Current person posting php t. "about everyday people." The role of the current person


Today's man. Is a human a creature or a human? The man is in marriage. Image of a current man.

We have already been on guard many times over this, as the marriage of the true evils and evils of men: harm, beating, plundering, beatings... The current Russian man has become and not a man at all.

"She took yogo"


"Wondered Yogo"

"Won't you DOVILA"...

The picture appears clearly: an unfortunate dog, unrecognized for his actions, a guardian of the situation and a victim of provocation from the side of the individual, who was obliged to adhere to the rules of safety when interacting with the unreasonable, and was obliged to bear responsibility There’s nothing for his reaction, even if only he won’t give it away.

This is a great picture of society, not going into details, not noting problems.

And the problem with victimblaming is that people are respected by purely rational principles, such as whether they beat them, or talk to them, or beat them up...

Why don't you look at them?

We continue to follow the various instructions:

“Don’t go out on the streets at night, there are inappropriate dogs walking around”, “Walk wrapped up from head to toe in boots, so that there is less chance of provoking the dog”, “Don’t be alone with the beast, because it could completely kill you”... The man reveals there is like a lack of control and a careless little animal.

So why are we worried, turning around in the evening from our homework and work, to turn back and get excited, so that crazy people can follow us? Girls who respect that men are people and go with them to have fun, whose fault? No, so naively respects the whole world.

Let the arthropods walk around with muzzles and habits in large towns, otherwise the brothers will begin to blame for their actions, without any “human nature”, “instability of the psyche”, “greedy infusion of testosterone”... Why the hell I have the right to marry women Why is it bad for someone who has a shoot between his legs?

Or creatures, people.

We are provoked by all the links in provoking the victims, but we have not yet been successfully provoked, we have not divided the accused into pieces of meat.

Believe the truth for the sake of the usual things without thinking, but walk around the parks at night naked and think that no one is being treated worse.

A man is either a male or a dog, there are tame dogs, or, for example, wild owls, or sometimes like animals, pigs, for example.

Why are these creatures not people?

What the hell is that bullshit? All the coupons have been collected. The image of a modern man representations of such a dick, unable to control his instincts, at the same time with complete inadequacy and mania for killing

Nothing can justify violence. No one has the right to favor anyone, without reciprocity.

Right. The people got crazy. The current Russian man is like that - a wild, uncontrolled creature. You need to go to jail for any crime. Otherwise, Gvaltivniki will be convicted.

A post from an unsatisfied and abandoned aunt. Simply funny!

And I always laughed with those “you took him there.” And he’s such a big goat on a motorcycle, he took it and stood up.

I don’t fight, but they’ll just scratch. I wish I could carry a gas cylinder with me or a lower one, because it’s so calm, because the situation of carnage in life is so bad, and a hopeless girl is even more likely to be afraid of reality, so it’s better not to walk alone at night . The rights are not to be toiled, but to be valued.

She realized that it would be better not to walk alone in the future. Everything is overwhelming, if it seems that the victim herself is guilty. Today's man a priori innocent, because the woman was guilty, you see, she walked around on her own, got drunk.

It's funny. I, of course, understand everything, but... Nothing, what about all these valtivniks, killing and so on after the list, wooing the wives? And then it turns out that men are evil, but women just came to marvel. What kind of lighthouse? I’m not really hungry for articles, otherwise feminism may be in the world. This is my thought.

I'm not saying that you need to walk around naked. I repeat: I am against it if the Gvaltivnik tells the truth “it’s the fault.”

A miraculous exit from the camp. Take it and go en masse to Turechchina or similar lands, where people - features and blah blah blah blah. And you will live in peace, and we will only go to hell. By the way, what kind of person can be there, where the lawmaker knows the real thing, the woman.

I really don’t blame men for the sake of it, but I don’t understand the idea of ​​starting hundreds of days with friends. One man’s mother will be too fat for many women at once. Hang out with a friend - want to get his low behavior, ruin other wives. Then we think that such a “male” is cool: in the morning he fucked his squad, in the morning he fucked a lad, he killed another know. Thu. You can't butt with meat. I have always encountered unpleasant people whose friends tried to flirt with me.

Fuck you guys to hell. Why should women be afraid to walk in the streets, and the confidence that they want to call a man in shorts is like zero? Kastruvati tsikh tvarin treba.

I also added something else: on the one hand, it often helps to remind us that the man is the head of the family, responsible for making the most important decisions; It’s rational, that’s why things are important and thoughtful (in addition to dealing with emotional and unusual wives, yeah)... and otherwise. New standards that are easy to hide behind. Cholovik to the current world- This is such a muslin pannochka or a circus little girl that you can give any kind of vector wrapping. And this is good for them, because they are not to blame for the mentality of all their vile right-wingers. It's always the wife's fault, yeah.

Kozhen can think with his own head and is often guilty of the one who was robbed, cheated, or run over while crossing the road. If you didn’t walk straight from the club through the park, but went by taxi - then you wouldn’t have spent it on a maniac, if you didn’t light up the pennies and didn’t walk with a wad of pennies at night - then you wouldn’t have robbed them, as if you were wondering on the sides if you crossed the road - not beat up b. Guilt comes from the beginning, but it does not justify the fact that you cheated, robbed, beat, etc., but it does not remove the guilt from the victim. Sometimes I don’t care when people cross the road - they don’t think that they will be killed, then they don’t think that they will be captured, robbed, and maybe killed. Funny people.

It’s described chaotically, but it doesn’t fit with the main idea. The skin of a person (not a doctor of really sick people) can control his own problems, and may bear witness to their consequences. You can only “lead” a man under deep hypnosis, for example, or under speeches. That's a nasty grease. If you don’t want to, you won’t “enjoy” it. The man and woman are now identified as being from from different worlds. This is wrong. And the axle with the Gvaltivniki drive was a nightmare. This means that you should be imprisoned for the overreach of self-defense, but you should be brought to justice for the abuse of self-defense! And so, just like the woman is going naked in the place - no one has the right to encroach on her state freedom. Whatever it takes to rake in the cops, that’s another story. And those who truly represent swindlers and robbers are not much better off for them.

Is it not adequate? If you beat a person, then there is a viciousness, in such a situation we want from the victims and those who suffered, without even knowing what was done. Wine is like a waste, and water. Why are you laughing here? Are young children also guilty if they are beaten and talked about? Did you provoke them with your childish cheeks? So, it is necessary to identify any unsafe situation and situation. It’s just enough that in a marriage it’s customary to name the victim of violence, and not the valiant.

But, in truth, if there were fewer loose skins, then the men would be less happy. Having boiled, let’s say, with the squad, start drinking, and then the old woman thinks, “My squad has gone to hell, I still look like him,” and so on. So rude, but still a butt. And so the men get dirty and stop valuing their wives. So there are now more available ones.

Nowadays I’m afraid of “crazy people”. People immediate marriage- like children in Japan - there is complete lack of carnage, because this heifer is vinous, shining with her legs and tsitsa.

In this situation, the participants in the completed creation are offended. There is no way to vindicate anyone. And there are problems in the family – let’s not say that you are tempted to have sex with just anyone. And women who sleep with their friends - they burned the edges of the caste. I don't respect people like that.

I put my position up to date. You can wait a while, your right. However, the climate and climate of the family is very rich. And judging by the way you told me, you had problems like most people. Unreasonable aggression is always the right display. If the signs of a man are that he is afraid for his safety, then it is really strange and scary.

I have no problems. Not like the majority, not like the minority. The reason for my aggression is my crazy head. It pours into the further behavior of a child of great exasperation, the books she reads, the films she marvels at. There are a lot of factors.

Why is she naked in the park at night? What if you work until you’re 22-23 years old, go home, and they attack you in the royal courtyard right outside the front entrance? Tej vinna sama, right?

No one is guilty of being distracted from sexual intentions by wives without any benefit. In Israel there was an incident involving a heifer that had been staked, but not everyone was transplanted, but then they gained respect for those who immediately said that this was the idea. That's it - good health! And if you didn’t give it up, you wouldn’t give it, don’t scratch it. Know the water, since it’s so sweet

Men drink like non-humans, do drugs in the company of women and take off T-shirts, pants, panties, tear their T-shirts on the dance floor, run naked, swim, walk in thongs on the beach, hang out with boogers. And no one eats them! Men in an immediate matrimony are obviously predators, women.

I would say that women are more cultured than men. Who cares to praise the guy because it’s so erotic to wash the area around his fly.

Well, who knows, I supposedly went to the store near my house, it’s 5 minutes away, I came out wearing something like home pants, a light jacket, and a jacket. They tried to zagaltuvat me, but they took away both my legs. How did I provoke?

These dogs need to be touched and shot. Great post.

Is there no need to take the dog for a walk in the evening anymore? Let the dog piss himself, then I won’t alarm anyone! Why does a man care that he has the right to attack any woman? I don’t understand why!

The truth is that the fierce beast has a drop of pity. I have no pity, god, I’m not an animal.

- “It’s not my fault that I robbed the bank, these collection machines didn’t bother me, why did they stand there so lustily”, “it’s not my fault that I stole from the store, this chocolate looked so appetizing.” Sounds stupid, doesn't it? I think you can make an analogy.

Well, it’s not their fault to bully them. The punishment is on us sovereign rival. Sterilize and send to LTP.

I guessed about onanists. Ananyuga's wife revealed: a group of boys sit on a bench, get together and then note how their aunt from the kushches marvel at them and jerk off, and the more they get upset and lose respect for her, the more there is pressure є.

So they have the right to reveal themselves. Just because you are not in control of your moral outlook, this does not mean that you can be bullied and beaten. What people, in your opinion, are said to be people who simply cannot control themselves?

That's right, they're right. And the maximum that you have the right to do is simply to steal from you your estate. That's it.

So you don’t respect your fathers and your children? And don’t change the climate of your family like that, to the point of impersonality of factors.

They can rape the scary ones, the beautiful ones, and the fact that the girl is dressed in a down jacket, they can easily be called, and it’s too late to walk out of the street, turning around from work and homework. In Islamic countries, women wear burqas, and the price of gold there is richer. The idea - all of the victims - is merely an attempt and a pitiful attempt to justify oneself. This is the essence of people.

Between these two people, his father, the child is fathered by many people. The axis should be divided in order to identify approximately hundreds of how many father's influx.

I don’t respect the fact that you can kill someone, because that behavior is not appropriate for me external look. Not true Gvaltivnikov and kill. So it’s true, I’m a human being, not a creature.

And if you dance in clubs, if you please your boys or have sex in all positions, not with anyone, sometimes with creatures, if you lead a mercantile way of life, you do not behave like creatures, but girls huh? I believe that it’s really women versus men here, as if war is coming, by God!

Why did you think that I was sneaking around drunk and angry? I don’t respect that people can behave like this (respect, it’s not just women, but people who are in love), but that doesn’t mean that I can stone a drunken man. Since it’s not appropriate for me to be so careful, I just turned away and that’s it.

Where did you get the idea that all the people are just trying to grab you and all the creatures stink?

Have mercy, father! I firmly believe that these creatures are absolutely human? Not at all like that. Creatures, and absolutely vile ones, those who truly commit violence, seeming: “She’s the one who’s to blame! Has she ever played dumb in front of him?” And it’s not only men who are such crazy creatures, but women, unfortunately. You can't miss anyone.

There are also creatures who make fools of others. What day is it?

They stopped the creatures from appearing. Don’t turn my wheel in front of anyone, for example.

Vaughn is voluptuous, sexy, screaming, leaving behind her a trace of sexual mucus. I have a couple of roles. I know them.

Are you restful, little creature?

This is, without a doubt, unworthy behavior for a human being. But I will repeat to you once again, this does not mean that anyone has the right to beat and humiliate people because they are foolish. And just a million times harder to vindicate violence than to take shortcuts. We were all beaten in different ways. You might think that this is obscene, but to others it’s absolutely normal. Violence cannot be vindicated by anything.

- “The wrong one (and not a man) is the one who dares to raise his hand against a female human. In self-defense. Here, be it a brainless female with endless wisdom in her eyes and penetratingness in her voice, declare that she is a woman rushes at you , you are guilty of calming him down with a kiss or a dick. Who is more like him? Call the adherents of a similar philosophy, which will put nutrition on the table: “Why bother, because the woman aggressively attacked you (your loved ones) How many) are you (em) at risk of insecurity? ", "What about the woman's bottom?" - fall into a stupor, not knowing the difference, and “it’s as sensitive as a fly.” What’s even worse is that they begin to talk about utter nonsense that does not lend itself to logical analysis or adequate understanding. and they will not, but judge your worthiness. The place is illuminated? - “Damn intellectual!” Chi rich dough? - “Damn bourgeois!”, and so on. You can get attached to the drive. As it seems, there would be a human being, but then you’ll find someone.”

So-so! Suitable for all purposes. Mayachnya, brought, yeah, obviously the body, what? That's why they stopped people, people are alive to their lives, and there's no harm in hurting people, neither physically nor morally. I will add - beloved man You won’t let anyone down.

But it has become the norm. The women who wear their short knitwear so that their mustaches show off are the same creatures as those who praise them. Some are based on their own instincts, while others are incompetent and do not know the rules of decency.

I hope that all men who commit violence are caught by gays, jocks, noticed and loved as passive. Then you’ll marvel at how stinky it is.

Perhaps, I will immediately introduce you to America, but not only wives, but also men, children, and the stories of our fluffy neighbors around the planet are talking. So the nutritional trace is put differently: why is the victim to blame? The child, madly, provokes the pedophile with her eyelids and high-cut shorts - bach, territorial trend, the short ones have gone crazy! The goat, of course, provokes the zoophile by saying that it’s a goat. She looked around the edge, she was born as a goat, she was guilty! Don't you wonder why it sounds stupid, and why is the boss always guilty? I am especially pleased with the people who howl about the guilt of the victim, in such a manner pushing on those that all the people with penises (perhaps even the stink themselves) are unable to get rid of the butt in their pants, having worn a short leg. I would really be afraid of such people, otherwise they would get into trouble for a little while, immediately lay down, and the burns of the banyans would confirm the powerful filthy ideas. A person after such statements is not a person. Are you unavailable?

When I cross the road, I think that a car might hit me. If I walk through the courtyards at night, I think that I might be robbed, so the girl who walks with an iPhone in her hand should think in her head that she herself can be robbed or seduced, and there is no need to go out into the desert at night them in places. When children are stolen, fathers need to think about this and not let the children go alone. It’s obvious that they are to blame for the fact that they fucked with the child - stupid fathers who could have gotten away with it, but they thought with a stupid head, and did not blame themselves.

Tim, what did you say, yeah, I always use a knife to walk around the sleeping areas. They wanted to rob a few times, but not too long ago.

So, in your opinion, I have to sit at home from the 4th evening (as it’s dark before winter), not go out to the store, and go to sleep anywhere, for fear of getting sick? In my village, where should I know everything? Vibachte, ale tse absurd povniy.

Logic - be afraid of those who write that the victim is guilty and not be afraid to walk around naked at night? If they bully, rob, kill, it will be painful to joke and respect those who have stolen the radio. You need to think about yourself and about your own carelessness.

Not maє, ale chekati varto. І wear a pepper spray, electric shock, etc. They have tried to rob me more than once, and every time here in deserted courtyards through those that I take such a shortcut to where, otherwise I check for him and knowingly go through the door, risking so much movement.

Baba can’t even think about her own safety, so she can take care of herself more independently.

Turn the axle, if they grab you in your arms and pull you against the car, you simply won’t be able to pull anything, and only your survival instincts, teeth, and legs will fight. And if you shortened the road, there were five hills in a straight line and there was no Duma - the road was straight and well-lit.

In short, all the men who signed up here said themselves that they were either chatterers or calmly chattering. Today's Russian man is like that!

Therefore, I am planning to move to a safe land, where there is practically no malice. So maybe we shouldn’t let the children out alone? Pedophiles are also on the rise, they can even strike in broad daylight.

A spray of pepper can easily kill a defencist, and even more irritate the attacker; with a shocker you will have to come into close contact, again, with the aggressor. And the injury may simply not be removed from the bag. Therefore, it is physical for the woman to sacrifice Gvaltivnikov. Bo won yogo is just weak.

Perhaps, if once again you don’t walk alone at night in deserted places, if you carry pepper spray and so on. It’s better to think adequately about your safety and health and life - and the fools blame everyone for the crime, and don’t think with their own heads.

If you have a soft spot in your throat and a guy who cares more about you, then you’ll do the damn thing.

Do you really think that 16.00 is nothing?

If the work is up to 8 years old, then you need 7 wounds. Walk in the dark. That's a lot of outbursts when a girl leaves in the dark for reasons beyond her. And what kind of person is important, why is she getting excited? This is what the author wrote about.

Small children are always not allowed out alone. Besides pedophiles, they and the car can be hit and so on. I get so crazy when first-graders go to school alone. I would never let my children, so small, walk alone.

I have had the opportunity to try these canisters on myself several times. I will say that the stench is ineffective. After them, the coordination of the forces and physical forces will not go anywhere.

Perhaps you should change the color of the spilkuvannya? It’s not the norm that you are driven away by only “news” and potential boosters.

Having sprinkled pepper on the men several times, the urge to attack had arisen. There’s nothing to be seen there, it’s burning in the eyes, what can you do there with pepper in your bald eyes? Try it, spray it with a spray, and then just wipe your eye with your hand - then rinse your eye for 10 minutes.

So I can’t be allowed to let my 11-year-old sister alone on the Maidan in our area? Do you need to sit there all day long? So I have my own way, and my father has the same, and she’s already old enough to walk alone. And what if a pedophile is pulled from the Maidan into the car, will you be at fault? Bach, at 11 Roki came out of the house, and provoked. Are people against it if a girl was walking on the street at 11 o'clock? I'm in shock.

This is how I have a normal sprinkling. I'll get along better with you.

About 16.00 it’s dark as night.

I? Why don’t you leave the house, don’t take your child to the garden, don’t go to work? You're welcome, is it okay? And all for the sake of this, so that the peasant creature does not care about provoking him.

Well, walk along the avenues, don’t walk through groups of drunken men and so on, the obvious rules that children are taught.

You can’t see anything out of the window, but I’ll tell you that we’ve done our own thing, so now the sisters shouldn’t go for a walk?

They can tighten the wheelbarrow and roll it from the avenue.

We have an area where you can only walk through the forest from here. There is constant chatter and hammering. Why are you so stubborn? Well, it often happens that girls and children are afraid to walk empty streets at night. The burglar, the robber, is primarily to blame. And those who need to get some food to soothe the evil place - they didn’t understand. Ale tse do not shy away from the wine offering. I read - come out, the current man is such a wild creature - don’t provoke his image.

In reality, everything turns out differently. Actions are carried out according to circumstances and most often due to fact. Even during the attack itself. Look, the woman was attacked. She is in a panic, because her brain no longer understands anything, and her body cannot be precisely coordinated with her hand. Place a gas canister over there and remove it, then spray generously on all sides. And she gets herself into trouble, and it’s not a fact that the steward suffers. Far from a fact. No matter how many times we covered, for example, candy wrappers from the division and Muscovites, well, the stinks of shockers and peppers arose, but it didn’t help them much.

If you have a group of friends, your girlfriend would like your sister to go out and not alone. But in any case, it’s not safe in our country, and the fathers let it go at their own risk.

On a crowded avenue, you are more likely to lose your purpose, because people will notice you and the police will be called out. They can do it, but you need to be careful and not risk it again.

Why don't you go out! Did the guy get excited and get tired of having fun? Do they respect that everything is allowed to them? Marvel at the statistics of crimes - robberies, robberies, plunder, beatings. There are no evil wives among such evil people. All of them are men. And who are the creatures here, am I feeding you?Between a man and a womanThere is a real difference - the woman is not ready to talk and beat. And according to the law, we don’t give a damn about children and beat up gentlemen.

The world is gone. Don’t leave the house in the dark, don’t go out for a walk, don’t pass by men, don’t be shy about anything, and still lie in the face that you’re asking for coaxing. Well, madder!

Here, recently, a girl and a dog went about the 5th rank to the park (forest), the dog was found 40 km away - the girl was not found. She's not bad, about the 5th morning to go to the forest, isn't she? Well, it’s the bully, the maniac, and what else? What about this girl? It’s your fault that on the 5th morning she left the place for the forest.

Well, it’s clear that my sister is hanging out with friends and girlfriends, as well as all her peers. Also, there is a need not to leave the house at night (if you want, you can get out of bed). I don’t know, it might be some kind of underground bunker. Right in law. Just because there are three punishments for calling fate, and it’s not a fact that to be evil, it ties people’s hands.

Girls begin to demand self-defense - the girl is ready to react normally.

Well, mark people on the avenue, call the police, and you’re already in the car, and you have five Tajiks.

It's not her fault, that girl with the dog. Those who have a dog will understand. Whether it happens that you have to go at night. Like a girl on the street at night, there is no reason to kill her.

I also walked with the dogs in the forest. Where else can you go for a walk with them? At the center of the place on the Maidan? And what, do men in a marriage have the right to attack wives like wild birds? And then be convinced of what you yourself provoked?

Do you understand, what are you saying? Why is a woman, a girl, a girl guilty? Did she need to exercise the dog?

But we tell people not to give a damn about punishment, it’s not an ancient term, not to punish them, not to death. If you die, you don’t punish people. And they can sneak into a booth and get into a car on the avenue, but most often everything happens in deserted courtyards and parks. And because of the stupidity of the victims themselves.

In front of the robot, she led the dog to piss, what, vinna, what? What idiocy! As if you had hit a woman who was walking the dog on the heel wound, you would immediately attack her with your roaring member, “Isn’t it great that everyone is here today?” And fuck the dog for extra money? And then the judge said, “What kind of person was born? A provocateur.” What kind of creatures do people fall in love with? Please don’t imitate creatures, equate these essences from them.

So axis. This maniac’s mother herself helped him to prank his victims from girls. What I care about is that it’s not just the people who are chattering and the stench of wine.

Some are talking about scho, and the lousy one is about lazna.

It is necessary to count people who seem to think that the girl herself is guilty, and put dogs on them and buy them at the door.

Am I the wrong one? Do you know how many episodes of violence there are in St. Petersburg, when drunken women in the club chatter and taxi drivers, and at the risk of migrant workers leaving their daily lives?

Є people. And there are creatures. So, they can be either creatures or people, and gender signs cannot be stored away.

So, if I go to the park at night, where dubious people are drinking, and they rob me, kill me there - I’m not guilty, why should I walk alone in an unsafe place? In my opinion, I will be to blame for the fact that I am so stupid and do not understand that in 50 hundred meters I will end there.

Squeeze a little. Marvel at the wickedness of that same Singapore. The wine is minimal (tourists ruin it) yes, there punishment is mortal For theft, violence, murder, drugs and the law is very strict and rightly so, people are afraid, it is necessary to live by the rules. There you can exchange your phone, pennies, or lose your bag, but no one will even think about it. And the current Russian man - for the sake of his soul!

What are you doing? today's girls do they look like they do?

Tse ti darma. I've been to clubs more than a few times. I don’t like these kind of people. And so, it’s not good to judge based on appearance. I don’t know the new ones and the new ones, so they look pretty decent and don’t seem to be too far-fetched. And there is a girl I know who was constantly drinking in clubs, walking around, she was 30 years old at a time, and there was only one person in her.

It's no less loud than drunken ones. It’s time to shift the blame onto the women. It turns out that the woman behaved recklessly, which does not mean that she can be rewarded. They have already begun to vindicate the death of the valtivniki.

I am not, but whoever is different is everything. And there is no girl, and they don’t care who’s to blame (who, they sing, they didn’t know) and the girl can’t be turned back. If I hadn’t gone, I would have walked on the grass in the little house with the dog, and I would have wondered who was to blame. The importance of softness and the instinct of self-preservation. I respect and debate why the man did this, it makes no sense. The wine itself.

Well, that's all stories. You didn’t trim the candle.

Have a sensi on the grass a white booth? No, I know how it is with you, but in our country you can’t walk dogs in people’s yards.

Well, if they beat you, then it’s not your fault. Who knows, it's not safe. Before the speech, in my life I had walked past drunken people several times, late in the evening, and never missed anyone. So a drunk man is not quite a maniac, as you believe. A maniac can also be a hard-nosed, quiet nerd from the courthouse. Why a person would do this, we don’t know.

Who is the truth? That said, in Moscow alone, up to 70% of the population is filled with migrants. So go ahead, lay your claims on your real friends. And I’ll tell you about those who have a place in the brood and a woman have a place in LTP.

You won’t have this in Russia, but we do in Poland, so I’m going to change it.

And at the grass bіlya booth they can get zґvaltuvat. And when you get up after a walk, you can call. Everywhere one can call them abnormal. Maybe the dog there is big, and it needs a lot of exercise to run, otherwise there will be health problems. And so, perhaps, there, white the booth, there is no grass like this, and a small flowerbed, for the kindness of some grandmother Zina from another on top of you, both physically and morally.

And the child, who called a pedophile, is also guilty?

Come out and take a stand and think about your own protection and the protection of your child, and do not blame the fault on everyone but yourself. The trampling man's order is to the right of the trampling man's hands. That's right.

No. Children are holy.

You have obsessive thoughts about guests from foreign lands, and you will always remember about them. I have a long-awaited “dirty friend” before speaking. Once again: it’s not just the drunken, dissolute, homeless people who are babbling. Are the children of the victims also employed by the LTP? I smell wine?

But even if you want to walk around naked, no one has the right to wear a hat. And to justify aggression in naked people is not adequate. A man has no right to touch his wife, because he won’t give in for his own good.

That guy had a little dog with the girl. Tsikavo, is there a greater chance of getting paid - the park is about the 5th rank, where there are no living people among drug addicts, where there are no living people on the grass, where everything is hung with cameras and there are thousands of people in the apartments? It seems to me that the answer is obvious.

It’s the same child’s fault that she’s a child, and with her life she brings in a pedophile, the goat’s fault is that she was born a goat, and she brings in a zoophile, don’t you think we’re stupid? It's all the fault of the governor, that's why he has a problem, since he can't get rid of his dick in his pants.

Am I "blaming the blame on someone" here? I'm talking about those that Virodkov claims. And without being timid, there is a chance to run into trouble.

Winnie and those, and others. The trampling man's order is to the right of the trampling man's hands. That's all. Why should the guy be so timid - there are already ten on the right.

Once again - it’s often impossible to walk on the grass of a white house. There are summer holidays all around our place housing complexes- Khrushchev Plaza, River Govnotechka Beach, what the hell, cameras?

I have already said that children are sacred. If you talk about a woman, she’s already formed like a woman, all alone. The reason for the mistreatment here may be the same. If a child makes noise, the psyche is damaged. I have spoiled my childhood. You need to pay for it right away. And children need help recovering from mental and physical trauma.

If someone who is inadequate calls a goat, then the goat will also be guilty of being born a goat? The logic is fantastic!

So, it’s okay to bully a woman, but not a child? Or if you call a 14-year-old child - it’s normal, once formed.

According to your logic, the woman is always guilty, absolutely? Are there no culprits? And is there no way to recover from the psyche?

14 years – still a young virgin. Let's start this century now article of life girls to lead. And those who there, the 20-year-old woman, had a hard member or a couple of three hard members were in trouble after the nightclub, they gave me a damn. Between a man and a woman, in principle, there can be stagnation, and that’s normal. Anitrohi is not bad. There will be science in the future.

You are not, and others are written off. There’s still a chance, I haven’t been robbed in the subway with your non-Russian friends - we were sitting in an empty carriage, three of them came in at once and two stood on each side of us, and the third sat opposite and stupid girls, of course, nothing they came to their senses, and I missed it , which is expected, and until the doors are closed, the girls leave the carriage. We got into the boat carriage, the three of us sat down at once, and at the next station we went straight into the gate pull. There is a chance, but if you think with your head, the chances of solving problems are much greater. Don’t forget, but 95% of people have seizures.

Japanese god! And the women, who were called, didn’t give a damn, right? Well, think about it! They treated me more, they belittled me and beat me! Better yet, don’t go there, you won’t understand anything. How can you be like this? To be honest, the human being today is a primitive creature.

In the 14th century, the virgin is already formed and can begin to bear children and children.

Awesome logic, obviously.

It’s just a language about those who, in order to “get stuck”, don’t have to run around in the middle of the night naked and wearing tires. The situation will never be the result of a provocation. Everything is even more individual. Look closely at the skin situation.

In your opinion, should they talk more about the club?

Beyond the boundary of good and evil. There are simply no other words. I never walked the streets naked, I didn’t lie drunk, and I didn’t try to instill in myself an unnecessary amount of respect in order to handle all the unpleasant situations that had ever happened to me, without wearing out my fingers. . It seemed like I had a hard time thinking about it, on the third day of the day, in a crowded place, just neither of these things, because I had no idea. Unless you become aware of your fault, it won’t reach me (because, of course, being born a woman is not evil). And what, axis vin, the image of a daily man. Great, so move!

I have sunk this side and am trying to knead it. Well, if you were insulted, belittled and beaten after any provocative actions, then don’t care about me. I will say more. All normal people don't give a damn. Ale... if I, the passers-by, had called, having sensed the woman’s cries for help, let me tell you that this woman was dressed like she was before, I would have helped her. It’s not because there’s a woman over there. And to the one who is so established in a healthy marriage, and I, as a citizen of this marriage, demand order in this marriage, and adhere to moral and ethical norms and the law.

The goats needed to walk with pepper spray and not walk in the field alone, without a shepherd. You try to blame everything on the investigation, and I blame it on the cause. And you are rational, and I, if you like me, will be deprived of your goals, and people like you will be praised (God forbid, extremely), but you should be aware of your own safety, and not joke about blaming someone who is already evil. . The dead can no longer be helped by the maniac of punishment.

That's right, let's talk about those who walk naked at night in a remote park with an iPhone in their hand - the chances of being seized or robbed are a hundred times greater than those walking in the same view along the central avenue, and those that the victim drank I'm the only one looking like this foxes - no wine.

When I was 14 years old, 2 people approached me that day. Right next to the store where I bought ice cream. And no one helped me. Singingly, they themselves respected that she herself was guilty.

Well, a zoophile can buy a goat and treat it. Will the goat be guilty?

And today, in your opinion, there is no hubbub and no hammering?

The fox has no maniacs, to speak of. What should I do? All my life I lived in the forest, I didn’t know anything, but I was in their place all the time.

The life of a daily man is presented in some terrible farbs - a maniac who does not control his penis. A crazy creature that attacks a woman simply because of the fact that she is sleeping. The butt about the goat burst into flames. Don’t you think that our marriage is simply ill, since such people are being destroyed in the future?

You blame the fault on the valtivniki, and in fact defend your right to walk naked in the forest. You're wrong.

Because the women are already fighting as potential victims.

When properly bred, a human is a wonderful friend of mankind! Well, the crazy ones, of course, need to be isolated, the stench is not safe for marriage.

Your words are short, it’s short.

The forest is, mentally, a park. I have a park here, a 10-minute walk away from the living quarters and villages, like a forest, deaf, there are periodically chattering, beating, and people disappearing. Let the girls and the dog go there about 5 ranks and find out.

Zgoden. Well, it’s the father’s fault and the marriage.

The wives themselves are complaining: Mother said to you: “Vasya, be careful, there are some lads out there.” Readers at the School repeated: “If you have a company of many people, switch to another bank.” They taught you that you can’t marvel at the world. You can tear someone up. You might get hit. Beat. Cripple. Get confused.

I also have such a park across the road, I didn’t see any maniacs. If I have such a look that I should avoid all maniacs, I’m not wandering around here alone. Or maybe I'm a maniac myself?

Your idea is not negated by the law, because in our country it is not the victims who are punished for cheating, but the perpetrators. Because of such patients as you, women are afraid to write and write a statement to the police about the deception.

Why don’t I have the right to take a walk near the park or the foxes? This is not fenced off by law, but the axis of violence and driving in is fenced off. And because people are against it, you see, I’m trying to worry about them, but they don’t have any problems. Why do I have to suffer?

A good text should be copied for important negotiations.

I won’t say a single word to the condemned woman; moreover, if I can help her, in order to escape her harassment, I will help. Writing more. The rapist may face liquidation. That's crazy. Because, obviously, his violence is a little serious legacy, and not like the attack on Sichova and Solova. Every woman needs to practice decency.

You're right, calm down, I'm not stopping you from running into maniacs and bullies. You have the right to be called out, and guilt, of course, only on the racket, even if you were just walking alone, at night, completely in the park, everything is so shy.

You have already registered the squealing wives at the LTP of significance.

In medical and labor dispensaries, the stench begins to appear in decent manners. It’s time to put it on the true road. Watch how many fates are celebrated, values ​​and attitudes change.

The honorable woman, after swearing, lays her hands on herself, honor is more valuable.

Well, all the people who have been called women in the age of 14 years are dishonest?

For 95% after 16-18 years of age, this is the case. Women are to blame for their troubles. Loving people is required. І do not provoke. The shady man is by no means rude.

I sincerely ask everyone who respects that the victim of this violence is guilty of being in this place themselves.

Walking in the park at night is not forbidden by law, but chatter is forbidden, so it is obvious who is right and who is wrong.

Gvaltivniki need to be castrated!

It doesn’t matter so understand. 50 -65% type of zgvaltuvan - these are the same episodes, if the woman herself is guilty. Another 30% -45% is due to returning home from heavy parties. Well, reshta is not really violence. If, for example, a girl goes home from school or from work to the park, they attack her.

Star statistics?

To be careful about the creation of evil on the sexual level.

Is it okay if you write a statement about not being a skin victim? And how many hundreds of such requests have been forced to reach the court? Before the speech, sometimes the woman and the powerful man talk and babble, but don’t bother anything, because “that’s the man. We have to live like that.” Today's Russian man. Everyday life.

Are you a sociologist? Sent for statistics before the studio.

Like statistics, what are my special precautions?

Why do you show us your “peculiarities of caution” in the form of statistics? Then it turns out that your numbers are a lighthouse of a white horse.

You can't fool a normal person. A normal man is monogamous.

If you give statistics, please back them up with real investigations of the fakers, and not “I respect you.”

Not madder for me. I respect you so much, and so do I.

- Today's manEveryone has an image. More readable. If he respects you so much, it means he is right. The author is right.

There is little there that is not madder for you. You started, it seems, not quite adequate. So I’ll ignore your “peculiarities of caution.”

99% of cases of malignancy in children are caused by humans; in 9 cases out of 10 cases of malignancy in children (pedophilia) there will be a human male. These are not people. These animals are wild and not safe.

From the medical portal Three stories.

"The researchers analyzed the data of 600 Americans from the ages of 18 to 50. The participants discussed their behavior and shared their findings about the human field. Volunteers were also asked what they found out It has been said for a long time: men who respected themselves for their lack of masculinity went into "Violence is more common for those who exult in their masculinity, such participants are more likely to carry out armed attacks and inflict injuries on victims. As violence helps men feel masculine."

Garni speeches were written at the post. Everything is correct.

Victims are taunted by the police, tens of thousands of examinations are “wasted,” and they are driven to the point of mental illness by confrontations. And all the valet workers respect themselves by being disadvantaged. Although most people respect that it is possible to take a squad by force, even if they are young from a wife, they will never agree with the fact. The skin of the third woman has undergone treatment. Less than 3% are reported to the police.

That's why the real victims are hesitant to say out loud that they were called out, leaving the whole thing and getting away with it. And then they tell us a horror story that people have recognized the terror of women and are screaming about women’s violence in the streets. In reality, there is a war to the death between women and men.

Not a creature, but a child. Children stink.

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The current man must follow himself: get his hair cut good perukar, get a manicure, take care of your hair, nails and skin, and also regularly go to the gym. In addition, he dresses for the rest fashion trends Show up at work in a formal business suit, and at parties wear stylish jeans and T-shirts with an original print. Today's men still don't like going to women's shops; when choosing clothes for themselves, they scrutinize the goods, sometimes driving sales assistants to the point of nervousness. Another characteristic sign of a modern person is a car, which is full of pestilence and is associated with manic fanaticism, obviously associating him with himself.

The realities of today make it difficult for people to keep up with the times - their skin inevitably suffers from complications mobile phone or a smartphone, any person is constantly looking at it with a clogged eye. In addition, today's people can't smell bad - fortunately, there is a great number of assortments of human perfumes for today's performance day. An indispensable attribute of a modern person is intelligence, since the Internet supplies a lot of literature, starting with documentaries and ending with fiction. That’s why today’s people don’t worry as much about the vitriol of the world as they do beer, as they do about new technologies, geopolitics and the rest of the book of some modern prose writer. I so – everyday people cook quietly.

Today's people are no longer in a hurry to make friends at 20 years old and acquire a bunch of fluffy children - today they highly value their freedom and the possibility of earning a rewarding career in any field. Imaging the Council of Council of Council of the Lower Ryvens, Brutalonosti, Intransion, I have a character. There is no doubt about their emotionality and intensity, which with the advent of the new hour has switched to absolute new rhubarb.

As hundreds of hundred-year-olds complain about their wives’ status, then everyday men have also grown exponentially – they are trying to figure out all the tricks and habits of their friends, to be more gallant than their wives and to respect their special features. ir. More quickly, the rise of the beautiful half of humanity has also quickly passed away - the current man is ready to share with his partner the pleasure of domestic cravings, a number of different psychological techniques allow rich couples to achieve greater understanding and harmony. at hundred-year-olds.

David Deida


Read the steps carefully

If we want practice and for the sake of our book, we can provide truly invaluable help, since our mother respects what neither the author nor anyone ever intends to give professional recommendations in the field of medicine, psychology, emotional, sexual and spiritual health of the reader (who are only qualified to work as certified doctors and psychotherapists). In addition, if you suffer from venereal disease or other disorders of sexual function, be sure to consult a doctor or tantric yoga instructor before starting the practices in this book.

With deep gratitude to my life companions and teachers, who bestowed their love and wisdom on me.

May I serve this book as it pleases your spirit.


This book is a kind of book for the everyday person. Thus, in the past hours, a person’s tamed, enduring goals are: straightness, firmness, self-confidence, ability to reach the target. At the same time, with the advent of a new hour, people become more sensitive, spontaneous, living with an open heart, and, as a rule, come to understand the deep essence of their essence.

This man cannot imagine himself without his wife. You should be able to enchant, entice them, but not as brutally as they did macho old hours. I commend, first of all, the love that burned in my heart, which both of them had so rejected until this time. And she works like a free person, not bound by the shackles of external mentalities and internal doubts. Otherwise, your mission on this earth is not to let the very love of love, whose flows permeate your feelings, thoughts, and life, dry up.

The current man is not like King Kong, who wreaks ruin and chaos on his path. Ale vin and not spineless, above the world of grinning mumbles. The man of our time looks for the anger of the human and female poles of his soul, without hesitating to bet on just one of them. He will not need to be in control of any situation and become the soul of any human company, sacrificing his reputation as a “nice guy.” He simply learns to live in harmony with himself, generously sharing the gifts of his heart, sensitive to his skin, completely surrendering to the love of love.

In order to further reveal the contents of this book to you, I will describe a number of basic principles of spiritual growth, which, in my opinion, are inextricably linked with the deep sexuality of people (in addition to the principles presented in my book "Intimate communication").

Until recently, the social roles of man and woman were strictly demarcated and not subject to the least doubt. The man wants to spend his time in search of income. Zhіnka - add more days of homemade filth in turbots about offspring. It will bend it with physical strength and economical storage. Vaughn is manipulating him for more feeling and sex. An exaggerated illustration of the situation described above could be a textbook couple: rude healthy-macho And the call is submissive to the will of the person. As soon as this book appeared in your hands, this stage of you, having seen everything, has already passed. Or they will approach her with proper irony.

Svitnishy, ​​I will come to the aisle of the herd, I can characterize the presentation of the articles to the harmonious of the harmonica of the RIVNOVICHICHICHICHICHICHIC, Dedal, more likely, one to one. For example, many people in America in the 60s blatantly emphasized their “femininity.” Vidrostyles I've lost my hair, began to wear bright, extravagant clothes, went beyond the boundaries of soft and straightforward human logic and began to pursue a non-turbulent and emotion-filled way of living (or, as they said then, “they gave in to the flow”). This is the true triumph of the woman’s mission to the world.

And the women collapsed right next to the protagonist. Purposeful, businesslike, uncompromised by the goals they had achieved, they acquired material independence and political importance, reached the heights of career and popularity, dared to listen to their own needs and, smugly, learned themselves They will be pleased.

You are harmonious, not your fathers. Otherwise they wouldn’t have opened this book. Since you are a woman, you are probably more independent and dependent on your own strengths than your mother. As a person, he is more emotionally open, lower father. These benefits are pleasant for you, although, perhaps, still not entirely accessible. It is not good to forget that not so long ago, no matter how long-haired a man or a woman dressed in a business suit, they did not evoke feelings other than suspicion.

Well, people have reached inner integrity. The man, let's say, has become able to choose a cup and tablecloth for the house without outside help, and the woman has to put the cheese in the bowl without pinching her finger. In other words, we have become less retiring all at once, our social roles have become closer, which, of course, has benefited everyone.

Let’s rest on our laurels early. Bo in this stage there is one cover side effect: growing dissatisfaction with intimate waters social spheres- Ale, it’s a pity, it’s the same in sex. Incomes equaled - sensitivity faded. People are no longer attracted to the type of cunning thug - and yet scenes of sexual violence cannot escape the “black screen”. Women do not mind the discrimination in payment - and spend their earned money on doctors and psychotherapists to treat their stress and nervous disorders.

Behind the hues of my work, I sensed the complaints of the new business krieg that the people are “just ganchers”, that they smell hopeless, unreliable, and weak. And people who are emotionally sensitive, as never before in the history of mankind, tell me that in the fierce, unbreakable representatives of the so-called weak state, nothing feminine is missing. Is this the last stage that the evolution of mankind can reach? What is the offensive shield?

To illustrate, let's try to understand the nature of sexual desire. The increase in the pre-bed status lies in your... pre-bed status. Think, all the forces of nature are generated by the interaction of the poles: magnetic lines run from the surface to the submerged pole of the earth, electric strum flow from the negative to the positive pole of the battery. bud. Thus, the need for sex is popularized by the human and female poles of humanity.

Current bearings often reduce the dynamism and strength that vibrates when the human and female poles interact. And in order for the right addiction to burn down, it is needed by the one who submits and the one who is subjugated. Otherwise, your love games will continue until the end of the day, until the love series is interrupted by a commercial.

Of course, our skin has both a human and a female ear, hubbyі wifely Sexual essence. A person can kiss an earring, gently hug a friend while chatting, or dance excitedly on a forest heave. And the woman - remember Olya in the car, be an important political person and box in the ring. The man is dedicated to babysitting children, the woman is dedicated to protecting the fatherland. These are the facts. The skin, at times of need, is created on an issue that is not typical for its condition (even if Let's pretend to be a representative this article is not written).

Albeit, the remaining stage of development of intimate veins is not yet complete: as soon as the couple is wound up, they are attracted to the bed and are on equal terms - all their passionate desires are known without a trace. I don’t want to say that the great happiness has disappeared, but that energy, which is how to live and support their hundreds, has dried up. Love can be lost for a long time, friendship can be lost for a long time, or sexual desire will wither. Bo, at the moment of intimate intimacy, one of the partners does not become husband, and the other wives It is necessary to give free rein to your human or female cob if you want to enjoy the game of addiction.

There are both heterosexual and homosexual ones. And in truth, in the case of gays and lesbians, it is clearly visible that belonging to one of the poles of sexuality is not indicated in the article. Strength and weakness, top and bottom, power and order - call it what you want, but this polarity itself is a source of bias.

It doesn’t matter if the partners are two men or two wives. It doesn’t matter who submits and who reacts. A man and a woman can switch roles at will - polarity is necessary for sex, adding the dominance of the man and the woman. For khannya - no, but for erotic passion - yes.

International popular science TV channel Discovery (Discovery Channel) presented the results of its research Discovery Species: A current person from A to Z, which found current people among women aged 18-39 and conducted in 21 countries.
Nova hvilya The Discovery Species survey continued to deeply influence the human audience in Europe and Russia, recruiting 15,000 respondents (including 1,000 Russians). In Russia, the investigation was carried out in 2009 using additional online methods and special interviews. In addition, in Russia, experts have added a clear part of the investigation of the influence of blogs of young people and expanded the part of the online panel of viewers of the Discovery Channel, which is watching over 8,000 Russians. The selection of respondents included an important and well-researched part of the audience from various regions of the country.

List of main types of current young people Based on interviews with sociologists, marketers and other experts, as well as extensive research in lower parts of the world, 18 attitudes were seen that play a key role in the lives of today’s young people Ikiv. A comprehensive investigation has established the importance of skin and living conditions for humans different countries. Based on the results obtained, four main types of current young people were identified:

  1. Today and a short time ahead – 53% of people.
  2. Severe goiters – 14% of people.
  3. Egocentric - 14% of people.
  4. Zero goiters - 19% of people.
1. The current one is on the front:
  • Family-oriented people; more current views on gender roles and fatherhood are being pursued; It’s easier to get into a tight grip.
  • It is possible to be more busy, less likely to learn at VNZ.
  • Favorite TV genres: science and technology, movies and comedy shows, news and TV shows, cars, wildlife.
  • It gives priority to TV and the Internet, to a lesser extent to radio and newspapers, and to a minimal extent to games and DVDs.
2. Covering goiters:
  • Family-oriented people adhere to traditional views on gender roles and fatherhood; stop career growth; become aware of the oppressive vice; They are concerned about the financial security and health of their family members.
  • She spends her time in the wetlands, and probably has children.
  • Favorite television genres: talk shows, music, crime, dramatic series, reality shows, news and current affairs.
  • It gives priority to newspapers, games and DVDs, to a lesser extent to TV and radio, and to a minimum to the Internet.
3. Egocentric:
  • Typical bachelors whose priority is career and friends; As a rule, they end up with daily glances at the hundred-year-olds; destroy information; There are a wide range of interests and hobbies.
  • The rate of full-time employment is below average.
  • Shvidshe for everything, no children.
  • Favorite television genres: science and technology, lifestyle, history, news and current affairs, documentaries, wildlife.
  • It gives priority to TV and the Internet, to a lesser extent to popular games, newspapers and DVDs, and, at least to a minimum, to radio.
4. Zero goiter:
  • Young people, who live in the present day and face any kind of goiter; give up and live happily; Carefully take care of your appearance (other than being obligated to always maintain good physical shape).
  • Most likely to be busy.
  • It does not lie in severely pregnant women.
  • Favorite TV genres: reality shows, quizzes and game shows, sports.
  • It gives priority to DVDs and newspapers, to a lesser extent to television, the Internet and games, and to a minimum – to radio.

How are Russian people different from European people?

Comments Christian Kurtz, director of market research for developing markets at Discovery Networks EMEA: Russia has a large category of people “current and a little ahead”, lower than the European average. Russian people today demonstrate their composure and keep pace with the times: they sense the current pressure, but find a way to resist it, they remove the difficulties of the past and cheerfully marvel at the future no; they stink more, at least, if they matter to their deepest desolation - family, friends, business. And why the stench, how to open it a little for sanity current ideas and mastering new technologies. Russian people are as excited as little ones, open to the light, ready to accept everything new. The investigation showed that they are positive, optimistic about the future and do not look back in the past. The Russian marriage has gone through so many changes in a short period of time that people have had to quickly adapt. And they reacted like this: “Okay, I can’t immediately get busy with work that’s worth it to me, which means I’ll earn pennies, and then, perhaps, I’ll go back to what’s worth it for me. whoa To compare Russian people and representatives of powerful status from other parts of Europe, we can say that they have even more strength than before. For example, today 40% of Russian people are important It is clear that fathers are primarily responsible for supporting their children morally and emotionally, and moreover, materially, this figure has grown (in 2008, 31% of young Russians expressed such a thought) and has approached the average data of other European countries (52%).

There are more current ones

As of 2008 (at the time of the first investigation), Russia has significantly increased the number of people who fall into the “Current and short-lived” type. Such people are disturbed by the current view of gender roles and paternalism, which is family oriented and easy to adapt to changes in marriage. If in 2008 the number of such people in Russia was less than 36%, then in 2009 it was already 53%. Although this trend, according to previous researchers, is observed throughout almost all of Europe, including in Poland, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark, in Russia this indicator is one of the highest among European countries їн. At the same time, during the investigation it was revealed that the number of people who belong to the “Egocentric” type in Russia has changed (14% versus 26% in 2008). These are typical bachelors whose priority is career and friends; cause the stench to stop the daily glances at the trays; destroy information; Have a wide range of interests and hobbies.

Family at first place

According to research data, 52% of Russian people aged 25-39 cook for themselves and their family at least once a day, 82% wash dishes, 81% regularly play with their children, and 64% read I eat it before bed. Young Russians pay special respect to the house: 80% of respondents agreed with the statement: “Making your house and apartment is a lesser priority in life.” At the same time, in Europe it is less important for 69% of respondents. 85% of Russians versus 70% of Europeans value their obligation to financially provide for their family. 81% of Russian young fathers play with their children once a week, and 63% start their children with something new. In general, people in Russia have changed their minds before work and are now focusing on those areas of life that are largely subject to their control: this family, individuals together and life.

Work is more important, but earning money is more important

Work is a significant pressure for young Russian people, the followers say. The reason for the intense pressure on work: on the one hand, the need to earn money, on the other hand, anger towards self-expression and satisfaction. One of the main trends is that in the post-crisis period there is a greater hope of earning money, so that it is more important for wealthy Russian people to earn money, rather than to lose satisfaction from work. In 2008, 84% of respondents in Russia stated that working life or work is important to them what a profession, now that number has dropped to 55%. A similar trend is emerging in other parts of Europe, although 69% of Europeans still believe that job satisfaction is as important as income. As the investigation showed, material wealth is a priority for Russian people, but not for residents of other countries. Pressures and pressures on all sides (work, family and married life) are intensifying, and as a result, finding balance is becoming increasingly important. Young Russian people do not allow pressure to take over and deal with it well.


As before, the main task of fathers is earning money, 85% of young people agree with the statements “The most important thing for me is to financially provide for my family.” This result can be compared with the data of 2008, which, as before, was higher than the average for Europe (70%). However, today's young people have more and more respect for other aspects of fatherhood, parenthood, and relationships with children. Many young fathers from Russia watch their children together with their friends and enjoy spending time with their children (“My ideal evening is all the evenings in my homeland, if I can just play with the children”). Satisfied sleep with children helps people, when they wake up, to become “calm and satisfied with themselves.”

External look

The results of the investigation show that keeping an eye on the outside world for Russian people is one of the ways to escape the pressure of too much world. Thus, 67% of respondents respect that taking care of themselves helps them to look attractive in the eyes of a friend, 60% respect that they always smell the smell most often at work, 56% care about their image, so create the right hostility to yourself, and 53 % - feel more successful. In 2008, less than 30% of Russian people felt comfortable if respect was given to them, and today perhaps 50% think that an eye for what is new gives them confidence in themselves - both in special situations and in work. . These people are victorious in different ways to monitor the outside world. It’s interesting that young people in Russia are much more concerned about their appearance than Europeans. “The man in the mirror” is one of the key trends for young Russian men, and one can predict its further development in the future, the authors of the study say.

Something tasty?

Another trend that is typical for people of the “Current and short-term” type is the current approach to the feeling of jealousy in the veins. This manifests itself when talking about getting things done with friends or enjoying cooking. It’s important that the passion for cooking is no longer unheard of and this trend is becoming more and more widespread in Russia. So, among young people 25-39 years old:
  • 52% cook for the whole family at least once a week (12% - every day);
  • 10% engage in drinking at least once a week;
  • 34% will exchange recipes with friends;
  • 58% have “branded grass” (from pies to pizza, from borscht to dry land).

Digital technologies and gadgets

Russian people, as before, place great importance on digital technologies. At the same time, in Russia, technology plays a greater role in modern life, now in Europe. Thus, 79% of respondents appreciate that the Internet offers them incredible opportunities, which is significantly higher than the European average (71%), and 84% of young Russians (more than the European average - 66%) with the affirmations “I deserve technical devices - The stench allows me to live to the fullest.” In addition, we are on guard against a surge in the popularity of online shopping among young Russians.

The selection by region was compiled at the current meeting:

  • Volga region - 25%
  • Moscow - 20%
  • Pivnichno-Zakhidny region - 14%
  • Siberian region - 10%
  • Central region - 10%
  • Ural region - 10%
  • Pivdenny region - 9%
  • Faraway region - 2%
You can get acquainted with the results of the report by visiting the presentation of Discovery Species 2010 (PDF file), as well as on the project website
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