How to join the institute for part-time studies.

Osvita Chantly, sometimes the fathers are more prepared and worried about the hour when the child enters the VNZ, even the graduate himself. Aje tse is so important - vibrati correctly

future profession , prepare yourself well and join the prestigious VNZ. And that’s right - you need to carefully prepare before entering and if you are entering before the first deposit in your local area, even if you have forgotten to prepare required document.

Well, if you work in another place, you need to prepare more thoroughly and collect all the necessary items from now on.

documents for entry to VNZ

, which you took, or the sprat VNZ (it is not permitted). Since 2016, in Ukraine, applicants will be able to submit 15 applications for admission to the VNZ without compromising the number of initial deposits..

Required documents for entry

  1. In just a couple of months, a high school student turns into a school graduate, a school graduate turns into an applicant, and the applicant, apparently of equal knowledge of his specialty, becomes a student!
  2. And so that it becomes selectable
  3. documents required for entry to VNZ
  4. Transfer of documents for entry
  5. The application for entry to the VNZ has been completed.
  6. The application will need to indicate the specialty, the form of application and the type of financing.
  7. The application must be written before the time of submission of documents to the VNZ, and the members of the primary committee of applications are responsible for advising everyone on how to correctly write this application. Certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Lighting Cost Assessment (UCLCO)..
  8. The identification code is visible to the tax inspector after registering as a tax payer.
  9. In order with the passport, this is one of the main documents of every citizen of Ukraine.

Military receipt or confirmation of registration to the conscript.

Only for men.

Girls are not guilty of serving in the army.

Application for residence with a resident.

Find out from the relevant committee or on the VNZ website that the alma mater provides residents as the basis for living with a new person.

If they can give you a herd of food, you will need to write a separate application.

And the members of the Primal Committee will tell you how to do it. How can you submit up to many documents at once? It's definitely possible.

  • You will need to make copies of all documents.
  • Previously, it was necessary to have all copies certified by a notary, otherwise the VNZ could differently obtain the submission of documents from students who plan to enter several universities and institutes.
  • children of individuals who suffered through an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of category 1 (up to 18 children);
  • Chornobyl victims of categories 1 and 2;
  • disabled children Chornobyl disaster(up to 18 days);
  • children under the age of 18, whose fathers (category 1, 2, 3) died in the Chernobyl accident;
  • Disabilities of group I and II, for whom it is not contraindicated to study a specialty acquired by the Higher Health Educational Institution;
  • children of military and law enforcement officers who died during the cessation of military service;
  • members of the families of miners and mining workers who died during the accident at the mine.
  • Zasyadka;
  • children whose fathers died or became disabled in coal mining enterprises (for mining specialties);

children of deceased miners, disabled miners of group I and II, children of fathers who have worked underground for more than 15 years or more.

Children with disabilities can occupy no more than 25% of the space allocated for the skin specialty.

Applicant calendar

Select your specialty (directly) and submit documents!

The target date for selecting a future specialty and submitting documents before the visa application date is the last month.

In 2012, a number of important commissions started their work from the 2nd day and accepted documents up to 31 minutes inclusive.

In 2013, and in the coming fates, dates can, and, despite everything, be destroyed. Acceptance of documents for creative specialties ended on June 17, 2012. Therefore, in advance, check out the websites of the All-Russian National Research Council for creative specialties, so as not to be late in submitting documents.

A few days earlier, we will finish accepting documents from applicants who may be late. In 2012, the deadline for accepting documents for such applicants was 20 days. Kozhen University shortly publishes on its website all the information necessary for applicants and students, so you can also prepare your documents and plan your trips to submit documents before your selection . Well, we would like to help you, applicants, relatives and close followers, on whose important visit we have received greater illumination and have prepared for you a list of private VNZs in Kiev and a list of sovereign VNZs in Kiev from the very beginning. important information

about them.

In 2016 The Zagalno-Russian start of receiving the statement about the search falls on 20 rubles.

The remaining term for accepting documents is 10 rubles. These three-year VNZs, which grant the right to conduct additional tests, indicate the date of initial testing. Porada.

Don't be afraid to sleep.

This is a wonderful chance to get rid of additional money, especially if you are dissatisfied

EDI results

  • .
  • In addition, other applicants may suffer from double-checking their knowledge, and therefore, the competition for the budgetary position of such VNZ may be lower, even higher. What kind of documents should be prepared? The main list contains 3 obligatory documents that are necessary for any VNZ.
  • List:

copy of passport.

The head side and the side with registration are respected.

  • If the document has been lost - a trace of submitting a certificate from the passport office, which confirms this fact;
  • copy of the certificate.
  • The obligation can be certified by a notary, but it is enough to have the stamp of the official commission.
  • Applicants who must pass

creative competition

, the certificate is not required to be submitted;

The application was written with a strong hand (you can download it on the VNZ website).

Please click on the photo below and evidence will be provided only after the ranking list is published.

  1. Transfer of additional documents that not all initial mortgages will require:
  2. If another VNZ is more suitable, you can take the original from the first one and enter before the other.

Respect! Documents can be submitted until I'll stay with you

which has no bearing on the final result.

Certificates and diplomas. What is priced and what is not Portfolios with the list of achievements begin to be collected already from

  • children's cage
  • .
  • The school regularly takes part in various competitions and olympiads.
  • Please note that all diplomas and diplomas you have collected will be available upon entry.

Ale tse myth. The list of items that can be effectively insured is short: certificate with a sign;

significant sports achievements;

rating for the product;

  • diplomas of the winner and participation in the Olympiads of foreign-Russian significance, resulting from the transfer certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  • Victory in competitions
  • mіstsevogo rіvnya
  • don't take it to the extreme.
  • How to enter the VNZ without building ЄДІ

There are only so many opportunities to spend until you make a big initial mortgage without paying:

become diploma winners of the All-Russian and International Olympiad;

take one of the first three places in the international brand of Olympic sports; go to VNZ after college; finish school abroad;

enter up to the outside VNZ. In these situations, there is no need to store EDI, but in most cases, the more important the formation of the Unified Sovereign Education, the greater the benefits for the entrant. Documents required for entry to VNZ - video

Institutes and universities operate in several forms of learning: the full-time course provides a quick start, the evening form allows you to find out the details, and spend the rest of your time doing a short program in the evening.

Absentee learning is a must

more freedom During the course of the semester, the session was spent defining terms. and bypass possible competitors.

Find out in advance which form of admission is applied to the one you are applying for directly, and how many points you need to collect to qualify as a student. The only blame is that your employer has sent you to advanced qualifications: you may be insured without qualifications. The absentee-accelerated form of training can be budgetary (paid from the state budget), since VNZ transfers training on a similar basis. For those who are quiet start drinking

for pleasure, and also for people who want to overcome other and offensive illuminate things navchannya will be paid.


learning in absentia

follow the tradition on the 1st of spring - if you want to celebrate the Day, you don’t have to report to the university, even if you start at home.

If you ever have a problem, ask to register for admission before the summer opening hours: you will have the same applicant status as others.

Deyaki VNZ conduct admission to the correspondence form of starting two years on the river: for the beginning of the first semester (at Veresna) and the other (at Lyutom-Berezna). To register, you need to submit the documents required: the original and a copy of the secondary school certificate (11 grades of school), medical certificate, photographs. Check the list of documents by contacting the appropriate committee of the university to contact you. Yak just Other news on the topic:

The possibility of obtaining part-time education today is deprived of the popularity of those who want to advance their qualifications or withdraw new profession without interference in the process of production.

However, those who have completed their high school, so are those who are already If you feel that your potential as a teacher is unrealized, if you are facing a laborious job in school, there is no doubt that food comes early and too late: how to take away pedagogical awareness

? Sponsor of the P&G Statti publication on the topic “How to gain pedagogical awareness” Yak Specialties registered at the medical institute are always required, because

During the first days of its activity, the Institute of Culture was called a library. This dates back to 1930. Now you can wear the pride of the Moscow name

sovereign university

culture and mysticism.

And the innocent young men and girls will rush quickly to enter into this initial pledge.

You will need