Misto, I can't sleep at all. Misto, if not to sleep Misto, if not to sleep

Following two rock teasers and trailers, Spider-Man is now available for purchase on PS4. In 2004, roci gra became even more web-tastic, lower iconic gra for PS2, and sales confirmed; Gra played the British charts all day long.

Alternatively, you can try out the Spider-Man diva on PS4, you can pick up the game from the PlayStation Store for £54.99 or go to Amazon and pick up a trio for less than £49.

Don't throw yet; Although the game was recently released, the first fragment of the DLC is already in the details. Axis scho you need to know about Lyudina-spider: A place to never sleep DLC.

Spider Man: A Place to Never Sleep DLC release date

A few days before Spider-Man was released on PS4, Insomniac Games revealed the first details of City Never Sleeps, including a release lineup for the episodic DLC.

The DLC is divided into three episodes, all ready for release before the end of 2018. Good news is those that you don’t need a long time to pay in the first black, shards of the coming month.

The first episode under the name The Heist will be released on October 23, 2018, for which to go Viyni Turf Leaf fall 2018 roku that Sribna lining in Breast 2018 rock.

As soon as Insomniac decided to give a specific release date for episodes two and three, we have published it in a language-specific manner.

Spider Man: A Place to Never Sleep

You can grab the City Never Sleeps DLC right away by getting ahead of the release. You can grab the entire three-part City Never Sleeps DLC for £15.99/$24.99 from GAME in the UK or PlayStation Store and more.

The brown-green wisps stumbled over the side of the porom, from the coastal fog the outlines of the majestic glooms were already quite visible. She still had some goodness in stock.

Felicity winced and closed her eyes again. Tse її stay more expensive on the port: there, nareshti, she rented a small room in the City, and now you can sleep for three years before school. Order three years of sleep. Vaughn dreamed about them the whole river! Shchoraz, if it was important to open her eyes on the fourth wound.

Felicity quietly turned the key at the lock and fixed the door. Vaughn is so protective for nothing. It seems that Lily has already thrown herself, more from the kitchen the fragrant smell of kawi was stretching. Walking into the corridor, Fel relievedly threw off her important travel bag from her shoulders and sniffed.

Lili, I'll be kava too! - Shouted the girl and marched straight to the kitchen.

Without changing the pace, she quickly turned around a hundred and fifty degrees and turned back.

Alex! - Vona shouted again loudly, putting her hands on her hips, and looking at the door leaves with timid interest.

Be gentle, dress your pants. We are still not on a nudist beach!

Fel! Vitannia! Will you be cava?

An absolutely naked lad with a Turk in his hands appeared at the corridor. It turns out that yogo anіtrohi did not bentezhil the full nudity. Knowing that, Fel did not hurry to turn to a new guise.

Well, why did you go broke at such an early hour? - Three bedrooms vipovzla slept Lili. Good, I want to get out of the bula in May.

Tobi all the same, the hour has come to get up. And I can't go to my room until Alex puts on his pants.

Lili licorice laughed, wrapping her arms around the neck of the lad.

Yogo's name is Asgisl Lindblom. It's time to remember already. These Scandinavian names are so sexy!

Felicity sensed behind her back the ambiguous sounds of pocilunks, and then a hiss of kawi that flowed in.

Ni. All the same, I’ll get a shukati okrem apartment.

The day seemed not to start from the very cob. First, she left the keys to the booth, and now she needed to reach for Lily to work. In a different way, two bets after Professor Blakely are stressful. Nareshti, just before lunch, Dr. Spencer hovered around that one student from the parallel group and tried to develop additional statistics for the joint lecture.

The stench worked right up to the closing of the library, and all the same they did not finish it. It was still left to lay out the whole bunch of paper into thirty chotiri copies and pinch the title arches. I had to take the robot home. Felicity hesitated only a little, that Alex did not drink his mustard cavi - such a sin followed him.

The girl walked through the night City, clutching her important folder to her breasts, as if she could fit into her bag, and so she strove to slip out of her hands, and shrieked into her mind:

Chotirista twenty vіsіm arkushіv on thirty chotiri... come out... twelve and five hundred vіsіmdesy vіsіm іz ponytail. Why is twelve not equal?

Fel sighed badly. Bude povna ... oops, you got it wrong.

It's a place, like you don't fall asleep at all... Fel loved yoga, in spite of us. She loved yoga, gloomy, hanging gloomy, the rest on top of them stomped in the rankovy fog, and bright night fires that beckon, roar, so richly promise the naive inhabitant. Crying wind vzimku and unbearable heat vlіtku. The noise of cars, the hubbub of ports, the richness of the natovp, who always hasten to go somewhere, shops, cafes, snack bars ... At this majestic ants, Fel felt like home.

The night club "Webster", de pidroblyalya Lili, buv dosit a prestigious place for parties of young naschadkiv rich fathers, and knowing mayzhe in the very center of the city.

Felicity perched in the artsy at the service entrance, to keep away the people who were eager to have a drink at the club. Yaskrava's neon vibe rose brightly and quietly, who was seized by an unreal phosphorescent light. Not sleeping at night, the "gold fry" longed for the rose. Fel forced them to understand, for at once she could only think about those who, as far as getting home, turning back in an emergency, and falling into a lie down.

Well, de won? - Felicity adjusted her beret on her head, like a heavy hour of z'їzhdzhav їy on her eyes. Here, under the archway, the wind whistled with podvoennoy force, roaring, mute at the pipe, and swaying in the expanses of Haris Plaza.

The girl took out the phone and looked at the current hour.
- It’s like you won’t show up through the fluff ... - at first, bulo, Fel, ale, unstoppably, the doors with a gurkot worked, hitting her on the shoulder more painfully, and the sound, strimgolov, vibіgly a sprat of young people and girls. Smiling and excitedly chatting, the stench rushed past her and appeared behind the archway.

Tilka Felicity began to think about those who had become so amazingly silent, as if she were pulling back the tight strap at her back. The phone and the folder dangled from the hands, and the wet asphalt zі shvidkіstyu thoughts becoming closer to the guise of a girl. Vaughn flattened her eyes.

Htos pidhopiv її bіlya samoї zemlі, zrіbayuchi in a frame. Felicity appeared squeezed, mute at the breams.

Oh vibachte, miss! I didn't let you in...

The lad himself stood up forcibly on his feet. Buried at the vuho, vіn importantly dihav i, zadaєsya, laughing.

Felicity noticed the strong smell of alcohol, but at the same time, thoughts were occupied by something else: she was terrified with a flicker, like an arkush paper, puffed up in the wind, merrily scattered all over Haris-Plaza, spitting on the wet asphalt and Kaluga.

"Telephone. It's time for work. Two new cartridges, it's dry... Phone!!" - Felicity was summarily buffing up in the Duma. Aje tomorrow about the ninth wound, blood from the nose, this folder is guilty of lying on the table of Dr. Spencer!

Chotirista is twenty high, - muttered Felicity, still perebovayuchi at the station of shock.

What? - the lad, having raised his її disguise to himself and lifted it up, like a new wind on his nose.

Chotirist twenty vіsіm arkushіv! Through you I can't sleep the whole night! - Felicity is ready to cry.

Through me? - Yogo smile spread even wider. - Damn! Why am I welcome!

Fel spent a lot of time talking, ready to shed those tears, got stuck in a rapt here at the throat.

A young man gazing into the dark light of the lighter and the troch stole from the drunk. Felicity talked to him at the same time for one simple reason - in dosі obіymav її.

And you are a bastard. And in your garne ... an eye, - the lad carefully shattered his beret on the roof and carefully looked out from his forehead with a light sash. - More precisely - eyes.

Felicity raptly laughed at her glance.
- Cretin! Let me go! Vona pressed her arms into the youmu's chest. Ale, the young man did not hasten to win over її vimogi.

Do you think about me all the night? - after sleeping in the ledve, it is filled with language.

Be indulgent! - Felicity is ready to collapse to the ground in spite of that zbentezhennya. - I only think about you!

And I'm talking about you. If we think at once one about one, then we will do it all at once, right?

On a whim, the sounds died down. It was only a little bit, as if stretching out the leaves of the dopovіdі along the wire, pushing them under the arch itself and whistling the name. There was a lot of mitigation. So…

Oliver! Well, where are you?!

It's time for me. - The lad briefly sighed and opened his arms. - Be careful next time, mister. Rapt me not show order.

Olly! - one of their companies pidbig before them. - You can’t get enough of the fluff - you’ll immediately tie yourself up for the yakus of the back!

Well, what the hell, Tommy, - Oliver summarily chuckled Fel, starting to shake.

Oh, vibatch mis. Vzagali vin is a good lad, only an axis ...

Send already. And what else are you blurting out.

The young man puffed up his friend and dragged him impatiently. I navit not turning around.

Felicity chomus embraced the rose of roses. In order to take it to herself, she fawned over the folder, slashing her eyes with an alerapt of jaskra sleeping. The maiden shrugged off her mischief, she covered her face with her arms, having re-used the building of the bachiti.

Do you see the new passion of Mr. Quin? What drive does Laurel Lance get into? May I know your name, mister? Zvіdki V? What are you doing? My readers will be better off!

Sleep after sleep was practically blinded by Fel. Vaughn backed into the twilight until she leaned into the wall, and then she turned back, pressing her forehead to the krizhan chain. And potik food, like setting up a koromovka, all without stumbling. Felicity went into a panic.

Ah, you motherfucker! - prolunav zayomy already know voice. There was a murmur and the noise of a beat. Schos іz gurkot broke. Felicity squeezed herself into the wall in fear, shuddering at the muffled sounds of blows.

You pay for it! - Shouting the photographer in a slick voice. - I'll sue you!


Felicity did not hasten to turn around, when silence came.

Gay! Are you okay? - lad trohi dotorknuvsya up to її shoulder. The girl nodded.

Axis to take. My friends took what they knew. Maybe, I’ll partly vdasts vryatuvati?

Fel turned around. A fluffy bundle of winter, fermented leaves fell on his hands.

Vibachte. It's okay, I've given you a little bit of life.

Nothing. Dribnitsy, - Felicity chuckled. Vaughn wasn't angry anymore. Vin turned around.

It's time for me. I'm sorry.

Ale... did you get home?

I'm waiting for the hour. It's about the twelfth night.

I to the fifth wound. Let me sleep. I'm falling.

The doors slammed shut again at his shoulder.

Vibach. I've been busy. I tried to pick up the phone, but I’m looking for your phone ... God, what was going on here ?!

Felicity withdrew from the kalyuzhі one more arcush dopovіdі and seriously cut off Yogo.

Do we have kava at home? Bo in me here pobachennya s printer to the wound. І more something with kim.

New York is often called the capital of the world - fashionable, cultural, financial. Here tendencies appear in all spheres of life. People call the place "Big Apple" ("Great Apple"), the center of the universe, Gotem. Nearly 50 million people live in the city itself, and in the city itself live over 8.5 million people, as if they are moving 800 people to the world! Subway New York has 26 lines and 468 stations. Over 5,500 clouds were observed there, with 50 of them being over 200 meters high. Familiarize yourself with the place, de maye all є naivishchim.

Times Square

Times Square is a small area, a square, a kind of spreading on the floor of two of the most famous streets of New York - Broadway and Soma Avenue. For a place like St. Peter's Square in Rome or Trafalgar Square in London. Times Square is a place where you can never sleep: there are a lot of neon signs, tens of millions of dollars worth of them. New York starts itself here!

central park

Central Park is the lungs of New York. We will borrow an area of ​​341 hectares (larger, lower princedom of Monaco), and restock in the very center of Manhattan. Solution to win taku​​ the great square for the city park was adopted in 1853, and after 15 years of robotic gardeners and architects of winescompleted. Creations in the English style, the park is made up of great bows, humpbacks, hiking trails, great lakes and mayzhe 26 thousand trees. A park of miraculous arrangements: here you can play, engage in various sports, relax, there are impersonal attractions for children, you can catch a number of creatures. Shhorіchno Central Park near New York City is seen by 20 million people.

Manhattan - a place at the crossroads of cultures

Manhattan is an island and one hour the central district of New York, with a valley of 21.6 km and a width of 3.7 km. Yogo area to become close to 58.8 sq. km (from 3.5 thousand sq. km. Central Park). Approximately 1.6 million people live on this planet. This is the most expensive district of New York, where there are houses of businessmen, bankers, stockbrokers and a significant part of the bohemia of New York. In Manhattan, there are famous names such as Wall Street, Broadway, Piata Avenue, Times Square, Central Park, museum sprats... the list can be continued for a long time. Manhattan is made up of low ethnic, economic and cultural areas, the most populous of which are Harlem (there are a lot of black people), Chinatown​​ (with Chinese residents) and El Barrio (live in Latin American countries).

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is the most popular haunted city in New York, which is 102 meters high and 381 meters high. From the moment of his life until 1973, the Empire State Building was the best house in New York. Vіn vtrativ tsyu pozitsiyu on kornost vezh Svіtovogo shopping center. After the collapse of the World Trade Center in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 December 2001, the fate of the Big Apple was once again dominated by darkness. However, this fate again descended on another place, giving up the palm tree of Ground Zero, the new Light shopping center, which can be 3 more on top and a height of 417 meters without a spire.

Hmarochos open daily from 8.00 to 2.00. For tourists there are terraces on 86 and 102 surfaces, the stars offer a panoramic view of the place. There is a lift upstairs, going up to the lower rivulet cost $27 (children $21), to the highest $44 (children $38).

St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral is the largest neo-Gothic church in the Happy States. Raztashovaniya on P'yatіy avenue, opposite Rockefeller Center, squeezed between the gloomy Manhattan. On the right, in the fact that the decision about this building was adopted in 1858, if there were no projects for new high-rise buildings, but the hromadyanskaya war added life, and as a result, it was completed in less than 20 years. In 1976, the temple was added to the list of the most important monuments of the place. In our days, St. Patrick's Cathedral is open for weddings from 6:30-20:45.

Soho area

Soho is one of the most privileged and most expensive areas in Manhattan, where the wealthiest New Yorkers live. However, it didn’t start like that, for example, in the XIX century, it was a cross-cutting industry district. In the 60s of the twentieth century, avant-garde artists began to settle in lean factory booths, vicoristing like their master galleries. Then, in the 70s, popular jazz musicians and other representatives of Bohemia migrated here. Soho has become an exclusive destination for rich people and one of the most popular areas among tourists.

Near the central, historical part of the district, you can build facades of budvels, decorated with chavun. In the nineteenth century, here they prepared chavunnі vorobi and budinki would be made from the same material, it was cheaper than the thicker one, lower from the stone. Until that day, about 250 chavunny budіvels were saved in Manhattan, most of them in the Soho area.

Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Broadway

This is the reason why New York is called by the world a global hub of fame. Kozhen here you know for yourself. Concerts of all kinds of music, sporting events, theater and opera are hardly the most popular part of the midst of a sea of ​​opportunities. The biggest sights that are associated with a wide range of roses are the Madison Square Garden arena (there are NBA and NFL events, concerts, boxing), the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway (the dream of opera lovers).

New York - the place of museums

New York is also a place of museums. There's a lot of them there, too, you know for yourself. The entrance to most museums is symbolic, for example, one dollar, or the principle of “pay what you want” comes into play. It's true, if you're not ready to stand in the drawers, then you'll still have to pay for the ticket (sound the ticket for $20-25 and it's sold online). Miss, yak, madly, varto see:

· Metropolitan Museum

· American Museum of Natural History

· Museum of contemporary art

· Guggenheim Museum

· Brooklyn Museum

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty є a symbol of the free world, New York and the Successful States of America in a flash. Tse neoclassical memo, yak є for nothing in the French order until a century ago from the day of praise of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, is located on the island of Liberty (Liberty Island) off New Jersey. Vіn є the figure of the woman, who holds the torch at the right hand, and in the lion's tablet, on the date of the prosperity of the independence of the United States. The statue, which at once from the base is 93 meters high, was erected at the nineteenth century at the Fort Wood.

The statue after the terrorist attacks on 11 spring 2001 was closed to the audience. Prote, May 23, 2009 One of the biggest symbols of the United States was "showed up" for tourists. By signing up for a tour in advance, you can see the Statue of Liberty or take a ride on the ferry, making a trip to Elis Island.

Brooklyn city

Brooklyn City is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world. The height of the dove is 1834 m, the width is 26 m, and the height is 84 m, the main span over the water is 486 m. Vіn buv budovaniya neogothic style with characteristic high arches.

Place Las Vegas, roztashovane in the US state of Nevada, called differently. Dehto gave him the name “Misto Grihiv”, and others call him a place, as if they don’t know what a dream is. Wine of inducements at the very center of the squalid American wasteland of Mojave. Today is the center of the light industry, de-roofed restaurants, casinos, hotels, concert halls, gaming pavilions. Here you can go in until I lay a deposit of one day's money, and you won't remember how to fly through the doba at the gaming table with roulette.

In this place, on the cob of yoga, freedom of sound reigned, de navit at the “dry law” one could easily know the booze. Wines are famous not only for their gambling and various drinking mortgages, but there are always quicker blues here; for whom you don’t need any preparation or documents - you can issue your own hat not in a year or two, but in total for 5-10 minutes.

This place began to be less common in 1905, so there are no historical reminders here. At rich films, where pictures of Las Vegas are shown, you can often dance with artists, like drinking alcohol. But the tourists are the fault of the nobility, that they can drink the policemen with a bowl of wine and whiskey between 1,000 feet, not less than a school or a temple, and a liquor, then for the price you can spend for a grati.

Naturally, the most important memorials of this place are hotels, casinos and rozvazhalni complexes. It’s impersonal here, and the stench of the vzdovzh of the central street is more important. Ale, after all, is in order from the Las Vegas Strip, for 17 kilometers, there is a natural reserve under the name "Chervona Skel Canyon". Shoroku here buvaє over a million views.

Varto also sees one important memo - Cirque du Soleil, which in translation means "The Circus of the Son". Surely, there are a lot of people talking about the famous Canadian circus under such a name, as if constantly touring all over the country. The circus artists, of which there are 4000, are especially opposed by their acrobatic numbers. The uniqueness of this circus lies in the fact that all artists perform at the same time in different places, moving from month to month. Only in Las Vegas one and the same group of artists of that circus ruled for the whole hour, showing their performances both to the bagmen of the place and to the tourists.

In the productions of artists, you can know everything: wonderful acrobatic numbers, wonderful music, dances. Under the hour, having performed all the fairy tales, and as soon as a few times come to the vistavi, then all the stinks will be taken one by one. This circus has the uniqueness of this circus, that such a feat cannot be equal and is already popular with the city.

All syaє i shine with fires. "Jingle Bells" sound from shops, restaurants and cafes. And in the rich places of beards Santa Claus is flying all the hoarse "Hohoho", the glitz of children and the overgrown to buy presents. Whoever does not love R_zdvo, to that next trimation was given from New York to the fate of fate! Irrespective of the catastrophic hurricane, for example, the weather, which brought shock to New York, all the same svyatkovka metushnya in Manhattan. At the Rockefeller Center, as before, a 30-meter-high yalinka was installed, which is illuminated by an eight-kilometer-long firelight.

Outside Macy's stores, children shave little Santa Claus and whisper their prayers to him. To ask for a live penguin or a deer, or to ask for poker cards for five dollars… what else is necessary for children. The pink department store Bloomingdale, which is famous for its garnet Christmas showcase, lures you in, like cherries in black, to dazzle its beauty. Decorators from the cheap department store Lord & Taylor have been preparing for a few months to create custom designs for their windows, and they have succeeded, but here, on the right, in traditions, the main window of New York was marked for a rich fate.

Everything is not cheap. And nothing is wrong if you marvel at the retail shops on Madison Avenue. Tse yak opinitisya in the movie, yakby turn around and see Woody Allen or Sarah Jessica Parker. You can know obscenely cheap goods like walking down Broadway. Cheap jeans, cheap leotards, fashionable clothes. Hands are already occupied with bags, but the pennies will not run out. Old Christmas Market near Bryant Park, over 100 kiosks installed in the zhovtnі and selling jewelry, gamantsі, mittens and knitted hats, barvisti skarpets, all sorts of things, I'll buy all sorts of things. Navit razdvyany market on Union Square, which originates from the middle of the leaf fall, propagates from the decorative and subsistence art, originally from Tibet and to Guatemala. Once upon a time, you are right in the middle of you.

You can always find the best deals for shopping at any hour at the magazine "Time Out", a funny thing. The little ones hang out at Abercrombie & Fitch. If you want to get drunk and you need to drink in one of the unfamiliar cafes, and if you are satisfied, go and have tea latti at the cafe of the charitable organization Housing Works. Near the SOHO district, Crosby Street and the Charme cafe ... between books and twins' gatherings, you can watch for wind blowers and enjoy even savory hot drinks. For sure try Eggnog. Egg punch ... white wine, zucor, eggs and vanilla, Americans love licorice. Podіbna Rіzdvyana sumіsh will help you change the voltage at the trading labyrinths. So is the dating and celebrity garnier Oysterbar at Grand Central. Under the crypts of the central railway station, you can taste different seafood… oysters, mussels with top oil, the famous New York clam soup, clam and tomato soup.

Weather? So, yak i zavzhdi bribe from New York. Vzimku here, as a rule, is cold, ale sleepy. And sometimes they trample and the famous New York romantic kurtovina is shown in many films. Tody Central Park crooks the white carpet and the green lungs of New York look wonderful. Relax, be like at home and look for a piece ... take a forge from the rental. On the tows near Central Park, near Rockefeller Center and in Bryant Park, you can experience New York's New York magic in a special way.

Or go for a walk in the new High Line Park near Greenwich Village. New York promotes the best in the industry of romance, and it's true. So, for example, music is alive at the small jazz club Smalls or at the legendary Village Vanguard club, where the famous trumpeter Miles Devis was born… it delivers. Those who cannot sing in jazz, can marvel at the most expensive musical in the history of Broadway "Spider-Man". Once upon a time in New York... until the new sound. Any flooring that you want to get rid of here and on Novy Rik.

Whether someone, who thinks, schoo stupidly need to spend a decade of years and in the grandeur of the majestic attack on Times Square, to sing, as if falling famous scull and repeating new confetti and fireworks .... pardon. Hotch, New fireworks at Brooklyn's Prospect Park are no exception to the view. And after the fireworks, you can look up to Webster Hall, which is located in the fashionable East Village. You can dance in five yogo halls of rock, house, hip-hop, reggis and disco… until early morning and early afternoon) Only after all you start to understand why New York is called “mistom, you can’t sleep at all” .

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