Perelik category of posad of state service.

Golovna The main element is not to deprive the system state service , and everythingє sovereign power Derzhavna Posada . The structure of any sovereign body is a system of mutually interconnected various entities for their purposes and the level of the sovereign settlements. It is up to you to take possession of a part of the most important sovereign body, which at the same time establishes its competence. You can see these types of sovereign plantings - sovereign plantings
Russian Federation
(subject of the Russian Federation) and plantings of the state service.
Their responsibilities lie in the fact that the first principles for the uninterrupted vykonannya are again similar to the federal ones.
sovereign bodies Both the sovereign bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as others, are of new importance for the protection of such laws.;
Federal government agencies have two types of government settlements:
1) sovereign plantings of the Russian Federation, which are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and assigned to the established list of sovereign plantings of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On sovereign plantings of the Russian Federation” tsii";
2) the establishment of a state service, which is based on federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and encourages the replacement of state services.
To lie before them:
planting of the federal sovereign
civil service
The legislation on state service does not remove the legal confusion of the concept of “state service position”, however, it does have norms that reveal the essential signs that allow for the dissemination of state service position from other positions in state bodies, plantings municipal services, posad in state organizations and institutions.
The first sign of state service is formal importance. Subject to paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law “On the system of state service of the Russian Federation”, the positions of state service will be established federal law or other regulatory
legal act
of the Russian Federation, the law and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The circle of posads of the state service is precisely christened with the corresponding registries, which are confirmed by the corresponding posad persons. The registers establish unified names for all positions of the state service, and establish a classification
They are divided into categories and groups, divided into state bodies.
The Register of settlements of the Federal State Civil Service includes: transfers of settlements of the Federal State Civil Service;
overflows of typical military settlements;
This means that the position of the state service cannot be established without addressing the specifics of the specific service activity. As a rule, in the government bodies that manage the economic and social-cultural spheres, the government civil service authorities are respected, in the military administration bodies - the military plantations, in law enforcement agencies - the federal plantations new government services of other types. At the same time, it is important to note the nature of the obligations imposed by the civil servants, which are subject to clause 3 of Art.
8 of the Federal Law “On the system of state service of the Russian Federation” may be the foundation of state service
different species . For example, the structure of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of Russia includes the federal state civil, military (ritual military formation) and the federal anti-military service. both structural subdivisions, planting ceremonies and intercessors of ceremonial representatives of state bodies and their structural subdivisions, which will be replaced by the first line again, or without intersecting the line again.
In the structure of the sovereign body, the categories of “kerivniki” have the greatest obligation of managerial duties that allow actions that entail legally significant inheritances. Community services that replace the plantings of the designated category: organize the work of the designated government body (structural subdivision) and minor civil services; have the right to carry out legal actions against the civil services under their control;
make decisions within the competence of the sovereign body (structural department); to carry out the preparation and submission to the real stone body of the proposal for the highest task set before the sovereign body (structural department); there is control over the Vikonanny
decisions taken
The fourth sign of the establishment of sovereign service is organizational and legal independence.
Posada is an independent front-line element of the state service system. The sovereign body has “future” material for forming its structure and ensuring managerial subordination. Planters can enter
as a structural substructure of a government body, and being independent (for example, an assistant to a federal minister). In this case, all plantings are included up to a special document. standard layout sovereign authority. It is confirmed by the official body of the sovereign body within the boundaries of the established fund for payment of the percentage of the number (without personnel for the protection and maintenance of the building).
This rank, the landing of the sovereign service, characterizes the formation of the sovereign serviceman in the service hierarchy. Z posad of sovereign service
Tіzno, the slavisy of the quillyfikychy, the order for the Nama, the Oblasts, the Class Rangis, the Diplomatic Rangis, the Special Anges, the Rosemi of the Grocery Excavation, Pence,, Pence,, Pence, Persixiyi,

special rights

and the provisions, Supplements and other nutrition for the performance of government service.

The posad system will follow a hierarchical principle, and without any argument, its structure includes categories, groups, ranks and classes.

This classification reflects the one regulated by the Legal Statute of Officials dated June 19, 1940. in France, the basis for this was the grouping of plantations in four classes: A.V.Sta I).

The division of government servicemen into categories and groups follows the principles of this classification.

The authors, analyzing this article, did not dare to know that the “category” is either the emerging “principle of the town hierarchy in the government” or “the quality of activity”1.

Therefore, instead of analyzing the structure of such a structure, only the overflow of plantings is so clearly expressed in the law.

A. I. Turchynov demonstrates the existence of a category of government civil servants with specialization of activities, and such specialization in Federal Law No. 79-FZ is not consistent with the Zagalnorossiysk classifier of professions of workers, posad of service workers and tariff categories.

Article 9 “Classification of Civil Service Posads” of the Federal Law No. 79-FZ allocates 4 categories and 5 groups of state civil services.

Among such categories can be called the important relocation to another place for the significance of the lieutenants, the guards of the ceramics of the sovereign department.

In this manner, the deputy, like a secretary, transforms into the most important person of the townsman, who provides the kerivnik with all the materials for completing specific work.

It is ordered that the pomichniks come to the posada and go with it at the same time with their kerivnik.

Civil service plantings are divided into the following groups: veshch, head, wire, older and younger civil service plantings.

This classification has been elaborated, according to A.I. Turchinova. various established criteria, including the place and nature of work, the level of qualifications, the importance and reliability, the place in the garden hierarchy, etc.1 The transfer of sovereign settlements, which includes both categories and ranks of sovereign services, is entered into the Register of Posads of the Federal Civil Service, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 31 April 2005. No. 15741 The naming of the federal civil service authorities in the federal state bodies and their apparatus is responsible for the names included in the Register (Clause 3 of the Decree).

It can be understood that the planting shifts are specially seen in the federal services, the management of the activities of the current President of the Russian Federation, in the state committees, federal services and federal agencies, the management of the activities of the current President of the Russian Federation The history of the current Order of the Russian Federation (Section 8), planting transfers from federal services and federal agencies , subordinate to federal ministries (section 9).

It is officially included in the register before the registration of actions in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomatic representatives and consular posts of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation, a sovereign body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of the sovereign authority at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation there.

However, such a shotgun reflection reflects a low level of formalization, a low level of abstraction of legal norms, unification of the status of township individuals. The legal method of regulation, as the establishment of a single rule for different individuals, in which ku is out of reach.

Federal Law No. 79-FZ (Article 11) also transfers assignments to civil service officers of high ranks prior to entering the civil service to be replaced by them, within the group of civil service officers and based on the results of qualification I'll get some sleep.

Such ranks include active state soldier of the Russian Federation 1.2 and 3rd class;

sovereign soldier of the Russian Federation 1.2 and 3rd grade; Soldier of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd and 3rd class; Referent of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1. 2 or 3 class and class rank of the State Civil Service - Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1, 2 or 3 class. The essence of this classification, according to the commentators of this law, is the determination of the results of the qualification test and the assignment of a class rank as desired. They write: “Among the minds of assigning a class rank, the principle of consistency in assigning and serving a class rank is established. This thereby lays down the mechanisms for the implementation of the most important principle of passing civilly ї services - “rank at rank”1. According to the law, the category of officials in Russia The federation is being recreated due to the likes of individuals who attack the obscure government service, the most respectable class in the family, the idea of ​​active investigations, such a class itself and, in the words of B. N. Yeltsin, the creation of a “middle” class in Russian Federation. All classifications must be placed in order to provide incentives for service to improve qualifications and advancement in service. Such criteria lead to the stagnation of the level of lighting necessary for the occupation of a suitable planting. Under this law, equal awareness is included before the qualifications of the civil service (Article 12). In addition, the government's supervision of the existing radio frequency spectrum allowed the minds to stay up to date with respect to radioelectronic devices and high-frequency devices, including monitoring the information taken from the process of conducting frequency radio control service, confirmed by the order of the Federal Service for the visibility of the mass media communication, connection and funeral of cultural destruction since 4th 2007. No. 4143.

Part of the renewed importance of the status of a government official may also appear in other documents of the official government apparatus.

The application of such a document may be the Service Regulations of the Central Office of the Federal Treasury, approved by the order of the Federal Treasury dated April 14, 2006. No. 7n1.

Legislation introduces a special category of government officials, called posadov. This category appears in the CC of the Russian Federation. in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation2, in other legislation.

The State Standard of the Russian Federation has a regulation of 30 breasts, 1993. No. 298, which confirmed the Trans-Galno-Russian classifier (OK 010-93) with the date of introduction on September 1, 1995, subgroup 11 “Kerivniki (representatives) of the authorities and management” is located, which are characterized by the offensive.

"Kerivniks (representatives) of the authorities and management designate, formulate and ensure the implementation of power policy; disintegrate, reinforce, accept and enforce laws, decrees, regulations, programs, ensure and control their viconny; represent a power (order) and act in its name;

to promote the activities of federal, regional (local), Galuzev government bodies,

huge ob'ednan and organization. The obligations that are imposed by the officers of the designated subgroup include: the establishment of the lawmaker, the governor and the ship's authority; important policies of federal, regional (local) government bodies, government bodies, community associations and direct implementation; That special knowledge, therefore, in this particular case, the planting may be subdivided into other larger groups and subgroups.

Since qualification and professional knowledge is the basis for the effective implementation of legislative and administrative obligations, the name of the position (profession, employment) may be added to the enlarged values ​​groups and subgroups.

For example, since the main requirements and plantings are related to the diagnosis, consultation and treatment of patients, then the planting may be included in the enlarged group 2 “Fachists of the highest level of qualification”, aka about the basic conditions of a particular planting associated with the benefits based on medical Know the decision as soon as the division of the significance of scientific research and the distribution of funds of the state, municipal budget is seen, then this planting may be brought to the subgroup that is being examined. Notes to Art. 285 of the Code of the Russian Federation "The abuse of landowners" to take revenge on a different understanding of the gardener:

"The officials of this chapter are recognized as individuals who constantly, timely or specially perform the functions of a representative of the government or establish organizational and administrative procedures ktsії in state bodies, bodies

Virok of the Omsk Regional Court dated 10 June 2001 the acquittal of Kamenev from seized swag, and Kuznetsov from the dacha of swag, fragments, apparently to the motivation of the court, to the Omsk branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Kamenev was not a representative of the authorities and does not fall within the scope of Art. 290 CC of Ukraine. having not been a legislator, a governor, or a court authority, and not being a member of the sovereign, supervisory or control bodies, vested with routine duties in a manner that is not in service, or above We have the right to make decisions, obliging citizens and organizations. Kamenev took over organizational and administrative procedures and administrative functions in non-profit organization

, which does not belong to the bodies of sovereign power or municipal self-government, to sovereign or municipal institutions. In conclusion, the court referred to the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (approved by the resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 27 April 1991 No. 2122-1), from the substitution of clauses 1 and 15, which means that " Pension fund The Russian Federation is a legal entity, an independent financial and credit institution that governs banking operations....It is impossible to reach state authorities, authorities of municipal self-government, state and municipal institutions. For such situations, the legality of the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is independent. RF. The contributions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with employees and individual entrepreneurs to ensure the comprehensive collection and accumulation of insurance deposits, which directly contribute to pension services, may have an administrative-ownership nature і є for designating individuals as obligatory. The Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and therefore Kamenev, as a senior official, has the right to implement the rules and regulations in a manner that does not interfere with the service.

Also, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides public-ownership benefits and security constitutional law for the state pension, including the renewal of the recognition of pensions by law itself.

Such is the importance of amending Part 2 of Art. 7, Art. 10, part 1 art. 11, part 2 art., bear administrative responsibility as city officials, as otherwise established by law" (Article 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, 2002).

A good assessment of the induced importance of the individual of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is carried out by A. U. Sergeev.

The equally legal definition of the concept of “communal serviceman” is enshrined in the legislation on state service, with the concept of a “garden person”, which is located in the note up to Art.

2.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The author will try to understand about the nature of the relationship. From the standpoint of logical analysis, this relationship can be understood as peretin.

Obviously, some of the civil servants are also civil servants, but not all civil servants are civil servants.

There is a better understanding of the individual that fits into the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is confirmed by civil services who are covering the plantings of the “kerivnik” category. In some situations, the civil service may be called upon to serve as a substitute for the civil service in the category of “specialists” and “safe guards.” natural medium, military rules and rules for the regime of the State Cordon of the Russian Federation, the border regime, the regime at checkpoints through the State Cordon of the Russian Federation, as well as for administrative offenses in the area of ​​taxes, collections and finances, the illegality of the lawful forces the prosecutor, the investigator, the person to carry out the investigation, And the officers who are active in the law regarding administrative offences, the individuals who are covered by disciplinary statutes or special provisions on discipline, bear responsibility at the front desks. Until the appointment of individuals, administrative punishments in the form of administrative arrest cannot be suspended, and until the military servicemen who undergo military service

upon request, also in view of an administrative fine."

Federal Law No. 79-FZ simultaneously with ranks, obviously legitimizing the category of “official” in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

From the likes of the SRSR, you won’t be able to pass on to the legitimate symbol of sovereign power.

“From the beginning, the bureaucracy was no longer an instrument for the prince’s will. Officials served especially the prince, and their legal status was extremely insignificant. In the era of the Enlightenment, the orientation changed: the official having taken over not the prince alone, but the powers, they began to separate the officials. who were in the service of the state, and the servants who served the monarch in his private life. The princes themselves (for example, Frederick II, King of Prussia) considered themselves the first servants of the state, and the official was always obliged to guard the monarch. mi new manifestations about the resilience of an official in the defense of the interests of the state, which was inevitably associated with a major risk for her rise in power, and a reminder about the need for a guaranteed legal status for the official himself "1. Not much of this description is entirely obvious; a subjective assessment of historical approaches is required. A more materialistic approach is needed in assessing the history of the development of bureaucracy. Perhaps feudal fragmentation and the need for local authorities to bear responsibility for all developments on their territory, they created a sovereign service for such independent relationship to the prince, but this independence cannot be overestimated, it is ultimately rational and is determined by the basic laws of sovereign life.

The axis is an explanation of the similarity and clarity of the status of a government servant with special rights and obligations - an official, immutable, with high level paid, with the position of special allegiance to the prince to the great boss. In Germany, the rule of Alimentations Prinzip was extended to officials, which translates as “the principle of full sovereign security.” However, the principle of

Russian history

It is not a direct analogue of the German one.

E. A. Litvintseva defines the bureaucracy in Nimechchyna as historically “a group strengthened by marriage, which is small in the power of a particular person with special loyalty and fidelity.”

1) plantings of the federal civil service (established by federal law and decree of the President of the Russian Federation);

2) planting of the state civil service of the subjects of the Russian Federation (based on laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the provisions of the Law “On the system of state service of the Russian Federation”).

The settlement of the civil service - the totality of administrative obligations, the rights and the responsibility of the civil service to ensure the activities of those who replace the state's settlements, the provision of services to the population, and so The viconny is now more important than the sovereign body.

State plantings RF – not established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law without intermediary reinstatement of federal government bodies, and orders established by the constitutions and charters), laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation to directly deconstruct government bodies of sub 'ektiv RF.

Key signs of civil service planting:

· Posad in the authorities of the sovereign power - tse primary structural unit of sovereign bodies. Vaughn is the first element sovereign organization

civil service;

· Posada with the installed stake of ob'yazkiv shodo vikonannya and security for the re-importance of this sovereign body. The supreme authority of the state performs all assigned functions. With this method, the power endows its bodies with power-sovereign duties, so.

· Posada with the installed stake of ob'yazkiv shodo vikonannya and security for the re-importance of this sovereign body. the right to make legal decisions; Posada

From the penny fee established by law , until the local salary and allowances are included; From special responsibility for violating proper duties in the service

1) (within the framework of obligations and rights for planting), as well as for inaccessibility of the mark due to the fault of the sovereign serviceman. The classification of civil service landings includes four categories and five groups of landings.

2) Up to category Posad should be like this:

3) kerivniki- planting of kerivniki and defenders of kerivniki of sovereign bodies and their structural subdivisions, planting of kerivniki and defenders of kerivniki of territorial bodies of federal bodies of the imperial government and their structural subdivisions sdіlіv, which will be replaced by a singing line with new importance or without a line with new importance;

4) pomіchniki (radniks)- plant, which is based on organizational, informational, documentation, financial and economic, government and other security of the activities of state bodies and will be replaced without delineating the line again.

Groupi Posad Civil services transmit:

1) things Civil Service Landings Before this group, please see the Register of Landings of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, plantings in the category “Kerivniki”, “Pomichniki (Radniks)” and “Fakhivtsi”;

2) firebrands civil service plantings They are listed in the Registry of plantings in the categories “kerivniki”, “pomichniki (radniks)”, “fakhivtsi” and “security guards”;

3) leading civil service plantings. Before them, there are also songs in the Register of plantings of all four categories;

4) seniors Civil Service Posads Before them, there are songs in the Registry of Posads in the categories of “Fakhivtsi” and “Security Specialists”;

5) young people civil service plantings Before them, there are songs in the register of plantings of the category “specialties that will be ensured”.

All plantings of the state civil service are switched on until special flights ( registry ).

1) There are three such registries: Register of Posads of the Federal Civil Service , in each case they are classified by sovereign authorities, categories and groups. Federal Register

2) confirmed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation; Register of Posads of the State Civil Service of a Subject of the Russian Federation

3) - develops according to the structure of state authorities, names, categories and groups of settlements established by the federal register. The Law “On the State Service System of the Russian Federation” is confirmed by law and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Register of Posads of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation , which includes the first two registries. The procedure for this will be confirmed by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. It is probable that before the planting, which is being replaced, the state's civil services are assigned grades of rank. The order of assignment is assigned Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2005 No. 113 “On the procedure for assigning and retaining high-ranking ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation by the federal state civil service officer”.

The legislation establishes such

do it well 1 (the title (rank) of the state civil service), which corresponds to the groups of the civil service.

Class rank

- An indicator of the professionalism of the civil service and the qualifications of the plant that is replaced within the group of plantations.

Vishcha group:

sovereign leader of the Russian Federation 1 class:

sovereign soldier of the Russian Federation 2nd class;

sovereign soldier of the Russian Federation 3rd class;

Wired group:

Radiant of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 kpass;

Radiant of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class;

Soldier of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 3rd class;

Senior group:

Referent of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 (the title (rank) of the state civil service), which corresponds to the groups of the civil service.

Referent of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class;

Referent of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 3rd class;

Younger group:

1 (the title (rank) of the state civil service), which corresponds to the groups of the civil service.

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 2 (the title (rank) of the state civil service), which corresponds to the groups of the civil service.

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 3 class

Cool repairs are assigned without fail until the replacement of the plant with the approval of the professional level, the service in the first class rank of the plant that is being replaced.

Classes are followed for the results of the qualifying examination.

Possibly first and last (the first is assigned after the completion of the trial term, and if there was no trial term, then no earlier than 3 months after the assignment for landing).