Volunteer movement is a sociocultural phenomenon.

Hut MOSCOW, February 13 - RIA Noviny. The famous scribe Zakhar Prelepin became the intercessor of the commander of one of the battalions of the self-governed Donetsk. people's republic


For Prilepin, the main proof is in combat zones.

In the past, he already served as the commander of the riot police unit, taking part in both Chechen campaigns.

In 2016, a new writer began working on the book “Platoon: Officers and Militia of Russian Literature,” dedicated to military biographies of poets of the Golden Age.

Behind the words of the author, we want to create a stereotype “about Russian literature as a success of humanists.”

Apparently, the trip to Donbas was also inspired by the great successors, including Prelepin, that “Russian classics in identical situations behaved like this: they rode quietly and took the side of their people, and most often I'll pick it up in my hands."

Alexander Pushkin

In 1829, the family sings from the proposal of Natalia Goncharova, who, having abandoned her betrothed mother’s sickness, went to the Caucasus in annoyance, where at that time the German military campaign had ended with Turecchyna under kerivnits om Field Marshal Ivan Paskevich.

Pushkin came to shine in the battle on the top of Soganlug, but at the insistence of the commander, who was not willing to take responsibility for the safety of his beloved poet, having suddenly lost the front line and moved to Tiflis.

Vasil Zhukovsky and Petro Vyazemsky

In addition to his reputation as a good warrior, the count took away the love of his fellow soldiers with his confessions.

These “Sevastopol reports”, directed at the outbreak of military operations, launched an attack on Emperor Alexander II, who ordered to take care of the talented officer.

Mykola Gumilyov One of the most famous front-line writers Srіbnogo viku

bv Mykola Gumilyov.

Despite his poor health, he sings about the exploits of Russian officers who fought as volunteers before Abyssinia.

Gumilyov went on an expedition to Africa, visiting Turkey and Egypt.

At the beginning of the First World War, the Uhlan Regiment, which is strictly assigned to the Life Guards, has signed up for the front and is now registered. For their participation in intelligence operations, Gumil’s trichy was awarded the St. George’s Cross. In 1917, after a severe illness, he was sent to the Russian expeditionary corps in Paris, serving as an aide-de-camp to the commissar of the Timchasov order.

Mikhailo Zoshchenko

Vidomy, a satirist writer, was a participant in three wars.

Persha Svetov served as an ensign, having recovered from a shrapnel wound in the leg, a heart defect that was inherited during the gas attack and five orders for military merit.

In 1919, Zoshchenko was released from service in the health camp.

One of the few front-line writers still alive, Danilo Granin sent to the front in the 22nd division. people's militia.

In the first river of the Great White War, having taken part in the battles near Pskov and on the Pulkovo Heights, they tried to prevent the Germans from breaking through to Leningrad, resulting in two injuries.

One of Granin’s remaining novels, “My Lieutenant,” dedicated to the hardships of the first months of the war, won the “Great Book” award and created a great resonance among the marriage. I have published a book about social volunteering in Russia with public access. Social volunteering.

Theory and practice"

As Yuri Belanovsky told the kerivnik to the Rukh, the book of representations has a unique testimony of the Danielians who share with the reader.

“The entire circulation of the book has exploded.

  • Perhaps, the surplus was saved in some online stores, but in Russia everything has been distributed.
  • We also published the electronic version of the book.
  • It is not Zannaya’s fault to lie under the castle, the stench may bring harm to people.
  • Today, social volunteering is a very fashionable phenomenon.
  • There is a growing demand for crises in the minds, if we spend money on kindness and are tempted to short-lived.
  • This is a collection of materials about the organization of social volunteer activities in the field to inform our society, starting with obscure thoughts about the nature of volunteering, and ending with practical notes about how work can be organized and with children in the hospital, even before that, what games can be played with sick children.
  • We respectfully ensure that these materials are accessible to a wider range of people.”
  • ,” said Yuri Belanovsky.
  • A collection of recommendations for those who want to create a volunteer movement, who think about it.
  • And for those who are already working, but still feel the difficulties.
  • From the book you will learn:
  • Volunteers are urgently needed at the children's hospital;

what’s wrong with spontaneous volunteering “from the streets”;

how to become a volunteer;

about the main objectives of volunteering; about how to get volunteers; State Duma RF on the right huge ob'ednan and religious organizations

Hegumen Petro Eremeev, priest of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Stavropegic Monastery, rector of the Russian Orthodox University

Rustam Zakiev, Director of the Department of Social Projects, UC RUSAL

Maria Zakharova, Director of Communications social development, Novard Group of Companies

Oleksiy Sinelnikov, chief editor of the newspaper "Miy District"

Archpriest Dmitro Klimov, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd region

Natalia Dolina, general director European Center for Business Coaching

Director of the Center for monitoring huge marriage and non-profit sector, head of the department of economics and management in non-state non-profit organizations, Ph.D. sociol. Sciences I.V.


Senior scientific specialist at the Center for Research on Community Sustainment and the Non-Profit Sector, Candidate of Philological Sciences N.V.




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Robin Hood: take from the rich and give to the poor

Volunteering as a social phenomenon has only been formalized in the other half of the 19th century, but people who are ready to help those in need have always been the same.

If you try to guess literary characters who will stand up for widows, kidnap orphans, protect the rights of the sick, I think about the decline of the hero of English folk ballads - the noble robber Robin Hood. The legendary archer from Sherwood Forest made money for good deeds in an illegal way - by robbing riches. However, Serednyovich’s war was at hand, since grant competitions, crowdfunding platforms and social protection had not yet disappeared.

The works of Agnia Barto from the cycle “Vovka is a good soul” are one of the first works that children learn about, why they need to do good work and help those who are homeless.

The main character has more than five fates, but his responsibility is not blamed for his fate. Vovka will help to quiet down the quiet, silent ones, replace the little girl of his older brother, and clear the football field with the wind. "Most of the good things Vova does in relation to friends, relatives, domestic animals, and at the top of “It’s Hot” she has a government-run volunteer campaign. When the place Zagorsk is snowy

summer bake A wolf is a kind soul, and also three little ones, and a whole lot of cotton extract the paper and distribute it to the baked masses.

It is good for Agnia Barto to give a positive lesson to children, and to remind adults how important it is not to spoil a little bit of goodness.

At the final part of the cycle, Vovka becomes an elder and begins to lose his nature: no way

“Such a mature person seems to be a good person.”

The boy is going through a serious crisis and is about to become a suicide bomber, but no one comes to his aid.

Timur Garayev: before the upcoming war Photo: best-lekarstva.ru Call books, permeated with ideology, doomed to oblivion. Arkady Gaidar's story "Timur and his team" managed to survive the collapse of the socialist order, and even the title of the main character became nominal. People of the older generation still call current volunteers “Timurites.”

At a dacha village near Moscow, a group of helpers, together with Timur Garaev, secretly helps the families of Red Army soldiers: carry water, put firewood in the firewood, find special domestic animals.

The Timurians mark the houses of their children with a red mirror.

The activity of the cotton workers is not limited to peaceful activities. They will gain a decisive victory over the role of Otaman Vedmedic Kvakin - the rose-cutters of country gardens.. From the very beginning this was the name given to volunteer soldiers. One of the most beautiful applications of military volunteering is

Vietnamese literature - this is the hero of detective novels by Boris Akunin, Erast Fandorin.".

After the tragic events described in the novel "Azazel", the detective experiences a spiritual breakdown. You, a titular soldier behind the line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was not threatened by the prospect of becoming a participant in military operations. Fandorin himself decided to contribute to the Serbian-Turkish war as a volunteer.

To the utmost, the idea was filled with “hisistic mortification”: “

the sight of someone else's pain makes it easier to experience your own

At the front, Fandorin fought two years before the defeat of the army of the Serbian commander-in-chief Mikhail Chernyaev, after which he had to wander through the mountains and shoot (" Thank God, it looks like it didn’t hit anyone"), get drunk and make a successful escape, recover the girl who got lost, and help the Russian army in capturing the unsafe spy.

Hermione Granger: get your money's worth

Photo: 1zoom.ru

The main heroine of the Harry Potter novels, Hermione Granger, is most often perceived as an intellectual, or sometimes as a

good friend

I’m just blushing. During the breaks between lessons and cramming, the head maid at Hogwarts found time for enormous activity. Hermione grew up in a family of ordinary people and, having learned about the origins of the magical world, was surrounded by the life of the Budinka elves, who are enslaved by enchanters.

To rectify the situation, the girl created an organization to change the status of magical sources.

Only their friends, some of them obvious strangers, came to the rescue.

Perhaps there would be more volunteers, if the name GAVNE is not dubious - the Community Association for the Renewal of Independence of the Elves (in the original it sounds SPEW and is translated as “vomit”).

The oppressed people themselves did not feel the sentiments against slavery, but Hermione’s attempts to bind them to clothes and get a salary were taken as an image.

The misfortunes did not dampen the fighting spirit.

Hermione earned her rewards through pardons and continued the fight against injustice using other methods.

Having become a member of the Ministry of Magic, she soon saw many positive changes in the life of the world of enchanters.

Scientific quarry: Nagaeva S.K.,

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

Abakan 2010


1.2 Conflicts among young people


It is completely obvious that one of the important signs of volunteering is the social significance of work, which is the end of it.

It brings to life the need for light, freedom, security, justice, and also promotes the preservation and appreciation of human values, the greatest conflicts.

The work of volunteers is not just a specific action, but a positive example that others can inherit.

Speaking about how the situation with volunteering in Russia has changed over the past few years, we must first note that his ideology is changing.

There is a tendency to overestimate the sense of volunteerism. Volunteerism has great prospects. However, no one can become a volunteer, and no one can become a volunteer.

Volunteers and their organizations are engaged in volunteer projects on the basis of a special decision, initiating and fulfilling the goals and ideals of volunteerism. Volunteers are not “cheap labor force”; their initiative and energy are generated before work for their voluntary duties and are the primary element of their work. It is possible, for this reason, that the stink should be approached to the highest order to stand in front of them. Volunteer initiatives are expanding into any area

human activity- work from the socially unprotected backgrounds of the population;

work within the framework of informal education, directly based on intercultural learning; development of projects;

peacefulness; conflictology; :


environmental protection;

activation of the population.

Proceed that all these spheres are subject to sufficient equality. Therefore, the problem of volunteer mediation has become more relevant today in the face of increasing conflict situations. Object

research within this

course work

Volunteering as an idea of ​​social service is as old as the concept of “society”.

In the past, the marriage had people whose self-realization required work for the benefit of the marriage, in which the stench was born and grew. However, as early as the 20th century, during the war on the European continent, volunteerism began to give rise to a global phenomenon. After the First World War, in 1920, in France, near Strasbourg, the first volunteer project was created with the participation of German and French youth, in which volunteers established war farms in the area the place of the most intense battles between German and French troops.

From that moment on, volunteering took off on a global scale. Volunteering has various forms, types, and trivialities of activity.

The term “volunteering” was not known to Russia until the mid-80s of the 20th century. Until now, people were called “volunteers” because during the war, they were not following the mobilization agenda for military service , they set out to seize their land, and so it was until the First World War, and until the Great Vedic. And the party was blocked, and various alliances and associations became suspicious.

Benevolence served mercy and at the same time expressed the enormous position of the democratic intelligentsia, which was often of a complex nature.

Since the 20th century, the history of the voluntary participation of people in long-standing activities has been ideologically grounded and the term “volunteering” or “volunteering” has emerged. Volunteer (French volontaire, Latin voluntarius) -

From that moment on, volunteering took off on a global scale. a person who voluntarily entered military service. In some powers, the system of volunteering before the introduction of military service was the main way of recruiting armies. - In the 18th-19th centuries in the Austro-Ugric region, France and Italy, volunteer battalions and regiments were formed, which joined the regular army.

In the other half of the 19th century, in most countries, the volunteer system lost its significance;

lost as a way of recruiting an army from Great Britain and as an addition to the regular army, especially in times of war, from other powers. This is unpaid, informed, voluntary activity for the benefit of others. This meaning is the broadest.

But it does not completely highlight the essence of volunteerism. Volunteer activity is one of the types of beneficial activity and is subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Beneficial Activity and Beneficial Organizations” No. 135-FZ, section 7 line 1 995 rub. The Law states that "

volunteer- practical volunteer activity of young people from the subject of current problems, which works without prejudice and gives a socializing influx to the subject of activity.

Volunteer activity- there is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms mutual assistance and self-help, official services and other forms of community participation that operate voluntarily for the benefit of a wide range without spending a penny on the grapevine.

Let's take a look at the main aspects of volunteerism:

The volunteer’s activity is aimed at achieving specific goals and does not comply with his principles;

Volunteerism (no one can be harmed by acting as a volunteer);

Free of charge (the volunteer’s work is not paid, but the volunteer’s expenses associated with his activity can be compensated);

Integrity (a volunteer who has volunteered to quit another job is responsible for completing it);

Legality (the activity of a volunteer is subject to compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Volunteer initiatives are expanding to include any sphere of human activity - work with socially vulnerable groups of the population (disabled, elderly, marginalized);

work within the framework of informal education, directly based on intercultural learning; development of projects that promote the spirit of social tolerance; peacekeeping, increased conflict;

environmental protection;

1.2 Conflicts among young people

Conflict is always a complicated and richly planned social phenomenon.

Many different parties take their part: individuals, social groups, national-ethnic communities, powers and groups of countries, united by these and other goals and interests. Conflicts arise from various reasons and motives: psychological, economic, political, valuable, religious, etc. With the necessary and sufficient minds, the guilt of the conflict is evident among the subjects

social interaction

prolongation of direct motives chi sudzhen.

And also the stand between them. Conflict is a conflict between mutually direct goals, interests, positions, thoughts and subjects. There are main types of conflict: internal conflict, intersocial conflict, conflict between individuals and groups, and intergroup conflict.

· Internal special conflict can be accepted different shapes.

One of the broadest forms is role conflict, when up to one person is extremely sensitive to what the result of his work may be.

· Inter-social conflict.

This type of conflict is perhaps the most widespread.

· Interpersonal conflict is a conflict between adjacent individuals in the process of social and psychological interaction. The causes of such conflicts are both socio-psychological and special.

· Before the former, it is clear: the loss and creation of information in the process of interpersonal communication, the unbalanced role of interaction between two people, the importance of the methods of assessing the activity and the particularity of one another, voltage Inter-Socialist Centuries

· , anger of power, psychological nonsense.· Conflicts between individuals and groups.

· Cultural aspect means sleepiness and vigor cultural decline, achievements and values, peer education, moral standards and aesthetic conformity, worldview, religion.

· Pobutovian aspect beats different people's minds.

· Social-psychological aspect shows the installation in the process of spitting, everyday life, at work, at school and university, on the street and at home, between fathers and children.

· Ethnic aspect characterizes the situation between peoples, signifies the nature of interethnic conflicts.

The English sociologist E. Giddens gave the following meaning to the conflict: “Before the conflict, I respect the real struggle between lively people or in groups, regardless of what the threads of the struggle are, and the ways and means that are mobilized by the skin on both sides.”

Conflict is a reality everywhere.

Skin consolidation, skin social group, social cohesion are in other ways similar to conflicts.

Often people are simultaneously concerned about their fate in several different conflicts, which do not drain their particular resources.

Having said that, it should be noted that there are several types of conflicts, among them typical for the youth environment: conflicts between individuals and between groups.

Thus, intergenerational conflicts arise, their basis lies between the old and tired, and the new, less tried and more active.

Regardless of the fact that the main types of conflicts characteristic of the youth are intergenerational, inter-social and inter-group, internal conflicts are still relevant for young people There is less width.

However, conflicts may be of a temporary nature and require not only correct and timely diagnosis, but also greater success.

1.3 Conflicts in the practice of volunteerism

There were two approaches to the greatest expansion of the intense conflict.

In general, conflict is defined as a conflict between sides, thoughts, forces, etc.

very wide.

With this approach, conflicts are possible in inanimate nature.

Another approach lies in the general conflict as a reflection of the protracted goals, interests, positions, thoughts and views of the opponents and subjects of each other.

The participants in the conflict are surrounded by a group of people.

Conflict can be understood as a type of complex situation.

Yakshcho Viditi Iz Psychological Subnenst confliktu, then with yogo virishheni vin can be a bouty -guppy yak one Iz type of important situy, vinike in the process of life -like people, so social groups.

In their practice, volunteers most often deal with either the legacy of conflict situations, or with a “neglected” conflict, or with a conflict as a complex situation.

For volunteers, when important situations arise, it is necessary to observe their hidden signs:

· Detection of the problem, awareness of the specificity of the threat, moving towards the implementation of any goals, motives;

· There may not be an objective threat, but people, for mercy, perceive the situation as important.

The reason may be his lack of preparation, causing confusion;

· Real objective factors can be identified (threat of death, unsafe accident), but people do not know about them and do not recognize the situation as important;

· Particularity can recognize difficult situations, but it is not necessary to be unduly important to them;

· The situation may be even more significant for the individual, but without knowing a solution, a person may succumb to psychological depression and give up on it, even if only frequently;

· The situation may be objectively difficult, but knowledge and certainty allow you to pay without any special difficulties.

The main direct activity of volunteers in the face of conflicts is helping people who have suffered from a difficult life situation. Volunteers provide assistance by treating all important situations in life, here we can include not only an objective warehouse, but also signs and types of such situations. Today's volunteers, in the face of increasing conflict situations, are consigning themselves to the role of non-professional

social worker

And I feel like calling a psychologist.

They help people without obvious knowledge, most often necessary, and on an intuitive level.

The process of resolution of any conflict consists of three stages.

The first one - the preparer - is the diagnosis of the conflict.

The other is the development of strategy and technology.

The third is the implementation of a complex of methods and features.

Diagnosis of the conflict will determine the development of the conflict.

Vaughn follows this method: · Development of ways to reach participants in conflictual interactions;· Implementation or transfer of the conflict to a different, more calm stage.

Diagnosis of a conflict includes: a) a description of its visible manifestations (situations, crises, etc.); b) determined level of development of the conflict;

c) identifying the causes of the conflict and its nature; d) varying intensity; e) selection of the sphere of width.

Effective resolution of conflict is possible through the manifestation of active minds and the implementation of the principles of conflict management. Before the first, the following should be stated: the visibility of the organizational and legal mechanism of the conflict; enough

high rhubarb

· Conflicting parties show readiness to resolve the problem, but cannot find a solution;

· The centrality of the parties to the conflict is seriously complicated or reinforced, and the participation of a third party can accommodate changes in this situation;

· For conflicting parties, it is important to preserve and prolong mutual relations;

· Participants in the conflict are focused on control over the decisions made;

· For opponents, such an aspect of the division of differences as confidentiality is important.

Acting as a mediator in high-level conflict situations among young people, the volunteer helps mothers deal with a variety of problems.

For us, the stench is associated with the high level of conflict among the youth. Also, do not forget about the fact that as a result of mediation, a volunteer may become involved in a conflict. Analysis of literature from conflictology, and more precisely, the rise of conflicts showing what emerges

different methods

Their advantages, which can be considered in practice for the mediation of volunteers in high-conflict situations among youth: 1. The greatest conflict with the organization of the essence and the replacement of the essence. In this case it is necessary:

· revise the drive

valid reasons

conflict, which is often disguised by its participants;

· Significance of the basis;

· Understand the true motives for people to enter into conflict.

2. Increased conflict with the resolution of your goals.

It is very important to clearly identify the goals of the conflicting parties, to clearly distinguish between the characteristics of interpersonal and business interactions.

In this manner, it is important to note that differences will appear in the future, the chain of expression of the powerful thoughts of the young.


Don’t forget that volunteers are direct people who come to help wherever necessary.

And also, its help is timely and necessary in case of increased conflicts among young people.

It is important to respect that the volunteers themselves are placed in the youth center, and that the same conflicts that are for the youth will be typical and the same for them, and will also be close and understandable to them.

Thus, based on the learned and analyzed material from conflictology and volunteering, it can be seen that this topic is relevant today.

It is important that the most acceptable form of conflict for a volunteer to overcome is mediation, if the volunteer acts as a third party, consistent with constructive discussion and resolution of the problem.

The most optimal methods for solving conflicts by volunteers were identified.

Their approach can help mediate work in high-conflict situations to be more productive and meaningful.

Accurate results will allow us to delve deeper into this topic.

It can now be assumed that the effectiveness of volunteering in high-conflict situations among young people will increase over time as their knowledge grows. The need for volunteers to move forward, to expand their capabilities in response to important situations, to improve methods and methods of action. List of references

1. Aksionov I.M.

Youth conflicts [

Electronic resource

] // http://otherreferats./sociology/00016953_0.html

2. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology: A handbook for universities.- M: UNITI, 1999. - 591 p.

3. Baradachov I. Volunteer Movement [Electronic resource] // http://www.rusal.ru/volonters.aspx 4. Nathnennya Benevolent Fund, History of Volunteerism [Electronic resource] // http://www.vdohnovenie.org/blago/history/dobrovol.php 5. Future is in your hands, Development of volunteerism [Electronic resource] // http://youth.crno.ru/pro/volunteer/

6. Burtova E.V.


Head of the guide


– 2002. [Electronic resource] // http://www.i-u.ru/biblio/archive/unknown_konflictions/56.aspx

7. Vdovina M.V.

Intergenerational conflicts in today's world

16. Youth volunteer initiatives [Electronic resource] // http://www.kpmp.ru/programmy_molodezhnoj_politiki/molodezhnye_ob_edineniya/molodezhnye_dobrovolcheskie_iniciativy

17. Youth conflicts.

[Electronic resource] // http://www.zachetka.ru/referat/preview.aspx?


18. Morozov A.V.

Business psychology.

– St. Petersburg, 2000. – 370 p.

19. Trans-Galno-Russian volunteer social activities [Electronic resource] // http://www.fondsozidanie.ru/news/?


20. Regulations on the activities of volunteers [Electronic resource] // http://www.prpc.ru/met_nko/portf_22.shtml 21. Having understood the conflict, I will show the main risks and forms.[Electronic resource] // http://www.ckct.org.ru/study/confl/confl6.shtml

22. Mediation.

[Electronic resource] // http://www.ref.by/refs/51/37310/1.html

28. 23. Russian youth: problems and solutions / Moscow Center for Social Forecasting, 2005. - 648 pages. 24. Sergiy Ponomarev.

About kindness without sentimentality.

[Electronic resource] // http://www.hro.org/node/6983

25. Vocabulary z

Suspension Sciences


Glossary.ru [Electronic resource] // http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/gl_social/article/18/180_48.HTM

26. Sosidenko L.V.

Conflict and barriers to spilting.

Sosidenko L.V.

Conflict and barriers to spilting.

[Electronic resource] //http://psychology.net.ru/articles/content/1086788449.html

Burtova O.V. Conflictology: Basic handbook.- 2002. [Electronic resource] // http://www.i-u.ru/biblio/archive/unknown_konflictions/56.aspx

Morozov A.V.

Business psychology.

Call books, permeated with ideology, doomed to oblivion.

Arkady Gaidar's story "Timur and His Team" managed to survive the collapse of the socialist order, and the main character became nominal.

People of the older generation still call current volunteers “Timurites.” At a dacha village near Moscow, a group of helpers, together with Timur Garaev, secretly helps the families of Red Army soldiers: carry water, put firewood in the firewood, find special domestic animals. The Timurians mark the houses of their children with a red mirror.

The activity of the cotton workers is not limited to peaceful activities.

Having not entered the institute, Sergei Krasheninnikov (Krosh) comes to his grandfather in a small town and is assigned to work for the road maintenance crew. Along the way, alarm bells are working to reveal a soldier’s grave. Krosh takes up the installation of the individual

dead fighter

, simultaneously fighting against manifestations of human cruelty and callousness. The story runs parallel to two plots at the hour and under the hour of war. Three years old, like Vasily, Zoya and Marata, was a short-growing cotton boy (Kingfisher), who whistled like an oriole, wearing a jacket clipped into two tails.

Having cut off the gate with a parachute, having secured the place... And then realizing that they couldn’t find him, they shot the guards – perhaps half of the village.

And having given himself into the hands of the fascists, who shot him... or perhaps he still lost his life? And perhaps this powerful teacher of the boys is Sergiy Ivanovich? The film adaptation of the story was made in 1972.

It turns out that he walks the dogs absolutely carefree - they are different all the time.

With strangers.

The setter has a hospodar to walk from the police, he can’t collapse too much.

There was no one to keep an eye on the boxer - the rulers had left, and the dog on the balcony was alive, and still needed to please the poor man.