Map of Saturn Russian language

I think it’s a novina to trick us, who wants to use cosmic cartography. In the days, NASA published a picture of six of the seven greatest companions of Saturn: it’s not very good, but Titan has lost a picture without a picture;


Rhea is Saturn's other companion by size. Tse kam'yan-kryzhany tilo, whose diameter is 1528 kilometers. The surface is heavily cracked, and there are some deep craters behind the surface, perhaps the ocean - no more abandoned practical witnesses have been found. Previously, the pretense of being overwhelmed, but Rhea can make his own Kiltsev system, but the caution did not approve of this hypothesis.


Iapetus is the third size companion of Saturn. The diameter of the body becomes 1436 kilometers and in the same way as the head of two speeches: his own drinks, which radically grow beyond the color, and the walls of Iapetus. The guide of the Iapetus pivot (the one that is straightened along the way along the orbit) is chorno yak vugilla, that is, it’s the best way to shine like that, yak snig, scho vipav. Another detail of Iapetus, which is intrigu, is displayed by the device "Kassini" sov. "Stina" is a girsky ridge, scho operіzu a companion mayzhe exactly according to the adequacy. Winning is 1300 kilometers from a maximum width of 20 kilometers and a height of 13 kilometers. Tsikavo, even before Yapet's years the space ship "Discovery One" in the novel by Arthur Clarke "Cosmic Odyssey 2001 to Rock" .


Quarters behind the size of Saturn's mate is 1118 kilometers in diameter. The name of Dion will dungeon Rhea. As soon as you fall from the Rhea, you will see a runaway, as you go over the surface of Dioni, having started to navigate the ever-wider ocean - against some indirect evidence, no one knows yet.


The size of Saturn's companion, the diameter of the road is 1060 kilometers. Most of the time it is more likely to be stored under the ice - the average power is less than the power of water. A detail on the surface of Rhea is a canyon Itaka, which is 3 to 5 kilometers wide, up to 100 kilometers wide, stretching for 2000 kilometers (3/4 of Tephia cola). Vvazhaєya, as soon as it was possible to settle in the course of freezing under the surface ocean of Tefiya, as soon as I got rid of it.


The one behind the size of Saturn's companion has a diameter of 513 kilometers. Enceladus became one of the leading displays of the "Kassin" mission and at a time gets involved in one of the most popular types of Sonyachny systems. The bridging of the pole of Enceladus roztashovani geysers, which actively wikidate near space the sum of water, ammonia, nitrogen, methane and other carbohydrates. The whole train stretches for thousands of kilometers, the ring of Saturn E, like without Enceladus, has long been gone. Likewise, Enceladus vidomii with his "tiger smogs" - a small range of ridges and breaks at the pivdennaya pivkuly of a companion, a height of 500 meters, a width of two kilometers, and a length of -130 kilometers. Obviously, the price of hiring a young woman on the surface of Enceladus, who can become deprived of a few thousand rockets. Well, most importantly: the selected "Kassin" dans were set up, so far away from the crooked bark of the first pole

Saturn will sit at the very place of the Sonyachniy system. Saturn itself, like Jupiter, is carried to the giant planets. Krym, the whole planet can be hit from the Earth without special attachments.

Vaga planet Saturn to become 5.68 * 10 ^ 26 kilograms, її diameter - 120 thousand kilometers, and the orbital radius - 1.429.4 million kilometers. In orbit, Saturn will wrap around 29.46 rocky. The strength of the planet is very low. Won to become a leash of 0.63 grams per cubic centimeter. The low power of the planet is explained by the manifestation at the warehouse of helium and water. The period of Saturn's wrap around its axis is only 10 years old.

The planet Saturn will dungeon the planet Jupiter. At the same atmosphere, there is also a presence of gloom, which was deposited with methane, ammonia, water vapor and other elements. Likewise, one should try to struggle against each other and threaten. To reach the magnetic field of the planet tighter, protestingly gives in to the magnetic field of Jupiter.

Due to the peculiarity of this planet є the appearance of strained children, which can be poked around a small telescope. The system of Saturn's children has three parts, which are subdivided by shields. At the warehouse there is a great number of fragments from stones and ice. The size of such ulamics is varied from the size of the powder to several meters. The species is even more hostile and beautiful, the hoops are similar to expensive framing, as much as jewelry. Before the speech, if you dwell about the beauty and health of your nigtiv, then it is recommended to sign up for a course of manicure and growth of nigtiv near Moscow, on the website for the best, you will know all the information about your food.

For the advancement of the planet on Saturn, a number of space apparatuses have been sent. First buv "Pioner-11". Through the photograph of Saturn, the bullets were destroyed by the space devices Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Nayvazhlivіshі results and was broken up by the space device "Cassіni". Hubble's companion also robbed the signs of Saturn:

Today we see close to 60 fellow travelers of the planet Saturn, many of them wrap around even the great ones from the planet itself in different orbits. Yak allow for a lot of people, most of them the planet has swallowed up from comets and asteroids, so they have spilled over, beyond its gravitational field. The majority of Saturn's companions is low.

The most famous and the greatest companion of Saturn, the companion Titan, who was in the 17th century by the astronomer Huygens. The diameter of the Titanium warehouse is close to 5 thousand kilometers. The companion's strength is low. Yak vverdzhuut vchenі, at the warehouse of the companion Titan є Kam'yane core, wedge the shell in the ice. The atmosphere for Titan is awesome. It is stored in 90% nitrogen and small amounts of argon, methane and other gases. The vice of the companion's atmosphere is developing, not earthly. The temperature of the surface of the companion should be approximately - 180 ° C.

> Saturn system

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- the planet of the Sonyachnoy system. The last of the planet, fellow travelers, children, history of the event, the launch of space apparatuses Voyager and Cassini with photos.

In our Sonyachny system one can know one of the most beautiful and found vivid memorials. The 6th planet beyond the distance from Sontsya is one of the largest gas giants - Saturn. It’s enough to get close to the planet, and because of the buried, thousands of thin dusters are drawn from other lines of material. In addition, 62 companions wrap themselves around, so they see fit for sizes. Seven of them are majestic, which can be a great opportunity for the future colonies. Let's respectfully vivchimo yak viglyadaє system of Saturn.

Kiltsya and companions of the Saturn system

Companions Janus and Tefiya "hung" on the wings

Obviously, the most special feature of the planet Saturn is the її system of kіlets. Presented by fragments from water ice. It can be done with a saw, but it must be adjusted to the parameters of the machine. Hunting 282,000 km, a little thin in the edge. Also, if the planet is arranged sideways to us, then the stench is practically not washed away.

Above the circle of Saturn came through Galileo Galilei at 1610 rots. The first glances meant two arcs, ale came to the device for fixing thousands of others. Remain cautious to show that the system is folded up, but they didn’t respect it before. Є thin designs and spinal structures. It was also a matter of fact, that the children were fixated on the mission and re-emerged from the other supporters.

The family of Saturn's companions consists of 62 representatives, which are seen in the middle of their scales. 7. The largest is Titan, which turns Mercury by size. They are less, and also a group of flooded asteroids.

24 ob'єkti will take you to the class of regular months. Smell zdіysnyuyut wrap a practical circular orbit and for a direct response to the planetary. Vvazhayut, scho appeared immediately on the planet, angry from the materials of ancient nebula. Інші 38 - irregular, even stronger in the distance, roztashanі pіd nahilom, and the orbital path is characterized by eccentricity. A lot of them are overwhelmed with retrograde orbits (the straightness of the wrapping does not converge with the planetary one). Vvazhayut, before the bully asteroids flooded the gravity of Saturn.

Є a group of Christian monks, approaching the Cyclists' system. Їх gravitation in pouring in the formulation of the cake and the preservation of its structure. Also the stink of opening the gaps between the rings.

Vivchennya of the system of Saturn

Unimportant on the great road from the Sontsya, from the early hours of Saturn. Before the planet was ruled by 4 space missions. 1979 rock first launched Pioneer-11. We flew close to a gloomy curvature and indicated signs of the low, razor-sharp building of the planet and many months. Alle the image, there is a lack of clarity, and the visualization of the critical structure. However, in the distance to know the F-ring and intelligence, but the gaps between the rings are reminiscent of thin material.

1980 Voyager 1 arrived in rock, and Voyager 2 arrived in 1982. At the same time, they took a photo of Saturn in front of other separate buildings, which helped to visualize the powerless new companions, as well as a folding Kiltsev system - stacked from thousands of arcs.

2004 for the first time into orbit viyshov apparatus Kassini. Knowing the planet that vivchav kiltsya and fellow travelers. The Huygens probe was also removed from the surface of Titan. The apparatus has confirmed the presence of methane lakes. We have seen 4 new months and fixes of the geysers on Enceladi. Cassini also zooms for the first time to pass through the rings of the planet and spin at the її atmospheric ball in 2017 rotsі.

Maybut will clear up missions to Enceladus and Titan. Among them is the TSSM, in which space is NASA and ЄKA. Ale is the exact date of the accident.

Saturn System Warehouse

I will name my Saturn in honor of the ancient god of hopes, the patron saint of agriculture, the father of Jupiter. If you wiggle the Saturn telescope, with rings, you will drown in spirit.

Mayuchi system kіlets, Saturn represents a hostile species in a telescope, whatever the size. Kiltsya is stocked from non-cut crooked ulamks in sizes from powder to shaved from booths. Smells make three wide rings, yakim, repaired from the last, appropriately designated A, B and C. Two voyager expeditions have killed hundreds of old children, from which heads are stored. Yaskravі kіltsya А і In the distribution by the wedge Cassini, which should be built empty. According to Voyager's tribute, it’s not the time between rings, but less space for words.

Imovirne pokazhennya kіlets is more upbeat bulo proponated at the nineteenth century. French mathematician Edouard Roche, as if letting go, he was a small fellow, as if he had come close to the planet, he could be rocked by tidal forces. Mozhlivo, in the last one, a little bit of heavenly objects appeared as neighbors beyond the "border of the Roche" to Saturn and bully rozirvani on the shmat, which made the circle.

Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune may well be the case, but you don’t think of such changes and it’s not so easy to sponsor, like the circle of Saturn.

The unique poles of Saturn can also pay homage to the past. The hexagon is the pivnichniy pole of the planet, which is the correct six-yoke, which can be wrapped around against the year's arrows.

Saturn's companions

Saturn knows 18 natural companions, and those of Titans are the other for the size in the Sonya system of the message of Ganimed, the companion of Jupiter. Titanium has an atmosphere that can be stored with nitrogen and methane. The diameter of Titan is 5,150 km, and there is a whole range of different companions, which has a great atmosphere.
In some of Saturn's companions, the surface is covered with ice and cracked with craters. The giant impact crater Mimas, which I will name as Herschel, having pretended to be locked up, as the companion didn’t seem a little zyruynuvali. Iapetus (diameter 1440 km) is a riddle. The rear pivkulya is similar to the іnshі supporters. However, the provincial drink depicts less than one tenth of a part of the light that falls on it - it is covered with a dark red ball of an unattended walk.

Sposterіgayuchi Saturn

Forward, put it in a telescope, you will remember it. To wind at a binocle, if the circle is not viral, it is uncomfortable for its shape to be twisted, not to interfere. The staff of space boxes with rich technologies have become available for the upholstery, for example, 3D X-ray allows you to make a picture of an object that is not trivial, if you want a bit of rock in that price that has been respected by fiction.
If I want to go to Saturn, there is a little more intelligence, but the change will rise more and more, now on Jupiter, the hoops of the whole planet will become a great interest. Hit the titanium practically in a small telescope, and in a 150-mm telescope - three companions.
On the side of Jupiter's companions, who are expected to be motivated in one line, Saturn's companions may appear even lower than the planet, some of the wanderings of the earth, like the wandering of the Earth, have been fucking up. Oskilki the period of Saturn's turning around the Sontsya becomes 29 years, the kind of turnings changes more and more. The stench will be rocked before us, and about 14 times the ruble will turn around. For the Saturnian rik of the twins, we move at the most beautiful position for caution - once we can marvel at them from below.

The map of Saturn shows your position to self-discipline, order and flexibility. As long as you are unique in the hard life lessons, Saturn brings in your life, if you change your mind, you will not see the problems right in your eyes. In some cases, there may be some ailments, or some important things, but if you correctly take those that come up, then you will see wine. Saturn rules with wisdom and karma. The bosses of Saturn will see you correctly vicoristovuvati you have been given the power that you can exert yourself over yourself independently, not allowing people to live in the surroundings to rob you for you. Map in tsіy positsії, including viprobuvannya, scho vipadayut on your part, and explain how it works with them. For example, Dvіyka Worms in charge of those, but the basic lessons will be tied with emotions and tied together. Vіsіmka Tambourine yak The picture of Saturn means, wlada, pennies and values ​​tied for you with the help of self-discipline. Oskilki Saturn Keru and Kar'arayu, Visimka, in the same position, talk about the purposefulness and ambition that is necessary for achieving success.

The map of Saturn governs the period of life: from 53 to 65 rock

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Potential of Saturn, straightening on self-satisfying, important for a little more thoughts in one's own mind and at the same time. Do not just look at your strength, do not just look at the aspects of life, as they could be the cause of your problems. Life will become meaningfully lighter, if you understand that the problems are in the most beautiful way to reach the wisdom and inner strength, as long as you are ready to practice and read the power of knowledge. If your Map of Saturn is one of the figurine cards, if you don’t only give a special gift, or you can give a strong influx of people to the sphere of vision. Zzvychay tse strong woman in vipadku Dami is a strong cholovik in vipadku King.

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