What can be made of navels and hearts. How to cook chicken navels delicious: recipes simple and savory dishes.

Chicken ventricles, or, as they are called, navels, are a very popular by-product. In this selection you will find interesting recipes of their preparation with different products as main dishes.

The main difficulty in preparing chicken gizzards is to make them soft and soft. However, having on hand good recipesEven an aspiring culinary specialist, who has never prepared from this product, can easily cope with this task. So, for lunch or dinner today - chicken stomachs.

First recipe: quick chicken stomachs

It will take: 500g chicken gizzards, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tsp soda, spices to taste, salt.

How to cook in a simple way  chicken stomachs. Rinse and dry the navels, finely chop the onion, put it in a cauldron with hot oil, fry until browning. Add stomachs to the onion, fry until the juice comes out, add soda - the sauce will foam when the foam comes off, add spices, add salt and mix the mass, cover the cauldron with a lid and slowly simmer the dish, stirring occasionally and adding boiling water so that it constantly covers the ventricles . Cook the dish to the softness of the ventricles.

Many chicken stomachs taste like mushrooms, if you combine them with mushrooms, then this peculiarity of perception, if it exists, will even increase, and it will turn out even tastier.

Recipe two: chicken ventricles stewed with mushrooms and potatoes

It will take: 650g of chicken stomachs, 400g of potatoes, 300g of any fresh mushrooms, 50g of sour cream, 1 egg, bay leaf, salt, pepper.

How to cook chicken stomachs with potatoes and mushrooms. Coarsely chop the mushrooms, cut the potatoes into 2 cm cubes. Rinse the stomachs, remove the bile films, rinse again, cut, if large, into 2-3 parts, fill with water, put laurel and boil for 2 hours until soft. Add mushrooms to the ready stomachs, salt and boil, reduce heat and boil for 15 minutes, put the potatoes and cook until ready. Mix sour cream with the egg, pour the mixture into the pan, mix, remove it from the stove.

The chicken ventricles cooked in sour cream are very tasty.

The third recipe: chicken ventricles stewed in sour cream

It will take: 1 kg of chicken stomachs, 50g of butter, 2 carrots and onions, 4 tbsp. mayonnaise and sour cream, vegetable oil, black pepper, greens, salt.

How to cook chicken stomachs in sour cream. Boil the stomachs until soft, let cool and chop. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, fry the vegetables in butter until half cooked. Add stomachs to vegetables, put them out for 5 minutes, put in sour cream, put mayonnaise, pepper and salt, season with butter, then 5 min, add chopped greens, mix, remove from the stove.

The following recipe is interesting because the stomachs are prepared not just in sour cream, but in a very original sour cream sauce.

Recipe Four: Chicken Ventricles in Original Sour Cream Sauce

It will take: 500g chicken gizzards, 150g sour cream, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 onion each, carrots and a clove of garlic, 0.5 cm of fresh ginger root, 2 tbsp. horseradish, black pepper, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook chicken stomachs with an unusual sour cream sauce. Boil the stomachs in salted water for 40 minutes, let cool and chop finely. Peel and carrot and onion into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, put chopped ginger and fry with crushed garlic, then remove them from the oil, put stomachs, carrots and onions in it, fry for 10 minutes, stirring. Pour sour cream to the ventricles, add horseradish and finely chopped cucumbers, stir, pepper and salt, put out over medium heat for another 10 minutes.

With the stomachs you can cook a variety of dishes, including a kind of pilaf.

Recipe Five: Pilau with chicken ventricles

It will take: 300g chicken gizzards, 2 cloves of garlic, 1.5 cups long-grain rice, 1 tomato, bell pepper, small eggplant and onion, black pepper, oil, salt.

How to cook pilaf with chicken stomachs. Boil the stomachs with plenty of water, salt the broth to taste, remove them from the broth and chop them. Grind the garlic and fry in butter until fragrant, add grated carrots, chopped onions, eggplant, sweet pepper, fry for 3 minutes, put sliced ​​tomato, ventricles, pepper and salt, pour the broth left over from the stomachs, add washed rice, cover with a lid and cook a 3min dish on high heat, then 7min on average, then at minimum until rice is ready. If necessary, add broth.

The last recipe in our selection of second dishes from chicken gizzards is the most unusual one, we will prepare navels in beer using it.

Recipe Six: Chicken stomachs in beer

It will take: 500g chicken stomachs, 2 onions, 1 glass of chicken broth and light beer, 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard, wine vinegar, vegetable and butter, 1 tsp. sugar, flour, black pepper, salt.

How to cook chicken stomachs in beer. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, add creamy, melt and fry the onion slices chopped into half-rings, add cleaned and washed stomachs, cut them into slices, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, pour the beer and part of the broth with constant stirring, add sugar, add vinegar, cover and simmer the dish for half an hour, adding broth, if necessary, and stirring. When the ventricles are soft, add a little flour, mix, stew for 2 minutes, add mustard and mix the dish.

Chicken is a budget product, from which, however, you can cook a lot. Let the proposed recipes help you with this, good luck in cooking!

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Chicken stomachs  love and buy a few, but in vain. There are lots of interesting recipes for their preparation, and some dishes are very, very tasty.

So, how tasty and not too difficult to cook chicken stomachs?

First recipe

Soft, tasty and tender stewed chicken stomachs with vegetables. To prepare such an interesting dish, you will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken stomachs;
  • two medium sized bulbs;
  • two tomatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • three to five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • three bunches of parsley and dill;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of pepper mix (you can use only red pepper and black pepper in equal proportions).

Description of the cooking process:

  1. Chicken stomachs should be well washed in running water and cleaned of all lived and films. If they are large, they can be cut.
  2. Peel the onions and finely shred. Carrots should be washed and grated on a medium or large grater.
  3. It is advisable to pour the tomatoes with boiling water and peel, then the dish will be even more tender. But removing skins is optional. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes or chop them in a blender.
  4. Peel and chop the garlic with a blender or garlic press.
  5. Wash greens, shake and chop with a knife.
  6. Heat the oil in a saucepan or frying pan with high walls.
  7. Put the onion in a pan with carrots and ventricles. Fry them for about 7-10 minutes to create a golden hue.
  8. Now you can add tomatoes. Then immediately cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer all the ingredients for about half an hour.
  9. When the stomachs are soft, add garlic, a mixture of peppers and salt. Cover the pan and turn off the fire after five minutes.
  10. Let the dish stand for a while and serve with any side dish.

By the way, it is quite possible to put out the stomachs in the slow cooker, it is even more simple and fast.

Second recipe

Cook amazing chicken stomachs with potatoes and mushrooms. Here's what it takes:

  • 600-700 grams of chicken ventricles;
  • 300 grams of mushrooms (you can use any);
  • 4 large potatoes;
  • five tablespoons of sour cream;
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • one chicken egg;
  • pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Chicken stomachs rinse well and clean from lived and films. Put them in a thick-walled pot and cover with water, cook until ready (about 40-60 minutes).
  2. While the stomachs are boiling, take care of the rest of the ingredients. Potatoes need to be cleaned, washed and cut into slices or cubes of medium size.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well and cut in any convenient way. Then fry them in sunflower oil until tender, that is, until golden brown.
  4. When the chicken stomachs are cooked, add potatoes to the pan. After fifteen minutes, spread the mushrooms. It is not necessary to add water, on the contrary, it should boil almost completely, because you are not cooking the soup, but the second dish.
  5. Next, add pepper and salt. When all the water boils away, mix the egg with sour cream and pour this filling into the saucepan. Cook the dish for another five minutes under the lid, then turn off the fire.

Third recipe

Make delicious and savory chicken stomachs in Korean. To do this, prepare:

  • 700-800 grams of chicken stomachs;
  • 100 grams of soy sauce;
  • two tablespoons of apple or rice vinegar;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • two bulbs;
  • red pepper to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The stomachs must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed well.
  2. Peel and chop the onion half rings, mix it with the stomachs, and remember how it should be that the juice is released, which will play the role of marinade.
  3. Combine soy sauce with vegetable oil and vinegar, mix everything actively until smooth. It is better to use a blender or mixer for mixing, but an ordinary fork will fit (of course, in a capable and dexterous hand).
  4. Now heat the mixture over the fire to make it boil. Immerse your stomachs with onions. Immediately add the pepper.
  5. Fry the stomachs on medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan. After 10 minutes, turn off the stove.
  6. Let the dish stand and marinate for two to three hours, then serve as a savory snack.

Fourth recipe

To the table for any occasion you can submit an unusual and hearty salad from the ventricles. To make it you will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken ventricles;
  • 300 grams of cherry tomatoes (ordinary tomatoes are suitable, but only sweet and rather dense);
  • 4-5 chicken eggs;
  • one red onion;
  • 50-70 grams of leaf lettuce;
  • two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise for refueling.


  1. Wash and clean the chicken stomachs, then boil until fully cooked in a little salted water.
  2. Fat stomachs are more delicious, so fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown appears.
  3. Red onion peel and cut into half rings. If you use a regular onion, then scalding with boiling water will remove bitterness.
  4. Eggs need to be boiled, cleaned and cut into cubes (or chop with an egg cutter).
  5. Cut the tomatoes into halves, if you use cherry tomatoes, or into slices, if you decide to take the usual ones.
  6. Wash the salad well, shake it, dry it and narvite hands on small pieces.
  7. Put tomatoes, onions, ventricles, lettuce and eggs in a bowl. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix well.

By the way, mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or even natural yogurt.

Useful tips

  1. Films and veins must be removed, as they can give the finished dish an unpleasant taste or even bitterness.
  2. To improve the taste of the stomachs and at the same time slightly soften them, you can immerse them in water or milk at room temperature for half an hour. If you want to get rid of the milky taste after such a procedure, squeeze the ventricles and wash them well.
  3. Take your time and do not try to reduce the cooking time, otherwise the stomachs will remain hard, because they consist of coarse muscle fibers.
  4. To make the dish lighter and more palatable, you can not just remove the foam in the cooking process, but pour out the water, and preferably several times.
  5. How much to cook chicken stomachs? Until full readiness, that is, until softening. To appreciate the softness, simply pierce the stomach with a fork. If the cloves entered easily and quickly left, then you can turn off the fire. By the way, the larger the stomachs, the more adult the chicken was, which means that the muscle fibers are coarser and require long cooking.
  6. To soften the stomachs and remove the unpleasant taste, you can pickle them. But use not very acidic ingredients for making marinade. For example, mayonnaise, kefir or sour milk, sour cream, milk, tomato juice  or sauce. The duration of such a procedure should be no more than a couple of hours, otherwise the meat, on the contrary, will become tough.

Now you know for sure that you can cook many tasty dishes from the available chicken stomachs. Take them into service!

  Dishes from by-products are always present in the recipes of Ukrainian cuisine: they are tasty, nutritious, low-calorie and low-cost.

Today we will tell you how to fry chicken stomachs in a pan to make them juicy, as well as share secrets about what dishes can be made from by-products. Fried navels, as they are called, can be used as a basis for pate and salads, and can be served as an independent hot dish with a side dish or sauce.

Cooking chicken stomachs: briefly about the main thing

Usually, already cleaned chicken gizzards are sold on store shelves, but this is not enough to be used in cooking immediately after purchase.

The quality of the food depends on proper pre-treatment: poorly cleaned bird's stomachs have an unpleasant taste and become tough.

That is why their preparation should be given special attention. Before cooking, prepare the cooled chicken ventricles (clean) as follows:

  • Carefully wash the ventricles in cold water, cut lengthwise and clean the film from the hard.
  • Then remove the fat from the inside of the stomach.

If the yellow fatty film is removed with difficulty - pour the boiling water over the navels and immediately drain the water.

  • Small cartilage is also deleted.
  • Once again wash the ventricles with running water.
  • Before frying, the stomachs of chicken or chickens must be boiled in salt water for an hour.

Grilled chicken stomachs: recipe with onions


  • 500 g
  • 3-4 tablespoons
  • 1-2 pcs
  • 1 PC.
  • taste
  • Spicetaste

How to fry chicken stomachs in the pan

  • Pour the sunflower oil on the preheated pan.
  • Pre-processed and boiled chicken stomachs cut into strips or cubes, spread on a frying pan.
  • Add the onion sliced ​​in half rings (so as not to cry while cutting the onion, cut it with a wet knife) and grated carrots (use this ingredient if desired).
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and fry the products for 15 minutes until juice appears.
  • Add spices - basil, thyme, oregano or ready-made mixtures for chicken.
  • Stew chicken gizzards in own juice  until ready. If they are cooked properly, they will definitely be soft.

The so-called chicken "navels" are not only a product that is sparing the figure, but also a source of the most valuable trace elements necessary for a person. Many housewives do not buy by-product just because they do not know how to cook. In order to have soft “navels”, you must try, and here you will not be able to concoct anything good without certain knowledge. However, the good news is that nothing difficult from the chef is required, only attentiveness and patience.

Rules of cooking by-product

The first task of the culinary specialist is to choose the right raw materials, so that they are soft and juicy, because of the obviously low-quality source material it will not work. Freshness is determined not only by the smell, which should not be the slightest suspicious notes, but also by palpation. The navels should be resilient and slightly moist. Dry or wet stomachs that fall down under pressure should not be taken, let alone sticky.

If the by-product has been frozen, it is necessary to start defrosting it in advance — from the evening, put the package down in the refrigerator. Yes, for a long time, but at the exit the dish will be tastier and will not lose any useful qualities.

Usually the by-product is sold already prepared for processing. However, it will not be superfluous, before cooking (to be soft and not bitter), to check the quality of cleaning. Often on the widest side of the “navel” there remains a hard greenish skin that is subject to mandatory removal. If this is not done, the finished dish will give bitterness. This film is removed easily, but if it does not give in, the stomach needs to be scalded, and it will be removed without difficulty.

The main key to success in the practical decision of the question of how to cook chicken stomachs soft and juicy, is a long cooking. Before it is better to fill them with cool water and leave for a half to two hours. Cooked "navels" should not less than an hour, if you are not cooking them whole, and cut. If an uncut by-product is boiled, it will take 1.5-2 hours to soften it.

Delicious giblets

The easiest way to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft is with sour cream. Examined, cleaned (if necessary) and washed, they are poured five centimeters of water above the level of the “navels” and boiled for a long time until they are easily pierced by a fork. During this time, you can make a marinade: push four garlic cloves, mix six spoons of soy sauce, half a spoon of black pepper and a little cumin. In this composition, the stomachs should lie down for about half an hour, portions will be enough for a pound of by-product. In vegetable oil, chopped onion is added to light brownness, “navels” are poured into it and sauce is poured in, tomato paste (two spoons) and sour cream in a volume of 150 grams are added. Salt - to taste, but carefully: soy sauce is salty in itself. After the third hour of stewing, the dish is eaten with a huge appetite.

Unforgettable pate

Pate is the safest method for making chicken gizzards so that they are soft. The recipe is multi-approach, but the snack is lush and tender. A kilogram of "navels" is brewed for two hours with three bay leaves, salt and five peas of pepper. When the by-product reaches softness, it is drained out through a colander, cut into small pieces and fried in butter. Next pour two spoons of brandy; stomachs stew for about five minutes. Large slices of three onions and two grated carrots are allowed in a separate skillet. Ground pepper, a spoon of sugar and a little salt are added to them, after which the contents of both pans are combined. Together, the ingredients are stewed for about ten minutes. The finished products are punched with a blender until smooth, laid out in a container, and the pate is cooled. If you intend to serve it in tins, the top is filled with melted butter; If you are going to spread, add the butter to the blender along with the other ingredients.

Pickled ventricles

From the "navels" you can concoct a great snack, which will have to "go to court" even on holidays. A pound of by-product is boiled with all the subtleties discussed when considering how to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft. From the spices in the broth is laid only salt. "Navels" are removed with a slotted spoon and are left to cool. The next step is cutting them into strips. In the same bowl pour half rings of medium onion, half a teaspoon of powdered sugar (not sand!) And pour a spoon of soy sauce. In a thick-bottomed pot, vegetable oil is heated (half a cup) and poured into a salad bowl so that all the stomachs are covered. The final touch: a quarter cup of 5% vinegar is poured in, garlic (six cloves) is squeezed and chopped parsley is poured. Night of insisting - and the appetizer is ready.

Perigord salad

Perigord is a French locality, famous for its foie gras, wine and salad, which tourists long remember with tenderness. The French have their own opinion on how to cook chicken gizzards so that they are soft: they fill them with melted water and slowly stew them for two hours. As a result, the "navels" become as it were dried. Very tasty, but fatty, and fat is not always possible. Therefore, we offer an adapted recipe.

Two hundred grams of the ventricles, salted and peppered, are fried in butter until golden, filled with water and stewed until soft, for an hour. Leaf lettuce is cut or torn quite coarsely, ten walnuts are sorted out, the kernels break (also not crumb). Two tomatoes are cut into slices. For the sauce, three spoons of butter are mixed, preferably walnut, but you can take any vegetable; in the volume of a tablespoon and a small spoon All the other components are laid out on the leaves in the plate (the “navels should be still warm) and poured with dressing.

How to cook chicken stomachs to be soft: step by step, with photos

"Bird's Nest"

Chicken stomachs are easy to prepare a complete, very tasty and appetizing dish, which will be appropriate as a breakfast and for dinner. For him, several large champignons are finely chopped, two onions are chopped into half rings, and the average carrot rubs heavily. All this is passeed under the lid for about ten minutes. Then, the properly processed and sliced ​​“navels” are poured to the vegetables. At the same stage, half a glass of cream or milk is poured in, and the filling is stewed for three quarters of an hour. While the process is going on, spaghetti is boiled, preferably “balls”, merged and seasoned with butter. They are laid out on a baking sheet by nests, the stuffing is placed in the middle. Each element is sprinkled with grated cheese, and for 10-15 minutes the baking sheet is hidden in the preheated oven.

Great dinner

Many people do not imagine a table without potatoes. Any suit - boiled, baked, fried, if only there was. For such a very suitable way how to cook chicken stomachs, so that they are soft, with potatoes: very tasty, quite nourishing, but without excess calories. First, of course, "navels" in the amount of a kilogram are cooked until they are easily pierced, which takes from one hour to one and a half. If you skip this stage and simmer them immediately with tubers, then the by-product will be solid, and the potatoes will turn into a mash. Grams of seven hundred tubers are cleaned and cut into large cubes. The onion is chopped with squares, the carrot is rubbed. Vegetables (without potatoes) are fried in sunflower oil until golden brown, then three spoons of tomato paste are laid out to them, and they are stewed a little more. Potatoes interspersed with the stomachs are laid out in a thick-bottomed pot, filled with water (without redundancy, enough to cover the products) and cooked until the tubers are ready. Shortly before the end zazharka, seasonings and spices are added.

Fans of strong potatoes can fry them to crust before stewing. True, the dish will be more high-calorie.

Fans of the multicooker

What is good about modern kitchen equipment is that it is a great relief for cooks, since it is easier to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft, in a slow cooker than on a regular cooker, and it requires less hassle. Onions are cut either in half rings or in squares, as you like more. Raw stomachs crumble into thin slices. All this develops into a bowl and is filled with water - sparingly, a centimeter above the level. In a multicooker, water does not evaporate, so much liquid is not needed. Extinguishing mode is set for two hours; a quarter of an hour before the signal, half a glass of cold water is introduced into the bowl, in which a spoonful of flour, salt and spices are well mixed. This will make the sauce thicker and more fragrant.

Cooking Chicken Gizzards

First, thoroughly rinse the chicken stomachs under running water, then remove the film from them. Cut stomachs into small pieces or strips.

Fry chicken stomachs for twenty minutes in a well-heated pan in vegetable oil.

After this time, you need to add one large onion into the pan, cut into small cubes, grate one carrot on a coarse grater.

Mix all ingredients and continue frying for about 10 minutes. Then fill the dish with sour cream (about four tablespoons), add spices, you can also chopped greens.

Cover and continue to simmer on low heat for another hour. The dish is ready.

Chicken stomach pate for sandwiches

Wash chicken stomachs and peel them off. Boil the stomachs in salted water for one and a half hours. Approximately ten minutes before the end of cooking, add several bay leaves to the pan in order to add spice to the dish.

Boil the stomachs back in a colander and let them cool to room temperature. In the meantime, you need to boil four chicken eggs. Grind them into small cubes. Cooled chicken gizzards through a meat grinder with a large grill, combine with eggs.

In a separate bowl, chop the onion half sliced ​​with a few teaspoons of vinegar.

Give it some time to marinate. After that, drain the remaining liquid, and add the onions to the rest of the ingredients.

Mix all products thoroughly, add salt and black pepper, season with a small amount of mayonnaise. Sandwich mass ready.

Chicken stomachs with potatoes

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken stomachs; two large onions; 4-5 potato tubers; salt, pepper and spices to taste; fat cream - 5 tablespoons; some cooking oil for frying.

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. In a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the onion half sliced ​​to softness.

Step 2. Rinse and peel the stomachs from the films cut in half and add to the pan to lightly fried onions. Fry the ingredients on medium heat, without closing the lid, for 5-10 minutes.

Step 3. In a pan add ¾ cup of hot water or the same amount of broth to taste. Cover with a lid, slightly reduce the heat and leave the stomachs to stew for 20 minutes, then add salt and pepper, as well as any spices.

Step 4. Cut the cleaned and washed potatoes into large pieces and add them to the stomachs in the pan.

Step 5. Next, add sour cream and some water, if the consistency of the dish is too thick. At this stage, if desired, you can add a few cloves of crushed garlic. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, cover and leave to stew for another quarter of an hour.

Step 6. Once the potatoes are ready, turn off the heat and leave the dish to infuse in the pan with the lid closed for about 7-10 minutes. Everything, chicken stomachs with potatoes are ready.

Chicken stomachs in a slow cooker

Ingredients: a kilogram of chicken stomachs; one medium sized carrot; one large onion head; sour cream or mayonnaise as desired and tasted; salt and pepper, as well as spices.

Step 1. First you need to prepare the stomachs. Rinse them under running water, remove films and excess fat, and also cut the stomachs of the required size (some prefer to cook them whole, others cut them in strips, someone cuts them in half.)

Step 2. Turn on the multicooker on the "Baking" mode. And fry in it the diced onions, as well as grated carrots on a coarse grater. Stew this zazharku about 10 minutes.

Step 3. Add prepared stomachs, salt, pepper and other spices to the onions and carrots, pour in half a glass of water, and if you wish, you can add a few tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise to the piquancy of taste, but do not need to.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients and turn on the slow cooker to the “Quenching” mode and start the timer for 2 hours. To make the stomachs very soft, you can increase the extinguishing time. Chicken stomachs in the slow cooker are ready.

Korean chicken stomachs

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken stomachs; 3 large onions; vegetable oil (3 tablespoons); half a cup of chicken broth; tablespoon of soy sauce; garlic 4-5 cloves; tablespoon chopped parsley; red pepper on the tip of a knife.

The sequence of cooking. Washed and cleaned stomachs are boiled in salted water for one and a half hours, then cut into strips. Onions, cut in half rings, fry in vegetable oil and combine with the stomachs, pour broth and stew for a quarter of an hour. Add spices and crushed garlic, then stew for about 5 minutes. The dish is ready.

Quick chicken stomachs

It will take: 500 gr. chicken gizzards, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tsp soda, spices to taste, salt.

Rinse and dry the navels, finely chop the onion, put it in a cauldron with hot oil, fry until browning. Add stomachs to the onion, fry until the juice comes out, add soda - the sauce will foam when the foam comes off, add spices, add salt and mix the mass, cover the cauldron with a lid and slowly simmer the dish, stirring occasionally and adding boiling water to cover the ventricles . Cook the dish to the softness of the ventricles.

Many chicken stomachs taste like mushrooms, if you combine them with mushrooms, then this peculiarity of perception, if it exists, will even increase, and it will turn out even tastier.

Chicken stomachs stewed with mushrooms and potatoes

It will take: 650 gr. chicken gizzards, 400 gr. potatoes, 300 gr. any fresh mushrooms, 50 gr. sour cream, 1 egg, bay leaf, salt, pepper.

Coarsely chop the mushrooms, cut the potatoes into 2 cm cubes. Rinse the stomachs, remove the bile films, rinse again, cut, if large, into 2-3 pieces, cover with water, put the laurel and boil for 2 hours until soft. Add mushrooms to the ready stomachs, salt it, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and boil for 15 minutes, put the potatoes and cook until ready. Mix sour cream with the egg, pour the mixture into the pan, mix, remove it from the stove.

Very tasty chicken stomachs are cooked in sour cream.

Chicken stomachs stewed in sour cream

It will take: 1 kg of chicken stomachs, 50 gr. butter, 2 carrots and onions, 4 tbsp. l mayonnaise and sour cream, vegetable oil, black pepper, greens, salt.

Boil the stomachs until soft, let cool and chop. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, fry the vegetables in butter until half cooked. Add stomachs to vegetables, put them out for 5 minutes, put in sour cream, put mayonnaise, pepper and salt, season with butter, then still 5 minutes, add chopped greens, mix, remove from the stove.

The following recipe is interesting because the stomachs are prepared not just in sour cream, but in a very original sour cream sauce.

Chicken stomachs in original sour cream sauce

It will take: 500 gr. chicken gizzards, 150 gr. sour cream, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, carrots and a clove of garlic, 0.5 cm fresh ginger root, 2 tbsp. horseradish, black pepper, vegetable oil, salt.

Boil the stomachs in salted water for 40 minutes, let cool and chop finely. Peel and carrot and onion into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, put chopped ginger and fry with crushed garlic, then remove them from the oil, put stomachs, carrots and onions in it, fry for 10 minutes, stirring. Pour sour cream to the ventricles, add horseradish and finely chopped cucumbers, stir, pepper and salt, stew over medium heat for another 10 minutes.

With the stomachs you can cook a variety of dishes, including a kind of pilaf.

Pilau with chicken ventricles

It will take: 300 gr. chicken stomachs, 2 cloves of garlic, 1.5 cups long grain rice, 1 tomato, bell pepper, small eggplant and onion, black pepper, oil, salt.

Boil the stomachs with plenty of water, salt the broth to taste, remove them from the broth and chop them. Grind the garlic and fry in butter until fragrant, add grated carrots, chopped onion, eggplant, sweet pepper, fry for 3 minutes, put medium-sized sliced ​​tomato, ventricles, pepper and salt, pour broth left over from the stomachs, add washed rice, cover with cover and cook the dish for 3 minutes on high heat, then 7 minutes on average, then at minimum until rice is ready. If necessary, add broth.

Chicken stomachs in beer

It will take: 500 gr. chicken stomachs, 2 onions, 1 glass of chicken broth and lager beer, 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard, wine vinegar, vegetable and butter, 1 tsp. sugar, flour, black pepper, salt.

Heat the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, add butter, melt and fry the onion slices cut into half rings, add cleaned and washed stomachs, cut them into slices, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, pour the beer and part of the broth with constant stirring, add sugar, Add vinegar, cover and simmer the dish for half an hour, adding broth, if necessary, and stirring. When the ventricles are soft, add a little flour, mix, stew for 2 minutes, add mustard and mix the dish.

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