You need to trim yourself in shape.



But I'll lose weight! Come on!

Spending most of the hour at home in the comfort of your loved one’s speeches is such a miracle!

There is no need to get rid of the refrigerator, which is always in order, and see yourself in a satisfied state of eating the grass that you are preparing for the evening and for the whole homeland.
To control your vagina and trim yourself in shape, you need to trim yourself Three simple rules.
Rule No. 1: Ample food and daily diet! Oh, I really want to gain two centimeters on my waist, otherwise I’ll lose my mustache. You wanted to live your life. What is it timid? Go on a diet for a week - the answer is wrong.

Such children have two main drawbacks: they need to gain weight quickly again, return to their normal diet, and at the end of the day they experience psychological discomfort.

Verna vidpovid: high-calorie snacks and lunch, light meals noon and evening. Let's say you had yoghurt, eggs and a piece of bread with jam. For lunch, soup and chicken leg with rice and fresh salad. For supper this time, choose boiled vegetables. Better food

Once a week

obov'yazkovo vlashtovoy Prolong the day and any one product.

If you love potatoes, be kind!
For lunch – 300-400 grams of potatoes great quantity
Rule No. 1: Ample food and daily diet! greens and a spoon

roslin oil
, prepare some potatoes for yourself and for the evening - fill them with kefir or unsweetened yogurt. Ideally suited for vandalism
sour apple, pears, grapes.
Rozvantazhuvalny day: choose any fruit for relish Rule No. 2: The hour of the month is significant: set the food mode
What do we catch in this phrase – “food mode”?

Monotony is wrong.

It’s not at all tedious to hang out at the table, you’ll get better at it yourself. harmony., and also crackers and broth cubes add extra flavor - sodium glutamate. This speech creates an appetite. That's why it's always better! You also need to forget about licorice - the answer is wrong. The food regime does not leave anything sleepy from it. Carbohydrates are essential! Verna vidpovid:

superior to fruit desserts.

The axis is the same

simple rules

By pursuing these, you will be able to control your vagina and get in shape in the future!

Note Why do you have stools? When purchasing sneakers for wound runs, pay close attention to the sole and padding. The first one is like a bun, and the other one is crushed into a backed polymer. This is the best way to reduce the risk of injury and change the severity of the injury.

Cameron Michelle Diaz is an actress and a stunning model with a seemingly heavenly sparkle.

After the shelter, I started working out after 2 months, and she was still in great shape, despite regular exercise 2 times a day every day. Stacey, who had become more beautiful and younger after the curtains, was charming, and I still couldn’t believe that in front of me was not a 24-year-old beauty, but already a 43-year-old woman with two little cubs who constantly cry at night. It’s always fresh and garnished with its own appearance and doesn’t bother your makeup at all.

Spending time with this woman was very informative, and day after day I learned new wisdom and wise words - how to preserve your youth without giving in to Botox injections, and the unique cosmetologist’s office in principle.

At the studio I met a lot of wonderful instructors and all the smells, at first glance, seem even young. But my residual skepticism developed without a trace, if, following the joys of healthy food And rightfully so, I showed the result of my work in the mirror. There were no more problems when I was forced to work - no one could believe that the beginning of my working life lay back in 1989, although I began to develop it in my youth. And now let's turn back to the very Cameron Diaz . Beforehand, to make it look good, she picked her diet.

As Cameron herself states, she already loves greased chicken and French fries, but she stopped eating fatty hedgehogs for 38 years.

There is a requirement for children to eat “no white stuff” - zukor, white rice, potatoes, in a word, those that include starch or
wheat boroshon
– pasta, loxina,
white bread

Ale, smut, why can we do without cakes and dough?
Її coach
Teddy Bass
by developing a special dietary plan.

Cameron takes it 6 times a day, but in small quantities.
Now let's look at the plan itself: The snack is rich in proteins: almond peas;
low-fat yogurt (without fruit additives);

protein shake;
bottle of milk.
Another snack (in 2 years):
cava "cappuccino";

a bunch of almond peas;
whatever fruit.
Chicken (not greased, but cooked on the grill – it’s even better)
important moment

, it is necessary to ensure that all the fat is drained).
Oh, these are Americans, but you can buy grilled chicken at any fast food outlet!

And, of course, water.

You need to drink it carefully as you grow and grow at a rate of 1.5 to 2 liters.

I’ll wash myself specially - it’s the water itself that’s important, and not the whole day’s food - kava, tea, soups and the like.

Before speaking, you may want to drink caffeine - for example, you can drink uranium and kava, and at some point you can drink water.

And, obviously, no diet, especially if you are over 40, is not good for trimming the meat in good shape, but looking smooth “one by one.”
Cameron Dias, who is 180 cm tall, impresses with her “legs in the air” and her shape.

While you marvel at her beauty, you need to know what she is working steadily over this body.

This includes cardio exercise, straightening your legs, pressing your arms.

And now a little about the complex itself.

In principle, it doesn’t take up so much time, don’t worry about it.


60 seconds of leisurely walking, 30 seconds of just a quick walk. And so 15 khvilin, cherguyuchi rhythm. It’s right to work even more easily – vikorist’s hairy legs can replace a bus, or while walking a dog. This kind of rhythm allows you to burn fat, avoid burning meat and stimulates your metabolism.

Those with hands - 15 repetitions for biceps, heels for triceps, holding the same backpack in the hands. Sometimes it doesn’t take as much as it seems at first glance, but it’s a headache to work regularly and not get lazy. Don't worry about it, don't forget about the health of your body.

Now we will look at the basic principles that go into maintaining good physical shape. First, what does anyone need to do if they want to put themselves in order and change their life? shortest b_k , then take a look at your daily diet. Food is an invisible part of our life, so that our life would be simpler, healthier, we need to be more aware of liquids, lubricated liquids, alcoholic beverages, etc.

fat hedgehogs


All those things that we have overindulged at once have a detrimental effect on our body, and if we eat everything, we can cause unnecessary harm to our body.

You need to reduce your daily food intake, include more fruits, vegetables, and even more vitamins and minerals in your menu.

Dekhto thinks that he can go to the pharmacy, buy a vitamin complex and that’s it.

Unfortunately, it’s not entirely true, on the right, everything is that vitamin complexes say that one tablet contains a day’s worth of vitamins.

This is not the case, it may be that there is a daily norm, but it is not for nothing that nature has created a great variety of products to compensate for the differences in vitamins.

On the right is that there are vitamins that are not absorbed by others and are simply eliminated from the body.

By taking a walk, you will take in a small part of the value.

So, enrich your diet with brown products.

If you sit at home for a long time, you can take breaks between watching a movie or working at the computer and work it absolutely easier, but more effective. HEALTHY SLEEP Chocolate mousse with cognac Chocolate is a wonder of malt, it has the power to make people happy. This power is especially relevant in the winter and spring, if we are catastrophically deprived of sun and sun.

Today's - for increased joy in life and happiness.

James Bond cocktails The handy series about James Bond, which is loved by the rich, does not deprive anyone of the money. It’s up to you to taste the spices that properly brighten up the meal.

Such an important role can be played out if you would like to... Yuletide fillet of yaloviki (pork, turkey, rabbit, etc.) for the minds that you approach the preparation process creatively, with a non-traditional approach! Foie gras is prepared at home classic recipe

- entirely possible.

The only thing you need is to add fresh, fatty goose or hot liver.

Milfeuille with salmon

Let's try to prepare the same millefeuille, not as a dessert, but as an appetizer or an unusual salad. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves - with work, obligations, a large number of tasks, planned on the work calendar... As a result, an absolutely unnecessary reaction of the body is eliminated - we don’t have time to spare, so we’ll leave Yes, I know what I need to do and tell live..

In such cases, fitness and sports promote employment in


again turn the joy to life through this misery.

And immediately – improve your physical shape and new look!

There are other ways to get yourself into amazing shape without wasting hours on exercise mats in dusty gyms, especially since you are not a fan of sports and don’t really like exercise for beauty and health.

Axis list: How to trim yourself in shape, 5 secrets The first secret is intense walking

What is the essence of intense walking?

You are responsible for the tabletops collapsing actively, as much as possible.

You can vikorize everything that varies in dosage: the gathering place of a happy trip to the booth, a walk in the park, going to the seats, a handy jump rope, 10-minute walks after dinner.

Try to do without snacking, otherwise you can’t bear it at all, in times of hunger, stimulate your appetite with a place of fresh dried fruits, and replace chocolates with peas or almonds.

The third secret is to make small physical adjustments to get in shape

The stench will add tone to the flesh.

What right things can you try?

To the right, first: try brushing your teeth while sitting in this position, with your lips sitting on the floor.

Every hour, brushing your teeth takes 2-3 hours.

What time is enough to train yourself in the position of “man to sit” - the tone is removed by the abdominal wall, the buttocks, the muscles of the thighs, and the muscles of the back.

To the right of a friend: while taking a shower, exercise your muscles in the seat, tensing and relaxing their skin for three seconds.

Work is not at all difficult and you can exercise your skills not only in the shower, but also while sitting at your desk or while traveling in public transport.

Third to the right: training of pulp of the calves.

They give a healthy tone, live vigorously in the middle and breathe for an hour.

Breathe your womb throughout the day and the tension will appear again!

The secret of the quarters - the five hvilins of yoga

You have the right to allow yourself not to suffer on gymnastic mats and feel happy!

It’s better to beat your shoranka.

Stand straight, place your hands on your hips, and take a deep breath through your nose.

See, bend your knees and lean forward, bending your back. Reach your chins to your chest. For the sake of sports, there were no problems like these.

However, after being sick with chickenpox, suffering from occasional snacks, and after 4 months of doing sports, my physical form has deteriorated.

Of course, I’m not one of those who just watches their lives on the side and tries to turn their shape.


Well, I thought, read a little bit of literature, enjoyed my competent comrades and decided on the program.

Or rather, the signs that you need to recognize in your way of living.

Actions need to be repeated again, first things first.

At first I couldn’t figure out how much I needed to live.

Different calculators show different numbers ranging from 52 (maybe) to 74 kg.

Some people scream that I am in the stage of being abandoned.

Others seem to be close to ideal.

  • Pointing your finger at the sky, it means that the ideal weight for weight gain is 68-70 kg. With a height of 175 cm, I weighed 78 kg if I decided to tighten my shape.
  • I think it’s best to lose weight up to 68 kg, and then wonder at the furniture. Increase the swelling of the flesh or fix it on this note. The main criteria are that the result may be visible, but may seem to improve.
  • life When it comes to driving children, I have especially simple thoughts:
  • No fast food or manufactured drinks, as well as soda, chips and other obvious waste. I’m not talking about going to extremes with a renewed focus on mayonnaise, kowbasa and dumplings, but to reduce obviously wasteful warto products to a minimum. It's clear

    more greens, fruits, vegetables


  • It is contraindicated to start wounds without fruit.. Also good cinnamon tea (sip Pu-er for the rest of the hour). Those other saints were beaten from the stake.
  • Once you start drinking alcohol, most often once a month. If I don’t want to be evil, I’m wondering if it’s time to cut it off.

    Daily snacks between meals

  • . I have already written about tea between meals.

Ale does not mean that you need to put zukor in your tea or wash it down with buns.

I drink black black tea without anything.

Believe me, it’s really tasty and without any liquid malt.

You just need to savor the tea and you will immediately want to stuff it with something else.

Drinking hedgehogs 4 years before bedtime


  • This does not mean that dinner is not possible. You need to stop eating all the time.
  • If you go to bed on the 10th, then no later than 6 pm. About the 12th, not later than the 8th. And it’s extremely important not to get caught up in anything - it’s very easy to live in the world.

    It’s all normal to develop a lifestyle that gives results without much training.

  • It’s just that under normal physical conditions the balance will balance out on its own. For example, I lost 2 kilos in 2 years of this type of diet.
  • I want no. I am categorically against diet.

    Let's put it another way.

  • For 2 years this way of living. At the same time, I practically did not go in for sports and lived a passive way of life (mostly working at the computer).


All failures in food and sports begin with a failure in the daily routine.

At first we sit at work, then we get up later, we don’t have time to do exercises, we’re probably tired, we have a snack during the day, we eat late in the evening before going to bed and we go to bed late sleep. Close the ring. Tom

early rise

(winter about 7, spring-spring about 6, summer about 5), morning exercise (+ shower) and going to bed about 10-11 pm.