The ability to read minds at a distance is called. How to make people think you can read minds. What is telepathy


From the point of view of physics, each thought creates a vibration of energy in space. It was experimentally found that every thought has its own frequency, and the human brain, being the most powerful "biological computer", can pick it up. This problem has been studied very little. Many mechanisms of this process remain unclear, but one thing is clear - this process is possible under certain conditions.

If you want to learn from a distance, then be prepared for hard and painstaking work on your own consciousness. First, you must learn to bring your mind into a state of absolute calm through relaxing techniques. You can also practice various types of meditation.

When you learn to immerse yourself in a state of rest, you will find that, despite the complete relaxation of the whole body, the brain continues to work actively. The flow of a wide variety of thoughts does not stop for a second. To hear thoughts, you must learn to control yours.

To do this, perform an exercise that can be described as "complete silence" in the mind. You have to stop thinking altogether. Block all thoughts. At first, you will be able to free your consciousness for just a couple of minutes, but over time, you will improve your results several times.

The third stage of preparation includes the exercise itself. Ask someone with whom you have a lot of shared experiences to focus and think about one of these events. Make sure that your partner is comfortable in a soft chair, free of background noise and other distractions. Place yourself nearby.

Use progressive relaxation techniques. But do not delay this process, because yours is not prepared for such events and may simply fall asleep if you take too long to prepare.

Then release your thoughts and try to catch what your experiment partner is thinking. After you see fragments of an event, you realize for sure that this is not a figment of your imagination, but some kind of signal from the outside, you can end the session. After the experiment, check your assumptions against the thoughts of the other person.

At the initial stages, the planned event should be familiar to you - this is very important. It won't matter in the future. As you improve, you will be able to move more and more away from the person whose thoughts you are reading.

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  • is it possible to learn to read minds

The desire to penetrate into the essence of other people's thoughts in a way imperceptible to them excites the minds of millions of people. At one time, the famous psychologist Wolf Messing even performed in public with numbers, where he guessed assignments written by someone on a piece of paper and hidden from him. The ability to read minds is often entangled in mystery, is ranked among the occult sciences or parapsychology. This is a misconception because psychologists "read minds" by observing visible behavioral responses.

You will need

  • To develop the ability to see right through people, you will need observation and patience, as well as a little knowledge of how to interpret various gestures and behavioral reactions.


Develop observation, analyze what you see. No wonder there is a saying "Psychologists have fun by watching." Boring conferences, uninteresting events and parties, leisurely walks in the park, movies ... Life gives you so many opportunities to develop your powers of observation! Look, try to understand their reactions, try to unravel their life and image based on a short observation. This will help discernment.

Learn the alphabet of gestures. There are many books on the interpretation of gestures. Allan Pease is especially good on this subject. Thanks to these books, you can learn to recognize lies, see some hidden intentions, fleeting reactions that a person is trying to hide.

Read books on psychoanalysis. Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney and many other psychologists have devoted many works to trying to understand the unconscious manifestations of man. These manifestations in various ways break through into human behavior, you just need to learn how to interpret them.

Learn how to include test questions. After you practice observing, recognizing gestures, and interpreting slips of the tongue, you can learn to incorporate tests into speech. For example, people usually answer common questions in a way that betrays their intentions. For example, if you ask a man: "Which girls are created for marriage and which are not?", He will answer what is important in the future wife for him. After that, you don't have to ask who exactly he wants to marry, everything will be clear. And this is not the only test technique.


Other people's thoughts are not always pleasant to others. Actually, that's why they hide them, so as not to create scandals, not to breed conflicts and not to provoke quarrels. As you learn to read other people's minds, tune in to the fact that previously pleasant people can cause rejection in you. Or, at the same time, develop tolerance and condescension to other people's shortcomings.

Many people claim to have supernatural powers, including the ability to read other people's minds. But, paradoxically, this skill is available not only to magicians and hereditary witches. If you are observant and quick-witted enough, you can easily comprehend this science. It is called neurolinguistic programming.

You will need

  • Observation


The highest degree of confidence in the person sitting opposite you can mean a jacket taken off or unbuttoned, a comfortable position. At the same time, he can even sit, leaning back in a chair and throwing one leg over the other. The fact that the person sitting opposite has confidence in you will be shown by the arms bent at the elbows and palms of the hands with fingers closed in a "dome" at the level of the mouth. This can sometimes mean complacency and pride in yourself.

In the event that a person does not trust you or your words, if he seems to have a hidden and impending conflict in them, his palms will be clenched into fists. At the same time, he can also take a protective pose, crossing his arms over his chest.

The fact that he is trying to figure out your intentions or find out what kind of person you are will be said by the posture when he listens to you, resting his head on his hand. His critical attitude is signaled by a gesture when the chin rests on the thumb, the index finger is extended along the cheek, and the rest are bent at the level of the mouth and cover it. If his assessment is positive, he will sit closer to you, on the end of a chair, resting his elbows on his knees and his arms hanging freely. The fact that he is interested and listens to you attentively will tell him, leaning over his shoulder.

If a person often covers his mouth with his hand during a conversation, then this can be either a manifestation of isolation, or a desire to hide something or lie. Often such a gesture follows an inadvertently spoken word that escaped involuntarily. In the event that your words cause embarrassment to the interlocutor, he begins to scratch his hair, men - also his beard.

The ability to read the thoughts of the interlocutor is useful not only for those whose work is related to people, but also for any person in everyday life. Such skills can greatly facilitate communication and understanding, they will allow you to quickly reach consensus and prevent conflict situations.

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Can you learn to guess a person's thoughts? At first glance, it seems that this is impossible: after all, miracles happen only in fairy tales! Indeed, you are not able to read other people's thoughts, but "body language" can come to the rescue. Pose, gesture, head turn, crossing fingers, movement of the torso or eyebrows, etc. - all this can tell a lot to a knowledgeable person! What are the criteria for guessing other people's thoughts with a very high degree of certainty?


Your interlocutor looks at you with his arms crossed over his chest, while his lips may be tightly compressed, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, or, conversely, slightly raised. This means that he is not hostile to you, but he clearly feels some wariness, some doubts. This can be evidenced by the fingers of his hands, involuntarily clenching into fists.

Since ancient times, the open palm of the hand has meant open, friendly intentions among many peoples. If your interlocutor has just such palms, you can be calm, he clearly does not feel dislike, and even treats you with sympathy.

Again, since ancient times, people at the level of the "subcortex" have memorized the rule: "Do not relax!", Which should act at the slightest danger or even at its vague threat. Thus, if the interlocutor has taken a clearly relaxed posture that prevents immediate reflection of the danger, for example, put his legs on his legs or threw his head back, this means that he trusts you and is not expecting any trick on your part, at least now.

If he listens to you, leaning forward a little, especially - resting his elbow on the table top with his bent arm, and his chin on the palm or clenched fist of this hand, then you can be sure: you are mentally "probed". The interlocutor tries to guess what is on your mind, whether you are a serious person, whether it is possible to do business with you.

Well, in the case when he fiddles or smooths his mustache, touches the earlobe, licks his lips, often takes off his glasses and wipes their glasses with a handkerchief, this is an unmistakable indicator of his embarrassment. Either something in your behavior has confused him, or (which is more likely) he is annoyed with himself for some mistake.

Be attentive to your interlocutor, because even a "radiant" smile does not indicate sympathy for you, take a closer look at your eyes, if they are slightly narrowed, then the person is clearly plotting something or suspects you of something.

Sometimes it happens that you are jealous of people who give out coherent text at machine-gun speed, or you are angry with yourself because you thought too long what to say, and the moment was lost. Or it took a long time to choose the best option for constructing a phrase, but they didn’t listen to you. At this moment, as a rule, many people have a desire - to speak and not think.


Don't be jealous of speaking very quickly. Usually such people are very aroused in communication, react like choleric and are prone to mood swings. They are more likely to get sick with such a disease as manic. It is not always comfortable to be with them, and this can interfere no less than indecision. They are not the best people to work as a team.

It is worth learning from such people one important quality - the ability to forgive yourself for mistakes in advance, that is, to recognize the right to make mistakes for yourself. Do you think radio presenters say little nonsense? No, they are constantly wrong, but they are not afraid to talk further! Allow yourself to give an inaccurate or incomplete answer or ask a question with a mistake, and you will less have to reproach yourself for indecision. Nobody expects absolute perfection from you, moreover, too “correct” people are annoying.

Constantly work on developing your speech. If you are more concerned about communication in the professional field, read as much of the relevant literature as possible, saying the text read to yourself. Quantity will turn into quality, your brain will become more confident in constructing phrases and they will begin to be born much faster. If you have time, after reading an important sentence, cover it with your hand and reproduce it from memory in your own words. This develops the operational characteristics of thinking, that is, over time, you will more quickly choose the best variant of the phrase.

First of all, according to the advice of psychics, you need to learn how to control your body and mind. Daily meditation will help you do this.

1. Pick up a thing that belongs to a person you know. Enter a state of meditation, disconnected from other thoughts, and completely focus on the subject in your hands. Try to imagine how a person uses it, what he is thinking at this time, what kind of energy the object carries.

2. Ask a friend to conceive an event and constantly replay it in his thoughts. Concentrate and try to capture all the images that come to your mind. Discuss what you saw with your partner.

3. Gather a group of people who want to learn to read minds. Each in turn should go to another room, while the rest at this time need to come up with some simple action. For example, raise your hand, take a step, sit down, etc. When the presenter enters the room, everyone needs to focus on the conceived action, mentally ask the presenter to perform it, and he must, obeying the transmitted energy, do what was conceived.

4. Train your mind reading skills in various little things. For example, when watching films and programs, try to guess what the hero will say next. When traveling and walking, assume where a stranger will go or at what stop.

The results may not be noticeable quickly, but after a long workout, you can definitely see the benefits of the exercise.

Reading the soap is actually much easier than many people think. Words convey only a small part of information, but the human body, his facial expressions and gestures can tell about the processes taking place not only in his mind, but also in the subconscious.

For example, you can easily find out if a person is bored or interested in you. Boredom is indicated by such gestures as tilting the head to the box by placing palms under it, tapping with a foot, clicking a pen, looking at and using foreign objects, and absent gaze.

If the tilted head is supported by a hand so that the index finger remains raised to the temple, the hands of the sitting interlocutor are free and relaxed on the hips, this may mean that the conversation is of interest.

Close postures speak about feelings, anxiety in a person: hands on the chest, crossed legs, looking to the side, rubbing the eyelids and ears.

If they are trying to control you, then you do not need to be able to read minds, you can see this by facial expressions and gestures. An imperious person stretches out his hand for a handshake, putting his palm down, tries to stand higher than the interlocutor, puts his hand in his pockets so that his thumb sticks out from there,

Deception is also easy to solve. Scratching the tip of your nose, covering your mouth with your hand, shifting your eyes, rubbing your wrists, all these signs will tell you that a person is not telling the truth.

Sincerity can be assessed by how close a person moves to the interlocutor, open palms and open posture.

There are also so-called flirting gestures. Noticing them at the interlocutor, you can safely begin rapprochement, and for this you absolutely do not need to be able to read people washed. If a woman straightens her hair, twists a strand of hair, strokes herself on the hands or feet, she likes the man. Gestures of readiness to continue dating in men are shaking the chin, straightening the torso, unbuttoning a shirt or jacket, straightening a tie.

If you are at an important meeting, exam, interview, then you can understand that the interlocutor made a decision, noticing that he closed a book or folder, folded his palms in front of him, moved the mug away from him.

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Sometimes you really want to know what this or that person thinks about you, but this is not available. Only on the basis of the timbre of his voice, facial expression, posture, etc., we can guess what is going on in his head. The art of communication needs to be learned.

What the other person thinks about is a mystery to us. However, how often you want to know what hides the expression of the eyes or a certain bodily posture. The ability to show empathy - to feel an emotional state and understand the thoughts of another person comes with experience. Also here an important role is played by the character of the individual, his ability to "feel" people.

Some are given this by nature, others can develop it in themselves. A lot of different literature has been written on this score. Among the main points that must be mastered in order to understand the thoughts of another person are the following:

Observation and analysis

Observe the behavior of other people, how they communicate, sit, walk, show emotions. After a while, you will be able to notice that often people do not say what they think, but true emotions are difficult to hide. For example, you can often observe that two people are talking peacefully, however, the body betrays them. Eyes look with irritation, arms or legs are crossed, hands are clenched into fists, etc.

Only comparison and analysis will help to know the truth.


The practice of communicating with other people is essential. It gives practical skills, allows you to better understand people, and understand their true intentions in this or that matter.

Study of relevant literature

In practice, it can be difficult without theory. It will help enrich your practical experience and make you more skillful in understanding other people's thoughts.

What do you think: why some people have very developed intuition and know how to read other people's thoughts almost flawlessly?

They feel the phone ringing a few seconds before it rings, they guess exactly who is calling, they win the lottery more often than others.

Delta waves can be one of the reasons for such high insight (more about them in the article "")

L Any person experiences the power of their influence, plunging into deep sleep (it is at night, with the participation of Delta waves, the most powerful processes for self-healing of the body and activation of the production of growth hormones and the hormone of youth occur).

But for some, Delta waves remain highly active during wakefulness.

How can you characterize such people?

These people are "Sensers". When they "fall into the field" of another person, then on an unconscious level they can perceive his emotions and mood.

It is about such people that they say: "They feel someone else's pain as their own."

Many owners of delta-wave brain activity do not realize the value of their Gift, and refer to it as the Curse.

Plunging into the general field of the Unconscious, they often feel overwhelmed by both their own and other people's emotions. Their vulnerability and emotionality looks strange in the eyes of others. And they themselves feel discomfort, not being able to cope with it.

And at the same time, it is not in vain that they have been given the Amazing Gift - to feel people subtly and be able to read their minds!

They make wonderful psychologists, doctors, psychotherapists, priests. In one-on-one work that requires openness and trust, they show their talent in the best possible way.

Any contact with people requiring understanding, acceptance, care, treatment, healing can become a point of application of their strength.

Their abilities will be remarkably manifested in activities that require good intuition.

True, due to the increased sensitivity, the energy of the crowd and places with a large crowd of people is contraindicated for them. In this huge Emotional Field, they can experience discomfort.

Getting into too busy places, such people can mentally imagine themselves surrounded by a white, solid cocoon, through which no other people's energies and emotions penetrate. Similar protection can be created when dealing with unpleasant people.

Sensors (or empaths) are capable of very deep relationships.

They have the Gift of Unconditional Love. And if they find themselves a suitable partner (and more often opposites are attracted), then they can make him very happy.

The "Sixth Sense" is a faithful helper for such people. They have their own "radar", with the help of which they unmistakably tune in to the wave of other people, and their intuition leads them in the right direction.

Many psychics have high delta wave activity in the brain.

The ability to read other people's thoughts is useful, but sometimes it works to the detriment.

He enters into the position of other people, tries to understand and justify their actions or requests. And he almost always forgets about his own interests. The more often they do this, the more they begin to "ride" it.

Sooner or later this leads to a sincere misunderstanding: " Why am I being used all the time? "

It is useless to get into the position of the Victim and complain about life!

The people they meet are their Teachers! And they will receive these "Lessons" exactly until they learn healthy Egoism - for their own good!

Any quality has two sides!

Compassion for people can develop into Hatred for them and Self-pity if a person does not learn to respect his interests and adhere to the "golden mean". If you do not love and value yourself, then you are not able to help anyone!

And if a person does not realize this, he is "treated"! Sometimes it is painful!

Everything in the world strives for balance.

Excessive getting stuck in the habitual position of thinking makes a person rigid and rigid. And then his life comes situations that will make him experience other experiences.

People with a high manifestation of delta wave activity It is extremely important to learn Dissociate from their own and others' emotions (more about this). And do it with any discomfort.

Their valuable Gift was given to them for the Good! To help those who really need Understanding, Acceptance and Compassion.

When they learn to dissociate, and not to confuse their own and others' desires, their excellent intuition will lead both to the right people and to the right places.

Long and sound sleep, meditation, yoga, and self-hypnosis help to increase the activity of Delta waves. The main thing is, as always, not to forget: each of us has a unique nature of brain activity!

"What is good for a Russian, death for a German!" So everything needs a measure! And your Body feels it best of all! So listen to it!

Continuous and prolonged dominance of Delta - wave activity leads to drowsiness, low concentration and inability to concentrate.

Long monotonous work that does not require mental exertion contributes to the extinction of Beta waves and a similar state.

Strong imbalances have more serious consequences!

Trance music in nightclubs can trigger an artificial epileptic seizure. Monotonous sound stimuli correspond to the frequency of the rhythm of the Delta waves.

If you stay in such conditions often and for a long time, the synchronous activity of a large number of nerve cells vibrating at this frequency begins to appear in the brain. Such prolonged pressure leaves its mark in the form of a "frozen type of thinking", obsessive thoughts, detachment from reality and more severe consequences.

I would like to end this article on a positive note, with the words of Anna Weisz, who has devoted a lot of time to researching brain wave activity:

When a person simultaneously produces Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves in the right proportions, he has the heightened perception provided by the Delta waves, the creative inspiration that is the product of the Theta waves, and is also in a state of mild relaxation (Alpha waves) and readiness for conscious thinking (Beta waves). Do not forget that everything described is happening at the same time!

I wish you just such states!



The ability to read a person's mind would be very useful in the business sphere - to know what a business partner or boss is thinking about at work. It is believed that reading thoughts at a distance is a section of extrasensory perception, an ability from the realm of the supernatural. But there is also an opinion that telepathy is an informational exchange of energy, therefore, with a certain training, you can develop this ability in yourself.

1. Accumulation of energy

To learn telepathy, you must first feel the internal forces of your body, accumulating energy. To do this, you need to perform the following breathing exercises:

  • Relax completely in a comfortable position.
  • Fold your hands on your stomach to feel the place of the heartbeat.
  • For 4 beats of the heart, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 2 beats, for the next 4 beats - exhale, then a pause of 2 beats.
  • At the same time, you need to concentrate and imagine the flow of energy. Try to mentally see how a stream of sunlight rushes from space and is absorbed by your body, and then spreads over it.
  • If you do the exercise correctly, you will soon feel warmth or slight tremors spreading from the abdomen and lower back throughout the body.

2. Training of mental breathing

This concentration technique is aimed at sharpening perception and developing sensitivity.

  • Take a deep breath and mentally imagine how oxygen penetrates into the smallest pores of the skin, carries along the hairs on the body and forces them to press against the skin.
  • As you exhale, imagine the air in the opposite motion lifting your hair slightly.

By training perception, you will notice how you learn to see the world around you in a new way and react to the slightest changes in the mood and thoughts of the interlocutor, as well as tune in to the flows of information coming from people.

3. Switching consciousness

The next step will be training in managing your own emotions. For the development of telepathic abilities, complete internal self-control is necessary, otherwise the acquired energy can break out of control under the influence of emotions and will have a destructive force.

  • Concentrate your thoughts on a neutral object or phenomenon that does not evoke any emotions - the weather outside the window, a flower in a vase, philosophical reflections.
  • Then switch your thoughts to something that pushes you to violent emotional reactions - problems at work, a quarrel with a loved one, the loss of your favorite team, a noisy neighbor.
  • After a few minutes, try to suppress your emotions and think again about a neutral subject.

By doing this exercise, you will learn complete control over your emotions, which will come in handy in any life situation.

4. First experience of mind reading

  • Choose from your environment the person who is closest to you spiritually.
  • Imagine that you want to help him and mentally ask him what he needs now.
  • Visualize in your imagination the image of your friend as accurately as possible, imagine as if you call him, and he listens. As soon as you feel the established connection, you can contact your interlocutor and receive answers.

5. Develop yourself

The abilities of the human brain are endless. Information can be obtained not only from other people, but also from the accumulated energy-informational field of the earth. Develop meditation techniques and different ways of concentrating. By freeing the stream of consciousness, you will gain access to information from the outside world.

Can you really read people's minds? Of course yes. Psychologists use this knowledge in their work every day. Psychotherapist Ekaterina Ignatova * tells how to learn this for an ordinary person.

Let's make an agreement right away. Mind reading is a completely pointless exercise. Not a single self-respecting psychic, not a fortune-teller, and even more so not a single professional therapist reads other people's thoughts. All of them are guided by more reliable sources of information - emotions and impulses of people. Chasing the running line of the stream of human consciousness, you can get lost in the wilds of his bizarre logic, read - self-deception. Silly business. Let him get confused. And we will figure out what he feels here and now, analyze his non-verbal signals and, based on this, draw conclusions about how he will act in five minutes, a week or a month. In general, we will read people and enjoy it.

Trap for the catcher

Most often, they want to know the thoughts of others because they feel wild anxiety, they are afraid: they will deceive, let them down, leave them, will not respect, they will despise, they will not love. It should be noted: through the veil of doubt and uncertainty, it is impossible to discern a person. Moreover, in such a state, one can easily demonize the interlocutor: to see in him what is not, and to be frightened by the ominous shadow of one's own unconscious fears. Psychologists call them projections.

Projection is the main trap for a thought catcher. This simple mechanism works as follows. A person attributes his own unconscious feelings to another. For example, if he is afraid of being deceived, he will be sure that they want to deceive him. In the most advantageous offer that will be made to him, he will see a catch. Most often, our psyche does this trick with us if the interlocutor resembles someone from close relatives - dad, mom, sister, brother, grandmother or grandfather, who in our childhood clearly showed that people should not be trusted. The similarity with them can be manifested in one detail, for example, in the habit of squinting in a certain way, smoking or addressing us with feigned coldness. After we have projected the behavior of a relative onto the interlocutor, we are automatically thrown back into childhood. We begin to communicate not as two adults, but as a little girl with her dad or mom.

Calmness , just calm!

To truly see the interlocutor, you first need to think carefully about whether he resembles someone from relatives. Exhale and quietly mutter: "This is not my mother, this is Zhanna Ippolitovna Kryzhovnikova." And then reflect on what kind of anxiety this citizen may cause in us. After which it is worth starting to calmly study the interlocutor. Or the interlocutor.

In order to understand what is happening with another person, you need to learn how to listen to him correctly. Let's take the same story with a friend. For example, she tells a sad story: the bridegroom-mummer did not call. What do we usually say? “What a moron! Yes, let him look for such a beauty. " Although instead it would be worth saying with an affirmative intonation: "You're upset." At first glance, it may seem: nothing more banal and impossible to think of. However, it is precisely this reaction that makes it clear to a friend: she is heard, understood and not condemned. It will be much easier for her to open up, so much so that she will not have to read any thoughts - she will tell everything herself. It will only remain from time to time to guess, to voice the feelings of a friend that will arise during her sad story. And also repeat the most important phrases she utters. For example, a friend says: "And when I called him for the fifth time, he spoke to me as if I were nobody and could not call me." In this case, you can answer: "You had the feeling that you were nobody and could not call you." And don't slip into an angry sermon. The psychotherapeutic technique is called paraphrasing. Just like the first, it gives the interlocutor the opportunity to understand that he is being heard.

Of course, reading the thoughts and feelings of a friend is not too difficult. However, it is in communication with her that it makes sense to train. In the place of a friend, there may be another person - a boyfriend, a colleague, or even a boss. All of them will tell about themselves what they would prefer to hide in other cases.

Find ten differences

After we show the notorious empathy to the interlocutor and begin to listen correctly, he will relax. Now you can safely proceed to reading and studying his non-verbal signals. In principle, this is not a very tricky science: all the body movements that a person makes are pretty straightforward. The difficulty lies only in seeing the whole set of non-verbal signals - to pay attention to the rate of speech, timbre of voice, facial expressions, gestures and at the same time not forget to listen to what he says and also to respond. Generally speaking, learning this skill is like learning the science of driving. At first we see only the steering wheel, then - the steering wheel and a piece of the road, then we manage to notice traffic lights and pedestrians, road signs and - lo and behold! - cars driving behind! It is easy to guess that a person with a view no further than the steering wheel cannot be called a good driver. In the same way, someone who can notice a couple of non-verbal cues is not a great specialist.

To deal with what the other person thinks, you need to learn to listen to him.

It should be noted that a signal taken out of context is generally not very informative. Take, for example, a very common gesture - stroking your hair. In the first situation, a man is talking to a girl and runs his hand into his hair, rubbing the back of his head. What does this mean? Don't go to a fortune teller - he likes the girl, he seduces her and sends an unambiguous non-verbal signal. Now let's imagine this person behaving in the same way when talking to the boss. A neophyte can easily conclude that our hero is gay or bisexual, trying to seduce the boss. And it will be fundamentally wrong. The same gesture can contain different messages. In the second situation, the man is simply nervous, encourages himself by stroking his head, and in a very broad sense "seduces" the boss, that is, in other words, he tries to please him. There is no sexual connotation.

Yes? Not!

Non-verbal signals are very different, for the most part they inform others about a certain feeling that a person experiences (see Without words. - Ed.). However, there is also his agreement or disagreement. Moreover, it often happens: a person claims one thing, and with the help of facial expressions and gestures, he broadcasts something completely different. This behavior does not mean that the person wants to cheat. It is likely that he sincerely believes in what he is talking about, and at the moment is deceiving himself. For example, if the interlocutor says the phrase: “Of course, I will definitely come” - and at the same time barely noticeably turns his head to the right and left, and also leans back in the chair, he is most likely not going to do this. If the person with whom we communicate begins to speak faster or in some other way increases the distance - steps back, withdraws - this, most likely, means: he non-verbally disagrees with us. Although in some cases in this way he shows that he wants to change the subject, the subject of the conversation is unpleasant to him. If the body of the interlocutor leans forward, he nods - he is interested in the conversation and is likely to agree to the proposal.

These are the pies

Why do people often act inconsistently? Why would they? The fact is that each of us has different subpersonalities that cannot always come to a compromise. Those of us who want to read people like an open book must take this fact into account. American psychologist Eric Byrne wrote that a child coexists in a person - our idea of ​​what we were like in childhood. The parent is a collective image, a kind of composite image of the parents, and the Adult is a calm and reasonable manager of our life. When, for example, we promise someone to come to a party, we are starting from the position of the inner Child who wants to have fun. However, at some point, our Parent takes over the reins and prohibits anyone from getting out on the eve of the exam.

Studying the interlocutor, it is very important to see in him the inner Child, that is, his direct part responsible for emotions, spontaneity and vitality. To cope with the task, you can simply try to imagine what this person was like as a child. Or ask him a few questions on this topic. And then imagine how his parents treated the interlocutor, how attentive, understanding or strict they were. The derivative of this very attitude - to others and to oneself - is the person who will relay the rest of his life.

Start with yourself

However, anyone interested in reading thoughts or emotions should start by examining themselves. Become aware of your own non-verbal signals, feel different subpersonalities, observe them. Only by carefully studying himself, he will be able to understand what is happening to others. And, of course, in this matter it is in no way possible to do without love. If we do not love what we are going to study, there will hardly be a result. In general, misanthropes are not allowed to enter this area of ​​knowledge.

Any anyone interested in mind reading should start by examining oneself

Without words

Basic non-verbal cues and their interpretation.

  • Seduction- nose, hair, area around the lips.
  • Anxiety- any repetitive movements of the same type: tapping with the foot, snapping fingers.
  • Strong emotion, in particular fear- swallowing.
  • Aggression- clenched fists, clenched teeth, tension of nodules, narrowed eyes.
  • Uncertainty- a shrug of the shoulders, a fast pace of speech, a higher than usual timbre of the voice.
  • False- eyes up and to the left, a hand covers the mouth or clasps the neck from behind, the rate of speech accelerates, the timbre of the voice becomes higher, a large number of unnecessary details appear in the story.

What to watch?

Paul Ekman, "The Psychology of Lies"
First-hand theory of lies. It was the work of Paul Ekman that formed the basis of the famous TV series "The Theory of Lies", and the psychologist himself became the prototype of the protagonist.

Yu.B. Gippenreiter, “Communicate with the child. How?"
Of course, this is a book about parent-child relationships, but a number of tips and techniques apply to adults as well.

Gary Chapman, Five Love Languages
Each of us knows one of the five love languages. On the basis of a misunderstanding of one of them, conflicts arise, it is possible to avoid them. If you become a sensual polyglot.

Everett Shostrom, Manipulator
From the title of the book of the American psychologist it is clear: it is about how to recognize a manipulator and be able to escape from his tenacious paws.

Photo: Fotobank (1), East News (1)

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Can a person read other people's thoughts from a distance? Yes! It can even be someone who does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance! Learn about this technology!

Everyone has innate superpowers!

Everything in our Universe is a wave, and any wave is based on something material. For example, radio stations pick up waves of certain frequencies, convert them, and people can listen to music and news on the radio.

Any thought is also a wave.

People think, generate thoughts and at the same time emit different waves. And if a person knows how to radiate, then he must be able to receive them. This means that it is also true that every person has an innate ability to telepathy¹!

How can an ordinary person learn to read other people's thoughts at a distance? Especially if he does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance2 or other superpowers?

The technique of reading thoughts at a distance

The proposed technique is very simple; the only thing that is needed is. Its principle is similar to downloading a file to a computer from the "cloud" (information storage on the Internet).

1. The practitioner mentally asks a question that interests him. For example: "What does A. (name of the right person) think of me?"

2. The practitioner then chooses a place around him to concentrate on. For example, a point on the wall. The only condition: the distance to the object must be at least 1 meter.

3. Concentrating on the chosen point (this "cloud"), the practitioner begins to feel it as something material.

You need to continue looking at the point and bring concentration to the point where you feel the "density" of this point, as if it were a material object.

4. Concentrating and feeling it, the practitioner mentally "stretches" the sensations from a point to himself.

This is like a "thread" that runs from a point on the wall to the practitioner's head.

This is how a “wave” is built, a channel through which information flows from the point of concentration to the human mind!


At this moment, the head should be completely empty - no thoughts, no analysis.

5. The practitioner consciously keeps in consciousness this sensory channel from the point ("cloud"). After a certain time, the necessary information will begin to flow to the practitioner: the answer to the question he asked at the very beginning.

This is how thoughts are read from a distance. Thoughts can concern any person and a wide variety of issues.

Cholpon Egemberdieva

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - the ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (

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