Skіlіkіt sberіgаtsya verkhkovy sire when the packaging opens. What is the robustness of the zipsovanny product? What is the origin of the term of attachment

If I want a dairy product earlier, it is offered on a weekly basis for those who are welcomed, as they enjoy the unrepeatable savor of sir. By the year, there were no more species of sirens, as sometimes one kind of one appeared. There are a lot of people to love from the wound to live in a sandwiches with sire, for that it is not only delicious, but also caloric, but also lively. Crimson sire stays in the bagatokh stravs of usy svitu.

Sire is proud of the magnificent popularity of the whole world. The people of love appeared for seven thousand years of that in the lands of the Near Skhod and won the lead among the ancient Greeks and Romans. A trifle more product, having gained popularity among Europe, and then expanded throughout the world.

Sire є їzheyu, it’s easy to finish to get used to the organism of people. The fermentors of the ferment milk are consumed and the sire is such a rank. Behind his warehouse, wines are even similar to a sire, ale sir maє trokhi more vitamins, minerals, bіlkіv and fat.

Rіznodydi sirіv

With the help of the technology, the production of lilac products has become more sophisticated and new varieties of sir have been introduced. The Chents' bosses, who were preparing the Siri at the holy matsyah, showed up the Siri from the plain, hospitality, smoked and salted Siri. The very chentsi set the basis for the gourmets of the orphanage, who step by step vivodili new vidi siriv.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Hard sires call fermented milk products with a deep consistency, cover the top with natural skorinka. Dose such a product up to three months to three rockets. Siri of the category is distinguished by a special and brightly swirling relish, as well as a strong aroma. In cich varieties, the content is usually low - 55% won.

  • Siri natural vision;
  • Siri with a red skorinka;

    The other varieties are Swiss (50% fat and spicy relish) and Dutch (45% fat and gostry relish) Siri, Parmesan (32% fat).

    Characteristics of sirev

    З GOST R6 “Siri. General technical skills "Siri are classified for groups and may be technical before they are prepared:

    1. Falsely from the mass part of the Vologda in the zezhiren_y speech:

    2. False fat from a mass fraction (MJ) at a dry speech:

    Syru warehouse

    Sire is even more bagaty on corns for the organism of lively speech. This dairy product revenge methionin, tryptophan, lizin and іnshі amino acids. Likewise, the new one has to take revenge on the big ones. Deyaki specimens, prepared from high-fat milk, to avenge a great number of lipids. Tsi siri may have a higher calorific value, in the view of the first species.

    Solid sorts of milk can be used to substitute depleted minerals and vitamins, such as C, A, D, E and vitamins B. Also dairy product rich in macro-microelements. Nayposhirenіshim є: phosphorus (550 mg), calcium (1010 mg), zalizo, kalіy, sodium (870 mg), magnesium, zinc, honey and manganese.

    Corinth to the power of Sir

    Sirny products are glorified not only for their relish, but for their majestic corista for the health of the people. Surrounded by a warehouse of weasels.

    Vzhivaniya sirnykh weasels spriyє normalization of the exchange of speeches. For їkh help it is possible to throw off the vagu, live only low-fat varieties. Give the sire to the children, the splinters of the wine will help the shvidshe virility. For quiet, hto grievance for lowering the grip, the whole dairy product will be even more cinnamon, overexposure to the arterial grip, and also to the increase of hemoglobin in the blood.

    Frequent implantation of a sir can help to shake off depression and turn a quiet sleep, a sprinkling product positively infuses the nervous system.

    In general, we will accumulate words that are good for the body of the people. I, remember about those who are more fatty to sir, which are more corysty to implantation of a product.

    Shkіdlivіst sira

    It’s just because siri to melt in our own who are not safe for our health. Fans of high-fat syringes will be blocked by hypertension and cholesterol alleviation, as well as problems with obesity. It is necessary to take care of the implantation of the sire, because from the overworldly implantation there may be headaches and nightmares.

    For the protection of sirny products, it is necessary to live with vaginal women, ossicles in some varieties of sir, which is more important, to live in high-quality organisms, so that they wicked and wickedly.

    Gostrenki vidykh lasoschiv contraindicated, hto maє problems with the intestinal tract, spongy gastritis and pancreatitis.

    Zberigannya siru

    Oskilki sir є a product that is made from milk; Term zberigannya siru is rich in what to lie down in depending on the temperature of consumption.

    With a wide temperature range, it is not necessary. If you are interested in food, then you won’t get in the area of ​​90%. All the same will help the sir not to fall before, not to be imbued.

    As long as the sire has dried up in rank, then take a wikidat yogo at the bottom for smittya not varto. Such a withered sire can be rubbed on the ground and lived in the hedgehog. Especially rubbing sire pidijde for filling pasta strains and bagatokh інshih culinary masterpieces.

    Since and a large number of dairy products, sire is recommended to be taken from the refrigerator, after a good temperature wash. At such a time, a whole head of solid sir can take 2 months. M'yaka head siru take less than 15 days. And the axis of the term zberigannya sira (hard) in shmatka becomes 1 month. However, before putting the sir in the refrigerator, it is necessary to competently burn it into a little mouse or a grub.

    So you see the siru yak brinza that suluguni may be the term of the storage from 25 to 75 days, and look at the smell of the fridge. Refrigerator chudovo pіdіide for sberіgannya fused syru. Termіn zberіgannya sir cowbass and skibochny in the refrigerator to become close to 3 months. Such siri yak paste-like and licorice may be the term of adherence 1 month.

    When you vibrate the miscellaneous to take the sir in the refrigerator, you need to remember the following:

  • It is not recommended to take the sire at the door of the refrigerator;
  • The optimal small box for siberian siru is the lower box for vegetables and fruits;
  • To continue the term of adherence to the sire, it is necessary to tint it in parchment papier before zberiganny;
  • Before serving the stew, let it stand at room temperature, so you can change the original flavor characteristics.

    Termіn zberіgannya sira u froziltsі

    If you plan to live the sire at the first viglyad, do not freeze him. When frozen, the product contains basic characteristics.

    The dairy product can be frozen, as soon as vіn bude vikoristaniy yak dressing up to the main strains. It can take no more than 2-3 months to get a sire from the freezer.

    For a siru without a refrigerating chamber, it is necessary to first wrap it in a salty servet, soaked in salty pink. The ideal option for a healthy environment will be colder and darker.

    You can take no more than 7 dB for such minds.

    Termіn zberіgannya siru in the refrigerator

    Termіn zberіgannya sira u froziltsі

    Termіn zberіgannya sira for room temperature

    This is the same term zberigannya:

    Term of attachment to the analysis of Enterobiasis

    Termіn zberіgannya sala

    Termіn zberіgannya buryakiv

    Term of attachment tekіli

    And how do you save on products?

    • Term of attachment to Sir
    • term zberigannya sira in the fridge
    • term zberigannya siru
    • sir
    • term of attachment of solid sir
    • term of attachment to the Russian sir
    • you can take the sire by the refrigerator
    • skilki sberіgaєt sire at the refrigerator
    • terms zberigannya siru

    And why the stores are on the check for the development of the kostu 72 years old?

    Roman, that's right! 72 years old. mk vishche vkazani terms are registered for sirs, that may be useful! they are not distributed, but are stored in the packaging of the virobnik. the sire is born, the trochies are saved over 72 years old. As soon as the store is worth the mark, if it’s a bunch of drugs, it’s wonderful, the abi didn’t repackage it again and didn’t change the date for it.

    Having bought sire Goya from P'yatirtzi. Prepared in Argentina 07/15/15. Packing at Russia 05/17/16. Date until 15.08.16. If the attachment will end to one another, it will still be ponderous.

    Your comments are coming!

    New statistics

    Termіn zberіgannya kombucha
    Termіn zberіgannya shashlik
    Termyn zberigannya basturmi
    Termіn zberіgannya chicken broth
    Termіn zberіgannya taranki

    last comments

    Termіn zberіgannya cognac

    Malinka, so, really, see the race! good cognac for an hour old we will make a little bit =)

    not true, Hello! Calorific value of olive oil, protein, trocha lower: 898 kcal, while the calorific value of olive oil becomes 899 kcal.

    Termіn zberіgannya cognac

    sauli, cognac is not to drink 🙂

    Termіn zberіgannya olive olії

    they said marvelously. sonyashnikova olya and olivkova offense at 884 calories may be the same number.

    Termіn zberіgannya honey

    Andriyu, good day! Dyakuyu for respect! The graves are viable.

    Term of attachment of different varieties to the sir according to GOST

    The sire is visible to people from all the hours of Homer. Ale not affectionate on their own important wines, wines, like and earlier, to become loved by the love of people in all sorts of things.

    The most ineffectual sort of sir, which has long been put on a promiscuous basis. Power, also about the health of its hulks, control over the efficiency of dairy factories and private dairy farms. We will talk about the terms of availability of older varieties.

    You can find out from our statistics about the relevance of the book of skarg and the proposition under the law about the seizure of the rights of those living with us.

    Legislation and GOST

    The Russian Federation has issued GOST for lilac products and syringes.

    This principle was adopted in 2002 by the establishment of the Federal Law, and in the second by the order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology in 2006.

    GOST is guilty of zabezpechuvati bezpek siriv. Yogo razdіli give the classification of syringes, vyazuyut vimogi to the quality, markup, safety, transport and protection of the product.

    The ninth point ("Transport and security") has:

    1. Siri that sirnі produkti povinnі zberіgatisya temperaturі od at -4 to 0 gradusіv that vologostі povіtrya od 85% to 90% at abo temperaturі od 0 to 6 gradusіv vologostі povіtrya that from 80% to 85%.
    2. The term of attachment to any sort of sira will be established by that uzgodzhu virobnik.

    Where to lie?

    We prepare to bring the merchandise to the trade before implantation, but the process of ripening is not ready for hilin.

    Because of the fact that there is a sire in any minds and as soon as possible, I have the right to lay down this relish and safety for customers.

    In order to establish the term of accessibility, to ensure that the actions are important factors:

    • the appearance of the shell on the head;
    • warehouse;
    • amount of salt in the product;
    • Vologosti download.

    What is the term of the accessibility of the burner that yaky? Learn directly at a time.

    Behind the types

    Siri Rіznih types Mayut Rіzniy Termіn zberіgannya:

    1. Melting siri at temperatures from 0 to +4 can take three months.
    2. Paste-like melted siri is stored up to 30 dB.
    3. Cowbasins (melted) siri take 2 months in paraffin shells, and 4 months in polymeric ones.
    4. Home (self-made) sire sberіgaєtsya deprived of a few days.
    5. Sire Chechil ("kiska") is taken close to two months, smoked options - close to three months.
    6. Sirni siri in a polymeric package can be saved up to three months, the open shell can speed up the term up to three days.

    Solid and non-solid (packaged) take 15 dB at temperatures from +2 to +8 and at a volume of 90%, albeit vignettes:

    • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert - up to 120 dB;
    • Parmesan - up to 6 months;
    • Hollandska - up to 120 dB.

    Pokrittya z paraffіnu zberіgє hardened Siri for a month more, less pokrittya z a polymer.

    Retail companies are available from 30 dB to 75 dB:

    Termіn zberіgannya to lay down in the package of the product:

    • for polymeric packaging - 30 dB;
    • at sklі (at rosolі) - 75 dB.

    It’s possible to take not more than one month at temperatures less than 0 degrees, at temperatures from 0 to +10, such a sire will be an additional period for people who do not need it:

    You can read about the terms of availability of different varieties of champagne here.

    Optimal mode

    If you talk about the ideal, think about the sir, then you might be able to turn these factors into account:

    Such a miracle of bi stati lokh: the temperature of the post-life there is from 6 to 10 degrees, the post-life content is 85-95%, є ventilation.

    Yak correctly zberigati?

    If you don't mind the unhealthy at the small apartments, the sire may get too cold, overheated, dry up and “suffocate”:

    1. The sher packings didn’t hang, the best trimati we’ll turn on at the vologu tatanu chi kharchov pivka. It is possible to lay yogo on a wood plank that krishkoy.
    2. When you take in the refrigerator, you need to select the lower policeman or visit a policeman for fruit (call the policeman), the temperature there is approximately from +4 to +8 degrees. The lower temperature just sip the sir.
    3. The temperature may be higher than dry. Siri, with a high, high vologosti, is very busy.
    4. Sire is a ready-made product before implantation, but the process of seeing is going on for the whole hour, so it is not necessary to take the product from sealed dishes. For the collection of wood or ceramic dishes.
    5. Zberigati sire is more beautiful with a great shmat, then it is more beautiful to be careful. If the sire is not created, then we will leave it on tariltsi, and, obviously, it’s better to live.
    6. As soon as you see the hermetically sealed packaging, the sire is more beautiful than the re-lining of the foil. So the product does not hang, do not wrap, do not pick up a third-party smell.

    About those, who are shkidliva kharchova additive E 476, you can read our statistics.

    Can you trim by the fridge?

    If you take the optimal mode of food and drink it correctly, then in the refrigerator you can save the gusto and taste the food:

    • hard and hard-to-dry grades are crushed for 10 days;
    • rosolnі, myakі and s plіsnyava "to live" close three-chotiroh days;
    • є siri (Bri, Roquefort), as they need to go out of the refrigerator every two or three days, they have “died down”. Todi stink to be careful of the day.

    Yakі termіni turnover of pennies on the bank card purchase before the hour of turning the goods? Please see our website.

    Can you freeze Chi?

    To eat, as well, the sir has appeared richly, and it is simply not possible for 10 days to be taken away. You can freeze it in the freezer compartment in the following ways:

    1. You can freeze it with a great shmat. For any requirement, wrap it in foil.
    2. You can rub the sire on a grater, and then maybe just by the way for zapikanok and pitsy. And the bastards did not get angry, їkh need to overpower the bourgeois іt’s a bit of development of frustration in the process of freezing.
    3. It is planned to vikoristovuvati frozen sire for hot sandwiches, plates of sir (kozhen okremo) need to be tanned in foil.

    Frozen can be harder than hardened Siri. Such a product can be taken from the freezer chambers, but it can be less expensive than the food.

    Yak viznachity stitching?

    What is possible because of the fact that the term has passed?

    If the goods are lying on the police, the unscrupulous sellers will get lost in the mask of the stitching of the product.

    If you have received a dose, then don’t take a respectful look at the packaging, and the product itself:

    • on the package there is only one label from the term zberigannya. If the stink is glued one on one, then the product is stitched in front of you;
    • respectfully look out the sire: it’s innocent of the beloved nalot and plisnyavi;
    • you can put your finger on the little sir. When water appears, then the goods are stitched.

    The law "About the seizure of the rights of the survivor" to speak about those who, for the sir, the rulings of the terms of accessibility and the term zberіgannya (tse te same), for the termination of the whole term of sales of goods are unfortunate.

    If all the same, you bought a product, the seller of crop knitting will send you a waste.

    About those yak vibrati yakisny sire at the store, you can check out the video:

    Yak vibirati sir near the shop

    The term of attachment to the world is an important indicator, even if there is another product that is needed for special minds. So, it’s unique, it’s necessary to take it at stable temperatures in the region of 7 ° C +/- 1 ° C.

    As soon as the temperature is low, then all the words will be "vbivatime", and then all the words will be sent back to the top. The prevalence is attributable to the increase in food 90%.


    ale kozen vypadok unique character.

    Yaksho vi want to know, yak virishiti

    your problem itself,

    Call a lawyer at once:

    I love you so much,

    Effort of consultations without koshtovnі.

    Usogo іsnu 4 possible classifications:

    1. For the preparation method. Here Siri can be prepared from milk, processed, and also from additional components.
    2. For technology. In a wide variety of stinks, there are: meat, salt, hard, as well as syrny.
    3. Go to the type of milk. So, Siri can be prepared from cow's, goat's, and also sheep's milk. Until then, consider the combination of options, if you pick up a few types of milk at once.
    4. For the method of ripening. Here it is possible to distribute to options, to which add acid, plaster, and also chervona culture.

    Yak vibrati yakisnu products

    Yakisny dairy product does not take revenge on zhodnykh barvnikiv and additives

    Nasamper, yakisny sir maє buti vygotovlenii vyklyuchno from milk, starter culture and salt.

    Additional warehouse є superbly ridkisnim. A good product, which is not nutritious additives, is practically hard to know today.

    One can, however, be pragmatic when it comes to shorthand. It is important to unicati the offensive additives:

    • karaginin (spelled, yak K-407);
    • arboxymethyl cellulose (K-466 can be found on the packaging);
    • carotene (most often it is written as Yak E-160a, b);
    • farbnik E-110.

    Be mindful of the species of syringes

    Nasamper, term of adherence of dairy products into the injected warehouse і type. Tomo varto rozibrati kozhen okremo:

    Solid and hard

    Naybіlsh extensions є solid Siri. Most of all tse takі sorts, yak:

    The period of realization of the given product from the moment of packaging at the razdrebnye hemstones becomes no more than 15 days, due to the current legislation for taking into account the rules of zberigannya.

    Such milk virobes are responsible for the normal temperature of less than 2 ºС and trochas more than 6 ºС. At the same level, the content cannot exceed 85%. For such minds, the term “siberiannya” becomes 4 months, that is 120 days. And if you are talking about Parmesan, then the term of the term will be close to six months.


    Popular are such as rosilny siri, yak Brinza, Feta and Chechil.

    The term for obtaining such dairy products is to grow.

    At the same time, the most common reason for the number of changes is the container, because the result is a dintseous product.


    The most popular dessert products of the Christmas є siri.

    The current dairy regulation describes a product that can be used for a thermomechanical processing.

    The main syruvinoy for the stemming of the milk virob is the shvidkozrіvayuchi siri, whose term of adherence is also added to the kіntsya.

    In the home of such Siri, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is not less than 0 and not more than 4 ° C. In the middle, you can trim at the bottom of the bed for no more than a few days.

    Termin zberigannya at the store

    Please read the information on the etiquette

    The term of adherence to such a product is guilty of becoming a term that does not change the term indicated by the virobnik.

    Tobto the term zberigannya narizanny sira vazuyut on yogo etiquette.

    If there were no such conditions on the packaging, then the sire of the packaging of the packaging could not be obtained more, for less than 12 years, since the packaging was open.

    Most often, the male term is used in retail stores of retail packaged products. However, due to the manifestation of special technology and good packing materials in the trade, it is possible to carry out special laboratory tests to improve the terms of attribution of such children to the sire and to the sire.

    The term of adherence to the refrigerator


    Yak і be-like іnshi dairy products, in the fridge you can take a drink and siri.

    On the right in the one where the best temperature sinks are set. Tse allow the house of trimati without shkodi yakostі head sir mayzhe 2 months, and meak 15 days.

    If there are options for a solid sir on small pieces, the term will not be more than 1 month. Ale for all of you will need to burn a polyethylene package.

    If you are talking about brins or suluguns, then the hour of taking refrigerators takes 25 days and sometimes up to 75 days with the attention of ideal minds. Cowboys, as well as skibkovy options, can be taken up to 3 months, and pasty or liquorice is not more than 1 month.

    Product Signs

    To make a difference, it’s necessary for the nobility of subtle conversions.

    So, about the whole thing:

    1. A crust, scho can be billed, or a scorinka will come down, or a ball will appear.
    2. Defects appear, which can lead to the aging of the product. Before them there are: tremors, irregularities, fluff of consistency, and nausea.
    3. The emergence of an uneven barn I know the addition of the product of a filthy barvnik.
    4. Rancidity and dryness are considered signs of susceptibility.

    Yaksho bought stitching goods

    When buying a check, take a check and save yo

    First, it is important that the purchase is not a check. The whole document must be given to you, so that you can bring your purchase to the whole store. So, if you have a check and a product in your hands, you need to return to the store before the administrator's office.

    At the same time, they threaten to turn to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station for the fact of the sale of inappropriate products. Oh, the change of the store, let me be afraid even more.

    If the administrator is not willing to contact, you need to identify your threat and turn up with documents and a copy of the file in the form of a visual structure. There it will be necessary to write an application to describe everything accurately. Before you apply a receipt for the purchase and the product itself. If you want to, check on the results of the reversal.

    Select a good product, entrust it to retailers and virobniks, touch the minds of a zberigannya, re-insert a label, follow the product's stanza and the term that you take in the fridge, and then your health and wellbeing wake up your family.

    Marvel at the video, in which it will be explained, as the vibrati is the yakisny sire:

    What is the need for the nobility about the terms of accessibility and the selection of the sire of different varieties?

    Siri has long been borrowing from the rationalization of the people’s taste, and the cultural potential of the product is not guaranteed.

    There are extensions everywhere, and from a great number of assortments you can come to the counter at a later date - for any sort, or for the kind of change.

    Be-like a buyer pragmatically buy a fresh, sweet and tasty sire.

    To know such a thing, it is necessary to “learn” about buying a product, and it’s necessary to be able to grow at the stage of choice, so that you don’t have mercy on the purchase.

    Vibrating on the counter, sire, in front of me, go to the brutal respect, how much fresh and what hour you have lost "life", tobto. terms of yogo accessory.

    About how to bring legislation?

    Great enterprises of the modern dairy industry, private food production with renewed vigor, so that the purchaser is happy to drink that market segment with their products.

    The state stands on the basis of interests and control over the production of dairy products, which is such a rank as the guarantor of reliability on the market of milk products.

    For the legislation of the Russian Federation, the virobny process is regulated by the Federal Law No. 88-FZ, which has established technical regulations for virobniztva, zberigannya, transportation and implementation of the system and іnshoї dairy products.

    The law of the Russian Federation "On the seizure of the rights of spouses" on virobnik_v (virobnik_v) sirіv imposed a restriction on establishing the terms of accessibility for the Danish type of goods and information for the purchase in a given rank.

    1. For a product (a robot), signs for a trivial victorian, a virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish the term of service - period, by holding out a virobnik (viconavets), it’s impossible to forget that it’s possible that a robot doesn’t have to pay there was a blame for him.
    2. The virobnik (viconavets) of the stubble will establish the term for the service of the goods (robots) of the trivial corystuvannya, including the complementary virobes (parts, institutes, aggregates), since the end of the singing period can start a healthy life, or navkolishny middle-class. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
    3. The term of service to the goods (robots) can be counted in one hour, as well as in the same ones in the volume (kilometers, meters and in the same ones in the volume, in terms of the functional designation of the goods (the result of the robot)). (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
    4. On the products of food, perfumery - cosmetic comrades, medicines, comrades by the butovoy chemistry and those comrades (robots) vyrobnik (viconavets) of stubbornness, set the term of accessibility - the period, for which goods (robots) are not worthy of interest. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
    5. Sales of goods (vikonannya roboti) after the end of the established term of adherence, as well as to the goods (vikonannya of robots), for any reason, the establishment of the term of adherence, but it is not established, to fence. (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
    6. The virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish a guarantee for the goods (robot) - the period, as long as the development of the goods (robots) is unstable.
    7. The seller has the right to set up the goods of the guarantee term, as it was established by the virobnik. As a guarantee term for the establishment of a virobnik, the seller has the right to establish a guarantee term for a greater triviality, not a guarantee term for a virobnik. (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

    If the buyer is for some reason, after adding a product at the store due to the term of affinity, if it ends, or if the purchases appear to be unclear, you can go to the store for your own petition:

    • obmіnyati stitches about the goods with the normal term of adherence;
    • replace an unclear product with an analogue of the іnshy wyrobnik;
    • pay pennies for a purchase;
    • make a book.

    The seller of the goods is obliged to accept the claim of the buyer from the relevant vimogues of the independence about those who have saved the check for the addition of the goods. In order to uncover unacceptable surprises from the stitching with a sire, it is possible to identify the term of your affinity:

    • according to the factory's etiquette, de;
    • behind plastic abo caseynovy figures, embedded in til sira;
    • for the information, put on the head of the sira with a stamp with a headlamp, do not change, for a laser and other methods of marking.

    All indications for non-packed products.

    Often, on the etiquette, it is possible to designate not the term of affinity, but rather in the term of zberigannya. For a whole type of food product, the term of availability and the term of availability is used.

    Realize the product at the moment, if it is not necessary to pack it up to 20 dB, it is necessary to buy it if it is guilty at + 10 ° C and the limit value of the tolerance is 80%.

    Take care of the yak?

    Sire is a fresh, lively product, it develops gradually, protects it on a retail counter, and we drink it for an hour.

    Tse, in pershu cherga, to be drunk on yogo savory yummies - sire sta overwhelmedly hospitality, and inodі nabuv rancid relish.

    Besides, the delicacy of "love" to chew on the outside smells, that is more beautiful than the zberigati of yogo okremo, burnt at the foil, or, on the extreme vypadok, kharchov plyvka.

    The term and mind of the young species of sire appear, but absolutely all the stench suffers from the temperature differences and differences in the average volume.

    Zberigannya temperature

    For more low temperatures and for an hour the sire is frozen in its shape, or it starts to shrivel, rozharovuvatisya. Besides, there are specific savor of power.

    At a temperature of 10-15 ° C, the consistency (structure) and the relish of the dairy product change and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms changes.

    Indicators of vologost_

    For syringes, it is recommended to adapt to the level of prevalence at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively mean the quality of the sire. So, it’s even low volog_st to produce up to hanging, and the temple’s sprinkling of savory yields, decaying that pesuvannya.

    Terms for species

    The following factors are injected into the establishment of the terms of attachment to the sire:

    • warehouse for the product;
    • the content of the product itself;
    • a little instead of a new salt;
    • the appearance of the visibility in the new shell.

    Solid and hard

    The most popular of the middle class є solid and hard and solid: Parmesan, Cheddar, Holland, Gouda, Russian, Kostromsky, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Olterman, King Arthur, Dor Blu and in.

    Tim is not the least, the skin sort of sir has its own, individual specialties of zberigannya. Maasdam і Rossіyskiy, for example, at t from +2 to +6 ºС for 85% volatility can lie up to 120 dB, and Parmesan even more - up to pivroku (obviously, in preparation - up to 10 rocks).

    The Dutch sire loves temperatures from +6 to +8 ºС, and the alcohol content is 90%. For such minds, a bag of wines in a package up to 120 days.

    Door Blue can be taken close to three months, but the temperature is lowered - from 0 to + 2 ° C and trimmates are needed in a lighted view of some of these products, as a noble deliberate delirialates cannot be overtaken by them. So far, until the last species of solid sirs, the term of this property grows in up to six months.

    It is not recommended for household minds that are solid / hard to use.

    About the manifestation of others in children, to indicate the presence of rhubarb to the beaches, and the appearance of large impregnations, to indicate the birth of rotten microflora in the product. Tom for zberigannya is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati parchment and foil.

    Besides, it’s hard / hard to see the siren, so it’s itself and the sire can be visibly stored in a closed, emerald dish with a little shmotochka, like I’m going to visit a vologist.

    In an apparently vigorous view, it’s impossible to think about it, the odd smell can be felt better.

    Boundary term of taking at the refrigerator of packaged solid / nap_vtverdogo siru brought from the store - 8 days. Without a refrigerator, sire, tanning at the cloth, soaked with salt water, can take up to 5 days at a cold place, but a dark one.

    Solid / solid siri in paraffin coating may be 1 month longer, but not by brothers, tanned in polymeric materials. In the rest, the packaging is often unstable until sir, which is approved by its surface. Also, for the month, the term will be quickened in the lightest form, if they are kept near the refrigerator chamber, from 0 to +4 ºС.


    Not less popular among the people of retail Siri - Sulugun, Brinza, Feta, Mozzarella, Chanakh, Adigey Tushinsky, Lori, Chechil and ін. finished product.

    Suluguni, for example, if you want to buy it, put it in a container right away, or I'll drink a jar and take it in rose salt at t not more than +6 ºС. The term of life can be extended to a product by adding milk to it for a day, and then pouring water and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water and room temperature), vitrimati (200 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

    One of the sisters of Sulugun is sire Chechil, or among the people is sire "kiska". Have a kit yogo zapitayut on the bag stage of the industrial virobnitstva. Factory packaging allows the sir to take close to two months. At the loose viglyadі winn can be deprived of a month. The smoked version of the dish has taken its power for 3 months. I recommend Zberigati Chechil by the refrigerator.

    Adigeisky, yak і Sulugunі, it is more beautiful to take a look at the tare in cold sinks (at t from +2 to +6 ºС), freezing it is suggested, as it is trivial to be transferred at room temperatures.

    It is possible to lie at the refrigerator for a few days, but for a few days.

    In the vacuum of the Adigey sir, it is possible to live better - it is close to a month. Smoked Adigey sir zberigayetsya nabagato more. For the reason that the technology of cooking is well-adapted, the "eye-catching" smoked sire does not consume its own flavor up to two rockets.

    Retail siri, vtіm, like and all of them, are more beautiful than cupuvati in such a case, they will live in 1-2 days, and take advantage of the important for them the kind of medium - sirovattsi, rose salt and any kind of airtight at t, no more than +6 ºС. Syrovattsi Siri doesn’t get enough money, and salt breakdowns - up to a few months.


    Not less popular in the middle of living and melting Siri. The new dairy regulation is a dairy product that is prepared by the method of thermomechanical processing of one or more decilkoh naymenuvan and / or siru.

    Syrovin for the processed product is made up of high-quality products, for example, of solid / non-solid types with the terms of adherence, but also ends up with defective packaging, as well as those intended for melting, salted products, milk, supplements

    There is no difference in sorts of melted Siri, however, there are a lot of types of dairy products. Before melting skibkovyh sirіv are reported: Nevskiy, Radianskiy, Rossiyskiy, Gollandskiy, Kostromskiy, Vershkoviy, Adalniy, Baltiyskiy and іn The name of the sir, as a rule, will be explained explicitly by the type of information introduced into this world.

    At home sinks, at temperatures from 0 to +4 ºС, the content of 85% is not more than three months per day of packing, and a sire of smoked meats is 30 dB.

    The first type of melted sirіv is smelted cowbass sirі.

    Representatives of this type є: Kovbasny smoked, Tourist, Osoblivy and ін.

    The term of attachment to a dairy product lies in the form of a shell, in which it is helped.

    Vona can be paraffin and polymeric.

    Parafinova is the most ecologically clean, the protein is not great in it - not more than two months. In polymeric materials, the sisters are able to get better and better, some of the material is good and the best in power.

    It is necessary to keep the cowboys' siri in the refrigerator for a low temperature - not more than +4 ºС.

    Another type of melting is paste-like sir. On the counter you can see the following names: Hohland (vershkovy abo assorti), Viola, President, Druzhba, Burshtin, Khvilya, Moskovskiy and in.

    The stench is stored at t up to +4 ºС and the viscosity does not exceed 85% up to 30 dB, and when the packaging is packed - not more than 5 dB. Sir Hochland verchkovy take a little more - 6 months at t from +2 to +8 ºС.

    Melting to obid is another type of melted syringes. The stinks of the trade fences are represented by the names: "Z tsibulei for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup". The terms of the unification of the property - up to 4 months. Umovi utrimannya: temperature from 0 to +4 ºС with a volume of 85%.

    Melted canned food of siri - the price of siri is 50% fat:

    • sterilization;
    • pasteurization;
    • pasteurization from shinky;
    • have a powder.

    Sirny siri (Ricotta, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette, Bonzhur, etc.), packed in a polymeric container, stored up to three months at temperatures from +2 to + 4 ° C. Displayed packaging is a guarantee of performance for only three days.

    Pid bags

    Make sure you get the most satisfaction from the purchase, you need to be respectful and choose the right products.

    For the whole, yak minimum, the goods need to be looked around, and only one sniff and one must vivify the etiquette.

    Information about the terms of accessibility, differentiated on the product, is very important for the person who lives and helps you to get better at the choice of that particular product.

    The availability of certain types of properties, for example, moving to the counter of products with the term of availability, but after that, the seller has violated the rules of trade, and it is more difficult for him to recognize the legal inheritance.

    (St. Petersburg)

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    Be we caress, we will help us to build up the site! Please fill in your contacts in the comments - we will call you that once more brilliantly!

  • Sire є one of the most popular and loved by the government gifts of food products. Yogo vikoristovuyut at yzhu independently, or at the warehouse of the most popular straves. First, gentlemen, do not forget about those, that the fermented milk product is required by the special minds of the zberigannya. It’s not just vrahovuvati sira, it’s not just a taste of the sweetness, but it can be brought to the fringe. In order to be unique, it is necessary to identify, as to correctly take care of the product, after every hour you can get rid of it and you can get rid of the term of your ovenless victorian.

    See siriv

    The whole product is made from milk. Moreover, for tsoogo can vikoristovuvatsya cow's milk, and also a sheep or a goat. Depending on the way, and also in the way of preparing the apparent components of the system, the system can be divided into several types:

    What is the origin of the term of attachment to Sir

    Tsey dairy product is very special for zberigannya. The stench is abundant in what can be found in the sira variety. Ale є і інші factor, which allows you to save your baby and not live in a ready-made product. Before buying it from a store, it is necessary for the nobility to have a special look. It is not necessary to live a product, the term of adherence to what is added to the product. For the sake of saving the sir in the minds of the home, it is even more important to take care of the temperature of the singing minds, in terms of their parameters.

    The temperature is low - the mouthful for the whole product. Aje sir є "we live". And for the high temperature, you can get lost. It is great to produce before the bloom appears, and when the wine is low, it dries up. Especially small is the term of attachment to the packed sir: if it is used for small pieces, then it is not more than 3 dB for food.

    Basically wipe out siberian sira

    Don't worry about large stocks of the product. Even the term of attachment to the sir to be found in non-smart packaging becomes 2 months, and the shmat, which has come out, is taken even less. Varto of the nobility, very different varieties are required to grow up. And the smell doesn’t just vimagayut special minds zberigannya, even more may have a special aroma. For example, this kind of fridge of our gentlemen sir, because of the simple need to trim, all of the other products and in hermetically sealed packaging. Rose varieties are taken from a can of cheese castruli, placed at a special retail outlet. And the term of adherence to sir, prepared by a whip-ruff, can become three more than 2-3 days.

    It is even more important to take care of the minds of the selection of the product. Sire obov'yazkovo maє buti packings. Booths for zberigannya are more beautiful than a special sirnitsa from ceramics, or a slope with a kryshka, which can be ventilated. It is also necessary to adjust the temperature regime - from 3 to 10 degrees. І bazhano, the temperature didn’t go up, so he don’t like a sir. If you want to save it, you can wind the product without a refrigerator. For the sake of it, I burnish at the fabric, soaked in salty water, and help at the mice, so that you can check out, far from the sleepy exchanges.

    Yak zbilshiti term of adherence to sir in the refrigerator

    Call gentlemen to bathe products with a rosary for a few days. Ale buvaє so, it is necessary to continue the term їkh zberіgannya. Here are the rules, as you can take the sire from the refrigerator more for a few days, but not win:

    Yak cannot be purchased

    It’s necessary for the nobility, who can’t worry about it. When choosing a product, there are several unique features:

    Yak zberigati solid variety

    Such a sire is better for the sake of the freshness and savor of the taste in the refrigerator. Ale all one thing goes to the necessary minds of your mind. At the same time, at the same time, it’s possible to make solid sir more than a month. And it is necessary to regularly translate it into the appearance of the colors of the songs. The hard sir took a little more, you need to think about it:

    • visoka vologist povitrya - close to 90%, that is more beautiful in polyethylene ply, and not in the papier;
    • the temperature can become from 3 to 10 degrees, the sire does not like extreme cold;
    • mіsce zberіgannya is guilty of good food, not a taste of products that smell strong.

    Inodi recommend to better save a hard sir, put in the packaging in order with it a piece of tsukru-raffinada or a sprinkle of macaroni. Trochi are less likely to drink sir. Best for sandwiches, not for preparing hot herbs. To that it is important to vrahovuvati, for example, the term of attachment - even the popular Katunku.

    Zberigannya myakikh siriv

    Such a product is the most beautiful to be bought from the factory packaging. You can also put a yogi in the Umnist, how to curl up, for example, an embellished casserole. Take a zberigannya to seize a soft sire from an obvitryuvannya. Tsі sorts can be placed in the freezer, the stench doesn’t suck in savory yum. Ale zberigati can be no more than 3 days. It is also deprived of a few days to save and sire from the open packaging. It’s ready to dry quickly, and in a shrink-wrapped package you can get it back.

    A small є term of attachment to the Adighean sire, I would like to pass pasteurization at high temperatures. If you go to the factory packaging of wines you will not have to spend more than a month, but at home you will have to spend a lot of time. The Adigey sire at the refrigerator is more beautiful to put in the dishes, shielding it with a crush and putting it on top of all the other products.

    Melted Siri

    Bagato mister іddayut revagu їх hardened varieties. Until the first time, it is best to acquire the most beautiful organism, and also great versatility of tastes. In addition, the term of adherence of melted trocha serum is higher, lower in other varieties. At the factory packaging it is possible to obtain a small number of miscellaneous items - deyaki sorts to pivroku. The melting sire can be frozen, so it will be easier if you will be victorious for preparing bagatyokh stravs. Anyway, if the packaging is open, it will be possible to save a few days: win shvidko dry up. Naykrashche zberіgaєtsya sire, wrapping in foil. And yet, it is necessary to respectfully look at the appearance of the color before implantation. With the appearance of dark beaches and an unpleasant smell, the product is more beautiful than vikinuti.

    Signs of psuvannya sira

    The whole product is found in the result of the living of microorganisms, which seems to be good for the health. Call the shops to sell the same dose of sir, or, if you have a new one, you can develop microorganisms. As a result of the accumulation of products in the fall of bins, you can get rancid relish, or take a stint. In the case of grades, with zberihanna, milk stone yak big dots is established. Tse vipadaut in the siege of calcium salt. Besides, on the surface, the sire can pretend to be muggy - a sign of the development of another microfloria. Often there is a darkening of colors. Biley and rotten smell is a sign of the development of rotten microflori. When packing is sorted, the sire repairs the visihati, consuming it at the vazi. When frozen, a large variety of sorts shriek, they savor the taste.

    Scho robiti zіpsovanim sire

    It’s not nobility, which is the term of attachment to the sire, it is possible to let it go. If this has also become a bloom, you can see. Shmatok, scho having been lost, added to the implantation in їzhu. Yaksho sir visokh, you need to put it in the Umnist with milk for a few years. Such a sire is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati in the heat of heat, for example, bake vegetables or meat, make hot sandwiches or pizza.

    Sire is a highly moist, salty product that has a delicious taste. We are “living” with the product, so when you take them it is important to follow the singing recommendations. It’s wrong to take a sire, it’s wrong to think about it earlier for the term of affinity - to cover yourself with a lot of nalot, more often it’s more critical and to suck in the savor. So, how can you take a sire, what if you become fresh, tasty and without intruding on the corny, biologically active words that are present at your warehouse?

    The basic rules of sberіgannya sira in the refrigerator

    • Sire is even more sensitive to temperature changes. The mouth is low, and the temperature is high. To that, the stitch is bound, the temperature is stable at the refrigerating chambers. It is also worthwhile to add value to the saving sira. It’s as low as it is, the sire is visihaє, and as it is, the sire is actively reproducing the microorganisms, and the product is even more pissed through. The sire is most likely to be sensed at a total volume of 90%. If the criteria are set, go to the lower police station of the refrigeration chamber, as well as for fruits and vegetables.
    • Operate the sire at the refrigerator, play it from the food. Won’t give you “dikhati”, since the sire has been consuming power. Correctly take the sire from the parchment. The parchment gives the product "dikhati" and immediately oberіgaє yogo vіd visihannya. If you take a sire from a polyethylene bag, then take a cup of raffinade from a new shmotochka. Tsukor is picked up by the superfluous vologue; Vacuum containers are also suitable for the collection of the syru.
    • Sire needs to be taken in some kind of food, because it smells strong, so it’s good to pick up outside odors. It is also not recommended to take the order of different sorts of sir, the stench did not interrupt the aroma of one or the other.
    • Shkіra on siri zahischaє product and additional help to preserve its aroma, so look at it before unprecedented implantation of sir. It is also obvious that the sire needs to be taken with a whole lot, and not distributed on other parts.
    • Nicholas do not add sire in advance. The price needs to be rooted without preserving before serving. Little joy: sire will be savory, as before implantation of the field there is a year for room temperature.

    Chi can take a sire at the freezer

    The sire at the freezer went into one vipad - how can you not get away with vicarious for the closest hour. Altogether, at the same time, it’s not hard to forget, because when freezing, there are more kinds of sire to cry out, and it’s not enough to get used to it. Put the sire at the freezer, wrap it with foil or parchment parchment. It is important that, according to the taste, the sire did not boil any products, and the wine did not pick up the smell. Sire slid frost-frozen by reaching out to the vicorianny in the refrigerating chamber. Until the speech, chim solid sire, it is more beautiful to endure frozen. And the axis of meat growth is unacceptable. It is also important to note that the sire cannot be frozen again, rather than dividing it at the port and being victorious for the needs.

    Yak and skіlki zberіgati riznі sorts siru

    Hard and hard sir

    Until the hard sirіv lay takі yak "Parmesan" and "Food". We see nybilsh as a representative of the firm sir є sir "Maasdam". Siri varieties need to be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures of 1-7 degrees. This kind of stench will take 10-15 days. With a sweep of your own term, follow, on the siren’s not pretending to be fancy. As soon as you see it, it’s appeared, don’t go to wikidat the product - see the sire at the moment of the approval of the color. Rashtu sira slid vzhivati ​​yaknaishvidshe, bazhano vikoristovuvati yogo for preparing strav. Freezers can take 3 months for a solid or solid freezer.

    Myakiy sire

    M'yakiy sire, on the form of solid and as hard as it is, should be stored in the refrigerator on a smaller scale. The term for the rosette should be set at 3 degrees at a temperature of 7 degrees, as it can be stored in a hermetically sealed package. Without a hermetically sealed tarry, such a sire can be quickly consumed. M'yaki siri: "Mascarpone", "Rikotta" and іnshі. Uryatuvati is not possible with flowers like this.

    Rosselny sire

    Rozsolny is called that sire, which is ripened by a special rosol. A greasy look is not a scorch, so it can only be taken in an airtight package, in a type of wine, or in a weak range of kitchen salt. Yogo can be viklasta in an emalivan casserole and flooded with salt. The razchin can be cooked in the following proportions: 200 g of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Rozchin will rise to the sire. As soon as there is a fish on the salt, the next step is to replace it with a new one. A professional sire will be welcomed with a hand of decilkoh months for draining you in an airtight container. When the flowers are set, sire, yak, is required for wikidati. I’ll see it from the salted sire, it’s necessary to add it to young people for about 8-10 years. Rose-salted sires є: "Suluguni", "Brinza", "Feta" and іnshi.

    Sire with pl_snyava

    Sire, which can be swirled with noble plastic, is the right way to put it in the refrigerator in an airtight package. The packaging can be replaced with a container from plastic or skla, smut, wrinkles, and innacle color of the product. At temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius, it will take about 7 days. Nayvidomish sire from plisnyava - tse "Roquefort".

    Home sire

    Sire, cooked at home minds, should be taken from the refrigerator from 1 to 7 degrees for no more than 3-4 days. For the sake of homemade sir, it is necessary to vikoristovuvati emalivatsii abo glass dishes. Polyethylene bags are not suitable for everyone. If you want to save this sire more, freeze it. Win zberigatime freshness in the frozen viglyadі kіlka mіsyatsіv.

    Accept the meanings of the terms and minds of the mind and enjoy the heady relish of that sir.

    The sire is visible to people from all the hours of Homer. Ale not affectionate on their own important wines, wines, like and earlier, to become loved by the love of people in all sorts of things.

    The most ineffectual sort of sir, which has long been put on a promiscuous basis. Power, also about the health of its hulks, control over the efficiency of dairy factories and private dairy farms. We will talk about the terms of availability of older varieties.

    Dear readers! Our statistic reports on the types of methods for the provision of legal services, but also of a unique character.

    If you want to know, if you want to know your problem itself - go to the form of an online consultant right-handed or call the phone-free consultation:

    You can find out from our statistics about the relevance of the book of skarg and the proposition under the law about the seizure of the rights of those living with us.

    This principle was adopted in 2002 by the establishment of the Federal Law, and in the second by the order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology in 2006.

    GOST is guilty of zabezpechuvati bezpek siriv. Yogo razdіli give the classification of syringes, vyazuyut vimogi to the quality, markup, safety, transport and protection of the product.

    The ninth point ("Transport and security") has:

    1. Siri that sirnі produkti povinnі zberіgatisya temperaturі od at -4 to 0 gradusіv that vologostі povіtrya od 85% to 90% at abo temperaturі od 0 to 6 gradusіv vologostі povіtrya that from 80% to 85%.
    2. The term of attachment to any sort of sira will be established by that uzgodzhu virobnik.
    to zm_stu

    Where to lie?

    Sire is a dairy product, which means it can be used for food products.

    We prepare to bring the merchandise to the trade before implantation, but the process of ripening is not ready for hilin.

    Because of the fact that there is a sire in any minds and as soon as possible, I have the right to lay down this relish and safety for customers.

    In order to establish the term of accessibility, to ensure that the actions are important factors:

    • the appearance of the shell on the head;
    • warehouse;
    • amount of salt in the product;
    • Vologosti download.

    What is the term of the accessibility of the burner that yaky? Learn directly at a time.

    1. Melting siri at temperatures from 0 to +4 can take three months.
    2. Paste-like melted siri is stored up to 30 dB.
    3. Cowbasins (melted) siri take 2 months in paraffin shells, and 4 months in polymeric ones.
    4. Home (self-made) sire sberіgaєtsya deprived of a few days.
    5. Sire Chechil ("kiska") is taken close to two months, smoked options - close to three months.
    6. Sirni siri in a polymeric package can be saved up to three months, the open shell can speed up the term up to three days.

    Solid and non-solid (packaged) take 15 dB at temperatures from +2 to +8 and at a volume of 90%, albeit vignettes:

    • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert - up to 120 dB;
    • Parmesan - up to 6 months;
    • Hollandska - up to 120 dB.

    Pokrittya z paraffіnu zberіgє hardened Siri for a month more, less pokrittya z a polymer.

    Retail companies are available from 30 dB to 75 dB:

    • Brinza;
    • Feta;
    • Mozzarella;
    • Suluguni;
    • Adigey.

    Termіn zberіgannya to lay down in the package of the product:

    • for polymeric packaging - 30 dB;
    • at sklі (at rosolі) - 75 dB.

    It’s possible to take not more than one month at temperatures less than 0 degrees, at temperatures from 0 to +10, such a sire will be an additional period for people who do not need it:

    • Camembert;
    • Roquefort;
    • Dor Blue;

    You can read about the terms of availability of different varieties of champagne here.

    • misce zberigannya;
    • podvitrya vologist;
    • Temperature.

    Such a miracle of bi stati lokh: the temperature of the post-life there is from 6 to 10 degrees, the post-life content is 85-95%, є ventilation.

    1. The sher packings didn’t hang, the best trimati we’ll turn on at the vologu tatanu chi kharchov pivka. It is possible to lay yogo on a wood plank that krishkoy.
    2. When you take in the refrigerator, you need to select the lower policeman or visit a policeman for fruit (call the policeman), the temperature there is approximately from +4 to +8 degrees. The lower temperature just sip the sir.
    3. The temperature may be higher than dry. Siri, with a high, high vologosti, is very busy.
    4. Sire is a ready-made product before implantation, but the process of seeing is going on for the whole hour, so it is not necessary to take the product from sealed dishes. For the collection of wood or ceramic dishes.
    5. Zberigati sire is more beautiful with a great shmat, then it is more beautiful to be careful. If the sire is not created, then we will leave it on tariltsi, and, obviously, it’s better to live.
    6. As soon as you see the hermetically sealed packaging, the sire is more beautiful than the re-lining of the foil. So the product does not hang, do not wrap, do not pick up a third-party smell.

    About those, who are shkidliva kharchova additive E 476, you can read our statistics.

    • hard and hard-to-dry grades are crushed for 10 days;
    • rosolnі, myakі and s plіsnyava "to live" close three-chotiroh days;
    • є siri (Bri, Roquefort), as they need to go out of the refrigerator every two or three days, they have “died down”. Todi stink to be careful of the day.

    Yakі termіni turnover of pennies on the bank card purchase before the hour of turning the goods? Please see our website.

    1. You can freeze it with a great shmat. For any requirement, wrap it in foil.
    2. You can rub the sire on a grater, and then maybe just by the way for zapikanok and pitsy. And the bastards did not get angry, їkh need to overpower the bourgeois іt’s a bit of development of frustration in the process of freezing.
    3. It is planned to vikoristovuvati frozen sire for hot sandwiches, plates of sir (kozhen okremo) need to be tanned in foil.

    Frozen can be harder than hardened Siri. Such a product can be taken from the freezer chambers, but it can be less expensive than the food.

    If the goods are lying on the police, the unscrupulous sellers will get lost in the mask of the stitching of the product.

    If you have received a dose, then don’t take a respectful look at the packaging, and the product itself:

    • on the package there is only one label from the term zberigannya. If the stink is glued one on one, then the product is stitched in front of you;
    • respectfully look out the sire: it’s innocent of the beloved nalot and plisnyavi;
    • you can put your finger on the little sir. When water appears, then the goods are stitched.

    The law "About the seizure of the rights of the survivor" to speak about those who, for the sir, the rulings of the terms of accessibility and the term zberіgannya (tse te same), for the termination of the whole term of sales of goods are unfortunate.

    If all the same, you bought a product, the seller of crop knitting will send you a waste.

    About those yak vibrati yakisny sire at the store, you can check out the video:

    Didn't you know what was on your power supply? Know that if you can see your problem itself - just call the phone at once: It’s fast and free of charge!

    Termіn zberіgannya siru

    • Termіn zberіgannya: 1 month
    • Term of attachment: 1 month
    • Term of accessibility in the refrigerator: 1 month
    • Term at the freezer: 2 months
    At the refrigerator at temperatures from +6 to +8 ° С

    Such a product is yak sir maє bagatu ta dovgu іstorіyu. The infection of extensions is literally in the whole world, and its savor befits hundreds of millions of people. If I want a dairy product earlier, it is offered on a weekly basis for those who are welcomed, as they enjoy the unrepeatable savor of sir. By the year, there were no more species of sirens, as sometimes one kind of one appeared. There are a lot of people to love from the wound to live in a sandwiches with sire, for that it is not only delicious, but also caloric, but also lively. Crimson sire stays in the bagatokh stravs of usy svitu.

    Sire is proud of the magnificent popularity of the whole world. The people of love appeared for seven thousand years of that in the lands of the Near Skhod and won the lead among the ancient Greeks and Romans. A trifle more product, having gained popularity among Europe, and then expanded throughout the world.

    Sire є їzheyu, it’s easy to finish to get used to the organism of people. The fermentors of the ferment milk are consumed and the sire is such a rank. Behind his warehouse, wines are even similar to a sire, ale sir maє trokhi more vitamins, minerals, bіlkіv and fat.

    Rіznodydi sirіv

    With the help of the technology, the production of lilac products has become more sophisticated and new varieties of sir have been introduced. The Chents' bosses, who were preparing the Siri at the holy matsyah, showed up the Siri from the plain, hospitality, smoked and salted Siri. The very chentsi set the basis for the gourmets of the orphanage, who step by step vivodili new vidi siriv.

    Hard sires call fermented milk products with a deep consistency, cover the top with natural skorinka. Dose such a product up to three months to three rockets. Siri of the category is distinguished by a special and brightly swirling relish, as well as a strong aroma. In cich varieties, the content is usually low - 55% won.

  • Smoked Siri;
  • Selyanski Siri;
  • Siri s pl_snyava;
  • Siri natural vision;
  • Siri with a red skorinka;
  • The other varieties are Swiss (50% fat and spicy relish) and Dutch (45% fat and gostry relish) Siri, Parmesan (32% fat).

    Characteristics of sirev

    З GOST R 52686-2006 “Siri. General technical skills "Siri are classified for groups and may be technical before they are prepared:

    1. Falsely from the mass part of the Vologda in the zezhiren_y speech:

    2. False fat from a mass fraction (MJ) at a dry speech:

    Syru warehouse

    Sire is even more bagaty on corns for the organism of lively speech. This dairy product revenge methionin, tryptophan, lizin and іnshі amino acids. Likewise, the new one has to take revenge on the big ones. Deyaki specimens, prepared from high-fat milk, to avenge a great number of lipids. Tsi siri may have a higher calorific value, in the view of the first species.

    Solid sorts of milk can be used to substitute depleted minerals and vitamins, such as C, A, D, E and vitamins B. Also dairy product rich in macro-microelements. Nayposhirenіshim є: phosphorus (550 mg), calcium (1010 mg), zalizo, kalіy, sodium (870 mg), magnesium, zinc, honey and manganese.

    Corinth to the power of Sir

    Sirny products are glorified not only for their relish, but for their majestic corista for the health of the people. Surrounded by a warehouse of weasels.

    Vzhivaniya sirnykh weasels spriyє normalization of the exchange of speeches. For їkh help it is possible to throw off the vagu, live only low-fat varieties. Give the sire to the children, the splinters of the wine will help the shvidshe virility. For quiet, hto grievance for lowering the grip, the whole dairy product will be even more cinnamon, overexposure to the arterial grip, and also to the increase of hemoglobin in the blood.

    Frequent implantation of a sir can help to shake off depression and turn a quiet sleep, a sprinkling product positively infuses the nervous system.

    In general, we will accumulate words that are good for the body of the people. I, remember about those who are more fatty to sir, which are more corysty to implantation of a product.

    Shkіdlivіst sira

    It’s just because siri to melt in our own who are not safe for our health. Fans of high-fat syringes will be blocked by hypertension and cholesterol alleviation, as well as problems with obesity. It is necessary to take care of the implantation of the sire, because from the overworldly implantation there may be headaches and nightmares.

    For the protection of sirny products, it is necessary to live with vaginal women, ossicles in some varieties of sir, which is more important, to live in high-quality organisms, so that they wicked and wickedly.

    Gostrenki vidykh lasoschiv contraindicated, hto maє problems with the intestinal tract, spongy gastritis and pancreatitis.

    Zberigannya siru

    Oskilki sir є a product that is made from milk; Term zberigannya siru is rich in what to lie down in depending on the temperature of consumption.

    The ideal temperature for sizing air is from 6 to 8 degrees.

    With a wide temperature range, it is not necessary. If you are interested in food, then you won’t get in the area of ​​90%. All the same will help the sir not to fall before, not to be imbued.

    As long as the sire has dried up in rank, then take a wikidat yogo at the bottom for smittya not varto. Such a withered sire can be rubbed on the ground and lived in the hedgehog. Especially rubbing sire pidijde for filling pasta strains and bagatokh інshih culinary masterpieces.

    Since and a large number of dairy products, sire is recommended to be taken from the refrigerator, after a good temperature wash. At such a time, a whole head of solid sir can take 2 months. M'yaka head siru take less than 15 days. And the axis of the term zberigannya sira (hard) in shmatka becomes 1 month. However, before putting the sir in the refrigerator, it is necessary to competently burn it into a little mouse or a grub.

    So you see the siru yak brinza that suluguni may be the term of the storage from 25 to 75 days, and look at the smell of the fridge. Refrigerator chudovo pіdіide for sberіgannya fused syru. Termіn zberіgannya sir cowbass and skibochny in the refrigerator to become close to 3 months. Such siri yak paste-like and licorice may be the term of adherence 1 month.

    When you vibrate the miscellaneous to take the sir in the refrigerator, you need to remember the following:

  • It is not recommended to take the sire at the door of the refrigerator;
  • The optimal small box for siberian siru is the lower box for vegetables and fruits;
  • To continue the term of adherence to the sire, it is necessary to tint it in parchment papier before zberiganny;
  • Before serving the stew, let it stand at room temperature, so you can change the original flavor characteristics.
  • Termіn zberіgannya sira u froziltsі

    If you plan to live the sire at the first viglyad, do not freeze him. When frozen, the product contains basic characteristics.

    The dairy product can be frozen, as soon as vіn bude vikoristaniy yak dressing up to the main strains. It can take no more than 2-3 months to get a sire from the freezer.

    For a siru without a refrigerating chamber, it is necessary to first wrap it in a salty servet, soaked in salty pink. The ideal option for a healthy environment will be colder and darker.

    You can take no more than 7 dB for such minds.

    Termіn zberіgannya siru in the refrigerator

    Termіn zberіgannya sira u froziltsі

    2-3 months

    Termіn zberіgannya sira for room temperature

    Term of attachment to Sir

    Sire is a product that people can see for a long time. A collection of wines will be available only for the faith of the population. Minute an hour, the sire having trimmed the deals of a larger extension, a new variety of such a product appeared. There are hundreds of different kinds of splendid views over the year. So if it is right to take a sire, why should you take more freshness?

    Termіn zberіgannya for DSTU

    According to the rules of GOST, the term for the sake of becoming one month. However, it is a good idea to lay it down, both in the form of sire, and in the form of packaging, in which it can be stored. At the razdrіbnyh trade fences sire maє buti implementations stretching out fifteen dib.

    Below is a list of the most popular types of the product from the designated terms.

    • Sir "Russian" - 120 dB;
    • sire "Adigeyskiy" - 30 dB for a container with polydimensional materials and 75 dB for a container with a warehouse;
    • sire "Pigtail" - 60 dB;
    • sire iz plisnyava - up to three months;
    • sire of melting - 30 dB;
    • sire "Dir blue" - from 2 to 3 months;
    • sire "Dutch" - 120 days;
    • sire "Mascarpone" - up to 3 months (if the package is opened up to three days);
    • sire "Bri" - up to 2 months;
    • sire "Suluguni" - 30 dB;
    • "Gouda" - 120 days;
    • home sire - 20 dB.

    The package is closed with a sign of a better term for a siru of any sort. Yakshcho sir buv packaging and distribution without the middle in stores, the term of accessibility of this warehouse for 72 years.

    Zberigannya sira in the fridge

    Yak usi dairy products, sir is the most beautiful to be stored in the refrigerator. The optimal temperature for the selection of a large variety of products is -2-4 degrees per Celsius. Cyrus head can take up to two months in the refrigerator. As the product is cut into small pieces, the term of consumption will change significantly and become only 15 dB. Paste-like siri are stored in the refrigerator for up to one month, and cowboys - up to three months. Brinzu and suluguni are the most optimal for taking in the cheapest refrigerator. Stinks take up to 75 dB.

    The end of the term of attachment

    As soon as the term of adherence to the world has passed and the product has begun to creep, do not sleep on the wikidat yo at the source for smitty. A dry product can be grated on grated and vikoristovuvati in їzhu, for example, for preparing food or macaroni with sir. Zrozumilo, the sire will not be ashamed, who has already covered himself with the platitude of a far from noble proclamation.

    If the sire is already fresh and tasty, it is necessary to properly secure it.

    • In ideal, the temperature of the blood sugar will become 6-8 degrees. No matter if temperature tolerance.
    • Yakshcho sir pislya zberigannya in the refrigerator curled up flat, її just needs to be seen. You can live such a sire. There is a price for sorts of soft varieties.
    • It is unacceptable to take sire from plastic packaging and food pouches. Pislya podbannya slid, wrap the sire in parchment, or vikoristovuvati for the sake of a glass of container.

    What is the need for the nobility about the terms of accessibility and the selection of the sire of different varieties?

    Siri has long been borrowing from the rationalization of the people’s taste, and the cultural potential of the product is not guaranteed.

    There are extensions everywhere, and from a great number of assortments you can come to the counter at a later date - for any sort, or for the kind of change.

    Be-like a buyer pragmatically buy a fresh, sweet and tasty sire.

    To know such a thing, it is necessary to “learn” about buying a product, and it’s necessary to be able to grow at the stage of choice, so that you don’t have mercy on the purchase.

    Vibrating on the counter, sire, in front of me, go to the brutal respect, how much fresh and what hour you have lost "life", tobto. terms of yogo accessory.

    About how to bring legislation?

    Great enterprises of the modern dairy industry, private food production with renewed vigor, so that the purchaser is happy to drink that market segment with their products.

    The state stands on the basis of interests and control over the production of dairy products, which is such a rank as the guarantor of reliability on the market of milk products.

    For the legislation of the Russian Federation, the virobny process is regulated by the Federal Law No. 88-FZ, which has established technical regulations for virobniztva, zberigannya, transportation and implementation of the system and іnshoї dairy products.

    The law of the Russian Federation "On the seizure of the rights of spouses" on virobnik_v (virobnik_v) sirіv imposed a restriction on establishing the terms of accessibility for the Danish type of goods and information for the purchase in a given rank.

    According to the term of affinity, the legislator is a period of time, if any goods are entered into unauthorized vikorystannya for the signs (clause 4 of Art. 5 of the Law).

    Article 5 of the Law on Zahist Sphozhivachiv. The rights and obligations of the virobnik (viconavtsya, seller) in the sphere of establishing the term of service, the term of attachment to the product (robot), as well as the guarantee term for the product (robot)

    1. For a product (a robot), signs for a trivial victorian, a virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish the term of service - period, by holding out a virobnik (viconavets), it’s impossible to forget that it’s possible that a robot doesn’t have to pay there was a blame for him.
    2. The virobnik (viconavets) of the stubble will establish the term for the service of the goods (robots) of the trivial corystuvannya, including the complementary virobes (parts, institutes, aggregates), since the end of the singing period can start a healthy life, or navkolishny middle-class. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
    3. The term of service to the goods (robots) can be counted in one hour, as well as in the same ones in the volume (kilometers, meters and in the same ones in the volume, in terms of the functional designation of the goods (the result of the robot)). (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
    4. On the products of food, perfumery - cosmetic comrades, medicines, comrades by the butovoy chemistry and those comrades (robots) vyrobnik (viconavets) of stubbornness, set the term of accessibility - the period, for which goods (robots) are not worthy of interest. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
    5. Sales of goods (vikonannya roboti) after the end of the established term of adherence, as well as to the goods (vikonannya of robots), for any reason, the establishment of the term of adherence, but it is not established, to fence. (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
    6. The virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish a guarantee for the goods (robot) - the period, as long as the development of the goods (robots) is unstable.
    7. The seller has the right to set up the goods of the guarantee term, as it was established by the virobnik. As a guarantee term for the establishment of a virobnik, the seller has the right to establish a guarantee term for a greater triviality, not a guarantee term for a virobnik. (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

    If the buyer is for some reason, after adding a product at the store due to the term of affinity, if it ends, or if the purchases appear to be unclear, you can go to the store for your own petition:

    • obmіnyati stitches about the goods with the normal term of adherence;
    • replace an unclear product with an analogue of the іnshy wyrobnik;
    • pay pennies for a purchase;
    • make a book.

    The seller of the goods is obliged to accept the claim of the buyer from the relevant vimogues of the independence about those who have saved the check for the addition of the goods. In order to uncover unacceptable surprises from the stitching with a sire, it is possible to identify the term of your affinity:

    • according to the factory's etiquette, de;
    • behind plastic abo caseynovy figures, embedded in til sira;
    • for the information, put on the head of the sira with a stamp with a headlamp, do not change, for a laser and other methods of marking.

    All indications for non-packed products.

    Terms of attachment of packaged sir in the main distribution on stickers glued to the product with a barcode. For the date of obtaining the term of attachment on such sires, it is necessary to apply the same date of the packing.

    Often, on the etiquette, it is possible to designate not the term of affinity, but rather in the term of zberigannya. For a whole type of food product, the term of availability and the term of availability is used.

    Realize the product at the moment, if it is not necessary to pack it up to 20 dB, it is necessary to buy it if it is guilty at + 10 ° C and the limit value of the tolerance is 80%.

    Sire is a fresh, lively product, it develops gradually, protects it on a retail counter, and we drink it for an hour.

    Tse, in pershu cherga, to be drunk on yogo savory yummies - sire sta overwhelmedly hospitality, and inodі nabuv rancid relish.

    Besides, the delicacy of "love" to chew on the outside smells, that is more beautiful than the zberigati of yogo okremo, burnt at the foil, or, on the extreme vypadok, kharchov plyvka.

    The term and mind of the young species of sire appear, but absolutely all the stench suffers from the temperature differences and differences in the average volume.

    Zberigannya temperature

    The optimal temperature regime for the selection of large varieties and species of sir is in the range of 4-8 ° C.

    For more low temperatures and for an hour the sire is frozen in its shape, or it starts to shrivel, rozharovuvatisya. Besides, there are specific savor of power.

    At a temperature of 10-15 ° C, the consistency (structure) and the relish of the dairy product change and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms changes.

    Indicators of vologost_

    For syringes, it is recommended to adapt to the level of prevalence at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively mean the quality of the sire. So, it’s even low volog_st to produce up to hanging, and the temple’s sprinkling of savory yields, decaying that pesuvannya.

    Terms for species

    The following factors are injected into the establishment of the terms of attachment to the sire:

    • warehouse for the product;
    • the content of the product itself;
    • a little instead of a new salt;
    • the appearance of the visibility in the new shell.

    The most popular of the middle class є solid and hard and solid: Parmesan, Cheddar, Holland, Gouda, Russian, Kostromsky, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Olterman, King Arthur, Dor Blu and in.

    It will take 15 days for the distribution of trade hens to realize packaged solid and hard liquids. At home, the smell of guilt was put into the refrigerator at the lower police station at temperatures from +4 to +8 ºС and at a volume of 90%.

    Tim is not the least, the skin sort of sir has its own, individual specialties of zberigannya. Maasdam і Rossіyskiy, for example, at t from +2 to +6 ºС for 85% volatility can lie up to 120 dB, and Parmesan even more - up to pivroku (obviously, in preparation - up to 10 rocks).

    The Dutch sire loves temperatures from +6 to +8 ºС, and the alcohol content is 90%. For such minds, a bag of wines in a package up to 120 days.

    Door Blue can be taken close to three months, but the temperature is lowered - from 0 to + 2 ° C and trimmates are needed in a lighted view of some of these products, as a noble deliberate delirialates cannot be overtaken by them. So far, until the last species of solid sirs, the term of this property grows in up to six months.

    It is not recommended for household minds that are solid / hard to use.

    About the manifestation of others in children, to indicate the presence of rhubarb to the beaches, and the appearance of large impregnations, to indicate the birth of rotten microflora in the product. Tom for zberigannya is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati parchment and foil.

    Besides, it’s hard / hard to see the siren, so it’s itself and the sire can be visibly stored in a closed, emerald dish with a little shmotochka, like I’m going to visit a vologist.

    In an apparently vigorous view, it’s impossible to think about it, the odd smell can be felt better.

    Boundary term of taking at the refrigerator of packaged solid / nap_vtverdogo siru brought from the store - 8 days. Without a refrigerator, sire, tanning at the cloth, soaked with salt water, can take up to 5 days at a cold place, but a dark one.

    Solid / solid siri in paraffin coating may be 1 month longer, but not by brothers, tanned in polymeric materials. In the rest, the packaging is often unstable until sir, which is approved by its surface. Also, for the month, the term will be quickened in the lightest form, if they are kept near the refrigerator chamber, from 0 to +4 ºС.

    Not less popular among the people of retail Siri - Sulugun, Brinza, Feta, Mozzarella, Chanakh, Adigey Tushinsky, Lori, Chechil and ін. finished product.

    The container can be a viconan from polydimensional materials, for such a time the term of accessibility becomes less than 30 dB. In the skylanny dishes filled with rose salt (marinade), the Siri is more than 75 dB. At home minds from the polydimensional tariff, the growth of siri is more beautiful than vityaguvati and zberigati in cold minds.

    Suluguni, for example, if you want to buy it, put it in a container right away, or I'll drink a jar and take it in rose salt at t not more than +6 ºС. The term of life can be extended to a product by adding milk to it for a day, and then pouring water and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water and room temperature), vitrimati (200 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

    One of the sisters of Sulugun is sire Chechil, or among the people is sire "kiska". Have a kit yogo zapitayut on the bag stage of the industrial virobnitstva. Factory packaging allows the sir to take close to two months. At the loose viglyadі winn can be deprived of a month. The smoked version of the dish has taken its power for 3 months. I recommend Zberigati Chechil by the refrigerator.

    Adigeisky, yak і Sulugunі, it is more beautiful to take a look at the tare in cold sinks (at t from +2 to +6 ºС), freezing it is suggested, as it is trivial to be transferred at room temperatures.

    It is possible to lie at the refrigerator for a few days, but for a few days.

    In the vacuum of the Adigey sir, it is possible to live better - it is close to a month. Smoked Adigey sir zberigayetsya nabagato more. For the reason that the technology of cooking is well-adapted, the "eye-catching" smoked sire does not consume its own flavor up to two rockets.

    Retail siri, vtіm, like and all of them, are more beautiful than cupuvati in such a case, they will live in 1-2 days, and take advantage of the important for them the kind of medium - sirovattsi, rose salt and any kind of airtight at t, no more than +6 ºС. Syrovattsi Siri doesn’t get enough money, and salt breakdowns - up to a few months.


    Not less popular in the middle of living and melting Siri. The new dairy regulation is a dairy product that is prepared by the method of thermomechanical processing of one or more decilkoh naymenuvan and / or siru.

    Syrovin for the processed product is made up of high-quality products, for example, of solid / non-solid types with the terms of adherence, but also ends up with defective packaging, as well as those intended for melting, salted products, milk, supplements

    The terms of the appendages of melted syringes must not lie in the middle of the quality of them;

    There is no difference in sorts of melted Siri, however, there are a lot of types of dairy products. Before melting skibkovyh sirіv are reported: Nevskiy, Radianskiy, Rossiyskiy, Gollandskiy, Kostromskiy, Vershkoviy, Adalniy, Baltiyskiy and іn The name of the sir, as a rule, will be explained explicitly by the type of information introduced into this world.

    At home sinks, at temperatures from 0 to +4 ºС, the content of 85% is not more than three months per day of packing, and a sire of smoked meats is 30 dB.

    The first type of melted sirіv is smelted cowbass sirі.

    Representatives of this type є: Kovbasny smoked, Tourist, Osoblivy and ін.

    The term of attachment to a dairy product lies in the form of a shell, in which it is helped.

    Vona can be paraffin and polymeric.

    Parafinova is the most ecologically clean, the protein is not great in it - not more than two months. In polymeric materials, the sisters are able to get better and better, some of the material is good and the best in power.

    It is necessary to keep the cowboys' siri in the refrigerator for a low temperature - not more than +4 ºС.

    Another type of melting is paste-like sir. On the counter you can see the following names: Hohland (vershkovy abo assorti), Viola, President, Druzhba, Burshtin, Khvilya, Moskovskiy and in.

    The stench is stored at t up to +4 ºС and the viscosity does not exceed 85% up to 30 dB, and when the packaging is packed - not more than 5 dB. Sir Hochland verchkovy take a little more - 6 months at t from +2 to +8 ºС.

    Melting to obid is another type of melted syringes. The stinks of the trade fences are represented by the names: "Z tsibulei for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup". The terms of the unification of the property - up to 4 months. Umovi utrimannya: temperature from 0 to +4 ºС with a volume of 85%.

    Melted canned food of siri - the price of siri is 50% fat:

    • sterilization;
    • pasteurization;
    • pasteurization from shinky;
    • have a powder.

    For a specific dairy product є trivial term zberigannya (at the closed camp) - up to two rockets. The temperature rise of the zberigannya to reach the great from 0 to +20 ºС.

    Sirny siri (Ricotta, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette, Bonzhur, etc.), packed in a polymeric container, stored up to three months at temperatures from +2 to + 4 ° C. Displayed packaging is a guarantee of performance for only three days.

    Pid bags

    Make sure you get the most satisfaction from the purchase, you need to be respectful and choose the right products.

    For the whole, yak minimum, the goods need to be looked around, and only one sniff and one must vivify the etiquette.

    Information about the terms of accessibility, differentiated on the product, is very important for the person who lives and helps you to get better at the choice of that particular product.

    The availability of certain types of properties, for example, moving to the counter of products with the term of availability, but after that, the seller has violated the rules of trade, and it is more difficult for him to recognize the legal inheritance.

    Melting siri at temperatures from 0 to +4 can take three months.

    • Paste-like melted siri is stored up to 30 dB.
    • Cowbasins (melted) siri take 2 months in paraffin shells, and 4 months in polymeric ones.
    • Home (self-made) sire sberіgaєtsya deprived of a few days.
    • Sire Chechil ("kiska") is taken close to two months, smoked options - close to three months.
    • Sirni siri in a polymeric package can be saved up to three months, the open shell can speed up the term up to three days.
    • Solid and non-solid (packaged) take 15 dB at temperatures from +2 to +8 and at a volume of 90%, albeit vignettes:
    • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert - up to 120 dB;
    • Parmesan - up to 6 months;
    • Hollandska - up to 120 dB.

    Pokrittya z paraffіnu zberіgє hardened Siri for a month more, less pokrittya z a polymer.

    Term of attachment and storage of narizan Russian sira in the refrigerator


    The container can be a viconan from polydimensional materials, for such a time the term of accessibility becomes less than 30 dB. In the skylanny dishes filled with rose salt (marinade), the Siri is more than 75 dB.


    At home minds from the polydimensional tariff, the growth of siri is more beautiful than vityaguvati and zberigati in cold minds. Suluguni, for example, if you want to buy it, put it in a container right away, or I'll drink a jar and take it in rose salt at t not more than +6 ºС.

    The term of life can be extended to a product by adding milk to it for a day, and then pouring water and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water and room temperature), vitrimati (200 g of salt per 1 liter of water). One of the sisters of Sulugun is sire Chechil, or among the people is sire "kiska".
    Have a kit yogo zapitayut on the bag stage of the industrial virobnitstva.

    Rosspozhivnaglyad: narration sir slid realizuvati in lines no more than 12 years

    Terms for species The following factors are injected into the establishment of terms of accessibility:

    • warehouse for the product;
    • the content of the product itself;
    • a little instead of a new salt;
    • the appearance of the visibility in the new shell.

    Solid and hard-to-find among the most popular middle-class countries and hard and hard-to-hard types: Parmesan, Cheddar, Hollandsky, Gouda, Russian, Kostromsky, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Oltermani, King Arthur, Dor Blud and days.

    At home, the smell of guilt was put into the refrigerator at the lower police station at temperatures from +4 to +8 ºС and at a volume of 90%. Tim is not the least, the skin sort of sir has its own, individual specialties of zberigannya.

    Term of attachment to a variety of different varieties and specialties of zbergannya

    With a wide temperature range, it is not necessary. If you are interested in food, then you won’t get in the area of ​​90%. All the same will help the sir not to fall before, not to be imbued. As long as the sire has dried up in rank, then take a wikidat yogo at the bottom for smittya not varto.
    Such a withered sire can be rubbed on the ground and lived in the hedgehog. Especially rubbing sire pidijde for filling pasta strains and bagatokh інshih culinary masterpieces.


    Since and a large number of dairy products, sir is recommended to be taken in the refrigerator, after a good temperature wash. At such a time, a whole head of solid sir can take 2 months.

    M'yaka head siru take less than 15 days. And the axis of the term zberigannya sira (hard) in shmatka becomes 1 month.
    However, before putting the sir in the refrigerator, it is necessary to competently burn it into a little mouse or a grub.

    Term of attachment of different varieties to Syru for a guest

    Realize the product at the moment, if it is not necessary to pack it up to 20 dB, it is necessary to buy it if it is guilty at + 10 ° C and the limit value of the tolerance is 80%. Take care of the yak? Sire is a fresh, lively product, it develops gradually, protects it on a retail counter, and we drink it for an hour.

    Tse, in pershu cherga, to be drunk on yogo savory yummies - sire sta overwhelmedly hospitality, and inodі nabuv rancid relish. Besides, the delicacy of "love" to chew on the outside smells, that is more beautiful than the zberigati of yogo okremo, burnt at the foil, or, on the extreme vypadok, kharchov plyvka.

    The term and mind of the young species of sire appear, but absolutely all the stench suffers from the temperature differences and differences in the average volume.

    Termіn zberіgannya siru

    The temperature of the siege The optimal temperature regime for the sake of large varieties and species of sir is growing in the range of 4-8 ° C. For more low temperatures and for an hour the sire is frozen in its shape, or it starts to shrivel, rozharovuvatisya.

    Besides, there are specific savor of power. At a temperature of 10-15 ° C, the consistency (structure) and the relish of the dairy product change and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms changes. Indicators of vologosti For sirs, it is recommended to adapt vologosti for primates at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively mean the quality of the sire. So, it’s even low volog_st to produce up to hanging, and the temple’s sprinkling of savory yields, decaying that pesuvannya.

    What is the need for the nobility about the terms of accessibility and the selection of the sire of different varieties?

    Razsіlny sirі zberіgayuyutsya from 30 dіb to 75 dіb: Termіn zberіgannya to lay down from the packaging of the product:

    • for polymeric packaging - 30 dB;
    • at sklі (at rosolі) - 75 dB.

    It’s possible to take not more than one month at temperatures less than 0 degrees, at temperatures from 0 to +10, such a sire will be an additional period for people: Read about the term of availability of different varieties of champagne here. If you talk about the ideal mind, then you might be able to get away with such factors: So it’s a matter of fact: the temperature there is a post-life - from 6 to 10 degrees, the post-life content is 85-95%, ventilation is. If you don't mind the unhealthy at the small apartments, the sire may get too cold, overheated, dry up and “suffocate”:

    1. The sher packings didn’t hang, the best trimati we’ll turn on at the vologu tatanu chi kharchov pivka.

    About the terms of attachment of the packaged sira

    When choosing a product, there are several unique features:

    • at the same low temperatures, only the meats of siri are able to freeze up a few days;
    • sharp temperature drops;
    • shіlno sealed polyethylene bags;
    • go for other little things, as they quickly wrap themselves up and dry up when the minds of the minds are caught;
    • do not zagortati sire from papirs.

    Yak zberigati hard variety Such sir is better for the sake of the freshness and savory quality in the refrigerator. Ale all one thing goes to the necessary minds of your mind. At the same time, at the same time, it’s possible to make solid sir more than a month. And it is necessary to regularly translate it into the appearance of the colors of the songs.

    Todi stink to be careful of the day. Yakі termіni turnover of pennies on the bank card purchase when turning the goods? Please see our website. can I freeze Qi until the zm_stu? To eat, as well, the sir has appeared richly, and it is simply not possible for 10 days to be taken away. You can freeze it in the freezer compartment in the following ways:

    1. You can freeze it with a great shmat.

      For any requirement, wrap it in foil.

    2. You can rub the sire on a grater, and then maybe just by the way for zapikanok and pitsy. And the bastards did not get angry, їkh need to overpower the bourgeois іt’s a bit of development of frustration in the process of freezing.
    3. It is planned to vikoristovuvati frozen sire for hot sandwiches, plates of sir (kozhen okremo) need to be tanned in foil.

    Frozen can be harder than hardened Siri.

    Siri has long been borrowing from the rationalization of the people’s taste, and the cultural potential of the product is not guaranteed. There are extensions everywhere, and from a great number of assortments you can come to the counter at a later date - for any sort, or for the kind of change.

    Be-like a buyer pragmatically buy a fresh, sweet and tasty sire. To know such a thing, it is necessary to “learn” about buying a product, and it’s necessary to be able to grow at the stage of choice, so that you don’t have mercy on the purchase.

    Vibrating on the counter, sire, in front of me, go to the brutal respect, how much fresh and what hour you have lost "life", tobto. terms of yogo accessory. About how to bring legislation? Great enterprises of the modern dairy industry, private food production with renewed vigor, so that the purchaser is happy to drink that market segment with their products.


    So the product doesn’t hang, don’t wrap itself, don’t take in a foreign smell. About those, who are shkidliva kharchova additive E 476, you can read our statistics. If you take the optimal mode of food and drink it correctly, then in the refrigerator you can save the gusto and taste the food:

    • hard and hard-to-dry grades are crushed for 10 days;
    • rosolnі, myakі and s plіsnyava "to live" close three-chotiroh days;
    • є siri (Bri, Roquefort), as they need to go out of the refrigerator every two or three days, they have “died down”. Todi stink to be careful of the day.

    Yakі termіni turnover of pennies on the bank card purchase before the hour of turning the goods? Please see our website. To eat, as well, the sir has appeared richly, and it is simply not possible for 10 days to be taken away.
    And the smell doesn’t just vimagayut special minds zberigannya, even more may have a special aroma. For example, this kind of fridge of our gentlemen sir, because of the simple need to trim, all of the other products and in hermetically sealed packaging.

    Rose varieties are taken from a can of cheese castruli, placed at a special retail outlet. And the term of adherence to sir, prepared by a whip-ruff, can become three more than 2-3 days.

    It is even more important to take care of the minds of the selection of the product. Sire obov'yazkovo maє buti packings. Booths for zberigannya are more beautiful than a special sirnitsa from ceramics, or a slope with a kryshka, which can be ventilated. It is necessary to trim the temperature regime as well - from 3 to 10 degrees. І bazhano, the temperature didn’t go up, so he don’t like a sir. If you want to save it, you can wind the product without a refrigerator.

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