Recipe for canned squash.

Golovna Technologies During the winter season, you really want to spice up your food with some salad, so that it doesn’t become greasy and crunchy.

Some gentlemen are satisfied with the assortment of oranges and tomatoes, and those who want to eat “round zucchini” once, cook

delicious salads

from patisons for the winter.

We encourage you to try making winter preparations using the recipes below.

When preparing caviar, where you can get large fruits, for salads you can prepare young squash with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters.

Appetizer with squash, carrots and tsibul

This salad with squash for the winter is similar to pickled vegetables, but due to the sterilization process it does not become sour over time, and can be preserved in the yogurt all winter.

Cut three kilograms of squash into small cubes.

Grate half a kilogram of carrots.

Cut the same amount of tsibula into rings.

It’s better to lace up the big heads so that you get beautiful hoops.

Place the prepared vegetables into an enamel bowl.

  • Pour ocet (1 tbsp.) and olia (0.5 tbsp.).
  • Add salt and zukor (2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon), pepper.
  • Stir with clean hands and let sit for 2-3 years until the vegetables are dry.
  • Place the mixture in jars for 15 minutes|minutes| put it on sterilization.


Patisoni with chasnik and tsibulya

Tough vegetables in a hot marinade melodiously suit the stronger half of the family.

Salad from squash and chasnik will serve as a garnished appetizer on the new table.

Cut the patisoni (2 kg) into long-shaped pieces, and cut 4 large white cibulini into slices.

Prepare the dressing:

  1. 5 finely chopped chasnik cloves;
  2. Prepare salt roschin.
  3. For a liter of water you need a tablespoon of salt.
  4. Add a bunch of greens, two hot peppers and 4 chasnik slices.

In preparation, place the squash and leave for 3 days.

After the end of the appointed hour, drain and put on fire.

As soon as the wine boils, pour the vegetables into the bowl and roll up.

You can divide the vegetables into jars at once to know how much brine is needed and to make a quick cut.

Hostriy salad before the meat

Korean squash salad practically does not differ from traditional Korean cuisine.

Since there is a special seasoning at home and a grater, which is used for preparing roasted carrots, it is not at all difficult to prepare.

3 kg of young small squash and 500 g carrots, mash and grate on a special grater.

5 large sweet peppers and a half kilogram of cybula, cut into rings.

Pass one head of the chasnik through the chasnik. Place the ingredients in a hot bowl, add 1 packet of “Korean” seasoning, press for an hour, add a tablespoon of zucchini and refined olive oil. Add salt for taste and pour the bottle into the otsta.

Leave it to marinate for three years.

Spread the salad out into containers and sterilize 15 hulls, then roll up.

Spicy salad with squash, spices and sweet peppers

Among the recipes for salads with squash for the winter, it’s simple and

  • Swedish version
  • .
  • The spices will be even more delicious, and the soup will be ready; the leftovers will not require pre-marinating the vegetables.
  • One kilogram of squash, 6 each of cibulin, cut one large lemon into lemon slices.

Gently add a small roast pepper.

At the bottom of a liter jar place 2 pins of parsley, one leaf each of celery, basil, bay leaves and 1 bud of clove.

Then roll the vegetables into balls, and add 1-2 pieces of hot pepper and a slice of lemon to the animal.

The ingredients used will make 6 liter jars.

Finely chop 200 g of cibulette and parsley root, as well as greens (for relish) and place them before the vegetables.

Pour a bottle of water into the chopped vegetable oil and extinguish 40 hvilins.

For example, add salt to the salad, add|add| 0.5 tbsp.

olia and 4 tbsp.



Bring to a boil and roll up.

Shredded squash salad

Especially for those who are not able to preserve winter stocks for enough time, here is a recipe for squash salad without sterilization.

Blanch 2 quilini by the kilograms, then cut into small pieces.

Sterilized one-liter jars contain crepe (salts with pineapple), peppercorns, and a splint of chasnik.

For spicy food lovers, you can add a dash of hot pepper.

Place the cut squash into a jar and pour the mixture into a jar containing 40 g of product per liter.

Prepare the marinade: 300 g of salt and zucchini for 4 liters of water.

Once the marinade has boiled, pour it over the squash pieces in the jars and you can seal them.

The salad is ready!

  • Products are included in 6 liter jars of ready-made salad.
  • Assorted squash, squash, carrots and cibul
  • To prepare 6 liter jars of squash and squash salad for the winter, you will need one kilogram of finely chopped vegetables.
  • In addition, (500 g) cut into slices, and grate the carrots (that same slice), vikory and grater for Korean salads.
  • Mix everything and place the chopping bowl (2 middle heads).

Zrobiti marinade - dressing:

ocet – 1 bottle;

tsukor - 1 bottle;

Oliya - 0.5 bottles; salt - 2 tablespoons; chalk pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Mix all marinade ingredients thoroughly and pour into the vegetables. Leave it ready for 2-3 years, so that it leaks out. with spices, and also eaten with cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, sweet and hot peppers, and other ingredients. Who cares a lot, what a patison, what a zucchini. From the zucchini you get a little more taste.

Actually it is a different type of watermelon.


external look

It creates poignancy and originality. About the roots of power to Patison First of all, if you ask: “How to pickle squash for the winter?”, you need to understand their necessity. Its incredibly beautiful appearance and distinct association with UFOs put this vegetable at the forefront of popularity in cooking, and especially in canning. But there are not only a lot of additions, whose coarse power is in no way inferior to the outer beauty. The presence of microelements that readily flow in improves the human body and the functioning of the liver. Kharchovy fibers help reduce cholesterol levels.

The high amount of cellulose normalizes the functioning of the intestines and prevents any problems.

These patisons fight against excess salts in the body and relieve gout.

It is good to mix the yellow vegetables with vitamins – A, B, C, PP, minerals – saliva, potassium, magnesium, sodium. All these cursory speeches will not last long. 12 days after flowering, the patison loses its benefits and is no longer suitable for people.

Such fruits are usually taken into account when overripe and used as food for animals.

This vegetable is recommended to live with meat.

The best choice for protein products is pickled squash, a recipe for which will be given.

If you have ripe and firm vegetables on hand, pickled squash will be perfect for the winter.

Such fruits are usually taken into account when overripe and used as food for animals.

For this you need 4 pieces of great squash and one carrot.

Marinated patisoni in hot sauce For preparation you will need approximately 300 grams of squash, which will be charged at 0.5 liter jar


Among the warehouses there will be red pepper, the quantity of which can be adjusted according to your preferences.

The recipe uses apple cider.

Such fruits are usually taken into account when overripe and used as food for animals.


Marinated patties with cucumbers

Such fruits are usually taken into account when overripe and used as food for animals.

Eating patties with cucumbers is a wonderful idea.

The food will be not only aesthetically beautiful, but also delicious.

Such fruits are usually taken into account when overripe and used as food for animals.

Marinated patties with cucumbers have a sweet taste and are preserved for a long time under a white crust.

The recipe requires 1 kg of squash and 1 kg. These ingredients fit in a 3-liter jar. Everything should be stored according to the size of the vegetables.

Marinated patties with zucchini

To make pickled zucchini and squash for the winter you will need a 1.5 liter jar containing 0.5 kg of squash and 0.5 kg of zucchini. The main ingredients are diluted with two pieces of carrots and then add sweet pepper. Don't be stingy, add more.

And an even bigger advantage of this preparation is that it is very simple and easy to prepare.

Get to know the recipe and try it yourself.

To prepare patsons from tomato sauce, prepare the necessary set of ingredients for the winter.

Wash the tomatoes and bell peppers thoroughly under cold running water. Peel the peppers and pass them through a meat grinder together with the tomatoes. Pour the tomato into a saucepan to suit the size, add salt, zuccor, red pepper and

Roslynna Oliya


Mix everything and put the pan on fire.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 khvilins.

Mash the patisoni and cut into large cubes.

The tomato base has been boiled and added to the patisoni.

Stirring occasionally, cook 20 khvilins over a small fire.

Clean the clock and pass it through the pres.

Then add 5 khvilins to the pan and boil.

At the end of cooking, pour in the ocet, cover the pan with a lid and cook 2 hvilini over a small fire. The most delicious patties in the tomato sauce are ready for the winter. Place them in sterile jars and roll them up immediately.

Turn the jars upside down, wrap them warmly and let them sit until completely cooled.

Afterwards, send the jars to be stored in a dark, cool place.

With the specified amount of ingredients, I ended up with three 500 ml jars and a small bowl for testing.

Enjoy your appetite and savory preparations! Patisoni has a bright taste in the mixture with zucchini, and the amount of vitamins and minerals in this product is leading. it beneficially flows into the spirit of the visionary apparatus.

This will speed up metabolic processes, improve liver function and reduce cholesterol levels, which is important in the fight against atherosclerosis.

In connection with this, there are a lot of recipes for pickled squash for the winter, so that the preparations preserve the richness and wonderful taste.

Recipe for crispy pickled patties for the winter

This preparation for the winter is enriched with a wonderful taste and aroma, and when you add cooked vegetables, the preparation will delight you not only with its taste, but also with its wonderful new appearance.

Of course, you can choose vegetables of a different color - it won’t taste the same.

In addition to the three representatives of the hydrabuse family, you need to prepare the following list of ingredients:

  • Two watch teeth;
  • Two leaves of a cherry or currant tree;
  • Hrin - two leaves;
  • Chotiri some gilts of buttermilk crop;
  • Girchitsya – spoon;
  • Half a spoon of coriander seeds;
  • Black pepper;
  • Ocet and cherry sand for marinade.

Pickled patisoni for the winter - you'll lick your fingers! Pokrokovy algorithm preparation:

  • Wash the head component, cut the tails and trim it into six pieces.
  • Place leaves and all the necessary spices on the bottom of the glass container.
  • Place the sprinkles and chasnik near the container.
  • Then the container needs to be filled with pattyson, and then the horseradish is strong.
  • After this, you need to boil a liter of water and pour it into a jar.
  • After fifteen minutes, you need to pour the water from the jars back into the saucepan and boil it.
  • Then you need to sizzle the pulp and add salt.

Now the jars can be closed with lids and turned over until they burn.

Next, the product can be placed on the Komori or Lyohu police.

Marinated patisoni for the winter without sterilization: a simple recipe

  • Without the need to sterilize the jars, the product can be prepared without special folding materials, and the final product can become a decoration for any Christmas table and gain the respect of gourmets.
  • Also, to create a spicy preparation, you need to add 570 grams of young squash and such storage as:
  • Chotiri teeth to the watchmaker;
  • Bay tree arkush;
  • Whole peas of white pepper;
  • Repeat spoons otstu;

Kmin in grains;

    • Star anise – two squares.
    • Algorithm for preparing pickled squash:
    • The main ingredient must be removed, cleaned from dry storage and sprinkled with sprinkling up to five times.
    • The top of the prepared storage jar needs to be poured with strong liquid.
    • Then cover the container with a lid and turn the jar upside down.

Fermentation with cucumbers: a simple and delicious recipe

Spicy appetizer of fish and meat can be beautiful on your Christmas table As soon as you report the deeds of zusilla.

As a result, the fermentation process must proceed close to the heat, and the preparation can be saved in a cool place near the heat.

  • You need to add the following products:
  • Two hundred grams of the main component;
  • Pivkilo ogirkiv;
  • Chasnikov's head;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Gostri pepper.

Sil – 4 spoons.

Algorithm for making pickled squash for the winter:

At the bottom of the glass container you need to place a couple of leaves of currants, cherries, crepes and horseradish.
Make sure to clean the vegetables and fill the jars with them.
Pour the marinade over the prepared ingredients.
After three days, add the marinade, pass through a gauze filter and boil it again.

Rinse the ingredients in the glass container, and then refill with wine.

Repeat this step one more time, and then seal the jars.

Cooking with cucumbers and tomatoes: sheep mix in one bowl!

Recipes for crispy pickled squash for the winter often include various vegetables and the main ingredient.

  • Thus, when paired with a representative of the Garbuzov family, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and other vegetables can be eaten.
  • One of the most popular recipes for vegetable preparation includes the following ingredients:
  • Also, to create a spicy preparation, you need to add 570 grams of young squash and such storage as:
  • 1300 g of head vegetables;
  • A little less than three kilograms of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • Peppercorns;

Otstu bottle;

Silly cherry sand.

Let's start the culinary process:
Small squash need to be washed and cleaned from the tails, which also needs to be processed with other vegetables.
Next, you need to cut the ingredients into balls and place them in the bottom of the jar, and pour boiled water over the top.

You need to pour the sauce out, and instead pour the marinade over the vegetables and leave the jar in the flow position.

For fifteen minutes, the marinade must be placed on fire for sterilization.

  • Delicious and spicy lecho sauce
  • A delicious lecho sauce can be prepared with the addition of squash of different stages of maturity, and the vitamin bouquet can be supplemented with the help of a combination of other ingredients, such as:
  • Two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • One kilogram of the head component;
  • One hundred ml of apple otstu;
  • A bottle of refined oil;

One hundred grams of cucumber juice;

Two spoons of salt.

Yak marinuvati patisoni for the winter: a simple algorithm: Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder so that the stench takes away the consistency of the puree. in the present day and detail it in the form of a straw.
Peel the skin of the watermelon, cut it into two parts, and then cut into cubes.
Pour tomato sauce into a saucepan.
After the wine has come to a boil, add a little spice and basil, then pour in the olive oil.

After twenty minutes of active thermal processing, pour the ocet into the substance.

Glass jars of sauce need to be sterilized for twenty minutes, and then closed with a lid and kept in a cold place.

Cybulium salad with squash

This recipe for pickled squash for the winter allows you to prepare a savory preparation from the main component, which has a soft, unobtrusive taste and a spicy marinade with spicy notes and a rich aroma.

  • To prepare the most delicious preservation, you need to buy the necessary ingredients at the store:
  • Young sheep – 2 kilograms;
  • Chasnikov's head;
  • Chotiri great cibulini;
  • Half a bottle of rosemary oil;

One hundred grams of otstu.

  • How to marinate patisoni for the winter: the following method:
  • Mix together the detailed stock and the main winter stock.
  • Use the ingredients to create a marinade.
  • Save the vegetables in the marinade for three years.
  • After the end of the hour, move the money near the jar.

Engage in sterilization for twenty minutes.

Patisoni yak marinated mushrooms

It is based on the receptor for preparing squash in such a way that the final product resembles pickled mushrooms in its taste and consistency.

  • For this reason, it is important to stock up on kilograms of immature representatives of the harbuzoidae family at the grocery store.
  • Add some cream:
  • Two medium-sized carrots;
  • Chasnikov's head;

Half a spoon of olive oil;


Let’s prepare the most delicious preserves for winter harvest:
Cut the head vegetable together with the peeled carrots to look like a bowl.
Chop the greens and clock heads.
Mix the chopped ingredients together with the spices and then together.

For three years, instead of deep containers, it is due to the pickling.


After the end of the hour, the sum can be divided into jars and sealed with lids.

Turn the glass containers upside down during the day, and then save the preservation on the Komori or lyohu police.

  • Two hundred grams of crop;
  • Tarragon and leaves of the hron - one hundred grams;
  • Cherry tree leaves;
  • Ocet 9%.

Pork recipe for pickled squash for the winter with zucchini:

  • Prepare the vegetables and use a fork to make a few holes.
  • Then place the vegetables in a jar, cutting off the tops first.
  • Between the indicated products you need to place a mixture of ingredients.
  • Pour the sprout over the vegetables with dill, leaving them in the container for 3-4 minutes.
  • Fill the glass container with the prepared marinade, lemon juice and salt.

Cover the jars with lids.

Preparation for the winter: patisoni with cabbage

During the cold season, our body obtains all the vitamins from its reserves in order to withstand the cold.

People can help their body replenish the reserve of barnacles with the help of bark hedgehogs.

  • In this case, this product can serve as a wonderful source of vitamins, and its wonderful savory characteristics will help make this herb a decoration for your table.
  • Cream of the main components, you need to add:
  • Peppercorns;

Sonyashnikova Oliya;

  • Ocet;
  • Let's start preparing pickled squash for the winter - you'll lick your fingers!
  • Rinse the main ingredients thoroughly under running water.
  • Cut the vegetables into strips and sprinkle with dill into five pieces.
  • Prepare the marinade from another store recipe.
  • Dip the sheep straws in cold water and place them in jars.

Pour the hot marinade over the vegetables and begin sterilization.

Then proceed until the cans are packed.

Save the quince product in a cold place. Rules for saving the product Young fruits that have not lost their integrity can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or komori for ten days.

Once the skins of the vegetables have been damaged, drain the waste products into the pulp and avoid the rotting process.

Even unusual-looking patties, which are far from occupying a place among vegetable lovers in cities. Brownies and vegetables are smaller than others. You should take in such vitamins and macroelements as A, C, B1, B2, PP, saliva, potassium, sodium, zinc, lutein, etc.

bark power

Patisons are low in calories. 100 gr. The product contains only 19 kcal.

However, instead of cellulose and carbohydrates, there are living things.

  • Through their unusual form, the squash has always become a favorite on any table, so the savory pickled squash will be even browner and more delicious for the winter.
  • Let's take a look at a number of recipe options for squash marinade.
  • This is a very simple recipe to prepare.
  • Every city will have greenery.
  • However, some spices can be easily replaced with others, or they can be used altogether.
  • Everything is left to your taste.
  • The recipe does not contain zukor, so I will replace it
  • peppermint
  • , like a creamy licorice flavor, imparts spice and sweetness to the herb.

Small and mature plants will be happy for the unexpected salting.

  1. Necessary products:
  2. fresh, young squash - 300-400 gr.;
  3. water – 1 liter; salt - 1 spoon (teasa); 1 leaf of chronu;
  4. a bunch of celery leaves;
  5. a bunch of pulp;
  6. crop bun;
  7. 3 bay leaves;
  8. peppercorns – 5 peas.

Marinating squash for the winter.

We remove the young squash and place it in a saucepan.

It is necessary to boil water and pour it over the vegetables.

  • We'll lose everything for 6 minutes.
  • After 6 hvilins, the patisoni is lowered into
  • clock teeth – 3 pcs.;
  • 4 small fruits (can be done without them);
  • 4 small tomatoes;
  • The recipe does not contain zukor, so I will replace it
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 3 cherries;
  • 3 leaves of homemade currant;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • cloves not chalked, cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • black pepper – 6 peas;
  • 1 l.
  • drive;
  • 2 tbsp.
  • spoons of salt;

2 tbsp.

  1. spoons of cucru;
  2. otic acid 1 spoon (distant, 70%). Marinated squash, lightly prepared: Patisony, my goodness.
  3. For savory preparations, vikorista young patisoni.
  4. Their skin is still soft and delicious.
  5. Old fruits predict how to remove the hardness of the zucchini from the great sap, if you have to clean the winter.
  6. At the bottom of the jar we place salt, pepper,

citric acid

, laurel leaves, carnations. Then place the patisoni balls, between the skin balls place currant leaves, cherry leaves, parsley and crepe. Let's lay out the vegetables. Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the vegetables. Then the jar is placed in a saucepan with water and boiled for 30-40 minutes, sterilized.

The remaining ingredient will be ocet - pour the spoon over the top and tightly cover with a lid.

  • Let's cool down.
  • We save everything in a cold place.
  • Lasoschi are ready for the winter.
  • Marinated patisonis are crunchy for the winter
  • It’s hard for the gentleman to complete a simple recipe.
  • Trying to get everything done shvidko i s
  • with minimal expenses
  • .
  • Hot pepper adds a spicy kick, and for those who love it, a spicy flavor.


  1. minimum quantity
  2. The ingredients can be used both as a snack and as a supplement to other herbs.
  3. For a liter jar we take:
  4. young squash 500 grams;
  5. water 0.5 l;
  6. 2-3 leaves chron;
  7. one bunch of parsley;
  8. one bunch of crop;

Yak marinate patisoni for the winter

A very simple recipe with a delicious, delicate taste.

The pickled bell pepper looks very lifelike and savory.

  • And during the winter there is a shortage of vitamins.
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • Through the pepper, the taste becomes richly palatable and tender.
  • We need the following products:
  • 1 kg. young patisons;
  • 1 bunch of crops with flowers;
  • sweet pepper – 5 medium fruits;
  • black pepper – 4 peas;
  • 1 liter of water;

1/2 bottle of 6% otstu;

  1. 2 tablespoons of cinnamon paste;
  2. 2 tablespoons salt. Pokrokovy recipe: Wash the vegetables, cut them (as you wish - you can use slices, you can use rings) and place in a bowl.
  3. Place the herbs and spices on a pile.
  4. Bring the roses to a boil in a saucepan, adding salt, zukor and otset. Ottoic acid flows into I'll stay with you

, after which the pan is removed from the fire.

Pour rose brine over the vegetables.
Place the jars in a container with water, place on the stove and boil for 20 minutes.

After sterilization, roll the jars tightly and let them cool in a cold place.

  • Patisoni z
  • bell pepper
  • ready.
  • Marinating squash without sterilization with tomatoes
  • For a rich marinade, as well as for lovers of spicy snacks, you can make this recipe.
  • The unusual addition of seasonings will delight guests and household members, as well as what they sleep with.
  • Let's roll up our patties with tomatoes at the two-liter bank.
  • Why do we need:
  • fresh young patisoni 1.4 kg;
  • tomatoes – 200 gr.;
  • 1 tbsp.

spoon of cucru;

  1. 1 tbsp.
  2. a spoonful of salt (with bittersweet);
  3. 3 liters of dried star anise;
  4. peppercorns – 8 peas;
  5. kmin nasinnyam – 1/2 teaspoon;
  6. 5 arkush lavra;
  7. 5 clock cloves;

tablespoon 70% otic acid;

water – 1.5 liters. offensive recipe. In addition to the cream of vegetables, another very brown and savory ingredient is apples, which are still moist great quantity vitamins Unusual recipe

finish the simple one from the prepared one.

  • For anyone else you need:
  • 5 medium freshly picked squashes;
  • medium-sized carrots – 5 approx.;
  • cibul - 4 small heads;
  • 3-4 medium-sized apples;
  • 3 l.
  • The recipe does not contain zukor, so I will replace it
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • drive;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • peppercorns – 8 pcs.;
  • 4 cloves;
  • drive;
  • 6 clock cloves;

3 tbsp.

  1. spoons of lemon juice;
  2. 1 tbsp.
  3. spoon of otic acid (70%).
  4. Preparation step by step:
  5. Wash fresh small-sized squash and cut into slices. Also wash and cut the carrots and apples. An apple into 4 pieces (since the fruits are small and the size of the ranetkas), carrots - you can cut them into slices, you can use them into round pieces.
  6. Clean the tsibul and chasnik, cut the tsibul into slices, and fill the chasnik.
  7. Prepare the roses: add all the seasonings, herbs and spices to boiling water. Boil for 3-4 minutes. Place the patisoni in a bowl and fill it with boiling brine.

Bring to a boil and cook 3 hivlins, then add carrots and an hour to the squash.

We also cook three hvilins, then add an apple and boil 2 hvilins.

While we were working on the vegetables and marinade, the jars could be sterilized.

There are plenty of sterilization methods.