Shlunki kachini stewed recipe.


Country house

  • Hello, dear readers!
  • Most people have a more negative attitude towards by-products, which is why they respect their uniqueness.
  • They are the ones who value them the most.
  • And not for nothing.

Because when properly prepared, any offal becomes even more delicious.

Chicken little things are a good example of this.

The stench is soft, taste it, it’s almost cinnamon.

Today we’ll talk about how to deliciously prepare chicken shanks to please your family.

This product is low-calorie - 150 kcal per 100 g. Prote, a small portion will give you sufficient nutrition for a long time.

The stench consists of approximately 25% protein, and is also rich in the following elements:

  • Klitkovina;
  • Ash;
  • microelements (K, Zn, P, Fe, Cu);

Acids (folic, ascorbic, pantothenic, riboflavin).

Such a warehouse makes the product even worse for the human body.

Gentlemen often don’t like chicken by-products, such as chicken slips.

They are also appropriately called “navels.”

Place the prepared shanks and tsibul into the multicooker bowl.

Add salt and spices.

You can add a bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns for flavor, as well as a few cloves for the chasnik.

Fill halfway with water.

Select the “Vipichka” mode and set the hour to 1.5 years.

Serve baked chicken sliders with boiled rice, pasta or mashed potatoes, as well as a light vegetable salad.

There are a lot of ways to prepare this offal.

They can be greased, stewed, boiled, or roasted as an additional ingredient in salads and soups.

Let's take a look at some of the options available.

Stews with sour cream

  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • Such fishcakes can be served with a side dish or with a glazed herb, which can become a unique decoration for your table.
  • Add.
  • warehouses:
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  1. parsley;
  2. bay leaf;
  3. salt.
  4. Your activities:
  5. Wash the slippers (1 kg).
  6. Boil them in salted water.
  7. Cut into medium-sized pieces.
  8. Mita grate the carrots.

Cut the peeled cibulin into small pieces.

Coat the zucchini and carrots together in a heated, greased frying pan with oil.

Stews with sour cream

  • Place the slices before them, mixing well.
  • Lubricate approximately 5 minutes.
  • Mix everything with sour cream (100 g), throw in bay leaves (1-2) and parsley.
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  1. Extinguish for approximately 5 minutes.
  2. Spicy
  3. The by-products of this recipe will be very tasty and smeared with grass.
  4. And the combination of soy sauce with chasnik gives it a special spiciness.
  5. soy sauce;
  6. bouillon cube;
  7. watchmaker;

Wash and boil the skewers (1 kg) in salted water.

Cut into small pieces.

Stews with sour cream

  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  1. Clean the tsibul (2 pcs.), coat in a frying pan.
  2. Add to the next hole.
  3. Break up the bouillon cube in the water, then pour the prepared broth into the frying pan.
  4. Simmer the dish for 20 minutes.
  5. Add soy sauce (40 ml), as well as chasnik (5 teeth), after crushing with a press.

Extinguish 25 min.

A simple recipe for making chicken shanks

Stews with sour cream

  • One of the simplest recipes is based on the minimum of ingredients necessary to extract the savory herb.
  • Boil the slices (0.5 kg) in salted water.
  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • Cut the leather into 3-4 pieces.
  • soup seasoning;
  • bay leaves;
  • greenery;
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  • Boil the shlunchki (0.7 kg) in a saucepan.
  • cut the tsibul (2 pcs.), carrots.
  • Grease them with olive oil.
  • peel and cut the potatoes (5 pcs.), rinse the flour (100 g).
  • Throw them into an empty pan, fill them with water, and add salt.

Cook for 30 hvilins.

add boiled mince, greased vegetables, as well as soup seasoning, herbs, bay leaves (3 pcs.).

Stews with sour cream

  • Such fishcakes can be served with a side dish or with a glazed herb, which can become a unique decoration for your table.
  • Cook 10 khvilins.
  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • Turn on the fire.
  • Place the slices before them, mixing well.
  • Give the soup 15 hwilin.
  • Silski
  • Another version of stewed herb.
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  • The wine is slightly smoother, but not less tasty.
  • How to cook chicken shlunochki in the country style?
  • sweet pepper;
  • tomato;
  • ovocheva seasoning;



Stews with sour cream

  • Boil the shlunochki (0.5 kg) from sill.
  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • Cut a few pieces.
  • clean and trim the vegetables one piece at a time.
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  • (carrots, cibula, pepper, tomato).
  • Lubricate the cerebellum.
  • Then add more carrots, brush with another handful of khvilin.
  • Add tomato, pepper, leaving vegetables in the pan for another 5 minutes.
  • Add to the vegetables the slices, clean water (0.5 tbsp.), soy sauce (2 tbsp.), sour cream (2 tbsp.), seasoning and a little salt (as needed).

Mix everything, simmer with the lid closed until ready.

It is recommended to apply a cream onto the skin portion.

Stews with sour cream

  • How to prepare chicken shanks in Korean
  • Such fishcakes can be served with a side dish or with a glazed herb, which can become a unique decoration for your table.
  • Mix everything with sour cream (100 g), throw in bay leaves (1-2) and parsley.
  • This is an option for expanding the range of restaurants.
  • Another version of stewed herb.
  • carrots;

sour cream;

  1. Preparation is one of the simplest and best things ever seen.
  2. soy sauce;
  3. Korean seasoning;
  4. sesame;
  5. Boil and cut the slices into 2 pieces (0.5 kg).
  6. add carrots, cibul (1/2), marinate with Korean seasoning.
  7. coat a piece of khvilin in a frying pan, adding boiled shlunki.

add soy sauce (4 tbsp), sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Chicken shanks are a truly disgusting by-product, which is ideal for preparing a variety of savory herbs.

We cook a lot of them regularly.

Why not enhance them by adding a new component?

Chicken shanks are a tasty and brown by-product and are widely consumed in cooking.

They are used to prepare pates, vikory for preparing salads, served as hot herb with a side dish or as a stand-alone herb.

Unrespectful at all, the gentleman has to wait incredulously to stand before the boats, respecting them with extreme dryness and sinew.

However, such culinary incidents arise as a result of poor preparation and improper preparation of offal.

Frying meatballs is also not a problem, and often, with a gentle approach, the smell can easily become humic.

In order for the herb to turn out tasty and not cause disappointment due to wasted energy and time, you just need to learn how to cook it.

Most of the chicken shanks are found at sales already cleaned.

However, factory mechanical processing is often insufficient.

Poorly cleaned pipes begin to taste bitter, have an unpleasant smell and have a nasty chew.

For these very reasons, careful preparation is required before removing the stench.

It is necessary to clean the valves immediately: first, rinse them in cold water, cut them open and manually clean them with a harsh liquid.

Then you need to carefully remove the fat that has spread from the inside of the boats.

  • If the thickened fatty spittle causes complexities and cannot be removed in any way, then in this case it is necessary to sprinkle the boats with sprinkling and add a little water.
  • After this procedure, fat melting is necessary to strengthen without difficulty.
  • After the spittle is finished, you need to remove any loose cartilages and rinse the slugs again with warm running water.
  • Just before lubricating them, they must be placed in a saucepan, pour in a lot of water, add salt and cook over low heat for a year.
  • Lubrication methods

There are a number of ways to lubricate chicken chops.

They leave minimal stains on the skin and allow you to extract a tasty and cinnamon-like herb at the output.

Lubricated shlunki with tsybulya To prepare this herb, the following ingredients are required:

  • half a kilogram of offal;
  • 4 large spoons of olive oil;
  • 1-2 middle cibulins;
  • one large carrot;
  • salt and spices.

Then, lubricated with squash and carrots, add finely chopped cucumbers, additional ginger and horseradish.

Then cover the pan with a lid, simmer for 3-5 khvilins, then add sour cream and cook another 10 khvilins.

With precise timing and proportions of the mushrooms, the mushrooms will taste great.

  • Lubricated little shoes with a watch
  • To prepare them you need:
  • 1 kg offal;
  • one medium-sized cibulina;
  • three cloves to the chasnik;

Roslynna Oliya;

salt and pepper.

In chavunnu, pour olive oil into the frying pan and put it on fire.

  • Lubricated little shoes with a watch
  • After it has warmed up, add first cleaned and rinsed the shoes and grease them over low heat under the lid for 30-40 minutes.
  • During the lubricating process, stir the slides thoroughly, and 10 minutes before readiness add finely cut cibul and chasnik.
  • The prepared herb is served at the table as an addition to any side dish, or it looks like a simmered herb, spread on a large lettuce leaf.
  • It is important to re-heat the prepared by-products - as a result, they may lose their juiciness and become tough.
  • Lubricated slices with mushrooms
  • To prepare this herb you will need:
  • 450 g pecheritsa;
  • 5 g Tabasco sauce;

10 g turmeric;

two great cibulines;

120 ml of rosemary or olive oil;

Serve the herb immediately after cooking.

It is not recommended to allow it to cool down and reheat.

As a side dish you can choose from cereals, potato puree or pasta.

  • This herb goes very well with creamy sour cream sauce.
  • Grease the shoes with batter
  • For this recipe you need:
  • bottle of oliya;
  • 30 ml cognac;
  • one egg;
  • 5 large spoons of boroshn;
  • 1/4 bottle of milk;
  • 1 large spoon of grated ginger;
  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • two small spoons of mustard;
  • If the thickened fatty spittle causes complexities and cannot be removed in any way, then in this case it is necessary to sprinkle the boats with sprinkling and add a little water.
  • 200 g vershki;
  • 3-4 cloves chasnik;

0.2 kg frozen broccoli; salt, spices, parsley; 1 tbsp.


top oil.

In our family we really love chicken offal and especially shanks.

I often prepare massacres for them.

Axis and today we are preparing with you

The cibul is cut into slices, and the bell pepper is cut into small pieces.

Turn on the pump, mix the carrots and carrots and add.

Then mix again.

  • Do not close the lid immediately, let the mixture simmer for a few minutes, mixing all the mixture once.
  • On the right, as soon as you cover it with a lid, the cibul will see a lot of juice and will all bloom, having lost its original form.
  • Slice the tomatoes into pieces and add them in a bowl, cover with a lid and let them simmer, stirring once or twice.
  • When the time has come, add tomato paste, salt, add spices.
  • If you like it more spicy, you can put a bunch of cloves of finely cut chasnik.
  • Just a few more quills and that’s it, the stewed chicken shanks with zibule and vegetables are completely ready.
  • It can be served on the table with any side dish.
  • Delicious!
  • warehouses
  • 800 g – chicken shanks;
  • 2 pcs – carrots;
  • 3-4 pieces – tsibula ripka;
  • 2 pcs – bell pepper;

1-2 pcs – tomato;

50 g – tomato paste;

3-4 cloves - for a chasnik;

Salt, spices, bay leaf for relish.

I will paint the herbal process;

promotes mild bowel cleansing;

  • increases appetite;
  • I dye the skin and hair;
  • improves immunity.


It is especially bad for small children and pregnant women to eat baby shoes, since they contain vitamin B9 and folic acid.

  • Calorie content
  • The product is ideal for people who are struggling with weeds, as it is low in calories: 100 grams contain about 150-170 calories.
  • For those who crave healthy food and don’t eat greased hedgehogs, slats are also suitable.

Meat goes well with vegetables, so it is often complemented with carrots and cibul.

You can season the herb with spices for greater flavor.

The stench is soft, taste it, it’s almost cinnamon.

Shlunki are often sold to frozen foods.

They need to be frozen using a natural method.

Sometimes you can’t defrost them in hot water or in a microfiber oven - the stench loses the savory aroma.

  • Once the boats are out, put them in the pan for a couple of years to soak.
  • It takes 1 to 1.5 years for preparation.
  • The skewers can be greased in a frying pan, baked in the oven, or extinguished in a multicooker.
  • Strava is suitable both for everyday dinner and for a Christmas party, to add an effective serving, for example, to bake the shanks in pots.
  • Chicken shanks with tsibule in sour cream
  • The most common way is to extinguish the pulp in sour cream.

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

500-600 g of chicken shanks;

2 heads of cibul;

1 medium carrot;

a bottle of sour cream 15-20%;

a bunch of greenery;

2 bay leaves.

  • Preparation:
  • It takes 1 to 1.5 years for preparation.
  • The boats wash and boil for about 40-50 minutes.
  • When the meat is ready, clean it from the melt and cut it into large cubes.

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

Peel the cibulini and cut into small cubes.

Peel the carrots and grate on the large side of a grater.

Eat vegetables and sauté in a frying pan with olive oil.

1-2 pcs – tomato;

Add boiled meat pieces and continue to cook for another 6-8 pieces.

Stir in sour cream, season with chopped herbs and bay leaves.

  • Continue to extinguish for a few seconds, then heat up and melt.
  • Strava is respected when it is ready, as long as the meat flakes well on a fork.
  • You can serve it to the table.
  • Chicken shanks in a multicooker
  • The boats wash and boil for about 40-50 minutes.
  • Cooking in a multicooker is very easy for those who don’t have to constantly watch over the hedgehog so that it doesn’t burn.

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

Clean and rinse the hoses.

Transfer the prepared product to a saucepan, pour in water and cook for 40-50 minutes.

The boiled slices are washed and cut into large pieces.

Cut the cibulin into thin slices.

Morkvin rub on the great third.

  • Add some olive oil to the frying pan and brush the carrots with the carrots for 5-6 minutes.
  • Add the shells to the vegetables, mix everything.
  • Fill with water, close the lid and cook for 20-30 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, add fresh tomato paste with sour cream, salt and pepper.
  • Continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes and let it heat up.

Spicy recipe for chicken shanks

You can add chasnik or red pepper to the taste of the shlunki, and add the stench of the buttered vegetable.

Spicy notes reach the meat, adjust the spiciness to your discretion.

700-800 g of chicken offal;

2 cibulin heads;

5-6 hourly cloves;

4 tbsp.

soy sauce;

  • Be sure to add some vegetable seasonings.
  • How to prepare:
  • Clean little shoes last for a year.
  • Cool the finished product and cut into thin pieces.
  • Cut the cibul into small pieces and sauté in olive oil.
  • After 4-5 minutes, add more meat.

Spicy recipe for chicken shanks

Mix soy sauce with vegetable seasoning and pour it into a frying pan.

Continue cooking for about 20 khvilins, then turn off the clock and cook for another 10 khvilins.

After cooking, let it sit in a frying pan for a little while (about a year), so that the herb is saturated with the aroma of the hour.

Chicken skewers with carrots and cybula

The straw will look even lower if you replace the sour cream with the top and add mild soy sauce.

There is no need to salt this type of grass.

soy sauce;

  • 600-700 g of shlunochki;
  • fresh mushrooms – 400-500 g;
  • How to prepare:
  • The most popular option is stewing with added sour cream.
  • chasnikov's cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

Clean the bowls and place them in a saucepan with water for cooking.

Add laurel.

Cut the mushrooms into large cubes and grease them in a frying pan with a length of 20 pieces.

After cooling, transfer to a glass of okrema.

Cut the zucchini into cubes and cut the carrots into thin slices.

Grease the vegetables in a frying pan with the added oil.

After cooking, cut the shanks into 2-5 pieces and place them in a frying pan before the vegetables.

Add a little water (100 ml), spices for the eggplant and simmer 10 khvilins.

soy sauce;

  • Stir in the greased mushrooms and cover with a lid, continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • After cooking, add a clock and stir.
  • Close the lid, let the mixture boil and let the herbs brew for another year.
  • For greater damage, the watch needs to be trimmed with a knife.
  • You can serve it to the table.
  • In the spirit

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

For those who don’t like it, get the recipe from the oven.

When cooked, the bark of both meat and vegetables is carefully preserved so that the herb is not only tasty, but also as bark as possible.

offal – 700-800 g;

2 bottles of kefir;

200 g soft siru;

head of the cibul;

greens for eggplants.

Boil the slides until ready and cook - clean the melt, then cut into a sufficient size.

soy sauce;

  • For greater damage, the watch needs to be trimmed with a knife.
  • Peel and cut the cabbage and carrots into approximately the same size pieces.
  • Combine vegetables and meat, add spices and kefir, mix and let stand for a few minutes (30 minutes) at room temperature.
  • Grease the mold with olive oil and transfer the sumish; rub the animal’s cap with grated syrah.
  • Prepare the casserole for 30 minutes.
  • When ready, you can follow the cap - as soon as it has become crispy and browned - the herbs can be harvested.
  • They sizzle the green casserole and serve it to the household.

From the potato

The non-sticky side dish is prepared in a saucepan, according to the recipe, and the potatoes are then added to the storage area.

The casserole comes out well and is perfect for a family party for the whole homeland.

Peel the potatoes, cut into bars, place on top of the meat.

Pour a bottle of water for a friend and extinguish another 20 drinks.

When an hour has passed, add an hour until hot and stir.

Before serving, sizzle the dish with greens for a rich appearance and aroma.

soy sauce;

  • At the oven at the miners
  • If you have baking pots at home, you can quickly use them.
  • The meat comes out even more tender and aromatic, and the serving itself is impressive, which is worth appreciating all guests and household members.
  • 600-700 g of shlunki;
  • 2 cibulini;
  • When ready, you can follow the cap - as soon as it has become crispy and browned - the herbs can be harvested.
  • 2 potatoes;

The side dish can be customized to suit your taste – buckwheat, rice or potato puree.

carrots - pcs.;

2 watch teeth;

bay leaf, peppercorns.

Pour water into a saucepan, add bay leaf and pepper, and place the scallops in the water.

Boil them for at least 40 minutes.

After washing, cut into large pieces.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them on the bottom of the pot.

Sauté the cubed cibul in a frying pan with olive oil.

soy sauce;

  • Homemade cubes of carrots and chopped chasnik.
  • In a frying pan, grease the hooks for literally 5-7 minutes.
  • Then they are transferred to the potters.
  • At the last stage, pour water into the pot so that all the ingredients are covered with broth.
  • Grease the mold with olive oil and transfer the sumish; rub the animal’s cap with grated syrah.
  • Place the pots in the oven at 180 degrees and simmer for at least 30-40 minutes.
  • After cooking, the potters will not come out immediately, and the stench will cool off in the oven.

Spicy recipe for chicken shanks

Before the hour of cooking it is not possible to cover the pots with crackers.

Soup recipe

The first step is to simply add variety by making a light, yet healthy soup from chicken by-products.

This recipe will be perfect for those who are on a diet, and even in one bowl of such soup there are almost 150 calories.

0.6-0.7 chicken shanks;

Turn off the heat, pour out the broth and season with chopped herbs.

Cover the lid of the pan and pour the soup into bowls after 20-30 minutes.

Let's especially relish the soup the next day after sitting in the refrigerator.

soy sauce;

  • Korean salad recipe
  • For lovers of hot dishes, the Korean method of preparing skewers is perfect.
  • Neobov'yazkovo robiti product in advance gostream, you can put less pepper or a chasnik.
  • offal – 1 kg;
  • 2 carrots;
  • cibulin;
  • 2.5-3 tbsp.
  • soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp.
  • Olya sonicaceae;

2 tsp.

apple otstu;

½ tsp.

ground black pepper;

½ tbsp.


½ tsp.


3-4 hourly cloves. 15

Steps for preparation:

Boil the chicken sliders until ready for about 40 minutes, then rinse and clean the melt.

Cut into pieces and place in a cup.

Cut the cibul into thin slices, grate the carrots for Korean carrots.

  • Lightly coat the tsibula to soften it; no need to brown it.
  • Fry the oil in a frying pan, add chopped chasnik, otset, spices and sauce to it, mix.
  • Add carrots and sautéed zucchini to the bowl, and fill the bowl with olive sauce.
  • Mix the ingredients well, and then place the cup in the refrigerator to steep for 2-3 years.
  • The longer such a salad sits in a cold place, the more delicious and aromatic it will be.
  • Before serving the salad to the table, sizzle with sesame seeds and herbs.

Chicken shanks, stewed in sour cream, come out incredibly soft and tender.

The recipe is prepared.

1. Prepare the offal before further manipulation.

This includes rinsing and boiling in salty water for about a year until ready.

2. After cooking, place the slippers on a drain and allow the curly hair to drain.

Chop into medium-sized pieces, do not chop too much.

3. Now create a lubricant based on carrots passed through a large grater and diced cibulin.

  • Lightly coat the tsibula to soften it; no need to brown it.
  • When the vegetables are wet, insert the shucks into them and simmer for at least 7 minutes.
  • 4. After entering the term, add sour cream (you can increase the thickness).
  • Stir, season the herb to your liking, then stir in the spices and coat the greenfinch.
  • 5. Time at least 5-7 minutes.
  • During this interval, all products will reach residual readiness.
  • You can taste it!

No. 2.

Chicken shanks with cheese and yoghurt in the oven

rare, natural yogurt (for the “Activia” bottle) – 900 ml.

hard cheese – 180-200 gr.

Tsibul with carrots - 1 pc.

greens – 20 gr.

  • Vershkove butter (roztopiti) – 60 gr.
  • spices
  • Chicken shanks are prepared with a recipe from the oven.
  • Let's write it down step by step.
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.
  • Rinse thoroughly under the tap, then add to salted water and cook (1-1.5 years).

Cool and serve coarsely.

2. Chop the cibulins with carrots, pass the carrots through a coarse grater.

Mix it up to your belly buttons.

3. Close the device, change the program to “Gasinnya” for 2 years.

During the entire cooking period, mix the stock mixture several times.

  • No. 4.
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.
  • Lightly coat the tsibula to soften it; no need to brown it.
  • Chicken sluts in Korean
  • soy sauce – 80 ml.
  • 9%-ocet - 20 ml.

Chapel pieces – 4 pcs.

black pepper

Chicken shanks, marinated in Korean style, should be kept in the cold for a long time.

The recipe is very simple.

1. Boil the navels until the stench becomes soft.

The entire loan procedure must be repeated again.

  • 2. At this point, chop the cibul into slices, brush them with olive oil until brown.
  • 3. Mix the cooked offal with the fried cibulka, add pepper for your taste and don’t forget to add salt.
  • 4. Here you can see the porridge through the pressed chasnik.
  • Pour in the soy sauce.
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.
  • You can taste it!

Transfer to cold place, leave for 10 years.

Through this term you can taste the appetizer!

No. 5.

Chicken shlunchki with mayonnaise and chasnik

mayonnaise sauce (high-fat) – 120 gr.

  • Vershkove butter (roztopiti) – 60 gr.
  • Add carrots and sautéed zucchini to the bowl, and fill the bowl with olive sauce.
  • the water is filtered - after the fact
  • Watch chalets – 5 pcs.

offal – 0.9-1 kg.

In this recipe, cook chicken shanks in a frying pan with mayonnaise and a chasnik.

It’s really delicious to go out!

1. Boil water and add salt, and cook the sliders for a year.

  • Chop the tsebul for an hour and brush with oil until golden brown.
  • 2. Chop the boiled minnows coarsely, add to the fillet and then grease until brown.
  • Don't forget to add salt and season the herbs.
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.
  • 3. Now mix the mayonnaise sauce with enough water to pour into the pan instead of the pan.

See the chapel chaplets here.

2. Cool the belly buttons, let them cool thoroughly, but do not crush them.

Cut the cibul and grease until the volume is lost.

Whip up the shlunochki and mix.

3. Gently break up the Maggi cube in a glass of water and sprinkle a little salt on it.

  • Pour it into a frying pan, cover with a lid, and stir for a third of the year.
  • 4. Then add some chasnik porridge and soy sauce here.
  • Simmer for another 15-20 minutes and wilt.
  • Serve chi puree with rice.
  • No. 8.
  • Chicken shanks in tomato-sour cream sauce
  • slugs – 1 kg.
  • Before serving the salad to the table, sizzle with sesame seeds and herbs.

tsibulya - 4 pcs.

carrots – 2 pcs.

high-fat sour cream – 140 gr.

water – 0.6 l.

tomato paste – 80 gr.

  • parts for the watchmaker – 5 pcs.
  • the water is filtered - after the fact
  • Chicken shanks come out even softer and tender when prepared in this recipe.
  • In a frying pan, stew with sauce and sour cream.
  • 1. Before boiling, thoroughly rinse and clean the offal.
  • Transfer salted water to boiling salt and time.
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.

At intervals of tasks, chop the shanks with scraps.

2. Fry the oil in a frying pan, brush carrots (grated) and cibulini (chopped with sprinkles) on it.

When the vegetables are browning, sizzle them and bring them until golden brown.

3. Cream the water with tomato paste, sour cream, spices to your taste and pass through the embossed teeth of the chasnik.

Pour the mixture into a frying pan, cover the dishes, and simmer for 25 minutes.

  • No. 9.
  • Chicken shanks with tsibule and pickled cucumbers
  • 1. Now, let’s get started with the offal.
  • offal – 0.75 kg.
  • chasnikov teeth – 3 pcs.
  • filtered water – 0.1 l.
  • black pepper - for your own taste
  • Medium marinated cucumber – 2 pcs.

1. Throw the offal onto the boil and simmer.

2. Take chawun utensils.

Fry the olive oil in it, brush the tsibula cubes until they reach a bronze color.

Add the grated carrots and grease them as well.

3. After 4 weeks, the by-products are cut and cooked, and the hourly parts are separated.

Season with spices and don’t forget to add salt.

4. Lower the heat of the burner, add water, and simmer in a closed cauldron for about 15-20 minutes.

5. At this point, you must rinse, peel and cut the potato bulbs into 2*2 cm cubes.

6. Add them to the navels, add more water and simmer until the potatoes are ready.