The queen's swords have fallen.




The Queen of Swords is not the most positive card in the layout; it conveys the coming period of bitter reproach.

What a waste of time to try and spend. All of these values ​​are affected by the presence of credit cards.Queen Sword is an unpleasant card Meanings of the Queen of Swords tarot card in the spread: mainly and reversed

All traditional card readers say that the Queen of Swords of the Tarot is a card that predicts the appearance of negative impressions associated with the pressures of any misconception or spending.

It is now in the cards to talk about the emergence of conflict situations and the inevitable crisis in relations with the authorities (or the most important persons in any sphere of life).

  • The Queen of Swords of the Tarot, in its positive meaning, indicates a secret, unkind person who is afraid of him, since he can tell the peculiarities of the one who bewitches the significant harm.
  • Sometimes it is so special to have the character of a positive hero
  • we repeat
  • character, hero
  • ready to pursue your interests or help in the field of consulting services.

If the layout is based on any given situation, then the Woman of Swords can bear witness to the restrictions and influence of people on the situation.

This type of person is described as being special, emotionally cold, and acting unfriendly to herself.

Sometimes the dark lasso of the Queen of Swords appears, as follows: Empty. Availability of a vacant position for a situation or speciality.

The absence of space and time.

  • The number of days of employment may be a process.
  • There are enough hours for more problems.
  • Queen Sword can be caught in front of a secret unkind person

Often the tarot lasso looms as a supra-mundane manifestation of total control, leading to a loss of control, to the appearance of losses of various kinds.

The card means that the hidden peculiarity becomes strengthened, dissipated and rejects signals of predatory directness, a person takes orientation on the next day.

If a card appears in a situation in the layout, its inverted meanings indicate events that began without setting an exact mark. In such a situation, a person runs the risk of wasting all his efforts rather than denying the desired result. There is an option to program risky entries.

  • A
  • old-fashioned tlumachennya
  • talk about the map like this:
  • Cunning and approach from the side of colleagues and friends.
  • Having shown evil intentions, it is good to cast a spell.

Negative thoughts of the witch, zdatne zavdat of the ruinous influx.

The emergence of new standards.

Hypocrisy on the side of friends and loved ones.

Queen Sword inverted - approach among friends Detailed analysis of the card for all levels of life. Showing the queen of swords in battle

In its meaning, the card of the Queen of Swords is often assigned to justice for deep analysis. If you look at the map in more detail, the queen has a sword in her hands, and the hand that has risen to the sky symbolizes the hand with the arms of justice. Korolova on the tarot card

strong woman

, what is there in the mountain.

The card shows a lady in royal robes, with a crown on her head and a sword in her hands.

On some cards, the lady is depicted wearing elements of personal armor: shoulder pads, shields and armlets.

A bird widens above her head, and a sylph is visible on the throne - these two positions indicate the queen’s affiliation until the wind comes.

The gloom and rare glooms are a violent storm that can lead to losses and tragedies.

Darkness in the background of the map predicts a storm

Significance of specialness

  • When laying out an individual, the card symbolizes the peculiarity of the sum.
  • Indicates the presence of tearfulness and its absence.
  • This peculiarity is manifested in the importance of the fortune-telling (or mystery) adaptation of the energy of swords.
  • The stronger the influx and manifestation of this energy, the less tearful people are.

When the queen appears to be a perfectionist, it is important for such people to understand that they are dissatisfied with too much light.

The one who will spell the war against skepticism and constant control over too much light.

The main significance for specialness is manifested as:

Overworldly seriousness of nature.

Setting clear goals and achieving them.

Special attention to control the emotional sphere.

Victimization of intellectual abilities to achieve goals.

The card describes a business woman (and sometimes a man) who aspires to career heights and is an equally important leader.

This is the card of the organizer, a person for whom there are no regular barriers to reach the mark.

For those who have not yet tied the knot with a whore or do not know their life partner, the appearance of this card prophesies self-ness.

And self-esteem is not meant to be situational; rather, it is about the psychological state of a person before partnership.

The wife of the Queen of Swords is especially self-sufficient and strong, she has no power close to her, she kisses people.

The women of this card are cold tyrants, reeking of the most bitter and strongest human venom.

Such women want to relinquish control over people in this situation, as usual.

The very tenderness of the love sphere has no power over them. Whenever these cards appear in a layout, one speaks of the presence of a supernita, a celebrant, who is tempted to crush and so cold friend’s centenary. People who inquire about a woman with this card from the love sphere should be wary and, if possible, be aware of the possibility of getting involved with this woman.

Such a union can only lead to love suffering. Professional sphere When these cards appear in the reading of a professional situation, we speak about the intercession of these professions, as there is a lack of rigor and order. People whose careers are connected with clarity logical system

, mother of success.

The Queen of Swords symbolizes the appearance of order in all life and professional situations, and the manifestation of creativity. Rozumov’s research, on par with the creative ones, is poised for success.

A such professions as: engineer, architect, specialist in Galuzia

information technologies

, thrive under the influx of swords.

Some people describe the card as a wonderful time for professional development for people whose profession is related to consultation and theoretical knowledge. If you are talking about any specific situation, then the card that appears in the layout indicates a negative change in the situation and short-term situation. There are frequent attacks and attacks from the side of the authorities, resulting in overwhelming jealousies.

  • Samy
  • mudra porada
  • , which can be dated from the appearance of the card in the layout for a professional situation - deal with the situation sharply, rather than carefully.
  • Try to keep your distance from possible opponents, but firmly maintain your point of view.
  • The Queen of Swords in the layout may be favorable for various professions

Health storage Such hypothermia often precipitates the development of pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system of both men and women.

The meaning is stronger because it means adding cards of a negative nature.

Having shown the cards in the afternoon

  • The Queen of Swords when matched with other cards can appear differently:
  • With the inverted card of the five cups, talk about those who are close relatives of the widow.
  • When married to a magician, it indicates that the woman will outlive her man.
  • And if you are married to a priestess, then it is significant to languish, like the longevity of a man and the early death of a friend.
  • With the inverted card of the page of pentacles, it is good to talk about a person who knows a money-spending way of living.

Drinking a three-cup cup means weaning off negative evidence or reinforcing bad behavior with a rival. The Nine of Wands is turned over - the card resets its value in the layout. The Queen of Swords does not have a great reputation in layouts, and this has been the case for a long time.

Who doesn't know what it is?

Peak Women "Don't expect good things? For all traditional luminaries (which cannot be easily dismissed from the racks), this card prophesies a bitter message.

This can be a special waste, sum, waste, allowance, increase.

The appearance of the Queen of Swords can speak of readiness before conflict, protection of the potential and inevitability of critical respect.

With its appearance in the scenario, it indicates that the situation is emotionally disruptive, ready to turn into misfortune (as the King of the Sword is insecure as an intellectual rival, and the Litsar is physical, then Korolova speaks about emotional insecurity).

The Queen Sword can indicate both confusion and tears, and coldness and bitterness, if there are no tears.

There is a lot of potential for people to adapt the energy of the Swords from their inner light (which is less controversial, since the reactions will be more asthenic and “teary”; with these Brotherly people easily dress in Krizhan armor).

Under the influx of the Queen of the Sword, we are transformed into visionary perfectionists, for whom it is important to arrive at the end, reality is so incomplete, and people are so incompetent in the face of shortcomings!

The typical stance of the Queen of the Sword is skeptical and controlling, and therefore dissatisfying. Their appearance in a special situation is a sign of a certain serious nature, which puts themselves at risk and seeks their success. This card shows the function of trimming emotions under the control and victoriousness of intelligence to obtain the desired results.

At any time, this particularity knows what it wants, and even more simply, what it doesn’t want. All the bad guys are coming together, all the bad guys are being eliminated by the way of unraveling the schemes..

It’s impossible to “beat” her from this orientation - you can put on a mask of complaisance, but in the depths of your soul for her “mighty good” and “truly good” are in no way equal.

It’s a miracle to see everything, if you’re amazed at what’s going on at your fingertips. The Queen of the Sword is close to Justice. She is squeezing the vertically raised Sword, and her raised hand is touching the sky, invisible to the eye.

The Queen of Wands has a kind of wise spirit of perseverance.

Queen Sword is not keen on feeling spontaneous burials - she is a servant of the elements and does not require this.

Queen Sword is proud - not of herself, but of her element.

He is a subtle and fearless investigator and analyst who intuitively perceives the essence of life (water) in the mind (resurrection). Seeing the beauty of the system, it is entirely a mystical experience, similar to seeing the Creator through creation., registers, inspections, tests, certifications, inspections and calls. Here are signs of closeness to the Major Arcanum of Justice (or Justice). You love methodical work, repetition and regulation, detail and logic. The number of others who call out to her is in detail irritable and headache, literally a physical protest in the brain (this emotional reaction is associated with the element of water, to which all Queens are honored). There, there is no logic and no system to create them, they will come up with an idea to argue. No

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According to the data, she literally embraces them like a mother, weaves, protects, takes care of, delves into, cares for, and drinks.

If the plan is based on a specific situation, then the Queen Sword will soon manifest itself unfavorably, as the risk of spending “underneath” quickly and liberation, dislike of the authorities, clothes, protection of wealth.

Porada: strain your mind and understand the situation carefully and critically, resulting in an illusion.

Maintain your distance, be prepared, and firmly hold your line. Pasta:

strangle your feelings for the sake of ostentation

As an indicator of illness, we can talk about a broken leg, colds, asthma, and also allergies.

The reason for everything could be colder wind, wetness, moldiness.

Zagalom is a universal signifier of hypothermia (and especially as a result of sitting in something cold).

You can indicate on the operational delivery.

Be respectful of the bad luck card.

Most often, the inverted Queen of Swords reveals the same purposeful peculiarity as the upright one, but it is against the one who asks.

Sometimes there are people whose love, through one or other reasons, has turned into hatred.

After all, this person is not given up to constructive action, moreover, the most important attribute of the inverted Queen of the Sword is the release of something: this person is not in excess, but is driven by a lack, the marriage of what is necessary for him to live.

He has a serious character, a high mentality, and the ruinous behavior of an embittered outsider.

In an inverted situation, there is an overabundance of control, which leads directly to the loss of control over the situation, and thereby to the loss.

Inverted, the Queen Sword becomes dissipated, advanced, strengthened, and her mind rejects malicious directness (which may look like betrayal, treachery, and revenge).

This may be based on dissatisfied ambitions, disappointment, discarded ideals, undemanded values.

The card informs you that your action was published without a clear indication of the metabolite, the wastage of energy, or it also informs you of the situation of unjustified risk.

Behind the Three of Cups - Skoda on the side of the unkind

With the Nine of Wands reversed - there is nothing to be afraid of


Short description

The Woman of Swords is a beautiful, beautiful card with no details, a little one.

Moreover, there is more than one explanation for who among them is.

According to Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin, the prototype of the Queen of Swords was Pamela Smith’s friend, actress Ellen Terry, who played the Viking queen Jordis in Henrik Ibsen’s play “Wars of Helgeland”, and Jordis stinks shift the yak.”

How and Goodwin go further and draw parallels between the meanings of the map and the image of Jordis, and it seems less doubtful that Waite would cite Smith as prototypes of their little ones.

It is also important that the image of the Queen of the Sword is imprinted with the same card from the “Sola Busca” deck, which depicts Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great.

True, they called Katz and Goodwin not their mother, but their sister.

  • There are many bracelets and chandeliers on the Queen’s wrists.
  • What do Katz and Goodwin write: “With more images from the first edition of the deck on the right side, you can see little Trojans and Lilies.
  • This detail was used in all previous copies of the deck.”
  • I couldn’t see any little face on my right hand.
  • The bracelet on the left hand is clearly visible, either in the first or in another form.
  • And there is a lined version, which is essential for the Victorian style of mourning decoration.

Which, before the speech, is also confirmed by Waite’s text, for example, meaning “widowhood”.

  • And the information about snowstorms from Katz and Goodwin is already in full force.
  • At the Pratt Institute, where Pamela Smith began, during the hour of practical occupations, they painted fair snowstorms.
  • Photos have been preserved of students looking at the snowstorms at the holy jars.
  • Key words




The current intelligence of the Women of Swords posits Waite’s “self-esteem,” but adds this card to the terrible aura of the “black widow.”

The Woman of Swords is characterized by a tendency to express emotions, a focus on effective rather than effective ways of solving problems, and careful planning of their actions.

A good image of the Lady of Swords gives insight to the principle of judo, where the strength of the opponent is victorious to achieve powerful goals.

Video: Meaning of Tarot card - Queen of Swords

Meanings in the waters

Let's take a look at the meaning of the Tarot Lady of the Sword in the food table.

Vidkrita – the card is closed

The card is already closed, so it is important to converge with others.

It’s even more important to let others into your inner circle.

Line intensity

No matter how intense the emotions were in the middle, the Lady Sword would not show anyone's call. Map of the scenario: lovers, families, relatives, workmates What is the significance of the Tarot of the Queen of the Sword in meals and other drinks?

The Woman of Swords is not directly focused on maintaining contacts with

great quantity

of people. Vaughn respects a few reliable, trusted friends more than her mother. However, they are not allowed to reach the secret core of their inner space. Queen Sword is a really bad card.

  • She lacks the tropical exuberance of the farb.
  • The birth of the Woman of Swords indicates that between people there is no antipathy, but a close bond.
  • In any scenario, people live peacefully without emotional storms, both positive and negative.

“Controversy”, which is established between people on the Lady of Swords card, does not require special evidence from the appearance of mass statements or obligatory visits.

You will soon see the proximity.


  • garna card
  • for robots
  • People work calmly, without getting involved in intrigues, without overworking, without rushing.

In this case, everything should be done correctly and promptly.

The meaning of the Tarot card of the King's Sword in the diet of health indicates that the body is stable and resilient.

Since at the moment health problems are still emerging, there are trends towards progressive stable improvement

The Woman of Swords has a calm and important nature, but with a slight hint of confusion.

  • And now let’s look at the Tarot Queen of the Sword combined with other cards.
  • at the same time: Holy only for your own.
  • at podnanni z: Effectively speed up the given chance.

u podnanny s: Modest beauty.

Business and finance in professional activities

Stability, hardness, control

Good news for finances. , What is important is that the situation is stable, women are not reluctant to let go of control and management.

The Woman of Swords is not oriented towards finances, the stink is unimaginable for her, she cares about pennies

values ​​by powerful forces.

Neutral situation from zero to plus.

Methods for increasing income (the key to increasing income)

The main key is modesty and accuracy in transactions.

Their motto is “We are not so rich that we can buy cheap speeches.”

The Japanese principle of “production - store”, bypassing the stage of warehouses.

The current state of finance and trends of change The stature of all women is completely stable. With a positive balance.

The worst forecast remains for the woman of swords (the situation may worsen).

Positive and negative inflow of income cards

All the women are very consistent.

  • The lady is a quick thinker, she often focuses on a number of specific projects and brings them to completion
  • high step
  • Virality.

Before that, the women are bigger, the kings are less willing to cooperate.

There could be more than one mistress in the kitchen.

If the woman is in the middle of the castle, in the middle of the process, she doesn’t bother - but what’s there after all?

Lady Sword - she has not always been focused on such gains.

  • Just go to the Duma on your own.
  • Until then, there are plenty of cards.
  • This could be a problem in Swedish situations.

y podnanny s: Actions are decisive and unpretentious.

  • at the same time: Self-esteem is strengthened.
  • u podnanny s: Dim separation.
  • Significance of Tarot Queen Sword yak Glad and Guarded...
  • Stream and show your emotions.

She is an authoritative representative of excellent status.

It easily reaches the designated mark, and everyday people crossing the road cannot cross it.

The private aspect means a successful manager, boss, curator.

Such a woman passes through all the categories that are filtered through a strict filter - appropriate/not appropriate, acceptable or not.

Vaughn does not get bogged down in details, but always puts together a clear and well-thought-out plan of action. The lady rarely shows emotion, then it seems distant, she is cold and self-centered. In fact, most of the people are kindly tuned to the spring, they just haven’t advertised their inner state.

It appeals to the streamlined nature and calm tone of the conversation.

There is a sense of darkness: the need to increase respect for the intellectual warehouse of life.

At this point, it is important to make important decisions.

Serious conflicts and important negotiations are not included.

It’s easy to mix this element into the layout of the article in an inverted position.

Just don’t be fooled by your savagery, and you’ll quickly turn from a respectable opponent into an aggressor.

The effort to control everything that comes into play is brought to the point of absurdity, to bring about the desired result - order crumbles before our eyes.

Porada: change the wrap, take it in your hands and turn into the Arcana camp in the cob position.