Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation. A message on the Russian language A message on the topic “Russian language is the sovereign language of the Russian Federation” A message on the national language

1 ruble 2005 rub. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ “On the sovereign language of the Russian Federation” was adopted. 2007 brought unrest in Russia with the “Room of the Russian language” and revealed signs of a whole low decline, both in Russia itself and beyond its near and far borders. The most recent example: for the support of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, on the 17th-19th of June the International Congress “Russian language and literature in the 21st century: theoretical problems and applied aspects” was held. Just before this, in 2006, before the “River of Russian Language”, the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Russian Language for the Preservation of Intercultural and Social Connections” was held in St. Petersburg зі (the materials have been released and we will certify the sights of our fate). A 2005 The encyclopedic dictionary-editor “Sovereigns and titular languages ​​of Russia” was published. This is one of the first descriptions of this kind, in which the central idea is consistently pursued: language is the primary basis of culture, and language of the skin, for a number of ethnic groups, is valuable and useful. This is accompanied by the publication of regulations that will stimulate the process of reform in the next decade.

According to the sovereign language in Russia, the Russian Federation is the main feature of the interethnic aggregation of the peoples of Russia, promotes their closeness, mutual wealth, ensures connections with international trade partnerships, and This culture. Once again the consolidating role of the Russian partnership, the Russian one important ambushes Russian sovereignty and combines a significant vertical of power. Therefore, the sovereign support of the Russian Federation confirms our strategic national interests. Of course, the Russian Academy of Sciences cannot and is not guilty of losing other projects, including legislators, related to

The Russian share is in our marriage and in the world. It is necessary for the mother to respect that the adoption of the Russian language in other countries and cultures has a lot to do with our powerful and generous installation, in our country, in our functioning in marriage.

Unfortunately, these inexorable truths are sometimes ignored, and sometimes sacrificed to nationalist ambitions and separatist sentiments. One wonders, for example, what is happening in so many “union” republics, and now independent powers. Thus, in Latvia, the parliament of this independent republic, which recently became a member of the European Union, is expected to recognize the sovereign status of the Russian language. Since then, the Sejm has again amended the law “On State Language”, and it is clear that all national minorities (including the Russian ones) were encouraged to grant official status to those localities where they live compactly. The parliamentary majority supports the idea of ​​the ruling coalition, since in Latvia “there is and will not be any other sovereign or official language other than the Latvian one.” Thus, the Russian language in Latvia is completely “anti-natural” and is shocked by the foreign language, although it is familiar to the 40 hundred population of the republic. At the recent meeting of the SND region in Dushanbe, a representative of Ukraine, which is experiencing a protracted power-political crisis, including through the irreconcilable conflict of interests of the Russian and Ukrainian population, did not appear We are preparing to subscribe to the fact that Russian language is a factor of international consolidation in the SND space plays at the highest level of humanitarian science.

To give these tense minds the status of a Russian sovereign, Russia itself was, madly, key tasks. The concept of “sovereign language” is lost in the report.

The meaning of the term “sovereign language” in legal, ethnological and linguistic literature varies. So,

The “Short Ethnological Dictionary” gives the following meaning: “The language of the state is the language that is legally punished in the official spheres of spilkuvaniya.” This dictionary views “official language” as “a political and legal synonym for the sovereign language.”

UNESCO experts differentiate between the concept of “state language” (patlopa1 1ap1sha§e) and “official language” (org1s1a1 1ap§iae,e), in which case they give the following meanings: “The state language is a language that represents the integration function this within the framework of this power, social and cultural spheres and acts as a symbol of this state", "Official language - language sovereign administration, legislation, judicial system We reach the same point of view that the concept of “sovereign language” is broader than the common concept of “official language”, since state language functions not only in the spheres of official speech, but also in the spheres and culture.

The repertoire of social functions of the language, which has acquired the status of a sovereign or official language, is clearly defined to the level of normalization and codification, the visibility or relevance of writing and literature. new norms, literary, folklore and linguistic cultural traditions. The government of the rich peoples of Russia at this time does not allow them to completely abandon the functions of sovereign states, the status of which was denied in republican legislation, since most of them have daily functional styles, so get stuck in in various fields Spelling (for example, scientific style, business style, etc.) does not have any detailed scientific terminology.

The social functions of the Russian in the Russian Federation are as follows:

I) this is the national language of the Russian people, which constitutes approximately 83.7% of the inhabitants of Russia,

2) for the purpose of a movable united multinational power, or a movable interethnic gathering of the peoples of Russia,

3) according to the national language, which is common in various spheres of research - the business sphere, the sphere of science, the sphere of education, the sphere of mass communication and others. In itself, the role of the Russian in Russia is great and significant.

The implementation of the Russian language as a sovereign language of the Russian Federation is complicated by the fact that the Russian language and other national language republics of the Russian Federation, which are under the Constitution of the Russian Federation given the “right to establish one’s own sovereign language”, which, however, gives the new status of “sovereign language”, which is the understanding of the Russian language as The sovereign language of the Russian Federation will become gay at any rate. The designation by the new term of different countries for their functional capabilities cannot but lead to confusion and inconsistency in our policy.

However, according to the words of Anatoly France, reasonable arguments have not yet convinced anyone. And I see a reasonable reinforcement of the paradoxical situation that has developed, the zealots of the “valuation” of the sovereignty of the subjects of the Federation!” as a suppression of the rights of peoples, as a manifestation of “Russian chauvinism.” Of course, Russian language must develop and function in order and in close interaction with other Russian languages. the rights of the peoples of the Russian Federation to develop and develop their own languages ​​are infringed, and the role of the Russian language as the sovereign language of all Russia is to be clearly and clearly indicated.

How to know a way out of this situation? There is, of course, no way back; tobto. It is hardly possible or reasonable to understand the term “sovereign” republics of the Russian Federation. Varto, however, will marvel at the current global problems behind the border, analyze the existing legislation there that regulates the global situation, and forms the principles of global policy. How can you get out of the foreign information?

U in different countries Various models of foreign policy are being implemented. Actions of the country (for example, the USA, due to the legislation of certain states) are respected for not being included in the Constitution and we will formalize the official state of the country by legislative act. Other countries (for example, Canada, Belgium, Spain, France) have legislated rules of conduct in the areas of organized sputtering. Most countries in the world are still faced with local problems in the legislative way: with 141 countries in the constitutions of 110 - there are statistics, but there are languages.

There are one-component models of international legislation with one sovereign state (for example, France), two-component models (for example, Canada), and multiple components (for example, Singapore). The skin region, as it is important for the legislator to determine the laws of everyday life in the spheres of organized spilkuvaniya, the legislative practice depends on the military situation in the region, in another way, the main ambush and national politics, which signifi- cantly represent the country’s national policy.

Those closest to us sovereign order Richly national India knows two official (sovereign) languages: English, as is known during the period of colonial rule, that Volodya performed the functions of a single sovereign language, and Hindi; After all, other powers have the status of our states, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of India, adopted in 1950. Acts from our states, as they are guilty, and for literary traditions do not compromise our Hindus. The advantage remains that it outweighs other languages ​​beyond the number of different languages ​​(otherwise not in the same way as the Russian language on par with other languages ​​of the Russian Federation), and more, Of course, the one who, like the Russian one, belongs to the population of Tiya parts of the country, as a result of the emerging process of consolidation of India as a single federal power.

I think that not only India, in the chaos of everyday life, can be a butt for us. No one in India thinks of destroying the legislative function enshrined in the Constitution. viconic ruler, to ensure the primacy of federal laws over state laws. The head of power is the President of the Indian Republic, to whom the governors of the states (and not the presidents) who are assigned to them are subordinate. One of the main tasks of the order is to strengthen the processes of integration of the region. For more than 50 years, the Constitution has been in force in India, behind which a smaller group of billionaires have achieved enemy successes in the everyday life of the new people, having transformed their country from a former colony to a great one. Italian power. Since we have earned a lot in order to help India get back on its feet. It wouldn’t matter to us to immediately confront ourselves with major problems until we reach this country, since its sovereign structure is closer to Russia, even if it is another world power.

The Radyansky Union did not have legislative acts to regulate economic life in a rich national state. Similar to the rich practice of the region, on the one hand, the Russian language widely functioned like the majority of the population, on the other hand, in the national and autonomous republics of the RRFSR, the language of other peoples functioned in that world. c. In this way, two goals were ensured - firstly, the interests of peoples in the development of their languages ​​and cultures were ensured, and in another way, the universality of all rich national territories was ensured.

During the period of rebirth, a spontaneous transition began, which practically resulted in the formation of the Russian language as an interethnic amalgamation and national language, then. from the legally unregulated national-Russian duality to another way of organizing the cultural life of a rich national region - to its legal regulation. Many peoples of the region, who are not satisfied with the equal development of the joint functions of their governments, have believed that the path of legal regulation can advance the status of national governments. In 1989-1990 pp. laws about language were adopted in all republics of the Radyansky Union, Crimea of ​​Virmenia. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and later they were adopted by most of the republics of the Russian Federation. With this rank, it was legally established for the development of the sovereign language of the titular nations.

However, at other times, food supply was used for political purposes - to separate the functions of the Russian language from various spheres of production, as well as to separate the social rights of other residents of the country. and other republics.

First year 1991 The Law of the RRFSR “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the RRFSR” designated the social and legal status of the sovereign language of Russia. The law enshrined the following legal norm: “Russian language, which is the main feature of the interethnic aggregation of peoples of the RRFSR, is consistent with the historical and cultural traditions that have developed, has the status of a sovereign throughout the territory ї RRFSR". Compare this article 68 (clause 1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says: “My sovereign Russian Federation throughout the entire territory is Russian.” According to the given law, all the necessary social functions of the Russian government in the spheres of business production, education, science, in the methods of mass communication, etc. are assigned to the Russian government.

However, the adoption of laws about our republics of the Russian Federation, as well as the process of implementing these laws, showed that the possibility of discrimination against communities arises on the same principle, more precisely, through ignorance of the republic sovereign language. Constitutional Court confirming the right of the republic to seek expansion of the number of sub-republics of the republican powers, while pointing out the need to educate the population before the implementation of this right.

Numerous arrivals and obvious conflicts testified to the need to assess the legal basis for the functioning of the Russian Federation, and to determine its status in the spheres of organized consolidation in the entire Russian expanse. this Federation. In connection with this, work began on the Law on Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this law is to determine the sovereign status of the Russian language throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to establish the rules for its development in various areas, depending on the international situation and the basic principles and in national economic policy.

p align="justify"> The adoption of the law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation” showed that from the first name of the bill, its main substitution was included. the words "Russian language". In addition, the new name re-christens (does not form the basis) the main goal of not only the Law on Russian language, but also all our activities in support of the development of Russian language as well as the foreign language of the Russian Federation .

The importance of Russian language as a “background language” is in line with the rise of Russian power and the vertical of power. More than that, at our glance, we can look at the Bulf think about the canal of Zmіni to the Statt 68 of the Constitutions of Rosiy, having rumbled by the Nadannya Movisky status of the native movi federal federal federal fingers.

The law on the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation will establish the legal basis for the development of the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation. It establishes sovereign guarantees to support and protect sovereign speech in various spheres of marital life - in the sphere of education, culture, mass media and others. The law calls for the preservation of the originality, wealth and purity of the Russian language as a cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, as well as its expansion as one of the leading languages ​​of the world.

Regardless of the need for such a law, it was not immediately praised and adopted, and at low points, speculative discussions flared up among deputies and senators, and controversial publications appeared in the press, including the is - that the people of Russia - took a minimal part in the negotiated law, And with this text, few people have tried to understand it thoroughly.

At times, the law tends to use low formulations, through its literal reading and, as a result, the distortion of the norms of the law, to bring them to super-critical, and sometimes completely unpleasant, principles. It seems that the actions are not sufficiently regulated by the elements of the law. One of them concerns the philological and linguistic spheres. This is the exchange of some lexical spheres and the equally amazing expansion of others. Thus, paragraph 1.9 of Article 3 of the Law establishes the areas of “obligatory language abuse” of the Russian language in the activities of individuals, “due to problems such as the language of the language, which does not correspond to the norms of the Russian language as a sovereign language Russian Federation, and an invisible part of the artistic idea" . 11it is necessary to establish that it is non-normative, and, more simply, parkanna vocabulary is actively introduced into artistic creations And this seems to be the very literary norm and value, as quoted by an academic scientific friend. Under the disintegration of the often vaguely defined “artistic idea,” one can lead, in this way, to the publication and dissemination of all sorts of swear words, and to mass publicity, the thesis about the legislative and legal framework will be violated if there is an unruly word.

On the other hand, paragraph 6 of Article 1 directly states that “under the established Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, the introduction of words and expressions that do not comply with the standards of current literature is not allowed new movie, behind the scenes Foreign words, which may have illegal analogues in the Russian one.” The wording of this article violates the law itself: for the word “analogue” in Russian language there is a lexical replacement – ​​“vіdpovidnіst”. This article is essentially true - whether my trace is buried in a thoughtless manner, both in other people's words (to drive around Moscow in order to cross over, as screaming illiteracy is carried by street advertising and viscos), or in colloquial jargon mothers (in professional terms, computers and youth slang to the point of debasement) not forever a cultured inhabitant of Glibinka). What is obvious is the unjustifiable sound of the lexical layer associated with these words, which have entered the Russian language at once with new concepts and realities and continue to flow into our current everyday life naturally and naturally, as well as brightly my, figurative dialectal mine, which impresses with the freshness of the hour And the novelty of the interview or in conversations on television, - a similar lack of information was noted by Russian senators during the hour of discussion of the law and the journalists were immediately criticized.

No less generous is the fact that the law is of a declarative nature, and penalties for violating its provisions are not established by law. This paragraph 2 of Article 6 is not supported by legal, administrative, or any restrictions. It is clear that it is easy to forward the relevant changes to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences, but censorship insecurity may immediately arise. The amendments may not only be aimed at punishing swearing, but will also help fight against unwanted snakes, so the topic of punishment for violating the Law on the Sovereign Language will no longer be relevant.

I respect that the implementation of the Law on Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation serves the interests of the consolidation of the Russian supremacy, to create the minds for a clearer and more organized implementation of foreign policy in Russia Russian Federation, will help resolve various misunderstandings and conflicts on the political and national level.

Finally, I want to emphasize once again that we have a lot to do so that the Russian language in Russia takes its rightful place and protects the value of our rich national state.

Chelishev E.P., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

You know that the legislation of Russia, or the Russian Federation (which are equal names), is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and includes the impersonal Federal Laws, Codes and so-called legal acts: resolutions, decrees, orders and other normative acts that are adopted under the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation.

We all know about the actions of the Federal Laws and Codes: we know, for example, that the sphere of lighting is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Lighting” (1992), also about the Code on Land, about the Family Code, and often about Crime Linen Code. And the axis about the Federal Law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation”, unfortunately, there are few people, and even fewer of our citizens, who would like to read this Federal Law once.

Why? But it is not clear that the language can be not only a special study, not only a subject of study at school, but also a subject of sovereign legislation.

Tim an hour, May 20, 2005 rock was accepted State Duma, 25 June of the same year of praise by the Council of the Federation, and 1 June 2005 signing in Moscow, in the Kremlin, by the President of Russia V.V. Putin, the Federal Law “On the sovereign language of the Russian Federation”. As in other Federal Laws, it also bears its own number - No. 53-FZ. This Law is an organic part of the official legislation of our country.

What is this Law talking about, and what does it punish and mean?

The first paragraph of Article 1 of this Law reads: “It is consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation by the sovereign Russian Federation throughout its entire territory and Russian language.”

This means that this Law was not adopted in order to vote the Russian language by the sovereign Russian Federation. p align="justify"> The main point is in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the Basic Law of our land (Article 68). The Law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation” was praised in 2005 in order to protect and preserve the Russian language, as well as to allow the Russian language and human culture to develop normally.

“The protection and support of the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation promotes the multiplication and mutual enrichment of the spiritual culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation” - so to speak, paragraph 5

1st article of the Law “On the sovereign language of the Russian Federation”.

There are over a hundred nations on the territory of the Russian Federation, and there is an inter-ethnic aggregation of all the peoples of Russia and Russian language. The 68th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees to all peoples of the Russian Federation “the right to save their native language, the creation of minds for its education and development.” In 1991, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation” was adopted (No. 1807-1 dated 10/25/1991). And in 2005, the people decided that the Law about the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation was praised.

A good knowledge of proper legislation is the duty of lawyers. Knowledge of the Law on the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation is no less important than knowledge of the Constitution. What does this law guarantee?

The procedure for confirming the norms of current Russian literary language, and the rules of spelling and punctuation, is determined by the Order of Russia (P. 3, Art. 1). Well, the change of rules is not on the right of sovereign self-importance, but not special or corporate svaville.

The State Language of the Russian Federation supports the obligatory activities of the authorities of various countries, during the preparation of elections and referendums, in court proceedings, upon the publication of normative legal acts iv, when writing the names of geographical objects when drawing up documents, which will identify the person of the citizen of the Russian Federation, activities of foreign-Russian organizations, television and radio broadcasting, as well as in other singing federal laws spheres, including advertising! It also includes the Federal Law “On Advertising” (No. 38-FZ dated March 13, 2006), which does not allow the distortion of Russian language for the sake of damaging advertising.

Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the sovereign language of the Russian Federation” is entirely dedicated to “the protection and support of the sovereign language of the Russian Federation.”

By stealing Russian language, we are stealing our own ancient history and culture, which is being stolen in the past and in the future of Russia. After the approval of the Federal Law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation” (2005), the Federal Purpose Program “Russian Language (2006–2010)” was adopted by December 29, 2005. And as part of the implementation of this program, the year 2007 was struck by the fate of the Russian language. This means that throughout Russia and beyond its borders numerous holy events, Olympiads, competitions and festivals are held to popularize Russian language, literature and culture.

About those that the Russian language is even more important for the preservation of the native culture and for the preservation of Russia itself, say the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin before the Federal elections, said on May 26, 2007.

In the opening part of the Message, the President of the Russian Federation noted that “the spiritual unity of the people and the moral values ​​that unite us are as important a factor in development as political and economic stability. Reconstructions, success will only be possible to set and determine large-scale national goals if there is a system of moral guidelines. If in the region they preserve their respect for their native language, for their own cultural values, for the memory of their ancestors, for every aspect of our ancient history.”

Concern about the loss of spiritual and moral Russian traditions lurks in the middle of the Message. At the same time, the President quoted academician D.S. Likhachov: “The sovereignty of the state is determined, strictly speaking, by cultural criteria.”

“Whose fate, stunned by the Rock of the Russian language,” said the President, “is to remember once again that the Russian language is the mark of the historical brotherhood of peoples, the truth of the international union. We are not just saving a whole layer of truly worldly achievements, but we are living in the vast expanse of the billion-dollar “Russian world,” which is significantly wider than Russia itself. Therefore, as the banishment of rich peoples, Russian language will never become my hatred and warlords, xenophobia and isolationism.”

The President immediately supported the initiative of Russian linguists to create a National Foundation for Russian Language. The head of the state called the conversation about language and culture the most important social and political nutrition.

Concluding his Message before the Federal Assembly, V.V. Putin once again emphasized how important it is to preserve the cultural-historical decline and spiritual-moral traditions: “the greatest legacy that stands before us, and the victorious ones at the same time more modern, more and more new, generating qiu novelty We are at the same time guilty and based on the basic moral values ​​that the people of Russia have developed over more than a thousand years of their history. Only in this case we can correctly determine the directions of the development of the edge. And it’s only in this situation that success comes to us.”

It’s crazy that the Russian language is great, beautiful and powerful - it’s one of the basic spiritual and moral values ​​of Russia. By protecting Russian language from vulgarity, from vulgarity, from profanity, and also by sacredly preserving Russian literary decline, we can save and increase our cultural and historical decline as a whole.

Shchorichno 24th herb in Russia is considered especially sacred. Slovenian writing ta culture. The sovereign character of this sacredly arose in 1991, and as the day of the Slovenian Orthodox enlightenment, this sacredly marks a more troubling history. The Day of Slovenian Literature and Culture is a miraculous blessing to once again go through the history of Slavic history and remember about the beginnings of writing among the Slavs. This is sacred, consecrated in the names of the holy brothers Kostyantin-Kyril and Methodius, giving the miraculous ability to inspire respect for the purity of the Russian language, for the culture of our language, so that the Constitution and the Federal Law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation” do not deprive We ourselves stole Russian language . .

Boris Pivovarov

About the sovereign language of the Russian Federation

What is the sovereign Russian language - two aspects of one concept

Today's Russian language literature is one of the most universal languages ​​in the world. With your help, absolutely any thought and understanding can be determined in a number of ways and reinforced in the hearing aid with different levels of accuracy and details. In grammars and guides, the structure and lexical warehouse of the Russian language are described with such completeness, which indicates the current level of linguistic knowledge.

Russian language has an advanced conceptual and semantic structure, the presence of a comprehensive body of original texts in all functional varieties and social functions. This will ensure the ability of the Russian one to function as one of the light networks. Statements about the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation require special consideration, since they can be interpreted in two equal and mutually consistent aspects.

First of all, Russian language, which is understood as a complete sign-communicative system, has the status of a sovereign language among the other indigenous peoples of Russia. The importance of the special role of the Russian language in the life of our land is confirmed by the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Sovereign Language of the Russian Federation” (No. 53-FZ dated 1 June 2005), which states that “ subordinated to the Constitution of the Russian Federation my Russian Federation on its territory and Russian language.” The Russian language is recognized as mine, extended in all regions of Russia and unites the entire territory of our rich-tonomed region. This is the universal language of Russia - it is expressed and recorded in a great corpus of texts (original and translated) all the most important knowledge about the world and marriage.

In other words, the sovereign status of the language, which is understood as practical, social function, sees that part of the Russian literary language, which is vikorized by the authorities of the state government and management, as well as Russian laws and regulations, but, no less important, as the language of official publication. This understanding of the sovereign status of the Russian Federation is consistent with Article 3 of the Federal Law on Languages, which characterizes its functional authorities. Thus, paragraph 1 of the article states that the sovereign language of the Russian Federation promotes compulsory education “in the activities of the federal authorities of the sovereign state, the authorities of the sovereign authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation tsії, other government bodies, bodies miscevogo self-direction, the organization of all forms of power, including the activities of business,” and paragraph 4 calls for the vikorism of the Russian language “in the constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative courts, justice in arbitration courts, case law in federal courts, justice and case law in world courts and other courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.

Functions of the sovereign language

The number of theoretical principles that are discussed in connection with the problematic functioning of the Russian language as a sovereign power must be drawn from direct inheritance from the statement that the grammatical and lexical repertoire of language characters that strive to achieve the state's tasks and implement the state's interests, it may be prudent to be Any literate speaker of the Russian language and, therefore, may conform to the norms of foreign literary language. Such an interpretation of the sovereign status requires a special description of the norms, order and rules of the language of such a society, because The normative and stylistic characteristics of language features are clearly detailed in dictionaries and grammars of Russian language. However, statements about the obligatory normativity of the implementation of international functions, which are determined in the socio-political, national-cultural, official-business, legal spheres of international activity, cannot be separated Isya is more deprived Zagalnymi Vimogs updating the spelling, spelling, punctuation and stylistic norms of the language. The main powers of communication that function in thematically, compositionally and stylistically stable types of text that are united by the official business style of communication, and the particularities of communicative tasks that are implemented to seek their help is the specificity of the pragmatic directness of rhetorical constructions.

Describe the functions of the sovereign language, which generally means giving the functional characteristics of the government’s government. This means the need to describe the rules and norms of linguistic interpretation of the text as a structural and conceptual whole that connects the communicative and pragmatic boundaries of the people, the marriage and the surrounding social group, government officials and politicians, officials and huge marriage. Without I'll describe the report the functions of government authorities, as in the state language, which previously resolve legally significant situations in information and documentary disputes, when normative, legal interpretations of the text appear Officially invisible, sufficient interpretations will give rise to meaningless results.

Genre-specific features of cultural activity in the spheres of culture

sovereign language of the Russian Federation

The functional power of the sovereign language is again manifested in texts presented in an official business style. This style of literary language is formed in these spheres of human activity, in which it is important to develop behind a given set of mental habits, standard ways of raising thoughts in order to discuss them in a singing voice. In an official business style, a uniform formal etiquette is maintained and careful emphasis is placed on such rhetorical expressions as best as possible to ensure semantic clarity, reasonableness, and neutrality of the act of communication. katsii. For this reason, official texts include abbreviations, dialectical words and expressions, and metaphorical meanings that are not vikorized.

The official business style is often implemented in the texts of diplomatic and legal documents, instructions, orders and other official papers from daily document management. This style is gradually expanding into the sphere of business communication - trainings, negotiations, presentations, etc.

Before replacing documents with an official business style, there are opportunities such as turning off various types of ambiguity and different readings. The language is inspired by the expressions and rules of the official business style, and is the result of the sequential folding of the meaning of the words and words in the expression, the reduction of individuality, but there is a sense that is conveyed in the same way. As a result, the notable features of the texts of this genre are clarity, precision, specificity, precision of formulation, as well as laconism of the composition and special forms of presentation of the material. At times, the advantages of style explode until there is no shortage. For example, the rule, which allows for consistent ordering of the same type of forms in the designated meaning of the generic form, there are no formal boundaries, allows for the creation of constructions such as: “Viddil in work with the beasts of the population and organization.” “I will accept the population to the Department of Human Rights Management of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation.” And the rules that allow the construction of abbreviations from the names of enterprises allow the creation of a name like: the Volgovyalektromashpostachzbut company. Respecting the rules that exist in other fashion styles, such names seem impracticable. However, for a business style, this name, although it can be assessed as a long time ago, has become completely understandable and has an important usefulness - it is unique, and it is easy to recognize. Above all, the leaves are completely rusty by hand, because... in the standard manner, change after changes and numbers (equivalently: to recover from Volgovyatelektromashsnabsbyt, to re-invent Volgovyatelektromashsnabsbyt).

The Department of Expertise of Texts by the Sovereign

Texts that are popular in the social-political, legal, civil and economic spheres human activity If you operate with information that is reflected in the form of facts, official business texts must add a sign of individual author’s style and be understood unambiguously. For whom the stench is to be created behind the song pattern with the vicoristic words, which have clear connections with the concepts that motivate them. All this will inevitably create a need for the development of practical general rules that will ensure the unification of the structure of data, and will allow you to save time both in preparing texts and in reading them. p align="justify"> The huge demand for rules for texts of official and business significance is being realized through the development of special government standards.

The first such colloquial language rules, adopted to eliminate the variety and inconsistency of written words, for their transfer and rules for seeing syntactic units, were the “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation”, official It was confirmed only in 1956. Since that time, a number of standards have been adopted in the region, which are related to official business texts (for information, libraries and references). Today in the Russian Federation there are a lot of written, manual work and publications (laws and by-laws, regulations, primary and preliminary literature, abstracts, diploma work, etc.) are prepared and formalized according to the old tired rules. It has been adopted or breaks down the standards for the preparation of documents in the field of business and professional activities (for example, GOST 7.32-2001, which defines the structure and rules for the preparation of reports on scientific research work), a variety of departments themselves Effectively develop internal standards for mental abbreviations, abbreviations, numbers identification of specific exhibits, registration documents, etc.

At the same time, no official documents, similar structurally and thematically, are prepared without relying on expressive texts, without understanding the thoughts of the writers from the language. The time has come, after formal unification, to move on to the development of modern standards that would ensure the specificity of the order of words, the particularity of rhetorical motives related to the communicative tasks of the text and its purposeful directness. However, it is impossible to carry out this work without the participation of fakhivts in the official and business Russian language. How to show tracking, condensed expressions and rules of linear speech, it would seem, would be to ensure the most reliable communication, sometimes super typing one to another. The application details can be found in the texts of the Federal Laws. Because of the need for additional information, it is customary to rely on the results of grammatical and syntactic analysis of the text. Those, how important it is to formulate the norm for its understanding and stagnation, have been abundantly confirmed by practice. Verbal inaccuracy, lack of coma, incorrect expression, the wrong type of word can completely replace a normative act, leading to the fact that the act is understood and stagnates in a completely different way than the law-making body. .

Obviously, if the text violates the rules of spelling or punctuation, then it is necessary to interpret the text in such a way as if there was no such reconciliation. However, in a number of cases it is difficult to understand whether the text is meant to be correct or the text to contain the meanings that would follow when read literally. And here it is necessary to investigate the broader context, which can be found without examining the text.

In your own way, linguistic examination of the text can be carried out only for the evidence, first of all, of authoritative witnesses, in order to match the reported normative characteristics of the entire arsenal of political tools that are used in all spheres of everyday economic activity. Ukrainian literary language, or in another way, based on testing techniques. linguistic characteristics of the text, the identification of which would provide substantiated and evidence-based data about this change.

Such methods are responsible for the adoption of the basic principles of knowledge, which lies behind the rules linguistic analysis see explicit textual information and characterize it. For which the output text needs to undergo expert processing - its replacement is interpreted, condensed and converted into analytical and evidence-based information according to reasonable rules, in order to replace linguistic knowledge about the text and knowledge about real world, reflections from the text.

Powers of civil society in Russia

Russian language functions as a sovereign will require direct improvement and development. And the sovereign status of the legislative form was given to them only with praise to the Law of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 1991 No. 1807-I “About the peoples of the Russian Federation”. It was then that the Russian language was officially recognized as a sovereign state. More recent legislative norms that confirm the sovereign status of the Russian language in the Russian Federation were enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and in the Federal Law “On the sovereign language of the Russian Federation” No. 1. 06.2005 No. 53-FZ.

The respected legislative norms allow us to determine the order of formation, development and regulation of the internal features of the current Russian literary language, which are incorporated into the sovereign functions. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out scientific research to clarify the declarative norms and procedural rules of these parts of the government’s functions, as well as to describe the cognitive power of the government apparatus, carry out a new inventory and create a reliable description of the assets that are being investigated this function.

An additional problem that will require special regulation is the problem of legal control, support and appreciation of the status of this part of the Russian literary language, which is considered to be the sovereign language of the Russian Federation. The Russian state, whose citizens are engaged in one of the world's worlds, may be focused on the development and thorough development of these modern tools that are used to influence the world's activities, so that national humanitarian values. At a glance, you can tell what sovereign function Russian language has a well-established knowledge about the moral principles of married life in Russia, traditional moral values ​​and social norms. Any power may cultivate a common reflection of cooperation with the problems associated with freedom of individuality, with the possibilities of moral choice of individuality, with the development of sociocultural decline; from the desire for a creative performance to faith, language, traditions and ancestral origins; to discuss the problems of universal justice, goodness, kindness, humanity, tolerance from a different point of view, respect for the rights of religious faiths, etc.

In order to support national sovereignty in the sphere of international information exchange, the country can actively develop the practice of large-scale Russian economic activity. Until now, Russian language acted as a strong and legitimate channel for communication with other partners. However, now, if information technologies learn the Latin alphabet and English vocabulary as a working language scientific conferences English is being used, international negotiations are often conducted on both sides without translation into English, the prestige of other official world leaders is falling. Apparently, the political and cultural sovereignty of the regions, as they say in other languages, is subject to a real erosion.

The new “regional” status of the extravagant world symbols can be interpreted as a clear sign of the decline of their cultural and scientific significance. In order to avoid a further decline in the status and role of the Russian language in the world, we are actively developing and improving national life. For which it is necessary to seek not only texts that will reflect the light achievements of scientific thought in the humanities, socio-political, economic studies, the best artistic works, etc., represented in Russia any of mine, and also so that the authors and readers of the texts make it clearer about semantic and grammatical rules and norms of language learning.

Dictionaries give approximately the following meaning: language is a system of signs, which is the special formation of people, the result of thought and expression. With the help of this, we create knowledge of the world, forming specialness. The language conveys information based on human behavior, and serves in the state so that people - officials and ordinary citizens - understand each other as much as possible.

State language of Russia

Now about the Russian state. The concept is more lost, the fragments of the skin edge, the skin power are losing their national characteristics. All the basic principles are the same. So, let’s take a look at the absolute sovereign language of Russia, what it brings. Behind the Constitution of the region it is a matter that is victorious in legislation, business, justice and other issues of social and married life. Tse mova, how the power unites with its inhabitants. It is where laws are published, official documents are seen, and official records are conducted in the state. The Russian government is victorious about ZMI (importantly, but not at the national level), and this is the practice in schools, universities and other primary institutions. The Constitution of the state (Article 68) establishes that the sovereign language of the Russian Federation throughout its great territory is Russian.

National languages

But this does not at all mean that others, for example, Ukrainian, Tatar, Kalmyk, are worse. This does not mean that all the citizens of Russia, without guilt, may speak to each other in a non-Russian way. Go to any corner of Russia, all the representatives of power - judges, policemen, mayors, governors - are guilty of the Russian nobility. Well, for those who have so many powerful languages ​​in Russia, there is only one answer: Russian!

Other possibilities

The order of cities, republics, autonomies (districts and regions), which are part of the Russian Federation, may also have the right to introduce for widespread corruption on their territory those languages, in addition to which the local population is united. So, for the rest of the data, 49 mov at once from the Russian status of the official ones! In other countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Abkhazia, the Transnistrian Republic), the Russian language is also treated as an official language.

Simple butt

The State language of Russia is tse rosiyska. And if, for example, a Yakut reindeer arrives at a resort in Ossetia, then no one has any problems with registration at the hotel or, if necessary, with the addition of medicines at the pharmacy. The young, pretty Ossetian pharmacist laughs sagely and concludes her sentence. And the hero-deer has nothing to worry about. You know that on the packaging of tablets or powder the instructions for use are written in the Russian language, in my understanding. Since this great power has a Russian language, then there are no problems with reading such texts.

To whom should the language be assigned?

In this way, you can create a new principle: the state, declaring that the sovereign language of Russia is Russian, meaning it is its official language, must first commit itself to the understanding of the one who attacks it. And the president, as the head of the Russian Federation, must fight so that his goiter will cease inexorably. The food continues naturally: “To whom this Russian language belongs - the Yakuts, the Karelians, In our hour, since Russia has united into one power the anonymous peoples with its historical language, my ancestors, itself becoming the name of all peoples, as and now live under It would be written in writing that the Russian Federation, as a power, is written by the skin of its rich national list of movs, but those who preserve them are given special importance, do not raise any doubts, but it is natural and natural, how all peoples live In Russia, there may be such a possibility - to stick to one (Russian) language and, at the same time, to freely, without limiting one’s power, understand the origins of one’s ancestors.

According to the latest census of the population of Russia, representatives of 160 nationalities live in the Russian Federation today. Obviously, their skin is its own, special and not similar to everyone else’s. It is important to understand how representatives of different nationalities would have understood one another if they had not come to the Russian’s aid.

Aware of the need

It’s clear that even if you’re a giant, even if you’re a huge activist, you can’t get by without Russian knowledge. And the power, at its core, entrusts its subjects with such ability. Just because a citizen does not intend to enter the service of the state, this does not mean that Russian language will not benefit him in everyday life. It is not without the ability to convey your voice, your thought from any corner of the great land. There is also a wealth of cultural traditions: songs, verses, books. And it would be unusual to not even know anyone.

1. What are the functions of the Russian language?
2. In what areas is Russian language used?
3.Why is Russian language important to my international language?
P.S. be as kind as you need to be!

This Law regulates the commonwealths associated with the status of the Russian language as a sovereign language of the Russian Federation and its official branches. the integrity of the rich nationality of the Russian state; ensure the vigor of the Russian language as a means of inter-ethnic aggregation of the peoples of Russia; Establish the legal basis for the development of the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation in the activities of the federal authorities of the sovereign power, the authorities of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and the international authorities central self-government, state and other organizations; establish the main capabilities of state authorities or organizations that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, the development, development, and expansion of the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation ї Federation; distinguish between the federal authorities of the sovereign power and the authorities of the sovereign authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the local Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation; adopting the formation of a thorough approach to the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, preserving its originality, wealth and purity as the sacred cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and secular culture; Acceptance of the wider Russian language as one of the world's languages.

1 Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Russian language is the sovereign language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. This is the language of the Russian nation, the language of the Russian people. National language is a language that refers to the historical formation of groups of people who live on the foreign territory, bound by the foreign economy, culture, and peculiarities of life. The social functions of the Russian language in the Russian Federation are as follows: I) it is the national language of the Russian people, which constitutes approximately 83.7% of the inhabitants of Russia, 2) it is a means of obtaining a large monetary wealth the national power, or the language of the inter-national union of the peoples of Russia, 3) this is the state language, as It is used in various spheres of research - the business sphere, the sphere of science, the sphere of education, the sphere of mass communication, etc. This is why the role of the Russian language in Russia is so great and significant. 2 Spheres of the sovereign language of the Russian Federation 1. The sovereign language of the Russian Federation promotes the obligation of the sovereign language: 1) in the activities of the federal authorities of the sovereign power, the authorities of the sovereign power of the subject in the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local self-government bodies, organizations of all forms of government, including business activities; 2) in the employment of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local self-government bodies, organizations of all forms of government; 3) during the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums; 4) in constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative justice, in arbitration courts, in federal courts, in civil courts and in other courts of the subjects of Russia this Federation; 5) with the official publication of international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts; 6) among the federal bodies of the structure of state power, bodies of the structure of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local self-government bodies, the organization of all forms of power and citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign communities, individuals without community, community associations; 7) at the time of writing the names of geographical objects, applying inscriptions to road signs; 8) when preparing documents to identify the person of the citizen of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, preparing forms of certificates about the sovereign registration of assets of the Russian Federation I will be happy to prepare documents about the education that appear to be eligible for state accreditation lighting installations, as well as other documents, the execution of which is consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation is established by the sovereign Russian Federation, when the address of the senders and carriers of telegrams and postal shipments is registered, what is being done within the Russian Federation, postal transfers of costs; 9) in the activities of the Trans-Galno-Russian, regional and municipal television and radio broadcasting organizations, the editors of the Trans-Galno-Russian, regional and municipal periodic other publications, in addition to the activities of the television and radio organizations Compilation and editorialization of periodical other publications, foundations specifically for the development of television (or) radio broadcasting or publication of other products on national our republic, which is in the warehouse of the Russian Federation, other peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages, as well as a culprit of errors, as the incorrect vocabulary does not correspond to the norms of Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, and an unknown part of the artistic idea; 10) in advertising; 11) in other areas defined by federal laws. 3 According to the sovereign language in Russia, the Russian Federation is the main feature of the interethnic aggregation of the peoples of Russia, promotes their closeness, mutual wealth, ensures connections with international partnerships, and cotton culture. Due to the consolidating role of the Russian sovereignty, the Russian one is one of the important foundations of the Russian power and supports the significant vertical of power. Therefore, the sovereign support of the Russian Federation confirms our strategic national interests. Obviously, the Russian Academy of Sciences cannot and is not guilty of being deprived of other projects, including legislators, related to the share of Russian language in our kingdom and world. It is necessary for the mother to respect that the adoption of the Russian language in other countries and cultures has a lot to do with our powerful and generous installation, in our country, in our functioning in marriage.

information on Russian language Information on the topic "Russian language - the sovereign language of the Russian Federation"

  1. We can relate to these lasting manifestations, which are part of the continuation of the entire foundation of human matrimony. The language is to serve us in front of the people. It also serves as a special form and expression of thoughts and feelings, fragments of inseparable connections with the thoughts and knowledge of people.

    It is still not possible to give an exact answer to the power supply, as much as we have in the world. It is important that at one time there are over five thousand people in the world, among them the dying ones, which define everything fewer people, and even a little modified.

    One of the most widespread on earth, the most guilty of our world, in which the richest literature has been written, the historical testimony of the Russian people, the achievement of all mankind, has been expressed, is the Russian language. It is included in the work of the Organization of the United Nations, it writes the most important world documents and international affairs.

    Russian language is the language of the Russian nation, the language of the Russian people. It is a national movement, which means the historical formation of groups of people who live in a residential area, connected by a foreign economy, culture, and peculiarities of life. National language includes not only literary (or standardized) language, but also dialects, colloquialisms, jargon, and professionalism. Russian national language has a complex and challenging history. The beginning of its composition dates back to the 17th century. , the period of formation of the Russian nation. Its further development is closely connected with the history and culture of the Russian people.

    The Russian language is the sovereign language of the Russian Federation. This means that it is not only spoken in everyday life, in work, but also in my official state, my science and culture.

    On the territory of the Russian Federation there were many autonomous structures, and the indigenous people who inhabited them had autonomy, along with the Russian one, their own sovereign language.

    Russian language has, among others, the function of interethnic aggregation, without any impossibility it would be necessary to work together to connect people of different nationalities who live in the same region. .

  2. Russian language is omnipotent and great. Russian language
    talk over 7 million people. The Russian language is surrounded by the sovereign language
    Russian Federation. Russian language should be loved by everyone, especially those who
    I live in Russia and for the Russian nation. It’s a pity that change is changing, so
    how to introduce words from other languages ​​into Russian language, for example, replacement
    the words “office”, at the same time you should say “office”, instead of the words “podlitok”
    , everyone says "teenager". Ale navіt tse not psuє tsei great language.
    Russian language needs to be loved and understood!
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  2. apply your creativity? Your Spitz is a charming Spitz, no bigger than a thimble! I'm stroking everything; Yak Shovkova Vovna! (Molchalin, “Woe Before Reason”) Before summer, often...
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  4. A lecture on the topic “love and protect nature.” Confirmation from Russian 7th grade. behind the scenes! We spend a lot of time talking about environmental protection. Mi...
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Some abstracts from work on the topic of Russian language as a sovereign language of the Russian Federation
For any power, establishing the status of a sovereign language is the central and most significant element legal regulation movnyh vynosin, fragments stick out as, the regulatory framework of the country's movs in the state, and the rights of bearers of these movs - as a separate feature, and ethnic strength.
Everyone knows that language is a painful revelation. Whatever the system functions and develops in a society, serving other purposes of human communication. The social functioning of the language is an extremely important problem, and there is still a lot missing here.
The study of my marital functions may involve both hidden patterns and specific aspects, different for the skin specific language and formation of us before the marital structure, equal to the development of the marital system, as well as the peculiarities of the nation. nal culture and structure of the language. Language is one of the most important elements of culture of any nation, so the development of fusion processes in one or another country is not always without regard to sociolinguistic issues.

§1. Legal basis for the establishment of Russian in the Russian Federation
Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, which, together with other peoples, has played a great role in the history of our land.
Russian language is the language of science, technology and culture. My Russian written immortal works by V. I. Lenin. The Russian creation is the work of prominent Russian writers - A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, A. Tvardovsky, M. Sholokhov, K. Paustovsky and in.
The peoples of our land are seeking Russian as a result of inter-ethnic amalgamation. In Volodinia, the Russian order makes it absolutely necessary to exchange information in different areas.
Shche V.I. Lenin wrote that “we want more than you, so that among the oppressed classes of all, without distinction of nations, that inhabit Russia, a closer unity and fraternal unity may arise. And we, obviously, stand for the fact that all Russians have the opportunity to learn the great Russian language" [Cit. according to Baranov, 1989, p. 9].


The Russian language is the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, especially the inter-ethnic grouping of the peoples of Russia and the SND, one of the six official and working communities of the United Nations Organization. other international organizations, to reach the wider world. The Russian language of the Russian Federation calls for various functions, to play an important role in ensuring consolidation, unity and cultural development of the peoples of Russia.
At the Zv'yazka, the process of the process of the MIZHNATIONAL MIRITHING INTEGRACHICA, at Denmark, the Piditrima Movie, Adjani, Krim Urogo Inshogo, Vaughovy Yak Potuzhna, social factor consolidation of the SND regions, as a stimulus for the development of cultural, legal, economic and political contributions in the middle of the Russian Federation, the implementation of geopolitical interests of Russia. The very legal basis for the establishment of the Russian language in the Russian Federation was discussed in the first paragraph of the investigation.

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