Recommendations for a balanced vegetarian diet.


People always joke about the new food - it’s not to blame.

Some are in search of such a diet of food, which would instill them in health and longevity.

Others are ready to eat whatever they want, or to reach the goal – losing weight. There is a diet that will help both you and others with a vegetarian diet! Try to use brown foods that will help you lose weight and improve your health. Judging by diet, you can lose about 10 kg in a month!

Vegetarian diet for losing 10 kg. Vegetarian diet for losing 10 kg

conveys a variety of meat and meat products.

  • The diet includes fish, eggs and dairy products.
  • When losing weight, feeding is turned off
  • bakery germs

, malt drinks, coffee drinks and fast foods.

  • When following a vegetarian diet, malt completely replaces dried fruits, and teas, herbs and fresh juices.
  • more popular: Winter diet for weight loss: menu with recipes Diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for men - menu for the week
  • Diet for 2 blood groups - menu for the week

Benefits of a vegetarian diet for weight loss: Show off your self-confidence, watch out for the surge of strength and energy; let's go zaiva vaga i return to normal;

decreases in blood sugar. Vegetarian diet to lose 10 kg

sometimes called the Kremlin diet.

Mostly sublimity

For those who need to completely turn off meat from the menu.

Children's hour - from two to eight years


There is no need to mindlessly indulge in products made from processed proteins.

The main principle of a child is balance!

zalizo - dried fruits, persimmons, apples, polunitsa, vydvar shishini, buckwheat;

Vitamins are present in all vegetables and fruits. Mode for weight loss For an effective diet, you must follow this regimen.

It’s better to start the morning with fruits, and end the day with vegetables.

Taking them after last night is a taboo for any child.

Get used to it

great quantity water - no less than two liters per day. Discreet savory cookies

For the children's hour - forget about malt, carbonated drinks and fast food.
Pleasant hedgehog: syrah or stewed.

Ration and menu for the week

Before starting a vegetarian diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of eating

  1. let's zoom in on the menu
  2. on the day of the week.
  3. The diet includes recipes for vegetable salads, vegetable soups, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  4. Hurry better than dribno.

5 times a day.

  1. Don't go overboard.
  2. Drink more liquid.
  3. Vegetarian diet menu for this week:
  4. Monday Dairy-free oatmeal + herbal tea + medium banana; vegetarian borscht without meat;

Snack: dried fruits;

  1. Evening: stewed or fresh vegetable products.
  2. Tuesday Rank: dairy-free buckwheat + boiled rice + pear;;
  3. Day: vegetarian borsch without meat;
  4. Snack: fruit smoothies; Evening:.

stewed cabbage

  1. With soya meat.
  2. Sereda
  3. Dairy-free oatmeal + herbal tea + apple;
  4. Vegetarian

sheep soup

  1. Freshness;
  2. Salad iz
  3. fresh vegetables
  4. Thursday

Muesli with soy yogurt + boiled soybean + medium banana;

  1. Vegetarian solyanka;
  2. Yagodi;
  3. Day: vegetarian borsch without meat;
  4. Porridge with sprouted wheat and dried fruits.


  1. Dairy-free oatmeal + popsicle infusion + medium banana;
  2. Vegetarian sheep soup;
  3. Green smoothie;
  4. Salad with fresh vegetables.

The most intense of all is obedience.

Ale, don’t re-vantage Yogo.

As soon as you called to eat soup for lunch, then the gray sheep are tossed with another grain.

The body of someone who has not yet reached such “want” needs to dilute the food with porridge or plastics. Don't forget about noon. It may seem easy to eat. The evening meal must consist of raw or stewed products. For a couple of days I’ll return the extra sprouted porridge and add some soybean meat.

The most delicious recipes

Most beautiful

delicious recipes

vegetarian diet - all herbs prepared with cinnamon products, which will charge you with energy for the whole day!

Let's finish with soups.

  • All recipes for soups: sheep soup, borscht and borscht are prepared like basic soups, even without meat.
  • Vegetarian soup recipe
  • Vegetarian solyanka
  • What's wrong with the recipe?
  • vegetarian solyanka
  • , then the “hero of the day” is mushrooms, which replace smoked meats and meat.

A few hundred grams of mushrooms will be enough, or better yet, salted and pickled mushrooms will be perfect. For the soup you will need: one carrot

five pieces of potato

  1. sweet pepper
  2. head of the cybul
  3. pickles and salts olives and lemon Everything is added to the taste.
  4. You can also add more for relish
  5. tomato paste

This is the ultimate tomato.

Cooking method:

We fry the shredded mushrooms with tsibule on a high-heat fire. Add tomato paste and tomatoes. Sumish is poured into

five pieces of potato

  1. I'm heating the water
  2. where do we add all the vegetables?
  3. If necessary, add salt and spices and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  4. Two minutes before the end of the cooking, add olives and lemon.
  5. Recipe for porridge from sprouted buckwheat

Sprouted buckwheat

The recipe for porridge for weight loss is presented

sprouted buckwheat , which is not evident from the jam. For one serving of porridge we need 100 g of green buckwheat.

five pieces of potato

  • It is necessary to germinate first.
  • Buckwheat is left in cold water for a few years.
  • After this cereal you need to wash it well and place it in a vologist for 12 years.
  • As the hours go by, small flocks are likely to appear.
  • That's it, the buckwheat is ready for use.
  • In the pan, milk is added, a banana is added, and a spoonful of honey is added.
  • You can add some berries to the cocktail.


Smoothies – vegetables, fruits and berries are mixed until thick in a blender.

The menu contains fruit and greens (based on green vegetables and greens) smoothie recipes.
Lose weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.

The average calorie content is 450 kcal.

The principles of vegetarianism depend on the diet of all food products (depending on the type of vegetarianism).

If you want to lose weight and cleanse your body, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of this method of eating (and for rich people, living ideology).

Today, for your kind attention, a vegetarian diet for two is presented, for which you can say goodbye to 8-10 kilograms.

If you need to lose weight in just a few minutes, you can increase the duration of the day and then create a more healthy diet.

Benefits of a vegetarian diet

The principles of a vegetarian diet, spread over 14 days, are similar to lacto-ovo-vegetarianism.

You can eat milk and eggs with cooked products.

If you haven’t previously thought too much about vegetarianism, it would be better to start with this type, so as not to shock your body too much with drastic changes in grub behavior.

If you eat meat, it is permissible to include lean fish and seafood in small quantities in the menu.

There are also disadvantages to vegetarianism (especially the fatty version). People who are dependent on it and suffer from a lack of fluids in the body may become victims of anemia of the fluid deficiency type. In grown-up hedgehogs, the same is true, but it is difficult to assimilate (as opposed to other products).

You may see a problem.

Also, a vegetarian menu may not contain vitamin B12, which may lead to illness
nervous system
It is difficult for vegetarianism to produce hormones and enzymes necessary for the body.

When you eat fish and seafood, as they say, cardiovascular disease and vision problems (eyesores, cataract development, opacified crystalline lens) may develop.
So if you want to stick to the vegetarian method for a long time (or even forever), consider delivering vitamin B12 to the body, as well as taking a special complex with omega-3 fatty acids.
Vegetarian diet menu
Day 1 Dish: boil buckwheat in water or sprinkle some buckwheat on top (the finished portion of porridge will be about 150 g), you can add a little bit of milk or low-fat kefir to it. Dinner: sheep soup;

toast of life;
about 200 g of salad with fresh vegetables, sprinkled with some kind of vegetable oil.
Evening: 150 g of brown rice and non-starchy vegetables, grilled (up to 200 g). Day 2 Food: a couple of hard-boiled chicken eggs;
toast with brinzo and tomatoes.

Lunch: apple salad, celery and a small amount of grated low-fat cheese, seasoned with olive oil, fresh lemon juice and your favorite spices (200 g).
Supper: 2-3 small potato livers; squash caviar quantity up to 150 g; a couple of whole grain toasts. Day 3
Snіdanok: milk rice porridge (150 g);
flasks of nutritious natural yoghurt; 2 small fresh pears. Lunch: a serving of soy soup with added tofu;

small sesame bun;
little bits
Obid: lentil soup;
portion of carrot-cabbage salad plus 2 kiwis.

Dinner: vegetable stew (200-250 g).
Day 6
Drink: 100 g of grainy siur with as much of your favorite berries;
low-fat kefir and yogurt (100 ml).

Lunch: a plate of sweet borscht;
a few tablespoons of vinaigrette;
one apple. Dinner: stew cabbage with mushrooms (portion about 150 g); 2 small pieces of bread; a bottle of low-fat kefir and natural yogurt. Day 7
Food: cheese or casserole with permitted products (150 g);

nutritional yogurt without additives (150 g);
1 large orange.
Barley porridge

(close to 150 g);
a bit of cauliflower salad
tomato juice (200ml). Dinner: casserole with asparagus and other vegetables.
Day 8

Drink: fresh or stewed cabbage (150 g);
a cup of green tea, to which you can add 1 tsp. honey Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian soup based on kvass;
chicken egg;
fresh juice with apples (200 ml). Supper: stew cabbage with mushrooms (up to 200 g); Cup of empty green tea.

Day 9
Food: 150 g of mushroom caviar (or stewed mushrooms); unsweetened green tea. Obed: buckwheat porridge
(Approximately 100 g of this and that).

Supper: boiled white mushrooms (100-150 g);
one fresh cucumber and a bottle of carrot juice.
Day 10

fruit salad
(Up to 200 g) or just one great fruit (for example, an apple);
a cup of greens and tea.
Ingredients: buckwheat (100 g);

about 70 g of white mushrooms, boiled;
a few tablespoons of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage;
a cup of green tea, to which you can add a dash of natural honey.
Supper: fresh vegetable salad and greens.


If you feel hungry, snack on fruits and vegetables (not starchy ones) in small quantities, drink fruit and vegetable juices.

chronic illnesses

  1. (During the period of remission and confinement). If you feel that not everything is going smoothly in your health (or, more accurately, if you have some kind of episode), consult a doctor and find out if this method of eating is not harmful for you. Advantages of a vegetarian diet
  2. This technique helps us lose weight, idiots
  3. low-calorie food
  4. and instead in new brown rivers.
  5. The body is cleansed and stabilized.

This way, you can speed up the exchange of speech, increasing the chances of eliminating the effects of withdrawal after child- hood.

It seems to brighten up on its own, and there is a perceived lightness. As a rule, on such a diet you do not feel hungry. The variety of products allowed is great and allows you to find the one you enjoy.

Shortcuts of a Vegetarian Diet

Let's not forget that meat-eaters need to report to Zusil in order to learn to live on a vegetarian diet. Varto conducts psychological work on himself first. Not everyone is able to call, call

short lines

, to food without meat and ribi.

Reintroducing a vegetarian diet

Follow a vegetarian diet for two years

pure look not recommended most often once every two months. Svitlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: whatever is simpler is more valuable!

All vegetarian diets share the same principle - you must exclude meat from your diet.

You may be lucky that in this situation you will not be able to take in protein, which is so necessary for the body.

However, it is important to remember that protein is also found in other products, and the same amount of protein is not found in veal, chicken or pork.

Such children need to be nurtured within 2 months to a month.

  • It is important not only to stop eating meat and vegetables, replacing them with large portions of side dishes, but to develop a healthy diet.
  • It is possible that in the future you will not want to go back to the tavern, and even without meat you will feel completely tired, and in your body you will feel lightness, a surge of strength.
  • Ovolacto-vegetarianism
  • One of the types of vegetarianism is ovolacto-vegetarianism.
  • This diet is well suited for use in vegetables, dairy products, and eggs. In this case, you will not be able to see the main products other than meat.;
  • Ovolacto-vegetarianism can be the first step to a vegan way of eating.
  • What can you eat during such a vegetarian diet?

dairy products (cheese, milk, butter, cheese, fermented milk);

be it vegetables or fruits; cereal; pasta sprouts; eggs,.

egg products


dried fruits


  • In place of ovolacto-vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism is again respected not only by meat, but also by egg.
  • Having chosen such a diet, you will eat the same products from the list above, adding only one item - eggs and egg products.
  • With proper planning of your diet, such a diet is dated
  • to the human body

all the words and vitamins that wine removes from

You may be wondering now that it’s difficult to find a vegetarian menu, as there are a lot of recipes for herbs that are familiar to us, but without meat instead.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the awkward recipes for preparing it:

  1. Cauliflower soup.
  2. You will need:
  3. cauliflower - a small cabbage;
  4. oliya – for refueling;

Boroshno - 2 tbsp. l.

  1. greens - to relish.
  2. Sorry for the crumbs
  3. for cooking:
  4. Divide the cabbage into pieces and place in a saucepan.
  5. Fill it with water and place it on the fire.

Cook until done.

While you're at it, start dressing: heat the butter in a frying pan. And visipte well. Lubricate it. Add dressing to the soup, stir.

Add greens before serving. What matters most is the terminology. What does a vegetarian diet mean?

Most people understand the concept of diet as it is time-consuming, finishing the day - another, turning off certain products, removing (any) result and returning to the main meal.

In this sense, this diet involves the exclusion of food products in order to achieve a decrease in blood pressure or alleviate the pain of the patient with gout.

Vegetarianism is a broader concept, a whole philosophy, the direct incompleteness of any living essence.

A vegetarian diet has a number of options and equal weight:

  1. The greatest light rhubarb- Lacto-ovo vegetarianism.
  2. Milk, eggs and honey are allowed with rosehip cream.
  3. This is a different type of lacto-vegetarianism – eggs, milk and honey are allowed.

Another type of ovo-vegetarianism - eggs and honey are possible, milk is not possible.

Veganism - excess height is allowed.

You cannot eat milk, eggs or honey.

When culinary processing is allowed, products can be boiled, stewed, baked. There is no lubrication. Syrup does not allow full heat treatment, because at temperatures above 46 degrees, vitamins and enzymes lose activity.

The menu includes soups, boiled porridge, and tea.

  • This diet is not suitable for people with diseases of the vulva, intestines, or subduct.
  • Replacing cooked products with vegetables will help improve the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • The menu must include beans, kvass, peas, peas and sourdough.
  • When fertilizing with milk, yogo can be replaced with soy or rice.
  • Meat, fish, poultry, cowbass, sausages, shrimp, squid, and lobster are off the menu, no matter what.
  • Menu options
  • For a more accurate composition of the daily diet menu, which may require up to 10 kg per month, the required individual sizes should be taken into account according to the age, age, gender, and what has been formed.
  • physical desire
  • , similar to grub.

Enjoy 10 low-calorie snack options, 10 salads, 10 types of soups, 10 evening menus.

With 10 options available, which vary from day to day, you can easily customize your menu not just for the day, but for the month.

  • Snidanki:
  • Snack: fruit smoothies; Tofu sheep salad; Oat plastic with peas;
  • Cooked rice with vegetables;
  • Omelette with tomatoes for lactose-fed patients;
  • with dried fruits;
  • Greek porridge with cucumber salad;
  • Carrot casserole, tofu with bread;
  • Oat plastivtsi, baked apple;
  • with dried apricots.

To enhance the taste, you can add dried spices such as basil, thyme, mint.

You can also try soy mayonnaise or olive oil.

  • Soup and:
  • Vegetarian soup;
  • Rozsolnik;
  • Borsch;
  • Mushroom puree soup;
  • Pea soup;
  • Tomato puree soup;
  • Soups from sochevitsa;
  • Broccoli and potato soup;
  • Sheep soup with vermicelli;

Vegetarian okroshka.

Recipes are given below for days of soup.

  • Available products are available for preparation.
  • A vegetarian diet allows you to prepare a variety of other herbs for the evening.
  • Stewed cabbage;
  • Peppers stuffed with rice and vegetables;
  • Potato puree with chasnik;
  • Potatoes baked with tofu and spices;
  • Macaroni with tomato sauce;
  • Mushroom pilaf;
  • Vegetarian cabbage rolls;
  • Cherry dumplings;

Ratatouille; Stewed kvass with vegetables. Recipes for preparing most herbs are simple and widely known, products for them are easy to find in stores and markets.

Portions range from 100-150 g and can be eaten with salads and leafy greens.

Fruits, juices, desserts are suitable for snacking.

Following this program, you can lose 1.5–2.5 kg per week.

  • Straw recipes
  • Broccoli soup
  • Broccoli and potato soup is easy to prepare.
  • You will need the following products:
  • Sheep broth 350 ml;
  • Cibulina;
  • 3–4 cloves chasnik;

2 medium potatoes; 0.3 – 0.35 kg broccoli; 240 ml soy milk;

Spices – kmin, black pepper, salt, spoon of sesame oil.

In a third of the vegetable broth, add chopped cibul and a chasnik, cook for 5 minutes.

  • Then add the potato cubes and the broth to the broth, cook another 15 chickens, then add the broccoli.
  • Broccoli and potato soup is easy to prepare.
  • Continue boiling 5 pieces of bread, adding spices.
  • Ready vegetables
  • Please contact your blender for details.
  • Remove the masa, add soya milk and lightly heat it up.
  • Strava contains 150 kcal, is rich in protein and cellulose, vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, as well as sodium, calcium and minerals.


For dessert - a cocktail.

Recipes for cold drinks made from tropical fruits are rich.

  1. For example: 1 cup frozen mango plus 1 orange in a blender with 250 ml soy milk.
  2. For most people, a vegetarian diet is easy to tolerate.
  3. The culprits are volunteers of the 1st blood group, they smell like typical meat.
  4. Axle for those who want to try:
  5. Vidmova and renewal of the acceptance of animals and their duties will be consistent;
  6. Do not indulge in malts, including fruits such as grapes and bananas;
  7. Drink 2 liters daily;
  8. Take vitamin-mineral complexes as supplements;
  9. Turn off alcohol and cigarettes;

Include more vegetables and protein in your diet;

Your self-esteem determines how long your diet will last;

Read the labels of the products you buy, flavor enhancers, flavors and other type E additives do not provide health benefits; If you are supported by your family, you will be well on your way to recovery. More and more people are switching to vegetarianism, based on research about the dangers of meat, sexual behavior and religious issues.

Vegetarianism is not less ethical in nature.

On a vegetarian diet, you can lose weight without causing protein deficiency in the body.

In this article you will learn new recipes and learn a lot of new facts about the products of cooking.

We hope that early in life people will be looking for information about vegetarians, watching science films or reading articles.

1 in 10 people follow a vegetarian diet, no longer for weight loss, but through the spiritual side of nutrition. People are afraid of the animals that are slaughtered in slaughterhouses, they are aware of how much feed goes into the cultivation of such great farms, and they feel their belonging to the ennoblement of the planet. Vegetarians also base their choice on the physical characteristics of people.

For a long time, they didn’t cook hedgehogs, they lived in a lonely place, and there was no room for watering.

People can’t kill a cow or a pig with their bare hands; those teeth are not meant for eating. raw meat. The eggs are not formed, the chewing teeth are used for fruits and greens. What about protein?

When switching to a vegetarian diet, people rely on nutrition about the protein that the body needs.

In fact, meat occupies no more first place on the list of products than protein.

It is richer in kvass, sochevitsa, sesame and fish.

We'll talk more about the fish later, but for now, more about the vegetable protein.


chemical warehouse

Varto should also start drinking more water, 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of water is the norm for an adult.

This cleanses the body, renews the cells and eliminates moisture.

Vidmova type of meat: reaction to the body

It’s not easy to think that the sharpness of the meat will make you feel light in your body and improve your sense of self.

The first few days may be unimportant: the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins, and the system will need to be worked faster.

In due course, the skin will begin to shed a lot of dirt, the skin will become clean and smooth, and hair and nails will become more valuable and beautiful at the correct CBJU standards.

Many vegetarians say that they feel the lightness of the stench, but there are some nuances here. If you eat buns, cola and chips, you will get gastritis, not fat. It is necessary to eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, and give special attention to cereals with high protein content.

Baby girl

Below is a menu for a vegetarian vegetarian diet for one day, which allows you to eat fish and dairy products. You need to get tired of eating meat. Snіdanok: oat porridge in water with a sponge

tops oil

and dried fruits.

Snack: sandwich with cheese, kava with milk without cinnamon.

Dinner: trout baked under foil

sour cream sauce


  • Snack: fruit bar without cucumber.
  • Supper: 2 boiled eggs and vegetable salad.
  • Snack: a bottle of kefir.
  • The menu is more varied, more colorful and more varied.
  • Axis 5 soups for a vegetarian diet without fish and meat.
  • Sochevy soup with vegetables. Ingredients: sochevitsa – 150 g;

broccoli – 100 g;

  1. carrots – 1 medium; cibulin – 1 middle; cauliflower – 100 g;
  2. spices for relish (it’s good to go drying chasnik that peppercorns).
  3. Preparation:
  4. Wash the juice, add water, bring to a boil and add chopped



  • and broccoli.
  • The menu is more varied, more colorful and more varied.
  • Snack: a bottle of kefir.
  • At this time, coat in a warm frying pan.
  • Roslynna Oliya
  • tsibulya with carrots, paseruvati 20 hvilin.

broccoli – 100 g;

  1. After 30 khvilins, remove the soup from the fire, add spices and fry, cover with a lid and leave for 15 khvilins.
  2. Place the beetroot on the fire, after 15 minutes of boiling, add potatoes and cabbage.
  3. Immediately, coat the carrots and carrots in a frying pan, add the fried tomatoes and simmer until the potatoes are in a saucepan.
  4. Add over-frying to the soup, add salt and pepper and remove from heat.

Leave under the lid for 15 minutes|minutes|.


  • Green okroshka (should be simmered until the end of the vegetarian diet, it cleanses the body well).
  • orok – 2 pcs.;
  • radishes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • greens – 2 bunches;
  • hard eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • asparagus – 200 g;

broccoli – 100 g;

  1. chasnik – 3-4 cloves.
  2. Slice the vegetables and asparagus, grate the chasnik on a fine grater.

Mix everything, add kvass and mineral water and serve.


  • Cold green soup.
  • orgs – 2-3 pcs.;
  • greens - for relish;
  • radishes - for relish;
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • peas – 150 g;
  • corn - 150 g;

broccoli – 100 g;

  1. kefir – 0.5 l.
  2. Chop the vegetables and greens, add the corn and peas, mix.

Season with salt, pour in kefir and serve.


  • Soy soup with tofu.
  • At this time, coat in a warm frying pan.
  • Snack: a bottle of kefir.
  • The menu is more varied, more colorful and more varied.
  • tofu – 200 g;
  • Brussels sprouts – 200 g;

broccoli – 100 g;

  1. corn – 150 g. Set the potatoes to boil Brussels sprouts
  2. ta kukuruzoyu.
  3. In a frying pan, coat tofu with carrots and tsibule, add chasnik and herbs for the eggplants.

Continue frying until the potatoes are ready, add 15 pieces.

Serve with sour cream.

As you know, the vegetarian diet menu is even more satisfying and delicious, you can experiment as much as you like! Fat diet for vegetarians The fatty diet is always loved by meat, fish, beetroot and licorice.

The same correct food, but with a vegetarian touch.

  • Ovolacto-vegetarianism
  • It is necessary to include it in your diet
  • I'm fat and I'm fat
  • , fast food, chips, lemonade, milk and white chocolate, beetroot sprouts.
  • Allowed products:
  • dark chocolate;
  • vegetables;
  • (cream of bananas and grapes);


soy products (tofu, soybeans);

beans - chickpeas, peas, sochevitsa etc.;

The menu includes soups, boiled porridge, and tea.

, vegetables and fruits.

Porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, pshonyan, rice with milk or water with added honey and top oil. Sandwiches made from whole grain bread with any filling: avocado with cheese, tofu with spices, vegetables. Lunch: soups (rib soup, cold soup, soup with vegetable broth).

Another option is to use fish and kvass as a vegetable side dish or cereal.


vegetable salads

(baked fish, steamed, stewed, brushed without oil, tofu, soybeans, kvass).

  1. Snack: peas, fruits, dried fruits, bars without cinnamon, smoothies, salads.
  2. Adapt the menu to suit your needs, so there is room for creativity!
  3. Vegetarian recipes for every day For a vegetarian diet, 5 recipes for delicious snacks. Berry smoothie.
  4. In a blender, mix raspberries, half a heap of black currants, add a little water and honey, decorate with flaxseed oil. Drink to renew your strength. For a bottle of soy or vanilla milk, you need to take 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, mix in a blender, add banana, honey, and berries.
  5. Charge of energy for the whole day! Cleansing In a blender, beat 2 bananas, a bunch of spinach (the wine does not have any taste, but there is a new sea of ​​​​vitamins), a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of ground beef.

This drink cleanses the body of toxins and is good for

long time ago

Therefore, if you strictly adhere to the food regime, do not indulge in sweet, beetroot and fatty foods, then the diet can be safely called “Vegetarian diet for losing 10 kilograms.” This amount can be spent within 1-2 years of completing all the rules. It's not enough - you need to exit the diet correctly so that

save in kilograms They didn’t turn around, having brought with them a couple of friends (or more). When the required number appears on Teresa, you can’t immediately run for a kebab or a juicy steak.

It is necessary to introduce meat step by step, the same way you took it into your diet.

Add 30-40 grams of legion

chicken fillet

before lunch, gradually increase the portion by 10-20 g each day, then add meat until evening.