caused by smoking. They also include diabetes and other diseases that are often caused by obesity and poor eating habits. In each of these cases, you can more or less control your health.

From this chapter, you will learn about the habits of men and women, who very rarely get sick, maintaining their vitality and energy, even in old age. You will learn how to develop the habits that allow you to live longer and happier people around you.


The first habit that you need to develop is the habit of achieving and maintaining a normal weight.To date, more than 50 million Americans are officially recognized as "obese." This means that their weight is about 20% higher than normal. Moreover, in our time, millions of people are officially recognized as "obese" because their weight exceeds the norm by 40-50%. Due to overweight, many of them are at risk of death.

One overweight person complained to his doctor: "The glands are the cause of my overweight." To which the doctor replied: "Yes, you are right. It is all about your oral glands, which function five times a day."

Everything that you have now and will have in the future is solely the result of your choices and voluntary decisions. If you want to change your life, you must make a new choice and make new decisions, and then train yourself to follow them steadily.

As a rule, overweight is also a matter of your choice. After all, eat something you, not another person. No one forcibly puts you in your mouth. You eat this or that food only as a result of a conscious decision and your own actions. Fat people themselves brought themselves to this state, because for a long time they could not restrict themselves in food.

The secret of good health

Today there are thousands of books and developments devoted to all sorts of diets. Despite the diversity, they all boil down to one simple rule: "Less food - more exercise." These five words contain a recipe for normal weight, excellent health and longevity.

The only way to achieve normal weight involves the development of eating less and exercise regularly. However, do not forget that those extra pounds have been accumulating for months and years, so it will take you a long time to lose them.

I want to appeal to readers who have problems with excess weight. Losing weight is not at all as easy as you might think. This is due to the fact that over the years you are used to eating a lot. Over time, this habit is firmly entrenched in your life and reached automatism. You are accustomed to adhere to a certain diet in the morning, afternoon and evening. You are used to snacking between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and gorge in the evenings. Abandoning this habit is difficult, but quite possible. This refusal should be one of your main goals.

Excellent health as a goal

To achieve the ideal weight, you first need to establish how many kilograms you want to weigh by a certain date. Write this number on paper. Make a detailed action plan that you think will help you achieve your goal. Then start daily and systematically follow this plan until you reach your desired weight.

In parallel with this, create a mental picture for yourself, in which you will be a slim, fit and full of energy person. Constantly scroll through this picture in my head. Cut out the image of the model or actor you like from the magazine and cover her / his face with your photo. Hang one such image on the door of the refrigerator, and the other, similar, to a mirror in the bathroom. Constantly nourish your mind with this picture until the brain begins to direct your thoughts, feelings and actions to the weight loss program.

Repeat again and again: "I weigh XX kilograms. I weigh XX kilograms. I weigh XX kilograms."

Combine your mental image with repetition of the goal and daily work to achieve and maintain the ideal weight. Having done this, you will begin to move quickly towards health and excellent form, almost without effort.

Do not hurry. Do not try to lose a lot of pounds in a short period of time. Since weight gains a long time, its loss and preservation of the norm will also take time. It is optimal to lose 30 grams per day or one kilogram per month. Of course, you can make your goal losing weight on such a scale as you want. However, weight loss due to the new diet and sports activities must be slow. The more consistent it is, the more likely it is that you develop new habits that will allow you to maintain your desired weight forever.

Changing food opinions

The main reason for overweight and obesity is the habit of many people to bind food with pleasure. As you already know, all the motivation of a person is based on the desire to move from displeasure to pleasure and from discomfort to comfort. For example, in childhood you were given something tasty as a reward for devouring soup or other, meritorious from the point of view of parents. As adults, you continue to associate happiness with both the approval of other people and various delicacies.

To achieve the ideal weight, you need to turn your subconscious in the opposite direction. You need to change your thinking in such a way as to get real pleasure from what you eat less and lose weight. You have to get used to associate food in small portions and a feeling of light hunger with a feeling of lightness, slimness and excellent shape. As soon as you have the habit of enjoying what you eat less and doing more sports, it will grow stronger every day. Sooner or later your weight problems will disappear forever.


The second habit you need for a long and healthy life is the habit of sticking to a certain diet. You have to get used to eating the right food, in the right proportions and in right time.

Everyone knows that the diet should be balanced and include fruits, vegetables and grains. In addition to this basic principle, there are several habits necessary for proper diet. They will lead you to both weight loss and a higher level of health and energy.

At the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, nutritionists studied the diet of athletes from more than 100 countries around the world. They found that, with all the variety of products, the diet of each Olympian necessarily included fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water. Such food allows you to achieve maximum sports results and Olympic records.

Three white poisons

To quickly get rid of excess weight and improve health, you need to get used to do without the "three white poisons" - salt, sugar and flour.

This habit is so simple and at the same time so effective that all my students, who have mastered it, were amazed at the speed with which the results were obtained.

That's what a man from Florida wrote to me recently.

I have attended your seminars and listened to your audio programs for several years. As a result, I turned from a poor man into a rich man. I achieved success in my business, and after 12 years of hard work I became a millionaire. However, all this time I was tormented by one problem. I weighed 10 kilos more than the norm, and no matter what I did, I could not get rid of them.

Once, after listening to your program, I learned about the importance of eliminating three white poisons from the diet. After 90 days, I threw these ill-fated 10 kilograms and did not gain more of them. As a result, my self-image has improved significantly, and my self-esteem has grown more than ever. In connection with losing weight, I had to completely update my wardrobe.

And now, every time I look at myself in the mirror, I feel positive emotions. It totally changed my life!

For the normal functioning of the body a person needs to eat an average of one kilogram of salt per year.

Unfortunately, the average American eats about nine kilograms of salt each year in one form or another. The problem is that a lot of it is contained in various snacks, such as nuts for beer, chips and others. In addition, many people are accustomed to richly salting food without even trying it.

When you consume more salt than necessary, your body should somehow compensate for this. He tries to dissolve the excess salt and holds water for it. As a result, you feel swelling and swelling. Unfortunately, the problems do not end there. From an excess of salt in a person can increase arterial pressure  and worsen digestion. Rapid fatigue, insomnia, nervous ticking and a feeling of lethargy can also develop throughout the day.

When you get used to limit salt intake, you will immediately feel better. The food we eat contains salt by itself; therefore, there is no need to add it to the diet. In other words, you get enough salt without even realizing it.

Sugar free food

The second white poison is sugar, which is contained in one form or another in many products. Excessive sugar intake is very harmful. Refusing at least one day from products containing sugar, you will feel the changes in your body the next morning.

As a child, you are accustomed to associate sweets with happiness, pleasure and reward. As an adult, you continue to indulge yourself with sweets, cakes, desserts, lemonade and other sweet foods.

For good health and the normal functioning of the body a person does not need a lot of sugar. However, every American exceeds the annual consumption of sugar by an average of 50 kg.

Completely eliminating from the diet foods containing sugar and salt, you can very quickly normalize your weight.

Develop a habit of eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates. They are contained mainly in fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is these foods that break down during digestion and release the most energy. In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals that nourish your body.

The release of sugar in the blood

At the same time, simple carbohydrates - the substances that underlie the sweets we love so much, are digested almost instantaneously and immediately enter the blood. Therefore, after eating sweets, donuts and other sweet foods in the human body begins the so-called "sugar release".

Worse, eating sweet and drinking causes a sharp rise in glucose or blood sugar. In this case, the body is forced to move to a "critical situation". Insulin is rapidly entering the circulatory system to remove excess sugar. Thus, within one or two hours a person experiences an "energy recession." The extra insulin excreted by the body removes too much sugar from it. This leads to the fact that after a couple of hours after eating sweets, a person feels tired and even slightly dizzy.

Continuing to eat sugary foods, you regularly trigger an insulin response. From this you experience a surge, a breakdown, and your body is in constant tension. Your ability to concentrate and clear thinking gradually decreases, and fatigue by the end of the day increases. Sugar is actually a "white poison". Therefore, eliminating it from your diet, you will not get anything but good. Having done this, you not only will not feel hunger, but also improve your health, become a more energetic and cheerful person.

New eating habits

Eating healthy and healthy foods in the form of complex carbohydrates is like putting an energy log into the fire of your health. They burn long, slowly and generate a steady and uniform flow of energy, which allows you to maintain an excellent shape. Eating the same food rich in simple carbohydrates, that is, sugar, like gasoline, poured into this fire. There is a short flash, after which the energy quickly "leaves" your body, and you feel tired again.

By the way, most people associate the consumption of sugary foods with a traditional afternoon dessert. However, nutritionists have found that in order to feel complete satisfaction after eating, a person needs to feel a sharp, bitter and sweet taste in his mouth. For this, however, one piece of something sweet is enough that will adequately complete the meal. Eat all the dessert you do not need.

Harm flour products

The third white poison, very dangerous for you, are products that contain white wheat flour. I mean white bread, all kinds of buns, cakes, cookies, bagels and donuts. They contribute to the fullness in the same way as carbohydrate-rich potatoes, rice and pasta.

However, this does not apply to products based on cereals and other grains. They are simply filled with vitamins, minerals and proteins and contain extremely complex carbohydrates. They may well quench your appetite in small portions and contain many useful and nutrients.

Moreover, they give a feeling of satiety and lightness, not gravity and overflow of the stomach.

In his bestseller Zone (The Zone, Regan Books, 1995), American writer Barry Cyr explains that our body does not digest foods from white wheat flour. When we eat them, we have a thick gluten in our stomach, slowly moving along the digestive system. It is she who causes drowsiness and poor digestion.

There is another reason you should avoid flour products.  It consists in the fact that the whiteness of flour is achieved due to the extremely fine grinding of wheat grains and the removal of most of the nutrients from it. In addition, the flour is subjected to bleaching, which neutralizes the last useful substances remaining in it. What is obtained as a result is “inert” food, that is, dead and useless. In the finished, packaged wheat flour  There is no nutritional value.

In fact, eating foods such as white bread, buns or bagels, will give your body only simple carbohydrates. Vitamins, minerals or proteins, while you do not get it.

By excluding flour products from your diet, you will be able to normalize your weight relatively quickly and without any problems. Throughout the day, you will feel light throughout your body, become much more energetic and more cheerful.

Products that do not suit you

When shopping in the supermarket, you should always pay attention to the labels of pre-packaged products or canned goods. You have to go to automatism. You will be surprised to find that most canned foods and convenience foods contain a lot of sugar and salt. For example, in canned soups and soft drinks, sugar and salt dominate among all the other ingredients. Why it happens?

The reason is that such products are intended for long-term storage. Their manufacturers have long understood that the best way to stop damage or rotting a product is to kill it before sending it to the store. Immersing the product in salt or sugar, they actually kill it so that it stays longer on the store shelf. You do the same when you can preserve vegetables or mushrooms and make jam. However, after such a procedure, the nutritional value of the product, which it has in its fresh form, is lost.

Develop a habit of such a diet in which there will be no products containing salt, sugar or flour.

Instead, make it a rule to eat fresh food of bright colors, rich in nutrients. Using such products, you immediately begin to lose those extra pounds. You will feel the lightness and the surge of vitality, and your working capacity will significantly increase both mentally and physically.


The time at which you eat is almost as important as what you eat.Nutritionists have found that a person for normal life need to get 2000 calories daily. However, whether you gain extra weight or, on the contrary, lose, it will depend on the time of consumption of these calories. Getting 80% of the required calories at breakfast and lunch, and only 20% after two hours of the day, you will lose weight steadily. However, if you get 60-80% of calories after two hours of the day, then, on the contrary, you will gain weight, consuming the same 2000 calories.

Therefore, right from today, follow the advice of Adele Davis, a real diet guru who once said: "Have breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and have dinner like a poor man." Teach yourself to eat only light and non-greasy food in the evenings and eat nothing three hours before bedtime. This will allow you to sleep much stronger, and wake up fresh and refreshed in the morning.

Appetite control

Develop the habit of eating only half the usual portion and not to eat up to dump. Eat moderately and eat foods that contain a lot of nutrients. Use small plates and stop eating immediately, as you feel that you have satisfied your hunger.

I think you heard about the air conditioner with climate control function, which maintains the desired temperature in the room. So, each person has a function of "appetite control". After telling you about the feeling of hunger, she continues to work for another 20 minutes after you have eaten the first piece. After 20 minutes, appetite control is turned off, and the appetite disappears. From now on, you do not eat for the sake of food itself, but for pleasure.

You can turn off appetite control consciously by starting to eat from soup, vegetables, or fruits.

Eating such healthy food, you should chew it slowly, deceiving hunger.Thus, you can neutralize your appetite without harming your health, eat less, and feel better. Thanks to this "trick" you will be able to lose those extra pounds and not gain them again. Eating only one fruit or a few nuts, you can turn off your appetite control and begin to eat properly.

Careful selection of food

Develop the habit of considering your body a kind of chemical factory. As you hopefully know, you gradually become what you eat. Nutritionists have concluded that all the foods you eat are split in the process of digestion into separate chemical elements. And only after that they are absorbed by your body.

Before you put in your mouth any tasty piece, carefully examine the label chemical composition  this product. Does this food contain the nutrients you need right now? Take, for example, cheap products from food substitutes, such as ready-made meatballs and sausages. These products usually do not contain nutrients, poorly split and digested. It is an inert, dead, useless food. It gives nothing, except for the short-term taste and olfactory pleasure experienced during the meal. Therefore, refuse to send any low quality products to your chemical factory.

Imagine that you have become a very rich man and have acquired an expensive race horse worth about a million dollars. What would you feed her? Would you let her eat sweets, sweet buns, chips? Would you give her foods that are low in nutrients and high in simple carbohydrates? Of course not!

Think about how valuable you are to a horse. You, of course, cost more than a million dollars. You should treat yourself at least as good as the animal you bought.


The third habit that you need to develop in yourself is the habit of doing physical exercises.Many people who were actively involved in sports in childhood and youth, for 20 years for one reason or another, stop these activities.

However, one should not forget that the human body has 610 muscles and must be regularly trained throughout life.

Develop a habit of daily exercise, during which be sure to work with all joints. This will keep your body moving and flexible. Regular physical exercise guarantees you a high vitality and efficiency. It helps to minimize the likelihood of pain or other problems in the muscles and joints.

Develop a habit of physical education at least 200 minutes a week. Even if you just walk every day for 30 minutes, you will become one of the most vigorous and healthy people in our society. Exercises on the wind-gym, jogging, swimming or aerobics and even better will improve the work of your heart and lungs. With their help, you can strengthen your health and increase vitality in a short period of time.

Surprisingly, many people do not like to do exercises. This is very, very bad. If you want to live long and not be ill, be slim and attractive to the opposite sex, you just need excellent physical shape. Only in the presence of such a form in humans is the highest level of self-esteem and self-esteem possible. Fortunately, it can be achieved quite quickly and easily, having developed the habits discussed in this chapter.


The next habit necessary for excellent health is the habit of resting properly.  For optimal performance, the average person should spend at least 7-8 hours a day sleeping. If you sleep less and work a lot, then sooner or later you develop a "sleep deficit."

Studies have shown that today more than 60% of Americans do not get enough sleep, and most of the day wander in mist. They go to bed late, often after a hearty dinner, cannot sleep for a long time and wake up many times in the middle of the night. They get up, not resting, and throughout the day are not able to show the maximum efficiency, both mental and physical.

You can easily change your attitude towards yourself and your productivity, both at work and in your personal life. To do this, you just need to develop the habit of going to bed early - around 10 o'clock in the evening and sleep soundly throughout the night. Many people, who increased the duration of their sleep from 5-6 to 7-8 hours, were simply amazed by the changes that occurred with them.

They felt as if a new world had opened up before them, with stronger feelings, a clear and imaginative mindset. They have become much more creative and sensible people. In this example, you can make sure that a full sleep is really very important.

Regular vacation and good rest

In our Extended Training and Training Program (see Appendix), we teach people to set a goal to rest 120-150 days a year.

At first, our students are very skeptical about this task. They claim that this is completely impossible. This is simply impossible to do. They are very busy people. They have a lot to do. Rather, they need to rest less than the time allotted for the vacation in order to have time to cope with all matters.

However, there is nothing difficult to devote to rest every weekend, allowing your mental and physical batteries to recharge. Having developed the appropriate habit, you will get as many as 104 days off a year! If you normally rest on all legal holidays, you will already have more than 110 days off. If, however, every year to take a vacation and refuse to do business these days, you will not notice how you will have 120-150 days free.

If you follow this advice, something amazing will happen to you. You will become a more productive, energetic and creative person. You will have a huge amount of interesting ideas and even insights. Thanks to this, you can achieve much more than other people.

The more you relax, as a result of both early bedtime and regular vacation, the higher your working capacity. The less mistakes you make in your work and the faster you move up the career ladder.

I have studied this question for many years and have come to the conclusion that you may well devote four months of the year to rest. At the same time, your productivity and income increase many times over. This can be confirmed by our listeners, who have already begun to follow this advice and were amazed at the changes that have occurred to them. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Early in bed, get up early

In addition to the habits of regular vacation, normal rest and early bedtime, it will not hurt you to develop the habit of getting up early.   Almost all successful people adhere to the old saying: "Early in bed, get up early - grief and ailment will not know."

When you get up to get up around 5: 30-6: 00 in the morning, you have enough time to think about the day and calmly plan your affairs. Getting up early gives you a great opportunity to read, meditate and meditate before work. This habit allows you to calmly get together and leave the house on time, and not fly out, headlong, with the only hope - not to be late.

Make it a rule to devote the first morning hour to yourself and no one else. Read useful and informative literature, including on your specialty. Write down your goals on paper and think about them carefully. American priest Henry Ward Beecher once wrote: "The first hour sets the tone for the whole day." If the first hour is only for yourself, then the whole day will pass much calmer, with greater productivity and efficiency.

You should have the habit of eating healthy, protein-rich foods for breakfast, forgetting toast, bacon or sausage. Lunch should be complete and ideally consist of salad and chicken meat or fish. For dinner, it is best to eat some vegetables and protein foods. However, in any case, do not eat bread, sweet buns or pasta. Having developed the habits of such a diet, you will soon see that you fully control your weight and health.

A lot of water does not happen

In addition to the habits of observance of normal weight, diet and rest, you should also have the habit of properly drinking water. More and more people are beginning to realize that a very important condition for health is drinking heavily throughout the day.

Although a person usually drinks a couple of glasses of liquid per day, this is too little. For normal body water balance, you need to drink at least two liters per day. Instead of doing a sip from time to time, you should drink a full glass of water at least every hour.

How well your body is provided with water can be determined by the color of the urine. When a person drinks enough water, his urine will be practically transparent. When there is a lack of water in the body, the urine will be dark yellow or even brown.

Do not be afraid to drink too much water. The fact is that any surplus is very quickly excreted from your body.

Drinking plenty has several benefits. And the most important of them is that water throughout the day cleanses the body of toxins. It washes away from the body excess salt, sugar and other toxins that interfere with the excellent health and normal functioning of organs and systems. You feel much more cheerful, become a more active and purposeful person. If you have extra pounds, then drinking plenty will be especially useful. Water will wash away excess salt from the body, which often causes fullness, and will allow you to lose weight faster. The main thing to remember is that drinking too much water is impossible.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

It is also very important for your health to take daily vitamins and mineral supplements. The fact is that you can not get their required amount from regular food. There are thousands of reasons for this: for example, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides when growing many crops. We should not forget about the depletion of the soil and the special processing of food before sending it to the store.

At the same time, regularly eating vitamins and minerals, you can get all the nutrients needed for health and energy.

It must be said that there is also an argument against taking vitamins and mineral supplements. It reads as follows: "All the necessary vitamins and minerals can be obtained by adhering to the proper diet."

Perhaps this is true. However, nutritionists have calculated that a person can get all the necessary substances only by eating 10 kilograms of food per day. Moreover, this food should consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, cereal dishes and lean meat. Therefore, it is much better, simpler and smarter to regularly take vitamins and mineral supplements.


Develop a habit of brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and special floss twice a day. The fact is that between health and dental hygiene and general health and human hygiene there is a direct link. People who care about their teeth usually have better health. In addition, their breath is fresher, they look better and, in general, are more attractive and charming people.

Regular Medical Exam

Develop a habit of regularly checking your teeth and undergoing a general medical examination.Advanced medical technologies used by experienced doctors can help you avoid many problems. However, you cannot use their help if you do not regularly undergo a medical examination.

Many serious diseases, such as cancer or heart disease, with regular checkups can be determined several years before they become dangerous. It is so terrible to find out about friends who died from a particular disease only because they were postponed until the last visit to the doctor. Do not let this happen to you.

Principle of Moderation

Develop a habit of moderation in everything you do. Just as you should eat less than the stomach can contain, you need to follow the principle of moderation in other things. Especially it concerns the use of alcoholic beverages.

In this regard, interesting are the results of studies conducted in the California district of Alameda, in which more than 20 thousand people were studied in 22 years. They proved that the habit of "moderate consumption of alcohol or even complete rejection of it" is very important for health. Today, one of the main killers in the world is cirrhosis of the liver. The second killer is a car accident caused by drunk drivers in which people are killed. We can make sure that moderation in the use of alcohol is one of the main conditions for longevity.

Safety belt

Another discovery of research carried out in Alameda is the importance of the habit of wearing a seatbelt when driving in a car. There is even a saying: "He must always be ready to work one day."

Every year more than 42 thousand people die as a result of car accidents. Most of these deaths could have been avoided if people were tacked on while riding. You should be in the habit of wearing a seatbelt as soon as you get into the car. You must insist that your passengers are bound to be fastened. In case of danger, it will help you save the lives of everyone in the car. You will need a very small effort, which will result in a huge potential benefit.

Clean - the guarantee of health

Develop a habit of cleanliness and personal hygiene, which should be present in any area of ​​your life. You should regularly take a shower, care for your hair, brush your teeth, cut your nails and always look great. Use a nice-smelling deodorant and dental elixir. Wear a clean shirt every day. Keeping clean and tidy in your personal and business life is very important. It not only makes you more attractive in the eyes of people, but also improves your self-image and improves your self-esteem.

As a result of numerous studies, one interesting feature of the behavior of teachers was identified. These people pay more attention to those students or students who come to classes well and neatly dressed. Thus, students who are dressed poorly and slovenly, get much less attention. Similarly, a person who looks good and smells makes a more favorable impression on superiors, clients, and colleagues. You begin to notice, appreciate and respect, and your career is moving faster. Isn't it a relatively small effort worth it?


One of the most important habits necessary for health, happiness and longevity is the habit of positive attitude towards different people and situations. Repeat to yourself as a prayer the words of the famous American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr: "God rewarded me with the ability to change what I can change; willingness to accept what I cannot change; and wisdom to understand the difference between them."

Keep a positive attitude to everything, no matter what happens. Do not let sadness and anger take over you when people and life situations do not meet your expectations. Instead, be calm, calm, and focus on solving the problems and difficulties that you have encountered.


Make a habit of spending some time every day in solitude and reflection.Take yourself 30-60 minutes a day, during which you will be completely alone and in complete silence. Turn off the radio and TV, put off books, newspapers or magazines and mentally communicate with the world around you.

French scientist Blaise Pascal once said: "All the problems in the world are due to a person’s inability to be alone with himself."

Most people never leave time for solitude and reflection. We are so busy, we have so much to do, and time is so short that we do not see an opportunity to sit quietly for a few minutes alone. However, this is a big mistake.

Every time after this, even half an hour, solitude, your consciousness will become clearer and calmer. The problems and difficulties that you have encountered will gradually recede, revealing ways to solve them. You will have subconscious insights and ideas that will cause changes in your daily life. You will feel a mental, emotional and spiritual renewal. You will have new ideas on how to improve the quality of your work and life.


Develop the habit of putting "peace of mind" on your main life goal, and then organizing your life around this goal. Listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition. Do what you think is right and natural.

When you begin to focus on peace of mind and listen to your inner voice, you will probably never make mistakes in your life path. You will always do and say the right things, in the right way and at the right time. And when you begin to trust your intuition, you will have an endless stream of ideas and solutions, both for your problems and for the achievement of any goals.

Many doctors I know claim that today over 85% of all diseases are of a psychosomatic nature.

At the same time, it is the “psycho,” or consciousness, that makes the “soma,” or body, sick. Every time you get out of your head trouble, retire and reflect, you significantly reduce stress and raise energy levels.

The more you concentrate on yourself, the more positive you think, the healthier, better and longer you live. Having made peace of mind the main organizing principle of your life, you will become a more successful, energetic and efficient person. Your life journey will be much longer than that of other people, and every step you take along it will bring you only joy.

Practical exercises

  • Try to make an installation for the future and get an idea of ​​your ideal health. What health would you have if you were physically perfect in every way?
  • Describe your future ideal health in such a way as if you have no obstacles in achieving your goals.
  • Set clear and time-specific goals for weight reduction, waist size reduction and exercise. Write these goals on paper.
  • Make a detailed action plan to improve your health, allowing you to live to be a hundred years old. What can you start doing today to maximize your plan?
  • Plan your future vacation and book tickets and a hotel room ahead.\u003e
  • Determine one habit that will help you solve these or other health problems to the greatest extent, and start to develop it immediately. Do not stop working until this habit becomes a permanent model of your behavior.
  • Make the decision to devote time to solitude and reflection. This may be one hour in the morning or evening. Follow this decision steadily every day.

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