Specialty: transport operation. Professions and specialties Technical operation and maintenance of an electric robot

The current pace of growth in the development of transport infrastructure will require clarity great amount highly qualified personnel who specialize in the field of transport operation. It is important to know the necessary skills and their availability in order to gain knowledge in this area, such specialties can be seen.

Specialty: operation of climbing frames

Fakhivtsi, profile “Operation zaliznytsya", ensure the organization of the transfer of transport trains throughout the entire territory of our region. The zone is responsible for ensuring the daily transportation of passengers and cargo, as well as regulating the activities of all services such as transport and communications.

Basic skills, specialties, operation of climbers:

1. Development of plans for improved coordination of transportation.
2. Competent awareness of the legislation that affects the area of ​​operation of crawlers.
3. Developed plans and transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods.
4. Organization and possession of trusted transport infrastructure facilities, with the regulation of efforts, expansion and planning of the territory.
5. Management of the logistics sector transport passengers.

Professions and specialties in the operation of the climber:

Transport dispatcher;
Engineer of the Ways of Purchasing;

Specialty: technical operation of dry warehouse

The technicians who carry out activities under the profile: “Technical operation of a dry warehouse” will ensure the safe operation and long-term service of private and passenger locomotives. Due to their qualifications and high-quality work, the delivery of goods and people by medical transport is deprived of one of the safe ways re-suvannya.

Basic skills in the specialty of technical operation of a dry warehouse:

1. Development of technological processes for the operation of dry storage warehouses.
2. Organization and carrying out repair work.
3. Proper execution of all necessary documentation.
4. Conducting planned and preventive inspections of the warehouse, with possible malfunctions.

Professions and specialties of technical operation of dry warehouse:

Driver's assistant;
inspection of carriages;
Slyusar for the repair of a dilapidated warehouse.

Specialty: operation of transport and technical machines and complexes

Professions in the field of operation of transport-technical machines and complexes will ensure the introduction of advanced technologies in modern machinery. Innovative developments of specialists make it possible to improve technical characteristics mechanisms and thereby promote productivity in the area of ​​their activity.

Basic skills in the operation of transport-technical machines and complexes:

1. Design of automobiles, mechanisms and parts before them.
2. Organization of testing of cars and other equipment by reducing the intensity of the testing technology.
3. Development of design and exterior of machines and complexes.
4. Diagnostics of various systems of machines and mechanisms.

Professions and specialties in the operation of transport and technical machines and complexes:

Transport engineer;
Fakhіvets from the service in transport.
auto mechanic;

Specialty: operation of transport electrical installations and automation

The use of electrically powered robots provides control over most systems of any mechanism. A technician who works under the profile “Operation of transport electrical installations and automation” will ensure uninterrupted work transport arrangements We will ensure the successful operation of the enterprise.

Corinthians specializing in the operation of transport electrical installations and automation:

1. Maintenance and repair of electrical mechanisms.
2. Please complete the necessary documentation correctly and in accordance with the required standards.
3. Organization of preventive inspections of the trusted installation.
4. Diagnostics of electrical systems of transport.

Professions and specialties in the operation of transport electrical installations and automation:

Slyusar for car repair;

Specialty: maintenance and operation of highways

A clear and well-structured highway system will support the development of infrastructure for many industries. Engineers who have mastered the profession of “Business and operation of highways” will ensure long-term and safe transfer of various types of transport in the territory of our region.

Basic skills in the specialty of everyday life and operation of motor roads:

1. Development and planning of design and visualization, topogeodesic, geotechnical and other types of work.
2. Control over the activities of civil and installation work.
3. Design of transport vessels.
4. Participation in the production of road construction materials.
5. Preparation of plans for the development of transport infrastructure in accordance with technical regulations.

Professions and specialties of everyday life and operation of highways:

Design engineer;

Specialty: technical operation of automobiles

Maintenance and operation of motor vehicles is the main factor in successful logistics. passenger transportation. The safety and activity in the field of “Technical operation of automobiles” provides us with a clear indication of the safety and organization of transportation of goods.

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Name of profession (specialty), 140448 “Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment”

Qualification awarded - technician

Dodatkova robotic profession - electrician, radio and telemechanic

Lines of beginning (with a look at the basic coverage)- on the basis of 11 classes - 2 days 10 months, based on EDI results(Russian language and mathematics)

Description of the profession (specialty)

The uniqueness of the specialty “Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment” lies in the fact that its graduates will be needed everywhere and forever. The world has no water production, no water living facility, without the generation of electrical energy, the production of electric motors, wires and cables, as well as the entire sphere of services - medicine, initial mortgages, etc. Cleaners, bakeries, banks and the entire residential sector. The advantage of this specialty also lies in the fact that graduates can work in service centers with the repair of everyday equipment, repair and installation of refrigeration equipment, air conditioners, ventilation systems and alarm systems, as sales managers in shopping centers ah.

Characteristics of the specialist’s activity

Special flavors

Excessive technicality, Swedish reaction, light from proper light exposure, accuracy, respect, organizational and communicative skills.

Students of this specialty learn:

· principles of robotics and electrical installations, electrical installations

· Basics of electric drive

· Electrical machines and equipment

· Calculus and electronic technology

· Electrical power supply

· management and economy of Galusia

· principle of operation, repair and repair of household appliances, refrigeration equipment and air conditioners

· the principle of work, the repair of transformers and transformer substations

· Improvement, regulation and verification of electrical and electromechanical equipment;

· Diagnostics and control of the technical state of everyday equipment;

· Basics of design and reading electrical diagrams

· Learn practical skills in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

· Learn the basics of designing electrical circuits, selecting electrical equipment and designing electrical drive control systems

· Study the elementary base of electronics and modern circuits for the creation of automated production systems

· Trim your skills practical robots from diagnostics and repair of household appliances, refrigeration equipment and air conditioners.

Qualification characteristics of a graduate of this specialty, managers for the sale of electrical and electromechanical equipment, electrical installers for the installation and operation of alarms.

The graduate may be preparing for professional activities as equipment for technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment in enterprises (organizations) regardless of their organizational and legal forms.

The technician is responsible for developing core competencies, which include:

1. Understand the essence and social significance of yours future profession show a strong interest in her.

2. Organize government activities, select standard methods and methods for establishing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency.

3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.

4. Search for relevant information necessary for the effective pursuit of professional tasks, professional and special development.

6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, staff, and fellow employees.

7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of the assignment.

8. Independently identify professional and special development, engage in self-illumination, and carefully plan for advanced qualifications.

9. Be aware of the frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

10. Reduce your military obligations, including the acquisition of acquired professional knowledge (for juniors).

The technician is responsible for his professional competencies, which correspond to the main types of professional activity:

1. Organization technical service and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

2. Improvement, regulation and verification of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

3. Organize and complete technical maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

4. Carry out diagnostics and technical control when operating electrical and electromechanical equipment.

5. Store relevant documentation for technical maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

7. Organize and arrange the operation, maintenance and repair of everyday equipment.

8. Carry out diagnostics and control of the technical state of everyday equipment.

9. Predict performance, allocate resources, identify defects in electrical equipment.

10. Organization of the activities of the vibrator.

11. Take the fate of the planned work to the personnel of the hospital.

12. Organize a working team of Vikonavians.

13. Analyze the results of the activities of the Vikonavian team.

Prospects for practice

Graduates of this specialty can work in any number of enterprises different shapes power, and, obviously, before preparation, they can carry out testing-technological and testing-management activities. A technician with the specialty “Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment” can open a workshop for repairing electrical and electromechanical equipment, service center from the repair of electrical equipment, refrigeration equipment and installation of air conditioners. It is also possible to work in a similar specialty as an electrician, an electrical assembler, a metalworker, a master in the repair of electrical equipment, a master in the repair and maintenance of television, video equipment, a manufacturing technician in an enterprise, initial mortgage.

Demand and prospects

Looking at the growing number of humanities graduates, professional technology is now needed like no other. Almost every person can find a job in the first month after graduation. The profession of a technician is one of the most in demand.

Graduates of this specialty earn money in the market. Today, the number of oblasts of these fakhivtsevs has expanded, and the knowledge that vykonannya requires has become more complex, since previously the knowledge of primitive circuits and devices was completely sufficient, then today’s advanced technologies will require continuous in-depth knowledge and updating of technical information. Our masters are responsible for maintaining the safety and efficiency of all industries, private companies, offices, and residential facilities.

Chi is easy to get into work

Call, the technician is undergoing training even before release. Adje kozhen student obov'yazkovo undergo internship. The leaders of enterprises and heads of workshops often encourage young specialists to study with them. Depending on the dynamics of development of these enterprises, vacancies will continue to appear in the future. To practice, it is enough to pass the interview and receive your diploma.

Salvage transport throughout the world and in the 21st century is losing its most popular and with a clear look transport passengers and passengers. Type of legal obligation for passenger transportation in Russia for passenger transportation in the system health transport falls by over 40%, and for vantage is twice as much – 80%. Zaliznichna border of Russia serves approximately 2% of the current population. Therefore, personnel for work in the prison transport system is needed in our time and will be needed for decades to come.

In contact with


Specialty 05.25.04 “Operation of climbing frames” and other profiles

There is a current outbreak - a range of production has been flared up, which will require specialists of different categories and qualifications. Most rewarding professions demonstrate the presence of high or secondary specialized education, which is obtained from specialized institutes, technical schools and colleges. One of the main salvage specialties is "climbing operation".

This specialization includes a program of extensive training and training of personnel to ensure the technical maintenance and operation of vehicle transport systems. Future qualification, which is assigned to a graduate of the institute with this specialization: salary engineer.

The specialty includes the following training profiles (in-depth training within one subject of the academic field of activity):

The training profile is indicated above the diploma, and in addition, after the direction and retraining of outside disciplines, profile disciplines are registered in the “specialization” column.

Professions and specialties

As can be seen from the diversity of profiles in this specialty, in addition to the acquired knowledge in the main business disciplines, students develop marketing and information technologies. This professional knowledge and the beginners allow them to apply for new positions in the system of railway lines and metropolitans of Russia:

Specialists who have been trained in this specialty and have clear evidence of working in simple plantings are most often assigned to major plantings in the system of technical maintenance and safety of transport vehicles.

Cream of engineering and technological straightness, this specialization after completing a master's degree and graduate school allows you to engage in writing and scientific activity This one has galusi.

It is possible to undergo training in this specialty

There are about nine main universities that train fahivts to work in the Russian prisons.

GUPS (universities of highways) are distributed in all districts of Russia and can be found in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk. The range of branches and institutes that enter the GUPS warehouse has been opened, giving the opportunity for residents of wealthy remote areas to obtain “welcoming” light near their place of primary residence.

The largest educational university " Russian University Transport (MIIT)” of the repayments from Moscow. It has been founded since 1896 and is one of the oldest foundations of this profile. The Institute in 1993 revoked the status of a university, aka a company short-term, MIIT (Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers), which has been revived since 1924, in the name of the initial mortgage was saved.

MIIT is the main supplier of qualified personnel for the Moscow metro and metro systems in other places in Russia.

Studies in institutes and universities of shlyakhs reporting is carried out on a budgetary basis (quota, target areas) and on a paid basis. Data are often published on the official websites of initial mortgages. The largest supplier of facists who pays for entire positions at educational universities and institutes is the company “Russian Medical Institutions”. Russian Railways is sending over 10 thousand for the beginning. civil servants in Moscow and other regions of Russia. Stimulation with this method The Russian Railways company is implementing a clear plan scholarship programs, grant projects for students and universities in their field.

Specialization "Technical operation of dry storage warehouse"

Applicants, fathers and workers often confuse two specialties: “Operation of skids” and “Technical operation of dry warehouses.” This is revealed through three new words in the name: “exploitation”, “sliznyh”, “roads”.

First difference between them It is believed that "Operation of the climb" is a specialist in the field of knowledge. The specialization “Technical operation of dry storage facilities” is taught at technical schools and colleges.

Another significance lies in the additional phrase “ruzy warehouse”, which clarifies that future technologists, who have gone through specialization, will deal with carriages, steam locomotives, locomotives, then the equipment that collapses Eat with slats. The scope of the professional activity of the facilitator “Operation of the Climbing Plant” is completely different. How to check the flow of profiles(university specialization) and re-cultivation of possible plantings.

Salaries of transport specialists

When choosing a future profession, the amount of payment for the future job will not remain a role. If you plan to enter colleges before the prison, it is imperative that you pay attention to how much the prisoner takes away. According to data published in the Galuzev newspaper “Gudok”, the average salary of salaried workers in 2016 increased to 46.8 thousand. rubles Apparently, behind this “average” figure, there is no difference between the payment for the work of a nurse at a health resort and the salary of the vice-president of the RZ company.

Ale yakscho take a look at the site, where vacancies are published at the Salary Office, then the salaries are stated as follows:

  • Posada, where I need light, evidence of evidence for this profile and 2-3 years of work experience - 30-45 thousand. rub.
  • Planting a pottery plant, be it any kind of galuzev plot - about 40 thousand. rub.
  • Plants that require secondary special education (of which university graduates, as a rule, start their work in the galuz) - 22-30 thousand. rub.

Up to a few salaries are added different views allowances for special minds jobs and bonuses.

The salvage transport system, in addition to the national transport company "RZ", has other salvage operators. Please pay in full commercial enterprises may differ significantly from the meanings of the statistics.

This article is dedicated to such a central and complex sphere of activity as the metro and the railway, and to the specialization “Technical operation of the railway station”. Let's talk about what kind of profession you can practice. Let's share some other information.

What grade of school should I take?

It is very important that the specialty is formalized, and it is not available in colleges and technical schools. And institutes are already completely different, or more precisely, highly specialized. Axis to be amazed: for example, your specialty is “Locomotives”, “Wagons”, “Organization of transportation on salvage transport” and others. Are you bacita? Everything is cooled down. The training of locomotives at different faculties involves different disciplines, carriages and locomotives. And the specialty “Technical operation of a dry storage facility” is a simplified and more advanced version.

You can join after 9th grade. And you can read in as soon as you have some light (of course, in another area). Start chatting in the afternoon, evening and correspondence departments. Ozhe, yakscho viniklo gostre bazhannya If you drink, perhaps, from the food sector to the health sector, then you can accept it without any problems. It is necessary to take physics and mathematics in addition to dictation.

Why is light so needed in the spring?

At this time, there is an increasing need for fakhivtsi enlightened thing they don’t care about those who have engineering areas that are much less than basic ones. It is on such an axis of “zvichaina” that they accept people from “We will not talk about those who were taken to the Russian Railways or in the metro with legal or zoological clearance.” Let it not be about us. Believe me, this thread will require knowledge from your profile. Find out why you should supply the same liquid to the pharmacy behind the counter to sell medicines. Who knows a lot? No. So it is in the transport sector: it is necessary to understand the basics. Who will benefit from the specialty “Technical operation of dry storage facilities”, which is insured for practitioners of various professions.

Let's explain in the example, we need some basics here. Find out that you have been hired for a job that is responsible for various operations with locomotives. The technician needs to know at any time what category the fault can be classified into, so that the repair crews can know what to prepare for and what to do. An illiterate operator can choose a completely different category, which will lead to problems for all workers involved in repairs. The operator refuses the money or spends the premium. There is only one butt.

What kind of plant?

Now it’s amazing what can be given to a graduate of a salvage technical school with the qualification “Technical operation of a dry warehouse salvage.” Why do people like this? Please note that in most cases you will need to undergo a medical examination, since the transport sector is a disastrous one.

Ok, now about planting. Or rather, we will initially divide it into different businesses and services. As you know, it’s the metro. It’s all one sphere, one galuz. At the metro you can work in the electrical depot with a rickety warehouse or in the repair shop or in the operation shop.

At Russian Railways, it is not going to workshops, but to structural subdivisions. So choose in advance: for operation or repair. If it is necessary to work at the factory, then it is definitely a repair.

Well, let's take a look:

  • operation: deciphered line, EOM operator, dresser, line operator;
  • repair: locksmith, technician, flaw detector, inspector, car inspector.

Conductors and machinery

Maybe someone asks at once: “What about the drivers and conductors? Why didn’t you think about them?” But they didn’t tell him that they had their own. Establish courses for assistant drivers and conductors. The drivers will begin to work even after it will take them an hour, for example, 2 hours. The guides are charting their course.

Before speaking, please note that in colleges and colleges they begin with the driver's assistant (for electric trains, for example). It is not obligatory to study in the courses "Technical operation of a dry warehouse." At this point, all students begin to begin theory, work in laboratories, and begin practical work.

Chi varto go?

Remember that you have serious health problems: bad hearing, disrespect, lack of self-esteem, irrationality, freckling, neurological illness, bad eyesight, heart disease, weak judges, that problem is under pressure, more simply wear your clothes. The profession "Technical operation of a dry warehouse slick" requires the worker to be respectful and obvious good health. It is possible, of course, for the sake of interest, to gain awareness and be a prisoner without a diploma; no one will be protected. Before the internship, you will need to undergo compulsory medical examination (a medical examination is not required, since you do not intend to immediately go on a flight as a driver’s assistant or a conductor).

The axis includes several points related to the profession "Technical operation of a dry warehouse." Any nuances may arise during the selection of planting or in the process of work. The salary of a technician in such a profession is small, but reliability and psycho-emotional (or physical) demands are great.

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