5 Travnya Orthodox. On the heel of the grass near the Orthodox Church, the day of Tsibul falls. World Day to Fight Asthma

Published 05.05.18 00:28

Today, May 5, 2018, also celebrates Diver's Day in Russia, International Day of the Midwife, World Day against Asthma and other events.

May 5, 2018 marks the national Christian holy day of Luke. The Church today commemorates the Apostle of the Seventy, Luke.

Today, in most regions of Russia it has become customary to plant the cibul. Our ancestors noted that it was a dark day - spring would be cold. evil spirits especially witches.

Luke is an apostle aged seventy, a companion of the Apostle Paul, a Christian saint, known as the author of one of the four Gospels and Acts of the Holy Apostles. Buv Intkbee a physician (Col. 4:14), judiciously judge. Evangelist Luke is revered in Orthodox and Catholic traditions as the first icon painter and patron saint of doctors and painters.

If it is a clear morning on the day of Luke, then the hour of sunshine, if it is foggy, you need to check. Today will become clear - today will be midday, tomorrow will be late.

Diver's Day in Russia

In Russia, Diver's Day is celebrated on the 5th of May. The Holy Bulo was initiated by Presidential Decree Russian Federation V. Putin dated May 5, 2002. The date of the saint is dedicated to the fall of May 5, 1882 to the birth of the first diving school in the city of Kronstadt by order of the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III.

Cipher Day in Russia

Cryptography may long history. From that moment, the leaf appeared. Technology has replaced manual codes. There is an idea that the first apparatus for encoding words was found by Leonardo da Vinci. Over the centuries, encryption methods have become increasingly sophisticated, and mechanical technologies have advanced at rapid speeds. The services of encryptors were employed by espionage missions, secret offices, military officers, diplomats and others. Ale is not without a stink.

International Midwife Day

International Midwife Day is celebrated on May 5th. The year 1987 was celebrated at the hour of the conference of the International Confederation of Midwives in the Netherlands. Rock became an official saint in 1992.

World Day to Fight Asthma

World Day to Fight Asthma is celebrated on the first day of Tuesday. The year 2018 falls on the 5th of May. The date should be celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

The initiator of the saint was the World Health Organization (WHO). The first levels of purity were recorded in 1998. The selected date may have symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the All-World Day for the sake of goodness bronchial asthma what happened in the Spanish city of Barcelona.

International Day of Fight for the Rights of Disabled People

International Day of the Fight for the Rights of Disabled People marks the 5th of May. In 2018, the birthday is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

The history of the saint began on May 5, 1992. On that day, people with disabilities from 17 powers presided over the first international European day of struggle for equal rights. They spoke out against discrimination against people with limited abilities.

The initiative of activists has gained momentum and support in rich countries. Come in and get ready for the measles social development, the increase was due to the eradication of injustice, secure employment, and the promotion of disabled people to an active life.

Plato, Fedir, Vitaliy, Vsevolod, Gavrilo, Dmitro, Clement.

  • 1764 - Founding of the Smolny Institute of Noble Girls near St. Petersburg
  • 1912 - The end of five years Olympic Games near Stockholm
  • 1921 - Presentation of Chanel 5 perfumes in Paris
  • 1945 - The beginning of a wild rebellion against Hitler's occupiers at Praza
  • 1949 rіk - Created by the Council of Europe
  • 2000 rik - Northern America recognized billions of dollars in surplus from the “I love you” computer virus
  • Karl Marx 1818 - economist, sociologist
  • Evgen Dolmatovsky 1915 born - Radyansky sings and prose writer
  • Georgy Sedov 1877 - polar explorer
  • Oleksandr Ragulin born 1941 – Radyansky hockey player
  • Henryk Sienkiewicz born 1846 - Polish writer Nobel laureate
  • Yuri Nazarov born 1937 – actor in theater and cinema
  • Lyubov Egorova 1966 - lyzhnitsa
  • Sergey Akhromiev born 1923 - military official

Today's Orthodox, church saints, saints of God: Venerable Theodore. Blessed Prince Vsevolod, at the baptism of Saint Gabriel, Pskov. Reverend Vitaly.

Today's 5th Eve (22nd quarter of the old style) is holy to the Orthodox, church, holy saints of God:

* Venerable Theodore Sikeot, Bishop of Anastasioupol (613). Blessed Prince Vsevolod, at the baptism of Saint Gabriel, Pskov (transfer of relics, 1834).
Apostles Nathanael, Luke and Clement (I). Venerable Vitalius (609-620). Martyr Nearchus. Hieromartyr Eustathius the Presbyter (1918).

Holy Orthodox saints of God

Venerable Theodore

The Monk Theodore walked from the Galatian town of Sikeia near Anastasiopol, which is why it is called Sikeot. His birth was transferred to his mother.
If Theodore received 6 fates, then St. The Great Martyr George appeared to her and said that the King of Heaven was calling upon his son. Mati became embarrassed, thinking that Theodore would surely die. However, this meant that he would soon be the founder of the monastery at the Church of St. George. While still a young man, St. Theodore prayed and fasted a lot, and at the age of 14 he left home and began to live in seclusion near the oven near the church of St. Great Martyr George. Later, when he left the recluse life and became the abbot of his monastery, he was elected bishop of the city of Anastasiopol. After ten years of episcopal service, he returned to his monastery and again entered into the ascetic life. Mav is a gift of miracles and clairvoyance. I think it's time for St. Communion. Theodora was bought and became a deacon. Sudini seemed kind, ale St. Theodore said that the black stench should be replaced. And what appeared? The master guessed that the stench was from the wood bought from a woman who led an unrighteous life. St. Theodore died in 613. His relics are at Constantinople, at the Church of St. George. The 15th of chernia is celebrated as it was transferred.

Venerable Vitaly

The Venerable Vitaly arrived from the monastery to Alexandria 60 years ago and took on a special feat - to ward off the women who had burned out. During the day they worked as a day laborer, and in the evening when they came to the booth, where such women hesitated. Here, having given money to one or the other, they asked to save themselves from sin, and all night long they prayed to God for them. In this way, other women got married, others entered the monastery, and others, deprived of the world, began to suffer. The saint had to endure a lot of mockery and torture, asking the wives not to tell anyone about their behavior. A few days before his death, he stood in his cell and peacefully gave up the spirit of his God in a prayer camp. Miracles began to work with his relics. In his hands they found a note with the following words: “Do not judge anyone immediately, until the Righteous Judge Himself comes.” Then everyone learned about his holy life, and those who, having condemned it with tears, repented of their sin against him. Saint Vitaly was alive in the 7th century.

Today's Orthodox Church sacred:


Come to your senses, holy:
12.03.2020 -
13.03.2020 -
14.03.2020 -
15.03.2020 -
16.03.2020 -

Other Churches and Orthodox saints in the grass

Saint Athanasius the Great, Patriarch of Oleksandria. Blessed and Equally Apostolic Tsar Boris, at the baptism of Saint Michael, Baptist of Bulgaria. The noble princes of Russia, the martyrs and passion-bearers Boris and Glib, at the holy baptism of Roman and David. Saint Athanasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Lubensky and Kharkiv Wonderworker...

Tropar and kontakion Perepolovennya(Div. on Wednesday Midnight) Troparion of St. Theodore, tone 2: Knowledge came from the shrouds of consecration/ and the grace of repose appeared,/ the wonders of the world arose/ and demons were driven away without mercy,/ the priest Theodore,/ thus praying to the Lord for us. Kontakion of St. Theodore, tone 3: Like a fiery chariot with scones, god-bearers, footstools, / the cry of You lived in Heaven, / like an Angel, you lived from a man / and, like a man, from an Angel Sak. Divine friend, / / ​​Theodori like.

God in Jesus Christ protects people and the whole world through ruin, destruction, eternal death, and nonexistence. Who knows that a person and the whole world will break to the brink, having fallen into a yak, it is impossible to roll? Such a traveler is evil. Evil is not just a philosophical concept, evil is a real force that flows into a person. All areas where evil enters know ruin: human shares Inter-Socialist Centuries, alliances and powers, to achieve the goals of civilization. The reason for the ruinous influx of evil lies in its essence. Evil arises and grows in a world of remote goodness. Absolute good is God, who is the Creator of the world and people. Forbearance from God is evil, it is destruction of creation. There, where there is no God, there is evil, there is death, there is ruin.

The 5th herb is designated as the 4th Orthodox church saint. The transfer informs about church saints, fasting, days of remembrance of saints. The list will help you recognize the date of significant religious history for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox Holy 5 May

Venerable Theodore Sikeot, Bishop of Anastasioupol

Holy Venerable Theodore. Alive from the middle of the 6th century to 613 r. 10 people are fatally ill. The two were healed with drops of dew in the face of the Savior at the temple. This is the gift of healing and clarity. Once ordained to the rank of deacon, then priest. Having accepted Chernetshood in Jerusalem. Former Bishop of Anastasiople.

Transfer of the relics of the noble Prince Vsevolod (at the Khreshchennoe Gabriel) of Novgorod, Pskov wonderworker

Day of the venting of the holy noble prince Vsevolod (transfer of his relics). Khreshchenni - Gavrilo. Onuk Volodymyr Monomakh. In an hour of life (about 1095-1138 rubles) there were a lot of temples, people were killed in the face of hunger. Once a Pskov prince.

Apostle Bartholomew (Nathanael), apostles from the 70th Luke and Clement

Inspiration of the Holy Apostles. Bartholomew (Naphael) - one of the 12 apostles of Christ, preacher of the Gospel in Syria and Asia Minor. Luke is a companion of the holy Apostle Paul; having written icons, he is the author of the book Acts of the Holy Apostles in Rome in 62-63. Clement, bishop of Sardis (a place in Asia Minor).

Venerable Vitaly of Oleksandria

In memory of the Chen (Chen) Vitaly. Having prayed through the prayers of the many sunken wives (harlots).

People's notes on May 5th - Luke's Day

On the 5th of May itself, people began to plant the tsibul-sivok. However, the stench from afar began to play havoc with the weather. Also, since the sun was clearer on May 5, sowing work began. And if, however, the weather was gloomy and there was fog, then they began to scratch the crops. The weather could clear up before noon, and at this point they said that the harvest would be average. Last night the sky cleared - the harvest would be ruined. The gardeners planted the grass in the beds, saying: “Here is the cybul, there is a disease. Whoever is a tsibul will be subjected to eternal torment.”

Day 5: In the old days, the herb was called differently: Luka, Chatchabnye round dances, etc. The hour has passed. So, the girls danced round dances and enjoyed various games. However, they said that the evil spirit just wanted to have fun and do mischief to people. So, they believed that the 5th witches laid grass on the grass, covered with dew, and danced with the cloth. Moreover, they were pregnant, and because the woman wanted to avoid infertility, she had to go to the forest mound, above which the spring couple rises, and then, having grown up, again I just stretch out and suddenly dance in a round dance on the canvas. Then the fabric was removed from the fabric and rubbed in after turning home. This is why the Swede is vain. However, if anyone cares that if a woman takes part in a round dance, then they will throw the womb out of her womb, and the mother herself will lose the order of the evil spirits.

Traditions for the 5th of May

It's the hour of dance - the hour of round dances and games - not only the girls wanted to have fun, but the evil spirits. The witches of this day were laid on the grass, covered with dew, and the cloth was led in a round dance. Until this day, as the people believed, they were already carriages. In order to avoid infertility, women used a method that could not be called safe.

The barren woman walked to the forest heap, above which the warm spring steam rose. She looked up, stretched out, and stood up quietly in a round dance on the canvas, and then lifted the valve from the trampled canvas, came home, rubbed herself in, and suddenly began to dance. However, if anyone believes that a woman will still be involved in this round dance, then throw it in her womb, and this woman will forever fall into the order of the evil spirits.

The witch is presented to the Russian people as a woman, endowed with Chaklunsky power, tied to the evil spirits. You can change your appearance, fly, cause mischief and mischief to people. Most often, witches are wrapped in black guts, pigs, dogs, magpies. The stench can smell like a beautiful young woman and bother people.

The main functions of the family are to ensure the continuation of the family and the appearance of prosperity in any form. By taking away the living power from people, the creatures and the witches increase their power. If the cow is not fed and the milk is not churned into oil, then you need to call on the help of a local chaklunka or a healer - to find out what is to blame: natural causes and chaklunstvo. It often turns out that the reason for what is going on is right at hand.

Main notes:

As soon as it freezes tonight, another forty morning frosts will fall on the grain fields.

Zozulya started cuckooing - the frost would kick in.

If it’s a clear morning today, it’s the hour to shine, but if it’s foggy, you need to check. The day will become clear - it will be midday, the evening will be late.

The early month brings early frosts, and it is necessary to sow the plants early so that the harvest can be harvested quickly; It's a month to go to school - better not to hurry with your life.

5th May (22nd quarter according to the “old style” - the Julian church calendar). Today the Orthodox celebrate the Synaxis of the Butovo New Martyrs, as well as the memory of ten more known Christian saints.

Cathedral of Butovo New Martyrs. Butivsky training ground. This land near Moscow is clearly watered with blood. Tens of thousands of victims were shot here in the 30s of the last century. And among them is the facelessness of the Orthodox new martyrs. Those who were killed were only those who were inspired to confess their faith, dignity, and preach the Word of God in the minds of godless persecutions. All these people lived in different places and served in different churches, and the absolute majority of them hardly knew one of them, because of the mortal death of the “NKVS troika” and the invisible graves of the Butivsky training ground they were united.

Most importantly, they were united by the faithfulness of the Church of Christ to “descend until death,” which is the most important criterion for the glorification of the new martyrs. And, as we know, among the people executed in the 1930s were not only martyrs for the faith, but their yesterday’s persecutors. As the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirilo, quite rightly emphasized in one of his holy words:

Here, at the Butivsky training ground, people were shot and impoverished at the same time as saints, who often have a lot of thirsty faith in their hearts. Among those shot here were those who shot others. There were people here who encouraged all those who were afraid of the godless government of the Church. And then the stench here was the very power of poverty..."

Why is the process of canonization of new martyrs so complex, such a convincing process of revealing the names of those who perished in the fate of God-fighting persecutions, like the days of the ex-church mischief. As of today, nearly two thousand people have already been glorified as new martyrs and companions of the Russian Church. And the work of changing the lives of these people will continue.

Also today we commemorate two more new martyrs of our Church: Hieromartyr Evstafiya Malakhovsky, presbyter (1918) and martyr Dimitri Vlasenkov (1942).

Venerable Theodore Sikeot, Bishop of Anastasia. The great archpastor and the perspicacious elder VI – beginning of the VII century. The transfer of the holy remains of this saint of God, who died in the 613th birthday of Christ from Galatia to Constantinople, occurred no later than the 9th century. This is the testimony of the Russian pilgrim Anthony, who at the Monastery of St. George collected the holy relics of St. Theodore for about 1200 years.

Apostles Nathanael (Bartholomew), Luke and Clement. One of the most famous and famous saints, directly connected with the earthly ministries of Christ Himself. Thus, the Apostle Bartholomew was one of the first 12 disciples of Christ, a native of the famous Cana of Galilee, where the Lord performed his first miracle - by converting water into wine at the hour of the merry banquet. Saint Bartholomew, after the day of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost, began to preach the Word of God in Syria and Asia Minor together with the Apostle Philip, and then with the Apostle John the Theologian.

During the course of the sermon, the teachings of the Savior recognized a lot of things among the pagans, having been stoned and killed. One of the most complex enlightenment works of the Apostle Bartholomew was his journey to India, where the holy translation of my gospel of the Gospel from Matthew and the brutalization of the pagans without death to Christ, including King Polymus I'm with the queen. However, this itself led to the death of the apostle - the brother of Polymias, the pagan Astyages, punished the roses of Saint Bartholomew upside down, after which they tore off the skin of the apostle and beheaded him with a sword.

Apostle and Evangelist Luke. One of the God-given creators of the Holy Gospel, an apostle for over 70 years, a friend and companion of the Supreme Apostle Paul. A doctor from the sanctified Greek center, Luke, having sensed about Christ, arrived in Palestine and began to worship the Lord Himself. Among the 70 teachings of the Lord's messages to preach about the Kingdom of Heaven for the Savior's earthly life. The Risen Lord appeared to Apostle Luke and Saint Cleopas himself, who walked to Emmaus. Saint Luke became famous not only as an evangelist and author of the Acts of the Apostles, but also as the first icon painter. A number of icons of the Mother of God are attributed to his authorship, including the famous Volodymyrska, Tikhvinska, Iverska and Czestochowa. Apostle Luke took his part from another missionary path of the Apostle Paul, and from that hour the stench became inseparable. After the martyr's death supreme apostles Saint Luke deprived Rome and preached to the people of Achaia, Libya, Egypt and Thebaid. At the place of Fivi, he martyrically ended his earthly journey.

Apostle Clement. Enter up to seventy apostles, among them the disciples of the Savior Himself, who formed after the first 12 apostles, and a number of disciples of other apostles. Saint Clement was the bishop of the city of Sardis. The supreme apostle Paul divined this from the Messenger of Philip. Thus, reaching out to his “broad companion,” the Apostle Paul asked: “Help them who labored in the Gospel together with me and with Clement and with my other companions, who are named in the Book of Life.”

Martyr Epipodius of Lyons. The Saint of the Western Church, who suffered for fidelity to Christianity in Lyon close to the 177th birthday of Christ.

Venerable Vitaly of Oleksandria. Holy ascetic of the 7th century, who became famous for killing the rich harlot Alexandria to repentance. Being a Chen, he accomplished his feat in such a way that no one knew about it, but instead, everyone judged the old man. This is how it goes in this Life:

The monk worked from the morning until evening and paid 12 copper coins that day. At the evening, the saint bathed himself in one bean, which had been eaten not before the sun had set. I decided to give the pennies to one of the harlots, until I came to the nich and said: “I thank you, for this money, stay clean this night, do not sin with anyone.” Then the monk locked himself with the harlot in her room, and until the harlot slept, the old man prayed all night, reading psalms, and the priests quietly left her. And so he worked today, identifying harlots through all of them, and taking an oath from them that they would save the place of his wife in the dungeon. Residents of Alexandria, not knowing the truth, were overwhelmed by the behavior of the Chen, imitated him in every way, and humbly endured all the glaring and even asked not to judge others..."

For this, Elder Vitaly already knew a lot, but the hidden place only opened up after the blessed death of the saint, when the women who lied to him told him about the hero’s feat.

Transfer of the powers of the noble Prince Vsevolod, at the Holy Crescension of Gabriel, Pskov. The honorable remains of this saint were transferred in 1834 to the main church of the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Pskov. Apparently, this Russian ascetic of the 12th century, from his youth “through prayer and the reading of divine books, clinging to the Lord,” became a courageous warrior, who significantly celebrated the Novgorod and Pskov lands. The noble prince combined his military talents with piety and prayer, never drawing his sword for the sake of revenge. Having worked a lot for Christian enlightenment, having created a lot of churches, being “a friend of marriages and a keeper of orphans, a supporter of the poor and an intercessor.” Saint Vsevolod, at the end of his life of turbulence, moved from Veliky Novgorod to Pskov, and also abandoned the princedom, and went to the Lord in 1138 before the birth of Christ.

Hieromartyr Platon (Jovanovic), Bishop of Banyalutsky. Serbian saint of the 20th century, who perished in 1941 at the hands of the Croatian Ustasha Nazis. The axis, as this tragedy is described in the life of the holy sufferer:

“The new government of the “independent state of Croatia” ordered the rulers to deprive him of his diocese, because he was a Serb originally from Serbia, and Bishop Platon Vidpovi, because of his duty “before God, the Church and the people to worship about his spiritual flock, calm and stable, unimportant no matter what the circumstances... they are deprived of their flock, like a good shepherd who values ​​his soul for his sheep." On the 4th to 5th of May, the Croatian Ustasha gathered the ailing bishop together with the priest Dusan Subotic and took him from Banja Lu ki.Behind the place They were killed, and their bodies were thrown into the Vrbannya River."

We are leaving Orthodox Christians from the memory of all today's saints! Through your prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all!

The same ones who in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and the black tonsure took away their names in their honor, for the sake of greetings on their name day! As they said in Russia in ancient times: “To the Guardian Angels - a crown of gold, and to you - good health!” To our deceased relatives and loved ones - eternal memory!

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