Presentation from foreign ecology on the topic "contamination of the environment and their classification." Presentation - obstruction of the tipi Presentation on the topic of obstruction of the tipi

The main types of water bodies The main types of water bodies: Industrial water, waste water, agricultural water. Industrial, waste water, rural waters. Pobutov's exits. Pobutov's exits. Contamination with naphtha and naphtha products. Contamination with naphtha and naphtha products. Contamination with ions of important metals. Contamination with ions of important metals. Acid boards that lead to acidification with water and the death of ecosystems. Transport.

The great mass of waters of the Light Ocean shapes the climate of the planet, serving as a source atmospheric fallout. More than half of the acid enters the atmosphere from the ocean, and it regulates carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The great mass of waters in the Light Ocean shapes the climate of the planet and serves as a source of atmospheric fallout. More than half of the acid enters the atmosphere from the ocean, and it regulates carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Cloudiness of oceans and seas. Directly to the Light Ocean, over 10 million tons of oil are consumed and up to 20% of the area is already covered with naphtha melt. This is due to the fact that oil and gas production near the World Ocean has become the most important component of the oil and gas complex. Directly to the Light Ocean, over 10 million tons of oil are consumed and up to 20% of the area is already covered with naphtha melt. This is due to the fact that oil and gas production near the World Ocean has become the most important component of the oil and gas complex.

Cloudiness of oceans and seas. Naphtha and naphtha products are the main pollutants in the water basin. Naphtha and naphtha products are the main pollutants in the water basin. As a result of the production of naphtha from the pipelines that connect the naphtha platforms with the mainland, nearly 3,000 tons of naphtha products leaked into the sea. As a result of the production of naphtha from the pipelines that connect the naphtha platforms with the mainland, nearly 3,000 tons of naphtha products leaked into the sea.

Cloudiness of oceans and seas. Up to 2 million seabirds and 100 thousand. sea ​​creatures, sadly perish, having been forged by plastic shells or getting lost in the snares of lines and cables. Up to 2 million seabirds and 100 thousand. sea ​​creatures, sadly perish, having been forged by plastic shells or getting lost in the snares of lines and cables.

Cloudiness of oceans and seas. FRN, Belgium, Holland, England - dumped from the Pivnichna Sea toxic acids, especially 18-20% sulfuric acid, important metals from soil and sewage sludge, which remove arsenic and mercury, and Eat in carbohydrates, creamy, savory dioxide FRN, Belgium, Holland, England - dumped from the Pivnichna Sea toxic acids, especially 18-20% sulfuric acid, important metals from soil and sewage sludge, which remove arsenic and mercury, and Eat in carbohydrates, creamy, savory dioxide

Cloudiness of oceans and seas. A serious environmental threat to life near the Light Ocean and, therefore, to people is the dumping of radioactive waste (RAW) at sea and the dumping of rare radioactive waste (RAW) into the sea. storage of radioactive waste (RAT) at sea and dumping of rare radioactive waste (RRW) into the sea.

Obstructed river and lakes. A large amount of wastewater, naphtha products, is found in rivers and lakes in different regions of the world. A large amount of wastewater, naphtha products, is found in rivers and lakes in different regions of the world. Pesticides pose a particular threat. Crumbling like a grub lance, the toxic chemicals reach high level concentration. Pesticides pose a particular threat. Crumbling like grub, organic chemicals reach a high level of concentration. There is also a great threat from rare radioactive sources resulting from the production of nuclear fire and blast plutonium.

Obstruction of underground waters. Underground waters, behind other elements dovkilla recognize the troubled people in the influx of the ruler's activity. Underground waters, along with other elements of the excessive middle ground, recognize the slow influx of the ruler's activity of people. They suffer from the pollution of the naphtha fields and the oil and gas industry. The area of ​​the caverns of groundwater obstruction reaches hundreds of square kilometers. They suffer from the pollution of the naphtha fields and the oil and gas industry. The area of ​​the caverns of groundwater obstruction reaches hundreds of square kilometers.

From polluted underground waters, the following are important: naphtha products, phenols, important metals (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury), sulfates, chlorides, and nitrogen. copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury), sulfates, chlorides, and nitrogen. There are many rivers controlled in groundwater and no regulations, so it is not possible to paint an accurate picture about the contamination of groundwater. Due to the number of streams controlled in groundwater, there are no regulations, so it is not possible to paint an accurate picture of the contamination of groundwater.

The loss of water resources due to depletion and obstruction and the rational distortion of the needs of the people's rule is one of the most important problems that require solutions. In Russia, there is a wide range of concerns regarding the disposal of excess waste, the disposal of wastewater, and the purification of wastewater. In Russia, there is a widespread effort to protect waste water and clean up wastewater from industrial plants.

One of the main directions of work for the protection of water resources is the introduction of new technological processes of production, the transition to closed (drainless) water supply cycles. One of the main directions of work for the protection of water resources is the introduction of new technological processes of production, the transition to closed (drainless) water supply cycles. In the chemical industry, it is planned to increase the use of low-input and waste-free technological processes that provide the greatest environmental impact.

By significantly changing the concentration of water that is discharged by industry, you can see wastewater from valuable houses. By significantly changing the concentration of water that is discharged by industry, you can see wastewater from valuable houses. The complexity of these tasks at chemical industry enterprises lies in the diversity of technological processes and products. The complexity of these tasks at chemical industry enterprises lies in the diversity of technological processes and products.

Thus, the protection and rational recovery of water resources is one of the aspects of the complex world problem of nature protection. Thus, the protection and rational recovery of water resources is one of the aspects of the complex world problem of nature protection.

Perhaps this same problem does not immediately provoke such lively discussions among people as the problem of obstruction of the Light Ocean. The remaining decades are marked by increased anthropogenic influxes on marine ecosystems as a result of the pollution of seas and oceans. *Anthropogenic influx is the influx into nature as a result of activity.

Classification of types of dowkillia obstruction1
Classification of types of dowcillian obstruction
Mechanical mixing of the middle with agents that give extra mechanical action without
chemical and physical inheritances (for example, Smithy)
Zmina chemical authorities middle, what to give a negative influx on
ecosystems and technological devices
Change of physical parameters of the middle body: temperature and energy (thermal
or thermal), hvilov (light, noise, electromagnetic), radiation
(radiation or radioactive) either.
Increased core temperature, head rank in connection with industry
(thermal) by means of heated air, gases and water; you can blame me
second change result chemical warehouse in the middle
Disruption of natural lightening of the place due to death
piece lamps; lead to anomalies in Roslin and creatures
Increased noise intensity over natural rhubarb; lead to advancement
fatigue, decreased rosum activity and at 90-100 dB before hearing loss
Elektromag- Change of electromagnetic powers of the middle (such as power lines, radio and
TV station, industrial installations etc.) lead to global and local
geographic anomalies and changes in fine biological structures
Radiation transfer of natural rivers into the middle of radioactive rivers
Biological penetration into ecosystems and technological devices of animal species
Roslyn, we will give strangers to sleeping quarters and outbuildings
. There is a greater proliferation of ungodly biogenic substances, the stinks of which were not previously guarded against.
a) Appear great amount microorganisms associated with their reproduction
in anthropogenic environments that have changed under the rule of human rule;
b) Bathing with a previously unsightly form of pathogenic microorganisms.

Dzherela cloudy atmosphere

Dzherela cloudy atmosphere
- industrial enterprises, ahead of us,
metallurgical plants;
- heat generating installations (thermal
power stations,
scorching rooms
boiler houses);
- Transport, ahead of us, automobile.
On the Wikipedia of energy objects
close to 60%, transport 20-25%, industry

Legacies of the cloudy wind

Legacies of the cloudy wind
Sanitary and hygienic heritage. The fragments of the wind are the core,
What kind of people live their lives and what kind of health do they have?
the presence of low concentrations of waste substances in the windy medium may
appear unpleasantly on people, lead to irrevocable inheritances and
navіt until death.
Ecological heritage. It's back again the most important element too much
a substance that is in constant contact with all other elements of life
dead nature. The loss of bitterness is due to the presence of new
various pests lead to the death of forests and crops of rural areas.
crops, grass crops, animals, to the obstruction of water, as well as to
destruction of cultural monuments, everyday structures, various kinds
sporud, etc.
Economical results: Foaming and gas contamination in the
plantings lead to a decrease in productivity. U
In many varieties, it is obvious that the saw in the windy middle absorbs acidity
products that accelerate the wear and tear of ownership. In the process of vyrobnitstva, vidobutku,
transportation of many types of materials, raw materials, finished products, and some of them
speeches to cross the saw-like camp and ruin themselves, becoming muddy at the same hour
too much of a middlebrow.

Characteristics of saw-gas pollutants in the world

Characteristics of saw-gas pollutants in the world

I drank other aerosols.

Sirkovoden (H2S)

Nitrogen oxides are associated with nitrogen for various reasons. Duje
wider Kind speeches, are visible during the production of nitric acid, when
virobnitstvo dobriv, under the hour of vibukhov
In the carbohydrate aromatic series.
Lead (Pb).
Mercury (Hg).
Manganese (Mn)
Zinc (Zn).
Chromium (Cr).
Nickel (Ni)
Carcinogenic speech.
radioactive speech.

I drank other aerosols.

I drank other aerosols.
The acidity of the air, its influx into the body, as well as the equipment and technological processes involved a lot
arranged instead of new suspended particles, with a head of sawdust.
The technological approach is characterized by great diversity behind the chemical warehouse,
the size of the particles, their shape, thickness, the nature of the edges of the particles, etc. A variety of infusions
I saw on the human body and it’s too much of a mess.
Pil causes harm to the body as a result of mechanical influx (impairment of the respiratory organs.
sharp edges of the saw), chemical (cut off with a sharp saw), bacteriological (along with the saw in
the body is penetrated by pathogenic microorganisms).
According to hygienists, saw particles with a size of 5 microns and less penetrate deeply into the tissue.
to the alveoli. Peelings with a size of 5-10 microns are mainly trimmed at the upper ridges,
may not penetrate into the legen. Peel has a harmful effect on the organs of life, health, skin, and when
penetrated into the human body - also the herbal tract.
The heaviest results are caused by systematically inhaling the saw to remove the free dioxide.
silicon SiO2. The result is silicosis. This is one of the forms of illness associated with inhalation
sawed wound - pneumoconiosis. By pouring the saw onto the organ, the eye touches the conjunctivitis, the skin.
Drank at the vibrator's premises gives an unpleasant surge to the possession, screaming,
for example, this is intense wear. Placing the saw on the surface heats up and cools down the mind
heat exchange, etc. Saw settling on elektrichne obladnannya you can bring down your robot,
before accidents.
Organic fruits, for example, boroshnyana, can be a life-giving medium for the development of microorganisms.
Saw particles can act as a condensation nucleus for steam vapors. Together with a saw in the area they can
penetrate the substances, which cause intense corrosion of metals, etc. The saw is created from the surface
Vibukhonezless sumishi.

Carbon dioxide (sweet gas CO)

Carbon dioxide (sweet gas CO)
- barless gas, odorless. Reflux is highly toxic. Hardness according to wear up to
over 0.967. Coming out of the wake of the uneven burning of coal (burning of coal
there is not enough sourness in our minds). Samples of CO are available in breweries,
thermal, forging shops, boiler houses, which especially work on coal
burns, CO is located in the exhaust gases of cars, tractors, etc.
I confirm
carboxyhemoglobin. Whose body suffers from sourness. U
In important situations, poison comes.


Before cyanides are added: cyanide (cynic acid), 1 acid (HCN), and salts (KCN, NaCN,
CH3CN) and in. HCN is a barless liquid with the smell of bitter almonds. Cyanide
sodium and potassium - barless crystals with a faint smell of hydrocyanic acid.
Hydrocyanic acid is vicorized in the production of nitrile rubber, synthetic
fibers and organic glass, with the extraction of noble metals from ores and etc.
Sodium and potassium cyanides congeal in galvanizing shops when coating metals
copper, brass, gold, pharmacological production.
Hydrocyanic acid can enter the body through the mucous membranes
wild paths and grassy tract, for a small amount through
skin Salts of hydrocyanic acid enter the body directly through the mouth.
empty. Hydrocyanic acid is highly toxic. Cyanides, what did you find?
into the body, destroy blood flow and acidify the body.

Sirkovoden (H2S)

Sirkovoden (H2S)
- barren-free gas with the smell of rotten eggs. Boiling point 60.9°C, thickness according to
according to the date of return 1.19. Burn in blue half with diluted water and dioxide
It thickens during processing, extraction or distillation of barium sulphur,
sodium sulfur, surmi, in skin industry, in tsukroburyakov
manufacturing, in piece welding factories, in the production of oil and refining
and other varieties. Enter the body through the legs, in small quantities
through the skin. Has high toxicity. Odor threshold 0.012…0.03 mg
/m3, the concentration is approximately 11 mg/m3, it is important to transport it well.
Enemies the central nervous system, destroys the blood supply to the body When
At low concentrations it has an inducing effect on the mucous membrane.
membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory routes.

Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide SO2)

Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide SO2)
- barren-free gas with a hostile odor. Hardness according to wear until the end of the day is 2213.
It occurs when burning fire to remove brine, in boilers, forges,
Livar fermentation, with the fermentation of sulfuric acid, in copper smelters
factories, skin manufacturing and a number of others. Even wider and shkidlive
come over
I hope
Drative action on the mucous membranes of the eyes, upper respiratory tract. At
Greater concentrations may have more important effects even before they are wasted.
Svidomosti, nabryaku legen.

Nitrogen oxides

Nitrogen oxides
There is a great deal of nitrogen in the presence of different combinations. Duje
widening of the weak speech, which is seen during the production of nitric acid,
with vibration it is good, with vibration robots and so on. Enter the body through
wild paths. At low concentrations and in small amounts
Nitrogen dioxide is present in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract
nobles With a large amount of nitrogen dioxide in the mixture and a high concentration
There are signs of poison in the wind.

In the carbohydrate aromatic series.

In the carbohydrate aromatic series.
In plants, benzene, toluene, and xylene are widely used. Їх win during distillation
rock coal at coke plants and naphtha distillation.
In the most advanced minds, stench occurs in rare cases. Boiling temperature
benzene (C6H6) 80.1 ° C; toluene (C6H5CH3) 110.8 ° C; xylene ((CH3)2C6H4) 144°C.
Enter the body through the diaphragm and skin. The most unsafe
benzene. Aromatic carbohydrates have an effect on the blood-forming organs and on
central nervous system.


Lead (Pb). Lead is now found in the wind in enterprises with
lead smelting, battery production, lead production, lead production
fractions and in. It is important for lead to enter the body through chemical routes, and
also through the grass tract.
Lead destroys the functioning of the blood circulation organs and the central nervous system,
etching systems; metabolic processes in the body. May accumulate in
various organs (brushes, cerebrum, liver, pulp), lead from the body
It lasts for many hours (months, years).


Mercury (Hg). Mercury will become stagnant during the development of extinction devices (ter-
Mometers, barometers), mercury, mercury rectifiers, gold removal from
ores, etc. The production of mercury vapor enters the body through the organs
dikhannya. When mercury enters the body, it causes headaches
system that schnular-intestinal tract, nirki. Mercury can accumulate in
the body is mainly in the liver and in the wild. Friction-dispersed mercury can be
get lost in materials (plaster, wood, etc.) and watch for a difficult time
mercury vapor.


Manganese (Mn) is a silvery metal with a red tint. Melting temperature
1210 ... 1260 ° C, boiling temperature 1900 ° C. Wider manganese:
manganese oxide, manganese dioxide, manganese chloride.
be brought
stick down
(production of acid steels), dirty and chemical industries, with
brewing, production and processing of manganese ores etc.
Manganese immediately enters the body through the scolio-intestinal tract
I see a saw. The stench penetrates the central nervous system.


Zinc (Zn). The liquid is zinc oxide – a white fluffy powder. Oxide
Zinc can be removed when zinc is oxidized when the body is heated
melting temperature (939 ° C).
When zinc is heated above its melting point (939°C), zinc vapor is created,
which, when combined with acid, dissolve zinc oxide (ZnO).
Contact with zinc oxide can occur during the preparation of zinc oxide, casting
brass, carved, etc. Zinc oxide appears to enter the body through
wild paths. The legacy of infusing zinc oxide into the body - cells
feverish. Zinc is important to be deposited in the liver and subslit.



virobnitsvі ta in.


Chromium (Cr). Chrome is a hard, shiny metal. Melting temperature 1615°C,
boiling temperature 2200 °C. Compound chromium: chromium oxide, dioxide
chromium, chrome braid, potassium and sodium, etc. Chrome and Yogo Spoluki
stagnation in metallurgy, chemical, textile, textile, varnish,
Syrberry and in the industry. The stench comes through the wild roads
see the saw, steaming through the fog, through the scolio-intestinal tract, soak through the skin
looks of discord. May be deposited in the liver, nerves, endocrine system, legs,
hair and in. Chromium and yogo spoluki attack the mucous membrane of the organs of the body,
Schulkovo-intestinal tract, which screams on the scalp. Yak allergy, stink
scream sick type bronchial asthma.


Nickel (Ni) is a silvery white metal with a brown tint. Temperature
melting temperature 1425 ° C, boiling temperature 2900 ° C. Know the stagnation at the plant
nickel and chromium-nickel steel, alloys with copper,
virobnitsvі ta in.
the body nickel and yogo halfway through the dikhalny paths in sight
saw. Nickel and yogo vyklyayut the level of organs of the diet, skin
I'll twist it.

Carcinogenic speech.

Carcinogenic speech.
A number of speeches that stand out in industry, the building vyklikat evil
chubby in in various parts body. Such words include chromium, mishjak, nickel,
asbestos, beryllium, soot, resin, pitch, mineral oils and a number of others. qi
new creations may emerge after a significant period (a number of fates) after
application of work with distinctive speeches.
by yourself
substances such as gases and aerosol particles, call for small
the quantities that are found in the windy middle. Smells permeate unpleasantly
the human body suffers from fatigue, nervous agitation or
like, depression. Z unpleasant odors have to get involved in areas
refurbishment of chemical enterprises, as well as enterprises where
meat processing plants, cotton factories, etc.
for example,

Over the past decade, a new type of obstruction of the windy middle has appeared
radioactive speech. Development of nuclear energy and industry from the production sector
and the transformation of atomic energy sources is associated with efforts to the extreme middle
middle of radionuclides. These speeches are subject to great diversity
the intensity of the flow into the body of people and creatures, especially the middle part,
and also the hour of your sleep - from a fraction of a second to a thousand.
The airy environment also contains microorganisms - bacteria and viruses.
Living medium for their reproduction and development and biological
processes like those of the industry and the rural dominion.

The main powers of aerosols

The main powers of aerosols
Sedimentation particle diameter
Pitoma on top
Slip saw
Effervescent saw
Dynamic cut of natural mowing
Hygroscopicity of the saw
Wetting the saw
Electric power saw
Pytomium electric opir (PES)
Electric charge saw
Flammability and vibration properties of the saw

Free gases and bets

Free gases and bets

Classification of waters and power of water disperse systems

Classification of waters and power of water disperse systems

Classification of industrial outputs


purification process
gas wiki

mass exchange

Catalytic processes
zakhistu atmospheric

process zakhistu
atmospheric air

Thermal processes
zakhistu atmospheric

It is a great natural medium to serve as a mental and way of life for people, the territory in which they live, the spacious boundary of the created sovereign power, a place where industrial facilities, rural government and other cultural and everyday objects are located. People pour into the natural center of their life as their resources change, and the changing natural center flows into the heights of their practical, sovereign commands. Due to this human activity It really flows into the middle of the world, giving rise to changes that then flow into the people themselves.

Zabrudnennya. The clouded dowchilla is divided into a number of species: 1.Dust. 2.Gazov. 3. Chemical (including contamination of the soil with chemicals). 4.More aromatic. 5.thermal (temperature change). 6.I have a lot of others. Dzherelom is too much trouble natural medium appears gospodar's activity people (industry, rural government, transport).

Of all types of contaminants, the main ones can be seen: BASIC TYPES OF CONTAMINATION Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (important metals, pesticides, plastics, etc.) chemical speech) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) Information (information noise, fraudulent information, restlessness factors)

The atmosphere (surface), hydrosphere (water) and lithosphere (solid surface) of the Earth are clouded.

Confusion of too much middle ground. The main problem was confusion. The main bad speeches. Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Oxides of carbon, sirka, nitrogen Organic remnants of industrial sawn. Hydrosphere Wastewater Naphtha flow Motor transport Heavy metals Naphtha Naphtha products Lithosphere Outputs of the industry of the Agricultural State Superfluous vicoristics Plastics

Visnazhennya natural resources: Viration of brown copalins to the point of unprofitability of further development. Translation of the pace and obligations of the production industry over the production of natural renewal of renewable resources. This means the over-cutting of forest, overfishing of fish, over-grazing and waste of pastures, lack of agrotechnical inputs during soil cultivation and depletion of their fertility, obstruction of watercourses and water from industrial outlets so that it is practically impossible to waste them, for busy days in great places, etc. p.n. It happens to be natural. For example, in Sweden, the breeding of muskrats has led to a shortage of food and the death of the animal in some areas; Reproduction of mink until the extinction of various species of fish and other species. With the development and progress of marriage there is an increase in the depletion of natural resources, which is due to the problem of neglecting this process.

Protection of nature is a form of reaction to the ruinous activity of people in the middle world. At the same time, as a form of sovereign and sovereign activity, it is aimed at saving and developing natural resources. Being a secondary form of mutual cooperation between our partnership and nature, the protection of nature begins to improve due to the growth of the proliferative vikoristan of natural biology. Protection appears and is fully developed where there is a threat of depletion of the natural environment, and where the aggregation of nature arises and develops.

Rational recovery of natural resources: In the middle of the 20th century. (5060 rubles) the problem of rational utilization of natural resources as a form of conservation of nature develops into protection, improvement of the environment. In contrast to the most advanced forms, where the primary object of protection was natural objects and their resources, here the protection of the excessive natural environment is seen as the primary object of protection of people, their life, their health, their genes ichne maybutne.

Required: Clean up dirty wikis (for example, using filters). Vikoristannya purified sporuds. Unraveling the very causes of the confusion will require the development of low-income, and in the future hopeless, production technologies that would allow for the comprehensive recovery of waste products and the utilization of maximum resources that are wasteful for the biosphere. Introduced at the beginning of the eco-friendly process, which is shaped according to nature.

Summary: As a result, we can say that the problem of protecting the superfluous natural environment in all three forms of conservative, rational utilization of natural resources and improving the superfluous environment from a regional step is being transformed into a national one, and then And an international problem, the greatest of which lies beneath the powerful forces of everything international. Spіlnoty. For the global solution of the problem, it is necessary to ensure mutual cooperation between international protection of the environment, due to the vigilance of international obligations and treaties, and national and regional environmental protection. The impurity of the natural environment with wasteful outlets for people, the depletion of natural resources and the threat of ruination of ecological bonds in nature inevitably lead to a world crisis.

Boyko Olena

The presentation was given on the topic: “The confusion of an unnecessary middle life.” You can take part in technology lessons in 10th grade.


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CONTRIBUTION OF THE NAVCOLISH CENTER Presentation of the school: student 10 a class Boyka Olena

Congestion is a process of negative modification of water, water, soil, and intoxication with substances, which threaten the life of living organisms. You see the obstruction of biological organisms - the obstruction of organisms that are not in power in the ecosystem. The most famous example is the rabbits that have bred uncontrollably in Australia. - Microbiological Mechanical – congestion with chemically inert mixtures, trampling stitches and other mechanical infusion onto the core. Cosmic smіttya Chemіchne - troublesome and unsatisfactory chemical results. Aerosol impurity – impurity-aerosol (system of small particles) Physical Thermal – application of heating of the middle. Svitlov - the state of illumination. Noise electromagnetic - radio interference; You may be interested in the vitality of certain organisms and radio reception. Radioactive – excess of natural radioactive background. Visual clutter - the destruction of natural landscapes with spores, wires, smitties, plumes of flights, etc.

Congestion of soils Congestion of soils is a type of anthropogenic degradation of soils, when instead of chemical streams in soils similar to anthropogenic influx, the natural regional background level prevails. together in the soil. The main criterion for the obstruction of the excessive middle part by various substances is the manifestation of a sign of the wasteful activity of these parts in the excessive middle part of the species of living organisms, fragments of stability of several types the remaining ones until the chemical infusion significantly decreases. Ecological concern is represented by the fact that in most people the natural medium, equal to natural sources, has been transferred instead of chemical chemicals due to their consumption from anthropogenic sources. This concern may not only apply to the most sensitive species of living organisms. Congestion of the ecosystem is one of the types of degradation, congestion of soils is one of the most unsafe types of degradation of soils and ecosystems. Zabrudnyuchi speeches (zabrudnyuvachi) are a series of anthropogenic speeches that are found in dowkill in many cases, which outweigh the natural rhubarb of their existence.

Obstruction fresh waters Obstruction of fresh waters - the loss of various ponds near the waters of rivers, lakes, and groundwater. Occurs in case of direct or indirect contact of obstructions with water without adequate entry to clean and remove waste streams. Most often, the obstruction of fresh waters becomes invisible, as a result of the obstruction of the water. There are also culprits: various substances that foam, as well as petroleum products that float on the surface, and untreated wastewater. A handful of natural foragers. The collected aluminum that is in the ground is released into the fresh water system as a result of chemical reactions. Floods remove magnesium from the soil of onions, which causes great damage to fish stocks.

Polluted atmosphere of the Earth Polluted atmosphere of the Earth - the introduction of new uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances and changes in their natural concentrations. Behind the congested atmosphere there are two types of congested atmosphere: natural (natural) Behind the nature of congested atmosphere there are three types: physical - mechanical (saws, hard parts), radioactive ( radioactive vibration and isotopes), electromagnetic ( different views electromagnetic disturbances, including radio waves), noise (raucous humming sounds and low-frequency oscillations) and thermal obstruction (for example, from a warm wind, etc.) chemical obstruction gas-like streams and aerosols. Today, the main chemical pollutants of the atmospheric air are: carbon (IV) oxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbohydrates, aldehydes, important metals, ammonia, atmospheric hydroxide and radioactive isotopes biologist Firstly, it is mainly microbial contamination. For example, contamination of the surface with vegetative forms and spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, as well as their toxins and lifestyle products.

Obstruction of the oceans The land and the ocean are connected by rivers that flow into the sea and carry the slaughter of the obstructions. Chemical substances that do not disintegrate upon contact with the soil, such as naphtha products, naphtha, dobrova (especially nitrates and phosphates), insecticides and herbicides as a result of silting are consumed near the river, and then into the ocean. As a result, the ocean is recreated at the site of throwing this “cocktail” from living speeches and wiping them off. Naphtha and naphtha products are the main pollutants of the oceans, and when handled with them, it means that sewage water, wastewater, and wind pollutants accumulate. Plastic objects and naphtha that float on the beach are constantly losing their tide indicators, indicating that the seas are cloudy and that many wastes are not decomposed by microorganisms. Investigations of the Pivnichny Sea showed that about 65% of the muddy rivers found there were brought by rivers. Another 25% of pollutants came from the atmosphere (including 7000 tons of lead from car exhausts), 10% - from direct waste (most importantly waste water), and the rest - from drains and waste outlets And from ships. Ten US states have access to the sea. In 1980 With this method of output, 160,000 tons were reduced, and since then this figure has changed.

A presentation on the topic “The Obstacle of Dovkilla” was prepared by a student of the 10th grade, Boyka Olena.

Congestion in the middle of nowhere
Vikonala Geography Teacher: Akhmadieva Tetyana Vasilievna

Purpose: To convey the relevance of the problem. Problem: Find out the main problems of the problem of the child's life, the most important problems of the child's problem.

It is especially natural to serve as the mind and way of life of people, the territory in which they live, the spacious boundary of sovereign power, a place for locating industrial facilities, rural dominion and other cultural objects commercial recognition. People pour into the natural center of their life as their resources change, and the changing natural center flows into the heights of their practical, sovereign commands. As a result, human activity flows into the middle, giving rise to its changes, which then flow into the people themselves.

Forms of interaction between people and children:
Economical - the result of human nature’s satisfaction, the result of human nature’s satisfaction with its material and spiritual needs. Ecological - the protection of excessive natural resources by preserving people as biological and social organisms and natural resources. Rational recovery of natural resources. The concept of “rational” has not only an economical, but also an ecological place. Otherwise, it is rational - this is economical, more efficient use of natural resources, natural resources in a manner that allows the protection of the environment.

The negative activity of people in the completely natural environment manifests itself objectively in three mutually related forms:
Congestion of the excessive natural middle ground. Extraction of natural resources. Ruining of the natural environment.

The obstructed dowchille is divided into a number of species: Pilova. Gazove. Chemical (including contamination of the soil with chemicals). More aromatic. thermal (temperature change). And a lot of others. Dzherelom obstruction of the excessive natural environment is the sovereign activity of people (industry, rural sovereignty, transport).

Of all types of obstruction, you can see the main ones:
Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (important metals, pesticides, plastics and other chemicals) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic)

Confusion of too much middle ground. Confusion of too much middle ground. Confusion of too much middle ground.
The main problem was confusion. The main bad speeches.
Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Oxides of carbon, sulphate, nitrogen Organic compounds Industrial sawn.
Hydrosphere Waste water Naphtha oil transport Important metals Naphtha Naphtha products
Lithosphere Inputs of industry and agricultural kingdom Nadlishkova vikoristannya good PlasticsHumaHeavy metals

The atmosphere (surface), hydrosphere (water) and lithosphere (solid surface) of the Earth are clouded.

Extraction of natural resources:
Viralization of bark copalins until further development becomes unprofitable. The shift in the pace and obligation of the industry over the production of natural resources. This means the over-cutting of forest, overfishing of fish, over-grazing and waste of pastures, lack of agrotechnical inputs during soil cultivation and depletion of their fertility, obstruction of watercourses and water from industrial outlets so that it is practically impossible to waste them, for busy days in great places, etc. p.n. It happens to be natural. For example, in Sweden, the breeding of muskrats has led to a shortage of food and the death of the animal in some areas; Reproduction of mink - up to the existence of various species of fish - and others. With the development and progress of marriage there is an increase in the depletion of natural resources, which is due to the problem of neglecting this process.

Nature protection
This form is a reaction to the ruinous activity of people in the middle class. At the same time, as a form of sovereign and sovereign activity, it is aimed at saving and developing natural resources. Being a secondary form of mutual cooperation between our partnership and nature, the protection of nature begins to improve due to the growth of the proliferative vikoristan of natural biology. Protection appears and is fully developed where there is a threat of depletion of the natural environment, and where the aggregation of nature arises and develops.

Rational recovery of natural resources
The concept of “rational” has not only an economical, but also an ecological place. Otherwise, it is rational - this is economical, more efficient use of natural resources, natural resources in a manner that allows the protection of the environment. Therefore, it is not possible to implement such a rational, economical, and efficient use of natural resources, which would eliminate a deep negative impact on the working class. In the middle of the 20th century. (50-60 rubles) the problem of rational utilization of natural resources as a form of protection of the surplus environment develops into protection, improvement of the surplus environment of people. In contrast to the most advanced forms, where the main object of protection was natural objects and their resources, here the protection of too much natural environment is seen as the main object of protection - people, their lives, their health, yogo genetically maybutne.

Rational recovery of natural resources:
In the middle of the 20th century. (50-60 rubles) the problem of rational utilization of natural resources as a form of protection of the surplus environment develops into protection, improvement of the surplus environment of people. In contrast to the most advanced forms, where the main object of protection was natural objects and their resources, here the protection of too much natural environment is seen as the main object of protection - people, their lives, their health, yogo genetically maybutne.

Cleaning up unwanted videos (for example, with the help of filters). Vikoristannya purified sporuds. Unraveling the very causes of the confusion will require the development of low-income, and in the future hopeless, production technologies that would allow for the comprehensive recovery of waste products and the utilization of maximum resources that are wasteful for the biosphere. Introduced at the beginning of the eco-friendly process, which is shaped according to nature.

As a result, we can say that the problem of protecting the natural environment in all three forms - conservative, rational utilization of natural resources and improving the environment - is being transformed from a regional step into a national one, and then an international problem, the most important of which lies beneath the powerful forces of everything international. Spіlnoty. For the global solution of the problem, it is necessary to ensure mutual cooperation between international protection of the environment, due to the vigilance of international obligations and treaties, and national and regional environmental protection. The impurity of the natural environment with wasteful outlets for people, the depletion of natural resources and the threat of ruination of ecological bonds in nature inevitably lead to a world crisis.

List of references:
Yakoviev V.M. Environmental law. K., 1998r. Sheshuchenko Yu.S. Legal problems ecology. Kiev, 1989. Petrov V.V. Environmental law of Russia, M., 1997.

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