Get a leaflet with new rock.


35,012 Look again

It is not without reason that the New River is brought to the beloved saints in most parts of the world.

Perhaps the calendars of localities will not be so richly sacred, they will create an unforgettable atmosphere that has never happened on the side of ancient stories.

This short cassette, created in reality, is created by the hands of tens of thousands of designers.

You yourself need to think through the new decoration of the place and the thematic design of the windows and facades.

Primary people also make their strong contribution - at the forefront of purity, we can unleash the imagination and creativity that prepared hand-made toys, embellishments, patterns and designs, like become wonderful gifts and decor for your home or office.

Of course, if you make gifts with your own hands, the ones we would like to bestow cannot be harvested.
For whom would I have had to sew, glue and knit gifts for a whole day?
There is a problem with sending presentations.
Greet your loved ones by writing in the template the words Pobazhan, scho worthy!
The rich among us have friends, relatives and acquaintances who linger behind the border, and postal service on international departments is not cheap.

However, this does not mean that you are guilty of the idea of ​​sending dear people a small new surprise.

Moreover, the Internet makes it possible for a meeting to reach thousands of kilometers by sending as many as a hundred leaflets.
And most importantly, such an electronic leaflet can become a tool for instilling your most humorous creative ideas!
It is not obligatory to take a leaflet from the prepared text.
Better yet, download the template, which has no place for placing messages, and write a letter of inspiration or privacy addressed to a specific person.
Before speaking, such a leaflet can be crushed, decorated with glitter, rhinestones and sequins, and then given as a gift to a friend.
Leaflet “Little Babies in the Snow”
Leaflet “Gifts from Santee”
Leaflet “Revelation Budino”
Leaflet “Yalin needles”
Leaflet “Yalinkova Kulya”
Leaflet “Oranges and cinnamon”
Leaflet “Yalinka with cinnamon”
Leaflet “Chervoni Sparks”
Leaflet “Panchokhs for gifts”
Leaflet “Nyadna Yalinka”
Leaflet “Santa Claus Hat”
Leaflet “Christmas Decor”
Leaflet “Snow Morning”
Leaflet “In the Radian style”
Leaflet “Golden Rizdvo”
Leaflet “Bunny with Yalinka”
Leaflet “Light Snow”
Leaflet “Dear Snowman”
Leaflet “Snowfall at the Fox”

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The garmider is approaching, holy and cheerful.

And at the same time, the period of choosing gifts is approaching.

Oh, how important it is sometimes to know everything about everyone, and to savor the desires and tastes of the skin in order to arrive at the present. Ale! Whatever the surprise, one thing will be lost forever!

  • It is necessary to prepare your greetings in advance.
  • And the most important option is new leaflets for 2019!
  • No, not just traditional images on paper.
  • We are promoting a new, extraordinary, creative approach!
Do you want your leaflets with greetings from the New Year 2019 to be clearly differentiated and have a small individual original character?

And so our team is ready to actively help you!

We were preparing ahead of time before the arrival of the guests and we have something to say!

The time has come to announce new items for the season. Oh my God, what blessings we give you virtual world ? The most beautiful and positive benefits of our welcome site:

a non-standard current gift - a virtual new-age leaflet.

The axis to which we have devoted a lot of time and energy is design! We chose it ourselves tsikava pictures

, the Yalinka, the pig and the snowman look funny.

So, having marveled at these lovely pictures, Mitya’s mood has risen!

Here comes our Photoshop to help, here is our joy, good taste and creative intuition.

We were cheered by those who would brighten up this winter day, give us a holy mood and burn with the calm of kindness.

Golovny, after all our efforts and efforts, we will help you be original, so that your gift will be highly appreciated. Vitannya for all phases of life Nezabarom NG.

I, as soon as possible, make a long list, so as not to forget any friends or acquaintances, take more than an hour, but I would like to.

And if you know that in our region the holy day marks the beginning of the new year, in the form of New and Old fate, then the question becomes quite reasonable: how to catch up with everything?

How do you remember to greet both your colleagues and your parents?

It's so simple!
This moment has been transferred to our website.
The pictures are accompanied by a detailed inscription. Here are warm words that go straight to the heart for your loved ones, and generous, emotional compliments to friends.і And stylish, and streamers, and official, and fun, and playful beasts, and welcome.

We were transferred to the life situation anyway. We can help Shvidko, create a complete list, present a wonderful surprise with original idea

Below we have collected ideas for beautiful, original and, frankly, “sweet” new leaflets, for the creation of which you don’t need any rare materials - carbon paper, cardboard and lined stitches and gills that were lying around in everyday life ku.

Volume Yalinka

Large pieces of paper made from white and colored paper are simple to use, so you can make them at a later time.

More details from Bog&ide.

3D yalinka robiti shvidshe.

All you need is a ruler, sharp knives and cardboard.

Whose disease is shown how to cure it.


We have already been blessed with this penguin, we can no longer guess.

You will need black and white cardboard (or white paper), a knitted piece of orange paper and 2 miniature snowflakes, which we can use together.

The eyes are, of course, the birthmark of the leaflet, and for them you will have to look at the hobby store (or get rid of unnecessary children's toys, for the sake of children, of course).


For this cute and simple leaflet you need 2 pieces of cardboard, a ruler, scissors and glue.

And also some scraps of paper, which you lost from wrapping gifts, and so on.

The principle of preparation is very simple, but those who want more details should take a look at this blog.

Here you will need paper or cardboard with small pieces that were lost from children's germs, or paper paper for gifts.

The yalinks are sewn in the center - but it’s not at all cumbersome, you can glue them. If you really want to, you need to start making the stitches straight away along the line, and then sew them with thread in 2 rows - up and down, so that there are no overflows. Paint the snow with white gouache.


stylish idea - nuts of arrows, one of which is glued to the back with double-sided tape (so it can hang above the others) and embellished with mirror. For this leaflet you need 4 or 3 cardboard balls (you can do without the red one).

Like a colorful ball, you can use papier instead of cardboard.

At the top, white, draw a line (this is where the stationery bottom fits well) and glue it on double-sided tape for volume.

Round dance of yalinkas from various excess cardboard, paper for scrapbooking, heaped paper, tied with simple braid and embellished with adhesive.

Try playing with quotes and invoices - here you can find an incredible number of options, victorious ones

different colors

tassimi, papier and fabric.

Wonderful watercolor in the soul of the New Rock and Rizdva!

The snowmen, who are deeply amazed at the dawn sky, look like a winner if they manage to find the right lace for a scarf.

For this leaflet, which is evil, You will need unsealed cardboard, white paper for painting and backing tape to glue the snowman. It’s easy to paint kuchuguri: you just need to wet the papier for painting so that it has a ragged, wobbly edge. Fill it with blue olive and smudge it with either your finger or a piece of paper.

Also prepare the edges of the snowman for volume.

For another

You will need pipettes, a piece of fabric, eyes, glue and color markers. You will want to keep this leaflet forever. And all the necessary mugs from cardboard, cups and needles from colored paper.

All you need to do is get some extra thick double-sided tape.

Paint the eyes and gudziki with black paint, and snow with white gouache or watercolor.


Bags are one of the main symbols of the New Rock and Rizdva.

These are made from velvety colored paper and tape.

Ale kulki - nastilki

no-win option

What can you allow yourself to fantasize about here: make a cool paper from a paper with a baby, a paper paper, fabric, hem, print from a newspaper or a glossy magazine. And the strings can simply be painted on. Another option is to stick a paper from a small paper on the inner part of the leaflet, and cut the outside with a sharp clerical knife. Volume bags For each piece of skin, you will need 3-4 small stakes of thin barley.

Fold the skin over and glue the halves one to the other, and the two outer halves to the paper.

Another option is colored stars and yalinkas.

Different colors of coolers

The appealing look of the leaflets may not only be in the classic version, but you can please your loved ones and colleagues with original voice leaflets. Such a greeting, melodiously, will be lost in memory forever and will melodiously add to the mood of the addressee. Even the best mood for the New River itself

the greatest gift

, from which all our deepest prayers, dreams and sparkling emotions begin.

Also very creative are the animated leaflets, which will appeal to the souls of both adults and children. Vital leaflets for 2017 The symbol of 2017 fate is Piven, everyone knows, our bird. Vital leaflets can be easily and simply sent to email , on which the symbol of the New Rock will be depicted - Piven, in particular other creatures, symbols Chinese calendar

, how to melodiously bring success to your ruler,

financial well-being

that stability.

Vital leaflets can be created with a wet hand, pressed with sealed butts, for stretching or to find the appropriate way, to separate them, and send them by mail.

Dzvinochki and new vertex Likhtar, Blakytna Yalina and Novorichne Privitannya Vital leaflets kohanim It’s not so difficult to say hello to a loved one, but it’s important to make a gift from your heart and give him a vital leaflet. Words spoken, written, and inserted into leaflets play an important role in the native world.

Miles and wide tributes to your loved ones,
real people
can be placed on
return side

31 breasts
We can’t miss anything,
I love you from the bottom of my heart

And a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Let's bring a new river
Health and prosperity for mers,
May your career have a haircut,

We wish you and I together, my love!
To say greetings today is the result
Forget all the images, worries, troubles,
More health, success, luck

I call upon you at the New Rotsi.
Let in a new symbol at the booths,
With hope, happiness and love,
Please bring gifts,

Just joy and health!

Today's holy day friends,

Even though we can’t do it any other way,

I wish you joy, goodness,

May you be blessed and blessed!

Buzkov's kuli on yaline paws and familiarity with the New Rock
Let us gladly pass,
Let them fall in love,
And those with whom we will always be good!

We hasten to greet you all from the bottom of our hearts,
With the fate of May but the fate of Pivnya!
We wish you good luck, success, good luck!
And the rest of life is unbearable!

We love you with the New Rock!
Let's have fun in the holy winter,
We wish you all good luck and joy,
And let’s not miss the holy days!

With the new rock I sing to you!
I send you frosty and snowy greetings!
I wish you happiness, health, success,
What a bright and fiery new rock!

The hour is coming and the number is twelve,
It still glows like this in the tree,
We have nothing to fear,
There will be great happiness in Pivny!

Our time is not to stand still,
Steadily crashing and flying,
This confirms the new symbol
Who will serve us?

Everyone knows that Piven is a badass,
І don’t stream yogo, cool fuse,
And this is not the least of our sweethearts,
Our singer, we love him so much!

Snowmen, yalina, Santa Claus and ancient history with new rock.

Snowman and New Year's Top

Select leaflets for New River

The new 2017 leaflet was collected from in the right colors, which will be pleasant for the new character.

If the final leaflet is drawn up with your own hands, daubed on paper or adjusted by graphic editors, it is recommended to choose orange, red and yellow ones.

In this case, the breadth and awe applied to the process, melodiously, will not be lost to the unmarked new symbol of fate.

You can view information about the continuation of the cost-free privatization of housing.

An excellent choice would be golden sparkles, as they will add success and success, which can give a newborn.

The goal is to design the leaflet in a bright and original way, to come up with something different from standard templates and stereotypes, so move, to go beyond the everyday.