What does Slavic runes mean and their decoding. Slavic runes: reliable charging and helping the highest strength in all spheres of vital activity. Slavic runes - what is it

The runes of the ancient Slavs (also Russian, Venedy, Vedic, Aryan, pagan runes) - according to the official version, the estimated writing of the ancient Slavs, existing before the emergence of Cyrillic and verbs.

Who created Slavic runes and when they appeared?

There is no single point of view on this issue. Some argue that Slavic runes are the oldest symbols in the world and their origins should be sought in Vedic culture. Officially recognized historians are inclined to the version of the European and the ancient Germann roots of the Runic Lettter. The date of the occurrence is considered to be the first century of our era.

It is known about eighteen old Mr. Slavonic runes, each of them stands its own image-value.

Description and value of runes

Photos Runes (available for download)

For each Ruhnu stands a certain meaning and energy. Knowledge of the meaning of Slavic runes can be useful in a wide variety of situations.

To achieve the result you are interested in, you can apply a temporary tattoo with the image of the rune onto the body or make an overlap, and then charge it.

Be careful and careful when choosing a rune: you should not focus only on its description. Try at first a short to shorter her, carefully listening to the feelings in the body.

For convenience, we have placed the descriptions of Slavic runes in alphabetical order.

All at once…

Runes inflicted on the body have an impact on your destiny. Remembering this, you can make a tattoo with any Slavic Rule.

Are you sure that the image and energy of prisoners in the rune will delight you throughout the whole life? And we are not talking about the influence of tattoos on the health of the skin and public opinion, everything is clear here.

Much more important than your personal desire, which many people change several times on the day, which is, to talk about the decades that you have to spend with a dotted manneu.

If you want to make a tattoo with some kind of magical purpose, and not just for beauty, it will be much wiser to make an amulet or apply a temporary tattoo.

Fortune telling on runes

The principle of fortune telling on three runes

It is believed that the runes are capable of predicting the outcome of the situation. Taking advantage of the minimum set of independently manufactured Slavic runes (even drawn on ordinary paper) you can already conduct a divination session.

It is important to guess in the right arrangement of the Spirit. You should be as calm as possible, nothing should distract the gadget. Do everything slowly - without fuss. To create a suitable atmosphere, it is permissible to use incense, essential oils, and other attributes like you. The question of interest to you should be short and understandable, so concentrate on situations and think about the simplification of the issue.

For interpretation, use the directory or book (for example, "The runes of the Eastern Slavs" - the author of the wheel lynx). In the future, we will definitely make a special service for divination on the runes on the site.

Such an incomprehensible and to the end of the unknown magic world of runes, uniting a separate sector of the universe in several dozen characters, interests many modern people. And not only science figures are interested in deciphering signs and rune magic. Simple people also wish to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change their lives. Many people with constant interest are learning the Slavic runes and their meanings, know the knowledge that is only part of the great heritage of our progenitors. And in this article you can find answers to the most relevant questions about the ancient symbols that came to us since the times of paganism.

Runic records and magic of symbols, which are a kind of memos of history about primitive humanity, have become the main topic for discussing many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all sorts of tips, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for the course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

Such editions include one of the books of the Iggwod (A.V. Plates, known in certain circles, writer and activist of the pagan movement "Revival") - "Runic Magic", published in 1994, it carries reliable data about many rune signs and their meaning. Starting with the basics of sacred teaching ancient nation of Slavs and ending with documented information (drawings of rock painting, photo, video), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of heritage. In the future, it helps a person interested in the development of Runic magic more accurately apply the runes symbols in achieving their goals.

First of all, it is worth noting that the runes are a kind of recording, hieroglyphs denoting magic faithful attributes. According to the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves, the runes presented them as a gift the Supreme God of Veles. The use of these peculiar "patterns" allowed a person to defend himself from the troubles, unfortunate, the evil eye and other likh. The ancient runes could be individual amules, and magical universal tools for the protection of housing, family, a whole kind. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times almost on any surface. Most often there were Slavic Runic Inscriptions on clothes, ammunitions Vary, clothes and medallions, coulters. Often, runes and symbols of the Slavic ancestors on household items and walls of the house were not discontinued to protect the house.

But not only the protective value carry an old signs in the form of runes. Some time ago, various fortune-telling on the runes were very popular. They were distributed practically throughout the territory of Central Europe, which is closer to the end of the VIII Art. settled the Slavs. This could be explained by the accuracy of the results obtained during prediction on the combinations of runes.

Few people know, but the runes are also considered by the letters of our progenitors. This is mentioned by A.V. Fees in their edition, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to preserve the messages, runes have become a base for the alphabets that have appeared significantly later.

Surprisingly, entire proposals could fit only in several characters. Evidence of this is the inscriptions on the stones, carved by representatives of the ancient nations.

Senior runes, whose value is rather in preserving the mined knowledge, are a classic example of this example. The use of symbols already then allowed the use of runes for the documentation of historical events, as well as in magical purposes.

In the modern world, runic inscriptions are called a specific iconic system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic in general, feel the sacrament and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of Slavic ruins are deeper than others known for today's signs of ancient humanity. For example, the basis for the interpretation of Rune was the reflection of the trinity of the divine force, which appeared in the worldview of representatives of the Slavic people in the form of opposites:

  • Life and death;
  • Order and chaos;
  • Man and warrior.

What is the designations?

Depending on which rune will be applied by a person, it can be understood how much he believes in the Divine, or what purpose he pursues. In addition, the translation of some Runic writing could say about belonging to it relative to a certain kind.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred to the Slavs on a wide variety of things:

  • houseware;
  • decorations (decor or accessories);
  • pews;
  • belt;
  • cult elements and more.

In the mantic (technique of ancient divination), the runes were used as a main tool that gave the interpretation possible events in the future for the combinations during the combinations. In this case, the characters are applied to special dies. The ancient Slavs were usually made of wood either carved on pebbles. For such divination there is a certain system of interaction of signs.

The author's align during divination on the runes allowed us to judge the events possible in the near future. Starting towards prediction rituals, Slavs usually set an invisible energy connection with the gods. Such an entry helped to get a more reliable tip from unearthfor the strength and increase the importance of certain runic signs:

  • Strength of kind;
  • happy share;

What exactly means each of them, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As the memory of the genus Slavic, the runes of small forthcomes are still closer to many of us "in spirit". The system consisting of ancient signs contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual value. What kind of meaning they are endowed, and how to read and depict, demonstrated in the photo.

    • The first rune, depicted in the photo above, is read like a world. She personifies the universe, as Slavs seen him. Also, this symbol transfers the essence of the tree of the world. In some other interpretations, this sign is the way the inner "I" of each person, thirsting to overcome chaos and the aspirating person to order in the world. In general, such a value of the rune world can be considered true. They both are considered to be a reliable translation of an ancient hieroglyph, which A.V.Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic designs are increasingly used for the predictions of the future, the rune world is protection. The one who fell a dice with her image will be under the auspices of the gods.

  • The second in the photo shows the rune of Chernobog. She, as opposed to the first symbol, personifies the forces that seek to disorder, chaos. In prophecies, this sign indicates a gap, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on which a combination, a dice with such an inshanction falls, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or the long-awaited exit from the "closed circle".
  • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, meaning the center of all the universe. Its essence is all of the beginning and until the end of the universe. This is a center around which there is always a movement. It is about him that he is mentioned as a stone that lies at the foundation of the world and around which constantly the forces of chaos and order, staying in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is the altar that serves as a place of offerings to the victim. In other sources, Alatyr - the personification of the law on equilibrium.
  • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, means the road. However, this is not the road that may arise in the understanding of a person. Rainbow is a special path that is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (chaos and order, fire and water, etc.). Runa road-rainbow on a raid, it is not even movement of a person, but its purpose, a condition that does not like anything else. The person's equilibrium, which gives a man beginning and has a concrete result, in magic, this rune means stabilization, favorable completion of cases, assistance to travelers.
  • In the photo, the next rune is read as a need. This symbol is related to God Navi, whom Slavs attributed to the Lower World. The need (or Rune Viya) means fate, a set of events intended for man. In direct understanding, this is a drawing - the final result, which not to avoid anyone (death). In magic and fortune telling, it is considered a warning. Seeing a cry with such a sign, a person needs to think about the adoption of a specific decision, radically changing his life.

  • Another symbol is the rune of the Krand, symbolizing the sacrificial fire. It is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and realization of the conceived. At the same time, this sign carries the value of the opening, exposure. This is due to the fact that the conceived, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear, visible to the world. In the world of magic, the Craft is cleansing.
  • The seventh rune in the photo - Treka, is the sign of the warrior of the Spirit. It bears the importance of sacrifice for intent. If we consider that everything in the world is interrelated, it can be assumed that for the implementation of your intention to a person on the road you need to donate something to get the desired one. And this is not the sacrifice that you need to carry the gods for the task. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny themselves to achieve the goals. The same value of the rune is transferred to the world of magic, divination.
  • Rune force is the property of a warrior. It means changes, and not only in the world, but also in itself in relation to the world. This is a symbol, as a confirmation of the results, intended to go on the road, and the strength he gets, if he sacrifice for the sake of release from the Okov of Consciousness. For the prophecy, the dice with an inscription will mean clarification of an unresolved situation.
  • Ruhnu Spirit is the wind, the next sign in the photo. She symbolizes the road ascent to the top. Associated with elements of air, this cry is a prototype of spiritual will, forces. Deciphering it in prophecies - inspiration, breakthrough in creativity.

  • Bereginina - Female start, mother's image and maternity symbol, which is also associated with protection. Its Slavs belong to the goddess of Mother Beregini, who seems the fate of all the world's living in the world, fertility, well-being. Since it concerns the life of the existing on Earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of life, death and fate.
  • Another runtic symbol is a traditional designation of male dignity. In general, this is a sign of fertility, love and passion. Slavs perceived such a symbol as the force capable of fertilizing the void of the universe and generate life.
  • Lelia is a representative of the water element, a rune associated with living water. Ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural sources. Magic such a symbol is perceived as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, as well as a kind of awakening.
  • Rule Non-Overweighted Spirit can be called the following hieroglyph - rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of the whole and its end. A mysterious symbol in the magic world is perceived as dedication to the unrecognizable.
  • The foundations of the universe is related to the following rune - support. Carrying an explicit connection with the gods, it represents a tree (support) that connects heaven and land and opens the path to give answers to questions.

  • Rune Dazhibog, which is a direct symbol of good, gifts of gods. With such a drawing, the crystrine carries the importance of well-being in any sphere (wealth, love, happiness, luck). Prophecy for a person with Ruju Dazhbog will mean a good acquisition, an increase in something or adding, new bonds, etc.
  • Perun, the sign of God-throat. This rune protects people from chaos, the world of gods - from the dark forces. At the same time, it symbolizes vitality and power. Endowed with protective properties, in prophecies, it will mean the patronage of the gods.
  • The rune is a symbol of life, being with its variable variables. This is a sign of constant motion, updates, change, growth. She is the fact that it makes all the living grow, improve, live.
  • Rule ice is the last symbol in the photo - source. Given that the ice is a special state of strength and movement alone, the source will mean stagnation in those cases that are rapidly developing. The potential force inherent in this sign and symbolizing the rune of the source will result in motion.

The deep meaning of sacred being, consisting in Slavic ancient rune-drawn, allows you to open the curtain of the mysterious heritage of the Great Nation, which has taken a lot of documentary videos. Awareness in the possible values \u200b\u200bof each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in building predictions will allow more clearly to see the picture of the near future. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of Runes is so popular and very versatile.

Slavic runes and charms with them - somehow, during their lives, these words you have heard and, perhaps at least once thought to protect ourselves with the help of the magic of our ancestors. From a bad look, from the evil eye, from the naval of unkind people, from bad events in the life and all those incidents that no sensible person wishes. How to do this with runes?

In the article:

Alerts with runes from the ancient Slavs

It should be remembered that magic is sciencehaving your causal relationships, laws of work. It does not allow liberty and negligent handling. Any magic ritual is based on a hundred-year-old history of its Earth. Every rite, every practice, spell or rune, older than any long-livers. Thanks to the sacral experience of our ancestors, we can understand the world better, realize the secret meaning of our actions, understand why the commission of this rite is that. People seeking to master magic should be remembered: without the knowledge of the historical and mythological roots of practice, it does not acquire strength.

As we know, from ancient times, people used pictographic symbols before this day, emphasizing them with a special meaning and force. In different countries, in different era of magicians, shamans, priests, sorcerers, the masters of occult sciences and even priests used symbols in order to protect against evil spell, to attract good luck to themselves, to protect the mind from someone else's influence. Even the Christian cross is nothing more than a symbol that has a huge force due to the faith of billions of people around the world.

Our Slavic ancestors were also not far from such practices. Even before, Cyril and Methodius Slavs had their own written alphabet, which was used everywhere. Embroidered the protective symbols and signs of a kind on clothes were wanted from wood, bones, semi-precious stones and metals, minted things with runes and squeezed special signs on the clay sides of homemade utensils. Even house doors were covered with runes to prevent the penetration of unclean power into the home.

On the sacred idols were runes, meaning the names and forces of these gods. Each man devoted to some God, gave himself under their high patronage. The warriors from the prince's squad and the prince himself prayed to the thumbs and merchants, people whose activities were connected with money - Veles, women and girls considered their intercessors of Makos, the patronage of the homely hearth and the donatelist of fate, and the Lada, the goddess of maiden beauty.

The values \u200b\u200bof the runes are much larger than that of writing signs, since the history of the rune alphabet leaves the roots in the bronze age. With the help of these characters, our ancestors called on the natural elements: rain on the fields weak from the heat, dry earth fuel. These are powerful energy conductors that need to be used extremely careful not to harm themselves. So you need to know about these signs, in order not to burn and do not hurt yourself?

The meaning of Slavic runes

First of all, it should be remembered that each rune has its own couple. Positive and creative rune "Peace (Belobog)" corresponds to the destructive rune "Chernobog", Rune "Bereginy" The opposite sign "UD". The opposite does not mean that they cannot be in the same Runic formula, but speaks of the complexity of their joint use. A newcomer in a magical business who wants to make an overlap or amulet independently, should not be taken for complex characters.

Slavic runes

The first rune of the Slavic alphabet is the world or Belobog. It has a huge force, since it means the world tree and the progenitor of all Slavic gods. Wearing it in presenting himself to the patronage of Belobogo, takes responsibility for his actions and even thoughts. One bad thing can destroy the entire protective energy of the rune and turn it against the owner.

Chernobogogo is the rune of the destruction of the old, the rune of change. It is only suitable for people who wish to finally get rid of the past and are not afraid to lose it. If used incorrectly, it is capable of destroying human life and even lead it to physical death.

Alatyr - center of the world, harmony of good and evil, chaos and order. Symbolizes stability. This is a sign of people who do not seek the feats and conquering new vertices, but are ready to maintain the existing one.

Rainbow - Rune path to Alatyry, a sign for people who strive to achieve stability in their lives know their goal. In one formula with Ruhnu, Alatyr acquires the "path and goal" value. To create it and wearing, it is necessary to clearly realize what you want.

The need is a restriction, constraint, bonds, imposition of an incoming ban. It limits the forces, does not allow moving on. The symbol is even cruel, as it is used to sow a person and not allow him to reveal completely.

Her antsimol - the edge, the sign of energy and committing even what seems impossible. This rune is perfect for a person aimed at making a big deal. Wearing it acquires enormous forces.

Treba - she gives a man desired, but she takes something equal. Without giving you can not take, because it is a symbol of sacrifice. Rune, complex in circulation and not suitable for everyone.

Power is power and power, inflexibility in achieving its goal. Symbol of real warriors, winners. It is very hard in spell and wearing, because it obliges a lot and not every person can wear it.

There is - a sign of nature, unity with the world, the exchange of forces. Literally intended in need of restoration of vital energy. Also comes up in need of the patronage of the elements.

The wind is a symbol of creative people, meaning an unrestrained impulse, inspiration, light as a fluff. It does not allow to roll in the bunch of stagnation and fall in spirit. Frees thoughts and awakens the flight of fantasy.

Bereginina is exclusively feminine rune, maternal. It is a female energy, the beginning of life, charm for all women, from teenage girls to the elderly lady. In women, he wakes sensuality and sexual energy.

Ud is a male rune dedicated to the fiery Yarilo, God fertility. Does not to loosen male energy, protects against destruction. Also empowers health.

Lelia is a rune associated with current water, in spring, joy. Enhances intuitive abilities, attracts good luck. Especially good suitable for young girls.

Support is help, support, protection. This rune allows you to get on my feet hard, gain self-confidence. He is the strongest guard that protects against needs, falling spirit and weakness.

Slavic god of joy and abundance. Attracts good luck in all spheres of life, helps its owner in any endeavor. The main tasks of its tasks are to attract money, the preservation of family well-being, the health of family members.

Perun - the start symbol. The power of the rune of Perun will help to move a completely hopeless thing in the dead of the dead. Attracts changes, new, reliable people, changes the person himself.

The source is the rune of the end or stagnation. Slows down the circulation of energy leads to soothe. With this sign, they organize their thoughts, find the sobriety of mind and clarity of the view. Also become more balanced by the character.

SO the meaning of Slavic runes In the gdeania, you can find in a separate article of our site.

Designation of Slavic Runes

Ancient Slavs used runes everywhere: embroidered on clothes, minted on the jewelry, made dishes with the rune signs, wore obragi.. Silver talismans were considered the most valuable - as silver universal magic metal, which has a mystical properties that can disinfect water and scare the evil spirits.

Embroidered Ornament Runa

If the person had a breakdown in matters, the family, a failure was persecuted, then he should be worn out of gold, which was considered to attract well-being. In addition, the talismans were made of solid leather, stones, wood, copper, bronze, bones. The generation, origin and marital status - everything could be found in symbols on clothes, decorations.

It should be remembered that Slavic runes should primarily refer to white magic, that is, with the help of these runes it is impossible to send damage, the evil eye or curse - the negative energy will reflect and return to the spell. Successful fortune telling, harmony with nature forces is possible only under the condition that the thickening thoughts and targets that are not directed against their neighbor, are not full of caustic or envy.

With the help of the runes, you can switch the veil of the future or contact the events of the past to understand how they influenced your present. But do not forget that the runes are only a conductor between you and the world of thin matters. The result of divination depends only on you, your mental state, energy and faith.

How to choose a rune-guard

According to experienced magic practices, Slavic runes are more effective on our land, rather than Scandinavian. It is probably due to the fact that we have a common energy field, historical roots and spiritual energy. Slavic people are much more easier to interpret the Slavic Runic alignment than Scandinavian. Undoubtedly, with proper practice, you can learn to understand the meaning of any rune. However, everyone decides for himself what his heart lies more - to his own, invoking our symbols, or to someone else who came to us from behind the sea.

More advanced people, no longer newcomers, but not experienced magicians, combine meditation and runes. They constitute their rune formula having meaning prayers-appealsand apply it to enhance the energy call. The combination of meditation, which is used in the East to purify the mind, and the runic symbols gives a wonderful effect, allows you to achieve impressive results.

In order for the runes to serve you for a long time, magicians advise to choose durable and durable materials: wood, stone, metal. It is easiest to process a tree, so most runes are made from it. The selected plate of a certain, pretty breed to you is cut into small pieces, the best of all oval shapes are processed and ruled. After that, each rune needs to be covered with varnish for better conservation. Metal and stone are much more difficult to process, and besides, these materials are difficult to produce at home.

Tattoo Rune-Oberega

At the same time it is believed that the runes of the stone have a greater force than from the metal, and the runes of metal are stronger than wooden. It is likely that this can be explained by the antiseptic effect of silver and the durability of the stone. You can order the manufacturer of a set of runes in the workshop, but it is best to apply symbols with your own hand - so they gain compatibility with your energy at the initial stages of their creation.

Store your set is needed in a soft bag of natural fabric, cotton or linen. And you can activate the rune with the simplest way: Holding it in your hand, while closing my eyes and thinking about good, your desires and goals. As a result, possible negative effects that appear if the runes were manufactured by another person.

Remember: before you proceed to practice, fortunate on runes, and amulets, you need to carefully study the theory. Not knowing the thorough value of each sign, you can harm yourself or others who will get your charms. Even several positive characters in an incorrectly composed formula can give a strong negative effect.

In contact with

The ancient Slavs were well versed in magical signs and used them in everyday life. Slavic runes, and their interpretation in the exact meaning did not reach us. In times of persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Russia, many business knowledge were lost. However, 18 magic signs researchers of Slavic culture managed to find and decipher.

Old Slavonic runes and their meaning

To take advantage of the runes, you need to know their symbolism, understand the Slavic customs and culture. Runes are not just symbols, these are peculiar keys opening the way to the gods and their strength.

Runes of Slavs and their meaning is unique, so it is necessary to interpret them in combination with each other. The number of runes when working depends on the target. Runes are read not only as letters, but also as images. When you fortunate the runes help to predict the outcome of the situation. To do this, you need to use the independently made minimum set of characters. They can be cut out of wood or draw on paper. The main thing is to know their meaning.

Rune "Peace". A sign is similar to a tree with branches or on a man who raised his hands up. Means help over, answers to questions, protection and understanding in an unresolved situation. In magical rituals - the patronage of noble higher forces. If this sign falls during the divination, you can safely take for any business. It is impossible to use a rune in non-resident actions.

Rune "Chernobog". The sign is the opposite "world," looks the same, only branches (or hands) are directed down. The symbol value is an absolute evil. So that something new came to life, you need to prepare for the complete destruction of the old one. Installed order and installation collapses, clearing the place to completely different processes. But this evil is not always a negative nature, because a person consists of evil and good to equally. Therefore, the look of the black bog on the act will be completely different in one way or another. In the physical sense means death. In Magic, Rune helps break out of the old circle, break up long-standing unnecessary ties.

Rune "Alatyr". The essence of the whole center around which the universe is spinning. It's all, and at the same time nothing. Her symbol means the throne on which the main God sends and from which all the roads begin. In Magic, Alatyr - net energy, from which everything else depends on and starts. If you fall out when you are fortunate, it is necessary to act according to the laws of ancestors, the honorable ancient traditions and its family. Slavs used it as a guard for children. "Alatyr" - the rune of calm and confidence in the future.

Rune "Rainbow". The shortest path connecting item a with paragraph B. Rainbow symbolizes happiness that moves and smoothly flows from chaos to well-being. In magic - a complex path that goes in the right direction and will soon end, all difficulties on this path will be allowed and will be overcome. With fortunate - getting invaluable experience. Slavs used the "rainbow" in the manufacture of facing those who are sent to the far dangerous path.

Rune "Need. Symbol of pain and evil rock. Used in two values: In good - awareness of your own problems of any plan, in bad - difficulties, pain, coercion, longing. If you fell during fortune, you need to abandon the planned plan, as it will not lead to success. Used as a talisman for people who are confused and lost in life.

Rune "Krand". Sign of sacrificial fire, purification and incarnation. The fire will remove all unnecessary and will open a clean path without insincerity and lies. The magic is used to embody what is hidden inside. At despondency, it warns that secrets will be disclosed and made public. But even in this way the goal will be achieved.

Rune "Treka". Complex symbol. On the one hand, this is a warrior warrior, on the other - he is ready for the victim during his way. Without loss, it is impossible to achieve the desired. "Treba" is the need for a sacrifice to God, and not only something materially valuable, but also himself. If you fell down at gadas, there is a large payroll for past errors. People associated with crime and as a result of this in a difficult situation, is used as a talisman.

Rune "Power". The sign of power and any strength acting both per person and the surrounding reality. Any difficult path is crowned with success, despite the fact that there is a struggle with both the outside world and with himself. When you fortunate - a complete victory. Protection of athletes and businessmen from competitors.

Runa "Wind". Variability, rapid action, cleared paths. Use it in combination with other runes needs to be correct to not harm. At forty - predicts success in self-realization. It is used as a talisman for players and those who need luck.

Rune "Bereginy". The sign of the Earth and Mother, who born all the living. When you fortunate - protects, as the mother of his child, all actions and ideas. Slavs used as a guard for pregnant women and just giving birth mothers. Rune fertility brought good luck and farmers.

Rune "UD". Symbol of female and male energy, fiery passion, speed. When you gadania - an update in everything. The magic used to attract the second half, as well as in the treatment of infertility.

Rune "Lelia". Sign softness and warmth. Youth, cleanliness, beauty and spring. The beginning of a new life for young and complete harmony with nature. Washer from the evil eye of the newly created family.

Rune "Rock". The inevitability prepared by the highest forces rock. What should happen - will happen. When you fortunate, advises to accept the situation and accept it, since there is no chance of changing it and there will be no chance.

Rune "Support". Symbol of protection and support under the legs. Means that in difficult situations God will not leave a person. Talisman for people who occupy high leadership posts.

Rune "Dazhbog". Good and care in all manifestations, the end of all tests. For men - making profit, for women - long-awaited pregnancy. Used as an overlap and talisman for preserving the family and at home or for the prosperity of the enterprise.

Runa "Perun". The strongest rune with powerful energy, to resist which it is impossible. If during the fortune it fell out to the client - it is useless to compete with it. Talisman military and rescuers.

Rune "Have". Sign of lightness, smiling, nature and creativity. Patronizing writers, artists, actors.

Rune "source". Ice sign, lack of movement. When you fortunate - full stagnation in life, stop business, it can be a crisis. Calls to rest to just wait a difficult period.

Slavic runes and their meaning and use in antiquity:

  • used to influence life and fate as faiths and protective amulets;
  • requests for the help of higher strength;
  • career promotion;
  • elimination of obstacles;
  • improve communication with others.

  • The runes in order to protect against evil embroidered on clothes were applied to the dishes and household items.

    - Value, description and their interpretation - can bring great benefits in different life situations. But when choosing one or another mark, you need to concentrate and feel it warm inside yourself. If it happened - the rune will work.

    Slavic runes have a very strong magic meaning. They were used for the manufacture of faiths and used in a variety of magical rituals. They are a good energy information carrier, the wisdom and the strength of previous generations are enclosed. Let's talk about the meaning of the rune of the Slavyan Read more.

    Slavic runes there are many. Each of the characters is patronized by his God, which affects its meaning. In short, we will tell about the main rune symbols that were used by the ancient Slavs.


    This rune is the personification of the image of the Beloboga, a very complex figure in Slavic mythology. The value of the world is similar with the value. What does the symbol of the world say:

    • This is a symbol of life, man, personifying everything alive on the planet.
    • Union of the inner world of a person with the environment, nature, gods. The ability to comprehend the meaning of life, understand the divine essence of things and phenomena.
    • It may also be a symbol of the combination of a large number of people: in antiquity there was a way, community.
    • In magical rituals, it helps to encourage the help of gods and get under the patronage of the Higher Forces.

    Unambiguously compare the Slavic world with any German manual. But she has common features with such characters as.


    Chernobogo is the opposite of the Beloboga. The rune looks like:

    The values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Chernobogu are as follows:

    • This is an impersonation of a powerful, but destructive power. So huge that she is able to destroy the whole world.
    • The symbol of communication with the dark forces, the personification of evil.
    • Violation of the procedure, generally accepted norms, ignoring moral obscures.
    • Termination with loved ones and friends.
    • Chaos and the destruction of the once strong system.

    Sometimes the blacks associate with death.


    Values \u200b\u200bof the runes of Slavs Alatyr:

    • Means the crown of creation, the beginning and end of the entire closed system.
    • The symbol of the victim, which is borne to everyone.

    If this rune is influenced by the human life, it means that he performs a great destination that can radically change the lives of many people, can change the social foundations for the benefit of all mankind.


    This rune is a path symbol, forward, development.

    The meaning and properties of this old Slavonic rune are the following:

    • Rainbow is a manual road. She personifies the path of man leading to enlightenment through self-knowledge and achieving awareness.
    • The symbol of ancient traditions helps to move along the life path with loyal installations, not to be shedding and temptation.
    • The personification of the road, not at the beginning and end, is the eternal path to knowledge and continuous development.

    If you need to use the Vine Slavic runes to help the traveler, it is necessary to provide a favorable outcome of a difficult situation, the Rune Raduga is the most appropriate.


    The personification of fate, the symbol of all inevitable, including death. This rune has predominantly negative importance - it carries the coercion and stiffness, obstacles and difficulties that interfere with living normally.

    Also, the need is a symbol of a comprehensive force capable of destroying everything alive in its path.

    In the fortune telling, the rune needs points to the fact that the digesant rose on the dark side. This is a test for him, which will determine the whole further life.


    Rune Krand - the personification of the sacrificial fire. In this case, the fire is a lifeful, empowering and the power of what will subjugate the elements of himself. This is a powerful weapon if you use it correctly.

    This rune patronizes to speakers: she gives eloquence, teaches the ability to convince people, make them take your direction.

    Also this is the realization of the goals, the embodiment of the innermost desires.


    Old Slavonic runes were often used as charms that wore warriors going in battle. And this rune is the most powerful one, which can be used with such a goal.

    Treka - the personification of an incredibly powerful, destructive force, which sweeps everything in its path. It gives strength, endurance, protects the physical essence of a person.

    Also used in rites associated with sacrifices. It was believed that Treka is able to activate positive forces that will win Dark, negative, bringing trouble.


    The rune of power helps to develop such parties to human nature, like:

    • Ability to change the world due to internal changes. Makes a person better in all respects, thanks to which it begins to change the world around him.
    • It helps learn to hear your own subconscious and manage them, so a person can fully control his emotions and actions.

    Runa Victory - Creates favorable conditions for success in any case


    Slavic runes, chambers have a powerful energy. A rune wind is endowed with this energy doubly. This is a symbol of inspiration, creative flight. The rune gives spiritual forces to implement any, even the most brave and at first glance impossible ideas.

    This is the personification of the magical force that is able to create a lot. Therefore, it is important to use the wind in good facilities, because it is able to cause tremendous harm in imperative use.


    Rune is a symbol of all inevitable. This is one hundred percent karma, fate. Events and tests that need to live before finding happiness and spiritual freedom.

    This is the unpredictability of which you have to face in life. These are the events of force majeure, which is impossible to resist.

    The best Slavic runes for facing

    We disassemble the main Vine Slavonic runes and their meaning. Now let's talk about what runes of Slavs were used for the manufacture of faiths.

    In the manufacture of faiths, it is important to take into account not only the value of Slavic runes, but also those who will wear an amulet. It is necessary to know the floor, character traits, weak and strengths of a person in order to choose the appropriate symbol with accuracy.

    Watch video with a brief overview of Slavic Runes:

    Slavic runes and their meaning and application in modern life

    For which the Slavic runes are applied by our contemporaries:

    1. Tattoos. If a person wants to add some lack of qualities in the life, which is needed for life, he can choose to apply a tattoo Slavic symbol. But with this you need to be very neat - the strength of ancient signs is incredibly powerful.
    2. Magic rituals. Runes are used for fortunes, conspiracies and other rites, which concluded a specific goal.
    3. For the manufacture of amulets, talismans, facing.

    We recommend carefully learn properties, description and significance of each Slavic symbol before you decide to use them in everyday life. Otherwise, the results of the use of runes can be completely unpredictable and even dangerous for you.

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