How to update the navigation of the Navitel without restoration. Yak onoviti pictures and programs Navitel on the navigator

Drivers, like caring for car navigators, know that most often the picture is old and does not match the real state of speech. And if the picture is wrong, then the whole ehny zmist is involved. For such a vipad it is necessary to update the navigator, to change the picture.

I don’t know a lot of cars, how to carry out the procedure, which is even more vitreous and foldable, so it’s going to the service centers because it’s possible to help solve the problem. It’s just a matter of the process of developing borderline simplicity and doesn’t require significant vitrates for hours and resources. You can also innovate navigator independently, having spared your pennies.

1. Type of new navigation.

On the market of navigators of the current year, there are unlawful virobniks, as well as the pictures of third-party vendors (for example, in the navigators Prology, Explay and Prestigio there are pictures of the Navitel), as well as specially specific applications for Vikoristannya special cards for a specific navigator to speed up the transition to cards from third-party vendors, unimportant to those that are attached approximately equal to the functionality. In the skin virobnik, the procedures for updating are stored approximately from the same stages, which may not be very promising. The types of navigation systems are designed for the installed navigation system:

1. Updating the Navitel software.

2. Updates to Garmin software.

3. Updating the software security Sitigid.

4. Updating the software for securing the latest virobniks.

The most popular and most popular security software for navigators on the territory of the SND - the price of Navitel. The development of the same method for the establishment of:

1. Installation behind the aid of a personal computer.

2. Installation bezposeredno through the navigator.

2. It is necessary to have it onoviti navigator.

If it’s time to update, the cars will feed themselves: “What is needed, how about new navigation?”. As a matter of fact, there are no special tools and no update is needed. There will be sufficient knowledge of self-improvement pictures in the navigator, elementary knowledge of the robot with a computer and navigator, as well as easy access to the Internet. Among the objects and tools to know:

1. Personal computer.

3. USB cable.

3. Yak onoviti navigator yourself.

It’s very early to ask for food, as it’s a new navigator. If you want to see the power supply: "Like it is the navigator yourself", let's remove the most popular navigation systems in the process of updating: Navitel, Garmin, Citigid. Є Three options for updating and making edits to the Navitel picture:

1. Scroll with your personal computer and the Navitel Navigator Update Center.

2. Scroll with your personal computer and the official Navitel website.

3. Enter the data without prior to the navigator, as it is in the Internet.

Vikoristovuvati such options will be less expensive as a navigator of purchases in an official store and equipment with a licensed version of software security. Easy to read leather from options. Victory for updating a personal computer and software for the Navitel Navigator Update Center transmission of the next steps:

1. Install the Navitel Navigator Update Center program on your personal computer by adding the instalation file to the website.

2. Run the installed program. Vaughn will automatically scan the database and determine the need for updating on the computer.

3. Install all the necessary updates.

4. Connect the navigator to the computer via a USB cable yak znimniy disk.

5. Run the new program installed earlier. Check out the call of the new owner, identify the navigator and see the news about the possibility of updating the maps before the new version.

6. Vibrate the required pictures and press the "Update" button. Before the hour of updating all the old pictures from the navigator will be seen without rotation.

7. It is necessary to update the Navitel software on the navigator (about appearing as soon as possible), then vibrate the option. A new version of the program and the installation on the navigator will be carried out. And the new cards will be blocked automatically. Additional pictures can be vibrated using the additional option "Inshi update".

8. For the update procedure, you need to exit the programs by pressing the Go button.

9. Open the navigator from the computer and move it back to the car.

Victory for updating a personal computer and the official Navitel website transferring a message for the next steps:

1. View the official website of the software reseller

2. Zareєstruvatisya and go to your own special cabinet on the site.

3. Give a new attachment at the "My attachment" section.

4. Enter the license key, which is on the navigator box or records on the flash drive in the RegistrationKeys.txt file.

5. The site has been revised and, if everything is correctly entered, it will be possible to add the attachments to a special cabinet and generate an opportunity for the available updates.

6. Enhancement of requirements for updates (maps and software security of the navigator) for permissions.

7. Create archived files with the archiving program.

8. Connect the navigator to the computer via a USB cable and check it out, as long as it is ready for use.

9. Create a backup of the navigator's data by copying the Navitel folder, which is located in the navigator menu, on the computer's hard drive (you can turn to the front version).

10. View all information from the central folder, except for the Registration_Key.txt file or NavitelAuto_Activation_Ket.txt.

11. Copy to the folder that was previously locked, the updated program (if necessary, enter the activation key).

12. Know the folder, how to take revenge on the picture and replace the old picture on the new one from the site. Old pictures are recommended to be saved on a computer (you can turn to the old version for consumption).

13. To re-establish the update and the correctness of the navigator robot by starting the navigation mode. The option of updating without the need for a navigator, which can be connected to the Internet is the simplest way, but it will take a lot of hours. The steps for the front-end navigation include:

1. Switch on the "Navitel navigator" mode in the navigator, and from the "My Navitel - My products" menu, look at the pictures on how to update.

2. Press on the required card and confirm the vibration.

3. The card will be logged into the navigator and if it is updated, just appear on the screen. The average traffic can become close to 300 MB, and the installation process can take several years.

The essence of the new version of the Garmin navigator is approximately the same as the Navitel navigator. To upgrade navigators, for some installed Garmin maps, the Garmin Communicator utility is required. The utility is available on the official website of the virobnik. To deny the utility, go to the official site, having switched on the navigator and for the need to enter the serial number. Step up the update of Garmin maps via the official website:

1. Viconati poshuk update on the site, zgіdno with add-ons.

2. Vibrate and add the card to the personal computer.

3. Run the GarminMapsUpdate file and go through the update procedure, following the instructions of the installation master.

4. In the process of instalation, it is necessary to enter the license number (the report can be read on the MapsUpdates website). Renovation by the hour is trivial.

5. There is a lack of memory on the attachment, if it is propounded to clean it up. To save the music and your files on the computers, then put the first great-patron.

Garmin can be updated in a more simple way - vikoristovuchi program Garmin Lifetime Updater, as in the autonomous mode, the popping of the cards is left behind from the vibrating attachment and the update. The program can be added to the official website and installed on your personal computer.

Non-fictional and functional pictures of the release company Sitigid. Stink of praise with GPS, with GLONASS 15 days in the trilian version, if you have to pay for the license. There is also a free extension for additional paid content. There is a trick for a paid expansion from the navigator, which does not show just the road, but the traffic jams, new road signs, repair robots. The program can be downloaded and installed in the trial version of the paid version. The program from Sitigid on the go is practical for all navigators, if they are already installed in the program of safety.

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For new users of the "Navitel Navigator" program, there is the possibility of establishing a trial version of the programs. The term of the license for the trial version of the warehouse is 7 days from the first launch of the program. By extending the whole term, you can evaluate all the passes and pass programs, some of the winners give you access to all the functions and services. The trial mode of the programs also allows you to add any official NAVITEL® cards. After the end of the term for a trial version, the program is transformed into a robot mode with an interconnection of functionality (it is possible to get acquainted with the report information). For the continuation of the robotics with the program, it is necessary to obtain a license for the right to register the program. Koristuvachev will be available only if you have cards, as you will find in the boundaries of the purchased license. When writing programs, you can add licenses for additional cards or packets of cards.

Is it possible to add the "Navitel Navigator" program to that picture?

You can add a card program for a smartphone or a tablet, as well as additional cards for car navigators from the previously installed Navitel Navigator program, through the “Buy” section of the given site.

The "Buy" website also provides information about online stores, in which you can add programs and pictures, as well as addresses of stores in Russia and other countries. Specify the method of this type of payment without the need to contact the representatives of the significant companies.

What is the identification of the serial number assigned by the add-on program "Navitel Navigator", as well as the number of the license key that version of the programs?

To correct the information, start the program "Navitel Navigator". Oberit Menu at the left lower corner of the head screen, distant My Navitel > Prevent the picture > Navitel Navigator... Yaksho razdil Prevent the picture the menu has no views, pick a path: My Navitel > All products > Navitel Navigator.

At the top of the statistics, we discuss food about those like new pictures on the navigator "Navitel". Qia problem is often bad gadgets. The program of safety of "Navitel" is victorious on the overwhelming number of navigators. The pictures themselves are regularly updated, and therefore the old content is not enough for the senses. The statti will have 3 detailed methods for improving the operation.

Necessary possession

First, proceed to the description of the methods themselves, it is necessary to discuss all the necessary things that can happen in the next hour of the robotics. You cannot update pictures on "Navitel" without the Internet. Bazhano, wickedly, vicariously, it’s high-speed and unimpeachable, and the amount of incoming traffic can be uploaded to 500 megabytes in the process. The type of connection to the Internet is stored in the opposite way of updating (as if you were going to see the distance). In some cases, a usb cable may be known (it is supplied at once from an add-on) and, apparently, the PC itself (and installed on a new driver). Daly see how new pictures are on the navigator "Navitel".

First way

We have a whole lot of ways to get to know a PC, the Internet, a USB-cable, and a web-based recording on the official website "Navitel". The essence of the method is as follows: you go to the portal with the Navitel programs, add the necessary pictures (which are required and PZ) and add them to your settings. And now let's see all the reports.

  • I will write down the oblivny. The process of restructuring itself is based on specific and even standard stages. You will need to memorize all fields by entering your email, PIB and login. Immediately after the start of the regional I will write you down to go to the "special cabinet" and add a new setting there.
  • On the panel "My attachment" there will be a stovpchik "onoviti", de maє buti on the basis of "available updates".
  • From the installed version of the Navitel programs, you will need to send a map. If utilization will be lacking, then the content will not be available.
  • You just need to use the vibrator version, you need to save the zip files or the .nm3 format on your computer.
  • To re-attach all the necessary files, connect your navigator to your PC via a USB cable. As soon as the operation is being considered for the first time, it will be necessary to install the necessary drivers for a day (if it will be necessary to re-install the PC).
  • Setting it to work in the USB Flash Drive / MassStorage mode.
  • Immediately after seeing the attachment, go to the director of NavitelContent / Maps and see all the files from the folder. І on їх substitute copy the earlier zavantazhivaniye of archіv.
  • Then turn on the navigator from the PC and turn on the Navitel program. If the utility did not find new cards, then I will hand over to the director. For tso go to the Menu - Settings - Інші pictures - Dodati atlas.

Another way

Earlier, you knew how I will hand over the new pictures on the navigator "Navitel". Alternatively, you can choose a special automatic shutter. There is a whole lot of ways for you to get to know those warehouses, but in the last method. Plus, the Navitel Navigator Updater program is installed. You can bookmark it on the official portal "Navitel". Ale, let's sort it out in order.

  • Download the Navitel Navigator Updater program to your computer and install it. Instalation is shown in the standard form.
  • Launch a new program. When you first see it, you hear a little bit about the new software. It is recommended to install a new version of the programs.
  • Use the USB cable to access your navigator and your PC. Connection mode - notable nose.
  • When you start the new Navitel Navigator Updater programs, you will immediately see your preferences. NNU independently create a message about new cards on the Internet. As soon as you will be present, you will be prompted to change your mind. Submit your requests to the screens and to the information "Dal".
  • If you don’t try to update the Navitel program on your navigator, then check the box next to the item “Don’t update the program”.
  • Send all the power to interrupt the connection.

Third way

The rest of the method, which is currently visible, is unpopular. Yogo the essence of polyag is that you can connect directly to the Internet through the pristy itself. The unpopularity of one is ruled by two important officials. Accordingly, most of the navigators do not access the Internet directly. In other words, the speed of the process is too small. Plus, up to the whole varto memory, the back of the carts can be up to 300 megabytes. Since a large number of mobile operators are heavily intertwined with Internet traffic, then such an operation can cost you dearly. If you didn’t use the victorious method, then hurry up with the offensive instructions.

  • Open the Navitel program and go to the menu.
  • Here you will need to go to the "My Navitel" folder, and go to "My products".
  • After the attack on the displayed map of the program, you will be prompted to carry out the update (yaksho). Wait a moment with the quotation, pressing on the screens Ok.

Any problems

Now you already know how to develop pictures on the navigator "Navitel" in three different ways. Don't expect to see smoothly. Here I will propose to discuss possible problems. Doyaki skarzhaetsya, but the Navitel Navigator Updater program is able to see the same picture. As a rule, the problem is in the presence of the activation file. Virіshennya tsyogo nutrition is simple - buy a license version of the programs. It is also possible to reconcile what you have connected to the Internet on your PC. One new picture cannot be installed through the old version of the software. For cich vipadkah it is necessary to simply onoviti "Navitel".


Food about those, like new paintings "Navitel" among navigators, became even more popular by the end of the hour. Vlasniks of attachments often wonder about the possibility of replacing the original content. In addition to the cards, you need to install the latest version of the software security. The operation is given to the victors of the quiet methods themselves, as the boules are described in the statute. Until the speech, varto respect, that the programmatic safety nabagato mensha for the picture. That is why it is acceptable here є the method of updating through the mobile Internet.

A lucky water tourist can no longer see himself without a GPS navigation. One of the best software solutions is ПЗ від Navitel. Happy birthday to you, as it is correct to update the service software to secure Navitel on SD-cards.

The procedure can be done in two ways: with the help of the Navitel Navigator Update Center, or by the way of updating the software security on the memory card, or for any special account on the Navitel website. The methods are easy to understand.

Method 1: Navitel Navigator Update Center

Official utilities for updating files in programs from Navitel, we have the ability to update both the most navigational software security, as well as maps to new ones.

The whole method of simplicity and intelligence, however, on some Navitel Navigator Update Center computers, for some unclear reasons, the hour of launching drops. Having stuck with such a problem, it will be brutal to the offensive version of the update, such as descriptions below.

Method 2: Special Cabinet

It is more folding and penetrating way, but then it’s very versatile: for his help, he can see it on any memory cards.

  1. Connect the memory card from the Navitel point to the computer. View file NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt.

    Copy it in be it a place on a hard disk, or try to remember it, where it’s for us to know better.
  2. If you will not be able to install the update, smart decisions will be able to copy the picture to a computer - such a backup copy will allow you to see the previous version of the FZ. Having completed the backup, you can see the files from the card.
  3. Wind up and go to a special cabinet. Even though it has not been registered, it’s just an hour of death. Do not forget to add it as well - go to, and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. In a special cabinet, click on the item "My attachment (update)".
  5. Know your SD card in the list and click "Available updates".
  6. Get the newest version of the archive wrapped up - please, the new version of the PZ is packed.
  7. It is also possible to update and picture - scroll the side of the trocha below, and in the block "Maps for version and vishche" blackmail all available.
  8. Unpack the archives from PZ and maps into the root of your SD-picture. Please copy your savings before NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt.
  9. Done - PZ updated. To upgrade the cards, use the regular attachments to speed up.

Yak bachimo, the new version of Navitel's plant on the memory card is not really folding. Pidbivayuchi pidsumki, so it would be desirable to nagadat to you in the next step - vikorystovyte deprive the license of the PZ!

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