Quote thoughts. I am quotes, phrases and aphorisms for myself. You need to live for yourself quotes.

We invite you to read some quotes about life. Here are collected phrases, aphorisms, quotes about the lives of great and extraordinary people. Among these quotes there are aphorisms with deep meaning, and thoughtful, funny (funny), beautiful things that relate to many aspects of life. Some quotes are short, short, others are long, heated. Here are the famous phrases about life and learning from everyday life.

Read them if you feel at ease, confused, important in your soul, if you need encouragement, help - the wise words of great people to guess that our life, as before, lies beyond us. Never give up and don’t let others give up on you.

We often lack the time, or even more, perhaps, courage. And the routine is gradually boring, like the sand completely covers us, and under its weight we cannot raise our hands. Sometimes this approach literally paralyzes us and reduces our strength.
It would seem that in order to get up and move on, we would need very little - but we don’t have enough of that “poorness” at the moment. Such moments happen to everyone, and therefore we share with you important and necessary words that will help us to continue to crumble in the future.

Aphorisms and quotes from great and extraordinary people about life

♦ “People always blame the power of circumstances. I don’t believe in the power of circumstances. Whose world achieves success unless she searches for the needs of her mind and, as you know, creates them herself”Bernard Show

♦ We are similar to stars. Sometimes it tears us apart, and when it comes to fruition, it seems to us that we are dying, wanting to actually be transformed into a new mirror. Self-awareness transforms us into new eyes, and we become more beautiful, more beautiful and brighter than we are.

♦ “When we push other people, we either help them or respect them. The third is not given: we either pull a person down, or lift them up.” Washington

“It’s necessary to pay attention to other people’s blessings. It’s impossible to live so long to earn them all on your own.” Hyman George Rickover

♦ “Wondering in the past, you’ll die, wondering at the future, you’ll roll up your sleeves!”

♦ “Things in life cannot be corrected. They can no longer be survived”

“The best way is to earn what you think about, but you won’t earn anything at all.” Arabic vernacular

Life is not an expectation that the storm will soon end. Life is about dancing under the plank

“Don’t waste your respect on small things; remember: you have great things.” Benjamin Franklin

"Your daily desire is not given to you except by the strength that allows you to do it"

"Don't be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes" John Rockefeller

“The rise of some problems is inevitably accompanied by the rise of others.

“Occasionally, a decisive bite is ahead and the result is a hot kick in the ass.” Max Fry

"Restlessness does not solve tomorrow's problems, but rather takes away today's peace"

“A person has two lives: the other begins when you realize that you have only one life...” Confucius

"Everyone's saint has passed, and every sinner's day has passed."

"All people bring happiness: some to their presence, others to their presence"

"Those that cannot be corrected should not be followed or mourned" Benjamin Franklin

“When you buy things you don’t need, you soon sell things you don’t need.” Benjamin Franklin

“Life is not a carbon copy, for everyone it creates its own plot, for which it has an author’s patent, approval from the highest authorities”

“Everything that is beautiful in one’s life is either immoral, or illegal, or leads to obesity.” Oscar Wilde

“We can’t blame the people behind these wads we have” Oscar Wilde

"Be yourself. Other roles will already be taken" Oscar Wilde

"Forgive your enemies - shortest method get them out of yourself" Oscar Wilde

“It’s not safe to meet a woman who will make you understand. That’s when the fun ends.” Oscar Wilde

Tell me how you were called - you have two exits.

“In America, in the Rocky Mountains, I developed a single reasonable method of artistic criticism. At the bar there was a sign above the piano: “Don’t shoot the pianist - we’ll shoot everything we can.” Oscar Wilde

"U successful people This is fear, doubt, and anxiety. The stench simply did not allow them to close in on them. T. Harve Eker

♦ “Bazhanna has a thousand ways, unbazhanna has a thousand ways”

♦ “Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who gets rich”

If your diets do not comply with your capabilities, it is necessary to either separate your diets or increase your capabilities.

“It is the man’s responsibility to understand what is demanded of him, and the woman’s responsibility to understand what is to be said about him.”

“Everything is not obligatory to be beautiful. It is important to remember that you are charming and attractive, that you are the center of the earth, the navel of the world. People with such a readiness to accept imposed thoughts”

"Small places have a surprising potential to trap those who are here"

“I can’t believe my eyes! The stench is worse than my eardrum.”

“Whoever doesn’t know which harbor is in high tide, there is no tailwind for him.” Seneca

"You need to associate only with those with whom you feel comfortable. Others are free. Particularly unsympathetic free girls"

Happily, if you pass by a pharmacy, there is nothing wrong with you, if you pass by a store, everything is in you, and if you go home, there will be people waiting for you.

“Just as we are not changeable today, tomorrow will not change. And just as today is like a quagmire, nothing will pull us out of it, and tomorrow will be just as sticky and faceless.”

“Don’t appreciate another person’s roads until you’ve walked miles in your moccasins.” The arrival of the Indians

♦ You can’t love happiness if you keep ringing. Love happily if you value it.

"At the bottom of our minds - to bring joy, and not to bring your individuality"

"Genius lies in the cleverness of raising the importance of the awkward" Napoleon Bonaparte

“The biggest benefit is that we often get away with it, but in order to get rid of the bananas, we just need to try again.”

“The greatest glory is not in never having mercy, but in being able to rise immediately when you fall.” Confucius

"Get the filthy zvichki easier today, less tomorrow" Confucius

"A human being has three characters: the one he ascribes to him; the one he ascribes to himself; and, you know, the one he really is" Victor Hugo

"The poor are valued for their merits, the living - for financial sums"

♦ “The chance is not to catch, but to create” B. Akunin

♦ Your home is there, where your thoughts are calm. Chinese wisdom

"Just because you're alone doesn't mean you're crazy" Stephen King

Stephen King

“The skin has a pus-like shovel at its core, which, in moments of stress and discomfort, you begin to delve into yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Save yourself. Burn them. Otherwise, you will find a hole in the depths of the underworld. home, and then at night a flicker comes out of it" Stephen King

“People think that they can’t do a lot of things, and then reluctantly reveal that they can, when they stumble into a hopeless situation.” Stephen King

"This is a test to determine whether your mission on earth is completed. If you are still alive, it means it is not completed" Richard Bach

“Don’t harm yourself and don’t let anyone harm you”

"You are more courageous, you are less respectful. You are stronger, you are less impressive. And more reasonable, you are not thinking," - Alan Milne "Winnie-the-Pooh and everything, everything, everything."

“Sometimes it gets so lost that even small speeches take up a lot of space in the heart,” - Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything".

“Looking back at my experience, I will tell you a story about an old man who, on his deathbed, confessed that his life was full of unpleasantness, most of which were never dealt with.” Winston Churchill

“Lucky is the person who builds the foundation of a building from stones that are thrown from someone else” David Brinkley

“When you get angry, don’t run, otherwise you’ll run endlessly”

Beat strangers, take away your own.

Negativity, directed at me, or not accepted by me, is lost from the one who gave birth to this negativity.

The increase in material nutrition automatically removes the solution to life’s problems.

Make sure to manage your allowances wisely - the highest stage of civilization. Bertrand Russell.

♦ Don’t spit uphill.

Don’t bother the one who is coming, don’t drive away the one who is coming.

It is better to be the enemy of a good person than the friend of a bad one.

♦ It’s bad luck to enter at that door, because you were punished. Chinese wisdom

"People - tsikav_istoty. The world, full of miracles, managed to come up with a need." Sir Terence Pratchett, English satirist

"The pessimist has the ability to overcome difficulties, and the optimist has the ability to overcome difficulties with the skin" Winston Churchill

“A great failure is not a catastrophe, but simply a reversal of the share, and sometimes it goes to waste”

“In times of sad tragedies and crises, there is no reason to highlight the suffering of other people with your unhappiness”

“The skin has its own dark, special light.
And in whose world it is best to shine,
This is a terrible time for the world,
But everything is unknown to us..."

“Set great goals for yourself - it’s more important to miss them”

“Life is like a plank - as if the moment comes when everything is just the same”

“It doesn’t matter how much you stick your head out, it doesn’t matter how much you don’t move.” Bruce Lee

"No one will die unoccupied. Life is the mother of all" Kurt Cobain

Are you going to read more?

“If you recognize failure, you will be embarrassed; if you give up, you will be condemned.” Beverly Hills

“The most important thing is to earn what you want to achieve success, and earn it right away. This is the most important secret - unimportant in all its simplicity. and they are in practice, moreover right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Contagious. The entrepreneur who achieves success is the one who works, and does not pretend, and what works at once. Nolan Bushnell

“If you are running a successful business, this means that if you praise the smile of decision” Peter Drucker

“Every person has his own price for happiness, a billionaire needs another billion, a millionaire needs a billion, a basic person needs a normal salary, a homeless person needs a budok, an orphan needs a father, a self-sufficient woman needs a man, a self-sufficient man - unlimited internet"

"People either give up living alone or live alone"

“You can buy a booth, but it’s not a waste;
you can buy it easily, but not a dream;
you can buy a one-year-old, but not an hour;
you can buy a book without knowing;
you can buy a camp, but it doesn’t matter;
you can pay for a doctor, but not for health;
you can buy a soul without living;
You can buy sex, but it's not a joke" Coelho Paulo

“Don’t be afraid to make big plans, set high goals and leave your comfort zone! It’s normal to accept discomfort as it changes. Those who experience discomfort as discomfort grow and develop. Get into the habit of going beyond the usual, “pour over buoys "Expand your comfort zone!"

“No matter how you’ve spent your life, you won’t be able to call people who are away from you in this situation, and this will make you even more confused. It’s important to find out why, but why you ended up in this situation, and it will definitely serve you to your advantage.”

“If you want to mother those that you don’t have, you will have the opportunity to reward those that you have not rewarded before.” Coco Chanel

“If you don’t have mercy, it means you don’t expect anything new”

The shortest hour to plant a tree was twenty years ago. Come on final hour- today. Chinese wisdom

“Three types of timidity - do not do anything, do bad work and do not do what is required.”

“If you have doubts at the door, take a companion, if you sing, fall alone”

"The difficulty that cannot be overcome is death. Everyone else is entirely virishuvan"

“Don’t be afraid to work on things you don’t care about. Remember, the ark was once remembered by an amateur. Professionals remembered the Titanic.”

“If a woman seems to have nothing to wear, it means that everything has ended anew. If a man seems to have nothing to wear, it means that everything has ended cleanly.”

“If you haven’t called your relatives or friends for a long time, it means everything is fine with them.”

“Penguin was given wings not to fly, but to just fly. Some people are so brain-dead.”

“There are three reasons for no-show: forgetting, drinking or forgetting”

"Mosquitoes are very humane for their women, as soon as a mosquito drinks your blood, when you accept it, it stops jingling"

“Life is not fair. Why do mosquitoes drink blood and not fat?”

"The lottery is the most accurate way to attract a large number of optimists"

“About the squad: Let’s just move between the past and the future. That’s what we call life.”

“It’s not enough to know your own value - you need to drink more.”

“Cover if your dreams are involved in others!”

“This is the type of woman - you respect them, admire them, stand in awe of them, even from afar.

“The best way to judge a person’s character is by how he deals with people who can’t do anything about it, and also with people who can’t achieve their goals.” Ebigail Van Beuren

"Weak natures behave inclusively with those whom they know to be weak" Etienne Rey

“Don’t be late for the one who is strong and rich.
3 and soon the sun will set.
With these short lives, dear life,
Turn around as if I'm renting you." Khayyam Omar

"The dry earth will collapse quickly again" Beware of Ettore

"If nothing else helps, read, follow, instructions!" Axiom of Kahn and Orben

"The need has come to knock on wood - you see that the light is made of aluminum and plastic" Prapor's Law

“Those that you save for a long time can be kicked out. As soon as you kick out, you will need them.” Richard's Rule of Reciprocity

“No matter what would have happened because of you, everything would have already happened because of your acquaintances, only it was even worse.” Meader's Law

“A true intellectual would not say “you’re a fool”, but would rather say “you don’t have the high qualifications to criticize me”

♦ "Those that we wonder about in life, lie with us. Once you change the point of view on the kut nahila, you can change everything. And the smut: for the creation of the seed, less than three days are required. Also, optimists are not called, but You can teach yourself to know how to "In general, everything is good. Because, as the Chinese say, always marvel at the speech on the bright side, but if there are no such people, rub it in the dark, don’t let the docks get too close."

“The prince didn’t come up. Then Snow White spat out the apple, threw herself, went to work, took out the insurance and killed the baby from the test tubes.”

“I don’t believe in email. I follow old traditions. I respect calling and hanging up as quickly as possible.”

“The key to happiness lies in the one who dreams, the key to success lies in the one who turns dreams into reality” James Allen

"You'll pay for everything in three episodes - up to 7 times, in training, and when life has driven you into a mess" S. Kovi

"You don't need hearing to sing karaoke. What you need is a deep sense of conscience..."

“If you want to wake up a ship, then do not call people with a drumbeat to pick up wood, do not distribute work among them and do not give punishment. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Sell the fish to the people, and in just one day they will start catching fish, and you will have lost a miracle of business opportunity.” Karl Marx

“If you are given an evil hook, you can use a right-handed hook, or better yet, hit him in the balls. You don’t need to play the same game.”

“If you think you’re too small to change anything, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama

“Don’t think about ways to earn money better. Think about ways to earn money differently.”

“Having said that, the world has no useless speeches. William F.

“Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one cares about how to change themselves” Lev Tolstoy

"All happy families are alike, but an unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" Lev Tolstoy

“You always realize that you will love us because we are so good. But you will not realize that you will love us because those who love us are good.” Lev Tolstoy

“I don’t have anything that I love. But I love everything that I can.” Lev Tolstoy

♦ “The world collapses forward for those who suffer” Lev Tolstoy

“Only evil is among us, and there, its signs can be identified.” Lev Tolstoy

“People expect to be happy forever; when happiness ends, wonder why you have mercy” Lev Tolstoy

"Everyone will make plans, and no one knows how they will live until the evening" Lev Tolstoy

“Don’t forget that in the past everything is here today”

“If a problem can be solved for an extra penny, then it’s not a problem. Just solve it.” G. Ford

“You can buy a product even if you’re a fool, but to sell it, you need a lot of meat.”

"If you don't become the best, you become the worst"

"An optimist makes every person's ability difficult. A pessimist makes everyone's ability difficult." G. Grief

“One of the American astronauts allegedly said: “What really makes you think is that you are flying in outer space on a ship made from materials purchased from tenders at the lowest prices.”

"The path of self-illumination is reached through the path of self-illumination"

“If you make a decision the way your heart tells you, then as a result you will avoid heart disease.”

“It doesn’t matter how many buckets of milk you pour, just be careful not to waste the cow.”

"You can't get out of a brood without being a brood" Anton Chekhov

“If you don’t know what you perceive before people, close your eyes and see: it is not there. Nowhere. It was not and will not be. Then everything will become clear” ( Anton Chekhov)

The most important, the most important - do not belittle your loved one. It’s better to say: “My angel!”, not “Fool” ( Anton Chekhov)

“Don’t be tempted to work in one place until you are sent to retire with a golden anniversary. Marvel at yourself at such an occupation as you like, and earn in such a way that it brings you income.”

“We don’t have a lot of pennies, that’s why we think”

“The woman will always be idle until her powerful gaman appears”

“Penny doesn’t buy happiness, otherwise it would be richer than being miserable.” Claire Booth Lios

And in joy and in sorrow, no matter the stress, trim under control - muscles, tongue and vagina!

“Don’t worry about the past, don’t be afraid of the future and enjoy today”

“The ship is safe in port, but it’s not for anyone.” Grace Hoper

"Until the age of eighteen, women have a good father, from eighteen to thirty-five - good character, from thirty-five to fifty-five - a good character, and after fifty-five - good and pennies" Sophie Tucker

“A smart person doesn’t try to get all the benefits herself - she gives others a chance too” Winston Churchill

“Everything in life is bearable, and you won’t be able to survive without sorrow, without downfall. Kozhen is popular in hour of demand and to the required place. The problem is simply to recognize potentiality when it appears in the public eye, and before it is known.

“It is impossible to judge those who are in the Duma by those who speak”

"Work those who are afraid to work, and work until you won't achieve a whole series of successes"

“Look, there is a lot of product of timidity. Active activities encourage youth, humility and success in people!”

“I often have mercy, but it’s just too important to bring me to this point”

“If you are going through hell, don’t hesitate to walk” Inston Churchill

“Life begins where your comfort zone ends”

"The exchange of thoughts generates the exchange of results. The result is your way of living, your evidence and your truth. Those you say program those who will mess with you. Your words create either the life you want, or the life you don’t want "Until then, as long as you act as you expect, you will get the same result as you do. If you are not in control, you will need to change your way of acting." Zig Ziglar

“You can’t get rich. You can either work or not.“I’ll try” is more than just a truth so as not to be timid. Take a look at this. Are you looking to brighten up your life? Make some money!"

"Be present with your current one, otherwise you will miss your life" Buddha

“It’s not the ones who mess with you that are important, but the ones that you work with”

"Calm down! We are all different. This and trying to live with money and money helps to eliminate the need"

“As long as you are concerned about what other people say about you, you remain in their control.” Neil Donald Welsh

"Be kind, they won't wait on you. Serve people better, they won't wait on you. Treat people better, they won't wait on you."

"Susidiv may be but visible, but not a little"

“It’s not a bad thing if you get it, It’s not a bad thing if you don’t like it, It’s not a bad thing if you repeat it”

“Life is like riding a bicycle. The faster you go, the more important it is to turn the pedals and keep your balance.”

“Get all the money you want to spend on doctors, psychics, and buy yourself a tracksuit of sneakers and start doing physical education!”

“The main enemy of people is television. Instead of the fact that we ourselves can love, suffer and find joy, we are amazed at how they bother on the screen for us.”

“Don’t clutter your memory with images, otherwise there may not be room for monstrous mitigations.” Fedir Dostoevsky

“If you’ve been hurt, it’s all the same, they’ve been wringing your hands... You can beat him, but you won’t be able to beat him.” L. N. Tolstoy

“Don’t bore yourself with thoughts about those who are absently thinking about you”

And this was recently added to us

“Life loses to those who do not prepare themselves for old age. And old age is not a century, but rather a waste of flesh tissue. For the rich, it begins at 20 years. less people To keep an eye on your bodily form, the stronger the state of the psyche, the more susceptible it will be to negative emotions. I have a cheerful formula: give up youth and youth to Fatherlandism, and leave old age to itself. So, I say: don’t make yourself ill. Reach old age like joy. Once you have earned everything, you can simply enjoy life. This is the purpose of helping old age to bring contentment. Everyone needs people to share their knowledge, and not to worry about endless pains. It's important to live forever.

"Happiness - so long as nothing hurts"

“It’s even easier to solve other people’s problems...” Consultant principle

“The difference between a warrior and an ordinary person is that a warrior sees everything as a success, and an ordinary person sees everything as luck or bad luck.”

“Once you start to be surprised at the gap, the gap starts to be surprised at you.” Nietzsche

"The battle of elephants has the most murah" Old American adjective

“There is no need to allow our past to program our today and tomorrow.”

“Just because God puts it does not mean what He means.”

"Your decisions are in your power, not furnishings, to determine your share" Helen Keller

"When you look back, it will become funny to you"

"Ancient things lie not for life, but because of the shortage of the ruin. And the critical shortage of the ruin is death"

“Most of us create impersonal affairs in order to feel bad, and even worse, in order to feel truly good.”

“In Chinese, the word “crisis” is made up of two characters - one means insecurity, and the other means amenableness.” John F. Kennedy

"Anything that does not bring satisfaction is called robotic" Bertolt Brecht

“And people who appreciate the wisdom of someone else’s score, do not appreciate the decks of their own.” Bertolt Brecht

“Having taken inventory of your internal reserves and shortcomings, you will discover that your place is most useful - the importance of self-worth in yourself”

“Life is a checkerboard, and you only have to stand for an hour. While you fight and trick as you go, there are pieces for an hour. You play with a rival who does not forgive inconsistency!”

“Remember, there are no such promises. At that moment, when you think that there is no way out, think about those who are the producer of your life.

"The world is too dark to allow oneself the luxury of making enemies"

“The only people who don’t have problems are the dead”

"A good tree does not grow in silence: the stronger the winds, the more precious the trees" J. Willard Marriott

"The brain itself is intangible. It can, however, be a container for both heaven and hell" John Milton

“Success and failure are not the result of one and the same thing. Failure is the result of the fact that you didn’t make the right call, didn’t go the other mile, didn’t immediately say “I love you.” So failure itself carries the same consequences. Yeshen, Thus, success will always come with initiative, effortlessness and courage in expressing your work."

To achieve progress, you need to adjust your course

“People don’t care what they don’t know until others boast”

“Know an hour for work, for the sake of success.
Find an hour to think, that's all.
Find an hour for gree, this is the secret of youth.
Know the time to read, this is the basis of knowledge.
Find the hour for Friendship, and all happiness.
Find an hour for peace, and then go to the stars.
Know the hour for food, this is the joy of life.

“The more often you adjust the smears, the more stench it creates.”

“For good people, the woman is happy, for the good ones, she is strong...”

“People immediately notice when you change your position before them... But they don’t notice that the reason for this was her power behavior”

“He who works all day earns few pennies.” John D. Rockefeller

“Many people should rather be self-sufficient than tolerate the tricks of other people...”

"If the villains have nothing to steal, they think they are honest"

"Correct decision"Please accept it with mercy" Li Iacocca

“Make your way forward: nothing in the world can replace perseverance. There is no substitute for talent - there is nothing more important than the failures of talent. There is nothing in the world that can replace genius - the unrealization of geniuses has already become the talk of the town. It cannot be replaced. garna osvita- The world of news of the illumination of outcasts. Effortlessness and zeal are all-powerful." Ray Kroc, entrepreneur, restaurateur

“Don’t lie to those who love you... Oh and so... it’s horrible”

Three phrases call for panic:
1. It won’t hurt any more.
2. I want to talk to you seriously.
3. The login or password entered is incorrect..."

♦ "The greatest rare species friendship - this is friendship with your own head"

"You can find amazing people if you're lucky"

“Sometimes it’s good to cry - this is what you need to grow” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“It’s not at all obligatory to get along with someone” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

"Kozhen will demand that at this hour we know garnu history" Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“We all bear responsibility for those who are the least for us.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“The most foolish speeches cease to be the most foolish when they are placed before them correctly.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“If you’re drunk, light, as before, here’s a guarantee, but I don’t want him to touch your throat.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“I don’t believe that you can change the world for a better one. I believe that you can try not to make someone worse.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“Just because you managed to fool a person, it doesn’t mean that you’re a fool, it means that they trusted you more, you don’t deserve anything.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“Act and struggle like you are calm, strong, cheerful, etc. - all under your specific mark - and you will become calm, strong, cheerful. The more you practice and develop this skill, the stronger you will be.” there you go" Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“Remember - nothing bothers you forever, but it still doesn’t mean that you don’t mean it.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“The only way to live is to live. Say to yourself: “I can earn money,” and you know that you can’t.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

The hour is still rejoicing, you want something else. The hour melts everything, takes everything away, leaving in the end dark. Sometimes in this dark place we catch others, and sometimes we waste them there again. Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

“If you don’t love anyone today, try not to offend anyone” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins"

"I recently realized why I need e-mail- to talk to those you don’t want to talk to George Carlin

“Live like this, this day is your last, and one day it will appear again. And you will be all set.” George Carlin

“You won’t be able to understand the sense of life, how you have already been changed” George Carlin

“If you can’t say anything good about anyone, don’t even talk about it!” George Carlin

"Keep reading. Learn more about computers, crafts, gardening - whatever is useful. Never lose your brain at night. “A wonderful brain is the craft of the devil.” And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s" George Carlin

“Home is the place where our junk is saved while we are at home, so that we can get more junk.” George Carlin

“The principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world stick together” Mahatma Gandhi

“There is a great world to satisfy the needs of all people, and a small one to satisfy human greed.” Mahatma Gandhi

"If you want change in the future, become that change in the present"

“The weak never forgive. To forgive is the power of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it deals with creatures.” Mahatma Gandhi

“This has always been a prison for me: how people can respect themselves by belittling such people as they stink.” Mahatma Gandhi

"Find the meta - you'll find the resources" Mahatma Gandhi

"One way to live is to let others live" Mahatma Gandhi

“I only value the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not respect the right to deprive myself of respect at the mercy of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

“It’s evil, as a rule, not to sleep and, obviously, it’s bad for the mind, which is why sleep is to blame.” Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

"History teaches us the least of what can be worse forever" Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

“People think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you move, you take with you.” Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

“All people create the same things. They may wonder that they sin again and again, but there is nothing original in their other guides.” Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

“It’s important to study a lot, but one day you turn around, and you don’t have anyone left.” Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

“There are things in the world that you can fall into” Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

"Having come to the world, rumors of inconvenience and insecurity, people will dedicate left side energy to make you even richer" Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

“Don’t give anyone your “best” pleasure, because they don’t intend to follow you.”

"Self-ness is a great luxury" Actor, director, screenwriter and producer Jack Nicholson

"No matter how old you are, the wind becomes stronger - and it will always be sharp" Actor, director, screenwriter and producer Jack Nicholson

“If you want to collect honey, don’t ruin the vulik”

“Whenever I bring you a lemon, drink some lemonade from it.” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“When a person starts a war with himself, what about that war?” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“Insanely, your man has his own shortcomings! As if he would never have been a saint, he would never have become friends with you.” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

"Keep busy. These are the cheapest hands on earth - and one of the most effective" Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“The veil that you wear on your face is much more important than the garment that you wear on yourself.” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“If you want to overpay people, get over yourself. This is both nicer and safer.” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

"Do not be afraid of enemies who attack you, beware of friends who flatter you" Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“Be like this, you are already happy, and you will definitely become happy.” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“Whose world has only one way to deserve love - to stop demanding it and start giving love, without asking for it” Psychologist and teacher Dale Carnegie

“Prayer must be lost without confirmation, otherwise it ceases to be a prayer and becomes a prayer”

"The world is divided into two classes - one is reliable, the other is impossible to believe" Writer and playwright Oscar Wilde

To make a victim of yourself, who suffers all the time and who is not noticed by anyone, you can only do it yourself

“Before the investigation, people call their amends” Writer and playwright Oscar Wilde

"Be yourself, other roles will take over" Writer and playwright Oscar Wilde

"Our greatest problems arise from unique friends"

"The army of rams on the side of the ram is stronger for the army of rams on the side of the ram"

“When you check for good things, you don’t give good things, you sell them...” Omar Khayyam

"No one can turn around and change their start. But they can start at once and change their finish"

“Happy is not the one who gets the most out of everything, but the one who gets the best out of everything.”

“The problem of this world is that the people who are educated are of the same doubts, and the idiots are of the same vociferousness.”

“Three speeches never turn back - the hour, the word, the ability. To that: don’t forget the hour, choose your words, don’t miss the opportunity.” Confucius

"The world is made up of those who want money without working, and idiots who are ready to work without being rich" Bernard Show

"Dance is a vertical viraz of a horizontal bazhanya" Bernard Show

"Hatred is the revenge of the boy for the fear he has experienced" Bernard Show

“To bear selfishness and to let go of contentment from it is a great gift.” Bernard Show

“Try to take away those you love, otherwise you will end up loving those you have taken away.” Bernard Show

"Getting old is boring, but it's the only way to live long" Bernard Show

"Democracy is Povitryana kulya"Who hangs above your heads and marvels in the mountains, while other people kick your guts" Bernard Show

“Sometimes you need to make people laugh in order to get them to accept you.” Bernard Show

“The greatest sin of one’s neighbor is not hatred, but selfishness; this is truly the pinnacle of unhumanity.” Bernard Show

“It’s easier to live with a passionate woman, rather than a boring one. It’s true that they are sometimes choked, but rarely abandoned.” Bernard Show

“The one who is in charge, the one who is in charge, the one who is not in charge, the one who is in charge of the others” Bernard Show

“Try to take away those you love, otherwise you will end up loving those you have taken away.” Bernard Show

“The names and titles were invented for those whose services to the land are immeasurable, but unknown to the people of this land.” Bernard Show

"Rich people who have daily problems are more insecure in immediate marriage, poor women, who have every day morals Bernard Show

“Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim in the water like fish, we have only one thing left to do: learn to live on earth like people.” Bernard Show

♦ " The only way to preserve your health is to avoid what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and eat what you shouldn’t. Mark Twain

♦ "Warto give my word that you will not work for anything, as you urgently want something. Mark Twain

♦ "Summer is the time for fate, if it’s too cold, to get busy with the speeches that it’s really cold to do during the winter. Mark Twain

♦ "The greatest self - but if people are not at ease with themselves" Mark Twain

♦ "Once in life, luck knocks at every person's door, but at this hour it is common for people to sit at the nearest pub and not hear a knock. Mark Twain

♦ "But garnim - this is how I wear out the people! Mark Twain

♦ "I have been praised countless times, and I have been rewarded again; I immediately realized that more could have been said" Mark Twain

♦ "It’s better to talk and act like a fool, than to talk and develop all your doubts. Mark Twain

♦ "If you need pennies, go to strangers; If you need to please, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives.” Mark Twain

♦ "The truth must be presented as if one were serving a coat, and not in a blatant manner, like a wet towel. Mark Twain

♦ "Start working correctly. This will bring happiness to active people and make everyone else happy. Mark Twain

♦ "Buy the land - it will no longer be destroyed by anyone." Mark Twain

♦ "Never argue with idiots. You will sink to this level, before you can’t crush you with your evidence. Mark Twain

"The greatest happiness you can have in life is happy childishness" Agatha Christie

"You don't know, you can do anything, you won't try" Agatha Christie

“The fact that the alarm clock did not ring, having already changed a lot of people’s lives” Agatha Christie

"You can't judge a person without listening to him" Agatha Christie

“There is nothing to be ashamed of for a human being who always has a race.” Agatha Christie

“The mutual amiability of a man and a woman begins with the soothing illusion that you think about everything in the world.” Agatha Christie

“And the order is that you need to speak about the dead either kindly or nothing. In my opinion, this is stupidity. The truth is always robbed of the truth. Agatha Christie

“Wise people don’t pretend, but shy away from their heads” Agatha Christie

“It’s important to go into history, otherwise it’s easy to get into trouble” M. Zhvanetsky

"Highest step zbentezhennya - two look at what they got into Castle Sverdlovina" M. Zhvanetsky

“The optimist believes that we live in the best world in the world. The pessimist fears that this is not the case.” M. Zhvanetsky

"Everything is good, just go" M. Zhvanetsky

“From the beginning there was the Word.... However, judging from the way things developed below, the Word was not to be ruled out.” M. Zhvanetsky

"Wisdom does not come from time to time. It may come alone from time to time" M. Zhvanetsky

"A clear conscience is a sign of bad memory" M. Zhvanetsky

"Garneau life is not forbidden. Ale zavaditi is possible" M. Zhvanetsky

“Good always overcomes evil, which means whoever overcomes is good” M. Zhvanetsky

“You’ve been telling people that there’s no gap? It’s important to learn, they’re all unique.” M. Zhvanetsky

“You can easily recognize a decent person by how ingeniously he is at being mean.” M. Zhvanetsky

“Thinking is so important, so many people judge” M. Zhvanetsky

“People are divided into those on whom you can rely and those on whom you need to rely.” M. Zhvanetsky

“If someone has appeared, ready to burn the fires, others will follow him obligingly, ready to burn my neck.” M. Zhvanetsky

"A skinned person is the forge of his own happiness and the forge of someone else's" M. Zhvanetsky

"Narodzheniy povzati - skrіz prolіze" M. Zhvanetsky

"In some people, the offending licks are stolen by the skull, in others - by the pants" M. Zhvanetsky

“Dekhto looks good, for fear of getting in” M. Zhvanetsky

“It’s important to be a remaining bitch - you’ll want to lick your backside first!” M. Zhvanetsky

“Have a short life. I need to remember. I need to remember to leave the filthy movie. Throw away the filthy book. filthy people. I'm rich" M. Zhvanetsky

“Nothing can hurt a person like the tricks of powerful happiness” M. Zhvanetsky

“Well, if you want five bad things for a day, think badly about yourself. If you think bad about you, that’s all... Ale to himself, five bad things a day... That’s like thirty bad things for a day.” M. Zhvanetsky

"Don't overdo the stupidity of your enemies and the loyalty of your friends" M. Zhvanetsky

"Being elegant does not mean being boring, it means being memorable" M. Zhvanetsky

"Fuck, putting thoughts on the distant thoughts, will ensure calm and happy life" Faina Ranevska

"Everything in this world is either disgraceful, or immoral, or leads to obesity" Faina Ranevska

"Better than a garish human being, a cuss word that barks, a quiet, furry creature" Faina Ranevska

Є people in whom God lives. People in whom the devil lives. And these are people in whom only worms can live. Faina Ranevska

“You need to live in such a way that you are remembered by those bastards!” Faina Ranevska

"When the sick people even want to live, the doctors are powerless" Faina Ranevska

“Whatever you say, there is only one woman in a man’s life. All others are the same shades...” Coco Chanel

“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you forever.” Coco Chanel

"There are no lazy wives, there are lazy ones" Coco Chanel

"A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he becomes friends." Coco Chanel

“Stream to yourself, if it’s covered, and don’t interfere with the scenes, if it’s painful - that’s the ideal woman.” Coco Chanel

“Everything is in our hands, we can’t let them go” Coco Chanel

“For good fortune, the price is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for something, it’s a fake.” Coco Chanel

“It’s a pity, oppressed emotions do not die. They were tired of being locked up. And the stench in the middle will continue to flow into the people.” Sigmund Freud

“The idea of ​​making people happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world” Sigmund Freud

“You never stop joking about the sound of the call, and joking around behind you. The stinks have always been there.” Sigmund Freud

“Most people really don’t want freedom, because it conveys credibility, and most people cry out for credibility.” Sigmund Freud

“It’s rare for a busy person to visit a guest; you don’t want to fly to a boiling pot.” Sigmund Freud

“The scale of your specialness is determined by the magnitude of the problem that is going to take you out of yourself.” Sigmund Freud

"Everyone has dreams, but their skins are cut. Those who dream in the dark depths of the night, lie, so that dreams have crumbled into gunpowder. And those who die in reality, with open eyes - careless people Even stinks can turn dreams into reality. Thomas Lawrence

“The skill of a pilot and his passion for living are only revealed when the autopilot is engaged. So try to take the helm and begin caring for your life.

"Another day - another opportunity!" Nick Vujicic

“In a stressful situation, given the impossibility of gathering strength, it is important to strengthen what has become of you, in addition to what is happening among you.” Nick Vujicic

“Those who respect themselves with adversity - these people do not understand how close they were to success when they folded their hands and gave up.” Nick Vujicic

“Respect the fact that you have installed the remote control before the world. If you are surprised by the program you are not comfortable with, you simply unplug the remote control and switch the TV to another program. What problem are you facing?” Nick Vujicic

“The world has a lot of problems that haven’t touched me. I sing that my life is a thousand times easier than the lives of rich people.” Nick Vujicic

“If no one cares, knock on the door” Nick Vujicic

"Become a friend if you need friends. Give hope if you yourself need it" Nick Vujicic

Even little stories and parables about life

  1. It seems that all the villagers wanted to pray for those who would pray for the future. On the day of prayer, all the people gathered, but only one boy came from the parasol. Tse VIRA.
  2. When you leave your children at the wind, they will laugh, because they know what you are catching them with. Tse dovira.
  3. Well, if we go to sleep, we won’t sing that we’ll be alive in the morning, but we still set the alarm clock. This is NADIYA.
  4. We are planning great atrocities for tomorrow, not caring about those who know nothing about tomorrow. This is the remembrance.
  5. We know that the world is suffering, but we are still making friends and raising children. This is love.
  6. On the old shirt there is a phrase written: “Not 80, less than 16 wonderful lives plus 64 years of accumulated joy.” This is POSITION.

Well, finally, a few more good thoughts, quotes, joys about life and about life:

♦ "The essence of this style of living is not to produce countless obvious alternative scenarios that arise with us, and not to produce endless “could have been...”, “what would have happened,” “shkoda, what not” and “correctly it would be "Natomist needs to try to get rid of maximum satisfaction from what is here and now" Writer Volodymyr Yakovlev

♦ “If you feel worse, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will become better.” It sounds so simple! Is it okay to go and help someone that’s wrong with me?
The squad has left, the children have forgotten, they have been kicked out of work - life is collapsing! Everything is bad. If you find a person who needs your help, who is worse than you, your troubles will be killed. By being preoccupied with other people’s problems, you move on and forget about your own difficulties and troubles.
Remember: negative emotions accumulate, positive ones do not. By helping others, you feel positive emotions. You helped, you bachish: your help was needed. You lost, you took the fate of someone else’s share. If you feel bad, find someone who is worse off, and help him and you will become better.

♦ “Live for today and choose your future in order to model your future to your satisfaction. If you do not change at once, then you will not steal your future. If you are passive and inactive, who will help you? then everything will lie before you. don’t indulge, don’t give up, but plan, plan and plan again... Buy everything that lies before you, and success will come to you - come to everyone, to everyone who wants it. This is the law of life. And yet, Don’t invest for tomorrow what you can earn today. God will help you."

♦ “The past has already ended, this thought needs to be accepted. It’s only today that we are creating an infection. That past needs to be understood, accepted and processed. Let go of your past today at the end, there yogo place" Psychologist Andriy Kurpatov (Bestseller "Happy in the Middle Ages")

♦ “Just calm down and go through everything you have, what you believe, remember everyone you loved and love. you, and then you will understand what you need. Psychologist Andriy Kurpatov (Bestseller "Happy in the Middle Ages")

♦ “Perhaps, you feel like you’re living in the past for your bazaars? But all these possibilities are also absurd, we can only rely on ourselves and work on those that lie behind us, and the result is that we will never escape the impersonality of the surroundings, we can’t do anything here without lost and found, third area where your benefits can lead to let's solve problems: Can you really do it yourself? You need to rely on yourself, not vimagati. Psychologist Andriy Kurpatov (Bestseller "Happy in the Middle Ages")

♦ "Remember - the fear of loving those who look into the future, instead of hiding in today's day. The fear of loving those who hunger in the world, instead of working for those who can work for these minds, like in the present day moment. Don’t wait until the situation changes, then you will no longer be able to earn what you can earn now. If you behave steadily in such a manner, then you will never earn anything! Psychologist Andriy Kurpatov

♦ “We are all people, and it’s unacceptable to harass people. If you’re being harassed in a way that’s unacceptable, then it’s better to point out that while you’re alive, it’s not acceptable to harass you as long as you live. wow It can’t be bad, there’s no such thing as people like that, but would you ever want to get involved with them? They’d be so boring. Wouldn’t you want to hit them?

♦ “It’s important to apply, and not exaggerate, your problems. For our psyche, which itself has nothing to hide, just a little, that the problem is trivial, less gigantic. And instead of thinking: “My life is not big.” є sensu” – think , what will solve your problems. Since with such ease we can value a happy life, then why don’t we redirect our twisting sting and not value the problems that our life will value?.."

♦ “It’s not just life that pours into you, but you pour into life. Also, remember that you were just dealt bad cards. That’s how it goes. Take the cards, pull them and deal with them yourself. This is your credibility. Not a check. Good ideas just like that " Larry Winget ("Tighten the threads, tighten your head!")

♦ “This is a version of this formula, which the doctor Emil Kue developed for his patients: “EVERY DAY, EVERYONE MY DAY WILL GO BETTER AND BETTER.” Repeat this phrase out loud fifty times. and in the evening, and long after day - as much as you can. The more often you repeat it, the stronger it will flow onto you." Fisher Mark ("The Millionaire's Secret")

♦ “Don’t ever forget that life is worth living. This thesis can be given to philosophical speculations, but it’s also effective. spare me in death, mercy at kohanni." On all fronts, without blame, life never fails. And wisdom lies in first being on the front on which the army is going to attack. The time to mix is ​​great and necessary for us. If you are chronically unlucky here, move on to something else. You yourself will not notice how life is getting better on the front that you have deprived! Psychologist Andriy Kurpatov (5 tips for depression)

♦ Don’t forget about your family. Fathers are the only people who love you madly just because you are. Consult with them more often - but not only will they give you energy for life and work. When people leave this world, the stench will be lost from your thoughts. Let there be more of these things.

♦ To spend money on life is a waste of time. Be constructive for Rozmova, talk about what’s going on. Your problems don’t matter to others, but eliminating the relevant information as it grows becomes much more valuable, even if words are used sparingly.

♦ The world has enough grief; don't multiply yogo. If you can, BE KIND, but if you can’t, because you are going through important times, then try not to be a complete idiot.

♦ Remember - everything is remembered and constantly changes. Those who appear to be respectful at once can appear careless within a dozen hours. Stop obsessing over your problems and take care of your problems.

♦ "You can check until everything settles down. If the children grow up, work will be calmer, if the economy will improve, the weather will improve, your back will stop hurting...
The truth is that people who tease you and me never wait when the hour comes. You know what will never happen.
They give up their tiredness and start doing things when they get some sleep, they don’t have a lot of money, they are hungry, their house is not tidy, and there is snow in the yard. I'll be glad when it happens. So now the hour has come." Seth Godin

♦ Computers are breaking down, people are dying, money is crumbling... The best thing we can earn is to die deeply and re-engage.

No matter what kind of trash life is given to you, there is still something you can earn and in which you can achieve success. As long as there is life, there is hope. Stephen Hawking (brilliant physicist)

Perhaps you will like:

Whether we want it or not, we often think about the sense of life. Is it good or bad and why should it be stored? What's wrong with life? What is the essence?

We are not the only ones who think of such food and stench. Such problems have always occupied the greatest minds of mankind. We collected quotes from great people about their lives, so that you could try to find out what guides you.

There are also aphorisms and phrases of famous philosophers, writers and scholars, as well as testimonies on the faceless, most difficult nourishment and a body of everyday wisdom. And as soon as such a topic is discussed about living in substitution, then such solid help can no longer be seen.

So let's take a clear look at the world's quotes and aphorisms about living with sense in order to try to put all the dots on the i's.

Wise quotes about living with great people

Knowing your meta is how to know the Polar Star. I will become a reference point for you if you inadvertently walk the path.
Marshall Dimock

Nothing bad comes from a kind person, either during life or after death.

The essence of life is to know for yourself.
Muhammad Iqbal

Death is the arrow that is shot at you, and life is the one that will fly to you.

In dialogue with people, what is important is not their food, but our testimony.
Marina Tsvetaeva

No matter what happens there, don’t take life seriously - you still won’t be able to live with it.
Kin Hubbard

People’s lives have no meaning in this world, to the extent that they help make other people’s lives more beautiful and noble. Life is sacred. The greatest value is the ordering of other values.
Albert Einstein

Life is like a dog in the theater: what matters is not how much it bothers you, but how well it is played.

It is rotten to live for those who are destined to live no longer.
Publication Sir

Live like this, you may soon say goodbye to life, no time, deprivation of you, and an indescribable gift.
Marcus Aurelius

They say that all the favorite quotes here about life from the place have been verified within an hour. And it’s not for us to go through verification for consistency before your statements about the essence of the dream.

There is only one thing that is important for everyone in life - to decorate your soul. Only people in this world are not in the factory, and only people in this world are happy.
Lev Tolstoy

When a person begins to become obsessed with the sense of life or its value, this means that he is ill.
Sigmund Freud


Sense of life, goals and plans: how to understand, where to grow. Pokrokovo reveals how to deal with life and misfortunes.

We live not in order to eat, but in order to live.

Life is something that will pass through us while we make plans.
John Lennon

You need to live a short life in order to allow yourself to live this meagerly.
Benjamin Disraeli

People may know: in the theater of life, God and the angels are allowed to be voyeurs.
Francis Bacon

Human life is like a box of cheesecakes. It's funny to treat her seriously. It’s not safe to get up to no good.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Without the essence of life, there is a timeless death.

The mystery of living in the future has evolved from the smartest to marvel forward.
Leonid Leonov

Life good people- eternal youth.

Life is eternity, death is death.
Mikhailo Lermontov

Chim better than a human These people are less afraid of death.
Lev Tolstoy

The purpose of life is not to be at your best, but to live according to the internal law.
Marcus Aurelius

Life is not about living, but about realizing that you are living.
Vasil Klyuchevsky

Remember to rejoice in the lives you have lived - that means living for two years.

We are only alive in order to recognize beauty. Everything else is pure.
Kahlil Gibran


Phrases that help inform nutrition, what we need in our lives. Wise words of great people about the main speeches.

Get started. Let's go ahead. Love your squad and children more than yourself. Don’t look around at people and don’t get embarrassed because you don’t like them. The revenge of hatred has been set. A laugh is a substitute for ignorance. May forever at your library's new book, at the lyokhu - a new dance, at the garden - a fresh card.

The best part of our life is made up of friends.
Abraham Lincoln

Those who made my life beautiful will make my death beautiful.
Zhuang Ji

A day is a short life, and you have to live it in such a way that you risk dying at once, and you are unwillingly given more.
Maksim Gorky

It is possible that all these reasonable quotes about living in this place cannot be dated hundred hundred years ago and will provide you with a reliable answer. Despite the stench and the innocent work, the purpose of presenting aphorisms is merely to help you see in speeches and events those that you have not previously noticed and make you think in an original way.

Life is a quarantine before entering heaven.
Carl Weber

The world is pitiful without the pitiful people, the light is empty without the people.
Ludwig Feuerbach

We cannot rip out the sad stories of our life, although we could easily throw the book itself into the fire.
George Sand

Without the ruin of life, there is no lethargic sleep.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Mature people only have one life to live - so why not live it like that?
Jack London

So that life does not become unbearable, you need to get into the habit of two speeches: before the wounds that always happen, and before the injustices that people commit.
Nikola Chamfort

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning.
Maksim Gorky

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that have been forgotten.
Petro Pavlenko

At the school of life, those who fail are not deprived of a repeat course.
Emil the Meek

There is nothing good in life, only those that are needed for happiness.
Evgen Bagatiy

All these sensible quotes about life in the world were rightly stated by great people. It’s up to you to know the direction of your life. And these aphorisms can help you solve this riddle.

What can I say about life? What appeared long ago. Even with grief, I feel solidarity. Until they beat my company with clay, I lost my money because of the sleepwalking.
Josip Brodsky

To love more than life means to earn life more than life.

If I were to say that tomorrow will be the end of the world, then today I would plant a tree.
Martin Luther

Do not be evil to anyone and do good to all people, whatever you want.

One of the laws of life is to say that just as some doors are completed, others are completed. But the whole problem is that we are amazed at the closed door and do not show respect when it is open.
Andre Gide

To live means not only to change, but to lose oneself.
Pierre Leroux

If you don’t know where you are going, you will most likely end up in the wrong place.
Lawrence Peter

The secret places of human life are great, and love is the most inaccessible of these secret places.
Ivan Turgenev

Life is fruit, and food is nectar.
Victor Hugo

Living in truth is dark because there is no shame. Be it blindly, as there is no knowledge. Even if knowledge is worthless, there is no practicality. Even if the work is fruitless, there is no food.
Kahlil Gibran

Before speaking, do not rush to take life seriously. It’s just an aphorism to say that if you want to understand the senses of life, then immediately consult a psychiatrist.

Quote: It is wrong to repeat other people’s words.
A. Birs

Quote - cerizik under someone else's credibility.
V. Grzeszczyk

Quote for whatever reason - this is the best way to think original.
Paraphrased by Dorothy Sayers.

I knew a person so unknown that he himself had the opportunity to guess quotes from the classics.
S.Є. Lec

Quotes are better than arguments below. You can use quotes to win a discussion without outplaying your opponent.
Gabriel Laub

Uninitiated people would like to read collections of quotes.
Winston Churchill

Kozhen text prompts with mosaic quotes.
Julia Kristeva

Perhaps everything we say appears either as a quotation or as a paraphrase.
Mason Cooley

Skin book - quote: skin house - quote from all forests, digs and quarries: and skin people - quote from all their ancestors.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The quotation is not a written statement. Quote: cicada.
Osip Mandelstam

You can compile the world’s largest book with quotes from the world’s greatest writers.
Gilbert Chesterton

One cannot be satisfied with one’s words; The benefits that appear before them are equal to infinity. Someone else’s words still cannot be colored or transformed. Someone else’s words, although they are distant and inaccurately express our thoughts, act as frankness. This is the charm of epigraphs and quotations.
Lydia Ginzburg

It’s good to quote those that you don’t understand at all, but it’s important that you understand.

There are so many quotes that one might think that, besides the quotes, without writing anything.
Arkady Davidovich

A well-read person, she doesn’t quote exactly - to the very fact that she read so much.
Heskett Pearson

I often quote to myself. This gives my grief to my soul.
George Bernard Shaw

A quotation without a arrow is a year without arrows.
Paul Desalment

The longer the phrase, the more candidates for authorship there are.
Arthur Bloch

Historical phrases are created specifically to help students memorize dates and chronological tables. The most enduring aphorisms are the fruit of the imagination of historians.
Pierre Daninos

In the story, phrases with a maximum of seven words will be lost.
Hugo Steinhaus

Law online search.
1. One and the same quote, found on the Internet two times, meaning a different view or a different author, or both at the same time.
2. Since on two sites the quote appears to be from the same author, which means that the other is incorrect.
Murphy's Laws

The memory of quotation is a miraculous and careless gift. Wonderful - because he embellishes your language with pearls of someone else's thoughts, and is not safe for the same reason.
Robertson Davis

To tell the truth, we can tell you the truth, but very few people are able to accumulate epigrams.
Somerset Moe

I love Einstein’s quotes, because no one bothers to read superbly.
Terkel Stadium

If you have already decided on this topic, and having decided clearly, let’s not get lost. Take it and repeat.
Anatole France

I quote others only in order to express my thoughts more precisely.
Michelle de Montaigne

Without quotation, the conversation between the gentlemen was formed out of the endless sequence of “Hey, what the hell!”
P. G. Wodehouse

When you read great aphorisms, you will see that their authors were familiar.
Elias Canetti

You can use quotes to convey a thought - of course, you have enough quotes.
James Murray

The quote that came is stronger than the whole army.
V. I. E. Gates
Absolutely, a hoax. This signature is worth just under two quotes - this one about a man who drowned while crossing a river 6 inches deep. The earliest citations go back, probably, to the mid-1990s. Moreover, the sound of the author’s name is followed by the German word Wie geht’s, which means “How can you cope?” It looks like you want to fabricate a quote.

There is nothing outlandish, no wiser discussion on a hidden topic.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

The quotation has been redrawn - it is the only one that does not threaten confusion.
Hesketh Pearson

Making quotes is the prerogative of an enlightened person. I don’t quote the readings exactly, for a very obvious reason - I have to read a lot.
Hesketh Pearson

Human life is like a box of cheesecakes. It's funny to treat her seriously. It’s not safe to get up to no good.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke

May life have its fair share.
A. Amiel

The life of most people is like an unimaginable dream, in a drowsy world. We are only drilled until life is over.
Author of unknown

The life of people, as some people joke, in essence, is nothing more than self-destruction; They definitely smell like Seneca’s saying: we cannot resist living a short life, but we are afraid of being like this.
Author of unknown

To live means to practice speech, and not to stop them.

Life without a sign is a person without a head.

All life will fly by, the wind of mischief is silent,
You don’t stream it at any price.
Y. Balasaguni

Life is a battle of all sorts of combinations, they need to be mastered, followed, in order to be deprived of a prominent position.
O. Balzac

Strong shocks in life result from other fears.
O. Balzac

The people are wonderfully controlled - they will begin to feel sad when they waste their wealth, and even before the days of their life are irrevocably passing.
G. Bar-Ebraya

Live by the very things you love: reason is against, healthy instinct is for.
S. Butler

Living in marriage, bearing the important yoke of posads, often meager and vain, and wanting to please the benefits of self-love for the sake of fame - it is truly vain.
K. Batyushkov

On the right is not the one who has been alive for a long time, but the one who has been alive.
N. Bailey

Only those who have spared the grain of life and who, then, do not eat life, are in trouble.
V. Belinsky

Life is a shepherd, and we are mishi; Others get to take the bait and get out of the pasture, leaving most of the guts in it, and sniff the bait. Bad comedy, damn it.
V. Belinsky

Living means understanding and thinking, suffering and bliss, any other life means death.
V. Belinsky

There are a lot of people who are not alive, but still trying to live.
V. Belinsky

Knowing your way, knowing your place is everything for a person, which for her means becoming yourself.
V. Belinsky

“Garneau to live” is not just an empty sound.
Less than the one who multiplied the beauty of the world
Through struggle, through struggle, having lived that life happily,
Truly crowned with beauty!
I. Becher

Live only in such a way as to present endless benefits to life.
A. Blok

The right life of a person begins at fifty fates. Every day, people discover those on which their livelihoods are based, learn those that can be given to others, learn those that can be read, clear those that can be used.
E. Bock

People do not live by bread alone. Earning pennies, accumulating material wealth – that’s not all. There is more to life, and a person who does not mark this truth, adds to the great joy and contentment available to a person in his life - serving other people.
E. Bock

To live is not to struggle, to struggle is not to live.
P. Beaumarchais

We live crippled by our follies and vices, and then we talk about the events that followed them, and it seems that misfortune is inherent in the very nature of speech.
K. Bovey

The first thing you learn in life is that you are a fool. All that remains is that you are the same fool.
R. Bradbury

Kozhen, who lives for the sake of others - for the sake of his land, for the sake of his wife, for the sake of creativity, for the sake of the hungry or the persecuted - silently, behind the wave of a charming wand, forgets his hardship and other troubles in life.
A. Maurois

Life is a battle, and you need to prepare for it from childhood.
A. Maurois

Life is not sacred, not a laziness, but a work in which there is a lot of sorrow and a lot of doubt.
S. Nadson

Change your skin, change your vibrancy,
Primhliva, like a child, and prime, like dim,
Everywhere life is boiling in the fussy stuff,
Greatly mixed with the useless and funny.
S. Nadson

Kozhen, who wants to try to live new lives, live for the sake of experiencing life, the rules of being unreasonable and constantly enduring disappointment in his relationships with other people.
R. Aldington

Live and have mercy. Tsomu has a whole life. Don’t think that you can go all out, it’s impossible. Protect yourself, your character, so that when you try it out - and it inevitably will - you can deceive yourself with great truths and stupid phrases...
R. Aldington

Life is a miraculous benefit, and it is necessary to endure failures and successes for the sake of success.
R. Aldington

The tumultuous life is more attractive for unpretentious minds; there is no middle ground in their quiet: all their devices have a stench similar to that of cars.
B. Pascal

This is how all life goes: they joke around in peace, afraid to fight against so many obstacles; and when they are put to sleep, the calm becomes unbearable.
B. Pascal

Life is a simple process, and only that understanding is entirely human, who would be amazed at it from this glance.
D. Pisarev

Living for a long time with a healthy reputation allows you to marvel at yourself from the side and marvel at the changes in yourself.
M. Prishvin

Life itself is short, but if you are unhappy, it seems like a long time.
Publication Sir

It’s bad to live for those who always want to live.
Publication Sir

Those who don’t know the difference between “mine” and “yours” have a less peaceful life.
Publication Sir

The gift of the darem, the gift of the fall,
Life, what has been given to me?
A. Pushkin

I want to live to think and suffer.
A. Pushkin

Life is a mystery, in which people often become amateurs. To live, you need to shed a lot of blood from your heart.
Carmen Silva

Human life is like hell. If you attach it to the right, it will be erased; If you don’t get used to it, your life will come together.
Cato the Elder

I do not live in order to eat, but in order to live.

The most beautiful life is life, live for other people.
X. Keller

Life is not about living, but about realizing that you are living.
V. Klyuchevsky

Life is lived only by those who live.
V. Klyuchevsky

Prosperity, misfortune, misery, riches, joy, turmoil, misery, prosperity are various phenomena of one historical drama, in which people rehearse their roles in the times of the world.
Kozma Prutkov

Our life can be easily balanced by a quick river, on the surface of which a pond floats, and sometimes a quiet flow begins to swirl, and often the confusion of one’s Russian soul is broken against a reef. . Do you need to remember that this filth is coming to the market of the next hour, none other than the people themselves?
Kozma Prutkov

For the tasks set for our lives, evidence is not given at all.
Kozma Prutkov

There are three paths in humans to carry out wisely: the first, the most noble, thought, the other, the youngest, inheritance, the third, the greatest, dosvid.

At the school of life, those who fail are not deprived of a repeat course.
E. Meek

Life is a school, but there is no point in rushing from completion.
E. Meek

You need to live in such a way that you want to repeat it.
B. Krutier

Anyone who can replenish the skin with a deep adhesive will prolong their life indefinitely.
I. Kuri

Most people spend more than half of their lives on things in order to earn the other half in misery.
J. Labruiere

Life is a tragedy for those who understand, and a comedy for those who think.
J. Labruiere

Life is the one that people are most eager to save and least likely to preserve.
J. Labruiere

Lyudina is guilty of vikorystati, I devote part of my life to those in order to speak with the dead (read books); another for those who want to pray for the living; a third for those to explain from oneself.
P. Buast

Only the sensitivity of other living essences reveals the sensation and basis of the powerful butt.
M. Buber

...It’s easy to live for someone who is as rude as a crow, boastful, intrusive, reckless, and greedy. It is important to live for those who are modest, who always think purely, who are not proactive, cold-blooded, perspicacious, whose life is pure.

Life, born in its own name, is dedicated to the good of other people.
B. Washington

You need to enter life not as a cheerful reveler, like a welcoming place, but with reverent awe, like a sacred forest, a secret place of reverie.
V. Veresaev

Life is not a burden, but if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is guilty of it.
V. Veresaev

Life is the most rewarding thing that people have been given to experience.
J. Bern

Living means not only satisfying the material needs of the body, but also, in the main, satisfying one’s worth as a human being.
J Bern

To live means to burn yourself with the fire of struggle, search and worry.
E. Verharn

Life is something that people take away without saying anything, profit from without thinking, pass on to others without remembering, and spend without even noticing it.

I still love life. This senseless weakness is, perhaps, one of our most fatal shortcomings: even though we can’t do anything bad, we have to constantly carry a burden that we want to throw off to the ground, being in the thirst of our sleep and the burden of it

From whatever road you turn back,
And the road to life is irrevocable.
R. Gamzatov

Life is a never-ending stream of powerful influences.
G. Hauptmann

In life, nothing needs to be done unbearably - this truth can be absorbed by the skin beforehand.
X. Goebbel

Life is incredibly thorough. To kill yourself is to kill yourself.
X. Goebbel

Mustache strong people love life.
G. Heine

Life is never in vain for people who have had a strong thought.
A. Herzen

Life, as long as it does not leave traces of dirt, is erased as the skin moves forward.
A. Herzen

Life is my natural right: I order the ruler from someone, I stick my “I” into everything to the fullest, I fight against him, revealing my soul to everyone, soaking him up, the whole world, I melt him, like a crucible, I make known the connections with humanity, with inconsistency.
A. Herzen

Life is more private, because you don’t know anything beyond the threshold of your little room, no matter how it was governed, poor thing.
A. Herzen

You only live if you indulge in the favors of others.
I. Goethe

Deprived of that year's life and freedom,
I wish I could go to war for them today.
I. Goethe

Life and activity are as closely intertwined with each other, like half and light. What is burning is likely to shine, what is alive is obviously alive.
F. Glinka

I can’t live my life so much that it’s important that I can’t make it easier on my tasks until now.
E. Glasgow

Whoever wants to live his life honestly must respect his mother when he is young, and remember in his old age what he did when he was young.
N. Gogol

It is impossible to live in the world without sacrifices, without effort and disbelief: life is not a garden, which has no water to grow.
I. Goncharov

Life is struggle, struggle is happiness.
I. Goncharov

Living “for oneself and for oneself” is not living, but a passive state: the necessary word and right, struggle.
I. Goncharov

Life gives nothing without hard labor and humiliation.

Whoever wants to put their life in order is like that simpleton who checks the white river when it carries its water.

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. The fearful and greedy will cheat a friend, the husband and the generous will cheat a friend.
M. Gorky

Life goes on: whoever does not follow him will be deprived of himself.
M. Gorky

Life is dominated by such a devilish mastery that, without hating, you can love so deeply.
M. Gorky

People's lives are very short. How to live? Some people languidly withdraw from life, while others devote themselves entirely to it. Some will be rich in spirit and wisdom in the past days, others will be rich in both.
M. Gorky

The life of mankind is creativity, pains of victory over the support of dead matter, the need to drown them in secrets and to dissolve the forces that serve the will of people, making them happy.
M. Gorky

It’s not true that life is gloomy, it’s not true that in him there are only expressions and sorrows, grief and tears!
M. Gorky

Life is more fruitful if a person fights for that which makes him want to live.
M. Gorky

In reality, life is a little bit like a good fantasy story, if you look at it from the middle, from the side, and the motives that people have in their activities.
M. Gorky

People live all their lives, I try to work on the right - all their lives.
M. Gorky

Lyudina, who doesn’t know what to earn tomorrow, is miserable.
M. Gorky

To live, you need to work hard.
M. Gorky

In a little while, you can teach someone who has not learned to endure suffering.
A. Graf

Living is an important feat, not growing up and going to extreme happiness.
N. Grot

I don’t know what our share is ahead,
Ale, our share is visible here:
We leave life every day,
And we are being overtaken by the yonder.
I. Huberman

Life has a melody, a motive,
Harmony of plots and tonality,
And the fun of vipadkov’s prospects
Covered by monotonous reality.
I. Huberman

In the midst of influxes that shorten life, the most important thing to occupy the place is fear, confusion, anger, tightness, cowardice, stagnation, hatred.
X. Hufeland

Do not go to the slope before anyone or wait for someone to come to the slope before you - the axis of life, the golden age, the natural state of man!
J. Labruiere

The greatest of books is the book of life, which can neither be closed nor opened again for one’s own free will.
A. Lamartine

It is not possible to live with a spouse and be free during the marriage.
V. Lenin

In life, we move forward by rubbing, and by living, by rubbing, in many times richer, more diverse, more localized, people are born right away.
V. Lenin

Changing, saving, or continuing to change, changing - this is what truly makes a person’s life normal.
P. Leroux

Life is like the ocean,
And we are all just fishing:
Mriemo vivouditi whale,
And let's get cod tail.
F. Logau

Each person's life may only have a little bit of rainy weather.
G. Longfellow

Life reaches its peaks in this life, if everyone is able to direct themselves towards achieving the goals set for it.
D. London

Living is not enough for me. I still want to understand what life is like.
O. Losev

The power of life is not given to anyone, except to...

You need to live according to the rules of your wings.
S. Mackay

It is so important to put one good thing before another, so that there is no gap between them - this is what I call enjoying life.
Marcus Aurelius

The first half of life consists of the desire to reject contentment for the lack of possibilities; the other half is made up of possibilities for the totality of possibilities.
Mark Twain

The soils of our life are the main ones, the stench is less great if we are close to them.
Mark Twain

Good friends, good books and a deep conscience are the axis of an ideal life.
Mark Twain

The smaller your booty, the less you show your life, the more your life is, the more your life is alien...
K. Marx

Some love life for what it is given, others for what it gives.
G. Matyushov

Life is divided into two eras: the era of Bazhan and the era of Vidraz.
G. Mechan

Once you learn how to live.

What a sweet life it is if you live from what you want!

Life is not an easy job, but more important than the first hundred fates.
U. Mizner

Living in itself is neither good nor evil: it is revenge and good and evil, marveling at those that we ourselves have created.
M. Montaigne

It is important for everyone to live good and bad, depending on what he himself thinks from this drive. Satisfaction is not for the one whom others respect as satisfied, but for the one who respects himself as such.
M. Montaigne

The end of life is not in your trifle, but in how you vikorized him.
M. Montaigne

We will begin to live if we have already lived life.
M. Montaigne

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down slowly.
G. Maupasant

To be surprised is a good life with you. Vaughn at the kvitah na galyavin; at the lizard who is basking in the sunshine on your balcony; in children who are sensitive to their mother; among the dead, who kiss; in all these little everyday life, where people try to practice, love, and have fun. There is nothing important for this modest share.
A. Maurois

Life requires a faithful eye and a steady hand. Life is not a struggle, not a life, but a struggle, and a terrible struggle.
V. Rozanov

Empty life is scary. Oh, how greedy she is...
V. Rozanov

Life is great, but for a person who is strong in spirit, it is beautiful and good, regardless of all difficulties.
R. Rolland

It’s not at all bad to spend money on your life from your craft, to live a “respectable” life, but you need, at the very least, to make money so that your benefits and your craft will serve your marriage.
R. Rolland

To live means to fight, not just for life, but for the fullness and shortening of life.
I. Rubakin

Life is painful; by itself - nothing; its value lies in the waste of what is accumulated... Only the good that is created by man is lost, and therefore I have no choice but to live.
J. J. Rousseau

What we know most about living in the world is that it wastes its value; People of old age are more likely to scold about her than those of younger age.
J. J. Rousseau

It was not the person who lived the most who could accumulate more than a hundred years, but the one who experienced life the most.
J. J. Rousseau

Life itself does not mean anything; the price is to be kept in mind.
J. J. Rousseau

There are a lot of women who can’t live, but there are a lot of them who can’t live once.
F. Rückert

Life is not spectacular and holy; life is important to being busy.
D. Santayana

Living in an unknown state is the most profound thing: this is the life of a spider.
D. Swift

Live happily, as you invariably rely on the right, reasonable judgment. Then the spirit of a person becomes clearer; you are free from any nasty influxes, having avoided not only torment, but also from other injections: you are ready to take over his position and stand up to him, regardless of the baked blows of your share.
Seneca the Younger

A life that has not been sanctified by almost everything would, in fact, cost a lot of money.
S. Smiles

The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms, as if it has no labor ballast.

Life sometimes suffers from pain when the smallest inconveniences appear before our eyes on the scale of catastrophes.
E. Souvestre

The rule in life is nothing above the world.

Life is not about suffering and grief, but about the right, which is our duty to work and honestly bring it to the end.
A. Tocqueville

It is possible to hate life only as a result of apathy and laziness.
L. Tolstoy

All of life is simply about sacrifice and approaching to the utmost, which is unattainable, just because it is thorough.
L. Tolstoy

If you don’t see life as a great joy, it’s only because your mind is incredibly straight.
L. Tolstoy

The people grabbed their little hat and scrounged for lunch. Those same people who are dissatisfied with life. We have no right to be dissatisfied with our lives. It seems to us that we are dissatisfied with her, which means only those who we can imagine are dissatisfied with ourselves.
L. Tolstoy

A people who have known their life are like a human slave who immediately recognizes that he is a king.
L. Tolstoy

To live honestly, you need to rush, stray, fight, have mercy, start and throw, and start again... And calmness is spiritual meanness...
L. Tolstoy

The life of the spirit is greater than the life of the flesh and independent of the other. Often in a warm body there is a stale spirit, and in a fat one there is a thin and strong spirit. What do all the riches of the world mean to us if we are evil in spirit?
G. Thoreau

Life is nothing more than a super-eternity that constantly shifts.
I. Turgenev

Our life contains only two tragedies. The first thing is that you can’t please your friends, but your friend is not satisfied with the stench. There is still a lot of grief for the first, and in it lies the real tragedy of life.
O. Wilde

At that hour, if we understand what our place in life is, as we have given ourselves, it is already too late to choose our life.
R. Warren

Reduced need for sleep and unnecessary sleep.
L. Feuerbach

The basis of life is the basis for morality. There, from hunger, from evil, you have no material in your body, there is no basis and material for morality in your head, in your heart and in your feelings.
L. Feuerbach

Living with the unknown is not living. Whoever lives among the unknown only dies. Knowledge and life are incredible.
L. Feuchtwanger

Life is a gradual process of regeneration. The tragedy of life for most of us lies in the fact that we will die without being born again.
E. Fromm

Life is a mirage, be happy about it,
If you are addicted to sleep, be happy.
You are alive and you are no longer speechless,
If you want to fly, be happy!
O. Khayyam

Life is short, but glory may be eternal.

To live means to live.

A short life is given to us by nature, otherwise the memory of a good life spent will be lost forever.

After life, those who have added their moral virtues and good rights are deprived.

Living for others means living for yourself.
P. Chaadaev

Life is so broad and richly sided that in it people may soon find they want everything that they feel is a strong and urgent need.
M. Chernishevsky

Life is empty and barren only for barbarless people, who talk about feelings and needs, but in reality there are no special feelings and needs, except for the needs.
M. Chernishevsky

People just can’t resist the desire to make their lives better.
M. Chernishevsky

It is impossible to live seriously before, but to live seriously before.
G. Chesterton

Apparently life is often even more joyless. You need to do more, think less, and not be an outside witness to your life.
N. Chamfort

For some, life is a battle, for others it is prayer.
I. Shevelov

Life does not rely on schemes, and without schemes it is impossible to navigate life.
I. Shevelov

Life consists of time-consuming gains and time-consuming expenses.
I. Shevelov

Some people burn life, others burn life.
I. Shevelov

Sometimes, after living their life, people realize what their life’s purpose was.
I. Shevelov

Living only for yourself is evil.
W. Shakespeare

A universal life is a less important life.
N. Shelgunov

To live means to act with energy; Life is a struggle in which you need to fight well and honestly.
N. Shelgunov

When you live, live well, and die by deeds, not by fate.
R. Sheridan

There are enough bases for one to remain distrustful in life. She has deceived us so many times in our most beloved cognitions.
L. Shestov

Everything is fine, just don’t bother us too much. Life is never beautiful: only beautiful pictures are in the purified mirror of mysticism.
A. Schopenhauer

Good life is a little life: every awakening and rise is a little people; every fresh wound is a little youth; Any preparation before going to bed and falling asleep is a little death.
A. Schopenhauer

Life is, in essence, a consumerist, and often hard, life, where you have to struggle and fight for your livelihood, and therefore you can’t easily accept the virus.
A. Schopenhauer

The first forty fates of life give us the text, and the next thirty give us comments until the next.
A. Schopenhauer

From the perspective of youth, life is an infinitely distant future; from the perspective of old age, it is only a short time ago.
A. Schopenhauer

In order to walk your way in the world, it is important to take with you a great reserve of generosity and indulgence: first, to protect us from excesses and expenses, from a friend - from superstitions and conflicts.
A. Schopenhauer

Life, happy or unlucky, far or not far away, still vinyatkovo tsikave.
B. Shaw

The life of a normal person has no meaning in this world, to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble.
A. Einstein

Live a short life, or better yet, give precedence to a long life, or a terrible one.

Human life is nothing more than a comedy in which people, having put on their faces, play their role.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

And those who have a special magic cannot be hidden from us! What is it? Hour! And no matter how much we didn’t want to, no matter how hard we tried, no matter how hard we tried, it’s time not to bother with us, not with our thoughts, not with those who give up on us for days and days! Tse is a show-off greatest strength, what is dreaming in this world. It’s clear that we should rule everything in the future, and let our lives be in order! And there is a lot of talk about him, about him they have always spoken about him in special burials and in great detail. Axis and here you will find quotes about the hour. We will show you the phrases of great people about the hour that they thought and how they put it before.

We would like to tell you about these words and words that can characterize the hour:

  • Einstein, having expressed his thought about such a thing, had no understanding;
  • What are my thoughts about the hour of love;
  • Wislov about those times when flying is impossible for a human being.

Everyone has their own biography. The axis does not move for only an hour. It is important to realize that it is time to be born. And before that? Why didn't it happen? Is it possible? These phrases help to understand the meaning of this concept and its meaning for people.

How often do quotes about the hour show that we cannot understand the move, the speed, the flow and the price. It seems like an hour is pennies. And the other confirms that the hour is priceless. And one of the greatest respecters of the All-World, Einstein, who everyone called to analyze, understand and verify the facts, raping to the whole world that those who so often vikorist, like the magnitude on which all his famous theories are based , which turned the understanding of this world upside down , that’s more... an illusion! So-so! Mercy, deception, fantasy and phantom! This is how the ancient word “illusion” characterizes it.

As Einstein knew, speaking about what he was talking about, how this “fantasy” can pour onto us so much uninvited that people, without fear of anyone, begin to plan their short days and lives, painting events, gods and fates? There are also other characteristics, other aphorisms about the hour. Not only Einstein, but also philosophers from different times and cultures came up with their idea. What they thought about their extraordinary features, and how they could help expand our understanding, will become clear from what they said about an hour later.

Three speeches never turn back: Hour, Word, Possibility. So... don’t waste your time, choose your words, don’t waste your power.

Godina ditini more than a day ago.
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

For the day you need to marvel yak on a little life.
(Maksim Gorky)

Don't waste your time on people It’s impossible for anyone to spend this time with you.
(Gabriel Marquez)

The correct farmhouse is not the same that one can see the long fates of separation, and the one that shows the long fates of closeness.
(Helen Rowland)

The word "tomorrow" is vigadane for people who are not serious and for children.
(Ivan Turgenev)

It’s an hour to practice This is the hour to love. You won't be deprived of anything you need any more.
(Coco Chanel)

Happy they don’t watch out for the one-year-old.
(Olexander Griboyedov)

Everybody come Its time for those who can wait.
(Honore de Balzac)

Hour- Pennies.
(Benjamin Franklin)

The hour is time. Life is water. Words - tse wind ... Protect with these components ... If it doesn’t come out - bruh ...

It’s beautiful in this place

In response to the idea that Einstein spoke about an unknown, perhaps mysterious illusion, other thinkers gave the hour more meaning And they indicated it in very clear outlines. Such diverse views provide the most comprehensive information and reveal all the possibilities that may exist, and quotes help to gain more.

I hope the ruling authorities understand this, as they say, the hour is ripe. The author definitely understands how important it is to show patience at times, watching for changes. Otherwise, there will be a walk, the passing period may be affected by the situation of people, as misfortunes befall them. These are the principles that people adhere to in order to find good things in life, rather than suffer bad things.

The hour celebrates friendship Let me ease up on love.
(Jean LaBruiere)

I'll plan without thinking for everything in life, without being a master of tomorrow.

Life is Tse an extremely short hour between two eternities.
(Carlyle Thomas)

The hour is passing, the axis is in trouble. It is growing in a minute, but the future is passing by. There are fewer and fewer chances to earn anything - and money is being paid for those that you have not achieved.
(Haruki Murakami)

The hour will come, If you believe that everything is finished. This will be the cob.
(Louis Lamour)

And why wouldn’t TOMORROW be with us?
We have TODAY'S INFECTION in stock!

To find out the price of rock, sleep the student who failed in sleep.

To know the price of a month, sleep on the mother you gave birth to in the past.

To find out the price of life, ask the editor of Tyzhnevik.

To find out the price of a god, ask the person who is paying for his khan.

To find out the price of a drink, sleep late for the train.

To know the value of a second, sleep on someone who lost a loved one in a car accident.

To find out the price of one thousandth of a second, drink a real Olympic medalist.

The arrows of the anniversary do not slow down your progress. Therefore, appreciate every moment of your life. And you value today’s day as the greatest gift you have been given.
(Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels)

The original people think How can I spend an hour? A sensible person thinks about those times when they are victorious.

Kozhnu hvilina If you are angry with someone, you waste 60 seconds of happiness, which you will never get back.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

An hour is like a mosquito: It’s good to hammer in a book
(Kostyantin Melikhan)

Everything that is important there is no terminology. Everything that is terminally is just vanity.

Sered vyslovlyuvan є i about kohanna. These centuries are intertwined, so there is no term for eternal feelings, and it is impossible to separate their whole lives. All items must be kept fresh so as not to current people but they feel it.

How can you know the day, year, date? I don’t feel anything about this. Let’s see the outbursts about the wasted hour, if you were marred by those who didn’t value anything. Not Vipadkovo to the current world It turns out there is really a real organization that supplied the goods for pennies. And in this way you can take off service for singing minds. And because of the time it takes to spend an hour, there is a garne of stagnation, which aptly characterizes it.

About the richness of life

Aphorisms about the hour and its intensity, melodiousness, are most familiar and broadest. These words are the most beautiful, they reveal the main features of him. Aje, it’s early, it’s too late, but every human being can ponder how quickly his life has flown by. I would like to know what it is that explains and understands who has this sensation.

There are a lot of such words, based on the assessment of the past period and the plans for the future, if you want to leave us. If such a quotation is the only thing that confirms in the Duma that life is smooth, and plans and ideas for the future, there will be a lot of such people. Don’t wait for something new to come at once. This is an invaluable testimony from those who shared such thoughts.

Wash your skin So that we don’t repent later and don’t scold about those who wasted their youth.
(Paulo Coelho)

You need to borrow, what happened and what will happen... The wise say: in the past - forgotten, in the future - closed, today - given. That's why he should be called correct.
("Kung Fu Panda")

Don’t talk about those that you don’t have time for. You have the same age as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein.
(Jackson Brown)

Between success and failure lie down for a while, in the name of “I don’t know the hour.”
(Franklin Field)

Hours spent Because we are satisfied, we do not care about spending.
(John Lennon)

Yesterday's day- this is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today's gift!
(Elis Morse Earl)

It's an hour to fly like a bird. Yogo ne zupiniti ta ne turn. And how you spend your life, show that you are wise, so that you can begin to see those who share their cautions. This true collection, which is presented on our website, is imbued with the magic of real people, and each share is an invaluable lesson for all those who are looking for an explanation of who we are, who we are and where our lives are going, who we respected those who are important to us. , that gave them so much meaning.

Life from now on is already happening. Vlashtovayutsya more tightly now...

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