Zberigati sir kisku. Siri in plain sight. Yak zberigati sire at the refrigerator

Syr is a product, which has become a part of our life: mi їmo yogo in sandwiches, donate to salad and soup, vicarist yogo for preparing food. Stikles of gourmet additives and sauces based on food isnu - do not fuck.

Sire is used to products, so it is easy to get around, so the rules of your choice are the same, you need the nobility of the gentleman, because you are better off saving your life. It’s wrong to take a sire, to give a little respect, you can start to creep up, cover yourself with nalot, plushyava, crush, take in the savor and aroma. It’s a natural sir, wine itself doesn’t take care of itself, but until the end of the term of attachment, it’s guilty but it’s attached to implantation. Viconize all the rules of saving, quit for the time, when the temperature depends on the same, when you need to save the product, and if the sire will run out of the necessary hour.

The main reason, through which sire is passed, is the inconsistency of the temperature in any case. The temperature is low so that the corny microorganisms in the middle of the world can be repaired and learned. Zanadto visoka temperature may not look like a corny - there can be bacteria that do not corrode human body. Slid controllability of the turnout. As soon as the answer is given, the sire will start to disappear, but if the value is low, then the sire will disappear.

Yak correctly zberigati sire

Є One rule is that it’s like a lord, sir — it’s not cereal, you don’t need to stock it up for a month ahead, more so, it’s not so rich for an hour. Bathe his giblets, hedge, and you can sir, and you can be lucky, because you will not have to survive at the last moment that shukati is a way to promote the product of life to love.

  • The temperature for the drink is 3-8 degrees.
  • The nutritional content is not nutritional 90%.

Old perevіrene babusina zіb - put the shmatochka tsukru on the order іz we will crush the polyethylene pill with sire - do the ryatutsei product from the hour of the day. It is more correct to take a siru - the price of a healthy food is due to the stiff temperature. Do not allow any drops, keep the temperature rising steadily.

If you want to change the siren into a glass, add the price in advance - remove the siren from the refrigerator a year before serving. Rizati zdalegіd not varto - dribbling thin skibochki sir shvidko start and dry.

  • It can be found more securely sorts of sir - up to 10 days at home minds. Ale їkh needs to be constantly inverted for the appearance of color.
  • If the sire is mealy, then the triviality of your life is not more than 3 dib, but for the fused siru, especially if there is no evidence, and even less - 2 add a maximum.

The special growth of the world is most beautifully taken from the salt water and the water. As soon as you get to live the sire from the hedgehog - do not douse him with sprinkles, in other words, you will become meek, more than tanuti to suck in your unwitting relish and corny power. Rosemishuvati sirny sir is more beautiful in cold boiled water.

The term for the sake of the sake will increase to stagnate at all temperatures, at which it is saved. So for a soft sir, a temperature of -2 degrees is sufficient, so that it does not fester in a month, it doesn’t get too hot, because it’s fast enough.

Myaki siri are not so sensitive to the cold, they are not solid. You can take advantage of the low temperature, because of the term you can get better. Ridkisnі sorts of sir, because they don’t tolerate the cold, are saved only in the warmth and in advance of the preparation of hermetically sealed packaging. The price is tied with the tim, which is a plisnyava, yak in special varieties of sira vvazhaєshuyu chic and roskіshuyu, unfortunately, it’s not even ennobled іnshі products in the refrigerator.

Yak zberigati sire at the refrigerator

Zberigati sire at the refrigerator is possible 1 day touch 2 basic rules:

  1. Put the sire on the tarіlku and covered with a plastic kovpak
  2. Turn the sire on the foil or parchment and open it very small, for example with a toothpick.

Yakshko krim package is not a big deal. Place a bag of sirom with a sprinkle of macaroni. Take away the stench on yourself vologue.

Yak zberigati sire

I clean servetka very much in salty water and vikruchuєmo vidzhimaєmo even more reliably. Rozstelyaєmo that zagortmo in її sire. Such a viglyad is taken to the refrigerator. Do not put it in a polyethylene bag, or you shouldn't be confused about it.

Rub the oil grater in front of tim yak, you can rub the oil on it. So the wine does not stick together and the grater is lighter than the one.

The baggage of private houses has a miraculous ability to take sires from the greats, and they also have small comrades, lokhi, pidpilla, komori and іnshі cool mission for the capture. It’s a pity that they don’t have such privileges, and a refrigerator is the best place for saving a sir.

Little does he know, ale at sir, yak at fruits, vegetables, cowbasi and meat є his place at the refrigerator. The temperature is guilty of being optimal - 3-8 degrees, and the content - 90%.

Zaboronny mіstsya for sberіgannya siru - the upper police and bichny viddіl. Ideally, take a sire at the lower police station, or at the entrance for fruits and vegetables. In two minutes, make sure you get ready and think, as you need it, that the sire will be as young as possible.

Unimportant to those modern refrigerators are equipped with special systems for smelling, sir is a product that absorbs smells from semi-products. Don't get too sick, do not trim the sire with the opener. Really pack it into a bath, put it in the container from the plastic - in such a rank you will save all of the other fragrant products.

  • Remember: zberigati sire, burnt at the papirs, categorically zaborono!
  • It is important: more than sir, more than sir, the stench is better than the stench!

Yak zberigati sire at frosty

A great shmat, which is not a lot of energy, it is very quick to pick it up, and then rub it in a new clean bag and put it in the freezer for a more tricky drink.

Providnі kulіnari svіtu perekonanі, how sberіgannya sira in the freezer - the whole blues, and the favor of yo thudi, just mean yo zіpsuvati. Ale vodnochas nіkhto not talk about those who are frozen sir shkіdliviy. It’s just nasty to endure the high temperature, when the frost-freeze starts to crack and draws in its own spicy aroma. If you have a lot of money, you’re afraid that the term of accessibility will end, and you will have a chance to win it.

Frozen sires do not go to the table for eating; If you freeze a mild variety of sir, then it will be watery and not so savory;

Yak zberigati home sire

As long as you independently play the sire - do not be afraid of it even more, so that such a product will be saved for only a few days. A package for a homemade sir is categorically not to go - the dishes are guilty of buty or emalovanim.

Home sire can be frozen, the smallest pieces of wine can be finished, and even more natural products can be taken away. You can take a few months at the freezer home sire.

At home, the sire needs to be taken into the refrigerator in order for it to live up to its term of accessibility. The maximum temperature is taken into the refrigerator three to a maximum of 9 ° C. If the temperature is higher at higher temperatures, then the processes are switched on, which accelerate the maturation and reach the level of growth until the date of the term of reliability.

  • If you bought a drug store, do not pack it in tight packaging. You will need to pack it in a new piece.
  • Sire before implantation slid by the way from the refrigerator for a year on skin 100 gr. perebuvannya for room temperature.
  • As soon as you take a trip to Siri order without packing in the refrigerator, the smell of exchanging bacteria and tricking the authorities of the Sir. Siri different varieties require packing okremos.
  • Sire treba kupuvati na tizhneve vzhivannya.
  • The triviality of taking over the sire is tied to him, as it is due to him, there are 1,000,000 bacteria again.

Term of attachment to Sir

The term of adherence to the sire is to be found in its variety, temperature, and in the quality of the product itself. With the right preparation and minds, you can get more money.

  • The term for the availability of solid syringes can be from 30 to 1 rock. Capture the heads of solid sir for temperatures from -4 to 0 degrees, with a moisture content not lower than 85%.
  • Growing siri at temperatures that do not change +8 degrees only in a salty range from 25 to 74 dB.
  • The term for cowbass sirk is 3 months, for licorice sirk - up to 30 dB.
  • At the home refrigerator, the sire takes up to 10 days from the food.

Sire- one of the most popular food products on the planet. People have nailed it to the far past - at 5 yew. BC

Over the course of the year, the technology of the production of milk developed and became more sophisticated;

The very reason for the sire to get involved shvidkopsuvnim product, the term of attachment of any meaningfulness.

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Rіznodydi sirіv

For the dovgu history of the sira, people have become vigotovlyati impassive siriv.

Most popular varieties to go for help iron ferment... Among such sirs, one sees solid, like solid, soft and rosy siri.

Hard and napivt siri - the most popular varieties in the middle of sirіv.

Before such admit Napryklad, Gouda, Rossiyska, Hollandska, Edam, Tilziter, Lambert and a lot of them. The same is the country and the famous Siri for the whole world.

Fermented milk Siri prepared from fermented non-fat milk. With the addition of such sirens є green and sirnі siri.

Another one kind - sirovatkovy siri, For example, Rikotta. Tsi sorts are readily available from the syrovatka, so that they can be used for the virobability of the sylvatic syringes.

Pislya virobnitstva deyaki siri go smoked meat, which allows the urgency of the enjoyment and the reversal of the psuvannyu.

Smoked Siri can also be brought up to the same product category.

Legislation and GOST

The Russian Federation has broken a number of international standards of quality products that are going on throughout the territory of the Mitny Union.

Usyo bulo is broken up kіlkka GOSTіv, zokrema, such:

  • R 52686-2006 Siri. General technical ideas ";
  • 32260-2013 Siri Napivtverdi. Technical mind ";
  • R 53421-2009 Siri Rozsolnі. Technical mind ".

Significant documents have to be assigned the term of attribution to a specific name of the product. by the virobnik himself based on technical understanding.

Where does the term of attachment lie?

Sire is a product of milk processing, so it can be used as a product, so you can feel good about it. Yogo can rightfully be named "We live" product.

To navigate, as a sire of preparation and packaging, the process of ripening in a new way.

However, early in the gnitta process, for the sire simply withers up and shrieks flat.

Term of attachment of early sirs number of factors:

  1. sort- Rіznі vidi sirіv mayut development terms zberіgannya;
  2. technical minds virobnitstva and їkh dotrimannya virobnikom - to find the same variety can be carried out using different methods;
  3. And the axis of m'yaki siri pislya show a sign of pesuvannya zvvychay to be brought. wikidati whole.

    What is the robustness of the zipsovanny product?

    Signs sire not obligatory guilty of the virus at the vidro for smittya.

    These are solid sorts of sorts of sorts, which are covered with a platter, you can live in a living. It is necessary to deprive view plisnyava, she appeared with a knife.

    As soon as the sire has dried up, it is impossible to roam around with solid sires. Yo, you can completely rub and drink the strava, or bake... Taste the qualities of such an anti-inflammatory sire, do not sacrifice it.

    Yak viznachity stitching?

    Neridko supermarkets spy maskuvati stitching products. One of the most popular products for more manipulations is the sire itself. Visually, the product can be identified by a number of signs.

    Yakscho, when pushing on the shmatok from the th surface, the stitching is the product of the stitching.

    Yakshcho on the surface of the sira appeared plisnyava, then talk about the attachment to the product of the year. Obviously, it is also hard not to be carried to the sirens of the noble platyava.

    You can also see the stitching of the sire who showed up. biliy nalit i rozhevі plami.

    Well, the easiest way is simple look at the label... As soon as the labels are pasted one on one, then there is a stitching in front of you.

Why shouldn't we love sira? A whole natural product from salty and even savory gusto does not overwhelm any baiduzhim. Yogo udyat udom, at restaurants, at parties. Here you can cook appetizers, salads, basic gravy and desserts. I am good for the little ones from the earliest age, so that the lower tender sire will bring the least amount of corny organism, so that you can grow.

Through those who sir є "live" by the product, it is even more important to carefully catch the minds of your zberigannya. It’s wrong to take a sire, it’s a mistake, it’s a mistake, it’s a mistake, it’s a good time to see it, and it’s unsuitable for implantation. The main reason for the psuvannya is the wrong temperature, as well as the high temperature. At a low temperature in the country, they repair the ginut of brown bacteria, and for a high temperature, the structure of the sire is used. It is not less important and important, if a sire is taken care of. If it’s a lack of knowledge, the sire dries up and deforms. And as soon as the question is over, it’s worth starting.

Yak zberigati sire, who won’t be hungry and tasty yakomoga better? Ideally, it is necessary to wash out the temperature for a constant temperature close to 6-7 ° C. Likewise, the sire is recommended to take for a consistent level of vologosti close to 90%. Consideration, in which there is a sire, I do well to get it done. France, Nimechchin and Switzerland have great vyrobniki siruyut from special lions with a special microclimate. Mi f zberigaєmo sire at the fridge, don’t think it’s so ideal, as you want it. Tom is happy - do not bathe nadto rich sira, then do not think again, how to save it.

Yak zberigati sire at the refrigerator

Help the sire at the refrigerator, you need to select the police, as the most visible from the freezer chamber. Most often, it is better to provide food for vegetables and fruits. Trimati sire on the doors is not flashed through a constant temperature drop in case of skin discoloration. Before the team, you need to pack it up correctly. Immediately, I would like to tell you about those who are looking for the best packaging for the sira shop. It's not like that. Sire can be added to the store packaging if the vacuum bag is closed. As soon as the packaging was already sold out, the sire needed to be wrapped and repacked at the kharchov sludge, foil and parchment, in such a rank, the shmatok siru was shielded from the sides.

It is not easy to find sire at the foundry stores sir to burn at the papirs. Yakso, such a package does not go from a vigorous side to a ball of grub, won’t go for a fake zberigannya sira. At the porch the sire will dry up quickly, we will become callous and lose the form. The volume in the refrigerator is no worse than the ceiling, so it would be just ideal, if you put the tanning sire in a polyethylene package, or the sirnitsa, broken from the wall, ceramics or plastic. Smolder, the schob was conceived hermetically.

How much can you take a sire? Here everything lies in the mind of the sire and minds of zberigannya. In case of retail fixation of all the rules in warehouses near wyrobniks of Siri, it is very close to a month, Siri roses - 2 months, and solid Siri can lie up to 10 months. Ale in the home minds, if the sire was taken out, brought to the house, put in the refrigerator and periodically left to come, when you see the little stuff, I’m shyly consuming my sweetness. It is not recommended to take more than 7-8 days for this new type of sir, and the sir and sire are most beautiful in 2-3 days.

Yak correctly zberigati sire

Unimportant for the great versatility of the sire in the stores, go with them, as it is correct to take the sire from your home not so neatly. For the whole of the need to develop the basic vision, it seems to be the case that the mind starts.

  • yak zberigati hard sire

A hard one, a hard one, will be found better. The most suitable temperature for protection is the range from -4 to 0 ° C. As a French sire is retreating to burn out a gourmet sirloin, then, for example, a small fragrant Swiss sire can be sourced simply in a kindly closed enameled aboard dish, giving a cube of tsukru, which is picked up by a vologue. As soon as you have a need to take a sir without a refrigerator, burn it in a cloth soaked in salty water, and take it from a cool little place, so you didn’t take it straight from sleepy exchanges.

  • yak zberigati sir iz plisnyava
  • yak zberigati home sire

Self-made home sire that sire zberigaєtsya deprived of a few days. With a wide range of trimmies, polyethylene bags, which are most often sold, are not possible. it is generally necessary to re-place it in the glass or to load the dishes from the kryshkoyu. And for you there will be noble nobility, sir, as a solid sire can be frozen. With the most beautiful help of yogi at the wooden dishes. Frozen sisters are saved in months that, as a result of fakhivtsi, absolutely does not involve their authorities.

  • yak zberigati sir

Brinzu, suluguni and іnshі rosіlіnі siri, extravagantly, more beautifully than zberіgati in rosolі abo sirovattsі. And before vzhivannyam, please clean up the power, you can draw and vimochiti with boiled water and young people for about 8-10 years. It is important to remember that if Solon Brynza wants to finish it, then the love of the sir suluguni will feel like a shy. To that you need to immediately.

Yaksho We have taken the wrong sire, і vіn visokh, try to immobilize yogo in the young. Tse turn sira into an appetizing form that relish. Yakshcho on the little sir there was a color, it’s not a simple wikidati, the color can be seen, but a sire for the hottest strains. Take sire correctly and enjoy the miraculous relish of this cinnamon natural product.

Sire is a product that people can see for a long time. A collection of wines will be available only for the faith of the population.

Minute an hour, sire, having cut off all the larger extensions, a new variety of such a product appeared. There are hundreds of different kinds of splendid views over the year. So if it is right to take a sire, why should you take more freshness?

According to the rules of GOST, the term for the sake of becoming one month. However, it is a good idea to lay it down, both in the form of sire, and in the form of packaging, in which it can be stored. At the razdrіbnyh trade fences sire maє buti implementations stretching out fifteen dib.

Below is a list of the most popular types of the product from the designated terms of selection.

  • Sir "Russian" - 120 dB;
  • sire "Adigeyskiy" - 30 dB for a container with polydimensional materials and 75 dB for a container with a warehouse;
  • sire "Pigtail" - 60 dB;
  • sire iz plisnyava - up to three months;
  • sire of melting - 30 dB;
  • sire "Dir blue" - from 2 to 3 months;
  • sire "Dutch" - 120 days;
  • sire "Mascarpone" - up to 3 months (if the package is opened up to three days);
  • sire "Bri" - up to 2 months;
  • sire "Suluguni" - 30 dB;
  • "Gouda" - 120 days;
  • home sire - 20 dB.

The package is closed with a sign of a better term for a siru of any sort. Yakshcho sir buv packaging and distribution without the middle in stores, the term of accessibility of this warehouse for 72 years.

Zberigannya sira in the fridge

Yak usi dairy products, sir is the most beautiful to be stored in the refrigerator.

The optimal temperature for the selection of a large variety of products is -2-4 degrees per Celsius. Cyrus head can take up to two months in the refrigerator. As the product is cut into small pieces, the term of consumption will change significantly and become only 15 dB.

Paste-like siri are stored in the refrigerator for up to one month, and cowboys - up to three months. Brinzu and suluguni are the most optimal for taking in the cheapest refrigerator. Stinks take up to 75 dB.

The end of the term of attachment

As soon as the term of adherence to the world has passed and the product has begun to creep, do not sleep on the wikidat yo at the source for smitty. A dry product can be grated on a grater and vikoristovuvati in їzhu, for example, for preparing food or macaroni with sir. Zrozumilo, the sire will not be ashamed, who has already covered himself with the platitude of a far from noble proclamation.

If the sire is already fresh and tasty, it is necessary to properly secure it.

  • In ideal, the temperature of the blood sugar will become 6-8 degrees. No matter if temperature tolerance.
  • It’s like a solid sir, when you put it in the refrigerator, if it’s covered with it, it’s just necessary to see it. You can live such a sire. There is a price for sorts of soft varieties.
  • It is unacceptable to take sire from plastic packaging and food pouches. Pislya podbannya slid, wrap the sire in parchment, or vikoristovuvati for the sake of a glass of container.

Syr is a product, which has become a part of our life: mi їmo yogo in sandwiches, donate to salad and soup, vicarist yogo for preparing food. Stikles of gourmet additives and sauces based on food isnu - do not fuck.

Sire is used to products, so it is easy to get around, so the rules of your choice are the same, you need the nobility of the gentleman, because you are better off saving your life.

It’s wrong to take a sire, to give a little respect, you can start to creep up, cover yourself with nalot, plushyava, crush, take in the savor and aroma. It’s a natural sir, wine itself doesn’t take care of itself, but until the end of the term of attachment, it’s guilty but it’s attached to implantation. Viconize all the rules of saving, quit for the time, when the temperature depends on the same, when you need to save the product, and if the sire will run out of the necessary hour.

The main reason, through which sire is passed, is the inconsistency of the temperature in any case. The temperature is low so that the corny microorganisms in the middle of the world can be repaired and learned.

Zanadto visoka temperature may not look like a corny - there can be bacteria that do not corrode human body. Slid controllability of the turnout. As soon as the answer is given, the sire will start to disappear, but if the value is low, then the sire will disappear.

Yak correctly zberigati sire

Є One rule is that it’s like a lord, sir — it’s not cereal, you don’t need to stock it up for a month ahead, more so, it’s not so rich for an hour. Bathe his giblets, hedge, and you can sir, and you can be lucky, because you will not have to survive at the last moment that shukati is a way to promote the product of life to love.

  • The temperature for the drink is 3-8 degrees.
  • The nutritional content is not nutritional 90%.

Old perevіrene babusina zіb - put the shmatochka tsukru on the order іz we will crush the polyethylene pill with sire - do the ryatutsei product from the hour of the day. It is more correct to take a siru - the price of a healthy food is due to the stiff temperature. Do not allow any drops, keep the temperature rising steadily.

If you want to change the siren into a glass, add the price in advance - remove the siren from the refrigerator a year before serving. Rizati zdalegіd not varto - dribbling thin skibochki sir shvidko start and dry.

  • It can be found more securely sorts of sir - up to 10 days at home minds. Ale їkh needs to be constantly inverted for the appearance of color.
  • If the sire is mealy, then the triviality of your life is not more than 3 dib, but for the fused siru, especially if there is no evidence, and even less - 2 add a maximum.

The special growth of the world is most beautifully taken from the salt water and the water. As soon as you get to live the sire from the hedgehog - do not douse him with sprinkles, in other words, you will become meek, more than tanuti to suck in your unwitting relish and corny power. Rosemishuvati sirny sir is more beautiful in cold boiled water.

The term for the sake of the sake will increase to stagnate at all temperatures, at which it is saved. So for a soft sir, a temperature of -2 degrees is sufficient, so that it does not fester in a month, it doesn’t get too hot, because it’s fast enough.

Myaki siri are not so sensitive to the cold, they are not solid.

You can take advantage of the low temperature, because of the term you can get better. Ridkisnі sorts of sir, because they don’t tolerate the cold, are saved only in the warmth and in advance of the preparation of hermetically sealed packaging. The price is tied with the tim, which is a plisnyava, yak in special varieties of sira vvazhaєshuyu chic and roskіshuyu, unfortunately, it’s not even ennobled іnshі products in the refrigerator.

Yak zberigati sire at the refrigerator

You can take a sire at the refrigerator for 1 day, according to 2 basic rules:

  1. Put the sire on the tarіlku and covered with a plastic kovpak
  2. Turn the sire on the foil or parchment and open it very small, for example with a toothpick.

Yakshcho, krim package, nothing is dumb. Place a bag of sirom with a sprinkle of macaroni. Take away the stench on yourself vologue.

Yak zberigati sire

I clean servetka very much in salty water and vikruchuєmo vidzhimaєmo even more reliably.

Rozstelyaєmo that zagortmo in її sire. Such a viglyad is taken to the refrigerator. Do not put it in a polyethylene bag, or you shouldn't be confused about it.

Rub the oil grater in front of tim yak, you can rub the oil on it. So the wine does not stick together and the grater is lighter than the one.

The baggage of private houses has a miraculous ability to take sires from the greats, and they also have small comrades, lokhi, pidpilla, komori and іnshі cool mission for the capture. It’s a pity that they don’t have such privileges, and a refrigerator is the best place for saving a sir.

Little does he know, ale at sir, yak at fruits, vegetables, cowbasi and meat є his place at the refrigerator. The temperature is guilty of being optimal - 3-8 degrees, and the content - 90%.

Zaboronny mіstsya for sberіgannya siru - the upper police and bichny viddіl. Ideally, take a sire at the lower police station, or at the entrance for fruits and vegetables. In two minutes, make sure you get ready and think, as you need it, that the sire will be as young as possible.

Unimportant to those modern refrigerators are equipped with special systems for smelling, sir is a product that absorbs smells from semi-products. Don't get too sick, do not trim the sire with the opener. Really pack it into a bath, put it in the container from the plastic - in such a rank you will save all of the other fragrant products.

  • Remember: zberigati sire, burnt at the papirs, categorically zaborono!
  • It is important: more than sir, more than sir, the stench is better than the stench!

Yak zberigati sire at frosty

A great shmat, which is not a lot of energy, it is very quick to pick it up, and then rub it in a new clean bag and put it in the freezer for a more tricky drink.

Providnі kulіnari svіtu perekonanі, how sberіgannya sira in the freezer - the whole blues, and the favor of yo thudi, just mean yo zіpsuvati.

Ale vodnochas nіkhto not talk about those who are frozen sir shkіdliviy. It’s just nasty to endure the high temperature, when the frost-freeze starts to crack and draws in its own spicy aroma. If you have a lot of money, you’re afraid that the term of accessibility will end, and you will have a chance to win it.

Frozen sires do not go to the table for eating; If you freeze a mild variety of sir, then it will be watery and not so savory;

Yak zberigati home sire

As long as you independently play the sire - do not be afraid of it even more, so that such a product will be saved for only a few days. A package for a homemade sir is categorically not to go - the dishes are guilty of buty or emalovanim.

Home sire can be frozen, the smallest pieces of wine can be finished, and even more natural products can be taken away. You can take a few months at the freezer home sire.

At home, the sire needs to be taken into the refrigerator in order for it to live up to its term of accessibility. The maximum temperature is taken into the refrigerator three to a maximum of 9 ° C. If the temperature is higher at higher temperatures, then the processes are switched on, which accelerate the maturation and reach the level of growth until the date of the term of reliability.

  • If you bought a drug store, do not pack it in tight packaging. You will need to pack it in a new piece.
  • Sire before implantation slid by the way from the refrigerator for a year on skin 100 gr. perebuvannya for room temperature.
  • As soon as you take a trip to Siri order without packing in the refrigerator, the smell of exchanging bacteria and tricking the authorities of the Sir. Siri different varieties require packing okremos.
  • Sire treba kupuvati na tizhneve vzhivannya.
  • The triviality of taking over the sire is tied to him, as it is due to him, there are 1,000,000 bacteria again.

Term of attachment to Sir

The term of adherence to the sire is to be found in its variety, temperature, and in the quality of the product itself. With the right preparation and minds, you can get more money.

  • The term for the availability of solid syringes can be from 30 to 1 rock. Capture the heads of solid sir for temperatures from -4 to 0 degrees, with a moisture content not lower than 85%.
  • Growing siri at temperatures that do not change +8 degrees only in a salty range from 25 to 74 dB.
  • The term for cowbass sirk is 3 months, for licorice sirk - up to 30 dB.
  • At the home refrigerator, the sire takes up to 10 days from the food.

Siri has long been borrowing from the rationalization of the people’s taste, and the cultural potential of the product is not guaranteed.

There are extensions everywhere, and from a great number of assortments you can come to the counter at a later date - for any sort, or for the kind of change.

Be-like a buyer pragmatically buy a fresh, sweet and tasty sire.

To know such a thing, it is necessary to “learn” about buying a product, and it’s necessary to be able to grow at the stage of choice, so that you don’t have mercy on the purchase.

Vibrating on the counter, sire, in front of me, go to the brutal respect, how much fresh and what hour you have lost "life", tobto. terms of yogo accessory.

About how to bring legislation?

Great enterprises of the modern dairy industry, private food production with renewed vigor, so that the purchaser will be satisfied with that segment of the market with their products.

The state stands on the basis of interests and control over the production of dairy products, which is such a rank as the guarantor of reliability on the market of milk products.

For the legislation of the Russian Federation, the virobny process is regulated by the Federal Law No. 88-FZ, which has established technical regulations for virobniztva, zberigannya, transportation and implementation of the system and іnshoї dairy products.

The law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the rights of spouses" on virobnikiv (virobnikiv) sirіv imposed an obligation to establish the terms of accessibility to the Danish type of goods and information for the purchase in a given rank.

Due to the term of affinity, the legislator is a period of time, if any goods are entered into unauthorized vikorystannya for the signs (clause 4 of Art. 5 of the Law).

Article 5 of the Law on Zahist Sphozhivachiv. The rights and obligations of the virobnik (visitor, seller) in the sphere of establishing the term of the service, the term of the attachment to the product (robot), as well as the guarantee line for the product (robot)

  1. For a product (a robot), signs for a trivial victorian, a virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish the term of service - period, by holding out a virobnik (viconavets), it’s impossible to forget that it’s possible that a robot doesn’t have to pay there was a blame for him.
  2. The virobnik (viconavets) of the stubble will establish the term for the service of the goods (robots) of the trivial corystuvannya, including the complementary virobes (parts, institutes, aggregates), since the end of the singing period can start a healthy life, or navkolishny middle-class. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
  3. The term of service to the goods (robots) can be counted in one hour, as well as in the same ones in the volume (kilometers, meters and in the same ones in the volume, in terms of the functional designation of the goods (the result of the robot)). (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
  4. On the products of food, perfumery - cosmetic comrades, medicines, comrades by the butovoy chemistry and those comrades (robots) vyrobnik (viconavets) of stubbornness, set the term of accessibility - the period, for which goods (robots) are not worthy of interest. The transfer of such goods (robots) is hardened by the Russian Federation.
  5. Sales of goods (vikonannya roboti) after the end of the established term of adherence, as well as to the goods (vikonannya of robots), for any reason, the establishment of the term of adherence, but it is not established, to fence. (As amended by the Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)
  6. The virobnik (viconavets) has the right to establish a guarantee for the goods (robot) - the period, as long as the development of the goods (robots) is unstable.
  7. The seller has the right to set up the goods of the guarantee term, as it was established by the virobnik. As a guarantee term for the establishment of a virobnik, the seller has the right to establish a guarantee term for a greater triviality, not a guarantee term for a virobnik. (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

If the buyer is for some reason, after adding a product at the store due to the term of affinity, if it ends, or if the purchases appear unclear, you can go to the store for your own investigation:

  • obmіnyati stitches about the goods with the normal term of adherence;
  • replace an unclear product with an analogue of the іnshy wyrobnik;
  • pay pennies for a purchase;
  • make a book.

The seller of the goods is obliged to accept the claim of the buyer from the relevant vimogues of the independence about those who have saved the check for the addition of the goods. In order to uncover unacceptable surprises from the stitching with a sire, it is possible to identify the term of your affinity:

  • according to the factory's etiquette, de;
  • behind plastic abo caseynovy figures, embedded in til sira;
  • for the information, put on the head of the sira with a stamp with a headlamp, do not change, for a laser and other methods of marking.

All indications for non-packed products.

Terms of attachment of packaged sir in the main distribution on stickers glued to the product with a barcode. For the date of obtaining the term of attachment on such sires, it is necessary to apply the same date of the packing.

Often on the etiquette it is possible to designate not the term of affinity, but rather in the term of zberigannya. For a whole type of food product, the term of availability and the term of availability is used.

Realize the product at the moment, if it is not necessary to packaged for more than 20 dB, it should be taken if it is guilty when it is not available at +10 ° C and the limit value of the tolerance is 80%.

Sire is a fresh, lively product, it develops gradually, protects it on a retail counter, and we drink it for an hour.

Tse, in pershu cherga, to be drunk on yogo savory yummies - sire sta overwhelmedly hospitality, and inodі nabuv rancid relish.

Besides, the delicacy of "love" to chew on the outside smells, that is more beautiful than the zberigati of yogo okremo, burnt at the foil, or, on the extreme vypadok, kharchov plyvka.

The term and mind of the young species of sire appear, but absolutely all the stench suffers from the temperature differences and differences in the average volume.

Zberigannya temperature

The optimal temperature regime for the selection of large varieties and species of sir is in the range of 4-8 ° C.

For more low temperatures and for an hour the sire is frozen in its shape, or it starts to shrivel, rozharovuvatisya. Besides, there are specific savor of power.

At a temperature of 10-15 ° C, the consistency (structure) and the relish of the dairy product change and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms changes.

Indicators of vologost_

For syringes, it is recommended to adapt to the level of prevalence at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively mean the quality of the sire. So, it’s even low volog_st to produce up to hanging, and the temple’s sprinkling of savory yields, decaying that pesuvannya.

Terms for species

The following factors are injected into the establishment of the terms of attachment to the sire:

  • warehouse for the product;
  • the content of the product itself;
  • a little instead of a new salt;
  • the appearance of the visibility in the new shell.

The most popular of the middle class є are solid and hard and solid: Parmesan, Cheddar, Holland, Gouda, Russian, Kostromsky, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Olterman, King Arthur, Dor Blue and in.

It will take 15 days for the distribution of trade hens to realize packaged solid and hard liquids. At home, the smell of guilt was put into the refrigerator at the lower police station at temperatures from +4 to +8 ºС and at a volume of 90%.

Tim is not the least, the skin sort of sir has its own, individual specialties of zberigannya. Maasdam and Rossiyskiy, for example, at t from +2 to +6 ºС at 85% water content can lie up to 120 dB, and Parmesan even more - up to pivroku (obviously, in preparation - up to 10 rocks).

The Dutch sire loves temperatures from +6 to +8 ºС, and the alcohol content is 90%. For such minds, a bag of wines in a package up to 120 days.

Door Blue can be taken close to three months, but the temperature is lowered - from 0 to + 2 ° C and trimmates are needed in a lighted view of some of these products, as a noble deliberate delirialates cannot be overtaken by them. So far, until the last species of solid sirs, the term of this property grows in up to six months.

Household minds are not recommended to be taken in polyethylene packaging, because the packaging overwhelms the power of the fumes and smells: on the surface there are different types of plates, rot.

About the manifestation of others in children, to indicate the presence of rhubarb to the beaches, and the appearance of large impregnations, to indicate the birth of rotten microflora in the product. Tom for zberigannya is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati parchment and foil.

Besides, it’s hard / hard to see the siren, so it’s itself and the sire can be visibly stored in a closed, omelette dish with a small shmotochka, which I’m going to visit a vologue.

In an apparently vigorous view, it’s impossible to think about it, the odd smell can be felt better.

Boundary term of taking at the refrigerator of packaged solid / nap_vtverdogo siru brought from the store - 8 days. Without a refrigerator, sire, tanning at the cloth, soaked with salt water, can take up to 5 days at a cold place, but a dark one.

Solid / solid siri in paraffin coating may be 1 month longer, but not by brothers and sisters, tanned in polymeric materials. In the last, most often, the packaging does not sleep well until the sir, when it is approved by its surface. Also, for the month, the term will be quickened in the lightest form, if they are kept near the refrigerator chamber, from 0 to +4 ºС.

Not less popular among the people of retail Siri - Sulugun, Brinza, Feta, Mozzarella, Chanakh, Adigey Tushinsky, Lori, Chechil and ін. finished product.

The container can be a viconan from polydimensional materials, for such a time the term of accessibility becomes less than 30 dB. In the skylanny dishes filled with rose salt (marinade), the Siri is more than 75 dB. At home minds from the polydimensional tariff, the growth of siri is more beautiful than vityaguvati and zberigati in cold minds.

Suluguni, for example, if you want to buy it, put it in a container right away, or I'll drink a jar and take it in rose salt at t not more than +6 ºС. The term of life for a product can be promoted by putting it on fresh milk for a day, and then pouring water and salt (400 gr.).

salt per 1 liter. boiled water and room temperature), vitrimati add and replace more sparing razchin (200 grams of salt per 1 liter of water).

One of the sisters of Sulugun is sire Chechil, or among the people is sire "kiska". Have a kit yogo zapitayut on the bag stage of the industrial virobnitstva. Factory packaging allows the sir to take close to two months.

At the loose viglyadі winn can be deprived of a month. The smoked version of the dish has taken its power for 3 months. I recommend Zberigati Chechil by the refrigerator.

Adigeyskiy, yak і Sulugunі, it is more beautiful to be stored in a bottle of tar in cold sinks (at t from +2 to +6 ºС), freezing it is suggested, as it is trivial to be transferred at room temperatures.

It is possible to lie at the refrigerator for a few days, but for a few days.

In the vacuum of the Adigey sir, it is possible to live better - it is close to a month. Smoked Adigey sir zberigayetsya nabagato more. For the reason that the technology of cooking is well-adapted, the "eye-catching" smoked sire does not consume its own flavor up to two rockets.

Retail siri, vtіm, like and all of them, are more beautiful than cupuvati in such a case, they will live in 1-2 days, and it is important for them to take advantage of the essential medium for them - sirovattsi, rose salt and even in airtight at t, no more than +6 ºС. Syrovattsi Siri doesn’t get enough money, and salt breakdowns - up to a few months.


Not less popular in the middle of living and melting Siri. The new dairy regulation is a dairy product that is prepared by the method of thermomechanical processing of one or more decilkoh naymenuvan and / or siru.

Syrovin for the processed product is made up of high-quality products, for example, of solid / non-solid types with the terms of adherence, but also ends up with defective packaging, as well as those intended for melting, salted products, milk, supplements

The terms of the property of melted syringes can be stagnant without the need for a second, albeit, squeal, the stench must be consumed.

There is no difference in sorts of melted Siri, however, there are a lot of types of dairy products. Before melting skibkovyh sirіv are reported: Nevskiy, Radianskiy, Rossiyskiy, Gollandskiy, Kostromskiy, Vershkoviy, Adalniy, Baltiyskiy and іn The name of the sir, as a rule, will be explained explicitly by the type of information introduced into this world.

At home sinks, at temperatures from 0 to +4 ºС, the content of 85% is not more than three months per day of packing, and a sire of smoked meats is 30 dB.

The first type of melted sirіv is smelted cowbass sirі.

Representatives of this type є: Kovbasny smoked, Tourist, Osoblivy and ін.

The term of attachment to a dairy product lies in the form of a shell, in which it is helped.

Vona can be paraffin and polymeric.

Parafinova is the most ecologically clean, the protein is not great in it - not more than two months. In polymeric materials, the sisters are able to get better and better, some of the material is good and the best in power.

It is necessary to keep the cowboys' siri in the refrigerator for a low temperature - not more than +4 ºС.

Another type of melting is paste-like sir. On the counter you can see the following names: Hohland (vershkovy abo assorti), Viola, President, Druzhba, Burshtin, Khvilya, Moskovskiy and in.

The stench is stored at t up to +4 ºС and the viscosity does not exceed 85% up to 30 dB, and when the packaging is packed - not more than 5 dB. Sir Hochland verchkovy take a little more - 6 months at t from +2 to +8 ºС.

Melting to obid is another type of melted syringes.

The stinks of the trade fences are represented by the names: "Z tsibulei for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup"; "With mushrooms for soup". The terms of the unification of the property - up to 4 months. Umovi utrimannya: temperature from 0 to +4 ºС with a volume of 85%.

Melted canned food of siri - the price of siri is 50% fat:

  • sterilization;
  • pasteurization;
  • pasteurization from shinky;
  • have a powder.

For a specific dairy product є trivial term zberigannya (at the closed camp) - up to two rockets. The temperature rise of the zberigannya to reach the great from 0 to +20 ºС.

Sire is a highly moist, salty product that has a delicious taste. We are “living” with the product, so when you take them it is important to follow the singing recommendations. It’s wrong to take a sire, it’s wrong to think about it earlier for the term of affinity - to cover yourself with a lot of nalot, more often it’s more critical and to suck in the savor. So, how can you take a sire, what if you become fresh, tasty and without intruding on the corny, biologically active words that are present at your warehouse?

The basic rules of sberіgannya sira in the refrigerator

  • Sire is even more sensitive to temperature changes. The mouth is low, and the temperature is high. To that, the stitch is bound, the temperature is stable at the refrigerating chambers. It is also worthwhile to add value to the saving sira. It’s as if it’s low, the sire is visihaє, and as it is, the sire is actively repaired by the proliferation of microorganisms, through which the product can even be easily pissed. The sire is most likely to be sensed at a total volume of 90%. If the criteria are set, go to the lower police station of the refrigeration chamber, as well as for fruits and vegetables.
  • Operate the sire at the refrigerator, play it from the food. Won’t give you “dikhati”, since the sire has been consuming power. Correctly take the sire from the parchment. The parchment gives the product "dikhati" and immediately oberіgaє yogo vіd visihannya. If you take a sire from a polyethylene bag, then take a cup of raffinade from a new shmotochka. Tsukor is picked up by the superfluous vologue; Vacuum containers are also suitable for the collection of the syru.
  • Sire needs to be taken in some kind of food, because it smells strong, so it’s good to pick up outside odors. It is also not recommended to take the order of different sorts of sir, the stench did not interrupt the aroma of one or the other.
  • Shkіra on siri zahischaє product and additional help to preserve its aroma, so look at it before unprecedented implantation of sir. It is also obvious that the sire needs to be taken with a whole lot, and not distributed on other parts.
  • Do not add any sir in advance. The price needs to be rooted without preserving before serving. Little joy: sire will be savory, as before implantation of the field there is a year for room temperature.

Chi can take a sire at the freezer

The sire at the freezer went into one vipad - how can you not get away with vicarious for the closest hour. Altogether, at the same time, it’s not hard to forget, because when freezing, there are more kinds of sire to cry out, and it’s not enough to get used to it. Put the sire at the freezer, wrap it with foil or parchment parchment. It is important that, according to the taste, the sire did not boil any products, and the wine did not pick up the smell. Sire slid frost-frozen by reaching out to the vicorianny in the refrigerating chamber. Until the speech, chim solid sire, it is more beautiful to endure frozen. And the axis of meat growth is unacceptable. It is also important to note that the sire cannot be frozen again, rather than dividing it at the port and being victorious for the needs.

Yak and skіlki zberіgati riznі sorts siru

Hard and hard sir

Until the hard sirіv lay takі yak "Parmesan" and "Food". We see nybilsh as a representative of the firm sir є sir "Maasdam". Siri varieties need to be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures of 1-7 degrees. This kind of stench will take 10-15 days. With a sweep of your own term, follow, on the siren’s not pretending to be fancy. As soon as you see it, it’s appeared, don’t go to wikidat the product - see the sire at the moment of the approval of the color. Rashtu sira slid vzhivati ​​yaknaishvidshe, bazhano vikoristovuvati yogo for preparing strav. Freezers can take 3 months for a solid or solid freezer.

Myakiy sire

M'yakiy sire, on the form of solid and as hard as it is, should be stored in the refrigerator on a smaller scale. The term for the rosette should be set at 3 degrees at a temperature of 7 degrees, as it can be stored in a hermetically sealed package. Without a hermetically sealed tarry, such a sire can be quickly consumed. M'yaki siri: "Mascarpone", "Rikotta" and іnshі. It is not possible to see such a sir uryatuvati.

Rosselny sire

Rozsolny is called that sire, which is ripened by a special rosol. A greasy look is not a scorch, so it can only be taken in an airtight package, in a type of wine, or in a weak range of kitchen salt. Yogo can be viklasta in an emalivan casserole and flooded with salt. The razchin can be cooked in the following proportions: 200 g of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Rozchin will rise to the sire. As soon as there is a fish on the salt, the next step is to replace it with a new one. A professional sire will be welcomed with a hand of decilkoh months for draining you in an airtight container. When the flowers are set, sire, yak, is required for wikidati. I’ll see it from the salted sire, it’s necessary to add it to young people for about 8-10 years. Rose-salted sires є: "Suluguni", "Brinza", "Feta" and іnshi.

Sire with pl_snyava

Sire, which is to be wiggled with a noble plastic, is more correct to be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight package. The packaging can be replaced with a container from plastic or skla, smut, wrinkle, and color change of products. At temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius, it will take about 7 days. Nayvidomish sire from plisnyava - tse "Roquefort".

Home sire

Sire, cooked at home minds, should be taken from the refrigerator from 1 to 7 degrees for no more than 3-4 days. For the sake of homemade sir, it is necessary to vikoristovuvati emalivatsii abo glass dishes. Polyethylene bags are not suitable for everyone. If you want to save this sire more, freeze it. Win zberigatime freshness in the frozen viglyadі kіlka mіsyatsіv.

Accept the meanings of the terms and minds of the mind and enjoy the heady relish of that sir.

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

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