I have to read the phacelia.



A lesson in follow-up.

Reader of Russian language and literature Roldugina O.Yu.



Nature and people in M. Prishvin’s poem “Phacelia”.

Summary of a literature lesson in 9th grade.


analyze the mystical features of the vikoryst writing, showing the spiritual path of the lyrical hero;

- Carefully analyze the text of the artistic work. develop emotional memory, respect, active creativity and associative thinking, sleep and letter communication

, constantly analyze, analyze, work again; Vihovuvati love to nature, more economical installation

before her, love before the Russian;

greater emphasis on the word, complexity, independence, complementarity, intelligence and a little beauty in nature.

Why then would people be human, as if there was no memory of repeating in it.


Lesson progress

1. Motivation, getting on topic, goal setting.

And in Russian literature there are writings, which you can discover in childhood - in childhood, in youth, as a mature person.

One of such artists of the word is Mikhailo Mikhailovich Prishvin. (information about biography)

To see a bright day... One of the unhealed glades of the rich Russian forest comes Prishvin.

The wasp listens to the silence, walking through the forest in her simple yarn boots and blue jacket.

Over one shoulder is a beloved towel, behind the other is a camera, and the handle is a faithful dog.

Trained hands wash the notebook. Write it down for Nina. Mozhlivo, axis:

Working with epigraph, terms written in English:

Poetics is a particularity of the artistic style of a writer, the totality of artistic skills that are used to celebrate.

What kind of creations are called literary-epic?

Behind the scenes are lyrical works (they convey a sense of the author);

form - prose (authority eposu);

behind the work - miniatures.

Starry and lyrical miniatures.

Philosophical study - the thoughts of the author-opinion, presented in the form of an internal monologue.

    When you think about it, there may be important objects and manifestations that inspire a person, for example, a flow of water, an old tree, the cry of a bird, the blowing of the wind.

    The thoughts of the report end with a conclusion that suggests here a different, metaphorical and philosophical subtext.

    2.Formulation of topics and notes for the lesson. Hypothesis: Is it true that in his works the author brings out the beautiful sides of the human soul from nature? It is important to note the following:

The characteristic drawings of Prishvin the landscape painter are examined to understand the role of nature in his creativity.

Showing the peculiarity of mutual relations between people and nature in the creation “Phacelia”

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Pozhinna water

”, “Blue feathers”, “Power has been captured”, “Life board”, “Forest stream”, “Water is late”.

The object of investigation was the work of M.M.

Prishvina “Life-giving water”, “Blue feathers”, “Forest stream”, “Life-giving board”, “Late spring”

Subject of study of the peculiarities of mutual relations between people and nature 2. Work with the text. It is important to remember that I will bring up the text of the readings before the lesson, and during the lesson fragments will be read.

Why did Mikhailo Prishvin call it “Phacelia”?Prishvin’s connection between people and nature is both physical and more subtle, spiritual.

In nature, you will discover those who are comfortable with themselves and will calm down. “At night, a vague thought was in my soul, I was in the air... And that’s when I recognized my thought to myself, that I’m not as guilty as the river, because I can’t get along with all the world, closed “Behind the dark curtains of my pain about the wasted Phacelia.” The miniatures are richly filled with metaphors and aphorisms, which help to condense thoughts to the limit and make a parable. The style is laconic, rather strict, without any attempt at sensitivity or embellishment. The skin phrase is overly emn, subterranean.

“Yesterday this river, in the open sky, was gurgling through the stars, with all the light. Today the sky was closed, and the river lay under the gloom, as if under a carpet, and it did not gurgle with all the light, no!”

In total, in two propositions, two different pictures of a winter night are visibly presented, and in the context - two different mental states of people.

The word carries on itself the meaning of navantazhenya.

So, in a way that is repeated, the hostility to association is emphasized: “... the river was still deprived and the river was sitting in the darkness”;

"... the fish... splashed much stronger and louder than yesterday, when the stars were shining and it was very cold."

The two final miniatures of the first section show a motive for interruption - as punishment for the omission of the previous one and as a trial, which needs to be fixed.

The two remaining miniatures of the chapter show the image of the interruption.

Why is this connected? 2. The other section is called “Rosstan”, which means the intersection of roads. The lyrical hero turns from empty self-sufficiency to the road, guess Mitya

past life in the “empty self-ness”, it looks for harmony with the light.“Rozstan”: “Warly stop, and from now on there are three roads: one, another, the third to go - through disaster, or death alone. Fortunately, I’m not going in the direction where the roads diverge, but go back, - for me to die, the roads do not diverge, but converge. I will happily stop and return along the one true path to my home, wondering about my troubles in separation.” Another section “Grow up” and dedications to the revealed creative force.

There are especially many aphorisms here.“Happiness and creativity could become the religion of mankind”; “It’s less creative than happiness - people are not happy because they live behind three castles”;“For love, there is a soul”;

“The quieter you are, the more you respect the flow of life.”

The connection with nature becomes closer.The writer jokes and recognizes in her “the beautiful sides of a person’s soul.” Visnovok

.People are deprived of prolongation It is not only the richness of the farb, but the sound and aromatic smell.

- The range of sounds is extremely wide: from the gentle, slightly catchy ringing of a beetroot, a tree harp, to the forceful blows of a string.

And the writer can convey all the different smells of spring in one or two phrases: “Take one nirka, rub it between your fingers, and then for a long time everything will smell like the fragrant resin of birch, poplar, or the special unique smell of wild cherry...” .

How does the author express the joy of creating harmony with light in the names of the miniatures?

“The Laughing of the Earth”, “Sun in the Forest”, “Kvituchi Grass”, “Rozkvit of Shipshin”, “Song of Water”, “Rivers of Kvitiv” etc.

3.Analysis of miniatures by groups.

1. Virazne reading.2. Artistic features.

3. The light of nature is the light of people. How Prishvin equates nature with humanity, with the human soul.1st group - e tudy “Spring is late.”" The bud of the flowering plant blooms, then the thorns: everything has its time to bloom. It may happen that a whole month has passed since the convalias began to bloom, and perhaps even the darkest forest depths have the same color and smell..

The first part describes the nature and color of the convoy. And in the other part we talk about the human camp.And so very rarely, but it happens with people. "

The grass has already completely dried up without the board. That axle threw down the board, and the grass all rose in front of the board, turning green before our eyes... That’s how it goes with people. You can wither away without food, droop and die. If love will appear in your life, you will immediately become inspired, open, open your soul to love. Axle three more rows from the miniature "The Living Plank": " The sun appeared at the gathering and softly closed, like a rainforest, so warm and life-giving for the growth, like a farm for us.

Here, from a few words, all the writings are about the board, but here is a thought about kohanna, about human love, - and the whole image is dedicated to it, and for its sake the people are born. Prishvin called such images a “lyrical voice” and, explaining himself, said: “Well, my friends, I write about nature, but I only think about people.”“And the same khanna as in us, the same water - love - washed below, nurtured the root tall tree, and the axle immediately after this farm - water fell and became a bridge from one bank to the other, and the heavenly board - love - continues to fall on a fallen tree with bare roots, and from the very same hill, before which it fell, the nirki are now opening And there will be a smell of resinous aromas, and there will be flowers throughout this spring, like all flowers and giving life to others... Concluding my thought, starting with this “Life Plank”, I want to say in a row with this “Water and Love”. "..."

The main thing here is that a cow of milk is needed, one might say a milk cow, a human farm. Some, like cherry cherry, know the power of blossoming, cope with the black smokiness of life;Others, like other cherry trees, perish, cannot turn back on themselves. In the image of a bird cherry, Prishvin showed human life.It's up to us to joke and bring out the beautiful sides of people's souls. 4 group. From a philosophical point of view, the miniature “Forest Stream” is even more important. " If you want to understand the soul of the forest, find the forest stream and bend its bank up and down. I walk along the shore of my beloved stream in early spring. I see, I smell, and I think..."The world of Mikhail Mikhailovich’s nature especially favored the life of water, and he found analogues with the lives of people and the lives of the heart. ».


There is nothing more desirable than water, and only the human heart sometimes yearns in the depths and lets the rapture light up, like a dawn on a great one.

calm water


The heart of a person is attracted to it, and that is light ", read the note from the student. nature, and now the author writes about the moral jokes of people, about the feeling that will rejuvenate the soul.

Helpful inspiration for people was created by Prishvin, in which the artist Prishvin’s mystique was revealed to create light through the soul of people and nature.

Mi bachimo, how the leaves and grass come to life, and the whole forest with its swamps and glades, corn and mosquitoes

Our hypothesis was confirmed.

Summary: in his creations, Prishvin combines nature with the human soul, so that he brings out the beautiful sides of the human soul in nature.

Life has a lot of mystery. And the greatest secret, in my opinion, is the power of the soul. What depths lurk in it!

Do the stars appear so mysteriously tight that they are inaccessible?

How to gamify it?

The sewer helps us to discover our inner light and, of course, a superb light.

Turning to the epigraph, understanding.

5.Creative design (possibly for

home robots

): write a lyrical miniature “Mitt’s Life”. Mikhailo Prishvin The empty thoughts can only be their own, but why should they be afraid of the empty, because they are afraid of being left alone with themselves.

My behavior became inhumane.

I asked him about this insignificantly, but don’t talk, but I won’t ask for my food without losing my dear respect.

It seemed that my unloving nature could bring back my youth, perhaps my youth, to cry out in its new hour of power, if my skin may sing.

In order to finally turn this little red man with a wide face into active life, I set him up for that hour to eat even more seriously.

In my opinion,” I said, “without the support of cooperation, our grass propaganda is empty beams.

And why did you have your own Phacelia, having drunk the wine?

How so?

- I was amazed.

So,” he repeated, “what was that there?”

I understand and believe how to identify people, which, of course, was different...

Did you come?

- After chewing your wine, finish it.

Yes, she came...

Where did you go?

I became sicker.

Without saying anything, I just opened my hands a little, and sensed: I don’t know, I know.

Then, after thinking about it, saying about phacelia:

The bluebirds spent the night and lost their blue feathers.

He mumbled, deeply surprised at me, and said in his own way:

Oh dear, I won’t come back again.

I, looking around the blue field of phacelia, said:

The appearance of a bluebird does not lie without a blue feather.

It happened to me that no one forced himself, forced himself, and decided to collapse the slab over my grave;

I was still checking until now, but then it all ended and I won’t come back.

Everything was miraculous at this time, except the woodcock had not arrived.

I left my wife: the woodcock did not arrive, and in the distant past it did not come.

Vaughn loved me, but there was something missing for her to fully convey to my strong feelings.

And she didn’t come.

And so I walk away from this “traction” of my own and no longer strain at all.

It’s such a wonderful evening, the birds are sleeping, that’s all, without the woodcock arriving.

Two streams hit each other, feeling a splash and nothing: as before, the water gently rolled like a spring meadow.

And then it appeared, I thought: because she didn’t come, my life was a happy one.

It turned out that the image of her, little by little, had known itself through fate, but seemed to be lost and lived in eternal hopes of the image and was not found, devouring, out of disputed respect, to the manifestations of life in all our land, in the whole world.

So, in the place of one individual, everything became like an accusation, and I was gracious all my life with the rice of this intangible accusation, constantly adding to my caution.

The next time, when it came to me, I guessed Arisha’s food, but I didn’t ask again who the man was in it.

I didn’t even dream that I deserved it, and I guessed for myself that their eyes told me to the khan of my youth, the wonderful Phacelia.

Either way, she ruled in the same way as Kolya and Phacelia: she did not arouse in me thoughts about being close to me, however, this interest of mine before her surpassed all everyday respect.

There was no need for me now to live with my person, my family, my home.

If she decided to go, I was tempted, after important work, to come around, maybe and see her home.

Well, it was frosty.

The Black River was chilly, and the flowers flowed everywhere, and the moon rustled across the crisp banks.

The water was so terrible, the abyss was such that it seemed, and the most unfortunate, who would have dared to drown, looking into this black abyss, turning home joyfully and whispering, raising the samovar:

Do the stars appear so mysteriously tight that they are inaccessible?

“You fool, drown yourself!

How to gamify it?

The sewer helps us to discover our inner light and, of course, a superb light.

Turning to the epigraph, understanding.

5.Creative design (possibly for

home robots

There's even more joy for ours.

My behavior became inhumane.

I asked him about this insignificantly, but don’t talk, but I won’t ask for my food without losing my dear respect.

It seemed that my unloving nature could bring back my youth, perhaps my youth, to cry out in its new hour of power, if my skin may sing.

In order to finally turn this little red man with a wide face into active life, I set him up for that hour to eat even more seriously.

In my opinion,” I said, “without the support of cooperation, our grass propaganda is empty beams.

And why did you have your own Phacelia, having drunk the wine?

How so?

- I was amazed.

So,” he repeated, “what was that there?”

I understand and believe how to identify people, which, of course, was different...

Did you come?

- After chewing your wine, finish it.

Yes, she came...

Where did you go?

I became sicker.

Without saying anything, I just opened my hands a little, and sensed: I don’t know, I know.

Then, after thinking about it, saying about phacelia:

The bluebirds spent the night and lost their blue feathers.

He mumbled, deeply surprised at me, and said in his own way:

Oh dear, I won’t come back again.

I, looking around the blue field of phacelia, said:

The appearance of a bluebird does not lie without a blue feather.

It happened to me that no one forced himself, forced himself, and decided to collapse the slab over my grave;

I was still checking until now, but then it all ended and I won’t come back.

Everything was miraculous at this time, except the woodcock had not arrived.

M. M. Prishvin is drawn to those happy writings that you can discover for yourself at any time: in childhood, in youth, as a mature person, in old age.

And when you see what happens, you will truly be a wonder. Of particular interest is the deeply special philosophical poem “Phacelia”, the first part of “The Fox Drop”. Life has a lot of mystery.

And the greatest secret, in my opinion, is the power of the soul.

Prishvin’s connection between people and nature is both physical and more subtle, spiritual.

In nature, you will discover those who are comfortable with themselves and will calm down.

Another section “Grow up” and dedications to the revealed creative force.

There are especially many aphorisms here.

“Happiness and creativity could become the religion of mankind”;

“It’s less creative than happiness - people are not happy because they live behind three castles”;

“De kohannya, there is a soul”;

“The quieter you are, the more you notice the tumult of life.”

Invisible structural elements in Prishvina’s landscape paintings artistic hour and space For example, in the miniature “The Evening of the Blessing of the Flowers” ​​the darkness and change of the paintings of the evening summer are conveyed very clearly, apparently, with the help of words – colorful signs: “the beginning of darkness... the lights began to appear, but the light began to fall on them or….” The perspective is clearly framed, the expanse is felt: “The droplets glowed... only the droplets and the sky: the droplets took their light from the sky and shone for us from

dark fox

" The human being, since she did not destroy this year with so much light, is inconspicuous in front of her. The tension of all living forces is the same, like that of a forest that is unraveling, and that of a new one in the soul. Metaphorically living the image of the nirka that is dissolving, it is clear in all its fullness: “It seemed to me that I was all crammed into one resinous nirka and I want to open up in front of one unknown friend, so beautiful that with one All the membranes of my arm that have been soaked are disintegrating into nothingness saw." From a philosophical point of view, the miniature “Forest Stream” is even more important.

M. M. Prishvin is drawn to those happy writings that you can discover for yourself at any time: in childhood, in youth, as a mature person, in old age.

“Phacelia” is a lyrical and philosophical poem, a song about the “inner star” and about the “evening star” in the life of the writer.

The skin's miniature shines with a truly poetic beauty, as indicated by the depth of thought.

Prishvin’s connection between people and nature is both physical and more subtle, spiritual.

In nature, you will discover those who are comfortable with themselves and will calm down.

In nature, you will discover those who are comfortable with themselves and will calm down.

There are especially many aphorisms here.

“Happiness and creativity could become the religion of mankind”;

“It’s less creative than happiness - people are not happy because they live behind three castles”;

“De kohannya, there is a soul”;

“The quieter you are, the more you notice the tumult of life.”

The invisible structural elements in Prishvin’s landscape paintings create an artistic sense of space.

For example, in the miniature “The Evening of the Blessing of the Flowers” ​​the darkness and change of the paintings of the evening summer are conveyed very clearly, apparently, with the help of words – colorful signs: “the beginning of darkness... the lights began to appear, but the light began to fall on them or….”

“The Forest Stream” is truly a symphony of a stream that runs, and the meaning of human life, eternity.

Strumok - “the soul of the forest”, de “grass is popularized to the music”, de “resinous bruns open to the sounds of the strumok”, “and the tense shadows of the strings run along the stovbors”.

And the people think: it’s early, it’s too late, like the stream, it’s draining the great water and it’ll be fresh there too.


Water gives healing strength to everyone.