How to clean a pike as a lure. How to remove loose brushes from pike fillet. Cleaning frozen fish

Asked: “How to cut a pike into cutlets?” the gentleman’s skin wonders, as it first shut up due to such necessity. Of course, if you have a competent mentor, then such a problem is likely to happen very quickly. What should we do if we have lost money every day?

There are a number of options here:
1.You can carefully read the video on this topic, otherwise this method will not be easy to use;
People, who fillet the fish first, pay richly more for the professionals who produce the initial videos. As a result, the video constantly has to be skipped or rewinded.

2. you can call your relatives, friends and people you know;
So this is not the best option, some of the actions of the “kind-hearted people” may begin to let off the heat, but the actions will not be explained at all.

3. You can read both video materials and text information, which is most often supplemented by side-by-side pictures.
Perhaps, in the most optimal way, you can thoughtfully read the text material from the beginning, and then begin to visualize new knowledge.

Why pike?

Honestly, why do so many people choose pike meat for cooking, despite the fact that when handling this fish you can easily get hurt? In fact, the answer is obvious: pike is a valuable source of various microelements for the human body.

Creamy pike meat contains almost pure protein, and 100 g of product contains only 1.1 g of fat.

It’s also important to forget that pike is a “king” fish. Apparently, in the past it was “prestigious” to serve on the table.

With this pike, you can prepare almost anything: stuffed fish, cutlets, pies, jellied meat, yushka. It’s delicious, it’s colorful and it’s beautiful, what else can you dream about?

The pike is a small fish, the average weight of its body weighs 1 meter, and the average weight weighs up to 8 kg.

Pokrov's "recipe" for pike harvesting

Today's top chefs need to accept a simple truth: First of all, the pike is clean and the kitchen is clean - these words are absurd. And then put on a kitchen apron, gum gloves, prepare a bunch of sharp knives and a wooden board.

Alright, let's get started:

  • take the fresh fish by the tail and begin to peel the chuck from it (the arms from the tail to the head);
  • shake the head of the pike, making small cuts from the fringes;
  • swim swimmers;
  • make a cut along the body of the fish (roll from head to tail), carefully remove all the fillings;
  • rinse the fish in cold water, dry with a paper towel;
  • place the pike on its back, open it;
  • Using a sharp knife, cut one half of the fish from the ridge, repeat with the other half;

Please! Don’t throw away the pike’s head, swimmer’s back, with their help you can prepare a tasty fish.

  • take the usual tweezers for shavings, place the fillet with the skin in front of you and remove the brushes that are missing (in this way, you need to clean both halves);
  • fix the flesh with your hand, insert between the skin of the fish and the meat, smoothly cut from the tail to the head;
  • Strengthen the fillet from the skin.

That's it, the pike trimming process is completed. Anything that is no longer available to earn, take it after you. Before speaking, to get rid of the strong fishy smell, freshen up with lemon.

Just cut it open and wipe it with a knife, your tablet and your hands. Afterwards, go over all surfaces carefully.

So, in fact, cleaning and dressing a pike is not so difficult, you just need a little bit of turpentine and the great desire to impress your loved ones with a new culinary masterpiece!

Pike is a tasty fish with cinnamon, a lot of brushes and sharp teeth. Therefore, not all gentlemen love to give away their money. Your boyfriend brought a rich species from fishing, but you don’t know how to harvest a pike? Don’t be embarrassed, ours will be happy to help you earn a kitchen robot with a safe oven. Stock up on terpenes and get started.

We chop the pike - preparation

Please, it’s easier to pick up fresh fish. If you spend a few hours in the refrigerator, it will be more important to practice. Clean frozen pike after thawing the fish. Take everything from the table. Cover the pieces of furniture and the stove with paper or polyethylene so that there are no problems with further cleaning through breezes and fish shells that fly on all sides. Prepare:

  • Gostry Nizh. Since you have a special device in your kingdom for cleaning fish, vikorist yogo.
  • A fine grater and knives.
  • Fartuh.
  • Latex mittens. You can wear gum mittens and put bavovny ones on them.
  • Culinary and cosmetic tongs.
  • Obrobna doshka. It would be better to take a board made of plastic or glass. Wood absorbs odors. Place a dog under the board so that it doesn’t fall on the table.
  • A large bowl for soaking pike. You can hurry up mittyam. Take the dishes out and wash them.

We're picking up pike - why start?

Gently wash the fish under cold water to remove the river mucus. Fill the bowl with water or pour water into a large bowl. Place the fish there. Scald with dill and dry the giblets. Your further activities are as follows:

  • Place the fish on a plate under the cutter and grasp it by the tail. You can hold the tail in one hand over a sink or any utensil, and work with the other. Sip the tail beforehand so that the fish does not slip out of your hands.
  • Remove the weasel with a grate or a knife, straight from the tail to the head.
  • Cut the swimmers with a knife or scissors.
  • Place the pike with its head facing you. Place a puncture on the head and cut a line through the incision to the tail. Make sure the puncture is shallow, otherwise you will damage the internal organs of the fish and contaminate the innards with the innards.
  • Carefully remove the carcass and cut it with a knife. For great pike, you can use okremo to drain the liver. Carefully reinforce them with gum fur. Remove the rubbish from blood clots with the rest; the clots are kept under the blood clots. It's a white color, the ridge is sculpted.
  • Cut through the cartilage that is located between the stalk of the fish and the head.
  • Wash the pike well in the middle and around.

We fillet the pike

Now let’s fillet the carcass:

  • You cut off the head and tail with a sharp knife.
  • Wake up ridge. Open the belly of the carcass and make an incision at the ridge. The spine is cut from the cartilage at once. Do everything carefully, otherwise you will damage the meat. You will have two pieces of fish.
  • Pull the brushes out of the two parts using additional tweezers. Remove all the larger brushes and as many smaller brushes as possible.
  • Remove the skin from the fish if necessary. Place a piece of fillet on a plate, skin side down. Using a fork, press the meat from the side of the tail to the board, and with your other hand, run the knife up from the tail, tightening the skin of the fillet. Similar actions are combined with another piece of fish.

Now you can roast the fillet for minced meat and fish herbs.

How to kill a pike - the best way

This method of processing pike does not require gutting or removing the skin. After cleaning and washing the fish thoroughly, cut it along the backbone into two parts. After the first tenderization of the fillet is fried, the backbone and entrails will be lost on the other meat. Everything is strengthened with pulp. Take tweezers or tongs and carefully and patiently tighten the fillet, starting at the tail. Use tongs to grab the edge of the skin and pull it together. It is impossible to remove the husks from the pulp. This method of processing pike is very successful.

As soon as you show patience and do everything correctly, you will hit the pike by the neck. Boil a savory fish from the heads and fins, bake or coat the fillet with the skin, and stir-fry the strengthened flesh for cutlets and fish casseroles. Enjoy this delicious fish herb!

I’ll first rinse the fish under cold running water and dry it with paper cutlets. After this is prepared, the pike is placed on the board (most likely, if the board is glass or ceramic, the wooden board will absorb the smells of the fish and removing them will be even more problematic). With the help of a sharp knife or an additional device designed for cleaning the fish, remove the fish by the tail, use progressive hands and thus clean the fish. Then, in order to properly clean the pike, you need to do the following:

Either with the help of kitchen knives or some other large knives, the swimmers are picked up. It is necessary to obtain both the fish and the tail swimmers, and without losing the swimmer in place, the placement on the ridge of the fish.

After lifting the zebra cap, you need to pick up the zebra pikes that were spread under it. This process is accomplished by using a small, sharp knife. The zebras are drawn in a way leading out from the place where the white brush is attached. To completely remove the fins, cut the cartilage that is located between the calves and the fish head. When watching out for housewives, you need to concentrate your attention on the edges of the pike’s teeth, which can cut your fingers if you are careless.

To properly handle food and clean pike, you need to learn how to remove the innards without steaming the fish's belly. To properly remove the innards of the pike, you need to cut the head of the fish from the body in the lower part, using a fork and spoon to pull out all the innards. After this, you can remove the skin from the fish and divide it into loin parts.

You can also clean a pike using “panchohoy”. This is the name of the method, which is described below.

We use a knife to make an incision in the white of the head, without crushing the spine or burning the insides!

As a result, once the cut is made, the pike's spine will be broken and the head will be fused.

Pull carefully so that all the fillings come out behind the head, carefully press the pike through the middle.

Prepare other swimmers in a similar manner (cover the holes after the fins with thread before stuffing). Carefully beat the pike carcass with a spatula or the side of a knife (this is done using the method of thinning the skin).

With the help of a knife, we begin to clean up the skin. Use your fingers to pull up the cut skin and then remove it completely. Having reached the tail, cut the ridge without damaging the skin. The axis has already been cleaned up and the pike skins have been cleaned up. Remove the fillet from the ridge. Take the zebra from the pike's head. Pass it carefully. The pike is prepared for stuffing.

Pike fillet is considered a tasty meat, from which you can prepare a variety of herbs in the middle of the lower cutlets. Ale, so as not to lose the brushes, I know it’s far from skinny. And this knowledge is necessary not only for young gentlemen, but also for people, as we understand in cooking.

Pike are distinguished from their counterparts by sharp teeth, which can cause injury if handled carelessly. Ale for the many clumsy recommendations you can admire. Cleaning pike is carried out in several stages, only with this approach you can remove a clearly cleaned fillet.

How to clean a pike?

These pikes can be prepared as a savory herb, a savory appetizer, or a miracle fish. There are a lot of misunderstood gentlemen who enter into family life and often wonder about food you need to clean the pike To prepare the soup, or is it sufficient to rinse and clean the insides?

We can honestly say: to prepare any kind of herb you need to carefully clean the pike, Not just from brushes, but from guts and lustres. Before peeling the cob, peel a bunch of peas.

Porada 1. Clean the pike immediately after fishing or shopping, otherwise, after some time it will be problematic to work.

Porada 2. To clean the carcass, it is necessary to use sharp, large and handy knives to avoid injury and damage to the fins, head and tail.

Porada 3. After cleaning the fish and mitcha, the pike does not get a dry river smell by squeezing fresh lemon juice and sprinkling it on the carcass.

Porada 4. Clean the fish using mittens so that the smell does not get into the skin of your hands.

Porada 5. You need to wrap the dough in foil or spit to avoid the fishy smell.

How to clean a pike as a lure?

Before the main cleaning of the pike, it is necessary to clean the lures. You can earn it in two different ways:

  • scrape them using a special scraper;
  • remove with sandpaper, without scraping.

Place the carcass under a stream of water to remove mucus and cream, place it on a prepared plate, pick up a scraper or a wide sharp blade, and crumble against the growing parts, scraping them step by step. Before the hour of cleaning, you need to carefully trim the fish by the head. First, peel one side, then, turning it over onto the other side, proceed to the other side.

This process is best done on the balcony or in the yard, to avoid the hassle of tidying up after cleaning. After completion, it is necessary to crimp the carcass and print further processing.

How to clean pike for cutlets?

After cleaning the carcass as a luster, it is necessary to print the trimmings onto the fillet. The next thing is to ensure that the pike has a lot of different and medium brushes. You need to know how to properly clean a pike so that the fillet does not have brushes. This must be earned in a number of stages.

Krok 1. Place the fish on a flat plate, carefully remove it through the dorsal, tail and side swimmers. Apply the base of the swimmer. Cut the need against the natural growth of the luski.

Croc 2. It is necessary to rip open the pike's stem with stepping stones and scrape out all the insides. Place the blade of the knife into the area of ​​the scalp and carefully rip the shoot. Carefully, so as not to damage the gum fur, and not allow the gum to sprout, pull out the insides of the name. Next, you need to remove the white spittle to reduce the amount of blood.

Croc 3. At the end of cleaning, cut off the head and carefully rinse the carcass under running water and proceed to disassemble or put it in the freezer.

To prepare the fish for cutlets, you need to know how to quickly clean a pike. This method transfers additional water from the fillet.

Krok 1. The skin needs to be removed from the cleaned carcass.

Croc 2. Divide the fish into two parts: one with the ridge, the other without it. Using a knife, carefully press the backbone out of the meat and remove it.

Croc 3. Using tweezers or your fingers, remove any debris so that the stench does not stick in your throat.

Knowing the technology for cleaning and preparing pike, it doesn’t matter whether you prepare culinary masterpieces with it or make your loved ones happy!

There are many popular recipes that are difficult to prepare - it is difficult to understand how to approach their preparation. For example, stuffed pike - you need to eat a simple herb, but before you know it, cooks always know how to remove the skin from pike so as not to damage it. During the process of stuffing the rib, the stench is less likely to be found in the great saint, and a newbie in the kitchen is more likely to encounter difficulties. Therefore, we encourage you to master this delicate process step by step and become a useful ace in the kitchen!

Stage I: cleaning the luster

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the fish for luster. Perhaps, this is the most unpleasant moment, because the pike’s luster is extremely thick. During the hour of cleaning, it spreads all over the kitchen, so it’s better to clean the pike in the bowl. Golovny, don’t forget to close the drain with a strainer, so that cooking the pike doesn’t turn into a plumber’s cry.

If you are the owner of a private everyday life, then the process is even easier - manually work on the street, carefully cleaning up after this all traces of activity.

Stage II: preparation before skin removal

Once the pike is cleaned, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. For drying, it’s easiest to use kitchen paper towels, so you won’t throw them away later.

For work, you need to give yourself enough space on the dining table so that nothing gets in the way and doesn’t spill out like a pike that inevitably slid from your hands.

We also need a ready-made dish, a container for meals, a hot dish, and a great day to prepare the Christmastide stuffed pike.

Stage III: process of skin removal from pike

The most advanced and most complicated process begins: we begin to remove the panchochoy skin from our pike. Ale mi not afraid of a dozen, so we grab a sharp knife and begin to figure out what it means and what we need to do.

It is necessary to make incisions in the kidney with a sharp knife in the kernels. When the skin is darkened, which unites the head, the back is liable to become unfinished.

Then we carefully remove the insides. This requires caution: we are careful not to damage the skin and not to spoil the wax fur. The last factor is especially important: the spoilage of meat will result from all our preparations, so that the pike will simply have to be thrown out (the meat will be bitter).

Before you begin to remove the skin from the pike, remove the bits from the side of the head with a knife.

The gentlemen are calling to see the swimmers ahead, but not necessarily. With cut swimmers, the skin will have to be sewn up, and if we can remove it without cutting them, then we will definitely “cut and sew.”

The axis immediately begins a complex process. Having trimmed the skin, we begin to slowly twist it. It is important not to rush, so as not to damage the skin and remove it from the large amount of fillet, which risks running out of meat for stuffing the pike.

Having reached the fins, we need scissors to carefully trim them. You can cut it with a knife, but it’s not so easy. It is especially worth noting that we have not yet prepared the stuffed pike.

The tail is cut from the skin at once.

* Rada Povarenka
If there is no meat on the skin, you don’t need to eat it to remove it - there is no difference in cooking and taste, but if you try, peel the skin and there is a risk of tearing it.

After the skin of the pike has been removed, it is necessary to do a little more work on the head in order to prepare and serve it before the Christmas table: the zebra is clearly visible. It is best for anyone to use knives.

As a result of our work, we have pike fillet and carefully removed skin.

* Rada Povarenka
Before stuffing the pike skin with salt and pepper (preferably white pepper), after which we turn the panchokha on the “front side”. After this you can start preparing the filling and stuffing.

Most people don’t want to bother with the delicate fish skin, and few people even know how to skin pike. We suspect that after this master class you will not rise to this level and will begin to prepare your favorite herb no less than a saint. Delicious culinary masterpieces!

Stuffed pike

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