Yak will recapitulate the names of the home minds. If the result will be fine? Yak changes on a beautiful character

"I want to change the callousness and become a beauty - help" ...

"How can you change at your own zeal, how can you get some brutal rice"? ..

Just a honeycomb part of a quiet pobazhan, as I nowadays smell on the priyomy.

Plastic surgery.

Why do people want to change their name?

Boo, the callousness of the call is not due to the internal self-perception. I would like to be so, as if you were to yourself, at the most beautiful viglyad.

For someone who needs to change to dye, add a wardrobe, change a cleanup, looking for a technique Kim Kardashian meysterno gratin 'on the face, skinny, give me a message or see the dentist.

Until me come todі, if all the natural snakes in the viglyad have drawn to themselves. If you are aware of yourself, are unimpressed on all of the zusilla, you can’t appear in the mirror. If krykhіtne pіdborіddyya being sent out in sync with mothers, and denouncing the innocent, and round cheeks when skinny and round and spiteful.

About harmonizing surgery

In order to correct the manifestation of the harmonious effect of being seen as a plastic surgery in the mind, let's make a quick analogy.

For example, just put a tile on it, find a good robot. Your vimogi to the new minimum - equal to the shvi, dbaylivaet to the material and the interior.

Ale, if you want to create a space for life, you just shout the designer. A handful of winners and tediously rasspitє you about your likeness, way of life, drowning, about pozhannya to the Internet. I deprive the project of being attracted by the whole.

The rates are very high. Yaksho the designer is not a good chuiny, the repair of the tracker, you will find yourself in a prison cell. From the other side, to navigate in one style, a kind designer does not match two of the same interiors.

Plastic surgery can be correlated with the craft of the highest class. You come to the surgeon for the pozhanniyam - establish nis chi breast enlargement- I win yogo vison.

The call is correct

Now, before the plastic surgery there are two posts:

  • change the zest of people on the beautiful
  • Well, it’s okay, but we’ve made a note of the result, but it’s not okay, but on the right side of the plastic.

The mystery of the wisdom is based on the great arsenal of prizes, methods and methods that are victorious. Fileri, - for children, for food and for food, visibility of Bish's breasts, rhinoplasty, plastic eyes, that deyakі secret methods. But if everything is worth it - do not stink for those who have found them.

It is in the hallucination itself that the expert's examination of the doctor lies, which for the fact is guilty of the nobility, I am not deprived of plastic surgery. The fault is guilty of the intelligence of the laws of proportion of the human individual and harmony, in the background of the whole, mothers are not naturally sensitive and predict the results of their actions.

Features of the change of callousness

The choloviks, who have changed their name, want to become and become more husbandly.

For example, for me, for the help of others, I have brought about the change in the number of heads even more than brutal, to bring about an aggressive character, which is due to the nature of the volody, even as soft, as red as red rice.

In the result, the plastic surgery of the lower third of the individual allowed him to re-design as a call, and the internal one. It’s not marvelous, the new husband’s exposure shattered him with spokyinish and m'yakshim: it’s just the one who doesn’t need to bring his manhood more to the side of aggression.

Vividness of Bish's breasts at the cholovik. "Until" that after 6 months "send" the procedure - a photo from the patient's private archive. Khirurg: Vasilyev Maxim.

"Before" and after 10 days "after" rhinoplasty (surgery) and visualization of Bish's breasts (surgery). The lower third of the denouncement was vicious, the vaga shchik went. Exposing the viglyadaє is more light and harmonious.

Mriya about husbands pidboridya will require less than 5 days for rehabilitation. Pidboriddya Implant Medpor. Living result. Khirurg-Vasil'ev Maxim.

Features of the winter of women

There are options here.

Women may think of growing goals: one need to be weak and low, but not to bring the vitality to harmony with their internal business-ice qualities.

So, my practice only plastic surgery on the lips and pіdborіddі allowed the change in the vitality of life and meek. The name of harmony has "pom'yakshila" in his cherga, a vibuchovy character and a sharp manner.

Whether it’s a vip, or a girl, or a lads, who have changed their call, become happy, more will take it for themselves, stop thinking about the complex and fix life like a life. Behind the great rakhunk is the very change of the quality of life and for me, the head of the robot.

Photo "before" that "pislya"

Harmonization of the call. The result is "to" that on the 9th add "write" of the operation. Vikonav hirurg:.

The visota of brіv at the girls can tell from the internal to the newest level of the eye. At the head of the eyebrow, there can be trochas of the lower one, but they do not overlap on the veins. Khirurg: Iskornєv Andriy.

Breast resection in Bisha, improvement of infancy, platysmoplasty. Khirurg: Iskornev A.A.

Viconano: rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, contour lip plastics, visualization of Bish's breasts. Photo "before" that after 10 days "pislya". Khirurg: Iskornєv Andriy.

Do not forget, scho pidboriddy - tse reinforcement of revealing. Harmonious proportion of the lower third of the denunciation of the elegance of the call. Khirurg: Iskornєv Andriy.

"Before" and "the song" of the operation with the harmonization of the zonnishnost. Khirurgi - Mkhitar Meloyan (rhinoplasty) and Vasilyev Maxim (Vividness of Bish's breasts).

V-shape harmonization of an individual using exclusive technology

Why do people change their popularity from the start?

We often release the slider for changes and reasons. Ale do not wait far through the snakes, the weakness of the shkiri i another child.

Zmіna zvnіshnostі with wіt grows permissively, as long as people allow their own plastic operation. Why shouldn't we take a stretch with the correction of unattractive rice while exposing?


Do you want to change your knowledge until you know it? Not varto

Most often the change of call of the people is tricky, if it doesn’t look like its own call, it doesn’t take it for itself.

The plot, about how often the life of a young girl at an old age is a cardinally change in callousness, having become a supernatural beauty at the same time. Їm, tremendously, demanding mittєvii result is the most beautiful, as it will not become so quick and quick.

But the robustness of the operation because of the change of call for sight to Hollywood is not a matter of course. Fashion is coming and going. Idolami of the ages of the ages, boules of different types.

Singingly, you have more than once swung respect, but people who have changed the call radically are becoming similar, like brothers and sisters. There is a hostility, which in plastic surgeons has a range of noses, lips and pidboriddya even narrower.

The girls, who have changed their name for the injected fashion, play at the pasta. Smell that we ourselves are consuming individuality and being the only representatives to finish the faceless masses of the same type of red.

They enjoy themselves, they are familiar to themselves on other roles. The person is unique!

This is the way to start the movie "Without an Individual", if there is a change of call for a visit to the super agent.

Ale who is a super-agent is to fool the villains, who do not know him, is not to fool his relatives. Navit is a cardinal change of call not to change your little call to wry your eyes, or else, grab the company with your hand. Tin, іntonatsії voice and smell tіlа see us from the head. Do not fool the elderly!

It’s obvious that we’re talking about real people, and not about movies, it’s not enough if I’ll need to increase everything. People who are zealous behind the plastic, so zmіnyuyut zvnіshnіst, zvіyuyut whispering ways to remember the style of zvnіshnostі, tidy up the shortcomings and become overwhelmed. I want to know a new denomination - vlasne, ale more garne, harmony, correct.

Practically, whether a woman is early enough to grasp the knowledge that not everyone is in control of their own name. Crazy, the skin representative of the beautiful statues might want to show off at the visualized mirror “I will paint the version for myself”, and if you also have the same bazhanna, then you will get to know the deeds of recommendations.

Yak change your name to the girl, why should you

Let us come up with a plan for you. Write on the archway paper, but you yourself will not be able to master you in your own name, and by the rank of rice you can change to paint. Read on the Internet about the different cosmetic procedures, experiment with the color of the hair in Photoshop, try the hair color;

Yak change to ignorance

Break plastic Obviously, the whole method is the most radical, protean varto, but it’s not possible to go into the problem, if it’s on your individual є as a real defect. Dissimilar situations, if the girl is impulsively changing the shape of her lips or the eyes, but then I know it turns to the surgeon, if you turn all the "yak bulo" - to see the rejection of "new to yourself." Until then, the new version is not expected to be shortened for the previous one. It’s still a trivial hour to talk about the operation and reconnection, but there’s a real way to reduce the callousness, so you can take care of the procedure. It is highly recommended to consult a dietary supplement from a few practical surgeons. Botox, stretching Significantly, botox injections and stretching are procedures that can help reduce the vitality of women over 35-40 years of age. Young girls don't need to do anything but can do shkoditi. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your school, please do it with a beautician, and ask him to recommend the procedure, so that he can go to you for a visit as much as possible. Make tattoo on faces The procedure has been extended to complete, protest її, insure, in an hour you will have a chance to work out a tattoo of a tattoo, you won’t be blinded. In the Danish hour, lip tattooing, brіv і take іnshe. It’s a lot of women to wear such a method at hand - for example, for the additional tattooing of the lips, they visually went into the distance, they didn’t take injections of hyaluronic acid and so far. Until then, additional tattooing will help you to improve your time and problems with makeup - a master of the collection for your bazhany colors, which will be filled with your lips. With a similar rank, you can put arrows on the wrist - this can help you to spare an hour for the applied make-up, because the stench of it is not present in many parts.

Change yourself internally Obviously, the internal changes are unlikely to change you to the point of not knowing, but it is just the power to bring the sutta changes to your image. It has long been noted that a man was looking at his place before life, to know himself at the unsuccessful captive, to start engaging in new practices, to help to reach the inner harmony, and to fix the positive changes in the best possible way. Skinny chi pump up Yak vіdomo, in the wake of the change, wake up the change and on the face. A thin woman has started to fix it in her new rice - wilitsy, but the knowledge has come through, the knowledge has come and gone so far. Put your eyes on the wimpy face with a rapt and fix it up to be bigger and more wobbly. It's also not a matter of forgetting about new contours, like nabuva figure. However, most often, unhappy with your figurine is not deprived of a woman with an overworldly wagon, but that she is suffering from unstable wagons. For another, it is possible to get the necessary cylograms by growing the meat of the masu - at the same time, it gets thinner, but it’s thinner, but it’s not in demand and it’s getting bigger proportions.

Yak change for a month - plan for

If you want to reach a change in call for the month, then in advance make your own necessary plan. Cardinally change the cleaning and hair color You can do it with a cardinal change of cleaning that color of hair. As soon as they wore a braid below the belt, it is possible to do it, for example, by cutting hair down to the shoulder blades. It is also possible to grow hair, cut a chub or ts_kavu a haircut on your own hair. However, all the tse varto robiti is deprived of vipadku, if you reconnect, a new image will be useful to you. The same rule is applied until the hair is farmed - if possible, try the feathers with the hairs of the long hairs, or to process your photos in Photoshop, you can use them, as you can see them with the new hair. Respect, if you violated the article as a blonde, if your hair is darker at the same time, then, in order to achieve the required result, you will have to repeat the procedure more than once, with an interval of several days. Novy Makiyazh (for whatever reason, as soon as you see it, you were faring) Try to create a new make-up for yourself that will be effective. For a whole lot of free online videos in the Internet and in the course. However, without this you can try the wrong way, like call it up - "play" with a palette of colors, apply the wrong color, before you sound, experiment with lipstick color. For these purposes, you can buy a sprinkle of cheap lipsticks and an inexpensive set of tones - with such a rank you can definitely get over in that, which colors you categorically do not fit, but as you look at your guises like tsikavo. Of course, when you experiment to clear your guises and add a new lipstick, that favorite brand, that quietly appeared, as, in the course of the experiments, you were the most fortunate in your guise. Update wardrobe Nerіdko, having deprived of the new wardrobe, the woman stands before the desperate calls in the lighthouse. You can, if you heard the sound of the singing style, and do not assume that you can have a lot more of your speech. We recommend you to vibrate a great day and, having come to the store with clothes that are acceptable for you, take a few items in your wardrobe as a matter of fact, for whatever reason you don’t want to be respected. Try to take a picture of images that are not familiar to you, take pictures of leather from which you are familiar in a mirror. Look at your photo at home, guess what you saw, when you dressed up at the new clothes, you turn around for those speeches, as you go. However, you can buy these items and wardrobe items that are special for you, and additionally add new accessories to them. Change calls and calls Think of the shkidlivy call - call the stench not to be called the most beautiful callous call. Natomist is more beautiful than new cinnamon stars - being busy with sports, eating more correctly, walking on a fresh meal. Introduce a new mission, join new people Expand your horizons, merge with new people and stay with new missions. For example, if you are using mortgages of a different type, you can expand your wardrobe - cloth for the theater, a sports suit for taking up fitness, and now for a little more.

Yak will reprise shvidko i without special vitrates

An hour for re-enactment of life, it is necessary to call it a lot of money - a new sleep and failures. It’s not often unhealthy, and as a result, we’re able to recognize the dark cola of the bears before the eyes, the eyes of the eyes and the inappropriate vigilance in the callous vigil. The woman, who has seen and has fallen, has fallen to her dear, beckon the viglead very well and happily, how it is impossible not to curtail the call. Know how to see a couple of days on yourself, if you don’t have anything to do - only sleep and accept. And, of course, it’s not necessary in front of a computer - take a walk in the city, just lie down on the couches, take a bath with sea water, and drink and essential oils. Make your own hair Farbuvati hairs in the home minds are not important, because there is no way to go about how to fold a farbuvannya or about its illumination. On be-yaky farbі for hair, you will know the report on instructions for storing. Pofarbuvati eyebrows It’s a lot of women to sign up for a Farbuvannya brіv near the beauty salon, otherwise they’ll see them for a while, they don’t see it, but the stench can be dealt with by this procedure, having vitracted at least 15 hours on the day. For the whole, you just need to add a tube of the required Farbi Mayzhe in any cosmetic store. If you don’t remember, you can independently fit in from the staff, wonder in the Internet video, as it’s worth reading, or read the home recommendations. Go in for sports for a day You can go in for sports not just by the gym, but by your home. For the whole, it is recommended to stock up on a pair of dumbbells, and if you want to go to the right - you can go to the Merezhi kilka video, de the complex is shown to the right to that group of muses. Navigate as soon as you can read the occasional visit and download the press, and even be positively associated with your name. At the time of the presence of a busy car on your own, it is recommended to take your every day - not only to diminish the name, but rather well on the back of self-esteem.

You can change with your own, as you have already tried everything

Zrobi tattooing, vії, nіgtі Try a zrobiti tsіkaviy manіkur - you can add unmatched touches to your image. It is also quite possible, for your look to add more variety to the increase in all, or to make a tattoo. Zrobi sobi tattoo If you have been thinking about a tattoo for a long time, if it is not an impulsive decision, then, can you, instruct your world for an hour? Look for a salon with positive guides, or to sign up before the master for recommendations - melodiously, navigate a small kid on a person who befits you, give you the opportunity to see yourself in a new way. Shoot your hair in non-fit colors The color of the hair is great for the image of the tan. One of the women with a pink hair color in a viglyada is called in a fashionable way. Try to experiment with your head of hair, protest over backward, and the snakes will still be cheating on you. Obrіzh dovgy curls or rash, if you have a short haircut Of course, it is possible to carry out unsuccessful experiments not only with the hair color, but with the hair color. A lot of women do not look like they can see the stench from their hair up to the waist, but it’s not possible that the hair grows up to the middle. Likewise, individuals are quite rocky to wear hair up to the waist, unimpressed on those who are absolutely not worn out, and the curls in the whole are not even more likely to be found. kінchіv or darkness. By the time they do, they still cut off their scythe, timidly, for example, podovzhene square. The results have an image of growing fresh and healthy, and their hair looks healthy.

Re-make yourself more beautifully - do not sleep with experiments

Good think that vivchi information Persh nіzh be respected on cardinal changes, try to read about them in the Internet, enjoy your loved ones. Do not grasp the solution impulsively. Have fun with the fakhivtsy Since then, in any sphere in the plan of the day, enjoy yourself with a perukarer, a cosmetologist, a plastic surgeon too. Vitrati for more than an hour, just correct the best result Do not be encouraged to recognize the miraculous result in a short term - it’s not a good thing for some people. Going about children, sports busyness, a complex look behind the school, the way of looking at celulite and something rich. For a long time it is important to reach the cardinal changes, as well as about the badge of the wagi, about the set of myazovaya masi or the plastic operation (an hour required for the update). However, for a whole hour you can make a lot of changes in your call. Head, zadalegіd vivchіd vіvchіtu necessary information and tilting, so that the snakes will be effective on the brighter - the innacha on the right can wrap up for you in great enchantments. The main joy is to go before any experiments with you.

Chi really call to become an іnshoyu people in 1 day

In general, in one day, you can actually change the call in one day. However, if you are not satisfied with your carriage, then at the time of the change, madly, until it’s more than an hour. If you wore a figure, if you want some kind of wrinkle, then you need the power of your health, you have changed your hair color, your eyebrows have grown, your hair has grown, you have cleaned your wardrobe, you have grown your wardrobe As soon as it’s about internal snakes, it’s zoomed in and out for more than an hour. However, in one day there may be some good results - write a report plan to help you achieve the required results.

Singingly, the light has very few representatives of beautiful statues, as they did not want to feel like they were charming. However, there is no room for perfectness, so it doesn’t seem to change in its own name, and because it’s more addictive.

Yak change callousness and statues

If we talk about the change of the image, the first, the fall on the thought, - the programs "Knowing the price is negligible" on the STS channels and "Fashionable virok" on the First Channel, the main heroes of those who have been playing for some days from the quick swing were transferred to the head. Do not twist the yak, but sound on clothes. In other words, instructing the hour to let the snakes in your life.

Come on for the first glance, the price is foldable, to protect the chain from the force of the skin

What to see

At the right of the robot above its call, the most beautiful friend has a mirror. Go to the new (good, as if it will be for the whole age) and wonder. Assess objectively your passages and shortcomings. It’s as easy as possible to go to singing visitors, power up the thought of family members, friends, to navigate colleagues in robots. If the material is ready, after an hour you go to the offensive stage - think over the strategy of the revival.

If it is necessary to take off a few of the borrowed kilograms, you can buy a subscription from the fitness center, a system for the day, or call for help to the doctor, who will choose a special menu for you and a program of physical navantages. As soon as you know about the problems with your child, you instruct to make an appointment for an hour before the cosmetologist and take a course of treatment. If I wanted to radically change my hair, then I’ll be glad to see the haircuts on the Internet.

For a change to make up, go to sleep, the pleasure of a consultant in a perfume shop. Moreover, in the great brands of cosmetics, it is easy for the salesperson to make a decision and to appreciate the sight of him by looking after himself for that customer. The situation is similar with the choice of decorative cosmetics.

If you allow it, then you can go to the help of a personal shopper clean stylist

On vіstrya modi

Change style is another one of the ways to change your call. For example, if you can add a flaky style in your clothes, why not take on the role of an elegant lady, or find women-vamp. The classic style is everywhere, the situation is analogous to the style of minimalism.

Unimportant for all the simplicity of the supplied food, it is for the sake of it є even foldable and individual. Also, for skin beauty, the side of the eye looks in its own way, and the way to achieve perfectness is to be intertwined with folding. With the help of statistics, you will be able to give the main ways of changing yourself (your character, behavior, looking at life). We cannot guarantee your changes if you have not read our statutes, but if you select more of the pro-proponated points, then you can remember them - you don’t know yourself!

7 crocs, which help you to make yourself more beautiful

  1. Fix the fight with shkidlivy little calls! You will not become more beautiful, as long as you mate shkіdlivі calls. On the right, there is a stink of a schoraz zavazhatimut: if you constantly bark for them, or you yourself torment with thoughts about your inadequacies. The stench will make you feel comfortable with life. It’s all wonderfully reasonable, because of the shimmery little call you can’t get used to it. Don't let the tse be a change in dosage of nikotin or alcohol, protest the stench you will think you want to collapse into a positive bik. More detailed instructions about those, how to play with a loud ringtone. You can read the website in one of the upcoming articles to the Internet magazine, then subscribe to the update!

  2. Lay out a plan for the coming five rockies! For one day, the article is more beautifully unreal, for rik - it can be smooth, protest for five rock is more flexible, and you can change in such a way that you simply do not know for yourself. Your plan can be 100% realistic (for any distribution of shares), as well as reporting. Be guilty of the nobility, who will take care of you in every month of your life. To develop the system, as it will help you to achieve the goal, as soon as you have entered into your plan. It is easy to install such a system - to write about the skin month of the future, such results as you can reach. Nagaduєmo tsіlі are not guilty of being overwhelmed, especially if your vagi is prone to, then you will not throw off 20 kilograms in 1 month, as you don’t want to. And if it’s worth a penny, it’s probably the style behind the plan, and you can really do it. More beautiful to re-enact your plan, not to go to minimum signs.

  3. Rob the good kids. It’s good for a guy to finish it just by being aware of it - get ready to rob good children! Robbing good is not only corny, but quite acceptable. Just think, if only you can help the young woman to carry the bags, or to put the parkan in the dachas. Children are easily cut from the tree by the way, and young mothers can go down from above on top of the overpasses. Such actions will be taken from you at least for an hour, but if you protest, you will reject the positive attitude, the words from the pod are not just your special thought about yourself, but the thought of the others. It’s not necessary to look at an additional point, especially since it’s not a wart for you, it’s not necessary to blame for injustice, it’s not necessary to buy it - and you can win yourself on beauty!

  4. Be honest in front of you that feel good. One more rice, as I will make positive people from disgusting things - everything will be good. Take it easy, just tell people the truth to everyone. Around us there is such a lot of zuhvaloi nonsense, which is just as bad as stavati. And bresh must - know, friends and close people. Nі, nonsense for the good - the same thing, ale the nonsense with a crimson mark, the whole thing is the whole situation. There are few honest people on earth, protest є! Do you want to be one of the non-bogus ones ?! It's important not to be honest with people who feel good, but because of yourself. Aje guess, how often I deceive myself ?! Butt: got nasty at the store? And my dear, and I think that I myself am guilty, for the time being I am hot my hand anyway. Have you raised your salary? Just the head of the bastard and everyone is here ?! Rudeness was not caused by your blame, but the axis of the increase in salary was for your mercy.

  5. Trim the word. For a fortune, honor is not just an empty sound, they died for her and were afraid to lose all their life. One of the main points of the word is the word trim. Do you want to change yourself? Come on trim, all obitsyanki, as they said. Do not squeeze in voices those whom you cannot reach, but if you have already deceived yourself, then be kind to the viconati, who is not for you. Quiet, hto trim the word, if any suspіlstvі povazhayut and listen, for all to know, that the words spoken by people are not an empty sound, but the truth, as it is impossible to forget. Trimati obіtsyane the word is even dexterous, it is far from being able to navigate to everyone, the protest is unambiguously varied!

  6. Make mitsny stosunki from the other half. You can’t, by the way, more beautifully, don’t lurk at your heart, as if you could be able to capture at any moment of your life. Lyudin is a whole lot, as you cannot live without love, you want to know a person who wants to spend life. To that, if Vi does not know you are in the jokes of your kohannya, Vi can’t reach perfection. It’s not free for all the high-rise planters to have other halves. It is also a real indicator of the fact that people will be able to see them, to cherish them and to become very much magical to those who know them. It’s unlikely that there’s a butt for you, brother, that you will be selfless and unhappy.

  7. Make your own name the way it should be for you b. It is not enough just to change yourself all the way, even if all of you assess yourself, it’s not deprived of the special qualities, but the call. Here it is necessary to be aware of the way to be afraid of experiments - to try yourself in the "role" of the grown-ups. It is especially important and necessary for women. Little change ogyagu style. Adzhe Vi is guilty of changing the cleaning, make-up, the manner of the rucks, the move is too thin. Ade tilki in this way, you can try it at your serpent. Come up with that image for yourself, like a bunch of tsikaviy to you, like you would like to be inspired and to whom you will be similar. So, mi zgodni, there are no ideal women, but it is not right to have an idol! However, you can, as a brother from the skin of a woman, deprive yourself of those criteria, which you befit!

The axis and all the crocs, which can change your share! The smell is foldable and light in one hour. Do you want to change yourself? Go!
Zmіni vystavayut at their power to reach dovgo, bagatom will be needed by fate, sobnit yourself on that man, as b їy befitting. However, the vitality is more beautiful than the stone of rock on its positive changes, not to live life, as it would be absolutely not befitting!

Bazhaєte diznatisya, how do you change the name? Yak denounced wonderfully beautiful and young? You will be helped by the qia rіdkіsna practice of transformation and rejuvenation!

At the tsіy statty we know about those who change their name, we bazhan for you rank. A lot of our readers have already changed in the efficiency of the method!

What is the difference? Sacral transformation

Qiu practice can be used for rejuvenating shkiri exposing, usuning child defects: zmorshok, cicatrices, pigmentnyh beams and inn. For an additional method, it is also possible to change the form of denunciations, give them rice.

Technology vikonannya:

1. A practitioner takes in his hands his recent photo or a mirror and sinks into a new one with a stretch of 1-2 chilins, forgetting his image. With the skin inhalation of a lyudin, he became more relaxed.

3. Then the practitioner will flatten his eyes and clearly present his reference image on his own clear screen, and then start from his own knowing how to transform the guise. So trivaє doti, the docks in front of the ochima do not vinikne that viglyad, like a man wants a mother. The transformation procedure can be thoughtfully described with the words: "My little eyes smooth out, change and know" just.

4. For the whole practice, I will direct to my new image a straining stream of energy, as it is exposed with a light from the middle.

5. Let the practitioner flatten his eyes and, after stretching out for 30 seconds, settle the new image in front of him, clearly remembering all the details of the new individual.

6. In the beginning, practical thoughts "take care of" a new image with explicit hands and thoughts of putting on a person (like an elastic mask). At the same time, I’m thinking to myself: “It’s a little new to denounce, it’s like me, it’s like me,” and so on.

What do you need to do?

This practice borrows a total of 15 hilines, alerobity is required every 4 days. Then, since the new image will be presented clearly and clearly, in the found details, the transformation of the call can take 2-3 hours. Likewise, the next step is to "impose" a virtual person at once. The practice can be vikonuvati, if є a wad of wicked chilin, but it is necessary to carry it out (with a stretch of life).

Most robustness to the right before going to bed and for ranking procedures, so the energy from the virtual mask will be able to stretch out for a few years, changing and rejuvenating your face.

If the result will be fine?

Already for a few days, you will want to remember, but your disguise has grown younger, and your rice has begun to wrinkle. This technology allows you to preserve youth and beauty on the next day.

Oleksandr Svitlo

Notes and thematic statistics for a great deal of clarity to the material

² Adobe Photoshop (photoshop) - a multifunctional graphical editor, distribution and development by Adobe Systems (

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