Like looking blue. What looks like a next insulator. Designation of correct settings

Mostly for wealthy hulks, if they can’t afford legal enlightenment, it’s the only appointed place of free will, but it’s not so. I use the impersonal setting with different names, at the same time I am encouraged to understand, which makes you think in terms of CIZO. Chi tse all the same one and the same installation?

Designation of correct settings

Relief, exchange of will and types of punishment, transferred by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - DVK RF). For the implementation of such types, a system of corrective installations has been created early. To such lie the vikhovnі colony, the likuvalny vipravnі establish, the colony-settlement, the vipravnі colonії, vyaznitsі, and SІZO do not lie before them. The list of such installations є vycherpnym and inserted Art. 74 DVK RF. It looks like it’s important not to stray among yourself all the qi establish and know the characteristics of their skin. Most of the time, the population asks themselves questions: is it the same SIZO? We will try as accurately as possible and understand the evidence. It is necessary for us to establish a clear understanding in the language and SIZO.

Understood that short description of the language

V'yaznitsya - to which individuals of a human status are kept, condemned until freed. The lines of such an early warning can be revisited five times from the insertion of a part of the line at the vault. People can also be placed on trial, translated by the term up to 3 years for regularly violating order and discipline in a penitentiary colony. V'yaznitsya є naisuvorishim Here two regimes are established - blatant and suvory, wash in some richly zhorstkishі and suvorishі, lower in other settings. The knowledge of people in such a mist may be subject to serious reduction of their rights. What is the difference between the conditions of SIZO and other institutions, so the exchange of clothes. Peresuvannya obezhuєtsya th at the borders of the same in'yaznitsі. Zovni won є okremoyu budіvleyu or a complex of such, yakі united by one line of defense, in the midst of such a suvoriy access control.

Classification of regimes at the camp

The law does not establish the classification of v'yaznits, її not іsnuє, prote є two modes, yakі dіyut at її mezhakh - zagalny and suvoriy. Vidpovidno up to part 3 of Art. 130 DVK these individuals, who arrived to the yard for punishment, are housed in the suvori regime, and also transfer the convicts from the prison regime to the new one. Vinyatki become the disabled of the first and other groups, as they cannot be placed at the suvori regime for everyday conditions. On such a regime of litigation, it is possible to punish not less than one fate, with which the administration is not entitled to binding, but the right to transfer a person to a criminal regime of punishment. Therefore, a person can be rebuked in a strict regime of a sprat of a rock.

If you are on a criminal regime, that allowed violation of the regime of the convict can be transferred to the suvori regime. Schonaimenshe through rіk vin can buti turn back. Vidminnist regime v polagaє u kіlkostі pobachen on rіk, trіvalnostі nayavnnosti walks, phone calls, rozmіrі koshtіv admissible on window glass in special purposes (products of eating, services of a photographer, purchase of envelopes, stamps, leaflets, etc.).

What is SIZO?

For the cob, we decipher the abbreviation СІЗО - the next insulator. Such an establishment behind the banal rule cannot be extended to the penitentiary system, so that the penalty will be punished at the sight of free will. At this establishment, there is a suspicion of accusations, and also, if the court did not blame them, the stench is not arbitrable. At SIZO, there are less than those hulks, who have been stabbed outside - they have been taken under the ward. Until that hour, until the verdicts are brought to the judge, without gaining legal force, the person will be transferred to the isolation room and її not guilty until the next installment.

On the territory of such a place, install no other regimes, then, all shift the fence. Buvayut also vinyatka іz zagalnogo rule, for example, convict can get to vikonannya gospodarskih robіt on the territory of SIZO. Ale, it’s not enough for the situation, but it can be a substitute for the entry of the line of the condemned at the next insulator. Vіn vіdbuvає termіn at СІЗО is also the same, if the term does not move early 6 months.

The classification of SIZO is not transferred by law. We have been appointed to understand and see the modes (photo of data for the most advanced understanding of the system), and we have also recognized it. Now you can go to povnyannya. What does it sound like in the SIZO, even though the people still understand it often?

Similarities in 'yaznitsa and SIZO'

  1. We are ahead of the similarity of these two establishments in the fact that the stench calls for the security of the exchange of such an important right of a person - the right to freedom of change. These provisions can be briefly characterized by isolation.
  2. Meta robotic installations - the correction of convicts and the prevention of infliction by them and other people of illegal actions.
  3. In vinyatkovyh vices, if they were previously appointed, SIZO, as if in a state, in a correct setting, in such a case, they are punished.
  4. In addition, insults, install your system at a glance, we’ll talk about it later.

Organization at a glance at the SIZO and in the camps

A look at the criminal and vikonavchiy system є sukupnіstyu organіzаtsiynyh, legal i tekhnіchnyh zahodіv, zavdyaky zavdyakim for the behavior of convicts, suspicions and accusations are constantly controlled. The vision is necessary for order, legality, justice, and the slander of the singing world of judging each other. The managers of this warehouse system are taking care of the internal security in setting up the number of arraignments, as well as the gardening services themselves.

Vіdmіnіst SІZO vіd v'yaznitsi still є chi tse mіf?

We believe that, having reached the last part of the article, you have already realized that two virtuous fortune-tellers have been established to lie down to different spheres and they cannot be separated. All the same, the structure of all the information is presented below:

  1. V'yaznitsya є vipravnoy ustanovoyu and part of the penitentiary (criminal-vikonavchoї) system of the Russian Federation, and SIZO є mіstsem implementation zapobіzhny entry - bribe pіd vartu.
  2. At the prisoner, they are sued after guilt and gaining legal force by a grand court, at the SIZO - suspicion and accusation.
  3. V'yaznitsya є setting of a closed type, on the territory of such a regime there is no access control, there is no such thing in SIZO, and there may be promptings on the territory of the district OVS.
  4. The law does not prescribe the classification of v'yaznits, but there are two regimes - blatant and suvory, SIZO does not have any regimes and the classification is established.
  5. Women can’t be placed at the prison, only people can be sent there, either for disrupting the established order in the colony, or else, if they are recognized as having been punished at the prison for five years or more. At SIZO, there can be directions for both men and women, and if there is an early sentence, then the term of your free will is not guilty of revisiting 6 months.

Behind these provisions, one can easily determine why the difference between SIZO and vyaznitsi, and even if there are different settings with different meanings and structure.

Significance of SIZO and Vyaznitsa in the Criminal-Vikonavchiy System

Now, if we have been appointed, by whom we are charged in the penitentiary, we can make visnovoks, which will offend us and establish colossal significance, not only for the criminal-viconavcho system, but also for the entire welfare in general. For a complete understanding of the essence of the vykonavchoy system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to know how її zagalny characteristic, and to understand the main characteristics, for example, "v'yaznitsya" and "SІZO". Zavdyaks to such installations of a different level of suspense nebezpeka zlochintsy are isolated from suspenstva that melt on the ways of correction.

We suspect that this article was a good one for you, now you can indulge in this understanding of the peculiarities of the similar insulator.

There is a wish to build a housing complex at the SIZO st. Such plans have recently announced Governor Anatoly ARTAMONOV. Ale, while the insulator is still working, the journalists of the Kaluzsky Crossroads visited there.

I know, I was struck by the cleanliness, the presence of sharp smells of sweat and waking whiteness. Adzhe before him, like a virushit there, the editor recommending smelling salts - in the presence of stale dust, you can be irritated. It turned out that the ventilation system worked. Looking around the place, for a moment I forgot about those where I change. СІЗО - is the middle of the world with the bulk of that liquor. In fact, they turned the grati on the vіknakh and the protection on the skin version.

At the entrance we were greeted by a charming girl. Її vodokremlyuvalo tovste slo. The girl asked for documents, as well as to turn off the telephone. Moreover, those іnshe mi vіddali іy. Vzagali, the woman worked here a lot. Gets a salary, the prospect of service growth and other social benefits.

Passing through the metal shack, we spent on the territory of a similar insulator.

Install the internal parade ground

At the vyaznitsyu, there are only two ins and outs, - the SIZO officers explained to us. - All the territory is surrounded by a high fence, you can’t crawl through the yak, you can’t overcut it.

While we look around, we are told the history of SIZO.

- Yakby didn’t have a life in the village, there wouldn’t have been a Kaluz province. At this hour, in order to gain the status of the province, it is necessary for the mother of the city to have a theater and to sing, - rozpovidaє Head of the Press Service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Kaluz Region Oleksandr ZAYKO. - I had a chance to terminovo її budovat.

V'yaznitsy made order with the river, the shards of it delivered the evil-doers. There is a legend about those who, in their old days, saved their lives to go to the Oka.

Administrative work

At the next insulator, there are incompetent, women and people, like checks for the court. As long as the court does not bring the rest, the stench of the innocent, but potentially unsafe for the court. One hour there can be 714 cases, at once - 638.

Let's go ahead of us to the chergovy - at the heart of SIZO. Itself here to bring aggravated, here there is a point of treatment with an insulator.

The sound of the skin doors is fixed - the sensors stand creaking, - the SIZO specialists explain to us. - Video guarding is carried out for the situation at the corps: how the special contingent is transferred, how the guards are serving, how they are constantly robbing the rounds. All information is entered into journals, then analyzed. The video is saved, at some point you can look at it.

At the SIZO, a video warning system is being actively promoted. Often cameras replace people.

Everything went so far that video cameras appeared at the skin camera: the spivrobitnik did not happen to walk and marvel at the vіchko. Є th return call, - rose installation manager Roman KOTARIEV. – We have a videoconferencing system. Vaughn allows the last, not vizhzhdzhayuchi for interі SІZO, to be present at the court session. Tse reduce vitrati - no need to take people anywhere. Today videoconferences are held with regional and supreme courts. The last one is to fill the warehouse of the ships, and the ships are to work.

There is a stand with a photo and short information about the prison "elite" by the black one. There is special control over these people, shards of stench are either suspected of especially serious mischief, or more likely to commit suicide or leak.

This is a prophylactic appearance, - explains the spivrobitnik of SIZO.

Skilki blood for these people! The axis of the most colorful - Mr. R., - with these words, show us one card. - Three people are suspected of being beaten, one of them is a police officer.

Wiymayut more sprats of cards, from which to marvel at my youngest individuals: the 93rd, 94th birth of the people.

And the axis of qi is suspected in the case of violent people who are not necessarily incompetent, - explain to me. - I’m looking for a special appearance, so they didn’t destroy anything with them. And sometimes the special contingent makes claims before them ... And the axis of this group will be - youmu over 70, if only you can walk, you are suspected of paying onuki.

On the skin planting there is an album from such an "elite". The skin specialist does not only know them in disguise, but those who know where the skin room is in the bedroom. Once every 15 minutes, one wonders what these people shy away from.

Room of short strings

Holidays are allowed for two months. Trivayut stench until three years.

Without a doubt, ce torturi are close to a person and do not mother the ability to get to her, take her by the hand. But still the rules.

Trivali pobachennya - up to three days - put on trial. The stench here is the same, tse pratsіvniki gospzagonu.

All our helpers, electricians, seamstresses, workers from far away are people who support the life of a small insulator. At the state hospitals, they spend less than those who may have a criminal record, - they explained to us. – As a rule, small terms can be used. Stink on a good rahunku. The stench is looking for a chance on the mentally-dostrokove zvilnennya.

Nini at the state yard 60 osib.

Їhnє zhizni trohi nagadі army, - vvazhayut SIZO guards. - The free time is not enough, robots are rich.

And the stinks linger in the okremy block, in the kіmnati a la barracks: a long corridor, two-tier beds in a row.

Having pumped the block to the state yard, our photographer whimpered: “It looks like a children’s garden!”

Brewery shop far

- The menu is formed by improving the caloric content of the skin, - explains the head of the pre-trial detention center.

On the day of our visit, they were offended by pea soup, hodgepodge from sausages and jelly.

Virushaemo to the new building, which was awakened two years ago. Here the women and the incomplete ones are dying.

This is a category of people who cannot be pacified at once, - the head of the pre-trial detention center says. - Zhіnki okremo like cholovіkіv, yakі earlier vіdbuvali, - vіd not earlier vіdbuvayuchih. Mentally seeming, vbivtsі okremo vіd zlodіїv. Earlier, there was a big problem: there was only one insulator, a kind of constant refurbishment. There are two of them, the other one is staying with Lyudinovsky.

Operator's security building No. 6

The new 4-surface case is stuffed with video cameras. While we are walking along the corridor, we are told that before the “people’s article”, for which they were mostly imprisoned, it’s a steal, now it’s drugs.

If a red smuga was on the door of the cell, it meant that there were VIL-infections in it. Today - people who need special control.

The middle is quiet, who lives drugs, rich in VIL-іnfіkovanyh, - Oleksandr Zayko speaks. - We can control the immunolaboratory. Most people here only know what the stink of SNID is. Previously, they were inspired to sit together, it was scary. Different people are more informed.

First of all, go to the cell, aggravated to virushayut before quarantine. For three days, doctors and psychologists look at them. Improvement of this term to be carried out again diagnostics I will become healthy. As soon as a decision is made, place a camera.

It’s better to think about the inconsequential ones, - the psychologist Olena Mykolaivna spoke up.

The psychologist himself is violating, chi get along with one another. Age in 80 chambers - different levels of comfort: є for 2 individuals, and є і for 11.

The one who drank first, most often knows the prison stress - the walls of a thin insulator, to squeeze the cells. In rich people, the psyche is not visible: some start crying, in others there is nervousness, anxiety. Buvay, we are afraid to go free. After a trivial term, you don’t know how to talk, how to behave.

Some newcomers to the first "bad" with a psychologist simulate mental recovery.

Ale stink caught on yakihos moments. Varto is less likely to put food in the process of their “polyot”, and zasovuєtsya, to speak on the cob alone, then forget and start rozpovidat zovsіm іnshe. Dehto nastіlki professionally simulyuє, scho z'yasuvat tse can only psychiatry.

We go to the woman’s cell, and I pay respect to the wondrous attachment: a pipe, not a pipe - it’s the same in a lot of places.

key receiver

As it turned out, at times of attack, you can defend yourself by throwing a key there.

Zhіnocha camera

From the women's chambers they took two prisoners - they looked no more than thirty years old. Women for a full parade - stuffed, combed. One tries to speak to the guardian, at this moment the upper slit becomes visible, and I note that she practically has no teeth.

We go to the light camera. Here there is hot water, scorching, a TV set, a toilet, and a hood. I'll tell you honestly, at the canopy booth, wash it, at the singing sensi, hirshi: one toilet for the whole top.

As if they raised the guards, the women deacons only in the SIZO begin to look: mity, zachisuvatisya. Clothes stench themselves do not erase - є laundry. You can see the bribe at the time of consumption of warm clothes, and in the heat of the stench you wear your own mustache - at home.

Oskіlki at SIZO utrimuyuyutsya pіdlіtki, є th head office.

Alarm button - install specifics.

With the rest of the rocks, it’s less likely to make them worse in extreme depressions, they told us.

Well, we were sent to the punishment cell - a solitary cell, where we spend for various damages.

video camera

And the axis is so vin looking at the royal hour

The situation was saved - it is possible to destroy the museum

Dissidents were sitting at the Kaluzkyi insulator, who for a year were replaced by American retailers, ministers, and deputies. At n_ch on Novy, 2000 from the new 8 clarifications flowed in. At the old buddіvl, they dug a pidkop with spoons. Ale didn’t have a chance to walk in the wild for a long time - in 5 days we turned to the isolation ward.

Often, from the balconies, they instructed the buddies to stand, try to throw over the fenced objects. Ale protection and sensors to spratsovoyut clearly. The only ones who can easily get into the territory of the pit are cochens, but at once they know and stick to good hands.

As if it were not an insulator of conspiracy, if it were not for the minds to be aggravated, the walls were right to press. If we went “to freedom”, it was easier to wind up dihati.

At the SIZO, we were told that at the same time the food about the transfer of the insulator until the new month is being ruled out. In order to implement the project, you need chimali koshti.

Photo: Lyubov KORSHUNOVA and the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Kaluz region.

Official classification:

For criminal understanding, prison cells are subdivided into:

Vіdpovіdno to st. 80 DVK of the Russian Federation

  • behind the sign;
  • s urahuvannyam suvorostі recognized punishment;
  • for stages from object to object;
  • for surpluses for state probation;
  • camp of health (carrying contagious infections due to the term okremo like mentally healthy).
  • What is the middle?

    How does the camera look at the yard? Behind the fact, the blocking of prison cells in Russia lies in the wake of the construction of the right installations to create the best mind for people, as if they are being enslaved.

    The prison cell can be recognized as conforming to the standard, as follows:

    It’s true that the lining of the cells of the big world lies in the possibility of being quiet, who lives there, create a minimum calm, the good-naturedness of the authorities and the staff in the pit, establish the convictions with judgement.

    Significant manifestations for a prison cell:

    • impossibility of normal ventilation of the room,
    • the feasibility of being completely usable for the usunennia of natural consumption,
    • darkening through a weak lightening and a small expansion of the window,
    • the presence of the refrigerator.

    V'yaznitsa: photo cameras

    Below is a photo of the cameras in the regions of Russia:

    And here you can see a photo of the bed near the colony:


    The transitional and lingering to the point of absurdity, the transitional vіtsі know that there is a place for understanding the spovnenie romance. In fact, people who are not far grown up do not show their level of discomfort in a person who has squandered it to the pit. Possibly, yakby stinks are small, it is possible to reliably recognize the victims of the afflicted, the number of people who have been convicted of the evils of the bula would be lower.

Pre-trial detention center in Russia is a similar insulator, with whom the hulks are trying to change, as if they have violated the law. Appointments for utrimannya pіdozryuvanih and accusations, until such as zapobіzhny zahіd zastosovano bribery pіd vartu. Here, the convicts are also utrimuyuyutsya, yakі check for etapovannya or surplus for the lord's robit at SIZO.

Who gets lost in SIZO

At the pre-trial detention center, the following hulks can be called:

  • perebuvali under the investigation;
  • yaki perebuvali at the process of the ship's sight;
  • sentenced by the court;
  • vouch for extraditions.

Specific features

Vidminnosti vіd іnshih ustav

At the next insulator, the population cannot:

  • take care of practice;
  • read;
  • take a part in the life of the community;
  • take up religion;
  • sports;
  • hobbies.

Before all the stupefactions, suvori come in. Crimean freedom, they are defending themselves to engage in activities. Sleeping and lying down is possible only from 22.00 to 6.00.


Tsіlі perebuvannya hulks, yakі violated the legislation of the Russian Federation, from this organization:

  • the impossibility of entering the law enforcement agencies and the inability to evade the law;
  • otrimannya objective information about malice;
  • the impossibility of a free intercourse with spilniks;
  • the pressure on the evil-doers to do whatever it takes to help the investigation.


The activity is set to regulate the following legal and regulatory acts:

  • “About mornings under a bar of suspicions and accusations against the swindlers of mischief”;
  • "About the establishment of that organ, as a way to punish criminal punishment at the sight of free will."

Izolyator - a legal person

Vіdpovіdno to the legislation of the Russian Federation, СІЗО - tse legal person, yak maє her seal of arms, letterheads, stamps, rosrakhunkovі and Інші rahunki. All mining organizations are transferred to the federal balance sheet. Get out of the budget budget.


Set task:

  • getting prisoners to work;
  • liberation of the will of the convicts on the lines until the pіvroku and the deprivation in the isolation room for the conduct of the government's robіt;
  • the provision of prisoners with medical and other services;
  • zvilnennya zatrimanih for the decisions of the court, the investigation, or at the link from the end of the line of punishment;
  • seeing the convicts for a closer look, arguing with the law enforcement officers too;
  • the manifestation of that prevention of evil thoughts;
  • isolation and protection of evildoers;
  • ensuring the interests and rights of the holders;
  • the creation of the minds of the life of the prisoners.



  • women's chambers;
  • human cameras;
  • chambers for the hulks, who have not yet risen 18 years;
  • medical offices.
Tsіkavy fact! The most comfortable rooms are for children (up to 18 years of age), women with children.

For example, children are allowed two-year walks, sports games and rewatch movies, they learn and whirl.

Women with children can walk around the courtyard for a free hour. A bed for babies, shelving, and tiles are installed in their cells. You can see baths for bathing children.

Citizens are troubling in medical places, yakі mayut problems z zdorov'yam.

Zavantage for revisiting that friend:

Leaves and zustrіchі

The mode of transferring the bulk of the population is set to transfer the exchange of products, which can be transferred to relatives. Deyakі products are cut, so that they do not have a fenced object handed over. For example, lard, bread. The tendrils of cigarettes are broken in obov'yazkovo.

Packages of spices, zuckerkas, and canned products are being revised. Rіdkі products, scho in impenetrable containers, overflow.

For a month, the hulks, as if they were under arrest, may have the right to get married among their relatives. For otrimannya pachennya, it is necessary to take a special permit.

The number of leaves is not intermingled, but the leather leaf is pervered with the same.

Legal Zakhist convicts

A lawyer, who may have received that warrant, may not need to be surrounded by a large number of people, as if he were in an isolation cell.

The law enforcement officer is guilty of telling the arrested person about those who are running the investigation. Maybe you need to remind your loved ones.

The lawyer's work should include a single strategy for managing the relationship with the client. Vіn can deliver navіt sheets, yakі revіrenі next, audio/video recordings.

A law enforcer can be hired by the convict himself, by his relatives, or by gifts from the power, it is stipulated in the legislation that a skin hulk has the right to defend.

The legal defender and the yogo client may have the right to the rite of intercourse, so they may pass in a splendid place, as if not to be heard, or else they can look at each other.

Respect! The isolator does not carry the function of correcting convicts. In the same place, in which, as a rule, the hulks settle down, as if they had not yet been judged by the court.


Applications, in which they are entrenched, can be cleaned dry, obov'yazkovo ensured ventilation. A new man can have lighting, a washbasin, a toilet bowl, a stil and a bed.

What is allowed to work?

Life at the Moscow SIZO: a look from the middle

March 23, 2018, 23:04 Sich 24, 2019 12:30

Deyakі our chitachі tsіkavlyatsya, scho so SІZO, і for scho to eat?

The decipherment of SIZO is a similar insulator, de comradeship isolating the subjects, it was taken as a hundred of them to follow the order established by the legislation at the sight of the bribe of the pid vartu.

What is the next insulator? Tse setting, in yakіy perebuvayut not only condemned for a short term, but also accused of that pіdsudnі, tobto those who have not yet been convicted of virok.

At this time, the pidrakhunok is stricken by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Part 3, Art. 72, then the hour of maturation of the subject under the vartoy in SIZO is secured at the line of the remission of the freedom of the will - 1 day for 2 days, or as it seems among the people "Rik for two", the right robit - 1 day for 3 days, obov'yazkovih rob - 1 day at 8:00.

Tobto, 1 day at the SIZO is good:

The pre-trial detention center is recognized for the destruction of the advancing categories of the population:

  1. Subsidiaries. Perebuvayut at the process of the ship's review.
  2. Pіdlіdnі. Perebuvayut under investigation in ochіkuvannі on the residual verdict to the court. The main directors of the SIZO are to eliminate the suspicions of opposing them.
  3. Zatrimani and zaareshtovani. Foreign citizens, like extradited persons from foreign powers.
  4. Convicted. Point out further transit to a colony of the correct type of chi v'yaznitsa.

Also, the next insulator is subject to criminal punishment for evil, redundant for the state, tidying up, preparing food.

In the setting, they rebuy the arrears for lines up to 6 months, yakі vyrishili voluntarily zasishitis here for special writing work.

At SIZO, it can be transferred or, at the same time, aggravated from mortgages of the wrongful type for participation in the court's rights and the following procedures in the role of the victim, certificate, suspected accused.

Spivrobitniki SIZO to guard for preventing their contact with the outside world, to escort them and secure them for escort with lawyers, before the prosecutor or before the court.

The task of the next insulators:

Like the world's punishment, taking it under the wart, zastosovuєtsya for the decisions of the court on the basis of the last one, like a scoїv evil, which is punished by the punishment of the early ones, looking at the will of the will with a line over 3 years.

At the court's praise, when arranging a foreign entry, the culprit was assigned specific facts and circumstances, arguing that the court had taken such a decision.

In wineries, such a zahid can be blamed for the obviousness of one of these environments:

  • the person of the accused person has not been identified;
  • the subject does not have a permanent place of residence in the Russian Federation;
  • p_dozryuvany vt_k v_d court chi bodies of the front investigation;
  • condemned boulo ruined the zahid, reprimands earlier.

When applauding the decision, the court also zastosovuє provisions of Art. 97 and 99 CCP RF.

At st. 97 of the CCP of Ukraine, it is said that the court, investigating or arguing, may have the right to turn to the accused, suspected one of the wrong entries, for the obviousness of the vagomic evidence, to determine that the subject:

  • you can continue your wickedness;
  • skhovaєtsya before the court, knowing what the previous investigation is;
  • you can prove it, threaten the certificate with another way to cross the criminal record.

Virishuyuchi nutrition about the need to incriminate the suspected malice, it is necessary to indemnify the severity of the malice, as well as information about the person of the accused, yogo rіd to take, the camp of health, age, family camp and other facts.

The purpose of this foreign approach is to do it with a folding process with a rich-sided look, and handle the rich furnishing.

What does SIZO look like in the air? Tse is absolutely different set with different structure and meanings.

V'yaznitsya - a mortgage of a closed type with a throughput regime, there is no such thing in the insulator, it can be used for distribution on the territory of the regional OVS.

At the prison, they rebuy the convicts after the trial, and in the pre-trial detention center - accusations and suspicions.

Vyaznitsa has two regimes - blatant and suvoriy, in the insulator there are no regimes. So, until the day of the authorities, you can bring in those who don’t put women in prison until the time of the day, there are only people directing there, as they were assigned the term for 5 years, or they were transferred from the colony, and the stench regularly disrupted the establishment of order.

At SIZO, women and people are sent, as the term “free will” does not transcend the flow.

V'yaznitsa is respected by the greatest opportunity to free the will from the hard minds of living. Call the okremy complex budіvel, unite the security line from the suvorim access control.

Vіd sіdchogo іzoljatіlіy tsey mortgage vіdіznyаєєєє obmezhennja perezuvannya z maximumіzоlаtієyu vіd іn'іshny svіtu.

23 years on the doba of coercion perebovaet at the camera. One year is taken for a walk in the city, which is strictly guarded.

Vidminnosti also spend a lot of time, trivality of walks, rozmіru koshtіv on admissible special needs of telephone calls.

Sipping into the new atmosphere of the walls of the insulator, people know a strong psychological pressure. For the stabilization of the psyche, the support of close people is especially needed.

With the development of modern technologies, the relatives and friends of the convict can more easily approach the prisoner.

In 2019, you can find anonymous services in the region, and you can send a sheet to SIZO via the Internet, but faster than the official sites of the GUFSIN RF.

The rules for writing a sheet to the next insulator are regulated by Order No. 205 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

For listing, it’s better to be an official resource, let’s give it to the FSVP of the Russian Federation. There, we have developed a mobile version of this site, available for installation on a smartphone.

Listing benefits via the Internet:

  • shvidkіst that zruchnіst vіdpravlennya that otrimannya;
  • quick glances by the censor;
  • the ability to fold the sheet for different furnishings is the same for any mischief.

The censor can immediately read the paper, which is necessary.. Nebazhanі dіlyanki povіdomlennya just saw, not vykidayuchi the whole sheet. You can also attach photographs in electronic form.

The last one can also be sent via e-mail. For which wine, write a sheet on a special paper and send it to the censor, which one will scan it and send it to the addressee's e-mail. The service is paid, but the service is available.

Shards of the leaves to pass the censorship of Suvor, then do not guess whether it’s like a report, or check the details of the criminal case brought against the prisoner, so don’t bring it to melancholy.

For example, for a penny of a wine city, unscrupulous spivrobitniks can pass on information to evildoers.

It is also the fault of the nobility that business management is not stumped, and it’s better not to tell the information how you can handle it, even if you can spend it until the next time, which you know.

A lot of people need to sing food, how to transfer the transfer to SIZO, even if there is a large number of suspects.

Sound to the next insulator to come from a minimal set of speeches, oskіlki to get caught up in the world, nothing is far away. Before obov'yazkіv relatives and friends enter to ensure the yaznya to all the necessary.

You can send a list of products and speeches to the isolation ward. Before respect, we should take the vagovі obmezhennya parcels. For SIZO, the maximum amount of transfer is 30 kg per month.

Under the fence, food products are eaten, yakі:

  • it is necessary to cook (cereals, fish, m'yaso);
  • packed in vacuum containers (canned food, cowbass, milk);
  • the term of applicability may be not less than 3 decibels;
  • it is necessary to take care of temperatures below +8°C.

At the office you can send:

The products that are being handed over go through a relay check - the bread is cut into pieces, the packs of cigarettes are cracked, rarely overflow, and sipuche sipaetsya.

You can transfer the trioma's parcel to a person who has been caught in a pre-trial detention center in the following ways:

  • with a special animal;
  • through the SIZO store;
  • through a specialized online store.

In case of a special application, follow up the application from the assigned data:

  • PIB of the addressee;
  • ПІБ the official, his address and the stage of controversy with the arrest;
  • list of products to be transferred;
  • date and signature.

After looking around with a voucher, a signature and a date will be put on the post at the column “Revisited”.

Also, more transfers are made through the internal store or the kiosk of the insulator, and everything is necessary for sale. The advantage of this is those that all products have already passed the re-verification, and before they were finished everything was safe and sound.

The executive officer needs to go to the financial part of the SIZO and write a statement to 3 accomplices, demonstrating the latest transfer of products. After payment of the application, the transfer to the authorized person is due.

Becoming popular and empowering the necessary products through the Internet services, as if they act as an intermediary between the executive and SIZO.

For example, at the store there are more than 130 names of zukerok alone.

Also popular online store, which promotes over 500 types of goods permitted for transfer.

It’s worth getting a handy delivery method, it’s not necessary for relatives to break away on a long journey for a transfer. To make a request, type in “Koshik” and click on the “Make a Request” button.

Golovne put in vіdpovіdalno to zapovnennya danikh i do not allow pardons from PІB oberzhuvach that naming establish.

Under the hour of aggravation of the accused under the vartu, the head meals are being depleted, how should one behave in the pre-trial detention center?

In the municipalities, they establish their own rules of conduct - official, established by the authorities and unofficial between the authorities.

Official rules of conduct transfer fences, for example, it is not possible:

Don't shout and throw the guard that guard, bringing your innocence, you can go to the punishment cell and be taken for a mentally ill subject.

Don't try to figure out the staff, as you may be able to make good contacts to keep in touch with relatives and loved ones.

Then let's talk with them, who marvel, ask about im'ya and prizvisko, statu, a hundred non-traditional sex. At the rose, it’s not varto to win the checkmate and try to set yourself up for others.

At the time of the manifestation of nonsense, you will have to give evidence for all the suvoristu of the mystic law. After you move, show the new prisoner where there is a place near the cell.

At the camera, he rozdil instead of part of the parcel, requesting other sentences before the sacramental meal.

The camera is not varto:

Do not hurry to reveal all the details of your life, for a long time strangers will alienate you, as often aggressively lashed out.

If it’s hard enough to try to tell you about the details of a special life, then, more for everything, you’re not a good-natured person in front of you, but a snitch, like a person, like a joke of a profit.

Later, SIZO, which is deciphered and transferred as a secondary insulator, is the sovereign establishment of a folding structure, which is strictly regulated by law.

Video: Yak tse vlashtovano - Day at SIZO

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