An old recipe for hlib rosіyskoyu. Old recipe for khlib

Folk fermentation
The sourdough is cooked once, and then it’s just a little bit more vicious. Vona є is alive, as you can sleep in the refrigerator, or you can actively eat, as you can. Biomas sourdoughs are stored from natural microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, etc.), so they live on grain.

It’s a good idea to revive, multiply and virostitize microorganisms, so that the stench is self-organizing in a symbiotic colony. Life itself in nature is motivated by the principle of symbiotic colonies of micro-abo macroorganisms (for example, runt, ocean, intestinal microflora). Organisms in symbiosis develop and add one to one.

The sourdough is easy to prepare, it is sourdough. Spіvvіdnoshennya: 2 parts of the forest and 3 parts of the water (more or less in the case of the author). A room thermometer, digital kitchen wagons, a casserole dish or a 1.5 liter jar, a wooden spatula are required. In an hour for a loan of a few days, it is already possible to bake hlib for a few days.

Sourdough should go towati viklyuchno and only on the basis of everyday boros, for that life is leaven, in proportion to wheat and іnshoyu, the best steyka, she is healthy and strong. Quiet microorganisms, which live on grain grains, are quite enough for organizing a good, well-to-do, symbiotic colony.

The washing of the grain of the sutta into the microorganisms cannot be repaired; And the axis of high-temperature drying drives in a greater number of required microorganisms, so the germinated grain for sourdough is dried at a temperature of 41 ° C. Obviously, it is good, prepared in a commercial way, not to go for the rooting of yak sourdough.

As already mentioned, the leaven is prepared once, then it can be victorious without interruption, adding a part to the vip.

Technology of preparation:

1. At the mlyn, zavantazhiti vіdmіryanu vіdmіryanu wagu grain, grind richly directly into the casserole, rice. 13. Step pomelo maє buti rises on the found faction.
2. On the teresa, I will need a bit of warm water, at a temperature of 36–37 ° C. The water is very clean, filtered, not chlorinated. You can take dzherelna water, boiled or distilled, insist on shungit and flint.
3. Pour water into a casserole with a meadow and crush a tree with a spatula, so that it is smoothly flowing into the water. Wiide a thick consistency of thick sour cream, rice. 14.
4. Cover the casserole (or a jar) with a crush, not hermetically, close it with a servet from the light, and put it in a quiet place, file it from the stretching and electric power. The optimum temperature for the sourdough is close to 24-26 ° C, not whitish. Know for a thermometer also a place in the kitchen. The closer to the stele is the warmer.

This procedure will need to be repeated for days on end in the evening:

Day 1. Wound - 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water. Evening 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water.
Day 2. Wound - 40 g of boroshna, 60 g of water. Evening 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water.
Day 3. Wound: 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water. Evening 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water.
Day 4 Ranok 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water. Evening 40 g boroshnaya, 60 g water.
Day 5. Vrantsi mi vzhe weighs 800 g of sourdough. 500 g before first bread. Rashtu is tidied up in the refrigerator, before the vip, rice. 15.

The sourdough is responsible for the smell of natural kvass. It’s because the leaven of rotten smells have a smell, which means they have destroyed the technology, or the dishes have been vikoristovuvali brudna. Everything is broken correctly, but the smell is all the same boring chi and cheery, otzhe, mozhlvo, the middle class of the primitive, the leaven is not sustainable, it is not ecologic. For vikhіdna sirovina - grain - trapilous is not good, nor how to take revenge on someone else’s houses. At such a time it is necessary to know the grain from the vyrobnik and the merchant.

Deyaki author recipes to write, but the smell of bridging is purer for the sourdough - the price is "normal". Ale tse є abnormal. Any "ogidny smell" in the leaven is innocent. For the next day, the leaven will smell like alcohol, acetone, otstu chi in zagalі zvіllu, її you can wikidate and fix a copy. Try not to ruin the technology, because you have everything.

At the same hour, perfectionism is not required here. Behavior of the leaven to finish the steak, so all parameters can be varied. For example, the temperature regime is pidtrimuvati bazhano, ale neobov'yazkovo zanadto pedantically. Now a sprinkle of practical pleasures.

Electronic wagons are more beautiful than vibrati, so there will be a function of skimming. The principle of the offensive: a container is placed on the terezi, a button is pressed on, showing the terezi to drop to zero, then the product is added to the container, and the net weight hangs on the scoreboard, in such a rank. It’s easy.

For the sake of this part of the leaven, as soon as I step on the vipichka, it is necessary to add the memory - from the storehouse, the ceramics and the kharchovoy plastic. Krishka is not hermetically sealed, ale and not very dry, and the leaven did not absorb odors from the refrigerator. It’s plastic, and it’s very curved, it’s possible to make a hole in it. Sourdough utensils do not go down to mity bybout chemistry. Everything is easy to move with warm water.

You can take the sourdough in the refrigerator, at the upper police station, not at the lower temperature. Dovgі, interrupt at the vipikannі hlіba nebazhanі. The leaven is oozed regularly. Especially I got mad at the time, and I happily revived. You can, the leaven is good to live and three times, but even more for the whole term you can’t use it more beautifully, and you will be able to develop anew. Still, leaven is a living colony of microorganisms, and it is necessary to follow it as a living day. As soon as you go, you should instruct someone to look up and wait for a day.
Start threshing well before the victors. Not required її zberіgati - tse a product that can be quickly pissed off. Vitamin and lively speeches on the other hand are quickly oxidized. The very fact of a vigorous industrial production cannot be respected with a natural product - vyrobniks are fond of being cunning, abi zbilshiti terms of implementation.

Step to the broomstick to get up to find the faction. Try to that, in the home electric line, all one is uncomfortable to reach the same step, but to reach in the industrial minds. Ale tsyogo is not required. The quality of khlib, yakim can be used as a reference khlib, it is based on the following parameters:

1. Sprouted grain.
2. Svizhozmelen borosno.
3. Natural, natural leaven.
4. The presence of a shell and an embryo in the forest.
5. The amount of chemical and synthetic additives.

It’s not guilty, but it’s like a starch, and it’s like wheat. Yakoyu vona maє buti, it's hard to describe. If you first play it freely, see the smell, taste it, taste it, see it, see it, yakim it’s right.

Khlib may not be guilty of being bilim and puffy. Vin maє buti SPRAVZHNIM, not synthetic. Spravzhny hlib is also hard to describe in words. If you try, everything will become clear to you. The new one has і relish, і smell - special - gentry.

It’s because of the food we’ve seen: I’m not leaving a dehydrator, not a dehydrator, but I want to bake my own food all at once, how can I be bothered? You can try to have happiness, joke in local shops, or in the Internet, a whole grain of grain, or a rich, first grade. If you want to spare and eat the product of a summed and honest, and also, importantly, a condemned virobnik, then a leaven, a bread, a help (well, anyway), you can go.

It’s better for anyone to get everything they need, if they come from the system wyrobniks and merchants, such as turbines, it’s not your health, but also from the system, as it’s safe to fail.
100% Zhitniy Khlib

To achieve the best result with the best vitrates, an hour and a half are worthwhile. Surely, you can get by with an extravagant oven, albeit simpler with bread. Tse that vipadoks, if the products of the system are victorious to bypass the system itself.

Hlibopichka pratsyuє is simple: she’ll get all the Ingredients, vibrate the program (recipe) of the vip, push the button, and she won’t be able to rob everything herself - it’s quiet, when you’re trying to drink it.

All programs are hardwired and rooted to others. Do not be overwhelmed with such "natural" programs as "gluten-free", "gluten-free", "whole grains". If you are short of a vipad here, you may be on the look out for those who, in the recipe for vykorist, are not used to others, but a cheesy rozpushuvach. The system is hypocritical.

For our purposes, we need to know more about two programs: "Drizhdzhove tisto" and "Vipichka". For the sake of the system, we are stupid, we will not be vicious, and the program will overwhelm the posture with respect. Holovne, in the regime "Drіzhdzhove tisto", the bastard is to blame for the substitution of this and the trials, but it’s gone. And yet another timer is needed, just set the hour at the "Vipichka" mode.

It is not necessary to vibrate the bagatofunktsionalnuyu road hlibopichku. Two named programs - all that will be required for our spravzhny hlib. The availability of additional options for that program, such as, for example, a dispenser, a start line, a pie, a jam, a cupcake - for your consideration, if you want it in good time.

Hlibopichku after vibrating with a strain of not less than 800 W, it won’t fit in with an important life test. Working The mnist (viderce) can be made with two shackles and such a form, the schob vihodila “tsegla”. Vaga hliba, scho drink, - not less than 1 kg. For the sake of speed, it is not possible to start at the end, but you can spontaneously follow the process.
One more thing: the design of the bunker can only allow the robot to open the door for an hour. If the scoreboard and buttons are mounted on the case, and not on the brackets, then it is more cost effective for everything.

Recipe for 100% Life Bread:
500 g life leaven
400 g live boroshn
200 g water
3 tbsp. nasinnya lion
1 tsp nasinnya kminu
14 g salt

The process is repaired from the awakening of the leaven, which is left in the refrigerator. At the first time, the leaven is already ready for us, so the first 7 points are passed.

Technology of preparation:

1. By the way, put the leaven from the refrigerator and put it in a warm place for a year, and it’s gone. The optimum temperature for the starter culture is 24–26 ° C.
2. After a year, take out 220 g of livestock, add it to the mill and grind well into the same place as the leaven, for example, to the castor. Obviously, there will be grain and flour as well.
3. Add 330 g of warm water, temperature 36–37 ° C, and pour it into a casserole with boiled water. For example, put a bottle on the digital car, reset the supply, pour cold water, and then add some hot water from the teapot, so that it was just 330.
4. Razmіshati with a tree spatula so that the flour rіvnomіrno dribbled into the water. Spіvvіdnoshennya vodi that is boros for sourdough - 3/2. For the test sp_vvidnoshennya vzhe іnshe. Why are these numbers 330/220? That is why we need 500 g of sourdough, and with a lot of vrahuvati, it’s just a lot of waste on the dishes, so we need a little of the sourdough in reserve, but a little of the sourdough didn’t fall off at once, but it was brightening. You can get pancakes in the middle of now.
5. Add the sourdough to the casserole, which has been thrown and smashed with a spatula, now it’s not so hard, especially I don’t live the day - a colony of microorganisms.
6. Cover the casserole with a crush, not hermetically, close it with a servet from the light and put it in a quiet place, as it was done before. Yakshko hlib get to bite the blame, tsiu procedure to continue to injure. I navpaki, as khlib dbaє in the evenings, the leaven is put in vrant.
7. The sense of all the process of proceeding in the fact that we take a part of the leaven, that it has been lost the last time, wake up in the last time, since the colony of microorganisms grows, it grows, it’s good to eat, it’s good 10-12 years to reach the required condition, if she is hungry in the world, she is active, fig. sixteen.
8 ... A year before preparing the bread, soak three tablespoons of lemon juice near the room temperature or warm, rice. 17. Nasinnya liona shvidko rozbuhaє and sta m'yakshim. Soak up the need for that, at all times today, it’s going to slip and neutralize its “preservatives” - Ingibitori.
9 ... After a year (or maybe it’s possible), see the ice at the sieve, the water slopes, rice. eighteen.
10 ... Take 400 g of livestock, lock it in mln and grind in a great container from grubby plastic, from a shitty crush. Take 14 g of salt (dry, more colorful than sea salt) and a teaspoon of cornmeal, pour it in boroshno, rice. 19 Close the container with a crack and twist it slightly, so that everything is mixed.
11 ... Take 200 g of warm water, the color is close to 40 ° C. Take out the form from the hlіbopіchka (vіdro), pour in water, viklast 500 g of sourdough talion, rice. 20. The principle is as follows: the form is filled with a combination of іdki Ingredіonti, sometimes thick, sometimes dry. You can manually change it at a rate of 500, you can put the shape on the wag, reset the certificate and vivantage this and the leaven right from the casserole to the required wag.
12 ... Rasht of vivantage sourdoughs from casters in a special place and put in the refrigerator. Tse will be fastened on the step of the vipichka. The size of the tsyo dorobka is more beautiful than pidtrimuvati is close to 200-300 r. If a surplus accumulates, you can put it on іnshі tsіlі, for example, kvass or pancakes.
13. Visipati from the container at the shape, fig. 21. The preparation stage is over. Now on the right behind the hlibopichkoy.
14 ... Insert the form into the bakery. Launch the program "Drizhdzhove Tisto". A lot of yde zamіs, khviliin 25, іf mossy zupinkami. At the same time, you can see the message. You should try, for life, on the type of wheat, not to be changed, but on the spot, sprinkles in life, not a lot of extra gluten fibers, but in wheat, rice. 22. That requires some additional assistance with a wooden spatula, guiding just from the wall to the middle. Not obov'yazkovo chain of time - the head rank on the cob and naprikintzі zamіsu.
15 ... If the change is over, then switch to the mode of weak play. Kryshka slid zakrit, and roughly nakrit chimos from above for insulation, on the other hand, fold it with a terry towel. The temperature in the middle is close to 37 ° C. You can change it by typing the thermometer on the thermometer, and then at once change your mind, if your message is correct. (I’m not going to play, I’ll be able to fit the shape and put it in a warm place, for example, over the back wall of the refrigerator or over the battery.)
16. If the program is over, the bottle looks like a signal. Tsey signal to be known for the advance period. Drizhdzhove just walk for a year. The sourdough test takes more than an hour. Even the standard programs for the sourdough test are not suitable. So, the towel is not rude, it is not known, it is not robust, it’s just the right time for you to write.
17 ... From the same time, it took 2-2.5 years to change. Tisto maє with a whole lot of money can be added, fig. 23. Now the program "Vipichka" has been launched, having previously installed the option "Kirka of the middle pidzharki" (yaksho є), as well as an hour on the timers. The hour of waiting to lay down from the wagy bukhantsya і maє buti is indicated in the instructions. Vaga for our recipe - more trochi per kilogram. The average hour of a ticket for such a car can become close to 1 year. 10 min.
18. I’m ready, the signal is ready. It is possible to use the form, only with bare hands, but with potholders. Give їy oholonuti khviliin 10 (no more, іnkshe hlіb vіdpіtnіє), bed on a style or a wash towel and vitrusіt hlіb іf form, rice. 24.
19 ... Light the chlib at the towel and put it "top to bottom" on the lattice or the braided delivery, but the lower part dichally and did not go. So demand to give hlibu oholonuti.

You can get up, everything is still going smoothly і dovgo, ale tsapatka. If you master the technology in practice, then change your mind, be afraid of your eyes, and shake your hands, and everything is for the right, elementary, and the hour of your factual participation requires a lot of chilin.

The whole process is carried out until well-known, overflowing and transferring the syruin from one unit to the last. Moreover, the shyness of all the manipulations, especially with the living substance, are adjusted to the frequency of vibrations of living nature. At all times, your "usb-port" is ringing - you turn it on from the matrix, and that means, fix the misleading and BACHITI real speech.

Інші options
You will change, how to wind the first bread, prepare for this technology, and make a taste of it. And chim elder sourdough, tim khlib will be savory. At doyakie kraine, at doyaky bakery, deyut cinuvati and zberigati tradition, live sourdough, like a few hundred rock. Ale such hlib, as you see in your house, see if you don't buy it anywhere, but go to bakeries, as you work with old recipes, the grain will not be wicked. The price of finding and technology has long been forgotten.

Obviously, this technology can be implemented in industrial minds. There are no special folds here. And there is a wild race for the arrival of a zombie of people - the stench ceases to be rosum and bachiti, how it stinks, and all the time. Do you think that a technologist at a Khlibozavod understands that with some surrogate Ingredients I can tell you a surrogate product to visit? Anіtrohi not buvalo. Yogo testimony once and for all got stuck in one point: so demanding. Yak the same requirement is not a sign of yogo testimony, but a system, a matrix.

The matrix is ​​distributed by programs, to bastards, to people - equally. Like the virobniks of the surrogates, so whoever lives up to them cease to grow up and bachiti - how to go and go. More precisely, do not smell, but lead. In the systems - stash cyborg - grunts with synthetics, grub with synthetics - stash cyborg. However, maybe it’s a whole lot of power. God bless you.

Otzhe, you have learned about the unique technology of the essence of life's bread. Why bake the same living hlib? That is why it is for the organism of winners of all types of people that they are corysnish, lighter, accepting. However, wheat-grain bread is even worse than wheat, as wheat is germinated. Axis yogo recipe.

Wheat-Zhitn_y Khlib
500 g life leaven
400 g wheat boros
150 g water
3 tbsp. nasinnya lion
1 tsp nasinnya kminu
14 g salt

It can be seen that there is less water, more wheat is less hygroscopic. Zhito absorbed more water. Reshta shy in the same way. I only recognize the specialness of the fact that the bread-and-butter dough can cope with the wheat-bread dough on its own, it is practically not necessary to add a shovel with a spatula (it’s not very necessary).

There is a specialness for one more reason, through which 100% living bread does not go viral in an industrial way. (The main reason is the wheat bread, biliy, soft, dying, ale tse sumnіvnі perevagi.) Life is very important. If you want, slyly, the problem is not a problem, everything is visible. But the food is not bad for us, we are more, but we have our hands and a little bit of food for the hour.
I don’t know if it’s more fitting for you, but I’ll especially hand it over to me with a little help, without the help of hlibopichka. As a world of robustness, the price is simpler and more efficient, less supplementary to the mischief. Try the manual method. The axis of the amendment to the technology (div. St. 288-292), correcting from clause 9:
9. Tie the shape out of the breadcrumbs. Launch the program "Drizhdzhove Tisto". Pich "mіsitime tisto" styles, skіlki follow the program, albeit in vain. For an hour, I can change it by hand.
10. See the lion at the sieve and give it to the sieve Ingredintev.
11. Visipati from the container boroso, mix with a fireplace and a silt, into an enamel bowl. Zrobiti near the forest dead (crater). Vivantage tudi lion, leaven that water. (Yak in the form of a stove, only in a ringing order.)
12. Change the amount of ingredinti to equal consistency, rice. 26. Tse handily rob with a wooden spatula, here you go, turn over the edge to the middle, and immediately turn the bowl with your hand. Life is just, on the view of wheat, not in the form of folding manipulations (change, for reasons, again, for change, too soon). The living block is watery, so it just needs to deprive it of good money with a stretch of 5-7 hilines.
13. Viklasta is just in shape, in front of the front, having been pulled up from her shovel of a mixer, fig. 27. Strongly dewy, it is not necessary, it can grow and fit.
14. Just as soon as possible, finish filling it and sooner it gets ready, carefully insert this form, tacky potholders, so that you can also be protected from any kind of bad weather, as you can punch through the heating elements without heating. Dal - those same, fixing paragraph 15.

You can replace the lion with soaking the sonyashnikov or the harbuzovy nasinnya, fistashki. Only the hour of soaking is for them - the hour of the year. You can replace the fireplace with a crush on the coriander, perhaps, you will be honored with such relish more. For vzagal not vikoristovuvati seasoning, I want her tsikavishe, soundly.
It is possible to replace wheat with such success itself, vicoriously spelled (spelled). Perevaga polbi, in fact, as a rule, I grow up without storing chemistry, and instead of it I turn wheat. All іnshe - relish on the right.
A viable, visible one option is a vip in the spirit. For more, you need one or two forms with non-stick coatings and that frying pan can be put in the oven (without plastic parts).

Oven technology:

1. I will hand over the description as described.
2. Viklasta at the form, fig. 28. Life is more beautiful than vipikati in forms;
3. Put the form in a very small place in the kitchen and apply it with a llyanim, a little extra towel. The triviality of vistoyuvannya - 2-3 years. It’s easy to grow, fig. 29.
4. Yak only quickly enough, rozіgryti oven up to 240 ° C. Pour water into the pan, bring it to the boil, put it on the oven stand. The price is necessary in order not to get sick.
5. If the oven has grown, put the form with dough on the upper policeman.
6. After 15 quilins, lower the temperature to 200 ° C. Vipikati shche 35 hilin | minuti |. For more than 40-50 khvili, as well as all the khlіb in one form. The hour can be controlled by a timer.
7. Ready-made bread, rice. thirty.

To whom the oven may be more appropriate, not a hlibopichka, and a savor on the right. In both vipadas like their own passages. Chlibopichka can be overwhelmed in that it itself will have the necessary temperature conditions during the growth of the test and release.

A lot of practical pleasures:
- You can have a hot bread, a little more beautiful to give you a maturity. Khlib prodovzhu ripen for several years, giving yak and riches of relish.
- Khlib is more beautiful to use a bag of grub plastic, for example, a polyethylene plastic. The package can only be packed with bread, after reaching it.
- As soon as the top of the hlib has grown, then three or three times change the amount of water in the recipe. Part of the water can be found in the form of grain and other Ingredients, for example, soaked seed.
- It’s not too bad to underestimate the part of the water at tisti. Zhitniy khlib for its consistency can be “sirovatim”, the price of anti-hypocrisy is not a dog. Dry khlib mensh is wet.
- I just didn’t get enough of it, it’s just an hour to turn up for a year. For the sake of reducing the temperature of the temperature is low. For the leaven is weak for reasons. Read the technology carefully.
- Seeing more than three years for vistyuvannya is not a sense. You can just get a little money, and then you can go down. Do not check to the critical point, if it starts to subside. It’s okay to wait for the hour.
- New hlіbopіchka pershі 2-3 vipіchki can give an unacceptable smell. Reduce the smell of food.
- Basic rules of safety technology. Do not stick around the metal parts of the hl_bop_chka with bare hands and metal objects. Crust yourself with a wooden spatula and kitchen mittens or potholders. On the legs there are kaptsi with gum pads. Fighting especially nothing, a little bit of a spurt can only break through, especially if it is not grounded in a net.
- As soon as the dough wiggles in breadcrumbs, it will come to terms with such lack of hand, as the appearance of shovels from a mixer in breadcrumbs. It is necessary, by the way, at once, it’s safe to use it.
- Prigotuvannyam khliba didn’t slid to engage in a filthy mood. Unkind emotions negatively infuse bread into the quality.
- Spraved hlib - self-sufficient and self-sufficient. Ale in a small number of wines are sumptuous from the backdrop of the country. Good afternoon for the vegetables, greenery. Special caress is the color of the bread, spreading with a dessert spoon of cedar or harbuz oil, with an hourglass and cayenne pepper for relish.
* * *
Now you know everything the nobility needs. It’s not just an everyday dish, it’s philosophy, style of life, freedom. Freedom of mind is the framework that imposes on you the system. And yet, it’s obvious - all of your health is that clear witness. It’s healthier to make your life more healthy, and a non-weird mind to allow you to create your own light. Spravzhn_y home khlib is your green oasis near the technogenic middle. Your new hope. Your new Arkaim. Ale is not one and only. Buvaє so, well, I passed the check in advance.

Vishuuyuchi new recipes, turned sobhlib into life leaven. In the first place, wine is the best for me, the most optimal for an hour and respect. In other words, for the life of the sourdough, you can get a bakery virobi, in the third place, the life of the sourdough is sourdough without adding zukru - but it is very important!

Tim doesn’t, I’m going to propose recipes for young starter cultures - choose your taste!

Bread from the leaven from the GERMINATED GRAIN

Option 1: Otzhe, a little sourdough is required. It grows with a stretch of 2 dib of wheat grain (everything is stored at a temperature), the docks do not have little tails (1-2 cm). Grind some grains (you can just potty). Dodajmo zhmenyu boroshnaya, zukor and water (all in the eye), mix to the consistency of sour cream. Putting the leaven maybutnyu in the heat і chekaєmo, the docks are sour. The sourdough is guilty of a trocha of growers (twice).

Prepare the test. Our leaven is grown in a bottle of water (it can be more, less, everything is closer), 2 bottles of white boroshen, sifted through a sieve, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 3 tbsp. tsukru spoons (tsukor can be replaced with honey for bazhannya). Zamishuєmo.

A table spoon or more can be put into glass dishes, not scruffy with a crush, put in a cool place (refrigerator) - the leaven of the offensive time, as it can be prepared continuously. It will be necessary to periodically revive the port of zukru, the water is rich.

It is just covered with a towel, put at a warmer place when it is not less than 12 years old.

In addition, as it is easy to eat 2-3 times, the bottle is rich and robust. Writing can be set in the warmth of the place of life - not less than 4 years. Zapіkaєmo stretching out a year from the spirit.

Option 2: Axis more recipe for bread: soak wheat in warm water, put it so that sleepy light falls on it (it did not heat the food 20-25 degrees) for the germination of cinnamon bacteria. Through the doba, you can hear the steams proklyovuvatisya (ale not more than 1mm). Water is poured with wheat if necessary. Pass it through a meat grinder and freeze it without salt. Masu rozkachati yak on dumplings (you can do it), in a bottle or in the shape of a mug. Viclast's gurtocks on the sun, turn it over. As long as the weather is not dying, you should put some cups in the oven (not more than 40 degrees). On hlib the price is not similar to those that sound like bachiti in shops, but sooner in hlibts.

Bread with sourdough from Hops

Preparing starter cultures (div. Points 2,3 "Homemade drinks").

Prepare opari:

We take 4 tbsp. spoons of ready-made leaven, a bottle of warm water. Zamishuєmo with boroshny until thick sour cream. Warm dough and put in a warm place sour for about 6 years. You can put it in the evening against the night, but the vrance will be quiet.

Prepare the test:

I take the dough, it’s gone, і dodajmo 800ml. warm water, mix and give flour | good | until thick sour cream і well in warmth for 4 years, it is possible і more. It’s easy to get started. Pislya vistoyuvannya and souring pasta, added to a part of the fermented and mіsimo from additions 1-2 tbsp. spoons of natural roslinnaya oliya, misimo until the mill is soft. The heat is set for 40-60 quilins for everybody. For that, the form is just the form, the form is framed by olієu. But it didn’t stick to the hands, it didn’t stick to them. І is necessary for anybody, for which it is put in a pich. Vipikati at a temperature of 200 degrees approximately 60 min. Dati oholonuti.

Life-wheat bread with cartopley

For bread, you need to know: 280g of lively boroshna, 225g of іnshy boroshna (wheat or wheat whole-grain, rough borosha), 420ml of warm water (500ml), 15g of salt, about 80g of matured and rubbed paste.

Lively, 2/3 of it is driven by a sour kneading dough. Take a lot of food and put it in a jar yak sour enough for an upcoming vipychka hlib (take it in the refrigerator)

Then there is a little bit of water, sil, potatoes and water, which is overflowing, and if it’s not enough in the oil-filled form. Zakriti with a wash towel that 8-9 years have passed over. It may well be that it is easy to stick to the hustka, so that it is clear to soak the hustka with water and it is neatly seen from the hustle.

Pidіgrіty up to 200 degrees in the oven and baked, scho pіdіyshov, put it there. Vipikati at 180 degrees approx. 60 min. From the end of the vip, you can make a few copies of the chlib from the rosters, so you can shine. Willingness can be achieved by posting, hlib can sound like empty.

It is sour to take three crocs.

1.100 g of live boroshn, 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir. Change everything, re-lay the shape of the temple (ceramic, porcelain) at the temple, brush it up and stand at room temperature for 24 years.

2. Kindly change and let me know again for 24 years.

3. Add 300 g of lively boroshna, 200 ml of water, mix it again for 24 years.

You are ready to write. You can take 1 month at the prikritiy baths in the refrigerator.

Zhitniy khlib with leaven from KEFIRU

  • 6 flasks of life-giving boroshnaya, more beautiful with hangings;
  • 1 flask of white boros;
  • 3 vodi bottles;
  • 1 tbsp. leaven;
  • 3 tsp salt;
  • 1-3 st. zukru.


All products are mixed for 12 years. Vipikati 1-1.5 years old.

Preparing the starter culture:

Have sour milk (for a bit of sourness, but still not kefir), add trocha tsukru (for fermenting), wait with rich boroshes until thick sour cream. Zalishaєmo for a day or two. It is important to have a sinister moment here, because As soon as you re-roll, then it will appear, and everything will be done anew. Yak tilki are the first bulbs, dyrochki or the like. everything is known and tidied up in the refrigerator, the leaven is ready.


3 moles... Take 100-200 g of moles, rinse it with warm water, put it at the dance with a wide shykoy, fill it with warm water, add three zukra, tie a gauze over the top in 4 balls and put it in a warm place. On 4-5, wandering will be honored, and you can put it just.

3 dry hops... Pour hot water over the hopper (1: 2) and boil it at the casserole. Yaksho khmіl virinaє, yo drown in water with a spoon. If the water is steeped on the floor, it will be lost in two less than the cob, yogo zzidzhuyut. In a warm, warm vidvarі, razchinyayut zukor (1 tbsp. Spoon for 1 vial in v_dvar), zmіshuit with boroshny (0.5 vials vіdvarі for 1 vial in v_dvar). Then you can put the doors near the warm place for wandering. Prepare others to pour at the dance, cork and save at the cool ice. For the preparation of 2-3 kg of bread, 0.5 flasks are required.

3 fresh hops... Fresh hop is added to the castrone, pour hot water and boil for about 1 year, covering it with kryshka. Then let it cool down and bring salt, sugar and 2 different flasks of wheat ferry. Bring the oil to smoothness, put it in the warmth for 36 years, then wipe a couple of cleaned jelly cartoplin, reduce it from others and give it a little more on a warm day. Prepare drіzhі pour at the dance and gradually close with corks. The vitrate of such drіzhіv is a quarter of a bottle per kilogram of boros.

Solodov_... Malt is sprouted in the warmth and hairy grain, dried and grinded. 1 flask of fermented and 0.5 flasks of zukru to grow in 5 flasks of water, add 3 flasks of malt and boil for about 1 year. Cool, pour warm raschin near the dance, unscrew with corks and put it in a warm place, and then in a cold place. Vitrata cich drіzhіv for preparing hlіba takiy samiy, yak and drіzhіv from dry hops.

Wild berries.

You know, this kind of dimchasty is on the berries, yak chornytsya, sucker, drain ... Tse and є wild others! Wine on all fox berries! Only for gardeners, where berries were fertilized with him. kind, їkh is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati.

Pidsushiti such berries and shkirku from plums. You can drink some bread from the substitution of fermented water and the addition of wild berries.Taste and taste of hlib will be іnshim, protein, maybe natural and healthy.

Bread for life leaven

Yaksho gotuvati leaven from the cob itself, tse trivatime two days. And even offensively, having pulled out a piece of cake from the finished test, the bread is baked throughout the day.


As far as you already have є leaven (small cake) in front of the front vip, when you take a small cake, fill it with warm water and check it out, if it’s growing. Let it go until this everyday boroshnaya to the consistency of sour cream. Likewise, it is possible to give this seed to the sprouting of the twisted grain of life. It is possible to start a dough in the evening, for me, for example, it’s like that (putting the mutilation on, replacing the zranka). If you want it’s too hot in your booth, an hour will need to be quick, and everything will be peroxidized. Put the dough near the warm place, having covered it with a towel. Tsukor can be dodavati, because The very life is the power of squashuvati just.

If it is easy to abandon and grow up in society (from 4 to 8 years old, when the temperature is low), it’s time to stop.


Before mixing into the ready dough, it is necessary to add what you want (sil, spice nasinnya: for example, coriander, kmin, crip, fennel, we can nasinnya). As soon as the bread is baked, then it’s richly added to the bread. If it is siry, then add a piece of wheat bush, you can twist the grain. You can just freeze it steep, only the hlib will come out shitty, it will not dry even more. Whom a light bread is like, you can just determine by the consistency of the most sour cream (it’s even pretty nasty to bake even more).

At the end of the stage, there is a little bit of taste (sourdough) for the maybutny cow. Yakshcho you add the fermented wheat, add the leaven to the whole.

Korovay Vikladaєmo in a covered shape by 1/3, put in a warm place, covering it with a towel. Khlib can grow up at 2 times, at the spirits it is possible to grow up.


Bread is put in a good oven. It’s about a year baked in the oven (in the oven, 30-40khilin) ​​I don’t give the exact hour, because I stumbled into the small ovens and not all of them are alike. Approximately temperature regulation 250 degrees 15-20 quills, 200 degrees 20-25 quills, 150 degrees 15-20 quills. Bread from a light test is baked less.

The readiness of the hlib to start on the viglyad, and by the empty sound (at the hour of the visit, designate the hour for the vip). Ready-made korovai viymaєmo z form, wrapped in your own towel, and you will be able to achieve it. Hot living bread is still with gluten, and in the process of general examination by a vologist, it becomes stewed and bread becomes savory. Chliba from light paste is especially priced.


If you pick up a little bit of test when you are hung up, you need to see it, you need to save it until the next time. As soon as you plan to vikoristovuvat the leaven with a stretch of 2-3 times, enough to put it in a jar and close it with a ganchrochka (the principle is not to override the access until the end of the day, or do not overwhelm it). Put the jar in a cool place: the refrigerator is on the lower police station or in the pidval. The leaven is good, if it’s not enough for it, if it’s just like it’s, it’s possible to grow better, but if it’s overflowing, it’s time to start quickly.

In a vipadku, if you see it rotten - if it’s an offensive time, the Rajah will remake a piece of paste on a dry cake or a powder. For the sake of it, add some lively bush in new style, but you can just take it. Roskotit thin biscuits or crack it quickly and dry everything in warm spirit, well, maybe in dry warmth. If the whole vologue is boiled, the dry leaven is ready, now you can get a good purchase. Alone, I dry the leaven, it is necessary to "revive" the leaven more, but everything is the same, it’s all the same, it’s not gotuvati її again.

If you have brought some yeast for the offensive bread, then May on uvaz, as you won’t get enough of it. Through those who are in n_y rich vodi, vona shvidshe plisnyavin. For a whole lot of vipadku, you just bring it to her life well (re-transforming on a shmotochka tista), or vikoristovuyte yogo stretching 7-10 days. If you want to take a little bit of ferment (though I don’t know for a second), then it’s necessary to periodically “pidgodovuvati”: І so skin 10-12 days, docks do not vikorist її for recognition)

Yak will prepare the starter for my life.

Well, the axis of mi th passed until the moment: how to prepare the leaven from the cob itself. If there are some of your friends who already know they are ready to eat bread for such leaven - it’s more beautiful to take a piece of the pastry from them, and repair one step at step 1.

Yaksho ni, todi axis recipe:

Mortals at the glass of water 1 tsp. honey, add the bread well to the consistency of sour cream, put it in a warm place. Give me a bottle of water and a glass of flour and a warm meal. Already prepare the dough (shutter). For the sake of it, give another bottle of water that is fermented to the madness of thick sour cream, in the warmth (even after the dosage, even without the heat, the leaven will be sour). It’s early in the morning. Dalі everything, as described vishche.

If you want to show buns or pies from wheat boroshna, you can also vikoristovuvati a life of sourdough.

For tso, fixing in step 1, add only wheat flour. Dough to get ready shvidshe, that wheat is lighter than wheat. With a change, it is possible to add something else: butter, eggs, sugar, etc.

Having mastered one of the recipes for bread made from natural leaven, you will easily master it, be it like a leaven.

Stay healthy! published


Starter cultures

-on sprouted grains.
Yak robiti


I have a kitchen.

-2Cugs of bush

I give

All my appetite! "

0 At nazdogin:

Spelled (spelled) - one of the varieties of wheat, priced for a special bitter aroma. Spelled, grown in the United States, is sold under the trade names "kamut", so that it can be used as a terminological plutan. As a matter of fact, spelled, spelled and kamut - name one of the same varieties of wheat, which did not clash with other varieties, and gained its unique power.
Vikoristovutsya head rank yak groats, ale it is possible і grind spelled for dough. Spelled is practically to take revenge on all lively speeches that people need, in a harmonious and balanced way - and not only in the shell of grain, but equally in all grain. This means that you won’t be able to reap the value of a new broomstick.
Boroshnian virobi with spelled produce a perceptible smell and burnt texture. Porridge with spelled has a bitter bitter aroma and is really cinnamon for children, even blocks of gluten, for a particularly rich cereal, to revenge 18 essential amino acids for the body, as you can’t be rejected from food.
Wheat spelled (spelled) is an old variety of wheat, wild wheat with low gluten content.
Вік 6000-8000 rockіv. Ridkisna grain culture, yaku do not be genetically modified. The upper sphere of the cinnamon spikes on the floor is great, so that the grains are processed in the meaning of quantity. May be taken from cultivated wheat, majesty of authority.
Spelled is also called spelled.

Prior to what was written in the foregoing reports, that the kind of wheat can only be tolerated by people who cannot tolerate wheat. Spelled is viscous in the place of gluten, but you shouldn't go to it, if you are hungry for gluten intolerance (only such people should be introduced into the ratsion її treba step by step). My cholovik can't tolerate wheat, ale spelled - no problem.
She relishes, on my thought, strongly to see the kind of wheat, to resemble ale me.
Still more important for simple wheat, for that it was baked out of it rather folded, ale the "finished product" of all the reports.

Spelled is even easier and quickly become accustomed to organism (see the message, the message is "present"), and for the reason of simple wheat, when the body is over-poisoned, it does not lead to "ready-to-eat" mucus; .d. .P. (It is not recommended to give wheat to such people, because in their body, in the same way, they are made to replace the slime (and pus) and the supply of wheat (and dairy products) I can only afford the problem

Zastosovuvati wood, ceramic, glass dishes and spoons, shovels for mixing. Any kind of aluminum in the dishes is innocent, but it’s worth it!
Yak anti-stick when vypikanni and when smeared vikoristovu parchment (parchment) papyr, palene !! olіya, keramichnі formi, chavun (not even fit) Leaving cron, sycamore, cabbage, grapes.
Starter cultures
-rіznі, on fermented bases. Salts - be-yaki, Ogirkovy, rare sprinkle, from urinated apples ...,
- fermented milk-on sour cream (silkska), yoghurt (taking only de bacterium and milk, no third-party), etc.
-on sprouted grains.
Yak robiti
- one of the old recipes buv (briefly the essence). Take flour, drink in the forest, in the meadow, etc. at a love m_sce. To see the Creator, the nature and the spirit of the world, ask for help in a good right :). They suspended the sour cream until thick, and added it to the bottom. Until the wound, the pomichniks are all that needs to be crushed. warm.
Abo gotuєmo leaven at home. Smell for 3 days; start smelling like sour. The smell is good, not sour. Do not sleep in the sourdough not too much, and add it in a step-by-step manner. in a short hour. You can prepare a drop of starter cultures at once and then take them in the refrigerator, cherguvati. I have a special month without renewal to take on nothing, only the smell is old, sharp, concentrated. Termіn zberіgannya sourdoughs lay in the warehouse.
I am a tsukor for preparing that new leaven is not vicarist Deyaki truth without a new spat can not be fermented.
You can start in a day
After all sorts of "agony" with grain crops, the offensive moves:
Vicorist for baked bread is boros from whole grain of polby (wheat ceases and may not be vicorist) and wheat.
I went to the bagatokh recipes before the classics;
We have compiled a number of books from the records of the memory and the memory, so the formula is simple
Replace one, be it a number :) and a number, a number of small ones.
I have a kitchen.
I take uvecheri (for two little chlibi):
-2Mugs of water
-2Cugs of bush
give a sourdough and mix it up (don't forget about dishes and scoops). Tse KMESES! do not be too much, do not be beaten by the cross.
I cover it with a wet towel, or with a tarilka, I’ll let it sour for a night.
I give
2 Gurts with polbi abo wheat
Soaking my hands with olієya, or with water, I pour Dough.
Immediately I add them into 2 parts and lay them in the form with a parchment paper, for the leaves of cabbage, etc. quill. Control after a year for the color of the scorch. From brown to dark.
Purely zhitn_y bake for the very recipe of only wine sour for gusto.
At the Dough it is possible to add wine, bitterness, fruit, fruit, rods, poppy seeds, etc.
If you want to get some bread, put it on a towel and put it on it, clean it until it is reached!
I’ll not recommend it until it is warm, since all the processes are not yet completed there.
Khlib is not stale (prikritiy) Not plisnyavin. Crackers are also savory. Children love with milk just like that, and I don’t want anything more. Arrived from the street, pidloga khlib with milk and again for the day.
I remember that this is the first time that we have been vyshov hlib, so the day could not be fed up, and the one who already didn’t eat at once.
All delicious !!! Chanting text

Stretch out a thousand years of brooming the grain, along with stone graters - zhorny. With the whole method of broom, there was no waste of high-quality words - must-haves of vitamins, aromatic words and ferments were taken.

In the middle of the 19th century (1862 p.), A bunch of vineyards was poured with metal (which is wrapped with a fine grain) with rollers, and the whole folding process of brooming wheat grain on a daily varietal mill is straightened on those that are good for sprinkling. ) from the embryo, scutellum, aleurone (enzyme) ball, shell (viscous). To be able to find and play an extremely important role in the food storage of grain and in the direction of food for creatures.

PIDGOTOVKAPreparing the land for sowing is important for the robot. On a large part of Russia, in a long time, there were some, impassable foils. The villagers were brought to the vikorchovuvati of the tree, the sound of the runt from the root. It is not easy to navigate the rural areas close to the market for sivby bulo. So the earth "came to life", the need for a bulo zorati, and more than once: a sprinkle of sunrise, then a canopy before the battle. Arali in those old hours plowed with a goat. It’s easy to use tools, like a leather villager can use it himself.

The plow has arrived, I wish I won’t replace the plow. Chim orati, virishuvav villager. The tse was deposited in runtu. The plow was most often victorious on important rocking ground. At the end of the plow, the plow does not deprive it of pulling a ball of earth, but turning it over. For that, as the field is Zorano, it is required to “comb it”. They robbed the tse behind the help of the harrow. Inodi like a harrow vicoristovuvali a yalin deck with a great number of old knots.

SivbaRik repaired the hinge. From the sivbi, the life of the peasant has been deeply rooted in it. Harvest rik - no harmlessness, sieve life. Nevrozhaynі rocky brought hunger. The peasants dbajlivo took a drink for the maybutny sivby in a dry, cold place, and the stench had not sprouted earlier. More than once they were verbatim, which is good news. The grain was placed near the water - as the stench did not drain away, but sank to the bottom, out of the way, good. The grains of guilt were not lying either, so that it was not more than one winter, so that it wasted effort to fit in with the Bur'ians.

At those times, there weren’t any forecasts, wait, the villagers laid their hearts on themselves and the people took pride in it. Sponsored for natural venom, and they would be happy to share it. The day of sivby is one of the most recent, alley less clean days at the agricultural center. To that, he first went barefoot (his legs were not as warm as they were) at the field in the bile chi chervoniy (svyatkov) sorochtsi, on the breasts at the new one hung a goat from the weasels. Throwing out the message in a rivnomirno way, with "that unacceptable prayer." Pislya sivbi grain treba bulo zboroniti. The villagers planted grain crops, not depriving the canopy, but the spring. Winter cereals were sown before severe cold weather. The growth of the growing line rose before winter to give a steam and appear on the surface.

Khlib growthAt that moment, when the grain was consumed in the ground, the name of the grain was vibrated. Sonechko light, warm the earth and give a grain of warmth. Warm grain has begun to germinate. Alle not only warmth will be required for grain, yet others need to “drink and drink”. Pump up the grain, you can mother-sira-earth. We have all the necessary living elements for growing grain. The grains grew more quickly, the harvest was larger, the soil was fertilized. Dobriva at that hour bully natural. The earth was fertilized with gnome, as if accumulating for the risk of reducing thinness. For the old hours, the worm was called hliborost. The villagers took care of them, they needed warm, light days, and the cereals were raised: “For 137 warm days, the winter wheat has been raised, and the winter wheat appears to be warm, but it is more ripe earlier than 149.

StubbleStubble is a great hour. The peasants needed an hour for sure, if they could fix it, and soon, and in good weather. And here the diggers fought for everything and everything: behind the sky, stars, roslin, creatures and coma. The stiffness of the grain was twisted to the tooth: the spikelets were torn, they were forcing - in the mouth: as if the grain was rumbled, that means, it was stuck.

The day the cob of stubble was called Zazhinki. They took up the stubble at once, they went to the field with their whole homeland. And if they were smart, they didn't want to get in on the harvest themselves, then they clicked on help. The robot was very important. Bringing to get up to the party and virus on the field. Naygolovn_she bulo immediately take a crop. Everybody forgot about their ailments and little ones. If you zberesh, then you live up to it. I am getting sick - good, I want it hard, but I want to bring joy. Yakshcho the grain grew tall and thick, they willed the sickle to pick up the sickle, and they mowed down the low and middle cornfield with a scythe. The mowed dewlines were stuck in the sheaves.

GRAIN THRESHINGThe villagers scrupulously rocked the terms of the stubble, and even though the weather did not allow it to roll, the grain was left behind, it was unattainable to clean up. Green spikelets were growing in the winter regions, and the stinks simply did not rise to ripen.

The name of the stubble was finished until the day of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos - 28 sickle (15 sickle in the old style). The people's name is saint - Spozhinki.

Sheaves of spat were taken to the barn for chi kluonya. Ovin - gospodarska sporuda, they dried the sheaves before threshing. Winzvichay folded in yami, de-roasted pich without a chimney, and also from the upper tier, kudi stored sheaves. Riga is a good source of food for dry sheaf bread and a lion. Riga was big for the barn. They dried up to 5 yew. sheaves, tody yak in the barn - no more than 500.

Stigle grain was transported to the threshing floor - a fenced-in dilanka of earth, designated for the harvesting, threshing and processing of grain - and threshing there. Tse buv one of the most important stages of development. The people who were bagatche were magalized to ask someone to help the Viconati robot. And the robot fought the axis of the chomu: they took the hammer (threshed) or threw it into the sheaves, and the grain was "visibly". To reject the short-lived and unbroken straw, they pounded the sheaf about the barrel. More and more methods of steel were replaced by threshing for an additional hammer, which were used for the production of steam. There were special promises of threshers, which were hired in their cars. The threshing of the bread was threshed, not at once, during the process of dragging on, threshed both in autumn, and on the cob of winter. When the grain was threshed, it wilted - chime, standing on the threshing blade behind an additional blade.

IN MLINCIKhlib, yak vidomo, bake from boroshnaya. Schob otrimat flour, grain needs to be refined - grind. The first tools for the refinement of grain are buli kam'yan mortar and mother. We did not grind the grain, but grind it. The process of grinding grain is consistently thoroughly complete.

Significant crock ahead of becoming the winhid of manual milling. The base is zhorna - two important plates, where the grain is rubbed. The lower zhorna got up unruly. The grain was seared through a special opening at the upper beetle, which collapsed by the meat force of the people or creatures. The great importance of the zhorn wrapped the horses of the chi biki.

Grinding grain fell, the robot's alove, as before, lost its importance. The situation changed only for the purpose of constructing water mln. In rural areas, the flow rate is too small to wrap the wheel with the power of a water jet. For the stem of the onslaught, the rivals were dammed, piece by piece they raised the water rins and straightened the troughs on the wheel blades. At one o'clock, Mlyn’s devices were fully realized, the vintryaks appeared, their shovels wrapped the vіter. Vіtryaki buduvali in areas de close to the water. The creatures collapsed at the zhorn's actions - horses, bicks, donkeys.

Vipichka hlibaFor a long time, gentlemen baked hlib practically every day. Zazvychay quickly repaired zashuvatische on the svitanka. They put on a clean odeag, they prayed, and they proceeded to the robot.

The recipe for the dough buli rіznі, albeit the main components were filled with boron that water. If the flour did not start, then they bought it at the bazaar. For re-adjustment of the quality, they tried it out "by the teeth". They took a little bit of bush and rozzhovuvali, as "just", it happened, good tax and not even sticky to the hands, that means, well, good.

Before mixing, the paste was sifted through a sieve. Well, in the process of prompting, there is little "nadikhatsya".

In Russia, they baked black "sour" hlib. Chornim win nazivavsya that, for yogo preparing vicoristovuvalosya life is good, but there is a dark color, not wheat. "Sour" - this is what the sour leaven was vikorystovuvala. Having suspended in the fermented - wood cadushts - just and having formulated the rounds of bread, Mr.

When ready it was just sent out at the pich. Stoves in Russia are special boules. The stench took in the primitiveness, baked bread, cooked it, slept, and sometimes drove away and got used to it.

They put Khlib in the evening with a prayer. At the same time, after the bread is near the oven, it cannot be cooked and cooked in kimos. Khlib todi is not visible.

Slices (hangings), and the cytokine, vivodyat organic brood - surplus of enzymes in slunk juice, zhovchny acid, bilirubin, cholesterol. Visions add to the normalization of intestinal flora - adsorb pathogenic microorganisms, give a calm intestinal stick, normalize intestinal peristalsis. Before that, there was a lot of polysaccharides, the best for our bifidobacteria: in 1 cm3 of slurry juice there are close to 10 million bifidobacteria. This is quite natural, since it is unaccountably amusing for bifidobacteria, which, for example, vitamins B12, їzhі, start the mechanism of diabetic diabetics.

When there is a pile of kam'yani zhorny, the winery of the most famous rhymes does not occur - the must-haves, aromatic speeches and ferments are taken into account. We can roam hand-held mlin we can lead a broom of soft and hard varieties of wheat, wheat, barley, veins, soy, amaranth, etc. Yachmin vzagalі divovizna culture і, mabut, nevipadkovo, barley is called "the streak of light". For a long time ago, they were happy with barley, and they were quiet, for those who need it, for everything, strength and vitality. Livestock - the price of natural tastes. For the old hours in Russia, I respected that living in the life of the life gave me a life tone, my mood. Zhito is good for zalnozmіtsnyuchu dіyu і normalizu obmin rechovin. And the best kvass from baked kvass is life kvass. The price is the most lively and biologically valuable drink, from the best of the season. Non-fudge cim with savory and cinnamon-like flavors were swallowed by the earth, which made Russia more expensive.

Wheat dough (gritty), it is possible to get rid of it with a bunch of broomsticks, it’s a breeder’s power, as it’s not a pity.

In other words, ruchniy mlyn, may be the term of exploitation of dozens of rockets, serves you, protecting the health of the family, stretching out many generations.

Who has the value of the broomstick between the kam'yanim zhorny?

Perche, and even more importantly, when the broomstick is fluffy to become "alive" with a stretch of a few dibs.

In other words, the whole folding process of brooming wheat grains on a daily varietal milli of straightening on those that are more likely to endosperm (from a new infection and to be washed out) from a germ, shield, aleurone (enzymatic) ball, shells (visi).

So, the most valuable grain warehouses, which play an extremely important role in the food of the people, in the direction of going to feed the creatures, including vitamins.

The role of the meaning of vitamins in the food home. Ї If, for example, from grain and rice, they began to see non-gravitated, nibit, components, and were written with white-flowered rice, for an hour, there were no problems. Because of this, specific problems appeared, such as a parallel and destructive neurological character, which was called "beri-beri". By the time it became clear that people weren’t vistacha. And those who did not start, took revenge yakraz at the rice lushpinna, yak vikidal or cheered the creatures. Todi thought they lacked Lanka and knew її. Chimichno vono viyavilosya amin, which, obviously, is the nose of life (vita (lat.) - Life). So the name was named "Vitamin".

Ruchny mlyn

The axis of the vitamin B, as and the first of the vitamins, is practically brought up and at our hour on the most modern installation, it is also easy to see and see at the entrance.

Rozpodіl vitamіnu In the near parts of wheat grain in the vicinity (For D. Hitkoku, D. Hitkoku and B. Show):

32% - in the aleurone (enzyme) sphere;

62% - at the scutellum, in vitamins B (6%), approximately equal in size, with entosperm, embryo, pericarp.

A similar picture is taken from the other vitamins. To go, for 150 years, Lyudin didn’t get smart!

They knew about it in the biblian hour, vzhayuchi in full hammer and good health, one of the main minds of the whole affair.

Khlib for the recipe of the Book of the Prophet Ozekiyil "Take your wheat and barley, and beans, and friends, and wheat, all in one bowl, and so much bread ...".

It’s not marvelous, it’s alright, it’s bitterly bright, in what’s nothing is dumb, dear, it’s not fresh (and, that means, it’s alive) is unbroken.

However, the whole madness will not end. It is boring, the natural color of what is creamy, through the presence of carotenoids (group A provinces), it is possible to get over it from the consumption of chemistry, which is standard for the boron industry - chlorine gas. The United States Agency for the Protection of the Middle East is to introduce gas to pesticides and because of this, it is badly bloody, old and oxidizing (forget it), an agent that is a forced irritant of a deadly child for the rest of the life. On one of the central channels of the Central Television, there were some rockets to that, there were sounded the data about those who saw the chlorination of the driver and the transition to the other, more safe ways of knowing how to get to the end of all the middle trivialities of life - by 15! Chlorine in contact with wheat (duplicate contact of chlorine with boron occurs at the moment of substitution with chlorinated tap water at all bakeries)

Alloxan is so kind to go to the old school, so how can you get it out of your preschool children for the development of diabetes in pre-old laboratory creatures!

Then where did our ancestors bake bread from whole grain? It’s just boring from whole grain, as you already know, to take revenge on your own vitamins of group B, a macro and microelement that embryo, which is a fantastic concept of power. The embryo is refined and fermented, and the shells are replaced by the cich, by the nature of the leafy parts of the grain, all the food additives are added to the fermented, with a cheeky way of the wings, the substitutes, as the nature of nature cannot learn to learn. Refined flour becomes a mucus-producing product, like a frog's breast to the bottom of the slag and slags our body. Rafіnuvannya is an expensive, vitreous process, and at the same time I drive in the power of grain. I only need wine in order to keep it safe from the sun. It’s not boringly, it’s not possible to buy (vlіtku), red is not needed. Do not take away the grain, but if necessary, you can pick it up well. So be sure. The grain is alive. If you get too shallow, the old process should be repaired at once. You can say that it’s more beautiful to be more beautiful than it’s dead. Experiments over the years of the shchurids have shown that even after 14 days, a bit of life in the forest grows fast, but when it is old and dry, in the fourth generation, I usually eat it. For the first time in the business of the trade, we can relate the vicious practice of reincarnating a God-given food that is rich in food.

As early as the 19th century, Doctor Platen's "Book for the sick and the healthy", 1895 saw the words: "As soon as people will be refined, they will be refined (and that 50 didn’t get stuck to others, to replace the leavens close to others) obov'yazkovo come to the rosy and physical ruinuvannya. "

Guess our Russian culture schodo uzhi, zokrema hliba. If our wise grandmothers baked bili khlib (drink on leaven)? Only at the great saint, sometimes in the week and in the long run.

The scent has a very high biological value for the biological value of kulag, which is cooked from malt, and wine - from sprouted grain. Kulags are all the miracles of the leaks. So is the grain sprouted? The number of vitamins B1 grows 1.5 times, B2 - 13.5 times, B6 - 5 times, E - 10 times!

At every day they baked hlib, preparations from the sum of life and wheat borosh (Karelian pies - hvirtki), from the sum of wheat from the Greek - reference Russian mintz (gur'evski), from the egg Polish soups, and in the sum of wheat - baked.

It’s a pity, for the last 100 years we have to see it, and it’s even more troubling for all of us!

People started to relish that scent of sprazhnyy khlib.

I don't remember anymore that bread was baked for the old hours with sourdough. Use the components of the leaven є to wick the herb-like fermentation and to wick the fermentation process. Famous rural sourdoughs (a sourdough - a whole lot, sourdough for other hops, rods, supplemented with natural zucru or honey, rich and red malt) were prepared from lively borosh, barley, wheat. The very same sourdoughs filled the body with vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants, and sourced it beforehand. The bosses of a whole lot of people became energetic, old-fashioned, stiff until they got cold and became ill.

In the middle of the 40s, when the hop sourdoughs were replaced by others. It has been established by us that the head of the government is wandering. Drozhdzhytsya power is transferred through the bread (in 1 cubic cm of mature presence of 120 million other tiles) at the roof, and the roof can begin to wander. Fusel gas, scho to pretend in the presence of a tsomu, similar to a corpse otrut, to come, in the pearl, in the brain, ruining its function. Rizko memory, building to a logical misnomer, creative work. Dіyuchi on a clerical ryvnі, dіyuchi wіklіkіut in organіzmі the adoption of kind and crayfish puffins. To add fuel to the cellina, which will add to the dilemma of building, tobto. breed health

One of the miracles of our body is the process of regeneration. For example, if 70% of the stove is seen, then after 3-4 months it can be seen again. Pidshlunkova zloza also has maximum health before regeneration.

The main mind for the passage of regeneration is the visibility in the organism of the processes of wandering. And wandering in the body is victorious, the head rank, the others. An extravagant fungus does not live in human organisms through a high temperature. Along with the zealots of the geneticists, a special type of thermo-resistant animals was introduced, which miraculously multiply at temperatures of 43-44 degrees and the building temperature is 500-degrees in the oven.

And others are able to resist the onslaught of phagocytes, which is responsible for immunity, but for the purpose of fighting. Drozhdzhovy cells deserve the least of the kidnapped cells of our body and see the speeches of a small molecular weight. Sugars, on the basis of tissue cells, are even stiffer, do not ruin during the preparation process, nor before the infusion of enzymes and acids in the intestinal tract. Tsіdіzhі from the grass tract to use the blood stream, multiplying from the geometric progress. At the same time, the normal activity of the etching organs is broken: the slunker, the slurry, the zhivkovy mikhura, the stove. In the intestines, the processes of gnit are built up.

Vchenі all svіtu already long ago scored on a flash. Razkrito mechanisms of negative influx of others on the body of people. About the writing of the French professor Et'in Wolf, academician F.G. Uglov, P.P. Dubinin (Pratsi MINKH im. Plekhanov), Rosin Dzhanfranko ("Evidence for the specialness of others", Canadian Journal of Microbiology ", 1983 p. 29, number 10, store 1462), S.A. Konovalov (" 1962 " M., Pishchepromizdat, stor 13-14), vlskor "Izvestia" L. Volodin (Paris, 27 fierce on the phone, published 28 fierce side 4), B.A. Rubin (Brodinnya. - BME, vol. 3, 1976 , page 383-384), V. M. Dilman ("Chotiri Models of Medicine", L., Medicine, 1987. pages 40-42, 214-215), Merylin Diamond, Donald Shell, (USA "Acid-Lime Balance" ), V. Mikhaylov, L. Trushkina (“Uzha - on the right is gray.” M., “Young Guard”, 1988, stor 5-7). Bibliography on this topic can be prodovzhuvati, a little more beautifully wondered, as well as thermophilic and other food products, prepared from the foodstuffs.

From the same, it is repeated: other sugar-sweeteners (thermophilic others), which get used to alcohol industry, brewery and baked goods, in a wild country in nature do not develop, so that it is not the origin of the hands of human beings, For morphological signs of the stench lie to the simplest common fungi and microorganisms. Tsukromitseti, unfortunately, are more thorough, lower fabrics, independent temperatures, pH of the middle, together with food. When zruynovany lizozyme sludge obolontsi klitini stench prodovzhuyut life. Tsіkaviy dosvіd french poached Etien Wolf, which cultivated for 37 months, the pooh in a test, in which there is an extract of drіzhіv, which ferment. For an hour, for 16 months, I was cultivated for such minds, the pose of a ring with living tissue, intestinal fluff. As a result of the experiment, it was lost, but at such a size the size of the chubby was rubbed with a stretch of one weight. Ale yak only, the extract was seen from the point of view, the pukhlina was ginula. There was a burst of crumbled frogs, so that extracts of old people take a place of speech, which stimulates the growth of crayfish fluffs (Izvestia newspaper).

At the same time, Canada and England have established the building of other people who drive in. Clitini-clergy, clitini-vbivtsi of others drive sensitive, men are taken away by the organisms by the nobility of seeing in them out-of-the-way cells of a small molecular weight. Toxic block on the plasma membrane, increased penetration for pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Drizhdzhi will use a spat near the herb path, which is already in the bloodstream. With such a rank, the stench will become a "Trojan horse", for the help of a thief, you will eat up to our body and give it to your health.

Thermophilic other layers are tenacious, but at three times a day they are active only when they grow up. Seemingly, in case of vypіkanny hlіba other dіzhdzhі does not fall, but is stored in the capsules from the gluten. Drinking into the body, the stench to make your own ruinous activity. Infected to the fachіvtsyam already kindly those, when the proliferation of dyzhdzhіv form ascospores, which are found in our herbal tract, and then they consume to the bloodstream, destroy the membranes of the clitin, which are prone to cancer.

Not at all at another All-Holy Congress of Phytotherapy in Praz in 1990, Professor Larbert, from the standpoint of talking about the tooth injection on health of refined white bread, cooked on the other. Trivial reception of such a hlib (and my yogo rocks) calls to the low described by Larbert for the name of hemoliasis. It may manifest itself as headaches, sleepiness, drowsiness, problems from persecution, trust in misery, decrease in activity status, increase in blood viscosity. Larbert vvazhaє, that hemoliasis is more widening and not safe, less tuberculosis.

Vipikannya khliba in folk cuisine was established by a free ritual. The secret of this preparation is passed down from generation to generation. Mayzhe skin is a small secret. Khlib was cooked about once a day on fresh sourdoughs. Vikoristannya of unrefined, life-like boroshna made it so that it would be chlib and buv coarse, ale of revenge, then all the corny words, like in cereals. And when vypikannі in the Russian stove hlіb add unforgettable relish and aroma. It is quite possible to say that there was no such bread, like in Russia, there was no nicholas in the light. Buv needed wines from great numbers. The average peasant, for example, has three pounds of hlib (a pound of expensive 430 grams) near the 19th century. The very same hlib allowing the intestine to regulate the robot.

Khlib in Russia is the head of the cooler's virob. Yogo was taken to the singing rules, they did not violate traditions. We went to the whole process in a creative way, with love. Vazhaliya, as in the booth of a dumb thing, as dumb hlib, the wisdom taught that, if there was no need to choose a test for a vip.

Cereals were especially popular, and they are also very popular for the organisms of microelements, in carbohydrates and drinks. Boroshnі virobi sowed organism for sickness, gave strength and vitriality. A lot of people in ancient Russia vypikali were deprived of wheat bread, and until the end of the 13th century they had to bake a crop. Wheat has become an expensive product, and it has become more patronizing. Biliy hlib buv favored the nobility of the merchants, and their own people of old countries could afford to live.

In order to produce a live cow, it is necessary to ferment with a special grade, the fragments of life are well added to the gluten and to form yak wheat thickly. An hour passed, the first time people came to bake a good life bread, a lot of recipes for preparing such an "important" test were lost in secrets, passed on from generation to generation because of the hope of protecting the life of this life.

Wheat hlib vypikali for the praised sovereign laws. For the middle rules, described in the instructions for the home government "Domostroi", clearly stated the rules and the procedure for making bread from wheat. The bakers are mali following the established rules, and the bakers are in vain. For example, when it was used, it’s right, it’s right, it’s like a little bit of “smittya” when it’s made, like it’s gotuvati dough, like it’s misitytisto, roll in the forestry blanks of such a form to blame it.

Especially respectful to the pros_yuvannyu borosna. Robit the price can be boiled through a sieve, todiv "sitny" baked goods, good quality, or through a sieve - "resilient" baked goods can be used. They made simple mealy baked bread from the raw flour. Yogo was sold to the market for a low price;

At the 17th centuries in Russia, they have practiced new bakeries, who have been honored by this craft and have been honored to play the game. The profession had people who were transformed, they were healthy and strong, it was also the family business that passed on the secrets of virobnitting to their children. During the hours of Peter the Great, a rich bakery was seen, the tsar took it. At the end of an hour, there was a wine-growing of special "large-scale" bread, a drink of the most popular varieties of wheat, they served this style to high-ranking dignitaries and overseas guests.

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