Scholarship programs in Russia.

Golovna What does this scholarship mean for every person - it pays to study in the process of completing it. As a rule, they are considered

six months of help for a song sum. What is DAAD?


community organization

from Germany, which is associated with a large number of universities. Regardless of its voluntary nature, DAAD also supports a large number of both initial depositors and foreign students. Scholarship programs are just one part of their activities, and this material is dedicated to scholarships themselves. DAAD scholarships are payments to foreign students that allow them to fully or partially compensate expenses for their studies after studies in Germany..

Who can apply for viplata? We have noted the post-university nature of scholarship programs several times. The main directions are rightly assigned

  • graduates of high initial mortgages
  • However, there are also problems that allow you to apply for payment
  • for students
  • The program is great, and the stench does not lie in
  • I'll stay with you
  • region of residence.

They can also be qualified based on obvious evidence:

For students. For summer courses and educational trips. Students are accepted no less for another course of study.


Bachelor's degree graduates are accepted, incl. students of remaining courses Postgraduate studies.

Doctoral studies.

Advanced qualifications.

Science developments. Regulations for all programs under DAAD

Let us remember once again that there are a lot of DAAD scholarship programs.

It is important that this method will ensure the most independent choice.

Rhubarb Volodinna German mine

Behind the blame of the most important courses, the main programs depend on the availability of peer certificates minimum B1.

However, there are some mistakes, despite learning English, knowledge of this language may be accepted.

How many grants can you apply for? This is one of the most unambiguous foods. You can apply for one hour, including

for one

scholarship program under DAAD.

However, within the framework of one message, you can enter up to three direct directions - about this report. It would be difficult to look at all the programs; there would be too many of them to put into one article. We will look at the main ones for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, and the fragments of the great new programs for these countries.
I had already guessed what to lie under the level of obvious illumination. Based on these criteria, you can classify the main programs: Rhubarb of flood lighting
I had already guessed what to lie under the level of obvious illumination. Program, term Scholarship Students Please note the group price for 7 - 12 days for students of 2 - 6 courses.
50 euros per day International courses for 3 – 4 years per hour summer holidays
for students no lower than 2nd year bachelor's degree. 950 euros per course + travel Students - Germanists
Advanced qualifications for students of general (professional pedagogical) degrees of 4 – 6 courses. I hang low Students - Germanists
Bachelors Those who have a bachelor's degree, as well as graduate courses in all specialties - from 10 months to 2 years. 850 euros per month
Graduates of creative professions For artists, musicians, architects, actors, directors, etc. 850 euros per month
There are programs for 1 - 2 days. Master's degree Postgraduate studies for up to 4 years.

850 – 1,200 euros per month

Young forever

Short-term scientific projects (1 – 6 months) and “river” projects (7 – 10 months) were transferred.


Lines vipay for the program

Viplati is transferred to the entire period of navchannya. However, for programs that have completed more than 1 year, scholarships may be considered less initially to the first river

, and their continuation at the next hour will depend on the success/results demonstrated at the first stage. It’s hard to guess what the skin program is great number

particularities, zocrema.

and when submitting documents and reviewing the application.

We will look at an example of one of the most popular scholarships - entry to a master's degree after completing a bachelor's degree in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Other programs are carried out according to a similar scheme, but with the peculiarities (especially the list of documents) of a specific scholarship. Croc 1. Serving term Regardless of its specificity, the application is submitted approximately one hour and immediately before the DAAD representative..

The acceptance of the application, as a rule, begins

z zhovtnya and it will end.

31 breasts

Applications will be accepted at the earliest possible date.

This is also acceptable for students in their final year courses.

While this is in progress, the student will have to finish his studies, receive his diploma, and submit his DAAD with a positive decision. Restore respect to the fact that foreigners who are already in Germany for other reasons, since the term for such a stay exceeds 15 months before participating in the programs not allowed

Term 2. Collection of documents This is one of the most difficult stages. First of all, it is necessary to carefully focus on the transfer of the necessary, and, in another way, to focus on the methods of supply.

In advance

Here you need to go beyond the necessity of translating documents. Anything written in a language other than German/English requires translation. However, for submitting an advance application online (additional deadline)

  1. no need to certify documents
  2. - The translation can be defeated by the applicant himself.
  3. When a person submits an application and has already started studying at the magistracy, a certificate of insurance is required.
  4. A special form that explains the choice of specific master's programs. You can download the forms by sending them: German, English. When pressed, there will be attraction
  5. Word document
  6. From the DAAD website - all responsibility for the replacement and security of the file lies with this organization.
  7. Recommendation (preferably in German or English, or with translation) from a VNZ professor, based on the applicant’s qualifications.

Diploma (if the university has been completed) or a copy of all pages of the document (as soon as it continues). Certificate of required level. DAAD acknowledges that the current certificate may not be included until you reach a specific date, if not

necessary for any emergency

, and what you have asked for may not have been looked at.

Motivation sheet

  • The next report is on the motivation sheet and together.
  • It is written that the scholarship is assigned to a specific program, or you can replace the same time with three programs assigned according to their priority for the applicant.
  • The sheet is folded into a loose shape, especially German, and must include:
  • Data about the illumination.
  • The presence of a diploma or its removal.
  • Proof of work directly from this, including internships, internships, etc. (as they are).
  • Knowledge of language, other skills, memory.
  • There are other certificates, diplomas, awards, awards, etc.
  • Motivation, which the applicant should read himself from the chosen one.
  • Why tsikavyy obrany navchalniy mortgage - why is this the same thing.
  • What does the applicant look for in advance, what are the results of the war?

Why, in the applicant’s opinion, can the scholarship be given?

How to pay to help achieve planned results.

Features, parallel interests and others.

The sheet is no less than one side A4, or no more than three.

  1. Croc 3
  2. Depending on the selected program, submitting an application via the Internet can be either mandatory or optional (the application will be sent by mail or courier). Online application - it’s just for review, and not for admission to the university. All assigned documents can be scanned for inclusion on the site.
  3. Respect!

  4. Registration and access to the portal are only available during the application acceptance period (mid-breast).
  5. At other times, the site is redirected to the database of scholarships, without the ability to hijack the system. From the special office, the application form will be distributed. Save it and paste the photo.
  6. Completed form and all documents

follow the order assigned to a specific program

be attracted to the site.

If the document is not German or English, then the original is initially attracted, and then the sheet with its translation. The application is being processed..

Right there – in a special account – you can monitor the status of the application and select additional supporting materials.

Lesson 4. Actually re-silencing the papers At this stage, special respect must be paid.!

There is no mention of sending documents for entry!

It's more than that

duplicate applications offline

All collected documents will be placed in an envelope and sent to the addresses specified below.

There is no need to use staplers, paper clips or folders. It is enough to put the paper in an envelope. These programs are subject to application submission by mail without online registration.

To restore respect, what is in this situation leaf may be sent until November 15th Postal addresses

Since the online application is open to everyone, the addresses of local representatives of DAAD in Russia are:

Addresses are current at the time of publication, but may be subject to change.

It is obligatory to clarify contact information at the time of submitting documents.

Krok 5.

I already knew that the application would be reviewed

double access often

  • : From now on, the local commission of DAAD is in charge, and, once again, it is praised and sent for review to the university.
  • The applicant may be notified about the skin stages.
  • Vikoristati
  • Science projects – up to 2150 euros per month.

Why are we turning to this point?

Because before us is the stage of visa cancellation, and therefore confirmation of payment opportunities.

For this purpose, it is necessary to calculate the costs for the initiation and feasibility of providing financial guarantees. Now we are moving to the next point. Do you need to pay for the scholarship? Required

, since the program is respected platne navchannya.

In other words, not all stinks are paid.

  • Most national universities respect the number of tuition fees. With this privacy, however, you can get a few pennies.
  • Plutanina blames herself at the stage of visa registration. Zdobuvach is guilty

confirm the availability of funds

And it is important that the scholarships are sufficient for everyone.

You can confirm either.

There’s a lot left over from the fact of paying for the work.

Let's look at the butts:

Butt 1

. The training is free of charge, and the stipend is 850 euros per month. Documents that confirm participation in the program will have sufficient financial guarantees.

  1. You can get insurance for a visa.
  2. Butt 2

. The tuition fee is 2,000 euros per semester, and the scholarship awarded is 850 euros. Only affiliation with the DAAD program is not sufficient for entry; you must confirm payment for the course.

In other words, the scholarship and possible payment for training do not compensate one at the time of visa application.

DAAD scholarships are another way to earn a living in Germany.

It’s not easy to get through the programs quickly - there’s a competition to get the best ones.

If you don’t kushtuvat, then you won’t be able to get anything.

We took a look at the food options available before applying for such scholarships. Now you can try your strength. Good luck 😉!

In contact with The current Russian student knows that you can live on a scholarship for a whole month, or just a little. It’s hard to hear stories about those that “I could get a ticket from your friend for a scholarship to fly to another place, live there for a day and fly home,” but not the mother of such possibility. It’s a waste of pennies, as the state sees it for a student, it’s unlikely that he can get a ticket for the intercity bus, so they’re talking about a flight. However, in addition to the standard state academic and state social scholarship There are clearly few alternative ways to increase your student income. For example, named personal scholarships. So

scholarship named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn paid 10 for the youngest students

regions that begin in the branches of journalism, literature and political science. The monthly sum is 1500 rubles, the payment period is 12 months. The criteria for selecting fellows are simple: a start on “good” and “excellent” for the entire hour, a start on literary creativity and (or) scientific research in Galusia

literary creativity , political science and journalism for students who seek exposure to literature and journalism. Here you are thinking seriously: the student may be the author literary creation

, first published over 2 years, in order to convey the recognition of the scholarship, being a winner and winner of the international, all-Russian, regional and regional Olympiads and others.

However, the amount is standard - 1,500 rubles per person for 10 scholarships. To avoid over-insurance of personal scholarships, you need to build on the “good” and “excellent” and provide low documents to complete your initial achievements. Taking one of these scholarships is very prestigious, but not so much to improve

financial situation . However, there are other options. For example, take part in the selection that Volodymyr Potanin’s charitable foundation is soon organizing.

“The scholarship program is the most great project V. Potanin's charitable foundation

, which dates back to 2000 years. During the implementation of the program, scholarships and grants were awarded to 17 thousand students and graduates from 83 universities in Russia. Scholarships and grant recipients of the Foundation share the following values: an active position in life, creativity, the importance of changing oneself and changing one’s life,” as reported on the foundation’s website.

The Potanin Foundation is rightfully considered unique; students all over Russia become its scholarship recipients, which is a great success. And, of course, the penny support is not worth it - a nominal scholarship in the amount of 15,000 rubles until the end of the term.(The established scholarship amount is 8000 rubles).

“Our selection is for talented young guys who want to develop in the sphere of corporate business and entrepreneurialism, but at the same time do not forget to study well at the university and learn from their skills and other specialties captivity,” is listed on the foundation’s website. Students who are majoring in finance, credit and international economics can compete for scholarship to VTB Bank (2300 rubles). Students who are engaged in scientific research activities may be subject to scholarship to Rosatom the size is 5000 rubles, and those who begin on the “Architecture and everyday life” directive -

scholarship to the Foundation for the development of living standards (5000 rubles). Scholarship Oxford Russian Foundation(3500 rubles) can please students who will learn directly: history, archeology, history and theory of mysticism, cultural studies, secular literature, political science, law, psychology, , philology, philosophy, economics, ethics and religion.

And sociology students can determine scholarship to the VTsIOM Foundation for sizes 2500 or 3500 rubles.

The program “Lift in May” will greatly benefit hundreds of students of various specialties (5,000 rubles).

Well, that's not all, it turns out

  • scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation
  • (2200 rubles) and Government of the Russian Federation (1400 rubles), and Presidential (7000 rubles) and Government (5000 rubles) scholarships, which are awarded to students and graduate students, which begin priority modernization economics directly, for special scientific achievements.
  • It turned out that there are not so few ways to increase your initial scholarship, such as being active, talented and having good success in your studies. Have fun!;
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), an organization that brings together all German assets and promotes the development of academic exchanges abroad, first through student and student exchanges. The primary goals of the organization include: obtaining foreign young scientific personnel to begin scientific research activities in Germany and, if possible, saving long-term partnership investments with them;

These goals are consistently identified in more than 200 programs. These programs are recognized for all parts of the world for all scientific purposes. The stench, however, is as brown as that of foreigners and Germans.

In addition, DAAD provides support to the largest initial contributions from its international activities for additional services - information programs, marketing programs, advisory assistance, assistance to students and scientific professionals .

The DAAD, on a consultative basis, takes the part of the mold foreign policy Nothing in the history of culture and science. Program and project DAAD DAAD to carry out over 200 program projects through short-line exchange with the method

scientific research or starting up to a large number of scholarships for dissertations for applicants from the countries that are developing, from informational visits of foreign delegations of rectors of future structures of the greatest initial deposits in the countries of the third world.

All DAAD programs are, in principle, open to all sciences in all corners of the world on a two-way basis.

In some cases, the framework and mental exchanges are fixed in interstate affairs about the cultural diversity of the two countries or on the basis of the DAAD’s relationships with foreign partner organizations.

  • As a rule, in this case there are substantive proposals of the partner party, such as bilateral scholarships, additional services of the party that receives,
  • possible payment

for training with VNZ, etc.

  • For data for 1999 rubles. The value of the increase in the number of scholarships seen by the DAAD is indicated.
  • 34,237 Germans and 25,807 foreigners received financial support from the DAAD.
  • Representation of DAAD in St. Petersburg:

  • Scientific and postgraduate scholarships, 6 months, century – up to 35 years.
  • For students of natural and technical sciences: for graduate students and young researchers.
  • Scientific internship, 3 months, century – up to 45 years.

For investors at the scientific level.

  • Scientific internship for senior and university graduates: 1-3 months, century – up to 65 years.
  • These are the results of all specialties that lead to the scientific level of a candidate or doctor of science.

Programs for postgraduate studies

  • Scholarships for postgraduate studies: from 10 months to 2 years, from today – up to 27 years.
  • Completion of a master's degree or special introductory courses at the postgraduate education system (Aufbaustudiengang) with the aim of obtaining a German certificate of education. Initial practice at Nіmechchina. Initial practice in German universities and in enterprises for the support of IAESTE: 2-3 months.

Students of natural sciences, engineering, agricultural and forestry sciences. Propositions for special programs - Special program AT Siemens and DAAD The final course of postgraduate studies at a German university and the completion of a dissertation in Germany.

Research scholarships for Russian postgraduate students who submit a dissertation from Russia for up to 3 years: from 12 months to 24 months. Vishiv graduates who received a diploma no more than 2 years ago. University graduates with a specialist or master's degree who started at a Russian university with one of the disciplines in the field of engineering sciences,

natural sciences

(physics, biology, chemistry), as well as mathematics and computer sciences, in order to obtain a PhD thesis in Germany and Russia.

  • Submission of applications for participation in these programs is possible through Veddil
  • academic mobility
  • Department of External Relations.
  • Presidential Scholarship

Russian Federation

for navchannya behind the cordon

Grant programs within the framework of the regular benefits of the Russian Federation from foreign countries (list of countries presented on the website) for the organization of academic mobility provide students, postgraduates and graduates with training or internships abroad, That is why I will often pay for the cost of the receiving side.

Candidates and the procedure for participating in the competition will depend on the mobility program.

Catalog of program presentations on the website of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The programs are coordinated by the Ministry.

The Department of Academic Mobility informs the Department of External Relations about current competitions and provides support in the preparation of necessary documents. Grant program for the District of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarish" Since 2006, the republic has initiated the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.

Minnikhanov is implementing a grant program for the Republic of Tatarstan for the training, retraining and internship of citizens in Russian and foreign scientific and scientific organizations.

Tse persha

regional program

This kind of thing is the case in Russia. Students can withdraw a grant for studying abroad within the framework of advanced diploma programs from the partner university KFU, as well as for starting master's programs with a completed diploma.

Graduates, graduates and scientists can withdraw a grant for completing an overseas internship (from 1 to 3 months).

Detailed information about benefits for candidates, the application procedure, etc.

(physics, biology, chemistry), as well as mathematics and computer sciences, in order to obtain a PhD thesis in Germany and Russia.

The variety of countries, universities and disciplines participating in the program can be found on the Program website. availability of bachelor's/faculty's qualifications; a document confirming entry/enrollment in master's and postgraduate programs with a foreign official;

together with the minds of the programs, including continuing your career with leading

Russian companies