Varennya with leaves. Fresh jam: forest freshness for health. homemade jam recipes

Cooking has found a wide variety of ingredients to complement its savory characteristics. Light sourness and notes of malt create a unique bouquet that is savored by both adults and children. During the ripening season, they should be prepared in all possible ways, so that later the supply of vitamins in the body can be replenished. Varenya from high-risen water comes out not only tastier, but even more aromatic.

Garden water is very harmful to the human body and most of its energy is saved after thermal processing. To prepare jam from these fruits, first soak them 3 times in dill, and then grind them through a fine sieve. This procedure allows you to water-strengthen the brushes, which will result in softness when the end product is implanted.

For lovers of whole berries, do not mix the main ingredient before cooking, and during the cooking process, stir the herb very carefully using a wooden spoon. It would be even better to do without stirring, but simply grab the dishes with your hands from side to side.

To add a special flavor to the jam, add a few zests of some citrus fruit to the cob itself.

Preparing jam from frozen roast

Since in the summer it was not possible to prepare the marvelous sweets from the brown fruits of the winter, then it is necessary to use it at any other time, vikorista for this frozen preparation. Life and savory fruits are not harmed in any way. Smut - properly freeze the product, vikorista or whole berries and packaged ones in small bags. To give the dessert a unique special taste, add half-fruits.

So, for preparation you need:

  • frozen half-stipe fruit – 500 g;
  • whole fruits from freezing – 500 g;
  • tsukor – 1000 g;
  • juice of lemon – 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation technology

The fruits are removed from the bags, dropped into a deep dish (for example, a saucepan), covered with cucumber and stored for several years. This time is necessary for the fruits to grow and the pulp to be completely dissolved. Then pour in the lemon juice and bring to a boil over low heat. After this, add the fire and prepare the dessert with a length of five khvilins. When finished, turn on the stove and allow the finished product to cool.

Prepared jam in multivartsi

For those who like healthy food, you can cook jam at home using an additional device - a multicooker. Get acquainted:

  • selected orange fruits – 1000 g;
  • Cucumber sand – 1000 g;
  • pure water – 50 ml.

Preparation method

Sort and first rinse the fruits and place them in the cooking bowl of the multicooker, pouring the prepared water into the bottom. Place the pulp on top of the berries and turn on the “Soak” mode. Cook the jam for no more than 20 quills, then turn it off and leave in a closed container for a skein of quills. Once the lasso is ready, you can put it into containers and seal it.

Ozhinove jam with whole berries

If you cook sweets from whole fruits, then this year you can use it as a good decoration for confectionery plants, as well as bark for adults and children. For preparation you need:

  • ripe, ale hard berries – 1000 g;
  • Cherry sand – 1000 g.

Preparation method

Sort the fruit, prepare it and wash it. In order not to destroy their integrity, it is recommended to place the berries on a plate and rinse under a small stream of water, and then allow them to drain well. Then soak them in the same dishes (for example, a saucepan), dry them with the cucumber and let them soak for a long time. After this, put the sumish on a small pot, boil and simmer for a day. Varenya is ready.

Varennya made without brushes

Brushes at the jam can cause a lot of inconveniences for an hour. In order to enjoy and prepare your favorite dessert without any notice, you will need:

  • Stigli berries – 900 g;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • Cucumber sand – 900 g.


Dip the prepared fruits into hot (but not soggy) water onto a sliver of bread. Then anger the homeland, and grind the fruits themselves through a fine sieve. Pour the puree into a boiling vessel, add zuccor and simmer until thickened, stirring gradually. Lasoschi are ready.

Other recipes

New jam often requires the addition of various ingredients, fruits, as well as changing the cooking method.

Varennaya "Pyatikhvilinka"

This simple recipe will be a godsend for those people who can’t afford to sit on the stove for hours. To prepare garlic jam from the fruits of the “5 Khvylinka”, you will need:

  • Ozhini fruit – 1 kg;
  • tsukor – 500 g;
  • citric acid - for relish (about 3 g).


Before preparation, the berries are placed into balls in a metal container, the skin ball is covered with the prepared zuccer. Everything is closed at 6:00 for fruit juice. Then place the vessel on the stove, boil and cook with a stretch of five quills. Before the end of cooking, stir in citric acid. Dessert is ready.

Banana recipe

Representations of the bread recipe consist of the following warehouses:

  • stigli ogini fruits – 1000 g;
  • banana – 900 g;
  • tsukor – 1100 g.

Preparation method

Place the prepared fruit in the boiling utensils (deep) and sprinkle with pulp. Leave everything for a couple of years to soak up the juice. Place on low heat, cook overnight, stirring regularly and letting the simmer cook. Remove the skin from the bananas, cut the pulp into thin rings and toss until cooked. Boil for another 10 minutes, remove and roll up.

Recipe for plums and elderberries

To prepare completely insignificant lasoschi, you will need:

  • ripe orange fruits – 400 g;
  • plums of any variety - 400 g;
  • elderberry berries – 200 g;
  • tsukor – 1000 g;
  • juice of lemon – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.


After preparing the elderberry fruits, place them in a saucepan, add the peeled plums, add the lemon juice and add the cloves. Pour water over everything so that all the fruits are covered, boil and cook on a quiet floor for a day. After this, puree everything in a blender, put it on a sieve, and add the juice into a medium saucepan. Place it on the outside fire, with the cherry sand sifting in front. Boil and simmer on low for 10 minutes. Varenya is ready.

Recipe with lemon

In order to make emergency lemon juice, you need to take:

  • ripe orange fruits - 1200 g;
  • medium lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Cherry sand – 1400 g.


Mix the berries with half a portion of the zucchini and let stand overnight. Put the juice that you saw on a low heat. Once you bring it to a boil, simmer any leftover pulp and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, cool to 50 ° C, sift the fruits and pour in the lemon juice, boil 10 more quills and pour into jars.

Recipe with arus

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • ogini berries – 900 g;
  • arusu fruit – 1 kg;
  • tsukor – 2300 g;
  • water – 140 ml.

Preparation method

Place the prepared agrus fruit in a boiling vessel, drizzle the pulp there and leave for the night. After this, pour in water and put it on a deep stove, boil and cool. Combine the prepared pan, cook for 10 minutes, cool and repeat the procedure several more times. Before the end of the boil, you can add a small amount of cinnamon. Lasoschi are ready.

Raspberry recipe

Delicious and deliciously brown lasos are usually prepared with the following ingredients:

  • Ozhini fruit – 500 g;
  • Stale raspberries – 500 g;
  • tsukor – 900 g.

Preparation method

Prepare the fruits, pour them into a bowl and cover them with cucumber. At night, sit in a cold place. Place the juice that you see in a separate container, put it on fire and heat it, not allowing it to boil. There, soak the berries and boil 7 khvilins over high heat, periodically removing the scum.

Apple recipe

Tender, juicy and brown jam results from the following ingredients:

  • Sticky berries – 400 g;
  • apple of any variety – 400 g;
  • tsukor – 240 g;
  • lavender (dry, trimmed) – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation method

Mash the apple, cut into small pieces and core. Mix them with the previously prepared berries and put them to cook over medium heat, adding the pulp first. Boil and cook for 5 minutes, then stir in the lavender and simmer again. Varenya is ready.

Recipe with gelatin

If you love the master thicker than jam or get together with his help to decorate the confectionery mixture, then you will need it for his preparation.

Varennya will come out fragrant and savory for the winter. This is full of unusual berries, glossy black fermentation and a pleasant sour-sweet taste. The sound of the wine is similar to raspberries, fragments of a close relative. In canned form, the fruits do not lose their bark storage, which allows you to stock up on vitamins for the winter.

Bark berries

Before you start preparing berries for the winter, you should understand the value of their use. There is plenty of food in its chemical warehouse. Anyone can get a wide range of vitamins and microelements. Ozhinova jam and other desserts carry the absence of corrosive powers to the body:

  • I paint it;
  • improves immunity;
  • normalizes etching;
  • The walls of the vessels and the heart meat are damaged;
  • controls blood cholesterol levels;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • serve as cancer prevention;
  • remove toxins and salts of important metals;
  • calms, charges with energy and brings renewed strength.

Important! Berries that are overripe have a slight perishable effect, while those that are not ripe have a hardening effect.

Boiling from the oven is a shortening remedy against colds and viral illnesses: it removes heat, lowers the temperature and makes the fire feel better. This cream helps relieve cystitis and other neurological ailments. It is obvious that with the help of organic acids (malic, citric, salicylic), the herbal system returns to normal: appetite improves, constipation is relieved and intestinal microflora is restored.

Increase your respect! Ozhin is suitable for inclusion in a child’s diet, due to its low calorie content - 37 kcal per 100 grams.

Delicious recipes for winter preparations

Garnishes of black-violet fruits are widely used in the culinary industry to prepare delicious dessert herbs: cheesecakes, muffins, soufflés. Careful gentlemen respect for the better way to cook jam, jam and other lasso with this berry for the winter. Regardless of the variety of recipes for winter preparations for the winter, all the flavors come out juicy and aromatic.

Classic recipe

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg ogini;
  • 1 kg of cucumber pisku.

We must first sort out the waste, the rejected ones, the damaged ones and the zipped ones. Then rinse under running water until the fruit stalks appear immediately. Transfer to an enamel saucepan or other large container. Sift the zukor and mix carefully so as not to injure the fruit. Leave for 1-2 years to release the juice.

Place on low heat and simmer for a short time. Don't forget to stir constantly, otherwise the jam will burn. Behind the sterilized jars, place the hot butter and seal it tightly for the winter. Leave the jam to refrigerate on the kitchen table until completely cooled and store in a cool place.

Varennya z ozhini p'yatikhvilinka

A brown option that saves most of the vitamins. This is due to the short-term thermal shock. Components in stock:

  • Ozhin – 980 g;
  • tsukor – 830 g;
  • citric acid – 2-3 r.

I'll sort out and let's drink some water on paper towels, so that I can see the countryside. Place the fruits in a large heat-resistant container and sizzle the balls along the way. They cook for 5-6 years, until there is enough juice. Bring the jam to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

Before turning on the fire, add citric acid powder and mix thoroughly. Place the jam in clean glass jars for the winter and cover with polyethylene lids. Store in the cellar or refrigerator. The recipe without thermal processing is described below.

Frozen jam

For such a jam, frozen fruits are suitable for the winter, which absolutely does not detract from the taste of the finished dessert. It is necessary to collect the upcoming grocery package:

  • fresh frozen food – 550-600 g;
  • Fresh polunitsa – 470 g;
  • tsukor – 1-1.1 kg;
  • lemon juice – 50ml.

They simmer the licorice in the fire and stir it carefully. Leave them aside for 3-4 years for complete defrosting. Then add half a berry and wait for another 1.5-2 years. The shards of juice are abundant, and some of them make you angry. Add lemon juice to the mixture and place on the stove to cook.

After boiling, change the heating intensity and simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Periodically remove the boiled froth and remove it with a slotted spoon. Let it soak and cool together. A similar procedure is repeated and the jam is poured hot from the winter into containers for the winter. After twisting, soak at room temperature for 11-12 years, then transfer to cold.

Varennya with whole berries

Since the berry tends to be harvested, care must be taken to preserve its shape when preparing it. The result is a richer consistency dessert with added whole fruits. Necessary warehouses:

  • berry – 2.2-2.5 kg;
  • tsukor – 1.5-1.7 kg;
  • lemon juice - 20-30 ml;
  • gelatin – 1 pack.

Sort out the wine and clean it from the waste. Mitya is not needed. They over-sip at the basin or other volume. Stir in the pulp mixed with gelatin and squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Deprive it instead of pіvgodin, so that you can see the juice. Then add water, put on fire and cook for no more than 10 khvilins. Let the jam cool and then bring it to a boil again. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. Immediately pour the aromatic jam into glass jars and seal. Wrap them in thick cloth and bake in the cold outside. Only after this they tidy up for the winter in cold weather or otherwise.

Important! At the time of brewing, the warehouse is not respected, but shy away. So the berries are not injured.

Varenya without brushes

Necessary warehouse:

  • 800-850 g ogini;
  • 850 g of pulp;
  • 500 ml filtered water.

Let the fruit stems cool, sort and wash the berries under running water. Dry the roast on paper trays. Pour water into a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to a boil. Transfer the fruits there and drain from the dill for 3-4 minutes, after which you stir the soil. Rub the oil through a sieve to remove the residue. After removing the puree, pour it into a heat-resistant container, add zukor and boil to the desired thickness. The jam is ready to be poured into a jar and sealed hermetically for the winter.

Varennya without Varinnya


  • ½ kg ogini;
  • 0.5 kg cucru.

Sort the wine, selecting whole and healthy berries. Their tails are wagging, obviously. Help the mother squeeze the water, pouring it in small portions into a large bowl. Pour the pulp into the porridge, stir and cover with a towel. Take it and lie in the dark for 2-2.5 years. Over the course of the allotted hour, stir the jam periodically so that the grains are well-dissolved. The jars and lids should be sterilized and dried later. Spread jam on them, pour the zucchini into the skin of the jar with a dessert spoon and seal it tightly for the winter. It is recommended to store the jam in the refrigerator or in another cool place.

Ojina with orange

Due to the inclusion of citrus fruits, the jam develops more intense relish. For this preparation you will need:

  • 1.1 kg ogini;
  • 390 g oranges;
  • 1 kg tsukru;
  • 110 g lemons.

Peel the oranges and remove the white fibers. The skin is cut into thin strips. Squeeze the juice from the pulp into a glassy bowl and add succulent sand. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Stir until the syrup becomes uniform. The wine should be sorted and thoroughly washed. Place the licorice juice in a cool place and leave for 2-3 years. After the end of the specified term, reheat and boil 25 quines. Add lemon juice and simmer for another 8-9 minutes, stirring gradually. For the winter, pack orange jam into jars.

Dinner with apples

Required ingredients:

  • 1030 g of ozhin fruits;
  • 970 g green apples;
  • 1.5 kg cucru;
  • 130 g lemons;
  • 20 g vershkova oil;
  • 2-3 g cardamom;
  • 100 ml of any berry liqueur;
  • 300 ml of clean water.

Scrub and dry the apple, peel the skin, cut into slices and remove the core. Combine apple preparations with water. Blanch on medium heat for 10-12 minutes, until the fruit is softened. Use fresh lemon juice. The skin is sorted and washed, after which it is sent to the warehouse and continued to cook for 12-15 minutes.

Boil the cherry sand, mix and check on the outside. Add spices and liqueur 2-3 minutes before turning on. Place a sponge of olive oil near the heat of the jam, stir and remove the melt that has settled on the surface. Place in sterilized containers, cover the animal with a piece of parchment paper and cover with polyethylene caps. Warm up preparations for the winter in the cold.

Dinner with banana

Components in stock:

  • 1 kg ogini berries;
  • 900 g bananas;
  • 900-950 g cucru.

The dinner for the jam is prepared with special order. If there are fruit stalks, then you can see. Place licorice sand near the cooking utensils and add. Deprive the masa for nothing. Heat the grain on the stove, stirring vigorously. After boiling, change the temperature and blanch for 30-35 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add cut bananas to slices. Pack the jam again in clean glass containers and close it for the winter.

Raspberry recipe

Collect everything you need:

  • Ozhinu – 980 g;
  • tsukor – 2 kg;
  • raspberries - 950-990 rub.

For the skin, sort out the berries, wash them and let them dry for a little while. Bring the raspberries to a boil and stir in the zucchini (along the mixture evenly). Carefully use a wooden spatula and remove it from the cold for 10 years. The sugary juice, which has cured within an hour, is poured into a new saucepan and heated until the grains are completely broken up. They sizzle first, then raspberries. It’s close to seven kilometers to rush on a small fire. Turn off the jam and set aside. After a few years, the procedure is repeated and poured into sterilized jars, ready for storage for the winter.

Jam z zhini

Ozhin jam comes out no less tasty, but has a strong structure. You can easily spread it on toast or use it as a filling for steamed pies. Warehouse, offensive:

  • 1 kg of ozhini berries;
  • 800 g of cinnamon juice.

Squeeze the mixture and blend to a more or less smooth consistency. Put the masa on fire and boil until thick. The readiness of the jam is checked as follows: drop it onto a plate and if the drops do not spread, then the dessert can be turned on. Transfer the cooked jam to jars and seal hermetically with lids. You don’t have to clean up in the cold for the winter, as it’s better to preserve your indoors.

With plums and cloves

Product package:

  • 250 g raspberries;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 230 g elderberry;
  • 470 g ogini;
  • 500 g plums;
  • 7 clove buds;
  • 1 kg cucru.

Drain, drain and place the elderberries in a bowl and rinse under running tap water. Dry on paper cloths. The nickel or enamel pan sizzles. Squeeze the lemon juice and pour in water until it covers the entire area with the thickness of one finger. Grind the cloves into powder and add.

Please! You can add additional cinnamon.

Let the masa cook for about a year. Don’t forget to stir every hour. After an hour, knead the mixture thoroughly in a container. Then place gauze in a sieve, folded in a few rows, and through it strain out the brew: transfer everything and set aside a few minutes until the syrup drains out completely.

Add zuccor to the berry-fruit mixture and bring to a boil. As soon as the dough rises, add raspberries and cook for another quarter of a year. After that, add something to the porridge that you lost the first time. After 10 minutes, you can start packing the jam for the winter using the previously prepared glass jars.

Varennya in multivartsi


  • fresh fruits – 800 g;
  • tsukor – 800 g.

Wash the sorted wine and ventilate it lightly. Place the mixture in the multicooker bowl and let the chickpeas sizzle. Wait for a while so that the juice begins to flow. Set the "Gasin" mode for an hour - 20 minutes, then start. After the finishing signal, open the lid and allow the jam to cool. To re-enter, select the same mode, but only 40 minutes. When the jam is ready, pour it into sterile containers and seal it for the winter.

Please! During the process, you need to revive and stir the jam.

To ensure that the jam comes out well from the oven and is preserved for a long time, follow these steps when preparing low culinary nuances:

  1. After thermal heating, the water retains its final shape, so that it is not washed beforehand and during the cooking process, carefully mix with a wooden spoon or simmer.
  2. To thicken and infuse the aroma of the jam, add juice and citrus zest to the stock.
  3. For children's food, the jam should be prepared from the oven without any dirt, the shards of the stench are solid. They are removed by grinding them through a sieve.
  4. The dinner is ideally eaten with various fruits, berries and spices.
  5. There is no special need for sterilizing jars; it is enough to rinse them with soda. The jam is well preserved for the winter and does not put a worry in the minds of the household during this difficult period.

The aromatic jam is delicious to eat as a stand-alone dessert and a snack with tea. It’s no less convenient to go far and wide with it for a drink and confectionery mixtures: pies, buns, pastry, cakes.

Important! If you haven’t been able to stock up on so many valuable sweets in an hour, you can freeze the fresh meat entirely. Either way, get out and cook the jam. The product coming out of such berries is no worse, from the savings of the living authorities and the bark warehouse.


Preparing jam from the oven for the winter is difficult and can be done on the cob, requiring at least a minimum of hours and labor. It is enough to follow the recipe. The grains are not as wide as other fruit and berry varieties. However, the supply of vitamins and microelements is not compromised, and sometimes even exceeded.

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Few people prepare jam for the winter for the winter. And not because there are few recipes in the culinary book, but because the berry is very tender, one cannot tolerate fuss and sponginess in the preparation.

It’s best to stock up on terpins, process it, and you’ll end up with a perfect jam for the winter without boiling, or a jam for the winter. The beauty of the forest is healthy. Ozhin preserves all vitamins: A, C, D, B, PP, K, carotene and many other green microelements.

Colds, fever and cough are tormenting, there are no vitamins and weakening of the body’s immune system - another jam, a recipe that is so accessible, it’s always at home! You can grate the berries with the cucumber, boil or freeze the juice into compote, or boil or drink fruit juice - the crustiness of the savory juices is obvious!

We cooked it, you know, do you already know how to work? So, the time has come to start making delicious desserts: and jam from the oven - such malts will bring joy to your family and bring a lot of bark.

Varennya with ozhinya without varіnnya

Ozhe, ozhenové jam without jam, recipe:

  • 1 kg berries;
  • 1 kg cucru.

To make sure there is enough cucumber, try the berry: if it’s sour, add more malt, if it’s sour, add more malt, or with regular licorice, take the cucumber juice from the “sunset of the world.” It’s easy to prepare jam without boiling, but you need to know a few secrets:

1) The berry is picked only during the period of full ripeness; it does not ripen in the bud, like arus;

2) When you’re waking up from the bush, be very careful - the skin of the berry is richly soft, the bottom is raspberry, and it’s easy to remove just the wrinkled fruit that happens to be thrown out;

3) When picking berries in the forest, pay attention to the cleanliness of the bush: as soon as the stink bug appears, it is better to go around this bush, it is absolutely certain that there will be mosquitoes in the berries;

4) Cleaning the berry is difficult: the tails become wiggly and you can easily damage the berry. To avoid this, rinse the berries first in cold water - this will make it much easier to remove the tails. I twist them (tails), using a circular hand, so as not to damage the blanket;

5) Mitya ozhinu - obov'yazkovo! It's not a raspberry that absorbs water. After washing the berries, you need to dry them thoroughly on towels. Then carefully crush the towel with berries so that all the juice flows out of the middle of the fruit.

Ozhinov jam recipe without boiling:

1) Rinse and dry the berries with cucumber. You need to pick the berries until they are fully ripe so that they give the most juice;

2) Grind with a wooden cloth so that all the berries are crushed;

3) Stir with a spoon and leave the jam in a cold place for 8-12 years.

After leaving the jam, stir it again (the zuccor is liable to disintegrate), put it in jars, cover with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Varennya with lemon

To make jam with lemon you will need:

  • 1 kg of stiglih berries;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 1 kg tsukru;
  • 1 bottle of boiled water or some kind of sweet natural juice.

Recipes for jam from the oven vary from person to person, but in order not to overcook all the brown vegetables and get a good vitamin boost, cook the jam from the oven with lemon! The result is a wonderful dessert, suitable not only for enjoying the pure appearance, but also for soaking the cakes, adding additives to various desserts and preparing fruit drinks. How to cook jam with lemon.

1) Wash the berries, peel them and let them dry on towels;

2) Thoroughly wash the lemon, remove the zest from half the lemon, remove the brushes and leave in a container;

3) Boil syrup from water (juice) and cherries: place the dishes on the stove, stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil and boil for at least 4-5 husks;

4) Add lemon zest, cut into small pieces, into boiling syrup (only the hard part, without the white membrane!) and cook on low heat for another 10 pieces;

5) After boiling the syrup with the zest, quickly lower the dried berries from the pan, boil 2 berries and add the cut pulp of half a lemon;

6) Boil more than 5 chickens at low-intensity boiling point.

Take the varennya from life z|iz| lemon over fire, let the trouts cool and roll into jars with | sealed caps. Turn the jars over onto their lids, cover with a cloth, let cool completely and store in a cool, dark place.

Varennya z ozhini and malini

You can cook raspberry jam and raspberries using the five-fork principle, or else in the refrigerator, try the recipe for raspberry jam without boiling. What is needed for:

  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg ogini;
  • 1.5 kg of lemon juice.

Yak robiti varennya z ozhini ta malini:

1) Peel the berries, rinse them and place them on a towel to dry;

2) Do not pick the raspberries, but just sort them out, remove the leaves, stems and berries from the clumps, or heavily bruise the fruits;

3) Mix dried olives and raspberries in a bowl;

4) Add zucchini to the jam and stir, squeezing the berries a little;

5) Leave the jam in the refrigerator overnight;

6) Mix the jam well again and spread it out in the jar.

This jam from the winter and raspberries doesn’t just come out even juicy, but all the cinnamon juices help relieve ailments and bring a good mood to the coldest and gloomiest day! If you want to make marmalade and raspberries, then after standing in the refrigerator you need to put the bowl of berries on low heat. Don’t boast, when you stir the berries gradually, don’t allow enough juice to boil there. Cook the dessert for no more than 5-7 minutes after boiling and then on low heat! Afterwards, cool, pour into jars and seal tightly. The jam is ready for the winter!

If you want to get rid of the extra boost of nutrition and survive the winter without coughing, there’s nothing left to do but cook the jam from scratch! Without pills, injections or medicines, you can cope with the cold, boost your immunity, and simply deal with all the inconveniences – it’s all in one!

Enjoy your preparations and be healthy!

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It seems that the jam from the winter relishes the cold no worse than the raspberry. In order to save more of the brownies, the gentlemen decided to prepare jam for the winter. A minimum hour of hot processing will allow the licorice preparation to become not only a delicious dessert, but also provide a beneficial effect on the body.

Lasoschi are prepared from forest and garden berries. There is no difference in principle between the boiled milk. Prote, I appreciate that the forest beauty is beautiful.

How to prepare varennya for the winter - p'yatikhvilinka

There are not many secrets to making a delicious winter dessert. Golovna, what most state gifts are asking for is to preserve the berries whole. Why cook it immediately after picking. And don’t wash it, as a rule, the berries of chagarnik rarely taste heavy.

If you want to enhance the taste of the preparation, add lemon and orange when boiling. Ozhina is close friends with her closest relative - raspberries. If you have late ripening raspberries, make a couple of jars of strong medicinal lasso.

Here is the simplest recipe for boiling for 5 hvilins.

  • Take:
  • Berries – kilograms.
  • Tsukor-pisok – kilogram.
  • Lemon juice – 50ml.


  1. Rinse the berries under running water. Throw it onto the dumpster so that it is in the middle of the warehouse.
  2. Pass it with cucrum. Mix carefully so as not to suffocate the liquid.
  3. Leave it to soak in for a year or two and let it flow. Call for what time is enough.
  4. Let it cook. Heat the pan thoroughly. After the first sign of boiling, it is necessary to wait an hour.
  5. Boil the dessert for exactly 5 minutes. Pour in lemon juice. Let it boil strongly.
  6. Turn off the heat and immediately refill the previously sterilized jars. Roll up the metal lid, turn over and cool.
  7. Lemon acts as an additional preservative, so the jam is good and does not ferment. To be on the safe side, keep the product cold.

Ozhinov's jam-pyatikhvilinka for the winter with whole berries

  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Cucumber sand – 1 kg.

Cooking delicious lasoschi:

  1. Wash the fruits and place them on a paper servet to remove any excess juice.
  2. Whisper with sand, cover with a towel. Let it sit for 5-6 years.
  3. Carefully pour the juice into the saucepan. Place it on the outside fire.
  4. When the syrup boils, cook 5 hvilins.
  5. Place the berries in a saucepan and let it boil. Prepare five khvilins.
  6. Finally, sprinkle citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  7. After boiling vigorously, fill the jars and tighten.

Video with recipe for delicious five-forks with leaves

Happy winter tea to you!

So it’s nice to enjoy the winter with preparations made from delicious fruits and berries! Preserve their brown fruits, create an appetizing dish for the everyday table, help with the recipe for making jam. These sweets are suitable for adults and children, and they are suitable as a dessert for the Christmas table. Particularly delicious is the jam, crushed with vikoristan and sour-sweet berries - ozhini. I’ll add a new jam or product made with added other ingredients to calm down the household. Below you will learn how to prepare all the sweets in a number of ways.

How to prepare varennya for dinner: recipes with photos

Ozhinu should not only be boiled with vikoryst as the main ingredient for jam, but should be frozen. The tasty berry is rich in its composition, which contains a lot of vitamins (C, B, PP, K, E), organic acids, minerals and pectin, tannic compounds, cellulose and other components. This becomes an essential requirement if the body does not receive microelements to fight illnesses. The berry miraculously copes with colds, lowers the temperature, relieves inflammation of the leg, improves the immune system, and improves the judgment.

The first step in preparing an appetizing jam will be the correct selection of berries and preparation. Which way to lie, which kind of jam will come out. The season for the appearance of berries in large quantities falls at the end of the sickle season, at this time you can buy a lot of berries at a not too high price. A few rules for selecting and preparing products for winter storage:

  • When you pick berries, let's give priority to the spring fruits. It's softened and warmed up, just go if you want to make rare jam, as it conveys its details.
  • Take vinyatkovo fruits. In addition to many other berries, they are not allowed to ripen in the home. Jam made from pre-picked fruits will be sour.
  • Before preparing the cob, it is good to remove the berries from any cream that has stuck, leaves, saw. Then rinse the product under the kitchen shower, so that the water will not disturb the structure of the oven. Remove the tails from the traces after cleaning with water. Work with careful circular hands so as not to damage the surface of the surface.

Let’s finish with an important step: sterilization of jars, so that the jam preserves all the bitter ingredients and is not sealed. To do this, take a glass container of appropriate size, fill a saucepan with water, boil it, and place a fryer on it. Place jars on top. Wash fifteen quills until they are sterilized. The crusts also need to be sterilized before rolling the jam. Below you will find a number of simple recipes for preparing delicious lasso for your home table.

Increase your respect!

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From frozen berries

Frozen food - a cessation of brown matter and microelements. If you are not able to cook a juicy mixture of fresh berries, you can use the frozen product. The jam is not less savory and lively. Freeze the whole soup, packaged in bags, so you can quickly cook small portions of the jam. To ensure that the cooked lasos are even more juicy, add half of it. What ingredients are needed to prepare jam:

  • After drinking frozen half-cakes, it was roasted.
  • Kilogram of tsukru.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  1. Place frozen berries in a saucepan. Stir them in and let them sit for a year. The berries will rot, and the zukor will fall apart. Allow about half a glass of juice to pour out about a third of the bottle.
  2. Add a splash of lemon juice to the mixture. Zavdyaki yomu jam will have some sourness.
  3. Place the saucepan on a low heat, heat it, and bring the berry mixture to a boil. After boiling, create a strong fire, cook for about five minutes.
  4. Please note that the saucepan has high sides. This is due to the peculiarity of this jam during preparation: during the hour of five-ounce boiling over high heat, the mass rises high, reaching just beyond the edges of the dish. So that the jam doesn’t leak, it’s better to put a saucepan in a deep place.
  5. Let the mass cool down. Transfer to the selected container. If you are going to eat it for the next hour, you may not end up nomadizing. Delicious product ready!

Without brushes

Jam with juice without brushes - this herb is loved, as it will become an excellent additional drink. You can spread the bottom jam, which is knitted, on bread, serve in casseroles, pies, or bake as a filling option for pies. The official term for the preparation of this product is three years, and the result of that is warty. Licorice jam with sourness without tassels will delight the household with its pleasant taste and consistency. What are the components needed for savory chastisement:

Recipe for making jam:

  1. Stir and carefully peel fresh berries. Remove the pond, pick up the tails and leaves, as there is a stink. Divide all the fruits in bulk.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan with high sides. When the soil becomes hot, and before it comes to a boil, pour one part of the liquid there. Keeping the temperature hot, simmer the berries on the fire for about three minutes.
  3. Let the mass cool down. Take a sieve and press through the still warm berries. This is necessary in order to use a brush to make the jam crispy.
  4. Take a large basin and sizzle the porridge until it comes out without brushes. Heat the pot over low heat, let it boil for about five minutes. After the end of the hour, simmer the product immediately with the cucumber.
  5. The hour spent away from cooking is determined individually. Take it out of the fire and move into jars if the consistency of the jam controls you.

Recipe for fresh gin jam

Savory jam can be prepared from either fresh or frozen vegetables. However, the berry, which was recently harvested from the bush, is richly fruity for the product in the freezer. The fruits are especially tasty when combined with other ingredients - apples, pears, currants, plums, oranges. Below you will find a recipe for making currant jam, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and astringent consistency. What ingredients are needed:

  • Kilogram of life.
  • Kilogram of tsukru.
  • Three hundred milliliters of thick fresh currant juice (you will need about a kilogram of berries for preparation).
  • Clove bud (behind the plant).

Varennya for the winter - recipes for preparing it for the winter, bark berries, photos

Winter jam: recipes for preparing frozen and fresh berries for the winter. Find out how much dessert you prepare, which can lead to power.

Frozen jam with dinner for 5 khvilins

If you haven’t managed to make jam for the winter, then it doesn’t matter, you can cook it if necessary from frozen berries, and not just half a half. I was inspired by the idea that during the berry season it is not so difficult to stand for days on the stove, cook jam, stir, sterilize jars (they are also required in great numbers).

You can buy a large freezer and just freeze all the berries in bags, then take out a batch of berries, make jam, and when you run out, make more. I’m ready for the upcoming season, but in the meantime I’m making jam from purchased frozen half-pot with additional refrigeration.

Let this varennya cook very quickly, following this recipe for the midnight varennya five-forks. One caveat - frozen berries give a lot of juice, if it melts, then if you boil the jam for just 5 minutes, you will lose the rare stuff.

Options: 1 . It is possible to eat and so rarely love a man like that. 2. You can boil two or three quilins at a time (after boiling the jam, it will cool down). 3 . You can add a little bit of jellied juice before boiling - I like this and then for 5 minutes the boiling jam will thicken normally.

Ingredients for preparing jam from frozen berries

For that, To cook jam from frozen half-and-half and roast for 5 minutes I needed:

Frozen food – 0.5 kg.

tsukor - 1 kg (or less pieces)

lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

Recipe for preparing jam Pyatikhvilinka from frozen half-cake and roasting

I put frozen berries in a saucepan (half and half a day).

I covered the berry with the zukr and let it sit for 2-3 years, so that the berry would spread and the zukor would break.

Here you can see that the berry has released a lot of juice, about a third of the bottle can be collected.

She put the saucepan on high heat and brought it to a boil. The jam boiled intensely, turned the heat on high and cooked for exactly 5 quilins.

Take a larger pan, as the jam rises greatly, almost to the edge of the pan. The focus is on boiling for 5 minutes, but on high heat. I don't clean up the bake.

When the jam is ready, cool it down, transfer it to a jar and put it away in the refrigerator.

There are only one option on how to make jam from frozen half-and-half or other berries. Whatever you have in mind, I’ll be glad to hear about what’s new.

Varennya from frozen polunitsa with ojnoy P'yatykhvilinka - recipe for 5 hvilins with pokokov photos.

How to make delicious jam from frozen half-and-half and roast it, watch the recipe with photos

Recipes for cooking jam for the winter.

Canning jam from various fruits and berries will soon be lost to the favorite pastimes of the necessary government gifts. Ozhin's jam is a very tasty and appetizing dessert, so as not to deprive anyone of its wonderful aroma. Moreover, they can only be used during the fruitful period. For whom should you prepare jam for the winter - the recipes for which are extremely tempting. There is a report about them and about the measles of lasoshchs.

About the bark of the varennya

By itself, the oil has a low content of vitamins, but a high supply of vitamins, minerals and organic acids.

The crust of the jam is somewhat abstract, the fragments remain due to the correctness of the preparation process. Even though there are more high temperatures, there are fewer brown rivers.

Properly prepared marmalade includes the following flavors:

  • anti-inflammatory effect of the obvious presence of phenolic compounds;
  • the value of the walls of vessels;
  • The drying effect is due to the presence of malic acid, nitrogenous, tannic and mineral compounds.

It has long been known that this winter is preparing to bring about illnesses such as HRV and pneumonia.

The simplest recipes for making gin jam

Canning jam, please, will take a lot of hours. However, this will be compensated in advance, and it’s also a good idea to open a jar of a delicious and aromatic dessert that will remind you of summer.

Varennya without Varinnya

This simple recipe uses the following ingredients:

Details about preparation:

  1. For cooking, it is necessary to select whole, undamaged berries.
  2. Jars with lids and lids must be sterilized before sealing for airtight sealing.
  3. Selected berries must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, and if necessary, also carefully remove all tails.
  4. Place the berries in a mortar, turn them into a single porridge, then add the zuccor, mix thoroughly and set aside for 2 years. During this period, it is necessary to periodically mix the warehouse.
  5. After the end of the specified time, it is necessary to spread the masa into the preparation containers and add the zucchini (not less than 1 tbsp.) to the animal.
  6. Close the containers with boiled crusts tightly and place them in the refrigerator.

Important! In order for the jam to be preserved until the winter period, it is necessary to carefully select the berries that are responsible for daily damage, otherwise you will not be able to preserve the jam.

Varennya “5 Khvilin”

Varennya five-fork is also not a warehouse of special folding items in the process. For this you need to prepare in advance:

  • ripe fresh berries – 1000 g;
  • tsukor – 1000 rub.

How to prepare varennya 5 hvilin:

  1. The prepared food must be thoroughly washed and left for an hour in a drain to drain the water.
  2. Place the mixture in the prepared boiling container, add the cucumber and cover with a kitchen towel. Leave for 5 years. During this period it is necessary to create a good life in a great relationship.
  3. Carefully remove the juice, place on the stove and bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Place the berries in the syrup and bring the mixture on the stove again to boiling temperature, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. After this distribution, remove the lasso from the previously sterilized containers.
  6. Seal them hermetically with special lids, cover the containers with a warm cloth and leave until completely cooled.

Frozen ogina

For whatever reason, you may not have enough time to preserve the berries, so you can freeze them and then make jam. Jam from frozen water comes out no less juicy and brown.

For this purpose the following warehouses will be needed:

  • frozen berries – ½ kg;
  • tsukor – 1 kg;
  • juice of lemon – 2 tbsp. l.

Yak gotuvati savory dessert?

  1. Frozen berries look like they have been prepared and are covered with zucchini. Leave for 3 years.
  2. As a result, the berries begin to melt and the juice starts to dissipate. It is necessary to immediately extract 1/3 of the bottle of juice.
  3. Lemon juice must be added to the mixture.
  4. Place the container with berries on the stove, create a fire of minimal intensity. Bring to boiling temperature and increase the intensity of the fire. Varity 5 hvilin.
  5. Remove from the stove, leave to cool, and then divide into prepared containers and seal tightly.

Respect! In order to cook such jam, it is necessary to steam the container with high sides, so that the fragments will rise while boiling on a high-intensity fire.

Kozhen, as if it had not been possible, the simple option of preparing a wine jam requires great diligence and respect, so you can’t relax, but show all your worth, as if the wine is not a tasty and brown dessert.

Varennya with added citrus fruits

Recipes with lemon allow you to taste a delicious jam with a delicious aroma and unforgettable sourness. To prepare one of these options you will need:

  • tsukor – 1000 g;
  • whole fresh lemon – 1 pc.

Pokrovsky recipe for preparing jam:

  1. Place the prepared food in a container for boiling and roast it well using an additional potato masher.
  2. Remove the zest and juice from the lemon and add it to the rosemated berries.
  3. Add some prepared berries and place the entire container on the stove.
  4. Heat the warehouse over a fire of medium intensity, gradually stirring until the added sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Then increase the intensity of the fire to maximum. Variti boiling warehouse uprodovzh 10 hvilin.
  6. Place directly behind previously sterilized jars and seal tightly.
  7. Pour water into a large container, place the jars there and sterilize the jam at boiling temperature.

Increase your respect! If the berries need to be crushed and dry, then grind them using a fine sieve. Then turn half of the strengthened mixture until the berries are grated without brushes, and discard the other part.

Ozhina ta orange

Varenya with orange is also very unique and delicious. To prepare it you need:

  • freshly harvested berries – 1000 g;
  • oranges – 400 g;
  • tsukor – 1000 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

How to prepare and for how long to cook jam:

  1. Z|iz| Before preparing the oranges, peel the skins. There is room to squeeze out all the juice. Follow the same procedure with preparing lemon.
  2. Again, add the zukor and heat the pan on the stove until it is completely destroyed. Leave for cooling.
  3. Grind the entire mixture using a fine sieve and add orange-lemon juice to the mixture. Leave for 2 years.
  4. Then place on the stove and cook, gradually stirring the mixture for about half a year.
  5. Clean up the stove and leave it for cooling.
  6. Place in previously sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Raspberry recipe

One can’t help but appreciate the delicious homemade jam from Ozhini and Raspberry. The finished dessert comes out richly purple, and the aroma is no less delicious. For dessert you will need a set of the following products:

  • freshly harvested berries – 1000 g;
  • fresh raspberries – 1000 g;
  • tsukor - 2000 rub.

How to prepare jam:

  1. Place raspberries in a container and cover with half of the prepared zukru. Stir very carefully and leave the whole place at a cool temperature.
  2. You can make the same with berries. During this hour, give the berries juice.
  3. Pour the juice out of the berries and place on the stove to heat. Bring to boiling temperature, the zukor will completely disintegrate.
  4. Then add the berries to the berry syrup and cook for five minutes at a minimum intensity, gradually removing the foam that has disappeared.
  5. Clean and drain the stove for complete cooling.
  6. Then return the mixture from the boiled mixture to the stove and cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the containers with dill and spread the jam in them and cover tightly with lids. To save vikorist, keep the refrigerator compartment.

Increase your respect! This recipe includes jam with whole berries, which allows the aroma and taste of summer to penetrate the winter cold.

Recipe with apples

It is also good to eat berries with apples. To prepare apple jam and roast you need:

  • freshly harvested berries – 400 g;
  • fresh apples – 400 g;
  • dried lavender – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tsukor – 250 g.

How to cook aromatic lasoschi:

  1. Berries need to be thoroughly and carefully rinsed under running water. Viklasti in drushlyak i zalishit for the exit of the homeland.
  2. In just one hour you can sterilize jars and crusts.
  3. You also need to peel the apples, peel the skins from them and remove the cotyledons. Cut into small pieces.
  4. In a large bowl, mix the berries and slice the apples, add the zest. Place this mixture on the stove using heat at maximum intensity. Once you have reached the boiling point, change the heat to medium intensity.
  5. Cook for 3 minutes|minutes|, add|add| dried lavender and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Immediately spread the jam into the prepared containers and seal tightly with lids.

Important! The secret to preserving the preparation of lasso is that it needs to be cooked in a dark, cool place, and not for more than 1 minute.

How to make jam

Ozhin's jam, prepared for this recipe, comes out in a wonderful pomegranate color and in a large space behind the warehouse. For this you will need:

  • freshly harvested berries – 1000 g;
  • fresh apples – 200 g;
  • purified water – 300 ml;
  • tsukor – 1000 rub.

Method for preparing dessert:

  1. Wash the berries and peel the stems, and then warm them in hot water for 3 minutes.
  2. Then grind the berries using a fine sieve to remove all the stems.
  3. Remove the skins and flesh from the apples, cut into thin slices.
  4. Place the roasted puree into a saucepan and add|add| apple with water Place on the stove and boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Add|add| zukor and cook for 1 year.
  6. When hot, pour the jam into sterilized jars, leave to cool, and then seal hermetically with lids.

Tsikavo! The apple must be added to the jam to extract the goodness, which is very important for such a dessert.

Varennya in multivartsi

To make cooking easier, prepare jam again using a multicooker. This process doesn’t take long, but the result is thicker jam, which can be enjoyed in its purest form, or can be baked as a filling for pies. For preparation you need:

Step by step about preparing lasoshchiv using a multicooker:

  1. Sort out the zap-sealed pieces and tails, squeeze them into a container and place them in a dutch oven to remove the accumulated waste.
  2. Then add the zucchini into the multi-cooker bowl. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and leave the whole thing empty.
  3. In France, set the device to the “Cleaning” mode and set the hour to 60 minutes.
  4. Once you reach the boiling temperature, you will need to remove the foam that has settled.
  5. Also, during the brewing process, it is necessary to mix the warehouse at times.
  6. Turn on the multicooker and leave the masa in there for 12 years.
  7. Then, using the same mode, bring the warehouse to boiling temperature again.
  8. Place the jam in a hot container in a sterilized container, and seal it tightly with sterilized lids.

To preserve the prepared jam, steam it in a dry, dark place and at a low temperature.

All recipes for preparing winter jam allow you to prepare a savory, aromatic and brown product that will please both adults and children. It’s not good for you to be lazy and get busy picking the most delicious berries.

Ozhinov’s jam is a joy of relish, rich in flavor and a wonderful mood!

Ozhina is a powerful ingredient that opens up the widest field for imagination for cooks. It has a bright taste, in which licorice notes are more important, but also a piquant light sourness, which is equally important in the savory bouquet. It’s not surprising that the jam comes out even more fragrant from the oven and makes you want to eat it more. Little ones should really spread it on a bowl of fresh bread or just soothe their sore cheeks with hot tea.

About the measles of the product

Before you start cooking the jam, let’s take a look at what you bring to us:

  • This berry contains a large amount of vitamins in its warehouse and the skin from them is of particular importance - vitamin A is responsible for the quality of life, vitamins C and E improve the immune system. well system, vitamin PP normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and regulates cholesterol levels, vitamins of group B reduce excess metabolic processes;
  • mineral compounds, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, saliva, copper and phosphorus, help prevent the development of oncological illnesses, as well as diseases of the blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and provide the most obvious relief acute respiratory illnesses;
  • This will improve the functioning of the intestines, since they contain valuable organic acids, including malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, and salicylic acid. As soon as this occurs, juice formation occurs in the SCT and the etching process significantly increases.

Important! However, there is a trace of memory that the berries have overgrown, the stelix becomes weaker, and the unripe ones, however, harden.

Thinly prepared

  1. In order to cook jam for the winter without brushes, the fruit must be soaked in hot water.

90°C) stretch 3 lengths, then rub them through a fine sieve. As a result, all the brushes will be lost from the sieve.

  • If you want to preserve the whole fruits, then wash them before cooking, and stir them very carefully with a large wooden spoon during the cooking hour. In this case, it is necessary to cook the jam in a wide bowl.

Please! If the bowl is guaranteed to be lost whole, then it’s better not to steal the jam, but to steal the bowl with your hands on the stake.

Now, let’s move on to the main thing – recipes for preparations from the winter for the winter.

Without brushes

  1. Cream the berries from the stems, thoroughly shake and dry.
  2. Pour water into the container and heat it to a temperature of 90°C.
  3. Place in hot water and let sit for 3 minutes.

Important! In this case, the gas supply must be minimal so that the mass does not boil!

Classic recipe

To prepare jam from ojina according to the classic recipe, you need to prepare only two ingredients: ojina and zukor, which are taken in equal mixture.

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted, removed from the zippers and mints, rinsed and thrown onto a tray.
  2. After this, transfer it to a saucepan or bowl for cooking and add zukor.
  3. The berry juice must stand close to the water - this is necessary for the water to release juice.
  4. Next, the container is placed on the stove and heated completely, gradually stirring it.
  5. Boil for 30 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and seal tightly.


Varennya for the winter Pyatikhvilinka took away its name from the cold preparation process.

  • 900 g ogini;
  • 900 g of pulp;
  • 3 g citric acid.
  1. Carefully sort the berries, rinse and drain.
  2. Place the fruit in balls in a wide bowl, dry the skin with the cucrum, and leave for 5-6 years.
  3. After the appointed hour, place the basin on the fire and bring the mass to a boil.
  4. After 5 minutes we add citric acid, and after another time we turn off the gas supply.

With oranges

You can prepare dinner for the winter by combining it with citrus fruits, as in the following recipe.

  1. Sort the berries, water the butternut squash, rinse and dry on a towel.
  2. Carefully crush the oranges, cut the zest and chop them as finely as possible.
  3. Squeeze the orange juice and pour it into a container in which the jam is prepared.
  4. Add zuccor, zest and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring gradually.
  5. Cool the syrup, place in new berries and leave for 2 years.
  6. After the appointed hour, put the saucepan on low heat and cook 30 pieces of jam.
  7. In 5 minutes|minutes| until ready to add|add| juice of lemon.

With apples

  • 900 g berries;
  • 900 g apples, sour varieties of fruit;
  • repeat kg of tsukru;
  • lemon;
  • a tablespoon of top oil;
  • cardamom;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 100 g liqueur.
  1. Wash the apple well, divide it into four parts, remove the core and cut into thin slices.
  2. Place the apple in a saucepan, pour in water and blanch for about 10 minutes until it becomes soft.
  3. Z|iz| squeeze lemon juice and add|add| to apples.
  4. Place on the stove and cook for 10 minutes, stirring gradually and removing the foam.
  5. Add liqueur and 3 g of cardamom, boil 3 more beans.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove, add butter, stir, remove the spit, cool the jam.
  7. When the jar is ready, pour the dessert onto the neck of the skin with parchment and cover with polyethylene lids.

With bananas

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly and remove the stems.
  2. Place the fruit on a paper towel, so that the glass is safe.
  3. Transfer the prepared sauce to a saucepan or basin, pour over the pulp and leave overnight.
  4. Peel the bananas and cut into small cubes.
  5. Bring the olive oil to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.
  6. Add banana and cook for about 5-6 minutes.
  7. Pour the prepared dessert into sterilized jars and store in the cold.

Varenya from the oven has a lot of advantages, such as incredible taste, great barkiness, an added aroma and a new look of the lasoschi themselves. This dessert is prepared as quickly as possible, which allows you to save valuable words for a long time. Adapted from traditional raspberry and half jams, the raspberries are richer sooner, without sacrificing anything for their crust. Prepare a jar of this fragrant dessert for the winter and be healthy!

Homemade jam – from the classic recipe to the most innovative version

Varennya zozhni is a very appetizing dessert with a wonderful aroma and incredible taste. We prepare it all at once.
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